Tuesday, 30 December 2014

2015 Kabbalistically Speaking is 8 - (292)

Happy New Year!

First of all Happy New Year to all those who are reading this post!

I wish you much success this year in all your human, psychological and esoteric/spiritual endeavours. May this year bring to you the well-deserved fruits of your labours. May you all be safe, well and content, and of course may as always your loving inner Divine Being be close to you along with the Masters of the White Lodge and the Christ (He is with us always anyway!).

2015 = 8 in Kabbalah

If we add up Kabbalistically 2015, we get 8, just as 2014 Kabbalistically was 7.

2014 in Hindsight

In hindsight 2014 was for filled with some stability, perhaps owing to the number 14 present in the number 2014, but overall, mentally speaking there were some struggles and fights amongst those I know and within myself.  

So the 7’s property, that of mental fights held true. There was also many small triumphs as well in the human field, which is what the number 7 brings.

The Number 8

Number 8 is actually a difficult number, usually tests, suffering, patience and justice are associated with it. Which can be mean, that things take a long time and are difficult, many obstacles are encountered before obtaining the result.

However, the saving grace is that in the number 8 there is justice, there is that very important factor that according to what we put into something, we receive, so if we persevere through these difficulties we will get the triumph and those difficulties are in some way just, we deserve them, they come to us for a very good reason. The good thing is though, that in overcoming them we pay certain debts that we at some point will have to pay.

Conclusion - Expect this Year to be a Little Hard

So in conclusion now, we have to work hard to overcome any obstacles and difficulties but if we honestly work hard we will obtain in justice the result we are looking for and justly, rightly deserve.
As always the more merits we have the easier, and if we are low in merits or capital, we just have to work to create them. Death always pays the most!

End (292).

Monday, 29 December 2014

Why is it Wrong for a Single Gnostic to Engage in Casual Liaisons Even if the Energy is not Lost? - (291)


First of all putting all morals, fear, prejudices aside, why I am doing this is because reasons based in these things don’t seem to help the person who is in this situation. So in this post I am going to explain why it is wrong for a single Gnostic person to engage in casual liaisons with a person of the opposite sex, whether that person be Gnostic or not Gnostic, using reasons not based in morals, fear or prejudice.

Reason 1 – Hiding, Anxiety and Lies

Even if a person does not lose their sexual energy in the encounter it is still not convenient for the person. Why because the person will of course keep it in hiding and will not tell any of his or her Gnostic friends. This alone indicates to the person that something is wrong, because if something is right we naturally tell the whole world. Doing things in hiding is stressful, produces anxiety and leads one to lie and feel endlessly nervous and restless.

You also become two faced to develop a shadowy second life that will one day catch up with the person rather painfully.

Reason 2 – Strengthens the Ego

Not deceiving ourselves and being very honest, lust is behind such things of casual liaisons. Because the ego or rather other egos such as pride and selfishness do not want the commitment and complications that are involved in an open, decent and honest relationship or either the other person is not liked in terms of a relationship but only for pleasure or sex.

So such liaisons just strengthen the ego of lust and other egos and one day we have to dissolve those egos and when we have to we will find them very strong and what worse when we strengthen an ego the more it bothers us and takes away our peace.

Reason 3 – Doesn’t Really Benefit or Enhance Our Work

Basically such an encounter does not really enhance the person’s work, even say if they didn’t lose the energy and transmuted, the esoteric effect is minimal, because there is no love between the couple, only some degree of lust and the Kundalini does not awaken when there is no love. The transmutation would have to be repeated many times over with the same person to have some decent effect and then why not marry and be official about it.

If the other person is not Gnostic then who can tell what they are doing and what other links they have to other people and what sort of a mixture of atoms do they have inside of them that can be harmful when one transmutes. So such a liaison with a person that has many links and atoms from other partners would not be convenient at all for the Gnostic person, because the Gnostic gets in some way linked to them.

Basically if something does not enhance, dignify or benefit our work it is doing what to our work? The opposite right!

Reason 4 – Karma

We may get into trouble for playing with the mysteries of sexuality. White sexual magic works with love and commitment and one another person who is a hermetic glass.

Reason 5 – Minor Mysteries can be Degraded

Say if you are single you could well be in the minor mysteries if you have been in Gnosis for a long while and you have been working honestly on yourself and have not been losing the energy. Then such an activity can’t make one to progress on the minor mysteries can it. I don’t know how it could? Most likely, to make one to go backwards because they are strengthening the error that will definitely make them to fail in the path later on.

Reason 6 – Creates or Strengthens Recurrences

Liaisons like this create recurrences or strengthen recurrences that you later will have to face and overcome if you want success on the path.

Such liaisons don’t really help the other person do they? If you are Gnostic you are probably not going to stay with the person and if you are you will probably to try to bring to Gnosis and that may not work and so it could be you leaving the work on yourself and that will not really benefit your soul will it? So the person will be unhappy because you leave them or bring them into something that they may not want to be in, and furthermore if you leave the work on yourself they get sad seeing you sad having left the work on making your essence shine.


There are more reasons, but for now I will leave it there. Perhaps in a later post I will take up writing down some more reasons. Anyhow if one understands deeply the psychical, psychological and esoteric reasons why one should not engage in something then one avoid entering it or either pull out of it in a permanent firm and solid way. It could be pulling out of arguments, discussions, conversations, this or that ego, fantasy, habits, you name it.

End (291).

To Refrain, our Mind and Subconscious have to Know it is Wrong/Inconvenient - (290)


We can struggle for years with something and fall into something for ages until we one day don’t know deep within our mind that it is wrong to do that something. 

Reason Why we Struggle

Basically, the reason why we fall into that something, is because deep down in our mind we think that it is not wrong and that it is very enjoyable, right and fun.

First Steps to Remedy

So the steps to remedy this situation is to first of all by ourselves see what is wrong with it and if we honestly find something wrong with it make that understanding go deeper into our mind.

The Change

In other words once we have honestly understood that that something is wrong or inconvenient, the trick or key to success is to transfer that understanding to the subconscious, and it is from then on that we really begin to change.  


Still down somewhere by yourself and just think deeply and extensively about honestly why that something is wrong or inconvenient to you and try above all else to arrive at your own conclusion, where you really understand that it is wrong, when we really begin by ourselves to understand that it is wrong we stop feeling afraid and guilty and we experience a mini eureka moment and most importantly we begin to change ever so naturally.

End (290).

Maximum Expression of affection a Single Gnostic Person can Extend to a Married Person - (289)


What I am going to put forward in this post came from a dream I had. I think that it is quite important to know this bit of information because it can clearly draw a line in front of us, so that we know that if we don’t cross it we will be safe humanly, socially etc., but more importantly spiritually or esoterically speaking as well.

The Line

In the dream basically I learnt that the maximum expression of affection or appreciation a single Gnostic person can extend to a married person of the opposite sex is a very decent brief kiss on the cheek, done when there is good reason for it, say for example after they have given us a gift or have done something noteworthy for us or at the end of a project or during a celebration of some sort where mutual feelings of gratitude are shared amongst all those present.


This is very helpful actually for me to know anyway because as I mentioned earlier we can keep ourselves out of trouble. Perhaps some people may not agree according to culture and background but anyway if you apply this you’ll be fine, that is my honest appreciation and thoughts.

End (289).

Salt, Sulphur and Mercury - (288)


Much is mentioned of these three substances in Alchemy and in Gnosis: Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. Without some explanation such as that offered by Gnosis, the salt and the sulphur remain something mysterious and confusing. 

Here is a very good explanation, taken from the very wise ancient sages where they spoke of three processes occurring in the mineral kingdom.


Salt to the Ancients was the very Earthly substance, for example: “the salt of the Earth”, the ore in metallic terms, or the very physical and tangible.


The Sulphur to the ancients was the substance that was saturated with the intangible, that is with energy, warmth, electricity, light and other cosmic forces and rays.


The mercury was the substance that was the result of the sulphur acting on the salt, that is the intangible energies acting on tangible substances. Mercury was the substance that was open to the interplay of both forces, that is one radiating out from the Earth and the other radiating in from the cosmos.


In Gnosis and in Alchemy the sulphur is the fire of the Divine Mother and the Mercury is the result of the transmutation, which is the erotic sexual fire (sulphur) acting on the salt where the energy in the salt or raw mercury (seminal entity), is extracted and rises up the spinal column into the brain. The Mercury is not Sulphur nor salt but a result of both, where it comes from the salt but is extracted by the sulphur.

End (288).

Esoteric Function of Metals in the Earth - (287)


Metals as with everything else can be seen in three perspectives, which are the physical, psychological and the esoteric. The physical way of looking at metals would be as they are seen in the Earth and in a laboratory studying their physical and chemical properties, the psychological – approaching very much the esoteric, would be how Master Samael treats them in his short book “The Metallic Planets of Alchemy”. Another way to see metals in the esoteric perspective is to see metals from their cosmic sense or function.

Note, this post will look at metals as they are seen in the Earth, however a following post will touch on some aspects of the way metals are seen in the cosmic sense.

Relationship to Metals

Metals have a relationship to all of life on Earth actually, especially to human beings. We most certainly would not have all that we have today if it were not for metals. We have our place in the world now owing largely to metals and we have transformed the face of the Earth with metals and our use of them.

We in fact breathe thanks to the help of iron and our blood is formed thanks to the help of copper. We carry almost a cosmos of metals inside of us and we most certainly depend upon them for our physiological functions.

Metals are Everywhere

As was mentioned earlier metals are related to all of life on the Earth, that is the four kingdoms, mineral, plant, animal and human. In the mineral kingdom, many metals make up the minerals and rocks.

The seas and oceans are tinged with metals and the air also contains a very light concentration of them, it is said that there is a constant flow of meteoritic dust that floats down onto the Earth from the cosmos and this dust contains mainly iron. This is very interesting because it is implies that iron is a cosmic substance, not just a substance belonging only to the Earth.

Even the light that reaches earth contains the spectral lines of iron, gold and many other known metals making the light something of metallic type of light. So in effect metals are everywhere in one form or another, however it is only in the Earth that we find them in their very physical, dense form and often in a form that disguises them, such as the various metals ores.


The plants need the metal magnesium to make up chlorophyll which combined with air and water allows a plant to grow.


Smaller animals need copper to breathe whereas the larger animals as well as human beings need iron to breathe. Calcium is used as a building block to make up bones and also tooth enamel in animals and humans, however metals are often present in the bodies of plants, animals and humans in various measure of concentrations making their dynamic way of acting more important, that is how they interact with other substances in our body and the function that they fulfil.


No doubt if we were to map all the metal concentrations on the planet earth we would actually come across a metallic organ map of the Earth. It also seems in the human body that certain metals are drawn to certain organs. Later posts will deal more with this topic of how the metals relate to the organs in the human body and how the metals of the Earth form organ-like bodies in the Earth.

The following image shows the world’s concentrations of copper mineral. It seems that most of the world’s copper mineral is located along the west coast of the Americas. 

Earth Dissolves Metals

What is very interesting though with regard to metals and the Earth, is that the Earth has the metals mostly in an impure state. That is the Earth dissolves the pure metals into ores, minerals and other compounds. Only the noble or precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum are found in their pure form in the Earth. The Earth really likes through its processes to destroy the metallic condition. It actually takes human being a lot of energy and time to extract the pure metal from the ores of the Earth, the ores, the very Earthly material have to be mixed with other chemicals and much heat, movement and electricity to be able to extract the pure metal.

It is as if the metals are like plants where they have an Earthly part represented by their roots extending into the soil, but they really extend towards to the cosmos and are nourished from the cosmos by cosmic rays, light and air, that is the things that are intangible. Plants are a mixture of both the Earthly and the cosmic, just like metals are, because the pure metal is the result of its Earthly component (ore) and the intangible energies such as heat, movement and electricity to make them to exist. The ore is exactly like the see of a plant, where from the Earthly substance comes the pure metal.


Metals are really then cosmic entities. Their metallic condition is a stranger to the Earth, the Earth does not produce it, it on the contrary dissolves. The metallic condition is the result of the mixture of the Earthly, the ore and the intangible, energy which comes from above. So metals are intermediaries just as plants are. The plants and the metals both capture certain cosmic energies and transmit them into the Earth. So the metals have the function in the Earth of fusing certain powers from the cosmos into the Earth, that is connecting the spheres and energies above and beyond the Earth to the Earth herself.

Remarkable, this gives one a whole new perception of what a metal really is. So then the gold, copper or iron that you wear has the function of drawing certain cosmic forces to you and remember as we mentioned before metals are cosmic substances, iron is found pure in meteorites for example and so metals in their pure condition do not belong to the Earth they are of the cosmos but can be extracted or transmuted out of the Earth.

End (287).

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Warm Christmas Wishes to the Regular Readers - (286)

To the Regular Readers

It seems that there are some regular readers of this blog, so first of all I would like to say hello to you all, I don’t know who you are or where you are from, I only know from the statistics page of this blog that there are two or three constant views of every new post, so I assume that that means two or three regular readers. I could be wrong though…

Warm Wishes

Anyhow, hello to you and I wish you and anyone else who comes across this post a very warm, special and mystical Christmas and may it be one that renews you and helps prepares your foundation to do some great works in the new year to come, 2015.

May your inner star guide you to much success and profound transformations in 2015.


I wish that 2015 will see you and all of us come to some important insights and discoveries abut ourselves, make some very necessary changes and may your work and toils bring you contentment and happiness and closeness to your Divine, immortal Being.

Looking Forward to 2015

I look forward to being able to post as much useful information on this blog and my websites (yet to be developed) as I possibly can. I have so many blog titles generated during a recent retreat that I took part in, that if I can make those titles into a post I would be really very happy.


The conclusion for this post is continuation… To be continued…More posts to come.

End (286).

Sunday, 21 December 2014

The Four Ages: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron - (285)


It is something very peculiar, that passages of man’s course through time should be put into four stages or ages with each stage being characterised by a metal. Why a metal I have always asked myself.

Origin - Ovid

These four ages of man was laid down by Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), a Roman poet, who is most known for his work called Metamorphoses, which comprises 15 books of continuous mythological narrative. He lived in Rome from 42BC to 17/18AD and his work is one of the most important sources of classical mythology.

Significance of Metals

The four ages of humanity being described each with a particular metal indicates to us that metals must be significantly related to the changes that occur in humanity in moving from one age to the next and that the nature of humanity in each age.

Humanity in the four ages according to Ovid are very briefly described below.


According to Ovid, a period of humanity’s history where there were no laws as everyone knew the law inherently within their own being and acted accordingly. Peace reigned with no violence and need for weapons. The land offered its fruit without the need to toil, and an eternal spring reigned. This was the period of human utopia in other words a time of real peace and prosperity.


Ovid says the seasons were introduced in this period, however the changes between seasons were much less dramatic then what they are now. Though there were from time to time harsh conditions requiring man to build and take shelter and toil in the form agriculture became more and more necessary.


Ovid does not say too much here only that there was an increased tendency towards cruelty and violence and weapons were first made however, the degeneration was not so great to enter into the sacrilegious.


According to Ovid this is the last period. Which is the worst, because every evil impiety occurs, a real dark age, where greed, war, betrayal, lust, materialism and degeneration are rife.

Gnosis and the Four Ages

In Gnosis these four ages are also mentioned and they essentially depict the level of spiritual development at the time, or the general level of Being of humanity during that period.

7 Races and the Four Ages

The first two races and up until the third sub race of Lemuria before the division in sexes occiurred and the later the fall, was the age of gold for humanity. The third sub-race and into the beginning of Atlantis was the Age of Silver. From middle to later on in Atlantis came the Bronze Age and at the end of Atlantis until today came rose the Age of Iron.

Why Metals?

It is very interesting to see how metals are used to describe the age or level of spiritual development of humanity. There are many good reasons for this with the major ones being that the use of metals by human beings depends on their level of Being. Each metal according to its particular properties and characteristics lends itself to different uses, and of course the use a human being being makes out of something goes all in accordance with his or her level of Being.


For example, within the Iron Age, the metal iron the metal most used by humanity. Iron by its properties and characteristics, affordable, strong and versatile, makes it the metal of industry (consumerism), construction, transport, conquest (war). Essentially the human use of iron facilitates man to make war and produce all the objects of materialism. Iron has essentially made industry and factories and transportation possible and so consumerism and materialism has flourished with these inventions, which all depend upon iron.


Gold is very much still sought after now days but not as something that is really used practically. It more used for psychological purposes such as vanity, power, security, influence and as a measure of wealth. It does have some practical uses in electronics and medicine but mainly its uses is not so practical. It is just sought after as something to possess and not to use.

In the Age of Gold, gold was the metal most commonly used and in those times, gold was used in the temples and adored as being akin to Divinity and as human beings were in touch with Divinity in those times gold was the metal that served a real practical use and logically, gold should really represent these times where the level of human spiritual development is high as it is in the Age of Gold.


So the use, we give to metals are really an indicator for humanity’s level of Being.

End (285).

Friday, 19 December 2014

Secrets of Metals - (284)


There is certainly a secret as to the existence of metals. Why do they exist, what are they really and what function do they fulfil in creation. They must certainly fulfil a function.

After researching a little it seems that the planets have some sort of relation with the planets and one of their secrets is to do with the relationship among the planets. Master Samael gave a lecture titled the “The Metallic Planets of Alchemy”. Honestly that lecture title always confused me, I could never understand the connection between metals and planets and why the planets are important in the Alchemy. So then this post is about expanding a little on that line of how the metals are related to the planets.

The diagram below shows the particular metals related to the planets.

A Little about the Diagram Above

Where in the diagram it mentions the cross as being corrosive, perhaps as we know the cross has to do with combinations of the opposite polarities, and it is true each of those metals with a cross in their symbol seem to combine quit readily with other elements, thus they corrode easily. Such metals are, copper, lead and mercury.

Rudolf Steiner on the Secrets of Metals

Here below is an excerpt taken from one of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures where he explains the three secrets that were given to the students of Aristotle. The second secret was the secret of metals. Rudolf Steiner essentially says that the secret of metals is really that they are bridges between us and the Earth and the planets. They are like representations of the planets here on Earth and they are agents that relate the Earth to the planets, mainly the planets of the Solar System.

Here below is the excerpt:

 “When the pupil had been made sufficiently acquainted with the secrets of the moon, revealed to him by the plants growing out of the earth, he was led on further to the metals of the earth, to the principal metals, Lead, Tin, Iron, Gold, Copper, Quicksilver, Silver, as I explained to you in the last lecture in a different connection. When he had developed such an intensified life of feeling as I have indicated, he then made himself acquainted with the metals, and experienced what they so mysteriously relate; and through the metals he experienced the secrets of the entire planetary system. For lead told him about Saturn, tin about Jupiter, iron about Mars, gold about the Sun, copper about Venus, quicksilver about Mercury, and again silver about the Moon, in so far as she does not stand in close relationship with the earth, but belongs to the whole cosmos. Just as the blossoms revealed their secret to the pupil, so now he learned the metallic secret. First he learnt the secret of the plants, secondly that of the metals.

This secret of the metals which was given in the Eleusinian Mysteries, through that mighty planetary globe which, as I described in the last lecture surrounded the male statue, this secret of the metals still formed part of the instruction given, even at the time of Aristotle; and in this secret of the metals there was revealed the secret of the planets. Man's feelings were not then so coarse as they are today. When he approached the metal lead it did not merely appear in its lead-grey colour to the eye, but the lead-grey made a peculiar impression upon the inner eye. In a certain sense the leaden-grey colour of the fresh metal lead extinguished the other colours, and he felt that he participated in this lead-grey metallity. He came into another condition of consciousness and experienced something different from the present. He was filled with a feeling, a mood, as if the whole pre-earthly period of the earth rose before him. It was as if the present were toned down through the lead-greyness. Saturn nature revealed itself.

As regards gold, we know that according to external analogies the ancients saw in gold a representative of the sun. That was in truth not merely an external play of analogy that the sun was regarded as something precious in the heavens and gold as something valuable on earth. Really, nothing is too stupid for the man of today when he wishes to regard the ancients as stupid. When man regarded the metal gold, with its self-contained shining yellow colour, its modest mien and yet proud standing in the world, he actually felt how this is related to the entire blood-circulation of man. He felt in the quality of gold: “Thou art within that, thou feelest thyself as part of that.” Through this feeling he came gradually to comprehend the nature of the sun; he felt the relationship of the quality of gold with that which works from the sun in the blood of man.

Thus he gained a perception of the entire planetary system by means of the different metals, and the pupil, who did not think about these things as intellectually as we do today, conceived the following formula:

I think about the metals;
They reveal their relationship with the planets
They are subdued by the earth; for they are born of the air.

Actually the metals which are today in the earth came out of the cosmos in an airy form, and only gradually became fluidic during the ancient Moon-period. They came over in airy form when the earth was in the ancient Sun-condition; they attained a fluid form during the Moon-period, and then they became subdued by the earth and reduced to solid form during the earth evolution. That was the second secret which was revealed to the pupil.”


A very interesting excerpt I find, there it is said that indeed metals do have a reason to exist and they do serve an esoteric function besides the numerous and countless human physical applications and uses. The metals are envoys of the planets here on Earth, they put the Earth and the human being in touch with the spiritual value, characteristics and forces of each planet.

Furthermore this excerpt provided a glimpse on the origin of metals, saying that they descended from the ancient Earth-Moon round where they were originally in that round gaseous and later solidified in this current round or stage of the unfolding of creation.

End (284).

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Metals of the Alchemists - (283)


The alchemists spoke a lot about metals. It seemed though that metals in their use, were symbolic of certain values or substances, they were not physical metals as we imagine them to be. They talked much about lead, gold, mercury, magnesium and also about the vile metals (the egos).


Perhaps the medieval Alchemists used the term ‘metals’ to be values. These values or metals in the esoteric realm could really be the values of the Absolute and in us these values are the values of our Being, and in the physical realm in our body and in the planet these same values take a physical form of hard, shiny substances with a great variety of properties, i.e. metals, such as gold, copper, iron, silver etc. each with their unique set of properties and value.

End (284).

Metals in Life and Esotericism - (282)


It seems to me that because metals are so important in our everyday life and body they must be significant in the esoteric or spiritual realm as well. 

A Plan

The next series of posts are about investigating a little this small inquietude of mine. For this I am going to choose to start with the metal iron, mainly because it is features so frequently in our day to day life and it is quite important to our body’s health.

I also hope to investigate and post information about the other very important metals in our life, such as copper, gold, silver, lead, aluminium, tin and zinc. The elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are also very important to our life as well, and we know from Master Samael’s teachings that carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are important esoterically because they represent the superior existential bodies of the Being.

A Very Good Book

A very good book on this subject of metals is “The Secrets of Metals” written by Wilhelm Pelikan. Pelikan was a student of Rudolf Steiner and it is said that he devoted most of his life to the study of Anthroposophy.


Basically this can all be synthesised in the great maxim from Hermes Trismegistus “as above so below”. As metals are important here they are important above. Because metals are important in the Earth and as we are a universe in miniature, we have the metals within us in a degree corresponding to our size and they are just as important to us as they are to the Earth and the cosmos.

End (283).

As the Sun Shines so Should We - (281)


The sun or the consciousness expresses itself by virtue of itself. It is natural for it to not be anything else than what it actually is. It can only be what it is, the ego and the mind on the other hand become many things, all of which they are not. The ‘I’ and the mind always perform and put on a performance.


One way to not be of the ego is to be as we are, being alert to the performing, appearance, game playing inner and outer antics of eh ego. It is quite simple to be ourselves but especially in social circumstances it is very difficult.

End (281).

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

What is my Identity? Answer ‘No Identity’- (280)


This is something I have been feeling for a while now, that I didn't really know who I was or I couldn't find an identity within myself. I have been thinking and searching a lot and last week talking to my teacher my conclusion is that our identity is really "no-identity".

No-Identity as our Identity

That of the "no-identity" should be understood as the lived experience of the consciousness, of our own awareness peering into itself experiencing, understanding, perceiving the great mystery of ourselves as "no-identity". So our identity is us carrying around the experience of our awareness or consciousness peering into that vastness of consciousness inside of us and perceiving a mystery there but knowing still that you 'are', that you are a reality in life, that you are a ray or spark or stream of life.

Further Confirmation and application

I asked someone with a great deal of consciousness and experience in these studies about whether the consciousness has an identity and he said “no”. Because an identity is a concept, a role, a function, a belief and the consciousness does not have any of those things.

This to me makes sense because say when someone is criticizing us and if we go to that "no-identity" state then it is heaps easier to handle because if we have our identity as Paul, the nice guy, tried to do the best job but unbeknownst got it wrong and shouldn't get talked to so hard etc. etc., it is really much more difficult to not get defensive and react etc. For me the "no-identity" part makes the dissolution of the ego more possible, especially for Pride, because the essence can't get humiliated, it is very hard to humiliate or put down awareness or consciousness, but an identity can be put down, ridiculed etc.

Real Identity in the Being

I have been also thinking about the Being as being our real identity, I asked my teacher about that one too and he said that the identity of the Being is really like a nature and a function at this level in creation for us to understand it, but outside of creation He is no form, no identity, consciousness, just pure energy of the highest degree, absolute immortality, origin unknown - maybe of no origin etc. That of knowing the ray of the Being is great but it left me a little like wanting more, like in the end the ray of the Being in our mind is just a string of words, there are heaps of Monads belonging to the same ray and then still one doesn't really know His identity - I imagine it has to be experienced somehow. Anyway I'm still got more to work out about that one maybe with an experience one day it will gel together.


As the essence we can quite practicably realise or discover that our identity is ‘no-identity’ and dwell in that freedom. As for the identity of the Being that has to be experienced in higher, much higher states of consciousness where our consciousness fuses with His, i.e. in the fourth state of consciousness the awakened consciousness.

End (280).

Eternal Solution to Wanting Love (279)


The solution to wanting love, attention, care, consideration, etc. is always in giving it, that is, to give out of our virtue and not out the condition of giving so to receive. In other words, give out of our own principles, taken completely outside of relativity and duality, in other words freely without conditioning.

Conclusion – Patience!

If we give that way, which is naturally we will receive by the very powerful, absolutely trustworthy Law of Cause and Effect! The only thing is it may just take a little time that is all. That is why they say patience is the mother of all virtue. Because with patience all the virtues can be satisfactorily exercised, the ego due to desire wants things immediately and this does not allow the virtue to appear and we because the virtue is not active in us we get negative results, because that which is not free demands, impinges on and harms others and brings that same harm upon ourselves.

End (279).

Monday, 15 December 2014

How to Face the Ego (278)


One way to face the ego is to do something that is the opposite of it. Put your mind on something and then be very vigilant to the ego and egos that will put their thoughts into our mind.

In the Instant

In that very instant that we see the thoughts and feel the impulse of the ego we are facing it, we are able to see what it wants and how is wants to go about it.

The Key

But the key is to actually do something that has nothing to do with that ego. An example is to go and walk up and down a large room and set your yourself the goal to walk up and down the length of that room 10 times without stopping and without getting identified with any the ego.


With such an intention and alert focus the ego will pop up trying to distract us and get us to identify with it. Any exercise that has the same principles will allow us to face the ego. The best is mediation, hold the position of meditation and wait for that ego to appear and be alert and clear to see it when it arises. 

Then delve into it perceive what it wants, what it thinks, what it feels, do this with concentration and then capture it and analyse it, finding any truth in it what it thinks and feels. The ego is dissolved basically when we see its logic (thoughts and feelings) as false or incorrect and not of value to us.


Just as the image in this post suggests the ego is that beguiling voice in our head, using very enticingly powerful arguments for us to think its thoughts and then identify with it. In other words become it. If we stay in the realm of the heart we are separate from the realm of the mind and therefore separate from the ego.

End (278).

Connection between Lust and Magic (277)


This connection between lust and magic is a form of black magic. In fact any combination of magic and the ego is black magic. In other words when working with the invisible forces of nature and creation with the interest of benefiting the ego then this work becomes black.

Fifth Labour of Hercules

In the fifth labour of Hercules, Hercules as legend has it, has to destroy the Stymphalian birds or the Harpies. This work Master Samael tells us in performed in the abyss of the planet Mars and has to do with the dissolution of the egos of witchcraft and black magic. 

A big component of those egos of black magic is lust I was told and taught, and frankly I never really understood why until recently. So this post is about why lust is connected to the egos of black magic or why it forms part of those egos.

Why of the Connection Lust and Magic

Why are these two elements or egos connected. Well the reason why people have used and probably still do use magic in relation to lust is because they can not get the object of their lust by any other way so they resort to magic. They have tried all the various different ways and it didn’t work so they resort to magical means, which have to be black because white magic would never go against the will of another human being.

Just as a side note, the reason why typically men rape women is all because of their lust. They can not fulfil the desire of their lust through normal decent means so they resort to the use of force to fulfil it. Rape is the result of heavy delusion.


That I think is the reason why lust and the egos of black magic, witchcraft are connected. There has been since ancient times that of spells and potions and things of that order to make the desired one fall in love with the one making the performing the or taking part in the magic act. Doing things like that goes against balance and naturally incurs karma.

End (277).

Predicting Human Action - (276)


A very easy way to predict what a person will do is to know how they think.

Action Follows Thought

If we know how a person thinks we can know with much certainty what that person will do in a given event or in a given situation with certain impressions.

If we know the person well we can know what they will do. A big part of knowing a person is knowing their values and principles and of course on the other side is knowing their chief characteristic or their principal psychological profile (P.P.P). The P.P.P is behind so many of a person’s actions and decisions.


This usually never fails, because it seems to be an immutable law of human behaviour that action follows thinking. It is impossible for us to do something that is not in our mind first. Unless of course, action is generated by our instinctive centre, which is one of the centres that operates independently of the mind. The motor centre on the other hand does not operate independently of the intellectual centre.

End (276).

Thursday, 11 December 2014

We Don’t Wake up in Good nor in Evil but in the Being - (275)


Retreats can be useful for the Gnostic student for many reasons. One big reason is that new knowledge and understanding can be acquired, especially the knowledge or understanding that bridges a gap or fills a hole in our understanding.

The retreat that a number of Gnostic students in Australia took part in (Perth November/December 2014) was particularly useful for me in the way of healing many sores in my mind, one of them was that of the awakening in good or in evil.

Awakening in Evil

We know from what Master Samael teaches that those in the abyss end up awakening in evil, that this they are very aware of evil, how it is done and of the negative side of occult powers and forces etc. The Gnostic student is not on that path and neither wants that, though the Gnostic student knows of that awakening by hearsay and reading only.

Surprise - Awakening is not Awakening in Good

Because of duality and the opposites we think that the Gnostic student when he or she awakens will awaken in good. That though is not the case. The Gnostic student does not awaken in good, but awakens to reality, awakens in the Being (one’s ultimate reality) and awakened to that above good and evil.

It has to be that way because the awakening can only bring freedom this way, if one is awakened to good only, one is trapped and limited and condemned to the eternal fight between good and evil. To be awakened is to be aware of the great reality and both good and evil is part of the great reality, so the awakening soars beyond duality, the good and the evil and encompasses their unity in the great reality of things. Anyway to be awakened in a moment is to transcend the relativity and duality in the event of the moment and within oneself in the moment.

The Awakened Person Acts Outside of Good and Evil

The awakened person though can do some things that seem evil but have a good result, if one was trapped in good that could not be done. The awakened one also knows how to do good, the real good, because the sleeping person so many times wants to do good but can not, intends to do good but fails in doing the good.


I always fought that idea of awakening in good because I thought that it was just the same as those who awaken in evil, just the opposite side of the same coin.

However the awakening is something of awakening to the cosmos and of the great reality of life. Buddha was asked once, “Are you a sinner, are you a saint” and he replied “I am awakened”. That reply of Buddha to those questions says it all, the awakened one is not a saint nor a sinner but someone who is outside of these things and aware of the reality of both in their balance and fusion.

End (275).