Thursday, 28 April 2016

Practical Example about the Types of Karma - (878)


This post comes as an answer to a question that I received about a previous post to do with the types of karma. You can see the original post here.

This post adds a practical example for each of the three types of karma in the esoteric category that you can see below and find in the original post.



So for the cone type of karma, this happens often in life in relationships for example where we start a relationship and something happens where both people disagree and a little later down the track due to resentment something else happens and the relationships starts to get affected and certain beliefs or impressions start to creep where we believe the other party don’t really like us anymore and so this belief causes us to act in a way that further damages the relationship and things get worse, more complicated, avoidance, friction, opposition, rivalry etc. harsh words, sarcasm, words with double meaning all start to enter into the picture and things generally just get worse leading us soon to a falling apart which is a the karmic consequence of all that has happened before.



We may for example have tried to get a girlfriend or boyfriend but it just never worked out and no matter how hard we try and what we try it just never works out and we are alone and stay alone for a long time and even end up passing through old age alone and die alone without someone being by our side.



This one is quite easy where we can be at work and at home, two different environments and in both we suffer and pay karmic debts. We have a debt with our boss to cancel where we were the boss before and now he is the boss and he is the one in charge of collecting the debts that we incurred with him from the past where we treated him harshly and unfairly and humiliated him etc. etc. and now he does it to us to make us pay our debts. Then at home because we have been an aweful parent in the past we have tough kids or parents to deal with at home thus we pay our debts on in both environments in parallel or at the same time.

End (878).

A Question about Time Travel - (877)


I was once asked about what Gnosis says about time travel. This is what I answered to the person who asked.

As an aside, a very short answer, if it were possible, the Divine Law would have to allow it. Because we can imagine how catastrophic it could be.


I have wondered a lot about this subject but have never really found an answer to it.

Master Samael does mention somewhere that he knew someone, a physicist I recall, that would enter the fourth vertical and travel back in time.

As far as I have seen that is really all that Master Samael says about it.

Time is Experienced Differently in the Different Dimensions

Time is measured differently in the different dimensions of nature. So it is possible to see into the future but via the internal worlds. So for example say it is April 20, 2016 three o’clock in the afternoon, we can go into the astral and see something that is going to happen say on April 20, 2016 at eleven o’clock at night in the physical, all the while it is in the physical world April 20, 2016 three o’clock in the afternoon.

Time is processed much quicker in the internal worlds. Things filter down from the superior worlds into the physical via this difference in time. However, if someone sees something happening in the astral one can only just watch, well it may be possible to change things in the astral which may change things in the physical, but that is not really the case from the small amount of things that I have heard, seen and experienced. We are simple observers of what is happening in the astral so that we know what is coming to the physical world.


It may be possible for the great adepts or those with a very an extraordinarily high level of Being to travel back in time and into the future and alter physical events but really this all depends on the Law of Karma, this may well be forbidden due to things having to happen because of the Law of Karma. This Law can not be violated because then injustice, inbalance and disharmony would reign and the things on Earth would really crumble apart. In many ways the time travel movies really violate the Law.

End (877).

Third Post: What is the Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness? - (876)

Supplementary Points on: What is it?

This post adds to the previous post by providing some more complimentary information about the psychological moon and the permanent centre of gravity in the consciousness.

What is the Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness

We can have for a moment our centre of gravity on our consciousness but to have it permanently on our consciousness is another thing. Despite this, that is our goal.

The question arises what is a centre of gravity? In practical human terms it is the place upon which the majority of our thinking and feeling converge upon, and it is the point upon which we, most of the time act out of and for. It is what occupies the majority of our time and our attention. Everything in our life tends to revolve around that point. More or less the majority of our activities gravitate to that one point.

Everyone has a Centre of Gravity

A truth - though not a very obvious one, is that all of us have a centre of gravity placed on something. It at first may not seem so but we with some careful observation can see that we do have our particular centre of gravity. We have to have one, because every living thing has a centre of gravity physically, psychologically and esoterically.

We could all have our centre of gravity on different things, but in a very general sense they will all fall under either the consciousness or the personality.

We have to do a search in order to discover where our centre of gravity is, mostly in the beginning it is has to do with our personality. If our centre of gravity revolves around a hobby, our family, our roles in life, our work or job, our persona, our clothes, our fashion, our car, our internet profile, our etc. etc. we can be sure that we have our centre of gravity in our personality.

The goal is to gradually bit by bit transfer our centre of gravity from our personality to our consciousness.

The Authentic Original Centre of Gravity

The real and truer place for our centre of gravity to be on is the rock bottom truth, because what is real is the most stable thing in the universe. What is true or real remains and persists under all circumstances and conditions.

When it comes to us and we want to talk about what is real and true, then we have to talk about what we really are. On the surface we are the personality but behind that mask of the personality we are something different. We are the essence or the consciousness.

Our essence or consciousness is the right or truthful or natural place for us to be centred on. We should be centred on what we really are, that is our attention should be on what we are. That is why connecting to reality is the major part of the centre of gravity. When we are not cetnred on reality it always always hurts. We will see more about this in a later post which will be about "the premises of the centre of gravity on our consciousness or the psychological moon".


We originally before the fall or the fragmenting of our consciousness into the many “I’s” we had our centre of gravity on our consciousness but that has all changed and now it is on our personality which is only a mask. The work of creating a permanent centre of gravity on our consciousness starts by seeing or understanding this. Knowing that we are consciousness is about 90% of that realisation.

End (876).

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Second Post: Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness - (875)

What is it?

This post addresses the question of what is it really.


What is the psychological moon or the permanent centre of gravity ion the consciousness?


It basically means that we have our consciousness steadfastly positioned at the centre of our psyche. Which implies that what is active in us is the consciousness, meaning that the consciousness in us is the one governing our psychological processes, opposed to the mind, ego or egos and personality being in control of our inner processes.

In other words the consciousness takes on the role of the governing or active principle in our psyche and the mind, ego and personality take a step back into the passive role.


For the above to happen within us, it must mean that the essence or consciousness is sufficiently large to displace the majority of the personality, mind and ego or egos, and if a large ego happens to take control, the consciousness can be used at will to displace it.

We could say that the size of the consciousness must be greater than the size of any ego that we have. Because in the end it is a battle of forces, where the stronger force prevails.

Apart from the size of the consciousness being such that it can displace the other egos the person who has the psychological moon or permanent centre of gravity in the consciousness must have disciplined his or her attention to make the consciousness active all of the time or the greater majority of the time.

End (875).

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

First Post: Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness - (874)

Voluntary and Conscious

We are not born with it.

If we were born with it, it is because we created it in the past.

The permanent centre of gravity in our consciousness or the psychological moon is a matter of voluntary conscious work.

Its Formation Requires

To form the psychological moon or the permanent centre of gravity in the consciousness requires:

·         the continuous action of the consciousness so to crystallise its presence in our psyche,
·         efforts to awaken the free essence
·         to dissolve certain elements which allow one to shift one’s centre of gravity from the personality to the essence or consciousness

Relation with the Four States of Consciousness

It is intimately related to the third state of consciousness.

Development of the Consciousness in Human Beings

It is the first thing that we really create within us actually in our self-realisation.

The way the consciousness develops in us, is that the first thing that is developed or formed or crystallised is the psychological moon, then the seminal pearl to golden embryo to human soul to diamond soul etc.

End (874).

Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness Series of Posts - (873)

A New Series of Posts

What I would like to do in the next few or several posts, is to cover a series of points or sub-topics all to do with answering the following questions:

·         What is the psychological moon or the permanent centre of gravity?
·         How it is created?
·         What are some of its characteristics in the most practical of senses?

A Good Symbol

A good symbol I think for the permanent centre of consciousness is a candle burning in a clear glass container.

The flame is the essence and the light of the flame is the consciousness and the glass container represents the persistence or constancy of the light, meaning that the wind – symbols of the thoughts can not blow out the flame or the consciousness does not so easily fall into identification and fascination - thus giving it constancy. The wax is the sexual energy which feeds the flame or the essence and the wick is the spinal cord upon which the liquefied or transmuted sexual energy rises to meet the flame.


I hope that this series may be useful for you, standby!

End (873).

Initiations are when the Being in us can Trust us - (872)


At the closing of a missionary course a few years ago now a missionary gave a short talk and one of the very interesting things that he said which impacted me greatly and has stuck with me was the following:

“every initiation is a show of trust of the Being in us”

Trust of the Being in Us

This is really a very special and true statement.

It means that the Being in us only sends the Divine Mother to awaken as the kundalini in us when the Being knows that we can be trusted. That is that our past and current actions and inner psychological processes are trustworthy or worthy of carrying gradually bit by bit the different parts of the Real Being in us, starting with the Divine Mother in her aspect as the Kundalini.

A Profound Question

I often ask myself am I thinking, feeling and acting so as to win the trust of my Being.

This is really quite a profound question. It is also a very powerful question that can provide one with enough motivation to modify our psychological processes and behaviour.

End (872).

The Elements in the Processes of Life and Death - (871)


The following excerpts come from a book or document titled: “5 Element Meditations” by William Bodhri.

They are essentially about how the elements play a role in the processes of birth and death.

In the formation of Life

“Following the same process, before conception you can say we have no body, so we say "everything is empty." Since the body's initial cause is a thought of sex on the part of parents, this is the wind element arising. When the egg and sperm come together and unify through the process of sexual intercourse, this is the fire element of sexual activity and then the water element of cohesion. Then of course we have the earth element appearing, which is the embryo. As the fetus grows, that's the wind element exercising its functioning again, and the process continues.”

In the Process of Death

“As to the process of death, we can analyze the disintegration of physical life through an analysis scheme of the five elements. First we get thinner and feel heavier because the earth element starts to disintegrate. As the water element leaves our body, we become thirsty and have difficulty talking. Next the body begins to cool, which is the fire element leaving us … and when the wind element goes, we finally breathe our last.”

End (871).

Monday, 18 April 2016

Personality sees what is Spiritual according to its Patterns? - (870)

Meaning Exactly?

Meaning that what we see as spiritual or what we consider to be spiritual or belonging to spirituality, we think that it should come in line with the nature, patterns, ways, words etc. of our own personality.
This is something so natural that we don’t even see or suspect that we are actually doing it. However, it becomes very obvious to us that something is wrong when we come into contact with a spiritual school, organisation, association etc. or a spiritual person.

What inevitably happens is that the way that the spiritual school or person operates or organises things or speaks or lays things down etc. doesn’t agree with something in us and we think to ourselves: “this is tough or cruel, how can this be spiritual?”. Sometimes we may be right but most of the time sometimes we are wrong all because we see the event through the eyes of personality.

How Does that Work?

What happens is that in our personality we have certain ideas of what is good and kind and considerate and friendly etc. and we think that those good things are spiritual things but they may not be at all. They may actually be something that does not help improve our spirituality.

For Example

To greet people is good for the personality and we think that spiritual people should do the same. For the personality a good person does not point things out that are wrong and we think that spiritual people should do the same. For the personality people who don’t ask questions and don’t apply pressure are good and respectful people and so spiritual people that do that are bad and ugly etc. it goes on that way.

Here below is an image unrelated really to the post but it is an interesting read.


With this post all I wanted to basically do was to point to the source of where some of our disagreements come from when we interact with a spiritual school or people who run or teach at a spiritual school such as a Gnostic centre.

We normally think that it is the ego but it can be the personality that has problems, remembering that the ingredients of the personality are really the egos we are half right if we think that it is the ego causing problems. The personality has thought and ways of thinking so if we can capture the thinking behind its disagreements we can modify it and solve our disagreements.

End (870).

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Why do People like Justice Movies? - (869)

A Reason

The reason why deep down like justice movies is because we need and want to restore justice within us. The main point of injustice being that the sleeping essence (the many egos) is the master and lord in us and the true master and lord (our Real Being) has been pushed aside.

A Point of Justice Within

The one that should govern and reign over our inner processes and actions is our Real Being, however due to our spiritual fall in the past we have this situation inverted, where the sleeping essence that which causes many problems for ourselves and others is in control of generating our psychological processes and taking all the events and impressions of life in its particular way and producing answers to these events and impressions.

The real injustice within us is that the sleeping essence in us is in control. It by rights should be that the awakened essence in us is in control. Shouldn’t it? We would prefer that the pilot flying us is awake and not sleeping at the controls right?

Movies and Stories

Basically many stories and movies that are popular are that way because they touch something deep down within us, they touch our spiritual condition and predicament. They in some way appeal tour essence. Our essence deeply wants to restore justice within our system. So naturally we like these movies such as the light triumphing over the darkness, so Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Seeker, etc. are all about that and our essence likes them.

You know though watching these movies still doesn’t help us restore justice within. They in fact can keep us dreaming about doing it and never actually doing it. Doing it is hard at times and dreaming of it feels great and is heaps easier.

Conclusion – Drive Towards Justice Within

The interesting point here is that we need to drive our desire or yearning for justice deep within ourselves to find the ego and dissolve it and restore that justice bit by bit. We want to do it all in one go but we can’t and so feeling disappointed we drive that fire for justice outside of ourselves and we fight others and cause lots of problems because our essence wants justice but our mind and psychology has taken that force outside of ourselves, where it should really be inside of ourselves.

End (869).

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Strive to be an Accepted Chela of the White Fraternity- (868)

An Esoteric Goal

An esoteric goal that we should all have in the beginning is to work so to become an accepted chela or disciple of the Christ or the Great White Lodge.

When are we Accepted?

Master Samael says that we become an accepted chela (disciple) of the Christ or the White Lodge when we finish the minor initiations and when we pass the test of justice. He says we are then given a cape and a ring whose design reflects the ray of the new chela’s inner Being.


This has to be a great thing to become then an officially accepted disciple of the white lodge and of the Cosmic Christ. It means that we will from then on be guided in our path.

End (868).

Vehicles for the White Lodge - (867)

We Gnostics are Potential Vehicles of the White Lodge

We as Gnostic students are many things and one of them is a vehicle for the white lodge. We are all essentially conduits for the white lodge to deposit its force into so to help us and for us to help others and humanity.

Basically the white lodge needs physical vehicles here on Earth to be able to carry out its missions to help humanity and the planet. The white lodge we know is in the internal worlds and therefore moves tremendous internal forces though in the end these forces must converge onto something physical so that these internal forces can function here in the physical world.

We Need to be Better Vehicles

We always within ourselves can be a better vehicle for the white lodge. We can do this by creating more space inside of ourselves for the Being and the white lodge to occupy and work in us.

The more awakened we are, that is the more that we have the ego isolated from our essence or consciousness the more we space that we have inside of ourselves for the white lodge to work and therefore be a vehicle of the white lodge.


Self-remembering and staying awake is the best way to be the best vehicle we can be for the white lodge in any given moment. It is also very good to remember the white lodge from time to time and that we are depositories of force from the White Lodge.

End (867).

The Personality does not Love - (866)

What do you Think?

What do you think? Does the personality of a human being love or not?

Course Not!

It is the essence is a human being that really loves. Certainly not the personality.

We know that the ego can appear to love when its interests are being pleased, and as the egos are the main ingredients of the personality how can the personality really love?

Similar Personalities and Different Personalities

Similar personalities don’t love either. They get along, because there are not clashes or very little clashes in personality.


Different personalities clash a lot and there we can see that there is not love there. Personality has a certain set of functions to fulfil and love is not one of them. But being polite, agreeable and considerate can be one of them but love is a different story all together. It is belongs to the essence, the human soul and the Real Being.

End (866).

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Direct Thoughts Toward Ecstasy in the Being While Transmuting - (865)


Transmuting and fornication are two opposites.

People focus or direct their thoughts into matter or in other words circumstances and people during arousal of the sexual centre because it is to leads them to feel pleasure, namely pleasure of the senses.

Joy of the Sexual Centre

A function of the sexual centre and the sexual energy is to generate joy (Master Samael says that it is a legitimate joy) and well-being and so if people direct their thoughts and focus towards the heights in themselves, that is towards the Real Being in themselves they may arrive at a feeling of mystical ecstasy instead of the carnal pleasure of the senses.

People Seek Sexual Joy through Activity

People seek sexual activity to feel the pleasure of the sexual energy and they must get pleasure because that is one function of the sexual energy but because their focus is towards the senses they usually get the pleasure of the psychology of lust and the pleasure of the senses.

A Great Truth and Lesson is Learnt

What happens though after this pleasure goes is that a great truth emerges and a great lesson can be learnt.

Usually afterwards what is most felt and what prevails is the remorse of it all. Though why I ask should there be remorse if there was pleasure? There is remorse because the pleasure that was felt was at the expense of the truer nature of the sexual energy. Where the truer nature of the sexual energy is something ethical and spiritual. When the ethical centres of the human being are pleased when the sexual joy is felt there is no remorse.


Such experiences teach or can teach people if they reflected deeply enough about the truer nature of the sexual energy. It is very much like money. We can waste it on silly things that do nothing for us, we can do that no problem, no one will stop us, though that is not what money is really for . Money is there as a means to acquire that which we need and that which will embellish us or make us a bit happier or our life easier. The sexual energy is the same thing. The real truer use of it is a spiritual one! The common experience of people proves this over and over again.

End (865).

Monday, 11 April 2016

Lust is About Projections - (864)

Projection - a Major Part

The major part of lust is projection. If we were to take away that aspect of projection there would be very little of a lustful reaction.

Impression then Projection

Normally what happens is that we receive an impression and that goes into our psychology and what is produced is a reaction in the form of a semi-voluntary projection. What happens then is our energies flow into that projection and then it develops into a reaction of lust. A very important observation is the projecting action of this ego.

Half of the reaction is taken away if we don’t allow that ego to project something into the mind. Energies follow thought always just as emotion and action do.

Mind Gives Direction for Energy Flow

The mental part of the projection gives the energies a direction to flow in. Energy always needs a channel or a direction to flow to or in. If there is no direction or channel there is like an explosion or implosion. We can always avoid explosions or implosion by giving ourselves a direction for that energy to flow towards or in.

No Projection = No Direction = No Flow = Dissipation

Direction is given by the mind. In the case of lust if we don’t project a mental image or scenario in other words, if we do not give a direction the energy just activates but then deactivates because it has no where to flow. Normally people give the sexual energy a direction to flow outwards and that is why the energy flows outwards.

Two Things to do to Help!

So we have two things that we can do, one is not project and the other is to give the activated energy an inward direction towards the inner Being in us.

End (864).

Wanting Attention - (863)

We Have All Wanted it at Some Point

I think that we have all at some point wanted attention or suffered from the lack of it. Some people may really suffer from the lack of it making it really worth while having a deeper look into it.

Why do we Want Attention?

Why do we want attention? Why do we feel at times that we need attention? What does it give us? Why does it mean so much to us?

A very obvious answer to these three questions is that attention means something very important to us! The key resides in us finding out what in particular it means to us in our psychology. This is what everyone has to find out.

What it can Mean?

Receiving attention can mean consideration, love, care, good will etc. Then obviously the lack of these things by the way our mind thinks, will mean the opposite of love, care, good will etc. The lack of attention to our mind can even mean cruelty, indifference, disdain, arrogance and hatred or ill-will.

Obviously interpreting the lack of attention as any of the above things really bothers us, it has to because those interpretations are very intense aren’t they? No wonder they make us upset and nervous and anxious etc. etc.

Question the Interpretations

When we interpret the lack of attention in the above mentioned way a reaction against the lack of attention arises in us. It can be anger or it can be worry and anxiety. Anger makes sense as it is to defend against ill-will and cruelty etc. But we get it wrong when we act angrily, because it is never that bad.

The question or point is to question those interpretations, and take the sting out of them. It is never as bad as we make it out to be. When we don’t give someone attention do we hate them? We may have some ill-will towards them but when we see that the person needs help we will drop the ill-will quickly and go and help. It is a relative ill-will that I guess we just have to accept for the moment or a short while. But we can take consolation that it is in the other person and not in us. Ill-will feels awful and poor person who feels ill-will inside. It is much more comfortable to feel good-will!


If we can find our particular beliefs or interpretations about the lack of attention and then go deep into our questioning about them we can certainly make a change in us or a shift in relation to those very tumultuous feelings that arise when we are not given attention.

End (863).

Sunday, 10 April 2016

A Technique to Dissolve the Ego – Outer Edge of Psychology and Starvation - (862)

Gets Difficult

Sometimes it gets very difficult to die in ourselves. This could be due to the ego being quite strong or either we are not going about it effectively. Sometimes it is both at the same time, that is the wrong technique and a strong ego.

When the ego comes if we know it is the ego we have to say to ourselves: “I recognise these thoughts and feelings as strong and compelling as they are belong to this ego that I know well. It is an ego. It is not really me, without it this event will not bother me, even if it seems unfair I need to let this ego go out of my human machine”.


Then we can chant KRIM and ask the Divine Mother to work on it.

Later on we can dive deeper into it, to see why we have it, why it appears, what it wants, how and why.

Main Thing

The main thing here is to keep it at the outer edge of our psychology and not feed it. The wrong technique and out problem is to let it in and get identified and hurt and then push it out (sometimes we fail at pushing it out). This is the better way to die because we can weaker it quicker and it becomes easier to dissolve.

End (862).

Friday, 8 April 2016

A Woman is not a Piano! Part 3 - (861)

Continuing On…

If Lust

I think that this is worse than fear. However both can be rectified by the understanding of respect for the other person and the awareness of what one is doing.

If it is lust that is touching it is doing so to satisfy its very instinctive desires and holy moly after the first few touches what more is there for that ego to want. It is a very morbid ego then.

However, lust works with the emotions and it is uses the touches as an attempt to get close and intimate to the person. So to bring them closer to him, to link the person closer to him so to secure his position and control.

Such a Man will be a Disaster in Alchemy

Can you imagine such a man being naked and naked with his wife about to practice the Alchemy, with his sexual apparatus fully activated. That man will not be able to cope. If he has that tendency to always touch then with those added powerful impressions of himself and his wife naked and his own sexual force in activity he won’t be able to control anything because he has never before exercised any control. Such a man is headed for disaster in the Alchemical practice.

Alchemy is for Alchemists not Romantics

Some people think that Alchemy is romantic, chocolate, perfumes, candles, loving embraces, kisses and all that, but really it is more about thinking on the Being, offering the practice to the Being and working for the Being. These other things are added extras that are not the central point at all of the practice.


A woman is not a piano nor a toy nor an object to be possessed nor a trophy or a show piece. A man should respect a lady and discipline and train himself to be an Alchemist starting with the small details in the relationship and in his will, thinking, emotions and actions. An Alchemist is different to a loving romantic type who is dependent and thinks of kisses and hugs and feels horrified if there is not a kiss or a hug in the practice of Alchemy.

End (861).

A Woman is not a Piano! Part 2 - (860)

Fear is not Love

How do we know that we are doing things out of fear? That is very easy, because we get angry when our touches etc. are not reciprocated, acknowledged or appreciated We get very angry when they are rejected. When we observe this we can be very sure that we are doing it because we want to be loved and we are trying to fill some insecurity gap or some other gap in us.

The basic belief is that “we should be loved by having our touches reciprocated”. Is this is really true, maybe we can be loved in a different way, people after all show love in many different ways and plus a woman may really not like being touched all the time because it makes her to feel as if she is a toy or an object of possession, which she certainly is not! She is a human being, equal to a man!

Women May not Like Being Touched All the Time

Of course they don’t. Which woman does? It spells out to anybody that something is wrong with the man, who is always touching, either he is very lustful or very scared but basically it spells out that he wants something and doing it for a hidden reason or that he is very needy, and women don’t like needy men, they would rather like a man who is responsible and bale to take care of them when needed. A needy man does not offer that prospect or possibility.

Sometimes these touchy men are romantic, sensitive and considerate, controlling and overbearing but are not strong enough to bring the support and work to hold everything up in the home, in the work and in the many other aspects involved in a couple’s life.

What? A Man can Never Touch a Lady?

Of course one can and many people very advanced in the work do very respectfully touch their wives, for sure that can be seen. However it is not all the time and it is careful and thoughtful and respectful and never overbearing, and of course there is no fear or lust behind it, doing it for vested interests. It is to add a touch of love to the person for a moment without the expectation of it being returned.

End (860).

Thursday, 7 April 2016

A Woman is not a Piano! Part 1 - (859)

What’s Wrong with these People that are Always Touching?

There is something odd with men that touch and touch their girlfriends, partners, finance’s, wives and even other women.

Lust or Fear

It is certainly something instinctive, whether that instinctive part be to do with lust or be to do with fear. Both of these two factors have a strong instinctive component.

If Fear

If it is fear, such a person touches and touches as if to say “I am here, look at me I am loving you, I am giving you tenderness, a beautiful thing, a virtue, my heart through this touch, my love… so please love me back!”.

The fear involved is the fear of not being loved. The touching person wants to be loved and is scared of not being 'loved' or losing 'love' that he touches and touches thinking that that is the way to get love or make sure to himself that there is love there and it is not going away or getting less.

Really in such a case it is that the man wants to be loved but does not want really to love back. He thinks that he does but really he wants to be loved more than to love the other.

How is this true you may ask, because to love the other means to give respect and freedom and space to the other that you are trying to love. Is love to make the other person into a toy, an object, a trophy or a piano?

It is a pretty hard hit, but just think about it, I had to face something similar one day and it was that way that I wanted to be loved more than to love. Then I changed because I realised I was not really loving. But to say to another you are not loving is a big insult or is too much to say.

To be continued…

End (859).

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Where should we Place our Will and Effort - (858)

The Right Place

The right place to place our will and effort is into creating the merits of the heart.

Drive your will and effort into the work that will take you closer to your Being. This is an aspect of real humility and sacrifice.

We fall into pride and ambition when we put our will and effort into only the goal or the result and nothing else.

End (858).

Angel Ferandez-Luna Padin Paintings - (857)

More Exquisite Samples

Here below are some photos of just a few of the other paintings that Angel has painted.

Some of the paintings that you can see below have been painted for fellow Gnostics. For example, the painting of Moses parting the Red Sea now hangs in one of the Perth Gnostic centres.

Rose on the Cross


Buddha with a Blue Lotus


Young Tibetan Woman




North American Indian Woman


Moses Parting the Red Sea


Lord Neptune God of the Sea Invoked


Once again if you could like to commission a painting feel free to contact Angel using his email or

Remember you will have to use Google translate to translate your text from English into Spanish, or he can do that at his end.

End (857).