Sunday, 31 July 2016

Had a Bad Start to the Day? Transform it! - (1001)


Sometimes we start the day off on the wrong foot. Early in the morning for some reason we end up falling into or developing a strange internal state and out of that internal state we manifest certain egoic attitudes that are later accompanied by egoic actions and words, and it can seem that we have already been defeated by some of our egos.

Usually Good to Start the Day Well

Usually it is very important to start the day well, because from a good start to the day many good outcomes follow.

Transform it Don’t Let it Continue that Way!

So If our day is not going too well right from the start, we have don’t have to allow it to continue this way we can if we chose, transform it or turn it around. But to do that we have to stop, take some time out and work.

A Way to Transform it!

What is quite helpful, is to quickly stop what you are doing, close your eyes if you can and then contrite on your interior, focus on that interior state and find out what it is about, what is the disagreement or disturbance within us all about? Then concentrate on the Divine Mother and ask for illumination to see the consequences of allowing that internal state to continue and then see how much better it would be for us if we changed it and took the side of the work. Then if you have time and space chant KRIM to help dislodge that internal state. The most important thing though is to retreat for a short while and go inside as deeply as you can, it is this contact with our interior that helps immensely.

End (1001).

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Simplify Our Life & Save Energy - (1000)

Energy is needed to Awaken!

We need to really simplify our life. This is so that we can save energy. We need energy to work on ourselves and to awaken! No energy no awakening ever!

It is so important to make our life simple so to save energy and free up time for ourselves. Because our time and energy are all finite.

Do, Do, Do that is what Counts

We have to ask ourselves many times “is this really important or needed?", and then repeat the question pressing ourselves for a real sincere answer. Once will get that answer draw up the will to let it go!

End (1000).

Regarding the Experiences of Others - (999)

The Truth Spread Out

The experiences of others are like parts of the truth that the Absolute shares with us through other people which comes ultimately to us through their monads and the Monads are all part of the Absolute. The Monads make up the Absolute.

Therefore, the experiences of others is very important and very valid. We can if we are intelligent take them as real and put them to work in our life! After all if someone experiences something that we don’t it does not mean that it is not true just because we didn’t experience it.

Some Care Needed Though

Mind you there is also though the need to be careful with experiences of others at times because they may be projections of the person’s mind and so they are subjective. If they do not sound subjective it is worth listening to them as they could be sharing with us a truth.

End (999).

No One Raises Alone! - (998)

A Principle

There is a principle where each one on the path has symbolically speaking his left hand extended in front of him/her and his right hand extended behind him/her.

The hand extended in front is to receive help from those who are ahead of him/her on the path and the hand extended behind him/her is to lend help to those who are behind him/her on the path.

Each of us is like this, we are helped and we help in return. This is how the cosmos work, uniting and linking all of us. This means that our path is linked to others to those who are ahead and those who are behind.

Because there are people are ahead of us we can have a path and because we are ahead of others they can have their path.

The Truth is Spread Out Among All Beings

No one raises themselves alone because the Absolute has spread all of its attributes and truths amongst all human beings, and for that matter amongst all other sentient beings as well. The elementals of nature hold great secrets and truths about the functionings of nature and the cosmos that we don’t know.

That is why we can't raise ourselves on the path alone because other human beings know things we don't. The truth is spread out and it is not all in one human being.

That is why we all need a guru! Because we do not know everything especially what lies ahead of us in the path, but the guru does and the guru knows the remedies for our errors and confusion.

We need to awaken our consciousness so to know the truths that exist. Our consciousness is what reveals the various truths.

End (998).

An Artifice to Stay Awake - (997)


To stay awake is a choice. It happens that we have to make this voice moment by moment.

This post about giving ourselves a device or tool or artifice to make those decisions wisely so to stay awake. Note, this artifice comes from my marvellous missionary.

An owl a symbol of wisdom. Owl's always seem to rarely sleep, they always seem
to be awake, be awake and Athena or Minerva the Goddess of wisdom had an owl
by her side or had her shield adorned with one.

The Artifice

The artifice is to think or ponder carefully and choose wisely. This is not mine but comes from my marvellous missionary.

Ponder Carefully

When for example a thought appears, we should look into it carefully which is to ponder carefully. Then weigh the thought using the reference points of the work, the Being and the path.

Choose Wisely

Then make a decision, decide!

We can also use contrast in the weighing up process. Which is to bring the ego up against the work, the Being and or the path and see the result.

This makes the choice easier. We need though will to carry out the action and when we carry out our decisions we affect our destiny and our causal body, making them both stronger.

End (997).

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Our Life is not our Own but our Being's - (996)

Being Wishes to Retake His Essence

The Being wishes to retake his essence using circumstances manipulated by Him according to the principles present in the archetypes of the apostles.

When the Being wants His essence back He decides to create certain circumstances that have various leanings and lessons for us. These learnings have a lot to do with the values that each apostle has inherently present in their archetype.


The apostles hold values which help or assist the Intimate Christ of each one of us to do His work.
The apostles are parts of our Being and they are also very important values of the Being.

Those learning usually provoke the egos that are related to the values that we need to develop so to help our Intimate Christ.

Egos Didactically Provoked

The egos that are provoked are precisely the ones that have a particular value of the Being or an apostle (part of the Being) trapped.

We can see this happening in our life when we for example work with or study the repentances of Pistis Sophia.

End (996).

The Essence Calls Out for Force and Anger Answers - (995)

Free Essence Lacks Force

There are many times when the free essence lacks force in life and so out of desperation she calls out for force and unfortunately anger comes to her call. Anger is pure force and it uses force to solve the difficult situation that the free essence finds herself in.

The bull of anger. In dreams our egos of anger can be seen as a bulls. Those under
 the sign of Taurus are notorious for having a strong anger. An anger  mind  you that
is slow to appear, it builds slowly in the background and then  at a certain point
 it charges with surprising force, that surprises even the person him or herself.

Anger Delivers Results (in the wrong way)

Anger delivers the result that one ego wanted but could not get by itself. For example, lust is not getting what it wants; so anger is invoked and using force lust gets what it wants. And so on with pride, self-love and self-compassion etc.

Anger also never comes alone. It is always the another ego that calls anger, it never comes by itself.

End (995).

The Egos are Single Isolated Entities - (994)

The Egos are Islands

Every ego is an island. It is isolated, and this is because one ego just goes for what it wants and ignores totally what the other egos want or are interested in.

For example, the ego of smoking or drinking alcohol does not care at all about the ego who is afraid of death. This is how the egos in us are by nature!

Align the Islands

The first step is to align all these islands or link them. The way to do this is to use our memory which creates a link between them. With memory we can remember the other egos that we have and know that the other egos will not like what this one wants to do and so we will increase our awareness of our the egos in our psyche and be able to create a coherent line of behaviour without so many contradictions.

This straight away produces an order inside of ourselves. Before we dissolve the ego we actually have to produce order in our psyche and have our egos all lined up and ordered. This way we know which egos we are going to eliminate.


We really need to create a coherent line in our psyche. This is done by putting our consciousness at the centre of our psyche and displacing the egos we have to the periphery or the outer darkness of our psyche.

If we do this we will also become aware of the egos in others and understand that their egoic structure has many islands to it and so that is why they behave the way that they do with all their contradictions etc. It is therefore something that is not personal, it is just the way the ego is structured by nature in everyone.

End (994).

Monday, 25 July 2016

Why is Sex the Cornerstone? - (993)

Cornerstone of the temple - sexual energy
The corner stone of the temple - the work with the sexual energy - Transmutation

It is the cornerstone of the temple because it is the base of our spiritual work (our temple) and also because the sexual energy participates in all that we create and do. 

In any type of creation or activity where something is generated the sexual energy is actively involved. 

It is the base of every creation and activity, because all activities create something, either for good or for bad.

End (993).

Which is Better? Awake in the External Astral or the Interior Astral? - (992)


It is better to awaken in our internal astral, which is our own astral body or astral world.

Astral projection flying through clouds
Flying through the clouds in an astral experience with the silver chord attached. If you ever find yourself doing this remember your Being and say "I wish to fly to my Being with all my heart!"


Because doing this gives us the ability to change, determine, know our emotional states.
Being awake in the external astral does not give us this ability.

That is why so many people who have very brilliant astral experiences often leave Gnosis or the work because of negative emotions such as resentment, fear, feelings of humiliation.

If one is awake in their own inner Hod it is better because they can control their emotional states and not be ruled by them.

End (992).

Penetrating into Causes - (991)

Causal Egos – Egos are Causes

Egos that are causes are those which have within them something that will determine events in the future of the person. These events are events that we must pass through in the future. Therefore these egos are causes for future events.

Conditioned Will

This means also that these egos are in the causal body or dimension of the person and have causative power, that is they can determine circumstances. However, they cause circumstances that are pre-defined by our karma. So even though they can cause circumstances they do it strictly according to conditions. The will in those egos is conditioned or trapped to cause circumstances to happen only in a pre-defined way.

Knowing Causes

We need to know what they are causing and we most importantly of all need to know why they are causing.

We need to use our will and our consciousness to modify causes within us.
We need to use consciousness and will to modify causes within ourselves.

Helping Hand of the Principle of Duality

By duality we can know half of the cause, the more important half, that is, the half that matters. The half that does not matter so much is the side that concerns the human details. The examples below show how the principle of duality can be effectively applied to gain knowledge. By realising the other side or more correct side of duality we awaken a bit more consciousness.

Example 1

Say for example we have just one person that we have a lot of trouble with. It turns out that we want love from that person and when we don’t get it we suffer and that doesn’t happen with anyone else. That means that there are some causal elements at work. If we apply duality the love that we want from them and the suffering involved when we don’t get it means simply that we denied them love before and now the way out is to not get love, which we is the automatic way that we think is the way to go but the way to go is to love and forget all about receiving love from them.

Example 2

The same with lust, if we have trouble controlling our lust then it is because with lust we lost ourselves or our Being, and when we are out of control it is because we have lost ourselves. We decided to go into it and into it loosening more each time the grip we had on ourselves. So now we have to decide to retain ourselves and retain ourselves, and strengthen each time more and more the grip we have on own selves.

Conclusion – Freeing Will

This then (the work mentioned in the two above examples) frees the will or releases the will from inside that ego from having to be the causes for future circumstances. There is no other way but to use will with the causal egos and when we attack such an ego with our mind and nothing happens at all we have to work with will and consciousness.

End (991).

Focusing Consciousness onto the Processes of Causation Within Us - (990)

Causes within Us - Introduction

Because we cause so many things for good or for bad, we need to really put our consciousness into our causes, that is to be much more aware of what is being formed and moving outwards from our inner dimension of causes.

From our inner dimension of causes (causal body) comes everything that we say, think, feel and do. This is because there is no effect without a cause. Everything has a cause and so everything that we manifest had it origin in our causal dimension.

Obviously if we modify causes within us or create different causes within us everything that flows down from the world of causes will be different. The causes that we have within pre-determine the actions and events of our physical life. If we can consciously create causes we will consciously be able to determine actions and events in our life.

For the most of us the causes that we have in our causal dimension already exist and so they determine events without our intervention and we simply react to the various happenings (words, actions and reactions of others, impressions etc.)  inside the events.

Image for the Causal Body
A representation of the causal body of the human being.

Modifying Causes Within Us

The key is to modify causes within us, that is, to not have the cause in us anymore for us acting angrily when we are sworn out, for example. Or to find the causes within us and then go and modify that cause, that is not make it so that it generates such an angry reaction when we are sworn at.

A cause is a reason, a need, a lack, a misperception etc. A cause could even be something from the Being, like the cause for scepticism or black magic Master Samael says could well be in the Being of the person where the Being uses these egos as shield or a prevention to stop the person or vehicle (His vehicle) from working to achieve the realisation of the Being (Himself), because at least in that life the Being of that person is not interested in His self-realisation.

There are in reality levels and level of causes and it is our work to go all the way back through these levels of causes and find the original one.

What Causes in Us?

It is always the ego or the free essence that cause in us. There that is where we need to be aware of our dimension of causes so as to generate different causes and create different circumstances.

Before there is imagination or mind there is a cause. The cause transforms into will but in the hands of the ego will is transformed into desire. In the hands of the ego a cause is usually a need. If the ego is not present there is cause, then will, then mind then emotion then action and word. With the ego present there is a need, a desire then mind, then feeling, then reactions or actions and then words.


IF we can move our consciousness or awareness or observation into our dimension of causes where all of our causes are formed we will benefit greatly. Causes are perceived as energies or forces or impulses and their reason for being is first observed in the mind and is later manifested here in the physical world.

This type of observation makes our causes much more tangible and therefore workable, giving us a chance to modify them. The way we modify causes is by using our consciousness and by also using our will. Because to modify something on the level of causes we have to use something to modify causes that are on the same level as the causes or above them. Mind does not help here only consciousness and will make a difference here.

End (990).

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Every Time we make a Mistake the Essence Cries Out for Help - (989)

The Help from the Divine Law

This is a little secret that the essence invokes the help of the Divine Law when it makes a mistake. This is because by nature, the essence is responsible and it does not want to become trapped in a cycle of harmful actions, so it naturally knows that the any error has to be accounted for before the Divine Law and the Divine Law through the payment of karma helps the essence to correct herself, especially when she actually lacks the force to do it by herself.

Help from the Divine Law

The essence also cries out to the Divine Law for help because she knows that she can not escape it and that through the help of the Divine Law she can avoid falling into the same error again.

The essence instinctively knows that the result of the Divine Law’s punishment will help it to learn what is wrong and right and this will free it. So ultimately the essence cries out for the Divine Law to teach it and free it.

We may have experienced this once or twice before in life. After having made a mistake a feeling of wanting to be caught and reprimanded appears for a second when we feel that we are locked into making a series of future mistakes with this or that ego.

Our essence does this naturally and most of the time without us even knowing.

End (989).

We Don’t Pay Until We Stop the Action that Accrues Karma - (988)


It isn’t only until we somehow, either voluntarily of our own accord or we are forced by someone or something to stop the action that is accruing karmic debt, do we really begin to pay the karmic debts for our past actions.

It is just like we have a credit card where we spend and spend and nothing seems to touch us and we enjoy spending all our credit but when we hit the limit, all the fun is over and things change, it is now time to pay, and the happiness of spending turns into bitterness and the fun of spending turns to the sweat and monotony of hard work.

A Limit

There is always a limit that we hit when we are repeating actions that are accruing karmic debt. We can’t go beyond this limit and that is where we get physically sick or something drastic happens to make us stop.

Now we Can Die

If we stop beforehand then it is only when we have stopped to do we really come into contact with that ego that was causing us to act and create karma. Then we left with the work on cleaning up all the residues left in our system (psyche) from those actions and then if we really stop we can begin to die in earnest. Before that it was not really possible for us to die in that ego causing the karma. But now it is possible.

It is here that we have to feel very grateful and happy because the fun that we were having with that ego is replaced by something superior which is the relief of not creating more karma and the essence felt joy of approaching freedom and acquiring for our Being and our essence a new value that was previously trapped in that ego. We can also feel the essence felt joy of coming to own that area of our life where before it was in the hands of that ego.

End (988).

Disrespect for the Law – Pride Sees Justice as an Enemy - (987)


If we search deeply within our psyche we might be able to find strange attitudes towards the Law. Not just the Divine Law but the physical law as well.

Divine and Physical Law

The perfect and just law is of course the divine law and in the most ideal of cases the physical law is an expression of the Divine Law. However, we know these days that at times the physical law can be altered and manipulated to serve very powerful interests. But for the most part we can regard it as a representation of the Divine Law because if one is in trouble with the physical law you can be sure that one is in trouble with the Divine Law. There of course are and will be exceptions to this depending upon the subjectivity of the physical law. For example one may commit adultery and the physical law won’t do anything in a western country but before the Divine Law one will be in some sort of trouble.


We can discover many attitudes ranging from straight out hating the Law both physical and Divine to just plain ignorance.

Hatred to Ignorance

Even if hate or are ignorant we are still under the law and will face the consequences of our actions according to the law.

More Common - Disregard

The more common attitudes are ones that are to do with a disrespect or disregard. We somehow think that the laws of the Law do not apply to us or that we will be able to escape them, because it is us, but others will have to pay for breaking the law. We may even think that it is too boring to always follow the law or that it is too difficult. The end result of all of these attitudes is that we do not take responsibility for our actions before the law. Everything changes in us when we decide to take responsibility before eh law for our past, current and future actions.

Pride Behind Many Wrong Attitudes

The ego behind these attitudes is Pride. Pride actually hates justice because it never wants to be submitted and to submit to justice means that we were wrong and we must accept the consequences.
One sees that the pride of all these dictators and very powerful people aims to be above the law of their country and they always escape justice. Just look at the very powerful nations such as Russia, it was found that Russia shot down that Malaysian airlines commercial carrier and nothing has happened and most likely nothing will happen either, Russia will escape justice and the consequences for killing all those people that have nothing to do with Russia.

The Law is there to Help and Protect

The Law is in place really to help us and to protect from us harm. If we are to follow all the laws in nature, the cosmos and in life no harm would ever really come to us. It is precisely because we break all these laws, principles that we get into trouble and feel pain and suffer.

The Law doesn’t Punish Us We Punish Ourselves!

We may hate the Law and those that enforce it but they are only instruments of it and they are only really fulfilling the role of teaching us. We may think that they are punishing us but they are not really because we are the ones punishing ourselves because we needed to learn in the first place and we made the mistake.

End (987).

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Secrets of Fear - (986)


Fear holds many secrets and the purpose of this post to present some of those secrets or inner aspects of fear that often go unnoticed especially when we experience fear.

Scared of the Consequences and not of the Person, Event, Object etc.

One of those secrets is that we are not scared of the event, object, person, occurrence, etc. etc. but of the consequences, and it is the thought of the consequences that brings and inflicts fear upon us.

We can't alter the consequecnes of our decisions
That is what we really fear that there will be consequences and that we can not change those consequences.

Taking Responsibility Diminishes Fear

One huge secret is to take responsibly for the mistake or mistakes that we have made before the Divine Law. Why do we say this? Because of the following:

1) Mistake -> 2) Consequences -> 3) Pain -> 4) Rejection ->5) Fear.

The above process is the process of the creation of fear inside of us. As you can see fear begins with some sort of mistake or transgression. Therefore fear has its origin in a mistake. We know in ordinary life if we have done the right thing, that is followed the law at every step and we are honest then we have absolutely nothing at all to be scared or worried about. But if we have not followed the law, have lied, have performed some tricks along the way and have made some wrong decisions, we will be worried because we know that the law will catch up with us.

So when we take responsibility for our mistakes and decide to declare to the Divine Law that we have made such and such a mistake and that we wish to pay for those errors and correct our psychology from inside, so as to not make these mistakes in the future we will see that fear diminishes, not completely but considerably.

Well sometimes we do not know the mistakes that have caused our fear, anyway that does not stop us from praying to the Divine Law and taking responsibility for the mistakes that we have committed that are behind this fear that we are experiencing.

Rules of Life - regarding actions and consequences
That's the trick we are not free of the consequences and that is what we fear and
that is what pride really dislikes and tries to fight. This is how fear and pride are linked

Karma and Time

Fear is due also to our experiences with karma. Because we know deep down within us that karma is impeccable and that it will catch up with us and when it does it will send us pain. Mind you it is the pain that only we have caused. Fear works in time and so when there is time or a waiting period fear appears.

Result of our Fall

Fear is the result of our falls and the punishment, consequences or karma that resulted from these actions that caused our fall.

Deep Meaning

The deep significance of fear is that we fear the Law, and behind that is the ignorance of the law and behind that is the loss of the consciousness.

It's deep meaning is that we fear that we won’t ever be able to get back to the Being. Fear is characterised by a lack of hope and when we generate hope that we can and we will dissolve fear adn overcome the obstacles that lie in our way something changes in us, and we feel better.

Trust - a Powerful Antidote

The antidote to fear is trust. That is, to trust based on facts. That is the major key and trust is the value that makes a big difference when it comes to counteracting fear.

Remember Trust based on facts is a very powerful remedy for fear. When you
are trying to trust there must be something that you know that works and therefore
with that knowledge there can be trust.
For this trust to work we have to have a series of facts behind us, or either to be offering something promising for the future. Because what we fear happening is all controlled by the law. If we are prepared, the law will take care of us. That is, if we have capital and the values that are needed to overcome the consequences of what we fear we don’t need fear because we will be able to pass through those circumstances that we think will be painful without so much hardship.

The second stage of trust is where we based on understanding say to ourselves “whatever happens we will make it through".

Minor Points

We should not pray with pain and suffering because that brings pain and suffering upon us. We can avoid this by praying with love.

Because fear has to do with karmic debts and the path is about cancelling karmic debts fear appears strongly in the middle of the path and also at the end of the path.

End (986).

Triple Strike of Masonry and WWIII - (985)

Master Samael says that the third world war will fulfil the law of three and the triple strike of 
masonry, where the third strike is needed to liberate a large quantity energy that the Earth requires.

Certainly not the most pleasant theme and one that is quite disappointing, where we thought that it could be avoided with the various changes that have been made in modern times.

So it seems by law and principle that there must be a third great war.

End (985).

Before the Fall - (984)

Life before the Fall in Lemuria

Before the fall in Lemuria, human beings were ruled by very different laws to the laws that rule the human being now.

Purpose of Life Before the Fall

The purpose of the life of a human being before the fall was to fabricate the solar bodies.

These ancient Lemurians and even those before them (1st or 2nd root race), were given as much time as they needed to fabricate the solar bodies. Once they had created the solar bodies the Law of Reabsorption would begin to act upon them taking them back into the Absolute.

Life Spans Before and After the Fall

Under the Fulasnitamnian law or principle those ancient Lemurians could live as long as they needed which could be a thousand years and not 70 or 80.

This was the Law of Fulasnitamnian. When the fall occurred the human beings then fell under very laws the law that they fell under was the Itoklanos or Itoklanoz law which was the law that rules the animals and plants, which is really the same law as the return and recurrence. Meaning that the duration of their was strictly controlled and limited by nature and he Divine Law.

End (984).

What are We? - (983)

The Essence

In the beginning we are the essence. After we work and work and we get to the stage of being able to incarnate the human soul, we are not the human soul just yet, we the bodhisattva.

A Bodhisattva

The bodhisattva is the combination of the body, the mind and the essence. We are basically always a vessel or a receptacle of our Being.

A Vehicle for the Being

The receptacle is the man, the bodhisattva.

The man has to learn to relate to the inner man which is Tiphereth.

The man, the vehicle, the receptacle can not or should not forget His Being.

End (983).

The Feminine Force Likes to Command - (982)


The feminine force universally likes to command. This is true in human beings especially in women, where this force is manifest.

Command – Right Place and Time

For the feminie force to command at the right time and in the right place is of course correct, and with everything outside of the right place and time it can produce inconvenient effects or results, in exactly the same way with the masculine force.

But it is good to know that by nature that force likes to take control and to command especially the man in the house and things in general related to the household.


The feminine force is actually quite strong, just as strong as the masculine force, though not in exactly the same directions.

Therefore it is not correct to supress either force but to allow both forces freedom to move and command in their respective areas. To confuse these areas and for one area to extend into the other one brings problems.

End (982).

The Most Difficult Conquest - (981)

Conquerors of Past Times

It seems that in the past the great conquerors such as Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Genghis Kahn, the Spanish conquistadores, etc. never actually got to ever it seems conquer any part of themselves.

Conquering Ourselves

This is because really this is the most difficult thing to conquer. To conquer ourselves is much more difficult to conquer any kingdom outside of ourselves.

Everything now is Internal

Everything now is internal. All the struggles and fights are now within. The main struggle these days is with our psychology. The intense physical struggles of previous times is now a lot less, this is due to modern life and technology. Life is a lot physically easier now but mentally and psychologically more complicated.

Even all the masters and temples of past times have withdrawn out of physical sight and can now only really be found internally.

The times of fighting with swords and riding horses is over, instead now is the time of facing opposing forces with words and mind.

Even the tests now are basically more and more internal. Before in ancient times, the trials of the elements were physical tests where the candidates had to face directly the powers of the elements.

End (981).