What I want to do in this post is provide you with some
excerpts from Master Samael and Gurdjief about the Common Cosmic
Trogoautoegocrat Law.
This is just for those who may be a little more interested or
who are wanting some more details about this law (good to prepare lectures or
Excerpts from Gurdjief (Belzeebub’s Tales to his Grandson)
“It is necessary to say, first of all, that everything in the
Universe, both the intentionally created and the later automatically arisen,
exists and is maintained exclusively on the basis of what is called the
‘common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process.’
“This Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocraticprocess was
actualized by our ENDLESS UNI-BEING, when our Most Great and Most Holy Sun
Absolute had already existed, on which our ALL-GRACIOUS ENDLESS CREATOR had and
still has the chief place of His existence.
“This system, which maintains everything arisen and existing,
was actualized by our ENDLESS CREATOR in order that what is called the
‘exchange of substances’ or the ‘Reciprocal-feeding’ of everything that exists,
might proceed in the Universe and thereby that the merciless ’Heropass’ might
not have its maleficent effect on the Sun Absolute.
“This same Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process
is actualized always and in everything on the basis of the two fundamental
cosmic laws, the first of which is called the ‘Fundamental-First-degree-Sacred-Heptaparaparshinokh,’
and the second the ‘Fundamental-First-degree-Sacred-Triamazikamno.’
“Owing to these two fundamental sacred cosmic laws, there
first arise from the substance called ‘Etherokrilno,’ under certain conditions,
what are called ‘crystallizations’; and from these crystallizations, but later,
and also under certain conditions, there are formed various large and small,
more or less independent, cosmic definite formations.
“It is just within and upon these cosmic definite formations
that the processes of what are called the involution and evolution of the
already formed concentrations and also of the said crystallizations take
place—of course also according to the two said fundamental sacred laws— and all
the results obtained from those processes in atmospheres, and further, by means
of these atmospheres themselves, blend and go for the actualizing of the said ’exchange-of-matters’
for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat.”
Excerpt from Mater Samael
“In name of the truth I must state that a great law exists,
which can be called the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat law. This law has two
fundamental, basic factors: to swallow and to be swallowed—or, the reciprocal
nourishment of all organisms. Unquestionably, the bigger fish will always
swallow the smaller fish, and in the depths of the jungle the weaker will
succumb before the stronger; thus, this is the law of life.
It does not matter how vegetarian we may be, the truth is
that in the black sepulcher our body will be devoured by maggots, since the
common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat Law must be fulfilled.
Unquestionably, all organisms live on other organisms; i.e.,
if we descend into the interior of the Earth, we will discover a metal that
serves as a gravitational mediator for the evolving and devolving forces of
nature; I am emphatically referring to copper (Cu). For example, if we apply
the positive factor of the electricity to this metal, we can then evidence—with
the sixth sense—wonderful evolving processes in molecules and atoms. If we
apply the negative force, we then see the inverse process, that is, we see very
similar devolving processes to those of this declining humanity of our times.
Naturally, the neutral force would then maintain such a metal in a static or
neutral state.
Obviously, the radiation of copper is also transmitted to
other metals that are found inside the Earth and vice versa; the emanations of
those metals are received by the copper, thus this is how the metals, inside
the Earth, are reciprocally nourished; behold here the law of the eternal
common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat.
It is astonishing to know that the radiation of all the
metals within the entrails of the Earth—where they develop—is transmitted to
other planets of the infinite space. Yes, the emanations of the Earth arrive to
their interior; that is to say, Earth’s vibrations arrive at the living
entrails of neighbouring planets of our solar system. Earth’s radiations are
captured by the metals located in their interior, and likewise the planets also
radiate, so their irradiations are energetic undulations that arrive at the
interior of our world, in order to nourish the metals of our planet on which we
live, move, and have our Being.
All the worlds are sustained by all the other worlds; this
is obvious, unquestionable, evident, and manifest. Thus, the cosmic balance is
based upon this law of reciprocal planetary nourishment. This is fascinating,
right? Yes, it is fascinating to know that by this reciprocal nourishment
amongst the worlds, by one sustaining the others, a wonderful and perfect
planetary balance is adjusted.
The water on all the worlds is, indeed, the basic
nourishment for the crystallization of this great law of the eternal
common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat. Let us think for a moment: what would become of
our planet Earth, what would become of all the plants and animals, all the
creatures, if the water were to evaporate, disappear, vanish, finish?
Obviously, our world would become a great moon, a cosmic corpse, and the great
law of the eternal common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat could not crystallize, since
all the creatures would perish by starvation.
Indeed, this great law is processed in accordance with the
laws of the Holy Triamazikamno, or Triamenzano (Holy Three) and of the Sacred
Heptaparaparshinokh (the Law of Seven). Let us observe well the process of the
law of the Holy Triamazikamno: for example, an active principle approaches a
passive principle, or to be more precise, the victim (passive principle) is
swallowed by the active principle; this is how this law is, right? The active
principle is the positive pole, the passive principle is the negative pole, and
the principle that conciliates both is the third force, the neutral force. The
Law of Three is formed then by the three principles: Holy Affirmation, Holy
Negation, and Holy Conciliation. The latter is of course the force that
conciliates the affirming force with the negating force, thus, this is how the
victim is devoured by the predator, that is, the victim is devoured by the
predator to which it corresponds, in accordance with the law, understood?
Another example: the tiger swallows the humble rabbit; here
the tiger would be the Holy Affirmation, the rabbit the Holy Negation, and the
force that conciliates both of them is the Holy Conciliation; thus, this is how
the law of the eternal common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat is processed.
Again: the eagle is the Holy Affirmation, the wretched chick
is the Holy Negation, and when the eagle swallows the chick, the third force,
the Holy Conciliation, conciliates them and make them a unique whole. Is this
law cruel? Yes, so it appears. What can we do: this is how the law of the
worlds is; this law has always existed, it exists, and will always exist. Law
is law, and this law is fulfilled in spite of opinions, concepts, customs,
Nevertheless, let us continue, because it is necessary to
delve a little more, to penetrate to the bottom of this subject. From where in
fact comes this law of the eternal common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat? I say that
this law comes from the omni-penetrating, omniscient, omni-merciful, active
Likewise, from where does this active Okidanokh emanate?
What is its causa causarum? Unquestionably, its origin or cause is none other
than the Sacred Solar Absolute. Therefore, the Holy Okidanokh emanates from the
sacred Absolute Sun; yet, notwithstanding that this active Okidanokh is, we
might say, within the worlds, it does not remain completely involved within
them, since it cannot be imprisoned, even though for its creative manifestation
it needs to divide itself asunder into the three forces known as positive,
negative, and neutral.
During the cosmic manifestation, each one of the three
forces works independently, but always united to its origin that is the Holy
Okidanokh. After any manifestation, these three factors or
ingredients—positive, negative, and neutral—become fused again, are united
again with the Holy Okidanokh; thus, at the end of the Mahamanvantara, the
complete, total, and integrated Holy Okidanokh is reabsorbed within the sacred
Solar Absolute.”
End (958).
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