Friday, 18 May 2018

Living in Melbourne and Want to Start Gnosis Classes - (2397)

End (2397).

Intermittent Posts – Retreat in Spain – (2396)

This post is just to let you know that I will be in Spain for a Gnostic retreat, and so I most likely will not be posting very regularly, perhaps one or two here and there.

I hope to resume my regular posting by June 4th Australian time.
End (2396).

The Blood of the Being and the Blood of the Bodies – (2395)


This post comes from the tomes called “Quinto Evangelio” which is the title given to a compilation of transcriptions of Master Samael’s talks and lectures.

Humbledzoin the Blood of the Kedsjano (Astral Body)

Master Samael says that the internal bodies have flesh and blood, just as does our physical body.
He says that the blood of the astral body has a name which is Humbledzoin.

He says that the blood of our body is elaborated and strengthened with the food that we eat and the liquids that we drink. He says that the blood of the astral body is also elaborated, and also needs to be strengthened and nourished. However the blood of the astral body, the Humbledzoin is nourished and strengthened by different the substances.

These substances that form and also strengthen the Humbledzoin come from the solar system, they are the substances of astrochemistry Master Samael says. He says that enter into us via our breathing and though the pores of our skin, and once they have netered into us they form the blood of the astral body the Humbledzoin.

He says that the Humbledzoin is not from Adam, the astral body has flesh and blood but it does not come from Adam as the physical body does.

Blood of the Sacred Anskoano (Mental Body)

Master says that the mental body, which allows us objective reason, also has its blood. The mental body is called the Sacred Anskoano. He says that the Humbledzoin of the mental body is an octave higher in development than the Humbledzoin of the astral body.

The Sacred Ayasakadana – Blood of the Being

He says that there is the causal body which gives us the ability to determine circumstances, and it is called the Egoaitoorasiana of the Being. He says that this body also has its blood called the Sacred Ayasackadana.

The Sacred Ayasakadana is the Humbledzoin of the Being which is different to the Humbledzoin of the astral and mental bodies. This is because the astral and mental bodies are not the Being but the human soul is the being and it is in the causal body. So the Humbledzoin of the causal body is the Humbledzoin of the Being.

Master Samael says that the Humbledzoin of the Being comes from the Sacred Sun Absolute. He says that this blood of the causal body is made and strengthened through and by contemplation, meditation and prayer. He says that these activities create vibrations in us that form the Sacred Ayasakadana – the blood of the causal body.

End (2395).

Trust in the Forces of your Being – (2394)


It is spirit that animates matter. In other words it is your Being or your Atman which ultimately animates your body.
That spirit that animates your body is an endless source of energy. It streams through you giving you life. It is not matter. It is energy that can not get sick, turn sour, get old, atrophy, become corrupt etc. etc.
We can trust that that force of life will always be there animating our body and our consciousness.
Just look at your hands and feel the warmth, the life streaming out of the palm of your hands. This is that life, that vitality and energy of life streaming though us.
That is our gift of life coming to us from somewhere by virtue of some factor, and when it is its time it will leave (death). But right now it is there radiating splendidly.

Holds Us Up and Fights to survive

That force of life is there always to hold us up. That is its nature, it is natural for it to be like a spring, like a fountain of life giving water, always flowing upwards. This is its nature and it will always be like that, we can trust in that.
The ego is there and what it does, is block that flowing upwards of life, that holds up our body and psychology. It also acts to drag down our body and psychology, making us feel unwell and darkening our thoughts and feelings, imprisoning them in narrow jail cells.


If we are to relax and just know that it is the egos of fear, anxiety, self-compassion that pull down and block that bubbling of life in us, that also animates our body and consciousness, then we can take a new step. Which is a step of trust.
We allow those egos space and manifestation in us, because we don’t fully trust in that bubbling of life force and consciousness. We think it won’t be there, or it is not the answer or it is not good enough or will not protect and help us in difficult times etc. Though it never leaves us, it is the only thing that can really help us, it is what allows us positive emotion and it is what by helping us also protects us.


Trust that force of life in you, trust that it will help you and protect you and allow you the energy and intelligence to solve your difficulties and give you the strength to perservete through them.
As master Samael says, the flesh is weak but the spirit is strong. It is this life force that is strong and it is the body that falters.
End (2394).

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Where are Your Bodies Right Now? – (2393)

Drifting Around or Here and Now?

Are the bodies floating around the Astral, Mental or Causal worlds without a driver, as empty vessels? Or with you right now? Which possibility seems more correct?

The answer is that they are with you right now.

The proof of this is in the practice of astral projection. When practicing projecting into the astral we leave our physical body with our essence housed in the astral body. It is like the astral body projects or unfolds out of our physical body.

In other words our astral body unfolds out of our physical body. Our astral body is not called to us from the Moon, Venus or some other place, for us to transfer our consciousness into, it comes from within our interior.

Here and Now

The same applies with the mental and causal bodies. However, the point to not forget is that these bodies are within our astral, mental and causal dimensions right here and now.

If we have the bodies, the egos are housed in the bodies and so when a person gets angry the ego of anger comes out here and now, meaning that the bodies are not far away they are within us.

Also Master Samael says that if we have the mental body we can reason objectively in our physical life, and if we have the causal body we can use it to determine circumstances in our physical life. This means to be able to do this we must have these bodies actively working for us here and now in our internal dimensions.

End (2393).

What is the Subconscious in Someone Who has Died in Themselves? – (2392)


I can not talk about this matter from experience, but what I am going to do here is relay to you via this post the topic of the subconscious when one no longer has the ego. The information in this post comes from my understanding of what m.m.m has been speaking about lately.

Subconscious is Empty

In a person without ego, the subconscious exists. Though it is empty. The subconscious remains as a possible storage place. Where impressions that are not transformed will enter.

The subconscious is like a basement, that is part and parcel of the building. It is the inferior part of the building, and every building has a superior and inferior part. We can’t get rid of the inferior part because then there will be no superior part and then there will be no building. The same applies to our psychology.


The difference is that for a person with no ego the subconscious is lit up, it is not dark or black and it is empty, just like the abyss of the sun, that Master Samael said is completely clear and empty.

The subconscious of the person who has ego is in darkness and is responsible for much hidden logic, self-deception, impulses, body language and it is the dwelling place of the egos.

If a person without ego is careless with impressions a small part of the free and awakened consciousness can become conditioned and then if that goes unchecked it will break away from the larger body of free and awakened consciousness and then it will fall into the subconscious.

Tenth Labour

In the tenth labour of Hercules the master works to free him or herself from the effects of all the person’s memories that one has. This also further clears and cleans the subconscious.

End (2392).

No Special Keys for the Second and Third Mountain – The Same that we Know – (2391)

The Same Path, The Same Work Just Different Levels

My marvellous missionary has been saying some really very interesting things lately.

We may think that for the second and third mountains there are very special tools and keys to use. There are very special and advanced works to do but the tools and keys are the same my marvellous missionary says.

The key of non-identification, the key of separation – “that we are not anything that we have inside of ourselves” he says is what has helped him more than anything else in the works of the second mountain. Even the key of focusing the consciousness and the key of connecting consciousness to reality were majorly important and continue to be so.


So, we have all the keys already that we will need for the whole path. Therefore, it is just about applying them.

This brings us to make the following conclusion that the path is the same work for all (start, middle end), just that it is done at different levels.

So, we must always strive to triumph at our very own level. Not to triumph at a level that is not ours.

End (2391).

“You Make me Feel Like I am Doing Something Wrong!” – Rubbish You Feel the Way You Want to Feel! – (2390)

People Say Such Things As...

When we get identified with, typically, the ego of self-compassion we say the following words: “You Make me Feel Like I am Doing Something Wrong!” or “You Make me Feel Like I am unworthy or am bad!”.

Both or any other version of the above words are an error. Even if it feels so real and true (mistakenly), the truth is that it is us that makes us feel that way. Others may say and do things that imply that we are unworthy, useless, unliked etc. but who says we have to feel like that? Only really our sleeping consciousness believes their implications and assumes them to actually be us or to be our true identity.

When we assume their implications we are asleep and we have lost our psychological independence and we are far away from self-remembering and hence from our inner Being.

The key is always to go back to our Being through the remembering of the Being.

When we remember our Being we can chose what we want to feel. The best to feel in a way that does not bring pain to us. Be kind to yourself and your Being in that way.

If we have done something wrong, then we have to get to work to repair it and recover ourselves from it, and all others who were affected by our error.

End (2390).

We Can Not Stand Feeling Less – Hence the Many Intense Reactions – (2389)

The Big Cause of Reaction

I think the biggest cause of reaction in us is the feeling of less that arises in us during the interactions with others.

Hurt jealousy, pride, vanity, self-love etc. are all about the different ways of feeling less. Fear is another way of feeling less, and lust with its feeling of lacking etc. is its way of feeling less as well. This is a very useful observation to make. Once we make it we can progress in getting out of these bothersome feelings.

Obviously feeling less hurts and it is precisely this feeling of less that we can not stand within ourselves, and it is because we can not stand feeling ‘less’, that we react in order to not feel less. We go outside of ourselves looking for a way to turn that painful less feeling around into feeling good about ourselves.

Seeing things as unfair is the tell-tale mediocre symptom of the feeling less.

This is a very true statement. We may dismiss it, though its truth lies precisely with
 us making the effort right now in this moment to accept our reality and remember our inner Being. 
Then when we do that we can not be more accepted by ourselves and our inner Being in that moment!

Get Use to Feeling Less – Like to Feel Less then You Are on the Way to Feeling Differently

Reading the above words makes the ego rile. But I tell you this is something that if we want to progress in eliminating these egos we have to do so that we can be able to transform these feelings.

As soon as we stop being bothered by feeling less, we are on the way to transforming it into something else much less painful. Because the sting of the fascination and the pain of it has been extracted.

Everyone feels less and these egos will not stop feeling less. We live on, we will continue on, our inner Being, the source of our life force and vitality, the source of our consciousness will never disappear because an ego feels less. So, we don’t need it, feeling less is not so important a thing.

Anyway, the big key is to transform it. To like feeling less because of a good reason. That reason is that when we are feeling less we can go to our inner Being, remembering our inner Being and knowing that when close to It or in It, we are not less. In It, which is our real and true ‘be all and end all’, we are not more or less. It, our inner Being is an absolute factor. However, in relation to others we are always, always more or less. With self-remembering we can surpass the relativity that causes everyone so much pain.

End (2389).

Careful with the Impressions You Impart to Others – (2388)

We should not really give people around us negative impressions of others. This is because it causes them to create negative attitudes against those whom we speak negatively of.

Then if the others that we speak to are not aware these negative attitudes build up and later they are unfortunately controlled by them in their interaction with those that we speak negatively of.

When we go to the facts, those who listen to our negativity should awaken a little and remain neutral and not allow themselves to take in any negative impressions without questioning them. We are really asleep when we do not notice a big negative attitude building up in us against somebody.

Others though, really they build their own negative attitudes, but when we speak negatively of others we start it off in others and we provide them extra work to do, which is not really fair, specially if it is our mediocre, negative and really stupid ego that is behind those impressions.

End (2388).

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Internal Bodies are Bodies of Flesh and Bone – (2387)

Matter of the Internal Dimensions

So if a human being has a superior existential body of the Being, or in other words a solar body it means firstly that this human being has the ability to take up a presence within that dimension using the matter that is of that dimension.

The body of each dimension is made from the matter of that dimension. Just the way the physical body is made from the matter of the physical dimension.

Master Samael says that each solar body is a body of flesh and bone but made from the matter of that particular dimension.

Density of the Atoms

The difference between each solar body has to do with the density of the atoms that make up the body. It is taught that an atom of the physical world contains 48 atoms of the Absolute or the region where there is one law.

An astral atom has 24 atoms of the Absolute, and the mental has 12 atoms and the causal has 6 atoms. So straight away, we can see that the internal bodies are much less dense. The causal body is four times less dense than the physical body.

Appearance of the Bodies

I don’t know much about this really, but I have heard from missionaries that the appearance of a solar body takes the same appearance as the physical body that was used to fabricate them.

End (2387).

Reasons for the Solar Bodies – (2386)


Here is a short list of some of the reasons why we need the to fabricate the solar bodies as part of the realisation of our inner Being.

The first four reasons have been sourced from Master Samael’s books and transcriptions of his lectures, and the last four are from my understanding of things.

1. Creation of the Inner Universe

Master Samael says that the Being of anyone has to replicate in miniature what the Absolute has done in the cosmos. That is to enact a cosmic day or a genesis.

Creating the bodies is exactly that, it creates our inner universe. It is our inner genesis.

The seven bodies are the seven days of Genesis.

Creating the inner Universe allows our inner Being to know Itself in all of its parts and dimensions. It also completes It.

2. Psychological Solar System

Master Samael says that when the seven bodies have been fabricated we have created the psychological solar system. However if one falls the psychological solar system has to be requalified.
With the psychological solar system one has within the reach of their psychology access to all the principles and laws that govern the solar system and this allows one the consciousness to live and act in harmony with those laws and principles.

Master Samael says that the bodies are needed to achieve that state of consciousness.

3. Step Down the High Voltage of the Being

Master Samael says that if a person were to incarnate the Being without having the bodies such a person would be like burnt or rather overloaded with energy. He says that the inner Being of a person has a tremendously high energy or voltage and the internal bodies act to step down that energy or voltage to such a level that our physical body is able to accommodate it without being burnt or overloaded.

4. Incarnate the Law of Seven - Holy Heptaparaparshinokh

Master Samael also says that a person incarnates the Law of Seven or the Holy Heptaparaparshinokh once one has fabricated the seven bodies.

5. Life to the Inner Dimensions

If essences here in the physical world did not have a physical body there would be no life here. So exactly the same applies to the internal worlds. If there are no causal bodies then there can be no life there in the causal world.

6. Reality and Presence of the Being

Having a body in the each dimension brings our inner Being into reality within that dimension. Someone here who has a physical body has a physical reality here. Every other person living with a physical body in the world of three dimensions would agree that such a person is real. The government even gives you a birth certificate and you can get a driver’s license.

Without the internal bodies a person does not have a reality and a presence in the internal worlds. And their Being can not directly move and influence the bodies, forces and life that is present there.

7. Platform for Initiation

This probably the most significant reason for the bodies. The bodies are real platforms for our inner Being to develop the initiations. That is to become initiated into the mysteries of that dimension of creation, which actually is an aspect of the Absolute that has unfolded into creation.

So, the initiations are to know the different aspects of the Being Itself. As it is one with the Absolute and creation is an unfolding of the Absolute. That is why the Absolute creates so to know Itself better. Because the invisible parts of Itself enter into light of creation.

The cosmic fire which is the teacher and intelligence needs a body or a vehicle to act on so to teach us and take itself up again to the source from whence it descended. The vehicles it must act on are the bodies and that fire is the Kundalini.

8. Seat of Command Over the Lower Parts of the Being - Mastery

Another very important reason for the internal bodies is that they give our inner Being the seat of command within us. When a part of our Being enters the causal body It is in more command of Its lower parts. Without the bodies the Being can not command the Its lower parts.

It needs a body to be in and command from. Being in say the causal body allows the Being to really move things in the causal world and in our particular causal dimension. Then from there forces unfold and take effect in our mental, astral and physical dimensions.

End (2386).

Monday, 14 May 2018

What! Everyone has a Mind But Not Everyone has a Mental Body? – (2385)

Manasic Substance

The answer to this question, we can refer to what master Samael says about the Manasic substance.

He says that in that everyone's inner constitution there is an amount of Manasic substance. That amount of Manasic substance has been deposited into us.

This amount of Manasic substance is our mind, and further more this Manasic substance is intimately related with our psychology.

Our Psychology

Our psychology is made up of our essence and this Manasic substance. The two substances overlap  and intermingle and together they produce for us our psychological space and material.

Master Samael gives us an important key, he says that in any ego there are two substances or elements that are bottled up or conditioned. They are a fraction of the essence and a fraction of our Manasic substance.

In short the Manasic substance, is the substance of the mind and also of will. The word Manasic comes from the Sanskrit word: Manas which means "mind" or the "processes of mind".

The hindu teachings says that lower or inferior Manas is mind and superior or upper Manas is will.

In summary here the Manasic substance that has been deposited into us gives us our mind and our will.

Manasic Substance is not the Mental Body

Master Samael later on emphasizes that the Manasic substance is mind, but it is certainly not the mental body.

We can conclude that a person with a mental body obviously has a stronger mind and much more Manasic substance available to him or her. In fact a person with a mental body is one who has created for him or herself their very own quantity of concentrated, and intelligently organised Manasic substance.

The Manasic substance is the material of the mental world. The material of the universal mind and also of the Causal world.

End (2385).

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Who then are the Seven Types of Men? – (2384)

The Mighty Seven 

The seven types so of men are human beings who have a degree of individuality, a degree of being self-made. The higher the number, the higher the degree of individuality. For example man number 6 has a higher degree of being self-made or individuality than man number 5.

Man number 5 has mad an individual emotion, that is such a man has his own emotion, he has real emotion and independence in his emotion. Man number 6 has more individuality because he has fabricated his own emotion and mind and he has the ability to feel the real and think objectively.

Certainly Different

They are certainly different. They do not look any different here physically but they internally are very different.

The difference between someone with the bodies and someone who does not have them can only be seen in the way they act. That is in the power of their actions.

End (2384).

What About if a Person Doesn’t have the Bodies? – (2383)

Egos Take the Role of the Egos

Master Samael says that the various egos that we have actually take up the role of the bodies.


Master Samael says that the people without the bodies are like ghosts or shadows in the astral, mental and causal worlds. This is because they are only essence in those dimensions which is like something partly invisible and visible in those dimensions this is because the essence is not astral or mental matter.

If a person is not in the superior dimensions as essence they are a lot of egos projecting themselves as effigies into those dimensions. For example, the emotion, mind and will of the ego are projections into those dimensions. Even if the ego is present in those dimensions the ego there is like a ghost because once again the ego is conditioned essence and it is not physical, vital, astral or mental material.


Why are they Called the Internal Bodies and Solar Bodies? - (2382)

Internal  Bodies   

They are  called the internal bodies because in us right here and now what is internal to us are our thoughts, our feelings, our yearnings or will. Therefore as the bodies are emotion, mind and will which are internal, they are called the internal bodies.

The internal bodies also correspondingly also belong to our internal dimensions. These dimensions are in and up within ourselves.

Solar Bodies

The bodies are called solar bodies because they are made with solar elements, that is they are made with the transmuted sexual energy and the consciousness.

One characteristic of the solar force is reciprocity. The transmutation is about reciprocity, because we receive the materia prima from nature and the Being in us and via transmutation we send it back upto the Being transformed and transcended to a higher octave than the original materia prima. The solar forces do this, the lunar forces don’t operate in this way they just take and take or send operate in one direction rather than work in a circle – which is what reciprocity does.

They are not made by the ego, which is a lunar element.

End (2382).

The Solar Bodies are: Harmoniously Organised, Unified and Complete Functioning Fabrications – (2381)


This point is the main practical point behind the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of the bodies.

This point comes directly from Master Samael.

Master Samael says that when someone creates a body that person has fabricated an aspect of individuality.

For example when someone fabricates a mental body, that person has fabricated a mind for him or herself. Or actually better said, that person has fabricated a mind for their inner Being.

Master Samael says that before that, a person does not have a mind, he says that a person instead of having one mind, actually has several minds. That is the mind of each ego. Which often disagree with each other and are at odds with each other.

The thing here though is that the bodies are real and so they give us or rather our inner Being access to real mind, real emotion and real will.  The ego which takes the place of the bodies is not real astral, nor real mind nor real will material. It is conditioned essence projected into those dimensions, so that is why in those dimensions master Samael says the egos appear as shadows.

We’ll see more about this point in the following paragraphs.

Astral Body - Fabricated Emotion

The person who has fabricated an astral body has fabricated real emotion. That is to say such a person has made for himself or rather for their inner Being a real centre of emotion. A cohesive, organized centre or hub of emotion.

The main point here though is that of ‘real emotion’ because the astral is a real body, a real, authentic and true astral creation, a real astral creation, that is something that is real in the astral world, meaning that it takes up astral space and is made from astral matter. It is not a projection into the astral world.

When we have not made for ourselves an astral body or a body of emotion our emotions are many and they are disjointed projections of varied colours and sizes appearing in the astral world. They are not organized or centralized and held together by a cohesive body.

Also because the astral body is real, if we have the astral body we can feel real emotions, that is emotions, that come from a real source and are not projections of imagination. That is through our astral boy we can feel real emotions, which come from our inner reality, which is our inner Being.

Mental Body - Fabricated Mind

The mental body once it has been fabricated gives the person one real mind. An individual mind, a mind that can generate all its own unique mental functions. It is really a mind, because before that we have the mind of the many egos that inevitably end up conflicting with one another.

So a person who creates a mental body has his or her mind in the real mental world and as the mental body is real that person has connected to themselves a real part of the mental world. And that makes a huge difference, because such a person has access to real or objective mental processes as well as access to the universal mind and to cosmic intelligence.

Causal Body - Fabricated Will

If a person fabricates the causal body they have real will. That is they have made a centre or a power base of will for themselves or rather for their inner Being to use.

This body of will, i.e. the causal body gives the person the ability to have one will. That it is allows the person to organize their will.

Without the causal body the person has of course many wills, all of them disagreeing with each other. Without the causal body a person would have as many wills as there egos. These egos have conditioned the will that is in the essence.

That is why the many great people of history and in the will that have and are accomplishing many amazing things with the help of will power show us that most likely they have a causal body. For example, Napolean Bonne Part had to have been a fallen bodhisattwa judging by the amount of will he had. Master Samael does indeed confirm that he was a fallen bodhisattwa with of course the bodies.


In summary, the bodies are fabrications that are made voluntarily and consciously and they are what give us an authentic reality and individuality in the dimensions of nature. They are our own creations of centralized, coherent and individual emotion, mind and will.

They are about our Being having in reality created those dimensions as part of Its inner genesis.
End (2381).

What are the Bodies Then? - (2380)

Partly a Mystery

Being honest they are a little bit of a mystery. However, using the esoteric axiom: “as above so below” we can get a better idea.

With our physical body, we certainly know what it is, what it is for and why we have it. We know partly how it works but certainly not fully.

So if we can answer these questions about the physical body we can answer the same questions regarding the bodies.

But before we develop this line of explanation further we must stress the following point.

The bodies are voluntary and conscious fabrications. Meaning that they have to be crystallised by the person who wishes to possess them. This also tell us that if we have to fabricate them it means that not everybody has them by default.

Voluntary Fabrications – Possible Septuple Constitution of Man

The first point here to make, is a discovery that Master Samael made. Initially, he believed that all human beings have seven bodies. He thought this because he certainly had an astral body and knew how to use it, and also because Theosophy taught that all human beings have these bodies.

Master Samael spent some time while being a teenager in the schools of Theosophy and through those schools he became acquainted with Theosophiocal body of knowledge. He later realised that not all human beings have the bodies, and that the bodies must be fabricated. However, it is certainly true that human beings have seven dimensions, only that not all human beings have bodies residing in those dimensions.

Back to the Point of ‘What’ and ‘Why’


We have the bodies for a reason, and we have a physical body for a reason as well. One of the major reasons why we have a physical is to have life in this dimension. So the bodies allow us to have life in those different dimensions as well.

Interaction – Acquire Wisdom

Our physical body allows us the opportunity to interact with life on the physical plane and therefore through that interaction, we can learn and acquire wisdom. With the chance to interact or relate we can not be able to learn from anything. To learn we always require interaction. We interact with a book by opening it. If we can not open a book there is no way that we can read it and learn form it.

The physical body allows us to learn from life here in the physical world, and so the ‘bodies’ allows us to learn from the life that is present there in other dimensions. Each dimension has different properties, laws and a nature and so having a body there in those dimensions allows us the chance to learn the other facets, aspects and mysteries of life that are present in those dimensions.

The esoteric teachings say that there are seven cosmoses or seven worlds and each world has its unique number of laws. There are 48 laws here in the physical world and 24 laws in the astral world, 12 in the mental world and 6 in the causal world, Buddhic and Atmic worlds. Each of these laws are different which give those dimensions different natures and provide us with chances for new and more learning.

Virtue of the Being

We also have a physical body by virtue of our inner Being. Our physical body with its three brains allows our inner Being the chance to be able to work on itself so to realize itself, and provide a temple here in the physical world upon which our inner Being can manifest itself in and through.

Our physical body is a temple that in the very best of cases, allows our inner Being to officiate in and move in. However, mostly the essence of the Being is in our physical body and through our essence our inner Being can influence our three brains so to move our body into action that will benefit others and benefit the growth of our inner Being. Your inner Being was the one that brought to the spiritual teachings and school that you are currently enjoying.

Then the ‘bodies’ allow our inner Being to work in those dimensions, to continue forward in Its work of realization and to also allow our inner Being to operate in those dimensions and fulfill certain missions there in those dimensions for the life that is present there, and for humanity down there. Yes Beings can work up there so to help us down here.

Much of what is done in the higher dimensions cascades down to the physical dimension. Things here in this dimension can only be made possible until the possibility of it has not been open up there before.

Covers all of Creation

The bodies allow the Being to cover all of the regions of creation. There is quite an interesting point here in that Binah, Chochmah and Kether do not have bodies assigned to them. There are some reasons as to why that is, which will be presented in a later post.


Also in the life that we have here physically we know that there is a karmic element to it. So a body of course is a chance for our inner Being to cancel karma.

The ‘bodies’ the astral, mental and causal are not karmic in that with them we do not suffer as we do with the physical because they are immortal bodies. We will talk about that later on, in consequent posts.

Conclusion and Prelude to the Next Post

The above explanations are rather simplistic and philosophical and are not complete. The next post is more practical and presents explanations in more practical detail as to the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of the bodies.

End (2380).

The Many Names for the Bodies – (2379)

In General

The bodies in general, that is as a group name, have been called the following names:


solar bodies, internal bodies, internal vehicles, sidereal bodies


superior existential bodies of the Being


Wedding Garments




To Soma Heliakon




Individually the bodies have been called the following:


Astral (emotion), mental (mind), causal (will), buddhic (consciousness) and Atmic (spirit or Being)


Hod (astral), Netzach (mental), Tiphereth (causal), Geburah (consciousness) and Chesed (spirit or Being)


Ka (astral), Ba (mental), Ku (causal)

Esoteric (Gurdjieff)

kedsjano (astral), Anskoano (mental), Egoaitoorasiana (causal)


Sthula Sharira (physical), Sthula Sharira (vital), Kama Rupa (astral), Manas Inferior (mental), Manas Superior or Arupic body (causal)


Carnal body (physical), natural body (astral), spiritual body (mental) and divine body (causal)

Astral Body

The astral body seems to have the most names and is the most referred to internal body. Another name for it that Master Samael uses quite often is the: Eidolon. Master Samael says that the true name of the astral body is Kedsjano.
End (2379).

Thursday, 10 May 2018

What Bodies? Isn’t there only one Body? - (2378)


This is the first hurdle regarding the topic of the bodies.

Before hearing about ‘the bodies’ we believe that there is only one body – the physical body. However, the esoteric teachings say that there are several bodies available to the human being.

The reason why there are several bodies is because of the multi-dimensionality of space.

As to why there are multiple dimensions and as to why there are the specific number of dimensions that there are, is all a matter of the Absolute.

Why the Absolute unfolded Itself into creation the way it has, is something mostly unknown to us. But none the less we can still gain a kind of understanding about al of this. Read the next sub-section...

Maybe a Kabbalist could have something more to say about that, as it is really a matter of the study of the Tree of Life.

If there is a Dimension there is a Body

There are the seven dimensions in nature set up by the Law of Seven. In each of these dimensions the teachings tell us that there is ‘creation brought to life’. As ‘creation brought to life’ is a mixture of spirit and matter there must be matter and there must be spirit. The best thing to bring these two, i.e. matter and spirit together is a body.

A Body is the Crossing of Matter and Spirit

A body in any dimension brings the universal aspects of creation together. That is allows matter and spirit to be combined so that there can be created life in that dimension.

This brings us to the conclusion that if there is a dimension of creation there is a body.

Why 'Bodies' Then?

After that explanation I think we can produce an answer to the question of why there are bodies and not just one body.

The answer lies in creation being multi-dimensional. Certainly if creation only unfolded into one dimension there could only ever be one body.

The answer also has to do with the way creation unfolds. Creation unfolds via a cascade. That is from one dimension to another in that one dimension flows into another and overlaps with the other. This means that if there is anything physical, it has come to be physical by having cascaded down from the dimensions above.

All of this means that every human being has seven dimension to it. And then if every human being has seven dimensions that means that every human being can have seven bodies.

End (2378).

Notes on the Seven Types of Man and the Solar Bodies - (2377)

The following posts are aimed at a bit of a complement to the seven types of man lecture, which is in essence about the solar bodies and the qualities that a person who has consciously fabricated these bodies possesses.

End (2377).

That Half-Behaviour, that Tendency, that is Sort of Strange but Common at the Same Time has an Ego Behind it and Once it is Found - All is Clear – (2376)

There are Egos Behind Our Small Behaviours and Thoughts

We may have been aware of thoughts, points of view, opinions, tendencies and then one day we discover that there is a particular ego behind all of those things.

That is a really interesting, helpful and partly illuminating moment.

Just knowing this that there is an ego behind it, makes it all clear and puts it all into perspective and lines things up for us to be able to dissolve all of these behaviours and errors etc. Because before knowing that these behaviours came from a particular ego we were doing something but it was not so effective.

In short, if we have an ego it is because we have done what that ego is about it before.

So there is the ego of suicide, the ego of adultery, the ego of harming others, the ego of this and that crime, the ego of revenge, the ego of sport, the ego of chess and so on and so on.

All of these egos are person living inside of us, that have their thoughts and commitments and they are the ones that generate all those errors, behaviours and feelings.

End (2376).

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

The Common Denominator in Suicide is Debasement, Ensuing Emptiness then Emptiness Converted to Negativity - (2375)


I am not suicidal or anything like that – just sharing my observations I have made internally and externally over the years. I don’t really know why but it seems to be flowing so freely, that I thought I should type it out.

Introduction- A Common State

This is a common interior state, which I think that a good number of people may have experienced or may experience in their lifetime.

Such a state of wanting to commit suicide comes from a kind of debasement, which in turn is usually the result of some kind of loss of a pillar that was holding up the person’s psychology.

For a person to want to commit suicide, it would mean that the person failed at something or lost something, and with that loss, a decent part of his or her psychology that was giving meaning to their life, or was motivating them in life, or allowing them to feel happy or feel loved or feel appreciated, or was somehow defining them to themselves was cracked, dashed or pulled out from underneath them.

Such things could be honour, love, reputation, identity, role in life, job, self-esteem, family honour, personal honour etc.

Loss of Hope

When the person sees that there is no or little way to regain what was lost then the person increasingly leans towards contemplating suicide. All the while though, there well maybe ways to regain what was lost, however these ways are not even thought about.

In the light of Gnostic Esoteric Psychology the things mentioned above that can be lost or taken away from a person are known to be in place within a person because their centre of gravity is the personality. When a person has managed to shift their centre of gravity to the essence these things that were pillars cease less and less to be pillars that hold up one’s psychology.

Knowledge of one’s essence and the experience that one is an essence begin to become the pillars of their psychology and these pillars are things that can not be taken from a person. This is because they are purely internal. Only the person can take them away from him or herself.

Only external pillars can be taken away from a person by other people. But no one can take away what we have earnt and worked for internally.

There is Revengeful Compensation

There is an element of revenge in this internally defeated state where one wishes for compensation for having had that pillar of their psychology taken from them.

This type of motivation usually appears in people when another person has taken that pillar from the person’s psychology. Like in a relationship break up or in a defamation of character situation etc.

The interesting thing though, being realistic, is that the original fault lies in the person. Because it is a fault of one’s consciousness to make another person or external thing a pillar of their psychology.

The Wrong "Only Conclusion"

The feelings of loss, emptiness, lack of hope, defeat, low self-image combine all together to take the person to forget their Being totally and absolutely and contemplate suicide, all with the logic that that is the better way out.

When the loss or hope is perceived as total then the intellect shuts down and so the emotional centre follows and so action follows, shutting down the body.

Suicide is a state that takes in an absolute way the three brains. Therefore is a terribly strong belief. It is the absolute wrong use of faith and trust. Where trust and faith is in the unquestioned nonsense of our own mind. One may say that suicide is a wrong whole hearted sincere effort and action.

From the psychological point of view people say that it is a very cowardly and selfish internal state.

Real Emptiness

There is no void in nature. The real illuminating emptiness is actually full of Being, but empty of ego. What happens with the internal state of suicide is that the Being is not filling the person yet and the ego has temporarily deflated itself and a real void appears for a short while then to be filled with negativity, and that negativity is the dark internal state of suicide. One is then full of those negative thoughts and emotions.

Esoteric Considerations

Master Samael says that it is a crime against the Third Logos. The one who creates and is the force of life.

Consulting other esoteric considerations we see that it is a lack of the consultation of the Being. It is to cut short our destiny and the plans of our Being. It is to deprive our Being of Its physical temple. It is to not trust the Being and the Law. It is accrue a huge stack of karma.

In Lemuria, those very remotely ancient human beings were at a point of committing mass suicide, due to perceiving the mechanical nature of their existence, and it was avoided by giving humanity back then, the Kundabuffer organ. Which made them good citizens and introduced into them the fascination with life, thus removing from them the perception of empty mechanicity. This could indicate that suicide has a very remote origin and is linked to the Kundabuffer organ and therefore to the ego. 

The Body Dies, the Ego Escapes and the Ego Continues to Live

The ego thinks of suicide because it wants a way out. The interesting thing is that the body dies, and the troubling situation ends, however the ego that was so worried and troubled continues to live in the internal worlds only to come back in a new body later on and repeat the same scenario.

Rigorous, in Absolute Terms Questioning of the Truth

I always in each post like to provide some sort of practicality.That is, a practical key which can serve as a kind of remedy if applied.

If one in such a state is to question each argument that one has, specifically asking oneself: “is it absolutely true?” one would be able to loosen up such a state, possibility would then appear in the mind and that carries forward into the emotion and motor centre.


Suicide is to be full of negativity, rather than truly empty. It is to have a terribly low image of oneself. No one who has committed suicide has had a positive and high image of themselves. Pain overcomes the person in such a suicidal state, and a way out of that pain is sought. The Being is forgotten and the many truths such as: "everything passes" is forgotten and karma as it has a beginning it also has an end.

End (2375).

Monday, 7 May 2018

Role of the Fire and Why it is Necessary – (2374)


This post is a little bit about the sacred fire and a little bit about how it helps us.
First of all it may be useful to acquaint ourselves with some of the properties of the fire that we know physically, of which, is also a manifestation of the cosmic fire.

Fire Properties

Here it is useful to go over some significant esoteric properties of fire.
Fire is energy, vitality, life, spirit.
It transforms radically. It consumes and raises up the essential.
Fire is an intermediary between matter and the spirit. Wherever there is fire, there is a portal blazing, a bridge taking what there is of tangible matter into what there is of intangible energy. It consumes and takes matter to the spirit.

Fire always ascends. Fire rises and raises. It does this because it is about liberating energy, and energy must rise to the spheres to which is proper of it. Energy can not descend further into matter once it has been liberated.
The synthesis action of fire is to consume, transform, liberate energy or spirit from matter and raise it upwards towards the heavens.

Role of Fire

Fire must always act on something material and in our constitution the only thing material that we have is our body and or our internal bodies.
The bodies are platforms upon which fire can act so to transform us. The fire transform those material parts of ourselves – our bodies, as well as link those parts of ourselves to the spirit and assigns them to be used by the Spirit.
That transformation that the fire does is initiation. This is said, because as the fire consumes and transforms that material part of ourselves (a body, astral body for example) it liberates energy and wisdom and that is initiation. Initiation is an entrance into the mysteries so to learn.
The bodies serve as a platform upon which a human being can be initiated into the mysteries of the fire. Which is also life and cosmic intelligence.
The role of the cosmic fire which is also the Christic fire is to bring life to the bodies, link the bodies to the spirit and cause the consciousness in the bodies to ascend as well as and to open a door to the next higher dimension. The fire in other words helps us to ascend.
It is also good to know that the fire transforms and makes the bodies to ascend as well, and this helps the consciousness to be anchored in those new and higher dimensions. This is because the bodies are house the consciousness and if he bodies are vibrating higher the consciousness will also be vibrating at a higher level.

Works in Three Stages

The fire works over the bodies in three stages, which are through the serpents of fire, light and gold. Fire, light and gold are three octaves of purification and development of the cosmic fire.


We need the fire, which we have already but it is in a dormant state. So we must wake up. To do that we know we need the practice sexually transmuting the sexual energy.
End (2375).