Thursday, 7 November 2019

Our Image is Better - is Tricky Business - (3287)

Pride and self-image are very related.

What happens in us is that we have our particular image, which with a bit of fantasy, we think is really good. Mostly we think our image is good - right - be honest!

So then, it so happens that we see another person and what we do immediately, or rather what pride does within us is to compare the image that we have of ourselves with the image that we create about another person we are looking at. Then we feel that our image is better than theirs. Then appears pride. Comparison and relativity always draw out pride.

We compare subconsciously, because it is a very unpleasant conversation topic to bring out into the open.

In conclusion, it is us comparing our image or identity that contributes to keeping us locked in some aspects of pride.

That is also the secret of how we feel better or superior etc. It is mostly based on comparing our image with the image we create of another person. None of these images are fact based so quite often pride gets it very wrong.

The image that we have of ourselves is mostly wrong, and needs lots of correcting. If we work within the confines of the knowledge of the psychological reality that we have, we will be able to displace some aspects of pride fairly readily.

End (3287).

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