Monday, 30 December 2019

Outlook to 2020 - (3353)

2020 is Four

Four representing a certain living principle is usually a force that brings about outcomes. Mostly outcomes that are favourable. Favourable to the extent that it settles things down for a while or for a good while. 

Four is a stabilizing number it the number that completes the journey. It is the three forces that create plus what they create - the created. 

It is the Holy Four - Tetragrammaton. The Absolute plus its three regions.

There are the four seasons, the four columns, the four elements, the four Kabirs, the four tetra-sustainers of which the famous Archangel Sakaki is one, the four states of consciousness, the four states of matter, the four ages (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron), the four Yugas, the four cardinal points, the four gospels, etc.

Anyhow the force of 2020 could imply the impulse to work towards solving things and settling things down. See if it takes place in the unfolding of the year which you will live. 

End (3353).

The Mathematics of Values Sail Through - (3352)

Say you make an effort to see someone and take them somewhere for dinner. You do it with good will and you have their benefit in mind and heart. Yet that person is thinking and feeling negatively towards you and the outing.

We have all been there right...

If we keep our psychology and conduct in check, then the value of our effort and the sincerity of our good will, will magically behind the scenes transform the person and the atmosphere of the event. 

This may happen during the outing or afterwards, but it will happen.

This is because even human interactions obey the law of mathematical values.

If it does not happen then of course our effort was not wasted as it paid something in our favour. So that next time, there will be less to pay and things will be different. Or you get home and nice surprise is waiting for you - there's your effort and good will returned through a channel that has good will towards you.

End (3352).

Sunday, 29 December 2019

The 'Should Have' Reprimand - (3351)

Something to eliminate... 

When things don't go to plan, or things begin to unfold into a mess or semi-mess, out comes the 'should have' reprimand. 

We 'should have' left earlier, we 'should have' thought of that, we 'should have' taken that freeway exit  instead of that one etc.etc.

Well it is all too late mate, and no matter how wise the 'should have' is, it is still not going to help the situation very much.

Often the 'should have' reprimand makes things worse... The 'should have' reprimand can become a bad habit and it is the main reason why angers appears in a person. In anger we say 'should have'.

It is worth eliminating...

What helps me to eliminate the 'should have' reprimand, which is I repeat, the reason that anger and annoyance use to appear, is to radically accept the circumstances of the 'now' and to feel trust that I can help to improve them or get through them as they are, not how they should be. 

The 'should have' comes from our fixed mental structures... 

The 'should have' reprimand is not practical action, and disconnects one from the now, and keeps one in one's own mind arguing.

Working the 'should have' will loosen up your mind and will keep you more in the now, make you less angry, make you more flexible and make you an asset to people in difficulties.

No one wants a person saying you 'should have' done this, done that, when you're in a hole and just want to get out!

End (3351).

Thursday, 26 December 2019

An Esoteric Secret Not for the Powerful Feminist - (3350)

Why the feminist? There are many reasons that one could give you as to why - some to do with equality, balance, respect etc. All fairly fine but none very esoteric.

Imagine a feminist in this current life was once upon a time (most likey the last life) a very proud man who forgot totally the Divine Feminine and lost touch with the feminine side of all things even that side inside of him. 

Now in this current time by the law of compensation and duality one becomes a feminist, the pendulum swings, embracing, defending, promoting and living the feminine... 

By duality we are rejecting what we once accepted and accepting what we rejected before.

End (3350).

Coffee Shop Waves - (3349)

Things come and go in waves. Just sit a good while in a coffee shop and observe. 

Customers roll in and out in just like ocean waves. The car park is tightly packed, all tables pressed by elbows, every spare chair, stool, couch corner and bench seat sitting warm. It just looks impossible that one will get a coffee let alone a seat. 

The wave has truly rolled in. What rolls in must roll out. Just wait and at the routine natural moment the wave will roll out and the car park will welcome you, many a chair will be going cold and many tables elbow free, and above all - oh the quiet!

Where I go, 7am is a wave rolling out. 

Anyway besides that, waves roll in and out within our psychology and within any state of consciousness or within any desire, suffering etc.

Eveything is made up of those waves rolling in and out... This is governed by a law - the Law of Activity and Respose. Even karma is applied to human beings in waves of increasing and decreasing intensity.

End (3349).  

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Merry Christmas Dear Readers! - (3348)

Especially today and tomorrow it is pretty hard not to spare at least a thought for our Intimate Christ. 

Thanks to that Great Master for living the life and passion of the Cosmic Christ for us, so that we would turn our attention inwards and towards Him in our interior.

We all yearn deep down for our Intimate Christ to come to us. Perhaps to bring to us His peace - that peace that sets our sights beyond time and relieves our emotions of so many tensions and worries for the future. For Him to bring to us the feeling of sacred mystery that is of the Being that dwells within us. For Him to bring us His strength in the fight against our egos... Each of us to our own... 

May our particular yearnings come true...

End (3348).

Monday, 23 December 2019

Some Facets of the Ego MORE to Be Counteracted THAN Understood - (3347)

That's the one - counteracting or transforming on the spot can have greater priority than trying to understand it.

Usually counteracting or transforming it on the spot paves the way to deeper understanding.

End (3347).

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Observations on the Battle of the Natures - (3345)

Man In Woman Out

In Gnostic groups there are very few cases where the man is interested in Gnosis and his wife or partner is not.

This is because generally the woman is stronger by nature and she being the centre of gravity of the household, commands, and organises things in her way, it is especially easy for her if the man is weak in a certain area...

Woman In Man Out 

This case is more common. In fact there are many cases like this, where the woman is interested in Gnosis but the man is not. Such a woman can stay actively studying Gnosis for many years without problem. Which is generally not true for the case mentioned earlier where the man is interested in Gnosis, but his wife is not.

Once again this is because the woman is the stronger by nature and manages to easily win her freedom to pursue what is of interest to her.

End (3345).

Repetition by Law Can Create Consciousness - (3344)

Practice Makes Perfect

We use this law all the time. 

By using this law consciously we can create consciousness.

Master Samael says that: "the beginning is the same as the end plus the cycle of experience".

Every time we repeat something we learn something new. This learning is a kind of consciousness.

We can repeat something mechanically of course. 

If we repeat something with careful observation and being alert we can add to our consciousness.

For example, a very real and necessary achievement I believe is to connect our consciousness to our nervous system and to our sexual system.

This is not done in one sitting. But with many repetitions - that is with much practice it can be done. Transmuting using will and visualization after many repetitions magically begins to connect our consciousness to our sexual system. Giving us the result of being able to transmute at will using our attention.

The magical way that repetition connects our consciousness to our sexual system is via the conscious application of the law of what Master Samael quotes: "the beginning is the same as the end plus the cycle of experience".

End (3344).

Why the Mercury of the Wise - (3346)

At first it is rather strange that the mercury or the sexual energy has to do with wisdom. But for sure with experience a person can understand that mercury makes a person wise.  

First by mercury it is understood that mercury is the sexual energy that we transmute and feel as heat, vitality and clarity in our spine, brain, heart and consciounsess.

When we transmute even just using imagination and will, no mantras etc. we begin to connect our centres together. Especailly our brain connects to our sexual centre. The energy of the sexual centre energises the brain, clears blocks, changes persepctives, open possibiliites...

As the energy rises it begins to pass through the different chakras and this gives us new information. The more information we have the more knowledge we have available to us and the wiser we can be.

To elaborate mercury we need to transmute purposefully, there is definitely no other way. When we transmute purposefully we cause the artifice of transmutation to function within us which is the master key to transformation in all senses. The psychological death is made possible by using the key of transmutation of the value at the core of the ego.

 Psychological death is what really makes a person wise.

Also one has to be wise to transmute - to have seen the value of the mercury and be able to elaborate it. Hence the three wise men which represent the mercury in its colours or stages of refinement.

End (3346).

Mercury, Salt and Sulphur - (3274)


Mercury, Sulphur and salt form a triad. They are always together. The function of this triad is to create. This triad is universal and primordial. This triad is present in the macrocosmos and in us - the microcosmos.

This triad of mercury, sulphur and salt is a combination of energy, matter and spirit. There are many  synonyms for this triad, with the first synonym being: energy, spirit and matter respectively.

The many synonyms help to understand this trio better.

This trio is not to be understood literally, that is, not as physical mercury, physical sulphur or physical salt. Even though each of these three substances are quite special in their own right and possess some qualities that are akin to their real natures in the Alchemical or esoteric sense, they still must not be seen physically.

This trio is also a set of principles. This trio is a set of real forces. They are also very much like the Law of Three in action. 

Here are some synonyms (order is sulphur, mercury and salt):

  • Spirit, Soul and Body
  • Fire, Water and Salt
  • Blood of Christ, Flesh of Christ and Salt of the Earth
  • Consciousness, Energy and Matter
  • Common Cosmic Father, Cosmic Mother and Illiaster or Protilo
  • Brain, Heart and Action

These three primordial elements form the basis of creation and the arche, which is a Greek word meaning 'origin' or 'first cause'. It is the chaotic swirling and mixing of the primordial forces and substances of creation. All created life is the result of Sulphur, Mercury and salt.

There is a cosmic Arche and there is also a microcosmic Arche.

Now it is time to go into each of these three elements.




To be continued...

End (3274).

"Secret of Life is in Death" - V.M Samael Aun Weor - (3343)

Huge Key!!!

If we want to understand life we have to go into death.

Meaning if we really want to understand our life we have to die psychologically.

Read the following by Master Samael, taken from: " El Qunito Evangelio".

English Version

The fundamental thing is to DIE; with birth little is learned, where more is learned is with death; Death is the secret, you know? The temple of True Pure Science (I'm not talking about the rotten university theories they call "Science", no), pure science, I repeat, we have to look for it in a Temple, let's say, of Death. Death is the Inviolate Temple of true knowledge.

The fundamental thing in life is Death; from Birth you learn close to nothing, from the Death you learn everything. In Death is the secret of Life. The important thing is Death. To see a corpse lying on a table is not to have seen everything. The important thing is to understand the deep meaning of death. If one understands it, one knows the secret of Life. Death is full of deep significance. "

Spanish Original

"Lo fundamental es MORIR; con el Nacimiento poco se aprende, donde más se aprende es con
la Muerte; en la Muerte está el secreto, ¿sabes? El Templo de la Verdadera Ciencia Pura (no estoy
hablando del podridero ese teorías universitarias que llaman “Ciencia”, no), lo de la Ciencia Pura,
repito, hay que buscarlo en el Templo, dijéramos, de la Muerte. La Muerte es Templo inviolado del
verdadero saber.

Lo fundamental en la vida es la Muerte; del Nacimiento no se aprende casi nada, de la
Muerte se aprende todo. En la Muerte está el secreto de la Vida. Lo importante es la Muerte.
Ver un cadáver tendido en una mesa no es haber visto todo. Lo importante es comprender la
honda significación de la Muerte. Si la comprende uno, conoce el secreto de la Vida. La Muerte está
llena de honda significación."

End (3343).

Thursday, 19 December 2019

How the Abyss Breaks Down the Ego - (3342)

We know that if the essence does not voluntarily dissolve its egoic conditioning, nature will do it.

The question is how?

The human being has ample opportunity to create new egos and strengthen existing egos. Life is not geared up to dissolve the "I's" a human being has.

As an animal, plant or mineral - such a life severely restricts the freedom of the ego. With some of our egos being in a tree there is little an ego can do to manifest and feed itself - in other words - strengthen itself. Imagine when our egos are inside of a mineral - even more restrictions.

In time the ego atrophies (starves), because it does not have the opportunity to strengthen itself.

That is why it takes such a long time to travel through the process of involution.

There is also a point that the egos when they are not in the physical body of an animal, plant or mineral they are alive internally and there they can manifest to satiation. Once satiated the essence inside of the ego finally learns - that its conditioning is all but pain and leads no where, and that helps a lot in the dissolution. 

End (3342).

The Essence is Tired of Transmigrating - (3341)

Travelling - Living Out of a Suitcase from Hotel to Hotel

The essence of each one of us is currently travelling.

It is away from home. Away from its point of origin and away from an authentic place to rest.

After having travelled so much, and through the experience of travelling with all its stresses and pressures, the essence is tired...

The essence deep down yearns for a rest, an authentic and real place to rest its weary head. And to just rest with no regrets.

The only resting place is within the highest spaces of our inner Divinity with our inner Divinity having submerged itself into That which Is (Absolute).

So in short our essence deep down yearns to break free from the wheel of Samsara where there is only travelling and turning. 

End (3334).

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Lower the Resistance About Getting it Wrong - (3332)

Be happy to get things wrong. Because, the next step will be to get things right.

Getting things wrong, is a temporary state.

Even if you get scolded for getting things wrong - that too is temporary.

If you get grilled, that's good, the next step will definitely be the step that you get right.

Let the state of being wrong pass under the bridge quickly. It is really good to not feel scared of getting it wrong.

The focus is on the learning and what comes from the learning is knowledge of the balance.

To find balance we have to know both sides - the wrong and the right.

Pride hates to be wrong and get things wrong. But we have to be realistic with ourselves. We need to get things (mainly minor things) wrong. 

We have so much to learn and it is unrealistic (too much silly pride) to expect that we get everything right. 

In conclusion try our best to get things right, and don;t be surprised that we get something wrong and don't be upset that we got it wrong. Rather be happy because the next step is to get it right - which means lesson learned.

End (3332).

Salt - Spiritually Significant - (3329)

Salt in its many forms is significant and at lest worth a look into.

There is physical salt, an esoteric salt - which is best understood in relation to Alchemy and there is of course psychological salt. 

None the less salt is a very important substance in creation.

Creation would not be possible without it and life could not be sustained without it.

It has a colourful history amongst humankind and above all, the matter of salt is a very practical one.

Subsequent posts will delve into the topic of salt.

End (3329).

Two Ears One Mouth - Nature is Telling Us something Here - (3340)

Two is greater than one.

Two ears and one mouth is nature telling us that to listen is more important than to speak.

Nature wanted to protect us by giving us two ears so that we can get the right information before we speak.

Listening we can catch the necessary information.

When we speak is when there can be trouble...

The mouth or the word is sexual. It creates circumstances, for good or for bad.

Within our mouth there is male (tongue) and the female (lips). When we speak the male and female combine to powerfully create!

Two ears for the feminine passive principle, one mouth for the active masculine principle. 2 + 1 = 3, the law of three which creates. Even in our mouth we have 1 for eh masculine tongue, and 2 for the two lips of the passive feminine principle. 1 + 2 = 3, the Law of Creation governing creation.

Mother Nature - the Divine Mother is telling us to listen!

End (3340).

Transmutation is Multi-Dimensional - (3339)

To see your transmutation as multi-dimensional is VERY helpful!

It is not just to feel heat in the upper spine and head.

It does nourish the physical and vital bodies. Though that is not all. It nourishes the emotion, the mind, the will, the chakras, the essence, the consciousness, the spirit... 

As a person the nourishment of the emotional centre is relatively important.

Using vivid imagination transmutation comes alive. 

See vividly within with high definition clarity and colour,  the transmuted energy rising (this is your mercury) passing through each chakra, enlivening the chakra, and feeding into your consciousness  through your brain and heart, where through the 'silver chord' it touches your inner Being.

Transmutation practiced with its multi-dimensional character taken into account is self-remembering 'super-charged'.

The multi-dimensional transmutation as opposed to mechanical HAM-SAH heals emotional lacks and produces knowledge.

Sexuality can be defined as connection, encountering intimately one self through the sexual energy.

One understands that transmuting is what sexuality boils down to. One experiences sexuality through transmutation. Sexuality is encountering one's self - returning to oneself and even returning to one's origin. 

The inexperience of sexuality comes from the no transmutation.  

All that one seeks from outside somewhere can be found through transmuting. Using the act of multi-dimensional transmutation to fill those voids.

End (3339).

Sunday, 15 December 2019

New Writing Style Straight to the Point - (3337)

I thought that I would change writing style from now on, and take on one that goes straight to the point.

This is so that when you read a post, you are presented straight away with the essential points to take away with you. 

No more having to read through fairy floss introductions.

End (3337).

Key to the Balance of Sex is Emotion - (3338)

Key is Emotion

Emotion lies in the centre between thought and action. Emotion is the centre brain with intellect being the initiatory brain, and the brain that covers sex, instinct and movement being the final brain - the 'result' brain.

How we set up emotion determines the actions of the 'results' brain.


Depending on our emotion is how the sexual center functions.

Emotion in turn is governed by our psychology.

In other words the results are greatly influenced by the emotion we send into the third brain - the brain of sex, instinct and movement.

To balance sex - that is to stabilize it (with stability comes control), we need to have present the right emotion, and furthermore know where to put our emotion.

Critical: right emotion and emotion put into the right place are the keys!

Right Emotion and Placement

Right Emotion

The right emotion is the one cultivated by remembering the Being in you.

The wrong emotions are the ones of loneliness, lacking, emotions of 'too hard', feeling incomplete, low levels of hope, desire, etc. Sending these emotions into the sexual center will cause the sexual center to propel a person outwards to seek compensation to those emotions externally. Then the stability of sex in the person is weakened.

Right Placement

The right placement of emotion is where we pour emotion into remembering the Being, into loving the Being and loving your own well-being through the your essence radiating brighter in you.

The wrong placement is to put emotion back into sex. Because then one begins to lose control as the emotion greatly agitates the sexual center. A vicious cycle can then begin where one is locked into constantly looking to feel the emotions of arising from the sexual centre's functions.

The right placement is into higher principles which then naturally pull the power of sex into alignment and draw it upwards, and a balance is struck. Through using the emotional center wisely.

The higher and nobler emotions are the ones to govern the power of sex. Not eh lower emotions. Because the lower emotions are the ones that create vicious cycles and imbalance.

The key here is that one has to educate oneself to find great value in the higher and nobler emotions and to feel fulfilled, enhanced, loved etc. through and in them. Emotions are our products, we can chose them.

End (3338).

Friday, 13 December 2019

Hard Part is the Base of it All - (3335)

Where the hard work for us, is, is in creating or laying down the foundations.

A lot of work has to be done, and that work is always the hardest.

Usually the foundation is the hardest and strongest part of any structure. Just like a building, the foundation is a thick, steel reinforced concrete slab.

It is always harder in the beginning, in nearly everything...

In human matters, in business, in academic studies, in life, in a job, in relationships, etc. the beginning is usually the hardest.

For us in the work we have to lay down the foundation through the action of definition. 

To have worked enough, even though we certainly have not dissolved the ego yet, but we are really determined to die in all the egos and we know enough about the essence, the Law, the path and the inner Being to just be able to go for it - is a good level of definition - a good foundation.

This is how we create a channel and a future for ourselves. With this created, we can in earnest begin to become an investment or a promise for the Masters of the White Lodge, the Law and the Being.

The help will then come to us, for us to steady and steadfastly progress.

End (3335).

A Symtpom When Dying in an Ego - (3336)

After working hard on an "I" one deserves to enjoy the benefits of that work.

One symtpom is that one begins to feel a peace that was not there before, a greater ease in letting matters related to that ego go and the pang of compulsion and pain are no longer there as they were before.

Though the crunch is, when really you are before that ego and inside of you, whole heartedly you tell yourself that you would not give up this new state of peace for the events, circumstances, feelings, sensations etc. of that ego for anything in the world, then you know that ego is definitely weaker.

End (3336).

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Conclusions of Impressions Mostly Not True - (3334)

We receive an impressions and a result arises in our mind. 

This result is not always real or aligned with reality!

We act on the result that the impression/s form in ourselves. when the result is not close to reality we act and speak wrongly or inappropriately.

It is a psychological mistake due to a lack of experience that we believe fully the result of the impressions in us.

There are many examples...

End (3334).

Self-Image Created by Impressions - (3333)

What happens is we see someone acting and then we create a certain concept or image about them. It then happens that we want to be that concept or image and so we adopt it as our self-image.

What is more we think certain things when we see a person acting. Then we want to be thought about in the same way that we thought about that person. So we then blend that image into the self-image that we already have or we either override what we already have with this new image creating an entirely new one. 

Sometimes, the ambitions we have are just to satisfy an aspect of self-image. For example, to win over a certain person can be nothing of the heart, it can be just to satisfy our self-image.

In the end, it comes down to showing us how important the transformation of impressions is.

End (3333).

To Do Something with All your Heart - Have to Know How - (3330).

Once a person knows how to do something or how to go about something that person can really put their whole heart into it.

Because once you know how, all your other centres are educated and they take a step back for the heart to come in and drive.

Until we know how to do something, we have to work out how to find out, and put our heart into finding out how!

End (3330).

Upset About Staying Wrong - (3331)

What is most likely going to be very true is that we are NOT going to be perfect we are going to get things wrong - minor things - guaranteed! 

So to be wrong or to get something wrong - who cares - really - it is going to happen a hundred thousand times yet. I wouldn't be worried about getting minor things wrong.

What is of concern is staying wrong. I would be more upset or offended with myself if I were to stay wrong and not ever correct it. 

End (3331).

May Understanding Last a Maha-Manvantara - (3324)

May what we understand about an ego last us the whole cosmic day and beyond. 

May what we understand keep us in a sate of peace and balance and stop us from ever recreating it again.

I assume to get such an understanding would take much work - much reinforcing with renewed understanding what has been understood through previous works of dissolution of that ego.

In short, we have to make our understanding of any ego deep and then strong by re-enforcing.

End (3324).

There is More Invisible than Visible - (3328)

There has to be more invisible...

We see here amongst one another the actions of each other. That is all that we see, we don't see their thoughts or feelings or will do we?

The same in the world we only see the physical world and physical events. To produce those events there was so much that had to happen invisibly in the other worlds of mind, emotion and will, even beyond.

There has to be an invisible world, that is really is visible but it is only invisible relative to the one's state of consciousness.

End (3328).

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Psychologically what is Sexual Energy? - (3326)

The sexual energy has several aspects. In the broad sense it has a physical, a psychological and a esoteric aspect or side.

People know very little about the psychological side and practically zero about the esoteric.

Sexual energy is not motor energy nor its it emotional energy.

It is the life force energy which is the vital aspect. We have also heard this many times before in Gnosis but this is a surprise for any new comer to the Gnostic studies. 

Psychologically it is the energy of connection, the energy of integrating, the energy of inner knowing, the energy of opening new paths, the energy of transformation, the energy of deepening, the energy of nourishing, the energy of healing etc. 

A person who has a lot of sexual energy and uses it psychologically is one that can become more acquainted with him or herself. 

A person who can connect better with him or herself, by energizing his or her essence more. 

A person who can reach deeper into their intimate psycho-esoteric depths. A person who can also create new psychological path ways, and a person who can cause his/her distinct parts and centre to vibrate as a harmonious whole.

Transmuting is a huge way to accept the Being within you. Sexual energy is all the Being in you's energy. Transmuting with this mind markedly changes a person's way of thinking in relation to sexuality and other people.

End (3326).

The Power of the Typhon - (3320)

The Typhon of any person is a real power. A power really not to be messed with. I wonder why

The Typhon of any person can show its power in the physical world.

Such as scary power! A power that can mobilise something more efficiently and effectively than the normal courses of human power.

That power is really frightening and no wonder why all those people who polarise themselves with the other side refer to the Typhon so much.

End (3320).

Cruising the Boardwalk Minus False Self-Image - (5269)

Interacting with others is a really good way to discover and dissolve the false aspects of our self-image.

Just walking through the city facing others is good enough to start.

We walk around projecting our self-image. We live out our self-image with body language, facial expression, words, manners, personality and above all tension.

There is always tension in what is not quite true...

It is difficult to keep up what is not naturally true...and there is always fear that the 'inadequate real' comes out.

We defend our self-image, almost tooth and nail.

We bring out our self-image in defense and in challenge.

Many times it is just enough to see another person of a similar self-image to bring ours strongly to the fore front. Then envy, jealousy, rivalry, ill-will appear.

To let it go from moment to moment until it is very weak is a really good exercise to do. You will see that relaxation and ease arises in you more and more.

It is good to walk around that aware that you use to project your self-image, but this time knowing that it is false and begin to not project it and be totally as you are, projecting nothing, upholding nothing - and by the way enjoy the relaxation, the 'new' and the free.

End (5269).

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Divinity in Others - (3322)

If a person sees the Divinity within them they will respect the Divinity in others.

When we can't see the Divinity in ourselves we can't see it in others.

We can accept that we have a Divinity but we can overlook that others do, and because of that we disrespect them.

This is not good. It indicates that something is sleeping within us.

If I have a divinity why shouldn't others have one too. What are the reason why others should not have a inner Divinity?

There are no reasons. Their bad behaviour is not a reason, the fact that we don;t them is not a reason etc.

Really the more we disrespect others the more we are forgetting our inner Divinity.

Even, to start love your inner Divinity is to be able to love another person and their Divinity. 

When we love another Divinity we are loving our Divinity, as the current love amongst the Divinities link from one to another and down to their physical vehicles.

End (3322).

Monday, 9 December 2019

Awareness Important But Reversing is More So! - (3323)

When working on ourselves, awareness is totally necessary. 

We need it to catch our errors. However, just awareness does not correct our errors. It gives us the chance to correct them.

We need will to reverse the error. 

For example, we need to be aware that an ego of annoyance is in our human machine and then we need to divert that energy to the intellect to solve the situation or to divert it to the emotional centre to have energy present to be patient an endure the situation.

This constant repair through the action of will, ends up changing our nature from the egoic and mechanical lunar to the conscious solar.

End (3323).

To Comprehend is to Possess a Balm of Wisdom - (3321)

To have understood something, even just one aspect of an ego, is to come to possess a healing balm that when applied calms the burning of desire. 

Repeated application leads to healing - in other words change, transformation, mystical death.

Give that balm of wisdom to others. That is one of the best helps we Gnostics can give each other and others who are not directly studying Gnosis.

End (3321).

Sunday, 8 December 2019

The Desire not to Make an Impression - (3319)

The desire to not make an impression is no tension.

The desire to make a certain impression kind of impression is coloured by our self-image.

To walk around with no desire to make an impression is fun, freedom and above NATURAL.

So much pretense in our body poise and mind arises when we have the desire to portray a certain impression.

Anything that is natural and real in us does not need projecting it emanates naturally without tension.

Given certain occasions we can amplify what we feel for conscious purposes but those are in practical life the rare exception.

End (3319).

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah! - Life Seen Outside of One's Abyss - (3318)

When we leave our own abyss, that is our own subconscious, we sing: "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-a-Dee-Day My Oh My What a Wonderful Day!".

That is because when we are outside of our own abyss and in our essence, life is wonderful, life is really magical, life is full of awe... Things look 'up', positive and optimistic and it feels good to be alive.

When we look out at life from within our own abyss, we see life as hard, cruel, boring, oh so bland and depressing, Oh God what's next! etc. etc.

End (3318).

Forget Shakespeare and Learn Spanish - (3317)

Being honest what can Shakespeare really offer you? 

I say you can get some sporadically interesting insights along with a lot of complicated and antiquated English.

Why invest so much time wading through all that difficult English to get to those rare few gems when you can learn another widely spoken language (a second language is so useful) and get access to concrete, concentrated and abundantly profound esoteric knowledge direct from the transcribed words of Master Samael in the publication titled:  "El Quinto Evangelio" - for example.

Unpractical English nationalistic pride for so little in return.

End (3317).

Don't Worry Time Absorbs and Pays for All - (3315)

Time absorbs all and pays for all. Well almost...

The effects of all the nuclear bombs that have been exploded will in time be repaired by the Earth.

The karma received is also paid in time. 

All debts as long as they are not added to, are paid in time, and the same with all injuries and insults, in time too as long as no more vinegar and salt is added, they too will be repaired in time.

End (3315).

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Force and Wisdom Relationship - (3314)

The best combination is force and wisdom.

These two should shake hands and work together.

When they don't work together we have the ego in one of its various forms.

When there is the lack of wisdom there is dogmatic, excessive and blind force that is harmful and destructive consequences.

When there is wisdom and no force there is just potential and no action. The wrong still happens, the danger is not avoided...

Anger is pure force lacking reason or wisdom. It is the forceful imposition of something devoid of reason.

What is imposed with anger, is usually done that way, because the wisdom to see what is being imposed is missing.

If wisdom was present one would see that what one is imposing is wrong. We impose with anger or with force because we lack wisdom to prove that it is right.

So then, if we strike the right balance between force and wisdom we take away the ego.

End (3314).

Justice Links into Death - (3316)

The ray of justice can exchange batons with the ray of death.

In the human realm, for example, justice acts and passes the death sentence - where the ray of death takes over.

Also within the human realm, justice takes its course and changes in conduct must be made - thus linking into inner transformation or psychological work or mystical death.

Also within the spiritual realm the more psychological death that occurs within a person the more justice inside the person is restored. 

End (3316).

Friday, 6 December 2019

Freedom Always has a Price - (5375)

No doubt we all want to be free from some egos.

We can take that freedom. But it is not free. 

The price at times is enduring the ego burning in our centres until the storm passes and it is weaker.

That's a choice for us to make, pay the price to get our freedom or stay a slave participating in the 'same old' of the ego, because it is too hard or too painful or unimaginable just yet of how we can surmount it.

When we are ready to pay that price - the vultures can come in for that ego.

So there is a formula that goes when the pain or discomfort that one feels due to the ego is greater than the value that we give the ego and its circumstances or situations then we are going to feel the high value that freedom from that ego has for us. Then the days of such an ego are truly numbered.

End (5375).

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Perhaps a More Intelligent Choice of Partner - (5338)

Sexuality is a way to - if not one of the more powerful ways to come into intimate contact with or into connection with one's inner Being.

Therefore when finding a spouse it would be inline with a good understanding of the teachings that one would seek to find a person whom one has some kind of connection with, and what's more, that connection should really offer the great promise of deepening into love.

Someone whom you have connection with, is someone who already has a way inside of you, like an entrance into your essence.

So it makes sense then that supra-sexuality practiced with that person would then amplify and enhance one's own connection with and movement towards one’s inner Being. 

Whom we have that connection with does not depend so much upon us. It comes down from who knows where. We may try on our own, but it just does not work, that is no fault of ours. The heart speaks its own mysteries...

Obviously, if there is that connection, it can only really in truth deepen if both are walking the same line, that is both are in Gnosis and are working on themselves. Otherwise a gap, a difference forms, and to maintain a connection over a valley is always difficult...  

It is erroneous and this has proven true on so many occasions that to find someone whom you do not have a connection with and think that the psychological work will bridge those gaps - well in reality and in practice does not work! Sooner or later it fails.

End (5338).

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Liar Liar Pants on Fire - (3313)

Taking the most rigorous line - I lie every day. 

However, only the inner Kaom and the Law above knows how much!

End (3313).

Delete Afterwards - (3312)

What happens with us, that during an event or activity we create "I's".

Those "I's" serve a purpose, they may be neutral or even good in quality. 

After the activity or event is finished we should delete or dissolve them. Because they are not needed anymore, they take up consciousness, essence and psychological space. 

Just like a file or email that has been read and dealt with - it is time to delete it to free up our inbox.

For example, you are buying a laptop and inadvertently you end up creating an "I" or "I's" to do with buying a laptop. Once you buy the laptop you don't need those "I's" anymore and so you can dissolve them.

We can during an event create a large "I" and then because it has been created with intensity we keep it alive with memory, conversation, repetition, recurrences etc. 

Resentment is such an example as well as fear and lust. 

If we don't delete these little egos that we create, we end up after a while with a huge new ego. This how we have created many egos in the past which now bother us.

End (3312).

When Self-Remembering is Lost - Pray - (3311)

Quite often we lose self-remembering during the day or in any event.

Master Samael says in the "El Quinto Evangelio" that prayer is the best way to get it back.

Prayer done well causes us to turn inwards and upwards and to recuperate our energies to reignite self-remembering.

End (3311).

Newsreader Illusion - (3310)

I work in a building which is opposite the channel Nine building.

Channel Nine, along with three or four others, is one of the major TV broadcasting companies in Australia.

From that building they broadcast the daily news, the weather and all sorts of other programs and shows etc.

From time to time I cross paths with, news readers and certain sports and other TV personalities. Mind you I would say that everyone in the building in which I work would cross paths with them also.

What I notice, is that most of them are uglier and older looking, plus they look quite unfriendly and a little 'down' and haggard than what they look like on TV.

What do I expect right? They have the ego alive and their TV presentation is just that - a show to look bright and sunny for TV and that's it.

End (3310).

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Drawer Full of Lollies - (3309)

It would be different to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and that's it.

We have though a drawer full of goodies. So we can eat effectively all day long.

Such a liking to have a drawer fill of lollies is an ego. It actually fears not having something freely to eat. Eventhough it is clear that our body does not need more food.

Our culture assists us in eating through the day like this.

We have a definite ego here that procures to have a drawer full of chips and chocolate. mainly an ego of fear related to gluttony.

End (3309).

Independent Verifier - (3308)

In life there is such a thing as an independent verifier.

For example, an engineering team prepares a design and a quote to upgrade a local power station. Before the local the local government awards the job tot eh team, tan independent verifier is used to check the validity of the design and the cost.

In our work an independent verifier serves the same purpose.

An independent verifier actually confirms what we know or suspect or almost comprehend. Once what we know is confirmed we know it once again at whole new octave and one that is deeper as well.

Sometimes an independent verifier can take the form of Gnositic friends, our missionary, a book, a course, a comment, information from any where really, we can find independent verifies that will consolidate our new discovery and understanding.

The independent verifier is useful to verify experiences about our esoteric path and to help us to see and understand our subconscious and our mind.

End (3308).

KRIM Counter - (3307)

Our mind is so tricky at times - well all the time.

It is helpful to count the number of times we chant the mantra KRIM when we do an impromptu dissolution of the ego practice during the day - say at work or on the bus.

Chanting KRIM nine times is decent. Chanting it only twice thinking that we have done nine is not so decent. That is how tricky the mind can get when we are busy doing things during the day. 

End (3307).

Psychological Man Series: 4 - (3306)

Psychological Thinking

To develop the psychological man we need the psychological thinking. Why? Because, the psychological man thinks psychologically. Also, all change, all transformation and all creation unfolds first from the world of thinking.

Naturally, psychological thinking leads us to esoteric thinking.

The psychological man is intimately linked to the Human Soul and the Intimate Christ. The Christ principle is an hybrid, an intermediary between spirit that matter that once sent by the spirit works to redeem matter, what is below. The Christ principle is the balance between what is below and what is above. It controls both below and above and integrates them both in wisdom, love and intelligence.

Psychological thinking is exactly in the middle between the physical or terrestrial thinking and the spiritual. The human soul and the Christ principle work through the psychological man and of course the psychological thinking.

This post is about the principles of psychological thinking. 

Temple of Psychological Thinking

Psychological thinking is a temple that we need to construct within ourselves. Once we construct the temple of psychological thinking, we have to work to make it our nature.

As all good temples, the temple of [psychological temple has a foundation and several sustaining columns.

The foundation and sustaining columns are principles that we must understand and keep alive in us.

Foundation and Columns

The foundation of psychological thinking is our essence, which is the same thing as we all have a particular psychology. We know that our essence is our psychology.

Here are some arising from this foundation that we all have our particular psychology:
  • It is not others but us that causes our difficulties, sufferings and pains.
  • Pain comes from us.
  • Pain is an encounter with ourselves. All the uncomfortable psychological sensations and emotions are an encounter with our concepts.
  • Our essence or psychology is all an interface, it is the world of relations. It is all about how we relate to our inner values, our body, the world, the spirit, the Earth, everything inside and outside of ourselves. It is the ways of relating.
  • We can modify our psychology.

Many more truths of a psychological nature could added above...

The columns of the temple of psychological thinking are the tools of the psychological work. Because it is the principles of the psychological work in action that sustain the temple, that keep it standing.

One column is to understand that we are asleep and there is much error in our psychology, and all error is of falsehood.

To be continued...

End (3306).

Monday, 2 December 2019

Gnostics can have Pretty Bad Anger - Why? - (3305)

Because they are full of energy!

The active element in anger is fire, which is energy, strength, expansion, volatility etc.

We need to learn how to manage fire. A person can have a huge anger all because yes they have a lot of energy but more because they do not know how to manage fire.

End (3305).

Sunday, 1 December 2019

'To be' is an Absolute that is Far Outside of Erroneous Thinking - (3304)

To want to feel special, to want to be appreciated, to want to be thought of, to believe we are intrinsically worthy of special consideration or concession, etc. are feelings that become points of suffering.  

What is greater than all of these feelings is 'to be'. 'To be' is an absolute value and remembering the 'to be' causes you to rise above these feelings. For the one reason that 'to be' is outside of these bottles and is the 'real'. 

These feelings are ways of being, that is being considered, being special, being appreciated, being loved, but they are relative (they depend on people) but the 'to be' is above these things as an absolute value and is real.

End (3304).

Post a New Tone - (3303)

I'm going to try and write posts from now on with a different tone.

A tone that reflects more the reality of what is truly known and what is truly unknown. So as to produce more accurate concepts in the reader. 

End (3303).

Senses Programmed to Produce "Have" - (3302)

If we examine our senses they always result in producing within us the sensation of wanting 'to have'.

We smell something 'divine' we want to eat it or drink it. Just like the smell of coffee wofting out of the coffee shops in the mornings making your way to work. We taste something delicious and we want to have more. We see a colour and we want to wear it.

You can see the pattern emerging. So what happens with us is that the senses are pleased and then things work inside of ourselves to produce 'the desire to have'.

So we have to know what exactly pleases and displeases the senses. Knowing this allows us to know how our own senses work and what is important to both our mind and our senses.

For example, it seems that universally the sense of sight is pleased with symmetry and the right or asetic proportion of things. So then when our senses convey these qualities we end up liking or wanting to have what is symmetric or asetically proportioned.

Many egos work the same way within us. Lust is one example.

This is a kind of mechanical process within us, knowing this is very helpful and helps to understand more the different egos that we have. Understanding them more helps us to progress their dissolution. 

End (3302).