Wednesday, 30 December 2020

13 is the Flavour - (3999)

Sometimes we are filled with a very strange flavour or even more than that - a strange feeling. It is not quite the nice normal flavour that we experience of life. This flavour can hang around in us for days. Making us feel nervous, uneasy and above all questioning and being suspicious about what what on Earth is going on. 

Well it could be that that funny flavour is the pressure requiring mystical death of us. So the number or value of that strange feeling is 13. Its occult value is 13.

When we discover this we have no other choice but to co-operate with it and start to die psychologically.

It’s discovery also gives us relief as we know really what it is and how to satisfy it. 

End (3999).

COVID Pratikmotcha Perfect for the Subconscious - (3998)

If you don't know what the word Pratikmotcha means bad luck. I'm not going to explain it.

But this is me writing about what I have seen related to a certain psychological state that has developed.

A strange indifference developed since the pandemic started. Like an indifference to any Gnostic person outside of Perth, to any Gnostic centre outside of Perth, to Gnostic activities outside of Perth etc. etc.

I found out why this is. With the conditions that were imposed by the pandemic the subconscious which contains the opposite of the logical, coherent and conscious grew in such force. In the subconscious exists an opposite Paul and anti-Paul or anti-you - everything the opposite of what you are. This is by the law of duality.

The conditions of the pandemic gave the subconscious everything that it ever wanted. The suspension of physical classes, no retreats, no traveling, no visitors, no activites and so no rules or guidelines to worry about. In effect the rising subconscious caused one to only be concerned about one's immediate situation and be totally indifferent to anything outside of that.   

Anyway realising this I can understand the origin of this indifference and know that it is not something from the essence. It’s not right, it’s not correct, it’s not noble so it can be let go of. 

End (3998). 

We have Limitations, Sometimes we have to Exceed Them - (3997)

We all say we have our limitations and our capacities and we can only do what we can do. But sometimes for some special reasons we have to exceed those limitations and be and act outside of what we are. 

Obviously this is so hard and is such a huge effort, so we can't do it all the time. But at times in the necessity of a super-effort we need that it be done.

End (3997).

Always Have a High Ideal with Your Sexual Energy - (3996)

It is always so helpful to have ever present a high ideal firmly rooted in ourselves when we deal with our sexual energy.

This helps us see it in the right light and to prepare our will - directing the power of our will inwards and upwards. This is a useful key that is worth taking heed of.

The lack of a high ideal exposes ourselves to gravity and entropy.

Where we can drop down a level in relation to our sexual energy. This is a backwards step, it doesn't make sense to be taking backward steps when we have conquered new levels. 

End (3996).

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Synthesis and Analysis Notes - (3995)

Here is a set of notes on analysis and synthesis. Feel free to use them in any way that you see fit.


💮Two important activities that are very related to one another. 

💮Both of these functions significantly impact our life. More then we initially think.

💮The brain is of analysis and synthesis is of feeling and life.

💮With analysis one learns much. With synthesis one lives more.

💮Both are needed. We can not ignore either one.

💮Analysis takes one to synthesis.

💮Synthesis is the result of analysis.

💮Analysis takes one to the capacity to make a conclusion and synthesis is the conclusion that one lives out.

💮Analysis is to break down or to divide.

💮Synthesis is to put together and to unite.

💮Analysis and death go together but life and synthesis go together also.

💮The knowledge from analaysis is very useful but the knowledge from synthesis is truer knowledge. Because true knowledge comes from life.

💮If one cuts their thumb off one can analyse it and get a lot of information about it, weight, density, amount of skin, amount of blood, amount of bone, but what good does this knowledge really do us. 

💮What is really important is to have the thumb connected to our hand and to be able to use our thumb to perform all the chores of everyday life, driving, writing, trping, eating etc.and to know how to best use our thumb. 

💮Analysis sides up more alongside the ego and synthesis sides up more alongside the essence.

💮Analysis takes us more into matter while synthesis takes us closer to the spirit.

💮With analysis we believe we can control matter, which could be our own body. However, the way to control matter is from above through the spirit. In other words with the synthesis we are more able to control matter below.

💮Analysis comes from the in detailed view, the microscopic view where we only see details. We stop seeing life.

💮Synthesis comes from the view gained from on high. Where one sees the bigger picture and how all things interconnect and how things are alive and form a unity. 

💮With analasyis we are broken down into pieces but with synthesisis we are a unit and with unity comes focus and with focus comes power, vitality and health.

💮With the work on the ego we use both analysis and synthesis.

💮When we begin to comprehend we are begining to enter the process of synthesis.

💮When one is in the stage of analysis in relation to the work on the ego one liberates much knowledge about the ego and its functions, its characteristics, its logic and so on and one can talk and write a lot about it.

💮As the ego dies we develop the synthesis perfectly, where the whole death of an ego over several years becomes synthesised in one or two words: trust, transmutation, faith, hope etc.

💮We have a tremendous over exaggerated tendency to analyse. This causes us to live too much in our brain. Analysis traps us in our brain.

💮With analysis we end up just living in one centre (intellect), but synthesis unites all the centres.

💮When we are angry at someone we use analysis. Breaking apart all their actions. What then happens is we focus on one small broken away part and exaggerate it's importance. This is what happens so much in relationships. This is how we fight with one another using anlaysis.

💮With synthesis we love others, all the small details and misforgivings disapparear and we accept them as they are.

💮We owe it to science the over use of analysis. As analysis is a part of the scientific method.

💮We live in a climate of analysis, everything almost everything is analysed. Any device that is smart is really something that analyses and provides us with reports of anlasyed data.

💮There are more job titles than ever with the word analyst in their title.

💮Any specialist is an analyst. All the medical specialsts are good examples. However we certaiily need them all. We can't discard analysis at all.

💮Analysis divides and division creates conflict.

💮Because we analyse things esotericism is blocked off to us.

💮If we want o break more into esotericism we need synthesis. What afterall is most important is to live because to live is of the essence the Being.

to be continued...

End (3995).

In Difficult Times for You - Intense Self-Remembering - (3994)

When we are in difficulty psychologically, even though the situation could be nothing for others, that does not matter, it us who we are and we are in that situation not others. 

We naturally want to go through it in the best possible way. To be as conscious as we can, to be as intelligent and insightful as possible, to learn as much as possible, to separate from the ego and draw on our essence for guidance, so that the right thing be done for it, and that its understanding prevails in us calming us and providing us with a refuge so that we can trust in that what we do and say will be ok.

To do that we need self-remembering. In the most difficult of times the best is to turn to self-remembering intensley and very often. Remembering the Being inside of us as often and as intensely as we can.

Forgetting the essence or the Bieng is a mistake!

End (3994).

Thursday, 24 December 2020

A Peek at Wasting One's Time - (3993)

Let's have a little look at this. I remember when I was a few years into Gnosis I had this obsession about time. I would be so zealous. Ruthless even. But that all changed, the third factor made me into a 'huge time waster', well apparently.

Every instructor apparently wastes so much time. Preparing talks and giving talks to people who are not interested, don't listen, don't like the instructor, don't care and even leave with ingratitude. What a huge waste of time hey and how stupid because the instructor does it again and again year after year, don't they learn what's wrong with them? 

When we think about it there is either something wrong with them, like a screw loose or they don't have something wrong. If Master Samael said to a group of people who were missionaries or about to become missionaries: "from you shall come those who shall reach the realisation" they can't have something so wrong. It depends from which eyes we look at it from, from the mere physical or from the esoteric. The esoteric is the fullest, widest, more correct multi-dimensional view, guranteed to give you an enlightened answer.

Have you ever conceived that we can be paid back or awarded with time or compensated with time? We don't think that can do we? We only think about compensation with money, a person's help, the help of  a Divinity, physical things, light, advice, love etc. but time? Not really. Not time no.

When we help anyone and even if they do not learn anything or get anything or don't change we are still paid by the Law. the Law holds that capital and returns it to us. The time that we invest is a value, there is sacrifice of our egotistical interests in giving our time and that sacrifice for us human beings in this society is a big one. So giving our time has high value attached to it.

The help we give to another also goes to their Monad. We are investing in a Monad. Imagine that investing in a Monad. A Monad is beyond time and so one day that help will return to you maybe just at the moment you need it most.

How is our time that we give paid back? By acclerating the time that it takes for us to do certain things in relation to our path, our psychological work. But to receive that payment we have to be working on ourselves and or working on the path.

We can also be given an extension in time by the Law - imagine that. Why would we be given that? Because we have been giving time. 

Imagine the selfish person, they work and get results, sure, but by giving they would receive and that would boost them and help them. The selfish person does not give and so does not receive. Giving to others would draw to them the Christ and the Christ is the redeemer the power behind our redemption.

The gift of time that has the greatest value is the disinterested gift of it just like any gift if it be done with disinterest then it takes up its highest value. Why? Because that is ultimately Christic, the sun gives to all without discrimination and without interest to receive anything back. Because in truth which human being is aware of what they receive from the sun and even rare those who consciosuly and voluntarily look up at the sun and give something back to It.  

Just to throw this in as well, there are times when we really do waste our time, like in things that are not of the work, that don't have the Being in sight. Like watching TV and everyone knows what really wastes time for them. 

There is a part of our Being that is in charge of the time taken for our esoteric processes, so time is an esoteric management point. That our inner Being manages. we can always put Him in charge of our time. Well He is anyway when we work on ourselves seriously.

End (3993).

Not Aggressive But Certainly Hold Oneself in Posession of Oneself - (3992)

What's most important in the face of agression or violence in any gymnasium or situation is to be able to hold one's psychology. To keep one's psychological processes within oneself. To not let them unravel unleashed into all sorts of  inconvenient inferior zones within us.

This is a more prized skill than anything else. More then being able to fight with kicks and punches etc. 

Imagine that you are holding your psychology in your hands and you don't let anything slip out of your hands.

The best weapon master Samael says is the correct inner state.

With the correct inner state we can do so many really useful things. With the wrong state we can ruin even the easiest and best of events.

Not everyone can do that - hold their psychology. I think not even the professional fighters, they seem to be anything but serene. The egos of anger can certainly give us this holding together of our psycholgy, they can give us force and focus but not serenity, not clear thinking, not intelligence, not clear vision to be able to diffuse or transform the difficult situation. 

This is what interests a Gnostic person as the ways of the Being are not of violence, but of peace of intelligence. But that is not of value in this society people like violence and vlaue that more - a tough guy that sorts it all out - that's ourt man we all say.

End (3992). 

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

A Method to Acquire Insightful Understanding - (3991)

When needing to know more about something, a situation, a feeling, a circumstance, something happening in your life, there are methods that we can turn to.

This is just one simple one. 

For a decent while, work with mental silence exclusively to activate the essence, the consciousness. Don't think of the issue that you want to know more about at all. Not at all.

Then carry on with what you have to do and then begin to introduce the issue to your mind. Become acquainted once again with all the aspects of the issue.

Reflect on the issue... Ask the interior Divinity all about it...

You'll see that the effort prior of making the consciousness active helps in the reflection and gives you insight. Which is a deeper understanding of the issue.

End (3992).

Conscious Attention in the Small Chores - (3990)

Pouring tea, writing a message, charging your phone, scratching your head, washing an apple, setting the table, santising your hands etc. Can all be done putting our attention consciously and fully yet gracefully into them.

This helps us to extend our conscious use of attention more into our life.

End (3990).

Pleasure Costs: One Big Truth - (3989)

This morning eating breakfast it came to me that pleasure always always costs, i.e. it has its price.

The true pleasure is the one that comes from work. Then experiencing it is enhancing.

The pleasure that does not come from work or is taken without having worked for it, is what subtracts a price from us. It is what costs. We feel this cost but ignore it or are just not conscious of it.

We think that pleasure does not have a price. All those people out there now drinking and eating and looking to satisfy their pleasures at this time of the year are paying their price, but they are not noticing that, they 'enjoy' themselves and just go and pay for it later on - unconsciously. Imagine if they knew that these pleasures have a price, they will be more conscious and by virtue of being more conscious they will stop or think twice or slow down.

This explains why so many people given to pleasure end up bereft. The alcoholic, the drug user, the glutton, the sexual pleasure seeker, the gambler all end up ruined or collecting a life of difficulty and hardship. Because they have spent all their capital in pleasure and are bankrupt. 

When we have not worked for the pleasure we experience, the price is taken from our vitality from our vital and also psychological values. While we can pay the price we don't notice a lot, but there comes a time when our values run thin and then the price is pain and all manner of difficulty and misfortune.

Sexual pleasure is a prime example. Experiencing sexual pleasure without working without transmuting, combusts energy and vital values in our body, especially in our brain. When orgasm or energy loss occurs the price extracted is much higher.

So is over-eating, being lazy and sleeping, that pleasure always extracts its price. The ego gets stronger, and the stronger ego becomes a hinderance for us later on. The body gets unhealthy and fat and that stops us, hinders us. Usually when we like something or are interested in something and want to pursue it this is when we feel those hinderances which come from the price extracted from having taken pleasure without having worked for it. 

We want to really work hard on ourselves but the price for laziness, lust, gluttony, pride and others having stolen pleasure hurts us. These egos are thieves, a thief takes things for its pleasure without paying.

This seems to be a law of nature, just the way things work or are set up here. I honestly think being very aware of this law helps us then to be conscious and then being conscious our own consciousness will help us to overcome what it is needed to overcome in this area of things.

End (3989).

So Many 'bs' Posts - (3988)

When one's subconscious comes up and you forget so many of your own understandings, resolutions and yearnings you can't help but look back at all that you have written, said, taught and say to yourself that they were all a lot of 'bs' as they say. 

Well they are true words by themselves but inside of oneself how true (how lived) they were made is the question.

One knows that what is not 'bs' is what keeps one strong and firm through the tests, the difficulties, the rising wild subconscious etc. etc.

End (3988). 

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Sexual Organs Carry Stress - (3987)

We know that many organs or centers of our body are affected by stress. The emotional center, the stomach, the intestines, the heart etc. But we don't often think of the organs present in the sexual centre as being affected.

However, they also carry stress and are affected by tension, anxiety and many other psychological states etc. In several different ways. One way is that the sexual energy is modified and consumed by those states and the modified energy, makes the sexual centre to function not as harmoniously as it can. The egos related to sexuality also strain and harm the sexual organs. Fear, anxiety, anger and negative thinking also affect the sexual centre and its harmonious functioning.

In the sense of complete awareness of ourselves it is worth while to be aware of stress present in the sexual centre and like any other part of our body consciously relax the sexual centre giving the organs some respite from that stress. Because prolonged anything causes harm.

End (3987). 

To Have Any Ego is Not a Problem - (3986)

Of course any ego has to be dissolved to be all essence so that we can be absorbed by our heavenly Father, but until it is dissolved what is a problem and what is not a problem is a point worth a little look at.

To have any ego is not a problem as along as we can separate it and keep it separated. 

It could be an awful ego, a weird as anything ego, but if we have it separated it is ok.

Well we may not all think that way, but psychologically, technically it is true. When an ego is separated it will not manifest and we are no longer that ego, that person that it makes us to become. 

Morals may enter the picture but when the consciousness is in charge morals are not needed.

End (3986).

Prepare! Prepare! - (3985)

The real thing is in the events of life. How do we do there in our alertness, our observation, being present, self-remembering etc. in the events of life?

That is really the test, the work and where we are really doing anything or not. Is in the events of life. That is where we pass or fail.

So we have to prepare ourselves to do well in the events of life.

Resolutions, praying as intensely as we can, transferring the practice to the subconscious, remembering the practice constantly all helps. Psychological death helps the most!

So our best preparation is psychological death.

If we are not dead enough the ego in a moment's notice undoes our resolutions, our memory our yearnings etc.

End (3985).

The Being as the Reference Point in Sexuality - (3984)

The whole problem of sexuality I think revolves around that of the reference point. What is our central point at each moment with regards to our sexual energy? That's the power key. The reference point determines it all. For the Gnostic yearning for the Being, the reference point is one's Being. The power for us resides there in knowing, in consciously being there and using that central point.

The reference point we take allows us to separate or not, to organise or not, to direct and control or not, to be conscious or not and to work or not work.

The central point is a conscious choice. Until it becomes instinctive. 

We have a central point installed in our instinctive centre. Nature installs it and by lack of knowledge and the impressions of society we strengthen what nature has installed. 

When we work on our sexuality we will find that we need to install a different central point into our instincts.

The first big problem is that we are not taught about sexuality, we are not taught that there exists three types. We are taught zero nothing about this.

Anyway we know now about the three types (infra, normal and supra). Our problems persist until we don't chose to make our Being the central point of our sexuality. 

A way is to relate directly to our sexual energy - using direct mindful focus then bring the remembering of the Being. Then naturally, our inner Being becomes our point of view, our central point. We see that the energy must reach our Being and be for our Being. We then see that we need to transmute for the energy to reach our Being. 

From that central point we see what needs to be separated from our mind because that does not align with our Being, with our goal of the energy reaching our Being, of enhancing ourselves and the Being we have are inside of ourselves. We can see that the mind brings many identities and other reference points that are in matter and are external. We are an essence, a consciousness and we are not any identity or person, or situation or anything like that.

Having the Being at our centre allows us to organise the way we take sensation, it allows us to lower the emotion, to separate more from the sensation interpreting and fantasy imposing mind, to not give too much of the fire of our attention to any emotion from any sensation, and it also allows us to control our attention to be able to put our attention on the destination of the energy and not on the energy causing it to flux.

Central point is the true nobility and love towards ourselves with regards to sexuality (i.e. how can I use sexual energy to really in the true sense of the word better myself, respect myself, dignity myself) then it moves to the do the same towards our inner Being. With that established we can really transform our sexuality and psychology and continuing and continuing we will make it instinctive. 

End (3984).

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Accepting Sequence - (3983)

Here are some notes about how the process of accepting goes. What is before and what comes after.

The basic sequence goes: recognising, being aware of, being more aware of, open to accept, accept gradually, fully accept, taking responsibility, serious efforts to comprehend, deeper comprehension, repentance and real elimination results, ego dying and one day dead. 

Accepting is a huge step. If we don't accept the egos or defects we have we can't break into comprehension much less repentance  or elimination.

If we have trouble accepting we have to work a lot with recognising and become more and more aware.

End (3983).

Until Deeper Comprehension Arrives - Starve - (3982)

So we see that we have an ego and that bothers us that we have it and that it is very much alive.

We try to understand it more but understanding is slow in coming.

In the mean time the best thing we can do to aid its coming, is to starve it, not let it have time processing and unfolding itself in our centres, especially in our intellect.

Doing this implies a good amount of comprehension already actually. Because we have understood it to be an ego already, which is a big step.

End (3982).

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Remember from the Heights - (3981)

 That's our trouble that we remember from within our subconscious and that perpetuates our difficulties.

We need to remember in a different way.

That different way being remembering in self-remembering.

This is very helpful and when we do really do it, we feel different and we have more ability to transform the way we relate to those memories.

In practical terms doing this means less ill-feeling after remembering, more transformation and less arguments.

End (3981).

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Three Problems Three Solutions - (3980)


1.) The "I's" we have.
2.) Creating new "I's".
3.) Strengthening the "I's" we have.

Big nosed buddha.


1.) Observation, comprehension and Elimination.
2.) Transformation of impressions.
3.) Non-identification.

End (3980).

Don't Say I won't Do It! - (3979)

Saying I won't do that: I won't eat that pastry today, I won't day that word, I won't behave in that way etc. is not really any good. It doesn't really help or work.

What is better is to wait for when the moment comes that you want to buy and eat that pastry, then stop and transform the impulse, using your already established background understanding. Using your will combined with your yearning.  

Stop by feeling the impulse, be totally conscious of it and then after that work in the moment to transform it. This is much more effective that relying on a resolution to stop the impulses etc. 

Remembering the Being after stopping the impulse helps most intensely to transform the impulse.

End (3979). 

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Being in the Environment is Hard but has its Advantages - (3978)

This is a hard thing to do, now days, more than ever...

It is to not be divided or distracted. It is to be fully present and it is to honour the people that you are with in that environment with your attention, your essence, your consciousness and maybe even your Being.

Where our attention is, our essence is and also where our consciousness is.

With phones these days it is difficult. Mostly people are not really present in their environment and they are not really with the people that they are in the company of.

This is worth practicing, making a serious effort towards being whole, undistracted in the environment in which one is in. Why?

It leaves one with less regrets in the end, makes one whole and more conscious, makes one happier and calmer as one is focused, which allows the essence to become active and one can give with better quality what one can to those who are in one's company. 

I know we have to answer messages, despite that, when we want to fulfill this task we just have to do the best we can.

End (3978). 

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Curiosity Counteract - (3977)

A good weapon against curiosity is understanding that we don't really need to know that which we are curious (egoically even) about.

The following points help us to get this understanding.

We have to be quite expert to recognise when what we are curious about is egoically motivated, is about something unsafe, is about something inconvenient, is about something silly or is even unethical, is invading someone's privacy or is indecent in nature.

In seeing that we need to know that giving the green light to curiosity will harm us. Sometimes we can get information that messes our head up, then we really know in our own flesh that curiosity is not all that it is cracked up to be.

People end up losing the sexual energy because of curiosity - such a favour it does for us. People delve into infra-sexuality due to curiosity. But in these cases there is some subconscious desire behind that.

To enforce the above point of knowing that the information won't help us is the love that we have for our essence. When we love our essence we do the best for it always. 

The knowledge that curiosity looks for is not as good as the knowledge that we can release from our consciousness. This knowledge from our consciousness will never harm us, but the knowledge we get from curiosity often does.

End (3977).

What a Comment - What a Help and a Beneficial Understanding - Thank you!!! - (3976)

Your post made me remember something, and reflect on it..... 

The sun for us is very important, so obviously we reflect on it many times in our learning and receive many teachings about this relationship to the sun. 

As Gnosis teaches, To incarnate the sun is the same as to incarnate Christ. A master once said that Love is a Two way street, and in order for love to be real, it must be reciprocated, this is the Law. The Sun gives its Love freely and equally to everyone on earth. But is that Love real? It is only when we reciprocate that Love/Life of the "Sun" that it becomes real. But how do you reciprocate the suns lovingly given life? Well, He tells us and shows us, through action and the Word. Christ is the sun that is in the sky, and the sun within every atom, and the sun within a man who has incarnated it. 

When we become to Reciprocate that Love given to us by the sun of god, we make his love real. All to our measure and degree we are willing to reciprocate. His love is endless, therefore our reciprocity can be infinite, in all degrees and measure. Every step we make on the path is the degree in which we reciprocate with him.. the source.. the sun. And this opportunity is given the same to all beings under the sun, no more and no less to anyone over the other. 

For most people the Love of the Sun of god is not real, but the sun still shines and the opportunity is still given freely. Our work can be described and measured in the amount that we reciprocate Christ's love, within our being, within our heart, within our mind etc. Christs Love, the Suns Loving rays, the very breath of life, is a love entirely based in sacrifice. This is obvious, as it gives to us and demands nothing in return, but hopes in all beings ever present. So, We give of our life for only the hope that it be reciprocated and made real, but never dependent upon... Luckily for us, Christ before us, is already and always will give us everything, we will never lack in truth, that is his promise we can trust. His Holy Grace. 

All we have to do, is decide how real we want that fullness of Love to be, in the measure that we become conscious of his love, and reciprocate his holy gesture of sacrifice, in return. This Reciprocity is only found in our conscious being, and our "doing" will be of natural consequence of our Being. There are no barriers but of our own making that are in our way to reciprocate his love. Though, in the world, there may be barriers to others reciprocating yours... Let that not discourage us though, for we know and remember how we put up barriers between us and him, when he only gives us the light of love. and he does not make us tear down the barriers, but is infinitely patient with us in our own disarmament. 

I am Grateful for his infinite patience..... "Oh Thou, Solar Logos, igneous Emanation, substance and consciousness of Christ, powerful life whereby everything advances, come unto me and penetrate me, enlighten me, bathe me, go through me and awaken within my Being all of those ineffable substances that are as much a part of Thee as well as part of me. "Universal and cosmic force, mysterious energy, I conjure Thee, come unto me, remedy my affliction, cure me from this ill and put apart from me this suffering so I can have harmony, peace and health."

End (3976).

Curiosity Dissected - (3975)

An element of curiosity is not knowing yet... But it already knows something that is for sure, but it hasn't had the full experience yet.

Within curiosity is already a desire. There is already some kind of projection as subtle as it may be.

There is a kind of fascination there that lures, that brings one closer and closer. 

Out of curiosity one may even forget one's own safety and well being. That is the typical element of curiosity that it is very hypnotic, we disregard danger many times for its satisfaction.

The above observation tells us many interesting things. One is that it is indeed a "I", that we identify with, and one that we forget our Being or ourselves with. We can be sure it is an "I" because we forget ourselves, only an ego makes us to forget ourselves. The proof that we forget ourselves is reflected in how we so readily overlook the dangers involved. Two, that if there is danger it can't be good. Curiosity takes us into danger, so it is not very conscious.

There are some people that are not so curious and there are some that are even more curious still. Some star signs are more curious than others. 

It is a habit of the mind. One that blends in well with that nature of the mind that always looks for distraction and something new. Often we feel curious about something new. "I'm curious to just try it we say"!

The question to ask is do we need to know or experience what curiosity is looking for? That is the question isn't it? What is the answer? Often it is no! Because facts speak we are worse for wear afterwards.

End (3975).

Curiosity an Animal 'I' - (3974)

In the book "Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology" Master Samael says that curiosity is actually an animal "I".

This always surprised me and actually helps me at the same time. One sees lust, laziness, gluttony, anger, violence etc. all as animal but curiosity somehow does not quite seem that way. However, looking more closely we see that it is.

Observing animals we see that so many of them are curious. Especially cats. So often we also see that their curiosity gets them no good result.

Seeing that it is an animal characteristic we have the motivation to do something about it, or at least we can get suspicious about it - thinking that it is something that is not all that beneficial.

There is a difference between being curious and inquisitive. An inquisitive person inquires in a natural way to find knowledge, to know for the sake of knowledge, of understanding, but a curious person looks, searches to find out for some hidden reason, out of some suspicion usually, out of some distrust, out of some of suspicious hunch, out of some desire, out of some kind of boredom, out of some emptiness etc. etc.

Curiosity feeds lust and is a really terrible servant or ally of lust. Maybe because of curiosity we would not have fallen or have the karma we have or have the lust we have either.

End (3974).

Curiosity Has to Die Posts - (3973)

So here is a short series of posts to do with seriously working on the death of that "I".

It is an "I" and it can be weakened, then broken, then weakened with acceleration again, on its way to disappearing. 

With these posts I wish to shed light on the motivation to dissolve it and some understanding that may help.

End (3973).

Monday, 7 December 2020

Humanity Bursts Vanity - (3972)

The mysterious bubble of distant aloof perfection created in our head by vanity and projected outwards is burst with humanity. Of course other things can burst it also.

Imagine a professional suite gives a presentation before the board, impeccable in all the ways, and he even responds to all the challenges, soundly defeating them all. How perfect for his vanity, his bubble remained intact with that extra sparkle. With vanity on the swell he's ready to squash anything 'below' him...

Say he decides to break his vanity bubble one day, humanity can be his aid. Humanity presents the human condition that we all have and struggle with. Humanity can be expressed in so many different ways. The first port of call is through the word. As soon as it is expressed we break that bubble because humanity reminds us of the truth that we are all experiencing the human condition with all of its imperfections and difficulties.

The very weak vain people don't like humanity because they then lack the real substance that allows them to lead, to be in charge or to direct or to supervise or otherwise. They tend to rely on the mysterious aloofness and hard exterior too much, which is just a projection after all.

End (3972).

Protection No - Full Brunt to Learn - (3971)

I never liked being protected by others. Much less now being in Gnosis. 

I always think that if I do something wrong, stand back and let me receive the full brunt of the consequences. So that my consciousness can learn with the fullest force and help available.

If a person doesn't protect themselves they may not protect others either when it comes to them learning a fair lesson.

When we protect another we don't really help their consciousness too much. Our unconscious love protects them and because they did not learn they make the same mistake again. They inflict trouble on others again and get karma again, their life burdened and their learning delayed.  

End (3971).

Notes About the Truth - (3970)

Container Post

This post is a container post, to hold the notes I will be adding over the next few days to do with the topic of: Truth.

Notes -Master Samael

💡"To awaken is of importance to be able to know the Truth. "

💡"The Truth is not a question of theories or concepts; the theories that we can forge with respect to the truth, are not the truth; the opinion, as serious as it may be with respect to the truth, is not the truth; we need to experience the truth directly, as when one puts their finger into the fireplace and burns it."

💡"That which is beyond the body, the affections and the mind, that is the truth..."

💡"much beyond the illuminating void, is the Great Reality, the Tality, the Truth, that which is not of time."

💡"The Truth is something that can not be defined, because if it is defined it is disfigured."

💡"The Truth is what is unknown from instant to instant."

to be continued...


🔬The truth is what was behind us searching for Gnosis. It was what attracted us to Gnosis, it is what held us in Gnosis and it is what is moving us to work, and we are working for it. Without having tasted the truth in Gnosis we would not be here. 

The truth is a big pillar of our work. As it is the principal pillar of our inner Being, our inner Being - That which is Real.

What is true prevails and eventually becomes visible. 

What is true is eternal. Does not fade with time. Like the principles and laws of the cosmos. They prevail.

to be continued...

End (3970). 

Sunday, 6 December 2020

How Would A Person's Sexuality be Without Foreign Reference Points - (3968)

The person I am going to write about is any person that knows and accepts the transmutation.

So such a person without reference points would approach their sexuality according to their nature. Just as their own nature approves and dictates, not comparing it and changing it to be like any impressions that one could have in their mind that has come from outside sources. Their own nature transmuting the sexual energy in as a natural way possible, is their reference point.

This means just following the flow of their own nature, which is really the energy manifesting without the mind's interference.

One can be sure if the mind is not interfering there will be a natural relaxation and a natural control over one's sexual energy. 

This is a kind of sexual individuality - which is a sexuality generated and sourced from inside of oneself. Which is also expressed by the sexual energy manifesting by itself without dependence on outside things. Which includes images and thoughts about things outside of the moment. This includes memory, expectations, projections, worries, fears, embarrassment, shame etc. etc.

Then begins the concentration, the will and imagination, the prayer, the mantras, yearning for the Being, the transmutation and the sublimation etc.

End (3968).

Difficult Pulses Ease Off - (3967)

Sometimes the pressure gets difficult internal or external, it can be constant, and the gymnasium relentless. After a while it really wears you down. Life becomes drab and disconnection from many things we enjoy and were inspired by, starts to creep in. 

Don't worry because everything pulses.

Things go intense then back off and then intense and back off and so on. Each time though things are less intense. Usually after a breaking point has been passed,

So the difficult times and pressure will ease and we'll feel fine again. 

We have to always work through the various gymnasiums that we have in front of us. If the gymnasium is too intense we need to turn to our Divine Mother to help us. If that does not help then the Divine Law.

End (3967).

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Ideals High and Try - (3966)

It is good to have high ideals that keeps our life worth living and makes it interesting.

We may not always achieve them but we will put in a huge good fight to get there.

We are always right to try to arrive at them because in doing so we will gain a lot and learn a lot of things.

End (3966).

Psychological Isolation - (3965)

We need to do this - isolate ourselves psychologically.

Except we don't know who to do this. Maybe just I don't know, but if you know leave a few comments to help me out a bit.

Psychological isolation means to be with people but be able to shield our psychology so that the impressions from people don't enter into our psychology where they can feed our egos, create new egos, bring up the subconscious and drag us into identification etc.

How do we shield ourselves? Well we can reduce the effects of not being isolated after we are full of impressions by comprehension, meditation and work with the Divine Mother but what about doing it on the spot.

Gnosis says that we need to be in self-remembering having our consciousness present to take the impressions. Not all that easy to do at times especially in difficult circumstances etc. You know heated, hectic, rushed, argumentative circumstances.

That's really the key we have to have our consciousness present by whatever means. So when we go to talk to some people we have to prepare ourselves by being in self-remembering right from the moment we start talking, or maybe just when touching a certain subject.

Another key is to not take anything personally etc. Understand that there is our psychology and then there is theirs etc.

End (3965).

Friday, 4 December 2020

Loving our Sexual Energy - (3964)

We all end up naturally loving our sexual energy...That is where our strength comes from.

Also it is our guide and our protection. Love guides, protects and organises. So loving our sexual energy guides us to use it positively, to protect it and organise it within ourselves which means in many ways to set ourselves up to purify it. 

That is a profound point. Almost a lips to ears type of thing that every student has to know about and develop.

It is the magic lever that helps you to transmute and transform the waters and keep the energy sacred and look at it that way and look after it that way (as sacred) for your beloved Being.

We can focus on loving it why not. I would start any way I could. I wouldn’t wait. If we have come this far we have some love already. We just need to find that love and apply it to make the love for the sexual energy grow. 

Love is consciousness, to love it we have to be conscious of what it really is. 

Studying about it, all that we can. Reflecting and understanding how integral it is to us, how much it is at the core of our Being.

Then sending it our love when we transmute it. We can pray to it and we are not wrong doing this. If you are scoffing at these words you have not understood what your sexual energy is yet. It is not something that is as yet alive, intelligent, real and integrated into your psychology as the source and force pulsating at the core of your Being. 

Our love for it starts when we emanate our love to it. Then things reciprocate and that love grows. 

End (3964).

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Delete Reference Points Related to Our Sexuality - (3963)

One day, a person will say to themselves that they have to delete from their mind and everywhere else every outside reference point to do with their sexuality.

This is a very good thing to do. This thing will set one free from so much subconscious pressure, from so much skewed vision, from so many problems...

If we do delete from our mind all these reference points we will come into direct contact with our sexual energy. We will relate directly face to face with our sexual energy not via some reference point. This is the best position to be in.

Doing this means no more comparison, no more imitation, no more pressure from our subconscious to be like this or that etc. etc.

The direct face to face, level and united contact will give us all that we need and have been wanting, but could not arrive at because the reference points we adopted eluded us. Sometimes for just too long.

It is the reference points that we have accumulated in our mind that skew everything. They put us into a certain position or place in our mind and looking out from that place things skew. 

What are those reference points?  

As said above they are mental places, outside of our own sexuality. They may manifest in our mind as movements to imitate certain images, identities, forms and then that produces feelings, attitudes, poses, words, ideas etc.

When we focus on those reference points they separate us from our natural sexuality. While standing mentally in those reference points we are not united or integrated with our sexual energy. Then this is where the problems arise from.

As soon as our mind shifts to one of these reference points or positions we are away from our natural state.

End (3963).

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Clash Between Conscious and Subconscious - (3962)

Due to certain strong impressions, the elements we have in our subconscious can gain strength and start to rise up into the conscious part.

Then we have a problem, an issue to deal with. 

What do we do? Go with the subconscious or go with the conscious. The conscious part is the decent and sensible and the subconscious is the risky, the improper, the something to keep quiet etc. etc.

Best not to keep the two present within our psyche, best to opt for one. How about opting for the conscious and then working to transform the subconscious into conscious.

When we transform the subconscious into light we strengthen the conscious. We have to do this because the subconscious part left untouched gains force and takes over the conscious part.

To do this we must hold onto the conscious part and extend it into the subconscious. Reminding ourselves that we really want the conscious part.

We must also delve into the subconscious. See all the consequences of acting with it and solve the protests, reasons and resistance of the subconscious by contrasting it with the conscious.

When we do that we open ourselves up to accepting the conscious, and the battle ends and the subconscious part submerges itself, left weaker and the conscious part having gained new strength.

In conclusion, the key is to work to accept in truth based on solid reasons the conscious part over the subconscious part.

End (3962).

Nothing to Write Nothing to Say - (3961)

Nothing to say or write then its best not to say or write anything, its silly to say something just for the sake of it, or is it?

Depends what we say right?

What about if everyone is waiting for you to say something but there's nothing inspiring you to say anything?

That's what the mind is for, to take over when there's nothing else inside of us wanting to speak. 

There's always the consideration for others. Which is inspiration enough to say or write something helpful.

End (3961).

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Sexual Centre Doesn't See, Mind Does - (3960)

The sexual centre magnetises and energises itself via its currents of energy, but it does not see. It attracts and is drawn to, but it still does not see. The mind does that. The egos in the mind via images produce a direction and the mind points the sexual centre to invest its energisation into the direction of the images.

Left by itself the sexual centre would not do much, it would just be energised, perhaps led by simple instinct but not lead by the complicated images which the egos project onto the screen of the mind.

This realisation of this point of knowledge is one of the main leverage points at which a person can separate mind from the sexual power.

Once there is separation, the sexual force can be used by the consciousness as a voluntary free choice to be at the service of the work of the inner Being.

End (3960).

Monday, 30 November 2020

Remorse Notes - (3958)

Last night I gave a talk on this topic of remorse. Here are some notes from that talk.

It is a force within us. It is also a stage of the work in the elimination of the ego.

It leads us to elimination. Its basis is a deep comprehension. For there to be remorse there must be consciousness of what has been done.

Some people have a great capacity for remorse and others have a small capacity.

What helps remorse is the comprehension that the ego in question brings pain and difficulty.

Remorse is the result of contrast, when by virtue of our efforts of comprehension or by virtue of a spontaneous grace of inner vision, our essence glimpses the superior parts of its own Being and sees their perfection, their purity, their splendour, their strength and light and feels itself deeply in error, burdened and stained. This produces the tremendous yearning often accompanied by pangs of pain to want to be like those parts.

Real remorse goes to the consciousness to correct the cause of the error - the ego, so to clean those stains and drop those heavy burdens. It is not guilt or self-compassion or emotionalism which ends up in long periods of crying.

Real remorse happily pays the karma, even actively seeks it out to pay it and is merciless on the ego which was the cause. 

Elimination is the process of removing what has been discarded by us. We discard what no longer has any use. Like a banana peel. We've eaten the banana and we have no use for the peel. When the ego is like a banana peel it is ready to be eliminated

Remorse takes us to make the ego a banana peel. Remorse comprehends the damage the ego does and engages our essence to solve the equation the ego has been used to solve for hundreds of years. 

Remorse is the emotional force that delivers the ego to the Divine Mother for elimination.

We often don't use remorse. Though we really must so to be able to have it eliminated and to deepen our resolution, our will against the ego and to deepen our comprehension of it also.

End (3958).

Self-Remembering Practical Notes - (3959)

At the base of all awakening attempts is self-remembering.

I think we can't leave out self-remembering when trying to wake up. 

Self-remembering is not easy to keep going on two fronts. One front is the remembering to be it and the other front is keeping it from becoming mechanical.

Self-remembering as the term suggests is to remember something, essentially to remember the experience of being the consciousness or the essence. This act of remembering converts the memory into being the essence the consciousness once again. 

We can also say that self-remembering is being the consciousness or essence again.

There are so many ways to do this. Just one way after a while turns mechanical so we need to vary our methods.

Each method is a different angle at arriving at the same results. 

The main things is that we just need to try and try and keep at it until something gels and works for us. In trying we can so much more than we care to realise.

In subsequent posts I am going to post as many different methods as I can.

End (3959).

Hey we Have to be in Self-Remembering - (3957)

A few different ways to be in self-remembering, well many ways. 

Each to their own way. 

One common denominator is that the mind is not thinking. 

With self-remembering or remembering the Being we can reach our centre, touch our consciousness, see clearly outside the ego, mind and personality and make the consciousness brighter.

A nano-particle bit more awake, and it all accumulates, nano particle by nano particle.

End (3957).

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Forget Comparison - (3956)

We know this - "don't compare yourself to anyone". But we forget. 

This is us reminding ourselves right now: "don't compare your path to that of anyone else", "don't compare your work to that of anyone else", "don't compare your circumstances to that of anyone else", "don't compare your karma/dharma to that of anyone else", "don't compare your abilities to that of anyone else" etc.

When we compare we become miserable.

When we compare we stop living our life, we stop fully living our reality. We become a bit cut off from it.

When we compare we create a new point of view which we adopt as our point of view. But this new point of view is based on another person (usually more advanced, fortunate, smarter etc.), which happens to be false for us. 

This new point of view is really a point of view that is about saying to ourselves all the time 'we should', 'we should be like this' and it never really can be because it is not us. We go by a different ‘rumba”.

We stop experiencing ourselves directly, we experience things through this false point of view which diverts and collides things for us making us miserable.

In the end the lesson is don't compare and be happy and work directly with your reality as you are and as it is. This is how we can really change and help ourselves.

End (3956).