Monday, 31 May 2021

The Life of the Moment Offers Much Material to Work - (4150)

Paying attention to our mind moment by moment observing, witnessing what arises, gives us all that we need for the day and for the future to work on.

We just have to pay attention to our psychology in the moment and a door with so many things for us to work on opens.

Those are the things we really need to work on. Those are the precise things that if we work on them, our life will be made better.

It takes a little time to sink into the moment and a little time more to then sink into ourselves so that we can be naturally aware of ourselves.

To observe oursleves in the moment is so important to do some work on ourselves. If we lose the moment we lose the day in effect.

Feel what we are feeling but observe as well. Don't forget to observe. Its so important to do both, don't neglect the observing. The observing part is an open receptive state that allows you to be aware of what is being felt. 

End (4150).

Adhere Radically to Reality - (4149)

That is the best refuge or place to be - that is as close to reality as possible.

The reality is the moment.

What happens in the moment is the reality.

Where is God or the Being but in the reality - the Great Reality the Aboslute has been called.

When you have been grief stricken by so many rememberings of the past and racked with anxiety with so many projections into the future you only want a refuge which is now - the reality of now, that is neither of the haunting past or worrisome future. 

Deal with reality now in this moment and we can manage it all.

The moment now is not as bad as the memory of the past and projections of the future.

Reality now, brings relief, comfort and more peace than what the past or future can ever offer.

End (4149).

Sunday, 30 May 2021

A Way to Overcome Mechanical Associations - (4148)

Mechanical associations are very powerful. Sometimes much more powerful thatn we give them credit for. 

Mechanical associatons tend to work at the subconscious level within us. Meaning we are not very aware of them at first.

For example going out to a Chinese restaurant can make us feel uneasy, and we don;t know why for years until one day it clicks, that we have been subconsciously associating Chinese restaurants with the time that we suffered anxiety and could not eat very well, and because of that association we think we are going to feel unwell again as we did back in those times.

We just want to overcome them and get over them as quickly as possible. We can do it by essentially training.


A way, out of the many ways to overcome mechanical associations is to go to that place, do that activity etc. and then do the exact opposite of what the association points us to do.

We have to repeat and repeat doing the opposite for our brain and mind to undo the old association and  finally create a new one.

Another way to is work with the Divine Mother asking her to jhelp undo it and another way is to use our consciousness to make us see and understand over and over again that we are experiencing a new reality that is different and new and not the past.

End (4148).

A Part of Balance in Yourself is to See Your Value - (4147)

I was told something really important today, which is that for any person to ignore their values is not to be in balance. Because balance is to see reality, the unbalanced person does not see reality... The mentally disturbed person hardly sees reality they see things all skewed and out of proportion.  

Obviously when we ignore our values we lower ourselves and that means that we don't act according to the values we have and we agree to things that are below the level of those values or are things that certainly don't enhance those values.

When we wake up a bit and see that we have those values we wish that they be respected right? We give essentially ourselves the right of way to act with those values and that is balance, there is nothing wrong with that because that is acting according to what is real in us. 

It is also not wrong to make others see the values that you have and act by. So they too can value them. Every company usually makes their values known to the world so that people can respect those values and see something worth while in them and decide to do business with them or not.


We may act in such a way in front of others reminding them of the value that we see in ourselves and that we want to keep those values held high.

End (4147).

Wining is Sometimes Losing - (4145)

We can win with pride, crush another person's ideas and arguments but in the work, in the essence it is to lose... 

Wining is really sometimes losing!

It is not a bad thing to be aware of this. Taking note of this, because genuinely we are after the nobility of the heart, that is wise that knows how to lose so to win in loving others, in sacrifice, in virtue, on the path and in the Being...  

End (4145).

The Astute Person May Win But Really Loses - (4146)

The astute person is of course very smart. However smart for the interests of the egos.

The astute person is very smart to get something. Usually very smart to get what the ego wants or what the minds sees as fair according usually to some hidden interests of one or another ego. Astuteness uses all the spiritual arguments it Can and makes its arguments very solid. 

The astute person may win what it wants but at a price, in the process it can harm the precious flower of friendship, it can diminish respect, it can harm love, it can harm nobility and it can cost us by staining the genuine and open merits of the heart.

With astuteness we miss out on developing the heart. 

The astute person hence wins the day, wins the arguement in the physical, but in the work, in the path, in the essence and in the Being loses...   

End (4146).

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Precious Notes About Relationships that are for the Work - (4144)

These are not my words, but things that I have heard being spoken.

In a relationship for the work both people are mortal. Only the Being of each is immortal. The best place to leave the one we love is in the hands of their Immortal Being...

If we love really the other, we will promote, facilitate, push that he or she advances and draws closer to their Immortal Being, because we know that is the best place for he or she to be...

We will know that we can not give the other what their Being can...

We would also know that only our Being can give us what we are truly looking for: fulfillment, inner peace, deep meaning, love, wisdom, force...

Having our Being close and closer makes the relationship abundantly better. So the work for the Being in each one is the glue and lifeline of the relationship.

To have the work first, means that we would always take the work with us when we relate with the other. We would naturally relate to the other through the work.

If there is an activity for the work then one would push the other to attend, because the more one works the better for him or her and the relationship.

If there is love, if there is real conscious love, that love will have the power in each one to surpass themselves, that is to surpass the protests and needs of the mind, personality and egos to allow the other the time and space to work so as to draw closer to their Being.

In a relationship that is for the work, it makes sense that the work would be established as the foundation stone. That is so significant! It is so hard to see and accept, it so often just goes over the top of our head, even when we know it.

The above is really the first thing that should be established. If the foundation of a house is not strong, solid or correctly set, the walls of the house will crack and buckle, and one day collapse. The house mentioned here is the relationship for the work.

Meanwhile the work has not been established between the two, things don't quite add up, things don't align, there are differences, there are disagreements and issues that appear often or regularly even. 

What does establishing the work mean? Among many things, it means that the work is made to come first or at least be of very high priority. Higher than the ego and the ways of the personality.

Why to feed so much the personality and the various egos when the work is to dissolve both of them. Even if we do nothing the personality will die when the body dies... The work in a person understands this statement and finds great meaning in it. While the personality dreads and curses it.

All the problems persist, with karma and recurrences being one of them, meanwhile the personality and egos are in control.

A real gratitude is felt for the other who we can work with. If we just knew all the debts we have against the Holy Spirit, we would kneel down before the one who has agreed to work with us. Because it is really by some grace from above that we have someone in front of us that would work with us to help clear those debts. 

The other in a work relationship is an ally of our Being. So it makes sense to treat an ally of our Being well...with respect, with hope...

What is very important is the will of both. While both want to work and work with each other all will progress. When that will in both or one drops to a too low a level then problems of a serious nature begin to arise.

To be updated during the day...

End (4144).

Such Precious Notes About Trust - (4143)

Here are some notes about trust. They do not come from me but from m.m.m. All I am doing is making my very best effort to give you the most accurate as I can recollection of them.

A dear lesson learnt this week. Which is that we should not allow anything to take away our trust.

As soon as an atom of our trust is withdrawn an atom of fear takes its place.

When we withdraw our trust we withdraw it from our Being. 

We may know someone is a scoundrel and will given the slightest opportunity take as much advantage as he/she can. We know this but we still trust in ourselves and in our Being.

Trust is a state of consciousness. Trust is a value of our own Being. Trust is in our Being... 

As soon as we trust less we fear more. Fear inevitably creeps in when we trust less. To fear is to trust in the mind, in the dreadful, unpleasant outcome. Fear is distrust and distrust is trust but in the opposite.

We can trust in three things. In life people normally trust people and things. We can add trust in the Being to make the three things. 

When we withdraw trust from a person because they have disappointed us or hurt us we are withdrawing trust from our Being.

Our values must be absolute to really be values of the Being and for them to work their magic within us and outside of us. Absolute here means outside of time, space, circumstances, people, relativity, duality etc.

If someone hurts us what people usually do is feel that their trust is hurt and they withdraw it and then in that void enters resentment or hatred and then fear, hence our trust was conditioned by duality. To have our trust as absolute means we would know that the person did this or that but we would not let it affect our trust, because we know having our trust diminish is to lose something from our Being and gain its opposite which is fear!

When our trust is not absolute we make other people into thieves. Thieves that steal trust from us.

The maximum show of trust in the Being on the planet Earth was when Jesus went to the cross as he did and died there on the cross.

To be updated during the day.

End (4143). 

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Notes on Trust and Love - (4140)

Trust and love are everywhere, so is patience and so many other qualities...

We may not trust in love... Yet love is said to be one of the most powerful forces in the Cosmos... 

It is taught that love is the fabric of the Cosmos, it is everywhere, behind everything and it is what holds everything together in its march. So it is so very powerful! How can anyone deny that?

What is the sun doing but loving us all the time. Giving us life, light and warmth...the very substance of love.

We may not trust that it can come through for us or prevail or organise things or solve things or move things or maintain things or lead things or direct things or carry us forward through things etc. etc.

Because of the egos of others and the mistakes of others we can lose our trust in the power of love, feeling that it is not strong enough to correct things to change for the better. Well, it may well be not strong enough or it may seem that it is not strong enough or it will either change and get stronger or we are not sure what it will do... Anyway, we can always trust in our love that is in our heart. That love that is in our own heart we can know about and manage, because it is ours, it belongs to us, it is in our hands... The love that is, or not is, in the other person, is something we can't control. Rightfully so because it is not our heart, our heart is in our chest right here not over there in another person...

We don't love anyone really... I know a tough thing to say but read on...What there really is, is that there is love inside of us as a glowing sun and anyone who comes close to us is touched by the love of that glowing sun. So we love everyone by virtue of that glowing sun which is the love that our Being has inside of Itself, which is brought alive  here in the physical world from us as essences loving our Being. 

Sometimes we have to trust in the power of our love to pull a person or two people or a group through a difficult time. Sometimes too we can't be naive and believe that when everything is saying it is just too heavy to shoulder it all, that we can do it. Sometimes we can't and sometimes we really can and in either way love leads the way, its particular way...

But when there is real love the truth that is applicable here is that it will always come back to us, somehow some way it will come back to us.

After a while we come to love the work. That love for the work sustains us and propels us forward towards our Being. That love that we have, can be trusted in to sustain us and keep us firm no matter what circumstances we pass through.

If we teach others to love the work that is one of the best things we can do for them. Because that love being so powerful will hold them strong!

End (4140).

Some Psychological Guides - (4142)

If you want to worry and get all anxious, then get a future...

If you want to feel regret, lamentation and grief, then get a past...

If you want to be unhappy, discontent and full of protest then compare and compare... 

If you want a head ache start thinking...

If you want to be at peace, have no problems and no worries embrace the moment...

If you want the consciousness, focus, don't think and be patient...

If you want love then love the Being inside and give love...

End (4142).

Monday, 24 May 2021

Freedom is in the Future - (4141)

Right now in the present we don't have much freedom. Because we are very conditioned by the past. 

We can't change the past. 

But what we can do is to work now within the small bit of freedom we have, to change, and as we work and change we will write a new future where we will be able to take freedom, and be free in the psychological sense from our conditionings.

The present is the key...

End (4141).

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Best is to Float it onto the Flowing River of Life - (4139)

We can fix things down for weeks ahead but that causes suffering on both sides... or all sides even. 

The solution is to float it into the free flow of life...

Create a lose structure and let the free flow of life determine the details and the parameters...

That way no one gets hurt and it is flexible and open enough to accomodatae all and the many changes that will always inevitably appear.

End (4139).

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Sphynx Evaluation - (4138)

We can all do an evaluation of the qualities of the Sphynx...

There will always be some qualities that we have more of and some we have less of, no matter what octave we are at...

What we lack though we will notice something very interesting and helpful. That is, what we lack there will be an abundance of examples around us for us to learn from, and many opportunities for us to develop it. 

Maybe even to start with, to learn we need to imitate those examples, that is until we come to understand why it is needed, how best to embody it and how to best apply it. Because for sure we will get it very wrong sometimes when we apply it and sometimes right, until we get the conscious understanding of how to apply it. 

Well its a matter of noticing things, learning and developing them...

How do we develop a virtue or value? First we have to know that we lack it and that it is needed. Then study it and then learn its mindset, that is learn its psychology. True, every value has a psychology, meaning that every value has its own way of thinking and corresponding feeling, just as every ego has its own psychology. 

The psychology of any value or virtue is based in truths, esoteric principles or psychological and physical truths. Which is very different to the ego's psychology.

For example, take the courage of the lion in the Sphynx. What is its psychology? To advance, to try, 'it is better to try than to not try', 'you never know if you don't try', to jump first and conquer as the way to solve an issue rather than run and wait for the storm when the storm could have been prevented. Trust that courage to jump and face problems produces a better result than hiding. Go and get things wrong: 'I'll just pick up the pieces, make corrections and try again'. The heavens are taken by storm.

The lion is also fire. Each element we know has a psychology as well. The psychology of each element is characterised by its particular qualities. Strength, enthusiasm, expansion, transformation, energy, definiteness, mysticism, liberation are the qualities of fire. Courage in many ways takes on board these characteristics.

But we know fire out of control is dangerous, fire always has to be in its place controlled and directed.

The same study can be done with the remaining values of intelligence, mystical yearning and tenacity.

End (4138).

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Fear Focusses on Loss - (4137)

We think to fear is to love... 

We think that if we don't fear losing something, we don't love that something. What are we afraid of really in losing something?

Living with ourselves not having that thing that we are scared of losing. That is what we are scared of!

We are afraid to face our own selves, to face the suffering that our own selves will generate.

Fear focuses on the loss. It doesn't accomodate the idea that we can have something or enjoy something or love something but not be scared of losing it.

Focussing on the loss of something actually harms that something as well harming the one who also fears the loss of it. Fear can't help but do that...

To fear losing something does not bring you into a good internal state or into being able to act in a way that dignitifes you or puts you at eye to eye level with any others involved.

The paradox is that the absence of this fear brings things that are closer to love, and in turn that brings freedom. Things that are close to love are meant to, well in fact really do bring to all those involved: freedom. And in that freedom the light, the soul, the Spirit can enter... because there is space for them...

End (4137).

Prepare for the Path - (4136)

We need values for the path...

But what are those values?

The sphynx gives us some clues. The tenacity of the bull, the courage of the lion, the yearning of the eagle and the intelligence of the human being.

The path itself leads us to develop the values we need. The role of the minor initiations are there to lead us to develop the values we need for the path, and to be successful on the path.

To get into developing those values we need to start the path...

To start the path we need to know some values. Precisely the values that are needed to start the path and the amount that they need to be developed.

Really it is the duty of anyone who wants the path to find these values and pray and pray to be guided to develop them.

End (4136).

To Know you are Doing Someone Consciously Good - (4135)

Often it is hard, and we have to do it, withdraw, or stop what we did before or change for the benefit of the person. 

We may find it difficult to do that, and we may feel that it will hurt the other person. 

The consolation in all of it is in the consciousness. Because we know with our consciousness or understanding that in the future that person will be much better off.

This is indeed a sacrifice. Because a sacrifice is classed as something that is a conscious or clairvoyant choice of one good superior to another.

Clairvoyance and consciousness are the ones that can see the future, our consolation is the future. 

The present makes the future... Sacrifice always hurts in the present but pays off handsomely in the future...

End (4135).

Monday, 17 May 2021

A Storm! All Looks Lost Just Wait a Little - (4133)

I heard this from a man who survived a plane crash in the Andes in the middle of winter. He was one of the survivors of the soccer team that crashed. He said in a documentary that when we has looking for help  away from where the others were, a fierce storm broke and he believed that he would die. He almost gave into despair. However, he just felt strongly to wait and to his surprse the storm cleared and he pushed on, and the next day he found help that turned to the remaining survivors being rescued.

It is handy to keep this in mind when we are in some situations when we feel like this. Just wait a little. You never know what really is around the corner for you.

End (4133). 

Thursday, 13 May 2021

The Demanding Person No. 1 - (4130)

We are here to pay and to give, not to demand and receive.

The sooner we understand that the better... 

The sooner we base ourselves in the side of loving others over ourself the better we are prepared...

Meanwhile we are not really prepared to do that we are unjust, we are wanting to receive everything and give little...

It really hurts to make this change but unfortunately, just the way it is, until we don't make this change, this shift, things all remain slightly open only...

Sometimes we are so slow to get that... 

To aspire to the path we need to give, we need to work for it, we need to pay for it. Who says that it should be given to us? It is given to us after having worked for it, paid for it...

The demanding person that wishes to receive and demands to receive has not got that yet, and the only thing that he or she can give others is a gymnasium. There are so many students like this. They don't give of real sacrifice value to the centre, but only a gymnasium, that is the only value they are capable of giving.

We can be certain to say that any selfish person needs to work on themselves, by stopping the need to be pampered and to give, to sacrifice for others. Where is someone like that going in the work? How are they going to be useful to the work of the Absolute? Which is to help reunite all the Beings to take up their place within it! Bugger all not useful at all, only useful to themsleves, or to others for a short while because it is in their interest to be good to others to get something from them that they want. Astuteness and selfish go hand in hand.

End (4130).

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Egg Yolk Isolation - (5336)

An egg teaches us some useful things.

A precious thing is the yolk. It is isolated though from the outside by the shell and protected from the shell by the egg white. Without the shell and egg white it is so delicate.

The state of our essence being active is very fragile, like the egg yolk. To keep that state we need to isolate it from impressions and outside influences or either just work very hard transforming everything, which is very tiring in reality.

Psychological isolation is really important to dispel so many strange states. Especially those psychological states that make us feel not ourselves, where we feel diluted into something else that is not us.

Isolation does not mean phjysical isolation. It means to not allow the impressions to enter too deeply inside of ourselves and to go to the highest place within oursleves with prayer and self-remembering. Also the more active is our essence the more it is istelf and the more we are ourselves.

The essence is the yolk, the shell is not allowing impressions to enter and the egg white is our effort to keep the essence active. Just a simple mind created analogy or tool to remember what to do when we need it, that's all.

Say you're in a very strange unusual environment remember the egg yolk solution - there you have it.

End (5336).

What's Done with Greed Gets Wasted - (4132)

I think I am, based on some retrospection, embarking upon a truth. Let's see if it can be established as true, with some further observation and retrospection of lived real experience.

What we do with greed in the end gets wasted.

In principle it makes sense, as greed is always what we don't need, and so as greed will drive us to acquire or experience more than we need we end up with things that we can't use or absorb or assimilate.

That greed could be in any area, greed of the intellect, greed for information, greed in feelings, greed in love, greed in money, greed in possessing objects, greed for food, greed for sensation etc.  

Some examples, we may study an excessive number of courses, and in our work at the office we never use what we studied. When we eat excessively that excess food becomes fat which we don't need, when we buy an excessive number of things they don't get used and in time just decay, when we accumulate more money than we need it sits there in the bank doing nothing or is spent unwisely buying more things that we don't need etc. etc.

The hypnotic factor of greed is that we believe we 'need' more or that more 'more' is good..

In conclusion, this is a very good reason to stay away from greed and not allow ourselves to cross over into the zone of greed.

End (4132).

The Selfish Person No. 1 - (4129)

There are many selfish people around in the world, no matter where you go, we encounter them, perhaps we are even one of them looking at all the selfish people out there.

It’s true that the life set up by some cultures supports that selfish characteristic. For example, in Australia, the culture, I find anyway, makes it so easy to be selfish. In fact sorry to say this, selfishness can become so natural that we just don't see it.

In Australia we can live in a house for ten years and never once speak to the people who live next door and not even care to speak to them...

Anyway why am I writing this? For a reason of course. We want the path and we aspire to the values that are needed to work in the path and in the Great Cause of the Father, and so we are open to hear about what those values could be.

Some of those values are the opposite of selfishness. Selfishness is a defect that actually traps many values. When we begin to work on selfishness we develop many marvellous values that make us strong and able to serve the Great Cause of the Father, and no matter which kind of human being we are: king or beggar, master or disciple, initiate or neophyte, we are all servants of the Great Cause!

Lets see how can we define a selfish person? Or how can we know if we are selfish?

Easy, when we desire or want something and we pursue it, which is fine by the way, but pursuing it harms others or inconviences others or puts them in a difficult situation or costs them unfairly somehow, then we are for sure: selfish! 

After a while people stop liking a selfish person. This is because they take more than they give and the merit of relating runs out and an imbalance occurs resulting in a dislike for the selfish person. As the dislike is there to stop the selfish person from taking more or to indicate to the selfish person that's now time to give something back.

End (4129).

Feelings of Danger - (4131)

Hopefully no one feels danger in a psychological or esoteric sense.

Physically we may feel to be in danger, but that is different to the situations where one is physically fine but there is that feeling that one is in danger esoterically speaking due to karma, due to a mistake, due to an event, due to what's moving in our psychology or due to the state of our consciousness, due to life trying to swallow you etc.

The truth is we just want a remedy.

The remedy is to travel high within you, above the danger. This means to climb up to a higher state of consciousness.

To pray like crazy to the Being, to the Father-Mother in our own heavens and the angels and Beings in the heavens, to remember the Being and very importantly to pull oneself out of our own abyss (renounce the thoughts that drag us down there).

This is the best help that we can give ourselves.

Once we have remedied it, we can look back and get knowledge and to understand why we felt those feelings of danger and why those feelings were felt, for real causes or simply worrisome projected causes.

End (4131).

Monday, 10 May 2021

Crazy Feeling - (4128)

There is this feeling that people in the work and the path feel from time to time. That feeling is: "I'm crazy" or "you're crazy!".

To a part of ourselves we do seem crazy. When we feel that, it is because a mini separation allbeit very temporary has occurred.

Usually the lower part remarks: "you're crazy" and the upper part says nothing, and then at times it is the other way around. The 'upper part' says "we are crazy", this is the worst kind actually, because this is when we are doing something dangerous or really silly.

Anyway what I wanted to say is that this feeling of "I'm crazy" is due to a split second's separation. Where the higher part separates from the lower part and the there appears two logics. We are for a second aligned with one logic more than the other and the natural thing to remark is: "I'm crazy".

Of couse to the higher parts of ourselves closer to our Being it is perfecrtly logical to be making a sacrifice that will benefit the work for the Being, but the lower parts will see this as crazy as they are not as close to the Being and think more in line with matter and life.

End (4128).

Sunday, 9 May 2021

The Not so Good Love - (4114)

The most resilient and strongest love is conscious love. The other types of love are those that don't hold up in the difficult circumstances of life.

It makes sense to cultivate conscious love whoever or wherever we are, or in whatever circumstances we are in.

There are a few different kinds of love. The weakest are the sensorial and emotional types of love. It is certainly not worth cultivating them over conscious love.

Sensorial love that comes from making happy the sensorial egos when for example: lust and or fornincation or gluttony are pleased.

Emotional love comes from complementing each other, treating each other well and bouncing nice things off of each other all the time. Becoming dependent on the compliments, smiles, nice tone of voice, hugs, etc. In the end we need these things from the other person to feel happy and in the end this leads to a kind of enslavement.

Of course those things of sensorial and emotional love are all fine and nice, but if we forget conscious love, we are setting ourselves up one day for difficult times.

So what is conscious love? It is defined in so many ways but I'm just going to say that it is to love the work just as much or more than the other and by loving and doing the work you love others.

End (4114).

The Worst Moment in the Work or Path or in Any Undertaking - (5299)

I think the worst moment in the work or the path or in any undertaking for that matter, is when we are about to throw in the towel.

That moment is really aweful, that moment when we think: "I just can't do it", "it is not for me, I've come as far as I can", "it was never for me anyway", "I'll just not make it then that's all" something both sad and daunting.

This moment as bad as it looks or feels, is so common...

I don't know about everyone, but many people who have been very successful in so many undertakings: the work, the path, climbing a difficult mountain, fighting in a war, building a business, starting humanitarian relief projects, passing through intense difficulties... have all thought and felt that before...

Once again, to feel or think that, well its not pleasant for the person who thinks or feels that but what counts is how we deal with it. What comes after the thought and feeling is what counts, because that is what unfolds one's destiny...

Anyway when this moment arises here in relation to the work here are some things to think about. 

1.) If we throw in the towel we will have to face the same difficulty later on, in this life or the next, it will be the same. So why not gather up the strength and consciousness to do or overcome it now.

2.) Do you know that this may be exactly what you need to develop and perhaps even pay for future higher states of consciousness ahead of you.

3.) What about others in your life? Some relationships depend on the work. Then there are others - real people that depend on your work, and what of them?

4.) What about your Being? Have you consulted your Being? How long has your Being been waiting?


5.) What happens if you just wait a short while, are you sure the storm won't pass? Everything as law does pass!

6.) Have you asked for help? To talk to somebody in the work can make a world of difference.

7.) Are you sure you are not being a sooky la la (Aussie slang for a cry-baby), being weaker than what you really are?

8.) Do you know how close you are to arriving at something valuable?

9.) Do you know what has been planned for you to do in the future if only you are to stay working? 

10.) Do you know what karma has been put aside until now? 

11.) Do you know what really awaits you in life and in your future lives? Well the same as the past right? Are you good with living the future as the past was? 

End (5299).

Thursday, 6 May 2021

We Lost our Sexual Force So We have Lust - (4127)

Once upon a time we fell, perhaps sexually or otherwise, but from that moment onwards, we surrendered our sexual force to the Divine Law. The Law took it from us because in such a fallen state it is no longer just that we have that the power to make happen and create what we wish. The creative power of the Gods has to be removed from the Gods or Beings that fall.... 

So rolling in time we are here as human beings both with and without that sexual force. As an attempt to get back what was lost and taken away, we in some ways have lust. We still do have some sexual force but the rest of it is contained within lust. 

It is often the sexual force bottled in lust that tries to exert itself, to exercise itself so that something deeper within us knows that force is still there, that it exists at least. 

The superior, the most sublime and transcendental and powerful part of our sexuality is trapped in lust, which makes total sense because that is the part of the power of God in us that was taken away, that is the part that we as normal human beings don't need for earthly normal life and that is the part which wishes to reinstate itself as it once was (creative and powerful), so from within its entrapment within the egos of lust it struggles to manifest but because of the conditioning, its force goes awry into a myriad of directions thrust into the world of matter (senses and sensations) and even more into matter making it denser and further separated from what it once was. That separation from what it once was, processeses itself because of duality as inversion, as a direct opposite to its original nature.

End (4127).

Tell Someone to Work - (5368)

How do we tell someone to work? They usually don't do anything when told to work! That is the normal thing that happens. People only work when they see for themselves the gravity of the necessity to work, or either they are immersed in a situation where to survive they have to work. 

Or unless they are very interested in working, they will see using their consciousness that they need to work in that area and then they can go about it by virtue of their understanding. But this is the more rare of the cases.

End (5368).

Relationship is an Art - (4126)

I don't know a lot about this but for sure with every person we relate to, whether it be a friend, a family member, a student or otherwise there is always 'the particular' implied. 

Each relationship is an art. If we know how to paint we can make a work of art out of a relationship. Whichever relationship that be. 

If we know how to live, how to suffer, how to die we can make our very own life a work of art. Knowing this first teaches us how to make relationships a work of art.

Everyone has their particular psychology and their particular psycholgy is different to ours. I mean that different to ours! To not see this is to be silly. We can see it but we also have to accept it. Accepting it is better than knowing it, because we can then live.

Everyone has a particular way that works best to get through to them... to talk to them to help them or lead them...or work with them or do this or that with them. 

We may like or not like their way but after all its the way of their nature. What can we do? Adapt ourselves, see what is good and true in that nature and maybe modify certain ways we take with them for the better or understand it, know it and use it to work with them? Or just reject it which may be right for us in some moments or in other moments very unwise, well we just have to see...

Gurdjieff called the foruth way the way of the cunning man...

Once m.m.m told me that the Christ is very astute in the sense that it knows the ways to catch essences for the light, what those ways may be, who knows, but that He knows and can employ a variety of means to bring essences to the light, perhaps ways above the relativity of good and evil. 

Jesus said in the gospels to be as wise as a serpent but as gentle as a dove. 

End (4126).

Hot and Cold Water - (4125)

What happens when we mix hot and cold water together? We get luke warm water right and luke warm quickly turns to room temperature water. But say luke warm or cold or room temperature is not what is needed, but hot is. 

Well, the hot has to increase it's temperature or if not its temperature, its quantity, that is multiply itself so that the mixture becomes hot and useful.

This is always the case when two different elements come together...

What is more convenient for the yearnings and aspirations and purpose of that mixture - to be cold or luke warm or hot? If hot then something has to be done, the hot has to stay hot and the cold has to warm up. No other option really.

End (4125).

Seal up the Injustice Leaks - (4124)

This is something we find that we have to look at inside of ourselves as well.

Last night m.m.m was telling me that attending to the injustice inside arranges justice outside.

We may be asking for help which is right but we may have many things in our life where we are acting injustly. It is like we are pouring water into a container that has holes in it. What we need is life giving water which comes to us but because our container is full of holes we are left with very little help.

If we need to ask for help there is always something that is not quite in order or right or fair in our thoughts, attitudes, feelings and behaviour...

We may find it but we don't want to give it up. Maybe that sacrifice of giving that up will lead to the solution we are asking for. 

To even begin to start to inquire we need to forget about us, yes us being right. Open up to consider that we may be wrong or that we do not see something that we do not know about. 

End (4124).

If You Promise the Law Don't Forget it - (4123)

If we ever promise the Divine Law something, never forget it! Give it to them. 

A person after asking the Divine Law for help can feel better and can then forget about the promise, thinking that the Divine Law is merciful and It will forgive us for forgetting our promise because we are a normal sleeping human being after all. 

But are we? Or do we want to be treated like a sleeping intellectual animal with no conscious sense of responisbility? We deep don't do we? 

So we must fulfill what we offered in exchange for the help given to us! 

End (4123).

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Every Practice Gives Merit - (4122)

Every practice we do generates merit. Some of that merit goes to us and some goes to the Being for It's uses for now or the future or who knows what mysteries It has in store. 

So to generate merit - we have to practice heaps right. Give heaps right. Enter into sacrifice right. A short practice we don't feel the heat of sacrifice but a longer one we certainly do. Give $5 we don't feel anything give $50 we feel it.

Sacrifice is to consciously drop an inferior thing to get a superior thing. Sometimes in truth you get a superior thing but sometimes just sometimes we are mistaken and we think we are dropping an inferior thing for something superior but we may be dropping a superior thing for a inferior thing then we get pain mate and karma! 

Sacrifice pays always either in the superior or the inferior. The superior is light and freedom but the inferior is pain and more difficulty.

End (4122).

To the Law with the Divine Mother and Intimate Christ - (4121)

The best currency is cosmic captial it pays for everything. It heals everything it brings the light to die in ourselves it brings the help we need. Without it the help is denied. It is thousands of times more useful and powerful than physical money!

The Divine Mother and the Intimate Christ are our right hands when working with the Law.

When we pray to the Law we can invoke and ask for their assistance. They can vouch of us and guarantee for us providing we have the conviction to do the right thing by them.

The Divine Motehr is the one that appears before the Law for us and the Intimate Chirst is the one that pays, negotiates and shortens the karmic periods for us.  

When the karmic debt and weight drops we should work quickly to gain capital because it is the the most powerful weapon against our karmic debts and the ego.

End (4121). 

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Karma is Negotiable and Working That - (4120)

Only Gnosis teaches really that karma is negotiable. Thanks to Master Samael we know that it is.

Some karmic debts can be pardoned... Some not. Some have to go to their final consequence and some can be negotiated and paid off before reaching their final consequence. 

So to open a way to alleviate obstacles and suffering we can go to the Law for help.

We have to ask the Law, the Law will not come to us to ask us if we want to negotiate. We have to take the lead there...

To work with the Law we need respect, love, firmness, constancy and consciousness (heart) ... just to name a few but these are the basic ones.

We have to understand that any karma is our own doing, we are the ones punishing ourselves it is not Anubis or the Divine Law punishing us. We gave them permission to balance the scales by having unbalanced it earlier.

First step is to take responsibility for the sufffering, the difficulty, the delay the block etc.

The human and the physical is more lenient when we take responsibilty.

Negotiation is always an exchange an offering...We can ask for help but we must offer something in exchange. We offer our past works which guarantee the future payments. We must be totally convinced that we will pay with work and then we must work!

End (4120).

Teachings of the Law to Help - (4119)

Well for a few days I'm going to post what I have been taught about working with the Law. May these things help you when you need it most in your life whenever that time be, if it ever does happen, of course hopefully not ever. But most likely not in the life anyone of us who has karma.

End (4119).

When Under Karma No way be Passive - (4118)

When we really feel karma pressing down on us, when the weight of karma falls heavily on our shoulders, the silliest thing to do is to stop working. 

It is so silly to complain, to worry, to pace up and down, to think and think, to protest, to argue - all are useless... 

We need merits, capital, dharma like crazy to alay the oppressing force of karma.

The force of karma can just be too strong for us to hold things up, things look solved then another hell of a block arises, the karma is implacable - crushing... There is no other choice but to generate merits, to pay, to pray to the Law working something out...

In no way is being passive helpful!

The thing to do is to get to work straight away. Hit hard the sacrifice, the death of the ego, ask the Law for help, for a repreive, a credit, something of a way to pay, to stop the continual pressing of these difficulties and to open a way to solve them.

There are special moments that one for a second feels the weight of karma on oneself and in those special moments one can know if one has the strength of merits to withstand it and solve it. We may have just enough to withstand it but not enough to solve it. We need more dharma more to merit to solve it than to withstand it.

We have to work for merits they do not come for free or from anyone else as a gift! They can from the guru from our inner Being's reserve of stashed away capital but that is usually all!

End (4118).

Sunday, 2 May 2021

The Isis Has and Keeps Her Secrets - (3938)

Here are some enigmatic words to meditate and reflect on...

Isis is always portrayed as being veiled.

"I, Isis am all that has been, that is, or shall be. No mortal man hath ever me unveiled."

Meaning she hides her mysteries. Mainly from the unworthy: "whose veil no mortal has lifted".

"The fruit which I have brough forth is the 'Sun'". The "Sun" is the Christ or the Intimate Christ for the human being.

There are many interpretations, from the human to the esoteric.

The human:

Every woman is like an Isis in some ways, and following the great archetype of the Divine Feminine, she too can also hide her secrets from the unworthy...

The esoteric:

Gnosis says that the resurrected Christ is the one that can lift the veil of Isis.

End (3938).