Saturday, 31 July 2021

Hold onto Spiritual Yearning - (4198)

One of your greatest defences against life is your spiritual yearning! 

To be strong in our work we can spend time strengthening our yearning as this will serve as very well and loyally when we are challenged by life...

Your spiritual yearning is what is in your heart and its what drives you as a real power to fight through the difficult battles and the diffcult circumstances and challenges of life.

Life is very good and powerful at stripping one of one's sprititual yearnings. 

I have seen it so many times, before someone stops and later definitely abandons temporarily or permanently their inner work they lose all their yearnings. Their heart feels empty and void of spiritual yearning and as a consquence they feel spiritually weak.

Any spiritual yearning no matter how seemingly small or unattainable it is, is so helpful in the fight against the opposing forces from life...

One very good way to face the opposition of life is to fill ourselves with strong spiritual yearning this will I tell you give you emotional strength and enthusiasm as well as force.

Remember 'life' as an oppsoing force is in others as well as karma can often be with others too.

End (4198).

Our Work is More Important... - (4197)

Our interior Divinity and our work towards it is important above all else and is the most important thing!

The walking towards the Sun is more important than the bridge that crosses the shores that lead to the Sun...

The bridges that lead to the Sun will always be found. Of course we need that the bridges be there... But us walking the path crossing those bridges is what takes us as an essence to the Sun not the bridges... The bridges are necessary but are not everything.

The walking is our effort, it is our work, our walking becomes our path...

We get it very wrong when we forget the walking and focus everything on the bridge, this is how we stagnate. The bridge is the relationship the husband the wife. There must be a good relationship but to forget the work is to make things stand still and for life to creep in more and more and for the path to retreat more and more...

As the path retreats, the meaning of our life retreats, and always, as one void deepens the opposite enters to fill the deepening void. As the happiness of our essence walking the path leaves us, the sad meaningless of life enters us...


End (4197). 

A Rainy Day, a Room, a Candle and Yourself - (4196)

We need to give ourselves a retreat...

Much can be gained from doing that. Sometimes our life just does not allow for that time.

Time to go inside to recuperate our focus on our interior Divinity and the work towards it.

Time to go inside and scan over everything looking for what we must work on...

Time to pray to the interior Divinity asking for what we most need to work...

Time to then really work inside of ourselves...

Time to gather the spiritual force and the wisdom needed to navigate what's ahead... and to overcome our weaknesses...

End (4196).

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Gnostic Prayer Book Such A Blessing - (4195)

A Gnostic prayer book in your hands is a real treasure. Bless the people who put it together.

Just to open it and pray the prayers brings lots of solace from the interior Divinity and the Beings of compassion that are close by to help us.

End (4195). 

Troubled Times Ask Lots of Help from the Monad - (4193)

When we are troubled or are finding things whatever they may be - difficult. We are given the advice to pray a lot to our Monad.

This really does help a lot. It really does help and it works.

It shows us that we are not alone. Our Monad is close by and is not indifferent to us.

It also shows us that the supply of many of life's solutions are in the Monad and our supply of force and wisdom comes from there - our Monad.

Ask non-stop.

End (4193).

Mental Silence - Refuge and Best Thinking Pad - (4194)

Mental silence is a refuge outside of the confusion and conflict in our mind.

In mental silence things become clear. The dust can settle.

In mental silence is where we can think the best. It is where we can think profoundly, by contacting our  inner mind. 

Through the inner mind we make contact with the deeper parts of ourselves that hold our truth and a more correct perspective of the circumstances we are living.

Mental silence is one way we can give our consciousness an opportunity to be active and help us.

End (4194).

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Attitude for Mental Silence - (4173)

I find that the best attitude for mental silence is like one of wishing to receive a gift. The gift of mental silence. Wishing in full openness. 

The attitude of wishing to conquer the mind may not help as much. I think each one to experiment and experience what works best.

End (4173).

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Try for Silent Mind but Fall into Mental Fights - (4192)

Too common an experience for all of us. 

Something I have been trying that has helped a lot today has been to let go of the thoughts. But with the special key of not judging any thought... 


As soon as we judge a thought we enter into a mental fight about it or with it.

Especially when fear appers we see it as negative and we want fear out of our mind, so we fight and our mind gets more and more active and we feel worse off.

It is special and amazing to just see the thoughts without any judgement of good or bad and then watch them leave. Please don't be afraid of the thoughts I tell myself - that's important also!

That's how we can get the mind to be more quiet - by giving it peace. That's a start of how we can give peace to our mind not entering into war with it!

End (4192).

The Real Control: Self-Control - (4191)

Here are just some notes that I have been going over and are working wioth. I have not mastered them but are working with them. 

The real control is self-control.

We can try hard to control others and circumstances but things always tend to slip out of our control. There's always something that slips out of our control.

Controlling others does not make others feel happy.

We control others because we lack control of over our own emotions.

Controlling is mainly done out of fear, self-importance, pride etc.

To be controlling of others or circumstances is at one point going to casue us suffering.

Self-control is certainly a big value or virtue. A value that has to be worked on to acquire.

Self-control starts with knowing that we are responsible for what we feel and think.

Self-control is both of the body, what happens inside the body and of our psychology or mind. 

We can not ignore our mind or our psychology if we want self-control. We can control our mind by cultivating the capacity to let thoughts and points of view go. 

The super important thing is to let things go. I find what helps the most is to let thoughts to go not to think about the thoughts or get muddled into the thoughts to try and modify or control them but to really let them go without thinking about doing it - just lwet them go. To use the out breath to let the thoughts go helps a lot as well.

A relaxed mind or quiet mind is a mind under control.

End (4191).

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Life does not see the Path - (4190)

This post is about the contrast between life and the path in people and in relationships.

Normally in life we relate life to life. But when we start our esoteric studies we add a new dimension to our lives. This new dimension is the path.

It takes a while to add this new dimension and a bit more time to embrace it.

Before or even while we are in the process of adding this new dimension to our life we normally don't see the path in people we tend to see life in people. Then when it comes to relationships we tend to see the potential for life in another person but not so much their potential for the path.

Of course this is so normal because we are in life.

We may see that another person does not have certain qualities in life and we feel disappointed. We feel disappointed because our centre of gravity is life for now.

When we begin to change our centre of gravity to the path the qualities another person has in the path and for the path become more important and more valuable to us.

We can actually have certain qualities in the path and not have the same quality in life. For example a person can be very punctual in working on impressions and the manifestations of the ego in him or herself but in life can often not be very punctual. While our centre of gravity is life we don't see the path octave of the quality, we only see the life octave of the quality and if it is lacking in life we feel disappointend.

We can teach ourselves to see the path in others. We will when we are more path than life, but even if we are more life we can start to do that, because doing that will accelerate us becomming more path - that is shifting our centre of gravitty to the path.

After a while we come to learn that the best way to relate is path to path. This is really the best. Relating path to life is not really that good, too many difficulties. 

The first relationship that we should have before a relationship with anyone to do the path is a relationship with the path. We need to forge our own relationship with the path before anything else.

That makes a lot of sense. Because both will work for the path and help each other on the path. The qualities of the path such as the respect for each other's work will be present. The resepct for the work of the three factors will be present and for the work that each one does in each factor. There won't be criticism, scpeticism and depreciation for the work of any of the three factors - there will be support. The motivation helping each other to work will be present. The love for the path will be present. If there is love for the path there is love for each other and love for others looking and working for the path. Each other will sacrtifice happily for the benefit of each other's path rather than demand from the point of view of life and drag one back to life.

If both have a relationship with the path the better it will be for their paths and their life together.

End (4190).

Friday, 16 July 2021

The Battle of the Knight and the Modern Man - (4189)

Two men, yet the same two men. Locked in a bitter sad combat. One a templar knight, shiny chain mail and armour wearing the white and red templar ensignia and the other dressed in neat modern fashion with dark colours. One a spiritual warrior, a man of the path and the other the common man of life.

The common man of life subduing with force the knight, how sad the knight looked, how sad the situation was, how sad the knight was that his direction, his will was not respected by the modern man and how sad it was that the superior values were being defeated. 

Each time that the modern man won he pressed a dagger into the chest of the knight producing blood. Indeed when the superior values withn a person are sacrificed for inferior values the essence hurts in the heart (dagger wound) and suffers (flowing of blood). 

Just why didn't the knight equipped with armour and trained for combat stand up and push the modern man aside? The knight is the path, the essence, the values of the path and the modern man is the egos, the personality, horizontal life. 

The fight is always within us even when we are being influenced heavily by outside factors - that is by other people.

When we win the fight inside, that is when the knight inside of us stands up and defeats the common man, the external man, we ward off outside influences.

The knight works for the Christ within us, and so to the Intimate Christ we can ask for help to set this situation right.

In a relationship for the path, the best situation which is the situation that will give the best results for the path is when the knight in both people is standing on top of the common external man.

End (4189).

Deal Directly with the Monad of the Other Person - (4188)

This is a practical key that really works.

If you are having trouble with another person. See first of all that person as being an essence that has a Monad. 

To not see this I emphasis is a fatal mistake! It is where our problems and weaknesses all begin.

When we see the other person as an essence we shift to an essence level where we can relate to that essence. I want to say that the way we relate to the essence is through values. WE RELATE TO THE ESSENCE WITH VALUES OF THE ESSENCE!

Then we can act with these values to benefit the essence. Without fear that we are doing the wrong thing.

We are then in the right position through prayer to converse to the Monad of the other person asking for help to control Its vehicle so to co-operate with the path which will only enhance Its essence.

We are not in the right position when we are in the ego to ask the Monad of the other person for co-operation because that would be unjust and I respectfully think that the help of the other's Monad would not be forthcoming.

End (4188).

Dignity and Pride - (4186)

Pride can ask for something and when it does not get it, it attacks and fights. 

Dignity on the other hand asks, waits, respects and perhpas clarifies. It does not attack or fight or diminsh others.

We can get use to using pride to get all that we want. Therein lies the point of study. Pride fights and in the fight respect and dignity are often thrown away. Such a way of doing things is not in line I firmnly believe with the Being and the conduct of one on the path.  

If dignity has to act against the wishes of others, it does so in a way that maintains dignity both inside and outside.

The dignity of the Being is what we all wish to find. Before we arrive at it we must establish dignity in our human life. That is within us here and now in our physical life. In our thoughts, feelings and actions. 

End (4186).

Monday, 12 July 2021

Mind-Body is Within You - (4185)

Control over something is about being able to manage what happens in our own system. By system I mean what happens in the way of reaction in our mind-body when we receive some impressions or sensations.

It doesn't really have much to do with what is happening on the outside.

We have control when our way of managing is stronger than what our mind-body reacts with.

Once we have control then the trust appears in us and bit by bit our consciousness enters to take over.

Why? Because we learn to trust our method of controlling the mind-body reaction and so trust builds and then within the space of trust appears more and more our consciousness.

End (4185).

Super Efforts are Sometimes what we Need - (4187)

Just a reminder to ourselves that sometimes we need to apply a super effort to push something to happen.

It seems afterwards, that without making the super effort we wouldn't have not gotten the result we had been trying to get for so long.

Super efforts we can come to the conclusion, are necessary. If we are not getting somewhere try a super effort. If it doesn't work at least then we know that the answer lies in something else.

End (4187).


Thursday, 8 July 2021

Esoteric Path Notes - (4184)

Introduction - Practical Approach

This post is a collection of points that I have learnt, are learning and are re-learning. They are all very practical as they have been learnt practically.


The time comes to decide to consider the path as real or not. When we decide it is real for us, this is the begining of getting serious. All unfolds from this point. 

If the path is real Master Samael is real, the Gnostic teachings are real and those who are on the path and have finished the path are real. Our path too can become a reality.

Work and Path

We need to know this to not get confused. There is the path and then there is the work. There are systems and schools of the work and of the path. THEY ARE DIFFERENT! 

Schools of the path adhere to, and schools of the work use as a compliment. Because schools of the path will give you both the work and the path, while schools of the work will only give you the work. But because the path is lacking in these schools, the work that they give you can be good, very good but incomplete.

Life and Path

Life and the path are different. Some things are transferrable such as punctuality, responsibility, respect, diligence, hard work, persistence, but certainly not everything. I wrote about that, please see this post: life and the path.


There is always definition required! Constantly! Over and over again. One has to define oneself, which means dedicate oneself to go ahead, which means to embrace more the path and clear the way of many hinderances that prevent this.

This can be very painful. The processes of definition are a battle. A battle to be won! Hook or by crook a battle to be won. The path in you must win.

Why all this defintion? Because the very nature of the path is  one where we have to put all of our life into it. Stake one's whole life. Focus one's whole life. Because the path is one's life. I believe all the masters of the past have taught us that.

Reference Points

This is critical who we chose as a reference point. If you want the path chose the path as a reference point. Which means chose the teachings of the path, the people and activities of the path. Not a Catholic priest or a buddhist monk or a psychologist but someone walking the path.

Reference points not of the path may be very helpful in the short term but in the long term for the path they end up being counter productive if one is not alert.  Remember impressions work invisibly in time!


Trust the path. Trust life less. If you trust the path and give to the path by the Law of reciprocity it has to trust in you and give you help and provide you with all that you need to walk forward.

The path is your life, to walk the path we need to make it our life. Conclusion we find that we have to trust the path to walk it happily without fear. Trusting it will support and look after us.


Give to the path to receive of the path. We have to give first. If we have nothing to give we must give with our hope, our yearnings etc.

Logic and Ways of Thinking

There is the logic of the path and there is the logic of life. They are at odds many times. What is logical for the path is illogical for life and vice versa.

There is the logic of nature and the logic of the path which is the logic of favouring the development of the essence. The logic of life and nature favour the personality, the mind and the sensibility of the egos.


The path is in you and in others. It is not in a book or in a temple or in a country but in you and others and in activities. It is in your choices and in your decisions and in your conduct. It is in your thinking, feeling and actions and it is in your yearnings and hope.

The path is shown to others through a person who is walking the path. In other words you will find the path in their words, their actions, their knowledge and experience.


Before the path we owe the work to ourselves, but on the path we owe our work to the path. We must work as the path requires. The path is characterised by its ethics, which are nothing other than the values of our Inner Being and the laws of the Cosmos.

Practical Tips

When one is losing the path, to go a bit fanatical until it safely comes back is not a bad thing. It is not wrong.


The path has its own principles and laws. Once again very different to those of life.


The path has its decisions. What we decide sets up our path or ruins it. There is always the contrast of chosing between life and the path. Some decisions are not so critical and some we can recover from if they were poorly made and some are very very hard to recover from. 


The path orders your work. The path puts demands on your work. The path requires octaves from your work.

Not Practicing - Doing

Practices help but what matters and counts most is to act for the path and act on the path. We need practices to show us with clarity of how to act.

Inventory for the Path

It is not a bad idea to write down for ourselves an inventory of the qualities we have in favour of the path and the qualities we lack for the path or have against the path.


Calling the Being - Calling the Masters

Stay close to the path. One way to stay close to the path is to get into close touch with our Inner Being and the masters who have finished the path or who are on the path. Whether they have a physical body or not. Prayers and invocations, self-remembering are gems...

Yet to be finished...

End (4184).

Responsibility in the Word - (4171)

This post comes from something I am currently working on. I have not by any stretch mastered it but I am trying to go towards that point.

I have observed this from a long time ago that certain people are very strong and seem to always come out on top in any kind of discussion or argument. I always wanted to know why.

One day not too long ago it dawned on me, that such a person is one that takes a higher degree of responsibilty in their written or spoken word. Plus they could have other qualities present and active in them but never mind about that. That's not the topic of this post.

I feel that to know that we are responsible for our word produces a change in us, and is actually very powerful because it calls us to be conscious of our word yes as expected but that's not really the important thing that it calls us to be conscious of.

I feel it calls us to be conscious of our psychological processes of which the word is the end result.

To be responsible for our word has to mean so many things as one can imagine. One of the things I see that it would mean out of the many is that we would be very alert of our inner processes that they be correct. Because if our thought and feeling are correct then our word will naturally be that way too.

Another thing is that what we say we will be responsible for the effects that they unfold. Another one is to not contradict our word. Another one is that we would take care that our spelling and grammar and way of speaking is correct so as to give a clear as possible protrayal of what we really mean and that it is receved clearly as well.

As we will also see the consequences that our word will unfold for ourselves and for others, responsiblilty of our word calls forsigfht into action. I mean to be responsible for our word we need some ability to look into the future to see what our words will unfold. If we are not happy with what our words could unfold the question naturally arises to ourselves, do we want to be responsible for those difficult consequences?

Responsibility with our word also calls us to correct what we have said if we have made errors.

End (4171).

Monday, 5 July 2021

Life or the Path - A Choice - (4183)

Many people have to and have had to make many tough decisions. Right now as you read this, someone somewhere is agonising over a tough decision. 

The path has many tough decisions...

Even a life without the path, now and then requires some tough decisions.

Every moment we are taught is a cross where we have a choice between the path and life.

If we chose the path, we are doing right by our Being and our own Being will support us.

There are many activities which are life and those which are of the path. If we chose the path we are not making a mistake.

Life and the path are in people and in activities.

Sometimes then we have to chose people or activities.

What do we want? If we want the path we have to chose appropiately.

There is the logic of the path and the logic of life. Often the logic of the path is so illogical for life. However people on the path will understand the logic of the path operating in others. If not there could be some difficulties.

We need the logic of the path to help ourselves walk the path. The more we are exposed to the logic of life the more we can lose the logic of the path.

End (4183).

Pride Goes to Many Negative States but this can be Remedied - (4172)

I'm going to post here what I have experienced and what I have been taught. I will let you know which is which.

I was taught that the origin of hatred is pride. It all starts with pride. It goes like this: hurt pride or hurt self-love to resentment to organised resentment to hatred.

My experience is that this is true. My experience is that hurt pride can also lead to many other negative states that come from other egos such as self-importance or self-compassion even fear.

I want to add that from my experience pride produces different lacks within us. Then we feel strongly usually similar to like a need, to fill these lacks. We usually automatically feel we need that lack filled by someone else...

Doing this, that is filling the lack through someone else, is from my experience like selling ourselves cheap. We buy the cheap product instead of working to get a true good quality long lasting product. We get that good quality thing going for us when we work on the pride that got hurt. We have to go all the way back to the pride that got hurt. There's the key. That is what I use and it really works every time for me.

For example someone pointed out that we are not really up to scratch in a certain area and we are not doing well, we are really dreaming. When we don't see this or accept this or go inside and meet the truth of this we will feel a hurt and a lacking and we will look for an apology, love, kindness, support or some kind of compensation from the person who made these remarks or from others.

When we accept that and begin to do something about it we give ourselves the real solution and pride steps back and back and disappears leaving us to feel good again.

End (4172). 

Life and the Path don't Understand Each Other - (4169)

The following post is about teh contrast between the path and life. That is really the contrast between the vertical (the path) and the horizontal (life).

This post comes mostly from my expereince nad reflection from my experience. There are also some statements put in that have come from others.

The path and life have differing perspectives on things. To be expected right? Of course. Why? Because both have different ends and natures. This is logical. 

What is right for the path is wrong for life and what is wrong for life is right for the path.

What matters for life doesn't matter for the path. What matters for the path does not matter for life.

Furthermore when trying to marry life and the path, one hits a brick wall. Why? Because both life and the path see things differently.

Why do they see things differently? Because they embody different values.

Different values means different priorities which translates to investing our time and energies into different activities. 

It seems that life and the path can't marry. Because they are too incompatible. Life should marry life and the path should marry the path. 

Life and the path are where? They are in people, no where else. A person with a lot of life should not marry a person with a lot of path, because they will always disagree. The one of teh path has to become more life or the one of more life has to become more path otherwise never ending disagreement.

Life and the path can be balanced instead of marrying or uniting. Balancing them is the key. We can only ever the path one and then walk the balance within the chosen option of the path. 

We are taught in fact that one choses the path and has life inside the path. To chose life and fit the path into our life we are taught does not allow one to live the path, which is the only way the path is to be walked - by living it. The path is our life Master Samael says.

The path we are taught is walked by living it! Rather than by living life and fitting the path into life -  like a hobby or a pass time or as one would go to the gym. This is becasue the values of the path have to integrate into the person and once integrated they are in you they are a part of your life. We can't say I'm just going to put aside the path and be an animal and then put the path back in again. That's not living the path. The path will leave us if we do that, because we left it, and there is no space for it to come into us again. We have to wait and work to create that space again.

We are taught one lives the path or not. We are taught that there is not a horizontal path, that is an esoteric horizontal whichis really life with a flavour of the esoteric or spiritual, but a dedicated vertical path (the path) that incorporates our life.

End (4169). 

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Gymnasium Notes - (4182)

Just some notes here that I have been going over lately to help myself. They may also be helpful to you... Most of it is my experience and the rest is what I have been taught.

By gymnasium I mean a psychological gymnasium. There are two gymnasiums in the world: physical and psychological.

Both in essence have the same goal. Which is to provide a scenario where we can train ourselves to make ourselves: stronger, quicker, fitter, more skilful, more aware, less identified, wiser, more attentive, stronger in self-remembering, more essence and less personality, more tolerant, etc. etc. the list goes on and on. 

A gymnasium is a set of circumstances, that are difficult and challenging for us to master. Key words are difficult and challenging for us, because they may not be difficult for others. The key is 'for us', as the gymnasium is very particular, even for each person who may be involved in the gymnasium's events and circumstances. 

Master Samael says that the difficult circumstances are the ones that offer us the best. The question for us here is, do we accept that statement? We often really rebel against it...

No doubt we need psychological courage to accept a gymnasium.

None the less we only need it at the start, because when we are in a gymnasium we are in it and the fear of it has gone. 

A gymnasium appears when we are ready.

A gymnasium repeats and repeats until we fulfil the secret reason of the gymnasium. Which could be to learn a lesson, to overcome a defect, to understand something, to change, to develop a different attitude etc.

The Being, the Law send us a gymnasium. I say this because there are two types of gymnasium. One that we chose and even set up voluntarily for ourselves and one that just falls on top of us. Of the one that just falls on top of us there is one that is very karmic and one that is a mixture of Being and Karma.

A gymnasium is to learn quite a few things or one very important thing.

Tests, karma and a gymnasium are all different...  

In practice we should try to make good use of the gymnasium to learn quickly and put into practice what we have learnt. This makes the gymnasium pass a lot quicker and for circumstances to change.

We have to at times, really meditate on the circumstances that have unfolded in any gymnasium to work out what we really need to work on and change within us.

When we learn the lesson, make the change, accept the invitation to rise to a new internal state the gymnasium ends or decreases.

When a gymnasium is karmic it never really ends, it waxes and wanes like the moon until the karmic debt is paid.

We may not really learn or work on ourselves until we find ourselves in a gymnasium.

The good work that we do on ourselves can reach into the future and erase the need for any future gymnasiums.

The Typhon Baphomet can also intervene in any kind of gymnasium. As we are taught that the Typhon Baphomet is our particular psychological trainer. We are taught when the Typhon Baphomet intervenes a special kind of flavour is added to the gymnasium.

Tests and a gymnasium are different. Karma and a test are also different. Karma for one goes on for much longer. A test is much shorter in duration. Tests and karma can be mixed quite often.

End (4182).

Real Value is Outside Duality - (4181)

I understand now more than ever, that any real value that anyone has, is really real when it helps them in the circumstances that are 'against' them.

I think that any value that we really possess shines in us when our own egos, people and circumstances are against us.

We can take any value and see the above point. We can take respect as an example.


It can often be that we may respect someone, but then later we don't respect them or we lose respect for them. What happens with us in such cases?

It could be that the person was behaving in a way that we liked and the person did all that we expected of them. But then they did something that we didn't agree with and the respect started to go or went.

Examples like this show us that we didn't really possess respect unconditionally or outside of relativity. We only had respect as a result of our conditions being met. So we had respect relatively or conditionally.

To possess something conditionally or relatively is not really to possess something. When it is this way concerning a value I think that we do not possess the value, the value is not yet a part of our soul. It is only a feature of our egoic structure. Because any ego comes and goes, our relative use of the value comes and goes also with the ego.

When for example we have respect we keep it no matter what happens. The line of respect may lower somewhat that is quite normal in difficult circumstances but it won't be thrown down to the ground. Or if it ever is thrown down to the ground, we end up really hurting our essence because the essence knows full well that it willingly compromised one of its own values, which is a part of itself. When we have conditional egoic respect we do not care at all about throwing respect to the floor. we even feel justified to do this.

Even if the person has done something that we consider really bad to us, if we have real respect we will still keep respect. There will always be something that we can respect in another person. The more ignorant of ourselves we are the less we find to respect others. 

To respect is to have found things of value within us. Which is a kind of an awakening. When we find things of value in ourselves we know straight away that others have the same things of value within them, they have to as fundamentally they are different to us, so we respect them. 

If someone does something and we feel we lose respect for them there is much from the past that we can respect about them. Their human beingness their Monad, their human rights, their life, their free will, their silence, their sufferings etc. are all things that we can respect.  

End (4181).