Monday, 28 March 2022

About and to do with Debts - (4375)


This post is a reflection on the psychology in and behind debts.

Kinds of Debts

We have several kinds of debts I find upon reflection. I'm sure you will have seen that too.

We have debts with nature, debts with people and debts with ourselves. It is similar to the types of pain. There is the pain that we cause nature, pain that we cause others and pain that we cause to ourselves.

The debts that we have with nature, people and ourselves can be further classified into being either: physical, psychological and esoteric. Physical debts with people is something quite broad, and can include debts in the fields of money, services, favours, objects, trades, barters, recommendations, etc.  

Debts whether they are physical, psychological or esoteric are real and have their weight.


Debts are justice or balance restored in potential. However while a debt is running unpaid it is injustice riding on good will with the promise that the debt one day soon will be cancelled and justice restored.

A debt is a difference. A difference between what was received and what was given back in return. If what was given back matches in value with what was received there is no debt. 

Psychology of

There is much psychology in this subject of debts. There is psychology both sides where those sides are when we create debts that we have to pay and when we are owed and we have to deal with that situation of waiting to be compensated.

In essence, debts are to do with the cosmic Laws of reciprocity and compensation.

To not know we have just gotten ourselves a debt or are accruing debt is a type of ignorance. Either the type of ignorance where we ignore that on purpose or based on some kind of flawed thinking, or we are just not aware.

The action of accruing debts and not willing to want to compensate or pay them is an action of the defect of pride. The pride that feels itself above the Law and feeling that somehow it can be exempt and abiding by the law is for others who are less of course.

To feel not accountable to the laws of reciprocity and compensation is another feeling of pride.

The Law is more powerful than our pride. It at any point makes us humble before its rigour and if pride resists, pride's own pain humbles itself - well eventually...

At the core of the above statements is the feeling that we are better than the Law or that we can somehow circumvent the Law by virtue of being better or just being who we are. 

Why do we feel that we can circumvent the Law? Because we are good looking... Right? What I mean with that answer is that the reasons for we feel that we can circumvent the Law are delusional. Unfortunately we believe those reasons and believing makes us to act as if we are above the law and can disregard it.  

We can think like this for our whole life. Only when we have learnt a lot through suffering is that we see our errors or when we come to the esoteric teachings and act in the same way and suffer is when we look up for answers and we find that we can't be this way anymore.. 

End (4375).

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Notes Personal - (4374)

There is no memory in the Being but comprehension instead.

Don't be scared of the gymnasium. Our gymnasiums have been programmed already because through them the Being in us will acquire what It lacks in quality. There are many gymnasiums after this one which will seem impossible or ones where we think that we won't survive.

There is always ever present that element of 'no time' in our work. Sometimes it is more present and some times it is less present. In any case when there is 'no time' we need to work fast - change quickly.

We are tied to our Guru for future times and missions.

Seek to please the Spirit in us. Not any ego or any person or group.

Be strong in matter and strong in the Spirit. Be strong in matter by being first strong in the spirit.

Bring one's force to complement one's wisdom. One's wisdom needs force to make it manifest. The wisdom of a person or of a Monad wants to be useful by manifesting through actions. 

Dignity begins here in human life. Then as the human dignity builds it touches the dignity of the inner Divinity and builds upon that.

Dignity is quiet in front of offence but pride takes offence and is very vocal in attack.

We marry the essence of another person not their egos.

We can deal directly with the Monad of a person asking the Monad of the other person for their co-operation. Even to the point of defining the Monad for its co-operation.

There are in relationships at times a 'take it or leave it' deal.

The Guru is a clear channel of help from one's very own Being.

To be strong in matter is to see the other as an essence and a Monad and then to work for that essence.

If we do something that favours the the essence of the Being and if it is done with dignity we won't get things wrong and the Being will support us. 

Win the support of the Being in us with right action, right thinking and right feeling.

We need at the end of the day to succeed in the various gymnasiums of the path.

We at times have to work the passive to become active. Convert the passive part that conceeds into initiaitive and leadership. Others and ourselves may have to at other times work the active to become nuetral passive. Convert the part that controls and commands to be accepting, flexible and agreeable.

In front of life and others it is correct to be as Master Samael was - firm and strong because he had the knowledge and the doctrine behind him.

A key is to see others as an essence and do what is right for their essences which is not to feed any ego or the personality but to teach the essence. 

End (4374).

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Courage for the Path - (4373)

Here are some teachings from m.m.m: "The Being has not memory but only comprehension. The Being does not punish but corrects and educates".

We should not be afraid of the gymnasiums that the path, our work and our own Inner Being presents to us. Becasue they have been already programmed for us to triumph in.

There is no time for the work... Because the work is always now! A big mistake is to think we have time. Because of this we work less or little. 

There are cases becasue they have started the work of the three factors late in life - they 'don't have time'.

If we do something with dignity which is in favour of our essence and the work upon ourselves we won't make a mess of it and get things wrong, the Being will support us. 

Know that it is more importnat always to please the Spirit no matter what our fear tells us.

Being strong in the Spirit we can be strong in matter. Not the other way around though. If we are strong in our Spirit we can be happy as the way we are because that will help us to navigate and get through life a lot easier.

Force and wisdom are needed to be courageous. If we have wisdom we need to bring force to act as our wisdom guides us to.

Dignity starts in the human before we can ascend to restore the dignity in the Being.

Dignity keeps us serene and quiet. Pride takes offence and attacks.

We marry the essence of someone not the egos of someone. We are judged before the law as essences. The ego in us is never given cancer and made to die but the Law gives us the cancer and we end up dying.    

To be strong in the spirit is to see people as an essence with a Divine Monad and we would decide to work for the Being in us. 

When we win the support of our Inner Being we will trust in Him to always help us.

End (4373).

When Facing the Horizontal Line of Life - (4369)

Life does not see the apth but the path sees life. The path knows life and can conquer life but life can not conquer the path. 

The position of the path before life is one of strength due to the wisdom or intelligence of the path. Also due to the strength of spirit that one acquires on the path.  

Strong in the spirit and strong in matter is what we strive for. The values of the path are stronger than the values of life because they are of the eternal and connect directly to the supreme source of life. 

To be strong in the doctrine of the path helps us when facing life.

Know that when we chose the path we chose to please the enternal in us. The immortal in us - our Inner Being. 

Remembering the Being helps us to embrace the path and its values and so makes us strong and wise before life.

Any humilation that we suffer on the path where it seems life suubmits us will result in a later exaltation where life yields to us and rewards us. This is because on the path there is a law that says: 'every exaltation is preceeded by a humiliation".

End (4369).

Here Trod a Man on the Path - (4368)

When anyone walks on the path they leave their footprints for others to see. Those footprints are their decisions and actions on their path and the path.

When we take a step on the path it is worth it for the love of others to take that step with firmness so that a clear imprint is left in the ground.

This means taking any decision or step on the path with certainity, decisiveness, trust, faith and conviction. When we take steps on the path this way, we help others by leaving a clear footprint for them to see and go by and even use as a reference. 

We also help ourself as taking a step this way is a more conscious step and shows our inner Being our intensity of decision, firmness and yearning. In return our Inner Being will give back the same definite quality of help to us.

End (4368).

Mask of the Personality and Envy - (4372)

It is a mask that we put on before life. The mask is made up of the following things:

culture, religion, the trends of the times, the mindset of the times, family values, our past, our particular tastes, particular words (slang), nationalty, environment, inheritance, hobbies, habits, manners, fashion, habits, demenour, cars, housing, lifestyle, facebook account, instagram account etc.  

Personality is all what is to be shown and the things of the personality are things that are visible.

There is fantasy in the mask of personality. Becasue one does not really know one's true nature as and from the essence.

Comparison contributes to building the mask of personality. Comparison is behind envy which further builds the personality. 

The personality is made through imitation and it is also made to imitiate. When we lack the things of the personality that others have in their personality envy then is used to create the desire and drive to acquire those things and perhaps even more.  

The mask of personality is made to be dependent on 'the more' and 'the better'.

The trend with the horizontal line of life and the personality is that the personality devlopes and strengthens. 

The personality mainly reacts. It does not act - that pertains to our essence and our consciousness.

The mask of the personality does not have spiritual values in it. When the mask of personality looks at the spiritual values it feels terribly bored, scared and consequently some kind of aversion. It can also find the spiritual values to be impossible, too far, not very kind, not very human or even wrong...

End (4372).

Enthusiasm for Esotericism - (4371)

The enthusiasm for esotericism goes to the essences who are around us and affects them. It makes the other essences to become enthusiastic about the esoteric work also. It has the power to convert cold to warm and warm to hot in whatever aspect of esotericism.

This is what a good teacher of esotericism does. Master Samael did this in so many instances and for so many people.

End (4371). 

Horizontal and Vertical Lines of Life Notes - (4367)


If we approach this topic from a psychological analysis point of view we can get a lot of light about the subject.

Life - Horizontal Line

There are views on what life is. Everyone has some view on what life is. In fact there are many points of view from which life can be seen. Life can be seen from a philosophical point of view, from a biological point of view, from a hedonistic point of view, from a practical point of view etc. 

It is in fact very difficult to define what life is. Perhaps the best definition is the sum of all the different views, concepts, ideas and beliefs that people have about life. So we really have to be flexible and open...

Life though, definitely has three realities: a physical reality, a psychological reality and an esoteric reality. We are a biological cellular entity - meaning we are made up of cells on a biological level, we are a social entity, we are a psychological entity and we are also an esoteric entity.

The horizontal line of life is made up of four columns: the senses, personality, mind and ego.

The horizontal line of life is all about the second state of consciousness. There is much identification, fascination and sleep of the consciousness along the line of life.

A very strong element in the horizontal line of life is time and space. 

The horizontal line is all about going from the known to the known. Where everything is predictable. This is because there is the sleep of the consciousness and nothing is really known because the consciousness is asleep. This provokes fear and to counteract this fear the mind becomes active trying to control and secure things. This forms a main part of the horizontal line of life - the not knowing anything, fear, the active mind and the mind working to control and secure things. There is much distrust along the horizontal line of life. Practically very few people trust others in life, let alone governments, authorities, religion etc.

There is the 'same old' the same as it has been for centuries. The horizontal line of life has never changed it has always been the same. The vertical has always been the 'new', the 'unknown'.

The limits of the horizontal line of life are birth and death. The vertical line does not have any limits up or down.

The horizontal line is the dash between our date of birth and our date of death on our tombstone. 

What is important on the horizontal line of life is tradition, family, customs, religion, education, work, values, beliefs, culture and above all 'myself'.

The most important aspects on the horizontal are environment, family, culture and education. These factors are what condition and shape our personality the most.

The characteristics of the horizontal line are 'the mechanical', time, depends on the senses, materialism, relativity and duality. The foundations are personality, relativity and duality, culture and time. 

Vertical Line

The vertical line has two columns: essence (consciousness) and the work.

On the vertical line of life there are a lot unknowns, yet there is trust to deal with it all. Many unknown and unpredictable changes occur in the vertical line of life. This is because the Being of everyone is in charge when one is on the vertical line of life.

The superlative consciousness of the Being dwells in the essence. 

The vertical line is related to the level of the Being. It is a special line where we either go closer to our real selves - our Real Being or we go further away. On the horizontal line of life there is no ascension or descension. It is flat - the same.

Therefore, the vertical line is the line of changes, the line of transformation whereas the horizontal line is the line of the 'same old'. The same thing as always.

On the horizontal line of life the only movement that we make is in time. Whereas the vertical line is outside of time there is no movement in time there is movement in the level of the Being.

Movement in time versus movement in the level of Being - these are the two movements. Things change in matter, related to the senses, quality of life - physical changes only along the horizontal line of life. In the vertical line of life there are psychological changes and spiritual growth when ascending or the opposite when descending.

In the vertical line there are many pre-ordained and known elements, these are the virtues or values of the essence.

The level of Being changes from moment to moment. It is something that is very elastic. It all depends on the answer we give to the events of life.

Both Lines

The two lines are perpendicular to each other they can not be linked. They are in fact independent of each other.

Each line of Life has its values. In marriage one can see the two lines at work. People can marry based on the horizontal line of life. Marry someone who is successful, wealthy, a good stable source of income, own property, good looking, well known etc. or someone who has a lot of spiritual and ethical values and a good level of being but does not have the horizontal line of life very well developed. We all chose according to which line of life is more important to us. The experience of marriage shows us in time that the vertical line of life is what brings happiness in a marriage.

It can be the case but certainly not always the case that we can be at the top of the horizontal line of life but at the bottom of the vertical line of life. That is very wealthy and powerful people but they have a very low level of Being. There are many examples in the world today. There are also those who are very wealthy and powerful and have a high level of being.

The two lines of life are opposite in many respects. Where to be going well on the horizontal line, it is good to be very wealthy and rich in personality but to be going well on the vertical line, it is best that one is wealthy in the essence and its qualities and poor in the ego and personality.

Both lines of life intersect at every moment in life forming a cross. We then always have a choice between one or the other. Basically we chose the values of the horizontal line or the values of the vertical line at each moment.

Karma and recurrence operate along the horizontal line of life.

The best way to choose between the two different lines of life is to be in the moment and choose from the consciousness of the moment.

Each line of life has its foundations, elements and characteristics.

The vertical line has as its foundation the work and the essence. One of the elements is the level of the Being is characterized by the work and the awakening and by the values of the Being. 

The values of the work are based on the essence. The values of 'life' are based on personality. 

The essence is a congromulate of powers, virtues, attributes, laws and virtues. The values of the personality are: who I am, what I am, what I am worth, where I was born, how much I earn, what I do for a living and what I can do, etc.

On the horizontal line of life we develop what is outside of ourselves. On the vertical line we develop the Being in us, our inner spiritual dimension of ourselves. The vertical line is the invisible line and the horizontal line is the visible and tangible. Basically spirit and matter.

The spiritual dimension of ourselves actually forms the conditions of the horizontal line that we experience. Really the most important line is the invisible line which is the vertical line. There would be no horizontal line if there was no vertical line.  

Our life has two aspects the external and the internal. Every event has these two aspects. We often don't match the two. The best weapon in life is the appropriate interior state.

The outcome of the events of life depend on the interior state, that is on our psychological state. That is what is the realer aspect of our life - the psychological state behind the events of life. 

The key of life is to be able to identify the mathematical point of where the two lines meet and there we can make our choice. If we can't identify this point then we can't chose and change.

The mathematical point where these two lines cross serves to remind us that we have a choice between the old and the known and the new and transformative. 

End (4367).

Friday, 25 March 2022

Details of Life Conclusion - (4366)

Details are a part of our life. We can't escape them and in fact whether we know it or not we actually relate to the details of life.

So in conclusion, use the details of life when they pertain to us to awaken and to work on ourselves. 

When the details pertain to the way others treat us then our job is to transcend them.

For us there is much work in awakening and mystical death that can be taken from observing and comprehending the small details of our actions...

End (4366).

Being Cultivates the Unkown - (4365)

The Being in every person is all about the unknown. The depths of its values and the ways of Its values are unknown to us human beings as Master Samael says from instant to instant.

So the Being in everyone cultivates the unknown. That is, it expresses the unknown by bringing the unknown in the way of wisdom, teachings, light, inspiration...

Our role is to feel uncomfortable with the unknown. We feel very comfortable with the known.

The mind and ego do the opposite always bring and cultivate the known, moving from the known to the known incessantly.

End (4365).

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Details Details Details - (4364)

Just some reflections on details.

Getting to the details in an argument complicates and make things much worse.

If we want to go to the details we better know what we are talking about. There is detailed knowledge...

Awakening is about awakening to the details of ourselves and finding awe in the details of life, nature, the cosmos and ourselves... If we focus on the details we can increase our awareness. Attention to detail it is commonly called - is a high value in the work place.

Mystical death is about dying in the details... In any case we need the details.

Getting to the details in a contract makes things all the much clearer and with all to be delivered as expected - no gaps.

The details are tedious... The details slow everything down and introduce more rules...

The small details are good to be overlooked. Dwelling on them can gnaw away at the good...

Yet the ego lives in the small details...

Behind a small detail there is a whole world of psychology...

Ignoring the details of others is magnanimity...

Transcending the small details is to die in ourselves and to be freer...

Criticism becomes ill-willed when focusing on the details.

The bigger the ego, the weaker it is and the more the smaller details bother it.

Finally "the devil is in the details"...

End (4364).

Conversations Enter the Abyss - (4363)

Conversations are civil, reasonable and fair until they approach the abyss... 

Once the conversation has descended into the abyss then no resolution or solution can be won and anything regrettable can happen...

There is always a sign to the consciousness that a conversation is approaching an argument (abyss).

This happens when at least one of the participants is descending into his or her own abyss.

Then without fail the wisest thing to do is to stop talking...

End (4363).

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Give All 'the Right Proportion' Efforts - (4362)

Done in the small and big details of our life.

Giving things the right proportion leads to balance. Leads to the right results. Is relative to our reference points and helps in our efforts to awaken our consciousness.

A first point of call is to work the small details where our personality exaggerates things. That is give things the right proportion. The right replies and responses inside and outside to comments people make in conversation for example.

In every relationships there are things that are not given the right proportion. Somethings are given too much and other things too less.

A person trying to awaken will give a lot to his or her consciousness and a lot less to the different "I's".

End (4362).

Hard to Defeat First and Last Impressions - (4361)

The first and last impression that we receive are the most important ones for our psyche. 

The last impression is important for the human psyche because us human beings tend to live in the last "I".

If the last time we see someone and the impression was negative we tend to remember that person and think about that person in a negative light according to the particular negative quality of the impression.

We human beings don't quite get over the effects that the first and last impression have inside of ourselves... 

If for example, the first impression of someone made us to think of them as let's say arrogant. We will tend to always see them and regard them as arrogant and it will take some time of experience with them to change that impression - if indeed that impression is not true - that is, the person is not really arrogant.

End (4361).

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Values of Ego, Essence and Personality Side by Side - (4359)


1. Pluralised, has a beginning and an end, not our true nature, a mechanical answer to life.    

2. Past and future.

3. Conditioned mostly by duality and reativity.

4. Centred mostly in the mind.

5. Mechanical and cyclical.

6. Subject to so many laws: 96, 192, 276 etc.

7. Based on 'the more'. 

8. Reactive.

9. Trapped in either good or bad. The bad egos and good egos. 

10. Rigid and lunar in nature.

11. Obeys it's own conditioned will. Does not have it's own will.

12. Based on memory and lives in time and space.

13. Belongs to time and personifies the defects.

14. Aligns and connects to the abyss/inferno.

15. Fragments of the psychic material - inverts the values of the Inner Being.


1. Is one, has no beginning or end, is our true nature, is a conscious answer to life,  

2. Here and now.

3. Free of any conditioning - beyond mechanical and recurrence and return.

4. Centered in the heart.

5. Conscious and spontaneous and to the correct proportion.

6. Subject to one law: conscious love.

7. Acts and decides in balance: neither more or less.

8. Acts does not react.

9. Beyond good and evil.

10. Flexible and solar in nature.

11. Obeys the will of the Inner Being. Has it's own will - conscious free will.

12. Not based on memory or time or space.

13. Eternal and a congromulate of virtues.

14. Aligns with the heavens.

15. Unifies the Psychic material and contains the values of the Being.


1. Has a begining and an end. Birth and death of the physical body.

2. The past.

3. Conditioned by karma and time and space. 

4. Centered in the motor centre.

5. Customs, culture, traditons and fixed patterns.

6. Subject to several laws. Totally mechanical.

7. Acts according to imitation and common values which are determined by time and space of human life.

8. Reacts.

9. Trapped in good and evil relative to time and space.

10. Fixed and lunar in nature.

11. Obeys the vlaues and patterns of society of the current times.

12. Based on memory.

13. Limited in time and space. Energetic strucutre which is a collection of common life values. 

14. Aligns with the terrestrial and some superficial aspects of the inferno.

15. Is a centre of gravity unifies one with life 


What has value is the essence. That is what is worth cultivating. The point to watch out for with the personality is that its values hinder the development of our essence.

End (4359).

Monday, 21 March 2022

Some Notes on the Tritocosmos - (4360)

Tritocosmos does not belong to the third dimension. It can not be seen from within the third dimension. No telescope or drilling/tunneling machine will see it or reach it. Whereas the Microcosmos,  Macrocosmos, Duetrocosmos, Mesocosmos, and Ayocosmos can all be seen from within the third dimension.

There are mind you always doors between dimensions and there exist in this three dimensional world doors through which one can enter the fourth dimension and from there enter the superior or inferior dimensions of the planet.

The Tritocosmos pertains to the fourth dimension, but the inferior side of it. The fourth dimension is time. 

It is real and does exist within us and also outside of us.

Within the Tritocosmos there is the process of regression in time. It is also related to memory. Within the Tritocosmos is where is the essence processes its involution. That is its backwards evolution. 

To ascend we need to descend. The Tritocosmos is the workshop of the Cosmos the place where we descend to be able to ascend. The Tritocosmos is the place where worlds, Gods and men are all gestated says Master Samael.

The work of the dissolution of the ego is carried out in the Tritocosmos and the work of building the solar bodies is also carried out in the Tritocosmos.

To descend without falling. There is a difference between the two. Once again the factor of time is very important in not converting a descent into a fall. 

The Tritocosmos is an inversion of the tree of Life. It is an inverted mirror image of the heavens. Where there are the same number of Sephiroth but inverted in attributes. 

If we are honest we actually live most of the time in our abyss and connected to the abyss of nature. 

In fact the abyss of nature is filled with actions and vibrations that all come from what happens here physically. The abyss is made here physically in Malkuth.

Ideas and impulses can actually ascend from the abyss and influence people here in physical life just as the ideas and forces descend from the heavens to us here.

All what we find in the Tritocosmos are ways that have lead human beings away from their interior Divinity. Therefore a study of the abyss is a profound risk and danger study so to avoid future danger and risks.

Tritocosmos is a strange name. It takes it name from the Greek, where in Greek mythology lived the son of Poseidon Triton who lived under the ocean floor close to Hades - who was the God of the underworld. Proto as in Protocosmos we know means 'first'.

When we die physically we gravitate to our major degree of density. If we have mostly vibrated with a particular ego in life we will follow that ego and go where it goes. Because the ego is very heavy it sinks into the Tritocosmos and so we follow it there.

The Tritocosmos is the place designated by Divine Intelligence as to where the inverted aspects of Divinity are to reside and the waste of the planet and cosmos is to be placed. The intelligence of the Creator foresaw that there will be a need for s recycle depot.

The Tritocosmos is a work of the creator, it belongs to creation and has a vital part of creation. It is a work of love of the Father. Through because of it the essences that become trapped in so many conditionings are freed and returned to their pristine condition.

End (4360).

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Restaurants, Clubs, Pubs - Heavy Because of the Psychological Dimension - (4356)

What really makes these places heavy? It is as I perceive it, the psychological dimension of the people who are present at any given moment, plus that of what has happened there in the past.

As we well know such places are not only used to eat, drink or dance. They are used mostly for other purposes which are very egocial in nature. Even though cafe's are used for other purposes (meeting, talking, relaxing, working, 'zoning out', reading, observing, etc.) than to drink coffee, they are not so heavy because those other purposes are not so heavily egocial in nature in comparison to pubs, clubs and some restaurants.

This other use pertains to the 'subconscious'. The subconscious by nature is not light.

Places that are used to just buy something - step in and step out, and that something is for example food and drink, those places are not so heavy. Because the psychological dimension is neutral - just taking care of a natural life maintaining physical need.

In the esoteric dimension of pubs, clubs and some restaurants we infer that there is mostly the elements of recurrence and karma. Making those places to be something like karmic agencies, because they in some way facilitate the fulfillment of recurrences and karma.

In their esoteric dimension there is little or no spiritual element because they are not used for purposes of the spirit - after all they are not a temple. That is what makes a building a temple because it is used for spiritual purposes.

In time such places as all places do - become magnetized with energies that are frequently present inside of them. In the cases of temples, those buildings become magnetized with higher energies and forces and in the case of pubs, clubs and some restaurants they become magnetized with heavier forces and energies.

Even though these three examples were used - the principles or knowledge expressed here can be used to understand how the atmosphere of certain places is the way it is. Even our house and a given room in our house.

End (4356).

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Personality Foundations and Ingredients - (4358)


The personality has two types of foundations. They are physical and psychological foundations.

The physical foundations are all things like: where we live, what car we drive, how we dress, what we eat, where we work, what we live in: house, boat, car, van, apartment, tent etc. Basically all that is tangible and physical makes up the physical foundation of our personality, even such things as the people in our immediate and extended family, also our pets if we have any.

The psychological foundations are the attachments to the ways of thining and feeling that come from our culture, our customs (country, religion, family), our traditions and our education...

The following types of factors influence the formation of our personality considerably.

1.) Paratype - influences from our environment.

2.) Genotype - influences of family, includes our genes etc.

3.) Phenotype - influences from physical characterisitics

Time and Space

Time and Space are the two major conditioners of the personality. The "persoanlity is the daughter of time".  It is born in time and dies in time. It has to be this way as each time and place has its particular values. 

The influences from the time in which we are born and live and the country in which we are born and live form our human personality, all because the country and time in which we live has its morals, laws, rules, codes of conduct, fashion and values.


The ingredients of our personality are the different "I's" that we have. In some way our personality is in the hands of the different "I's" that we have.

Our personality has certain characteristics and they are given to us by the influence of our five centres.

Formation and General Properties

What is at the centre of our personality's formation is the concern of how others perceive us. Using this principle we go about mostly semi-consciously and subconsciosuly forming our personality.

We form our personality based on a lot of imitation.

The nature of our personality is that it is changeable, relative and adaptable. It has to be that way becasue as the times change in society (technology) - values change and our personality has to adapt to these changes.

When our personality is strong it is difficult to adpat to the changing times. Such as in older people who have by having lived a long time without changes have solidified somewhat their personality. 

End (4358). 

Personality of Master Samael Details - (4357)

Master Samael started to dissolve his solar personaluity of a Master on the 27th of January and finished dissolving it on the 27th of July 1977.

In 1968 Master Samael dissolved his human personlaity: Victor Manuel Gomez.

MAster Samael disagreed with Gurdjieff in this matter of the personality. Master Samael considered that a personality was not needed. That the Being of a person does not need an intermediatry between itself and Its physical vehicle. While Gurdjieff said that an intermediatry was needed. 

Master Samael's way was to dissolve any kind of personlaity that he had so that his Being - Samael (Logos of Mars) could manifest directly through him - the person - the physical vehicle of his Inner Being  - Samael. 

Here below are the four scenarios that have to do with the personality:

1.) Personaltiy and ego (abnormal human being - karmic instrument - demon)

2.) Personality, ego and essence (normal human being).

3.) Personality and essence (e.g. Master Samael and his solar personality before 27/01/1977).

4.) Being (e.g. Master Samael 27/07/1977).

End (4357).

Friday, 18 March 2022

Friends of Faith - (5286)

Friends of faith are friends of the path. Which is different to the many other types of friends that we all can have in life.

People on the path need friends of faith and to be a friend of faith to someone is to help their path and even really make their path easier and therefore possible in a shorter time frame.

Friends of faith are friends that are formed when we walk the path. 

They are friends that believe in the path and believe in our path. It is really to do things with people who don't believe in our path or even in us as a person.

Master Samael said that he only had friends of faith. That is friends that believed in his path. With such friends he could work and with such friends he could help and also be helped. 

Master Samael did many internal investigatons with friends of faith. The book "Yes there is Hell, Devil and Karma" was written based on the investigatons in the Astral that he did with friends of faith.

Becasue friends of faith have been formed on the path their nature does not always follow the patterns of the personality and those of common life. There are behaviours and elements that go outside the norms of time and space.

People who do not believe in our path are those who are skeptical or have some degree of skepticism. Skepticism either in the sense of 

To be a friend of faith has its value, in that through it we can develop real faith that we can then consciosuly transfer to our own work and the work of our inner Being. 

We sometimes don;t realise the work we ahve done and becasue of that we miss the chance to transfer the value of that work to our own centre of gravity in our own essence. 

Friends of faith vibrate and relate to the eternal in us and us in them. Because on the path many timeless values of the soul are cultivated. 

In the success of everyone's path there has been the support of friends of faith. Esoteric help in the way of dreams, insight comes through friends of faith. Warnings, teachings, revelations,  

As master Samael said to be a friend of faith is an esoteric degree. Meaning it is an esoteric achievement.

Because to be a friend of faith one has to have certain values that are not common, that are only really found when two people really love from the essence or are walking the path or are working esoterically. This is where really being a friend of faith can be fully developed and has its right space for full unfoldment.

End (5286).

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Right and Wrong in People - (4354)

Best to forget about who is more right or more wrong. Or even who is right and wrong and focus more intensely on what is right and what is wrong relative to our chosen reference points.

There is much pride invested in who is right and who is wrong...

Pride spends much time proving others wrong or being in disbelief and shock that oneself is wrong...

We all have something right and wrong in us and because we have so much wrong in us with the ego alive, it is useless, hopeless to expect to be right all the time. No one person is wrong all the time either... 

To let life flow better it is best to forget all together who is right and wrong but focus on what is right from the point of view of the work, path and the Being...And go from there...

End (4354).

Pride Blocks Us from Seeing - (4353)

Pride is a huge impediment for us when it comes to change.

Because of pride we believe we don't need to change and then with hat belief we are not at all open to see inside ourselves that there is something that needs changing. 

We are just so automatically blind. Without us even suspecting it we are blind.

Then the only way that our interior Divinity can get us to see is to send us pain. Pain that repeats and repeats until we decide to look past that impediment. 

Pain is always what is used to cause pride to step aside in inside of us. If we have pride we can not expect otherwise that pain will come our way at one point or another. 

End (4353).

Servant or Beggar in King's Robes - (4352)

To be a servant in King's robes is difficult but it is the task of each one of us. 

The thing that happens often is that we identify with the robes of royalty and we stop serving, and we expect, demand, criticize, smirk, disregard etc. instead...

When we take on a title or position without the interior work to support it - we become sooner or later a beggar in King's robes. Because we make so many mistakes in that position due to lacking the death of the ego and lacking in consciousness that the karma we get, converts into a beggar dressed in royal regalia.

The robes of a king is symbolic for many things such as: titles, positions, wealth, degrees, initiations, experience, suffering, pain etc. etc.

As a person develops the path of their inner Being, their inner Being recuperates Its dignity and some of this actually transfers the person but more than this, the person feels the dignity of their Being restoring and so the challenge is to still be a servant of what is above, while being slowly dressed in the robes of royalty...

End (4352).

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Inner and Outer Cause and Effect - (4351)

There is cause and effect inside and outside of ourselves.

Always going to the cause of things is the best. Gives the best...

The cause and effect chain inside and outside of ourselves is very long and vast.

Going behind an effect we find a cause, going behind that cause we find the effect of another cause.

Thoughts are causes for feelings. Will or desire is the cause for thoughts. The cause behind desires are a lack in our Being or consciousnesses. Even the karma we have. 

The karma we have has a cause...

End (4351).

The Choice is Ok As Long as We Know - (4350)

Any choice that we make, is best made when we make it knowingly. Knowing what we are foregoing and knowing what we are going to gain and why.

When we chose this way - all through knowing, we have knowledge.

This knowledge is something that we can always turn back to later down the track, if we chose wrongly. And if there is still time and we can choose again.

End (4350).

Study Cause and Effect - (4349)

Everything in life is like dominos. One thing effects another and so on. Effects become causes and those causes produce effects and those effects become new causes and so it goes, on an on producing a large network of links. 

Those links are the links of cause and effect that link a number of people over a span of time and space.

It has been said that the causal world - the world of natural causes is a world or vast networks where the links of cause and effect can be seen precisely linking millions of human beings over vast spaces and expanses of time. 

We can see this long chain of cause and effect in our life...

We may see it actually many times over, maybe every day...

Obviously if it leads to unpleasant or disagreeable circumstances we would one day want to change this for the better. Even perhaps break this chain...

To break this chain we have to examine the chain and see where it all starts. We can break this chain by not allowing it to start, or by stopping the chain while it is going.

So the real point to see is where does the chain start? What do we do wrong? Or what mistake do we make? What are thinking when the chain begins? Does a wrong decison start the chain going? Or is it a lack of will perhpas to action what we know will set get things started on the right foot?

Anyway, it is all quite objective. Because the chain will continue until we actually to remove in a real way the starting point or a link in the chain. When the chain stops we know that we have found the start or removed a link.

In summary, the starting point or a link is all due to an "I". In particular due to our identification with an "I". It is always the same conclusion to satiation I tell myself. Work in mystical death.

End (4349). 

Memory Shot in the Abyss - (4348)

When get identified with some egos that are heavy in nature such as self-compassion we really lose control of our mind and remebering things and thinking straight becomes difficult.

The moral to this story is that if our memory is bad it could be that we are spending too much time being identified or preoccupied with one or another heavy ego. 

So if we want to improve our memeory what helps a lot is to spend less time in our own abyss and more time not being identified. Practicing self-remembering as often and as well as we can, helps a great deal with this.

In our own abyss and in the abyss of anture, things don't make sense, things don't gel and we even don't know who we are and we can't work out who we are even. We lose so much contact with ourselves, and that includes our body - especially our brain and heart.

End (4348).

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Mistake of the Self-Commiserating Attitude - (5351)

I once understood clearly that self-wallowing or self-commiseration is a compensation for something that we failed in.

After we fail the processes of self-wallowing or self-commiseration begin. Those processes are there to try and give us something, a kind of philosophical self-attention that makes up for us having failed in some task or enterprise or attempt.

We may be called silly, irresponsible, inadequate etc. etc. which is ok - it all depends on how we take it. If we take it with identification of the self-commiserating and self-wallowing "I's" we end up taking on the identity that "I'm inadequate", I am useless", "I am a failure" I am not good enough" etc. etc. All of which are not true. We are not a global failure because we breathe, walk, eat and are alive. A global failure would fail at breathing...

The right attitude is not to identify with these 'failure' identities but to stand up and fight for getting better and improving. Stand up to fight to change and try again and this time not fail. But if we do fail get up and succeed and so on and so on.

End (5351).

Monday, 7 March 2022

Start to Get Free from Relativity - (5244)

The way to get free from relativity, is to go to something that is absolute.

This situation happens so often, we are given less than another person and immediately we feel hurt. We feel hurt usually because we feel we deserve more. Or we have some sense of order or of right or wrong that says that receiving less is wrong.

At the bottom of it all, these feelings were triggered because of relativity. Because in comparison we received less. If we received more we would be happy right? 

So it is a question of transcending relativity. Transcending the the relative less. I say relative less because compared to someone else we received more but less to another person.

To get out of feeling hurt because of receiving less is what we have to do. (By the way, it is always about receiving.) We must put our thinking or consciousness or focus or attention outside of the less and see the greater picture where many other factors contribute and are at work such as the past and the future and also most importantly, go to something Absolute which is always inside of ourselves.

Give the more of what what we received less of is the key. If we received less love give more love to our inner Being. Love more our inner Being and be more with our inner Being in that moment. If it was attention - give more attention to our inner Being. If it was praise or validation that we didn't receive then give more praise to our inner Being and validation - feeling that our Inner Being is the cause of our life.

As soon as we give to inside, our inside answers back. If we give the more to our interior it will answer with the more that will fill the void of the less in us.

End (5244).

Inferiority Complexes - (4347)

Tricky they are. They manifest in the opposite way - imposing a kind of superiority either passively or actively.

All in all an inferiority complex is like a wound that makes a person to feel pangs of psychological pain and also makes the life of the one who is regarded as superior affects difficult. Often undeservedly so - setting the one with an inferiority complex into a vicious cycle of pain and karma - pain and karma and with each run of the cycle it gets harder to accept and work on. 

A person with an inferiority complex can either compensate for feeling superior by actively putting down the person they feel inferior to using criticism on anything that they can 'sink their teeth' into. 

One key is to accept that we have still things to learn and genuinely befriend the one who is superior so that they can teach and help us and that a good relationship can be formed where we care for them and they care for us thus removing differences.

End (4347).

Friend is Actually an Esoteric Degree - (4346)

Master Samael said that a friend is considered an esoteric degree.

In other words to be a friend to someone is to have won an esoteric degree.

Of course it can't be a friend that we see now and then or only sometimes and they have little involvement in our life.

There are actually few friends of that type in the world but there really do exist friends in life that even though none of the friends are studying esotericism they are friends that have earnt and deserved this inner or esoteric degree.

It is said that a wife or a husband could be a friend first before being married and then keeps being a friend after being married.

A friend is someone who is recognised as such internally, that is amongst the Beings, Monads and Divinities of the inner worlds - such as I suspose the Divine Law, the white Lodge as some of the help that they send to us comes through our friends. 

Such a friend has many qualities that are worth expanding upon I feel. Master Samael called such friends - friends of faith. 

We need such friends, all masters have them and these friends make our path possible. I don't think anyone can deny that there are times when if it was not for such a friend we would not have made it through...

A friend is one that is honest with you and tells you if you have something wrong and tells you how to correct it. A friend who is prepared to risk the friendship to tell you something that you need to hear for your benefit. 

A friend is one who often we have passed through many different situations, with not all of them being pleasant situations. A friend is one who knows us very well. even better than our selves at times.

A friend is one that is there for you always. A friend is one who offers support with lots of good will. 

A friend is one who keeps the same line with you. 

Sometimes friends behave much better amongst them and get a long a lot better than husband and wife. Maybe because of the different nature of the husband and wife relationship.

End (4346).

Stay Out of the Abyss Exercise - (4345)

This is a real worthy exercise to do.

It truly has benefits. What makes this exercise difficult to do is that we lose sight of these benefits. 

At certain times we feel that it is worthy or justified to enter our abyss so that we can react, to for example give a person what they are asking for.

We may do this and in fact we do it and have done it a lot already... If we don't go into our own abyss and find the egos of resentment or anger or self-love we can stay outside of the abyss and chose to align with with different states of consciousness and psychologies. Like the psychology of co-operation, good will, magnanimity, equanimity etc.  

If we stick to these higher states of consciousness we we give cause for our inner Being to support us. Showing loyalty to these higher states of consciousness is to be loyal to our inner Divinity. To not allow ourselves to feel resentment and to feel equanimity instead makes our essence a little brighter and allows a bit more of the presence of a person's inner Divinity to enter the room and stay for a little while...

If feel we can all appreciate how this exercise is a worthy one to do in all the areas of our life...

End (4345).

The Guardian of the Threshold Test Notes - (4344)

It is the first test on the path. The path begins after passing this test.

To fail this test means a delay in one's spiritual progress. 

Once one is prepared one can ask to be presented with this test once again. I have heard that this test can be presented to an aspirant up to three times. I am not sure what happens after failing this test three times. 

It has also been said that those people who fail this test end up polarising themselves against the esoteric teachings taught in Gnostic schools and also against the people who teach at these schools. Some become enemies and some don't quite go that far.

 Here below is the text of an old handout that I came across recently.

"The Guardian of the Threshold

What is needed to pass this test.

The ability to stand up to the ego. The ego maybe stronger than us but yet we have to stand up to it, face it and confront it. We have to show that we can throw ourselves into the fight against the ego and not retreat before it.

That of not hiding our defects from ourselves and being beyond or at least able to see through the mind's justification of our defects.

This includes things like stop blaming others, finding excuses, long explanations, etc. See the ego, reveal it to ourselves and allow the reason for the error to be made clear and visible to ourselves.

We need to demonstrate that we can accept our reality. The reality that have the ego, which is a personification of a defect (a wrong creation) and that with the identification with the ego we go to the side of error.

We need to be able to separate ourselves from the ego. During the test of the Guardian of the Threshold we are fighting against something separate to us. We are actually fighting against the living mirror of all our ugliness says V.M Samael. We need the ability to separate ourselves from the ego. If we can take advantage (self discovery) of others talking about our egos that is a good sign that we can separate ourselves from the ego.

There is also an element in this test where we must demonstrate our ability to confront, face the ego. In other words to not retreat before the ego. We find that when we make the decision to face the ego and fight it we see that the ego losses force. The same applies for the test of the Guardian of the Threshold where when we face it and fight with it the Guardian flees.

This test can be passed physically and what is needed to pass this test is to reveal eveery error that we have made in this life. Every bad deed must be exposed and any diversion from the truth is considered a failure. We can do this to ourselves as the audience to gauge our resistance.

The Guardian of the Threshold test demands that we must be able to stop hiding from ourselves. The physical way through which it is passed shows that all has to be exposed and that nothing can be hidden because what we hide from ourselves or don't accept within ourselves we hide from others."

End (4344).