Thursday 10 March 2022

Mistake of the Self-Commiserating Attitude - (5351)

I once understood clearly that self-wallowing or self-commiseration is a compensation for something that we failed in.

After we fail the processes of self-wallowing or self-commiseration begin. Those processes are there to try and give us something, a kind of philosophical self-attention that makes up for us having failed in some task or enterprise or attempt.

We may be called silly, irresponsible, inadequate etc. etc. which is ok - it all depends on how we take it. If we take it with identification of the self-commiserating and self-wallowing "I's" we end up taking on the identity that "I'm inadequate", I am useless", "I am a failure" I am not good enough" etc. etc. All of which are not true. We are not a global failure because we breathe, walk, eat and are alive. A global failure would fail at breathing...

The right attitude is not to identify with these 'failure' identities but to stand up and fight for getting better and improving. Stand up to fight to change and try again and this time not fail. But if we do fail get up and succeed and so on and so on.

End (5351).

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