Tuesday, 31 May 2022

What is the Essence of Being Human? - (4440)

The essence of being human is the human soul. What is the human soul? It is the face of the Intimate Christ. 

The human soul is psychology - true psychology which is none other than the the expression of the values of the eternal spirit in a human being through the life of a human being.

It is always the hidden side of life that holds the reality. The human soul and the spirit of each human being is the hidden side of the life of the human being.

That is the essence of to be human: to bring down the spiritual values into human existence. To cross matter and spirit in a human being which is what the Christ everywhere and anywhere always tries and does do.

End (4440).

Trusted but Betrayed and No Surrender to Trust - (5253)

We will surrender to trusting others or just trusting in general, if it works out for us. That is, if we get a result. 

If trust works we will surrender to it. However that is not full trust...

For example, it is so difficult to trust someone when we think they will betray us. But trusting them knowing that they most likely will betray us is trust... Trust of the highest degree.

When we trust someone and they betray us what is important is that we trusted and we held trust high within us so that we did not betray the value of trust within ourselves.

We kept trust alive in us when we trusted. The real trust and the real upkeeping of all the values is always shown and brought alive when in the presence of stark contrast...

End (5253).

Just Trusting - Feeling Trust - (5209)

There is fear that just fears even when we go through all the consequences of the thing that we fear really happening.

This fear goes away when we just enter into a state of 'trusting'. That is when we just feel trust.

Not worrying about trusting the other person or trusting that we can handle the consequences of everything going wrong but just feeling trust...

Just trusting...

Feel this and generate this and fear will go and we won't feel that fear that makes such ordinary circumstances so normal and not a problem or worry.

End (5209).

Monday, 30 May 2022

Things of the Abyss - (4435)

This post is just from a dream I had down there where I was lead to reflect and come to some conclusions which I am going to present tin this post.

The following things are found in the abyss are of an absurd (abyss) nature even though they are not terrible.

Exorbitant Prices 

There is something of the abyss, to charge an exorbitant price for something all because of a name. For example Ferrari manufactures sports cars but say Ferrari produces watches and just because it is Ferrari an exorbitant price is charged for a watch that for all purposes is something quite ordinary, but carries the Ferrari name and logo.

Organ Dealing

I think that one speaks for itself. Trading with the organs of other people. The act of taking them out and transplanting them. Yes I know that organ donation and transplantation has saved many lives. But still it is not something found in nature.

Psychological Maiming of Oneself 

Cutting off one's own natural psychological characteristics is something from the abyss also. We can do it in so many different ways. Even though they may make certain relationships and circumstances easier they only lead to pain later on.


The so very obvious fascination with the body in both the person with the body and the people who go into hysterics because of the person's body. The fascination with fashion that produces all kinds of 'mysterious like' looks from different bygone eras and even modern maybe never to happen eras of the future. The vanity of some actors is really obvious and heavy sometimes. 

End (4435).

Demanding with the Mind - (5234)

After a while you realize that you have to be demanding with your own mind. 

Demand truly what knows. Get yourself to make your mind write things down. If you find that you have a lot of complaints in your mind then write them down. You will find that nearly all the complaints disappear because they just don't make sense or are not real.

When do have a complaint written down then we can work on that. And do some real work on ourselves...

What happens is that we live in a mind haze of protest and complaint but they is little that is real and we can prove this to our own selves easily...

All in all we will find that we need to be demanding in clarity with our own mind. Especially when complaining to others or about others...

End (5234).

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Mind Clarity and Impressions Blur - (4432)

What happens with our mind is that the data from the impressions is what sticks and stays and even rules...

The objective facts don't really stick and stay in our mind. This causes a lot of miscommunications and many problems in practical daily life.

For example, someone says this and that to us and what stays in our mind is that they were angry but we are so blurry and hazy about what they actually said. 

What then stays in our mind is the perception that they were angry and then our mind interprets that as a negative response but that is not what they said at all. So we only have clear in our mind that they appeared angry and we have the impression that they didn't like the idea.

Then we arrange, organize and act according to the interpretation that they were angry and we go and cancel this and that causing a big inconvenience annoying and bothering a lot of people. But that was never what that person said to do and it was not their intention. 

So goes the sometimes disasterous effects of miscommunications...

Knowing this about our mind we need to be alert to the interpterion of impressions and to really listen. 

Transforming impressions is so necessary and practical. Another technique to avoid this is to demand clarity of our mind and then we will make ourselves to look past the wrong interpretation of the impressions.

End (4432). 

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Vanity and God - (4433)

When we are so vain we think that we are like God because either we are so good looking, have such a good body, so intelligent, so smart, so funny, so kind, so spiritual or this or that... Or sometimes it is just because it is us  that we feel so vain....

We think that because we are so beautiful that we can get access to anything, be exempt from certain conditions or limitations, exempt even from some Laws, and that we can move this or that circumstance to favour us... Just like God is and can.

Really if we think about it, there is beauty because of God and it is because of consciousness, and Divine sovereignty of will that God can move or change circumstances...

The reality is that we get things things upside down inside out. The power is not in beauty it is in Divinity and it is not beauty that moves everything but Divinity. 

The fact that a beautiful woman or a handsome man manages certain allowances that favour her or him  is another thing altogether. It is not honesty or fairness that gives her or him those allowances but the corruption owing to lust in men and women that permits it.

The right thing trades with the right thing and the corrupt trades with the corrupt.

End (4433).

Good Egos - Virtues Exaggerated and Turned into Defects - (4431)

We can move from life to the next expressing opposite values. For sure in one life we can strengthen the bad qualities and in another life strengthen the good qualities.

The Inner Being in people uses the good and bad egos that we ahve to do and be certain things in our different lives. Using the egos that we have the Being leads us to create new ones though which It can learn certain qualities or acquire certain experiences.

The result of that is which are many people inside of oursleves, even two opposite people sometimes. We are the good person but deeper inside and in our background lies the opposite person. Both are there in us and we have been both.

To strengthen the good qualities is good but strengthening them to the point of exageration is when the good qualities become a defect or a cause for many problems in our life... 

Strengthening the good qualities too much leads us to create the 'good' egos which make us to be silly and attract a lot of criticism...

Strengthening the bad qualities means strengthening egos and there is a finite amount that they can be strengthened before the person hits rock bottom and then goes to the side of the good or either the side of the consciousness or balance.

End (4431).

What Burdens the Being? - (4429)

The Being carries It's soul. Then the soul has karma. So the Being carries the karma of the soul and is burdened by the soul's karma. The soul's karma is the 'cross' that the Being carries. 

Our job as the essence is to lighten the burden of our Being so that It can walk easier and also quicker if need be...

End (4429).

Friday, 27 May 2022

Answers from Inside Sent as Images - (4427)

Use the laws of: Opposites, Analogy and Affinity to decipher them.

An example, you are asking for the dissolution of an psychological defect. Then a memory comes to you  and stays and becomes more and more vivid. Then there is a something of an answer there for us. 

Say that the memory was to do with refueling your car in a country town. Then either the answer has to do with needing to energise ourselves (law of analogies) or to empty ourselves (law of opposites). Or to take a break and renergise (analogies) or to look for the right fuel or impressions to input into us, or to not allow your energies to run too low (opposites). 

There will be one interpretation that is most relevant. This is because using the law of opposites and analogies we end up with several interpretations and we are told that a symbol has seven interpretations and there will always be one which is more pertinent. 

Such is to expand and based on reflection and pondering carefully we wisely chose the most relevant interpretation for us at the moment.

End (4427).

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Vigilance and Remembering as Key - (4428)

The keys to us changing are vigilance or alertness and remembering.

That is always remembering our yearning to change and always watching over ourselves looking out for the opportunities to change and the when we are slipping back into old ways. 

These are the keys of remembering the Being and the state of alert novelty.

End (4428).

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

The Fire and Desire Link - (4426)

Fire is always associated with desire. The reason why is because fire always consumes and more is needed to be consumed for fire to continue existing. 

Fire consumes because it transforms matter into energy. That is, it releases the energy from matter. It rarefies matter.

So the desire will always be there as long as there is fire. So the wise point for us to note here is to know what we feed fire. 

Because if we are feeding fire unwholesome energies or the fire in us will desire more of this. Our sexual and digestive system are fire and so if we give our digestive system junk food the fire in our digestive system will desire more junk food and we'll become very unhealthy. The same with our sexual system.

There is a lot of fire in us. Our psyche is full of fire. So each of the different fires have their different materials that they consume. 

The fire element in our digestive system consumes food.

The spiritual fire of the Divine Mother - Kundalini consumes spiritual energy or transmuted energy. It is selective in the food it consumes. If we give it low quality energies it will starve. But if we give the fire of the Kundalini merits, heart felt wishes and yearnings and the values of psychological death it thrives and ascends. 

The key is to feed the right fires for our spiritual growth. The wrong fires are our egos and they are fed with different food. We do this by intaking the right food. So it means to take in the right food for the essence and make sure the essence in us gets that food. Because fire is fire it can consume almost anything  given the right amount of time... 

End (4426).

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

'Good' People and Strong Karma - (4425)

I think we have all thought this at one point or another, meeting or knowing really nice and good people and seeing them go through such harsh and difficult circumstances and experience the worst of human beings. The thought is to think why does that happen and even to think that they seemingly don't deserve it.

However we know that the Law is never wrong and we always get our just deserves... 

Such good people one day through the work on themselves, will find the cause of that karma and they will find it in the hidden or invisible side of their psychology. Somewhere in their psychology is cruelty and in the past they were very cruel, but in this life it is so buried or in the worst cases it only ever appeared so briefly that one hardly made it a point to work on...

There are many answers to the mysteries of our lives in the hidden part of our psychology... Many events and incidents can be understood by knowing what we have in the deeper parts of our subconscious.

End (4425).

Sunday, 22 May 2022

Materialism in Relationships - (4424)

Seeing each other as a person is a degree of materialism...Seeing each other as a soul with a Monad is  lifts off from that subtle layer of materialism.

In general materialism is all about 'having'. Not about 'being'.

We have a wife or a husband etc. We have a person in our lives. We have someone's attention. We have someone's love. We have someone's care. We have a relationship. We have needs. We have plans... etc.  

We even say that we have a body, but do we really have a body? Our inner Being manifests in the physical world through our essence and our essence uses a physical body to do that. But after a while the body dies. So do we really have a body?

This post is about the psychological feeling of 'having' in relation to another person. There is always the conflict between 'having' and 'being'. Instead of 'having' the way is 'to be'. To 'be', both people in the relationship must 'be' a soul and see each other as a soul. Because 'to have' is the materialistic way of thinking.

To be what? To be the values. To be the values means to give! Not to demand.

When you are a person to me, it is so natural and logical from that way of seeing and thinking - to want your presence, your attention, your love etc. And when we don't receive that we fully feel it justified to demand it. Because materialsim works that way. I have rights and needs and I have the right to ask for them to be fulfilled. Because how can something I have be far away from me, not be useful to me, not be of value to me etc.? My car is always with me, it is useful to me, it always serves me and is of value to me - all because I have a car. With the emphasis being on 'having' a car. 

The above logic is how supply and demand works, customer consumerism, goods and services, employers and employees etc. If I buy a product, and it does not work I have the right to demand from the company who sold it to make it work for me.

The key to spiritualise a relationship is to see the other person as a soul and have total respect for that. Because we can never trap a soul, a soul is free, a soul has free will and we all respect that. A soul is the one that loves and love always comes back or returns to what it loves. Personalities just don't love. Neither do egos.

End (4424).

Anger Breaks the Hermetic Vase - (4423)

There is spilling the Hermetic vase then there is breaking the Hermetic vase.

Strong outbursts of anger break the Hermetic vase and leave us unable to connect to our sexual energy and its almost like we have lost our sexual energy but we havn't.

The sexual energy is there but we can't connect to it and use it inline with our interior Divinity. So we need to wait and work for the Hermetic vase to repair and for the anger to be worked out of our system.  

As we all know anger is very detrimental, this is just another reason to work on it and to really avoid it while we still have it alive.  

End (4423).

Atoms from the Very Begining (Atom Anu) and Atoms in Creation - (4422)

Atom Anu

Master Samael says that in the chaos before creation emerges the atom exists. There is a primordial atom called the atom Anu. Which is the atom of the chaos. All the other atoms that exist physically such as an atom of Hydrogen, Nitrogen or Carbon are actually an unfoldment of that atom Anu.

Law of Seven

Master Samael says that the way the atom Anu unfolds itself into creation is via the Law of Seven - that is via the Sacred Law Heptaparaparshinock. He says that the atoms process themselves in seven levels. So any physical carbon atom has been processed from an atom Anu according the Law of Seven through seven levels.

Laws Governing Atoms

He says that atoms in creation evolve, devolve and then are reabsorbed. That is reabsorbed back into the chaos.

Master Samael says that there is exists a Law of Reabsorption. Whereby atoms that leave the chaos are not lost in creation they are reabsorbed into the chaos from which they orginally came from.

MAster Samael also says that the chaos and the unfoldment of the atoms in creation also exists inside the human being as well. 

To be continued...

End (4422).

How Flexibility is the Key and how it is So Needed - (4421)

I heard a Gnostic teacher say once that the Being is flexible with us and if it was not for that flexibility we would all be in some kind of deep disability in relation to the progress that we make for our Inner Being.

The thing is though if it were not for that flexibility we would not be able to advance. If for example the Being in each one of us were to apply justice strictly or the laws strictly we would be so heavily burdened that we would not be able to get up.

Flexibility is tolerance and patience. The Divinity inside of us tolerates and is patient with our errors while it helps us to advance. If the Divinity and the Law were to only allow us to progress once certain errors and debts have been paid we would never be able to advance in our work and along the path of our Being.

Flexibility is a grace period, it is parallel work, not in series, and is trust knowing that some grace can be given while certain defects will be eliminated as things advance and debts are paid.

As the inner Divinty and the Divine Law are flexible with us when it has been decided that we will work for our Inner Being's realisation we too need to be flexible with others who are working otherwise they and we won't get anywhere with them or together.

End (4421). 

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Focus Awareness - (4420)

It's hard to do without intellectualizing it. Anyway we have to learn somehow how to focus our awareness simply and naturally.

That is why concentration meditation gets us to focus on the sensing the the sensation of the air we breathe in and out flowing over the spot between our upper lip and nostrils.

When we sense our breath and we do it without our mind narrating or speaking we are actually focusing our consciousness. Yes it is a mixture of something outside of ourselves and something that is us, but it  doesn't matter in the beginning as it teaches us how to focus our awareness which we can then transfer to our inner worlds.

We know that when we focus our awareness onto something we then start to get insight into it and magic/revelation/creative comprehension and more happens.

End (4420).

Talk to the Consciousness of the Other Person - (4419)

To avoid many unnecessary problematic conversations and consequences - a wonderful thing to do is to speak to the consciousness of the person. It is also the right thing to do from the essence and work point of view.

It nearly all the time does not turn out good to speak from our abyss to the abyss of the other person.

There is a huge difference when we actually do this compared to when we don't.

Obviously when we don't speak to the person's consciousness we are an ego speaking or our mundane mind speaking. 

Speaking to the consciousness of the person makes us to work, and to bring the work to the forefront and be our essence.

Speak to the consciousness and we will get the consciousness replying back to us. We won't get the abyss of the person answering us. We will also be more able to keep our consciousness active and not lose it so easily, which is so common in many difficult conversations Which is precisely when conversations turn into arguing and things get complicated.

End (4419).

Active Listening - (4418)

Many things in us, the teachings tell us, need to become active. Especially our consciousness. 

One of the things that I see in my life that needs to become active - is listening. There is something actually called active listening. 

It is where we listen to understand. That is we hear and then we process it on the spot and repeat it back to the speaker if we can, so to check that we have understood.

So during a Gnostic class we would go inside and find inside of us what is being said. Or if we are listening to someone speak, to make sure within ourselves that we have understood what was spoken. 

We all know pretty well, if we have understood something or not. Sometimes things we hear are crazy but we should ask for confirmation and that is the best thing to do, because it is not good for our mind to be left with crazy impressions. Because the mind then builds upon those crazy things which leads us to create new egos and develop strange attitudes. 

End (4418).

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

"Listening" Fundamental to All - (4417)

Listening is more important than we think...

We find so many things to work on as to why we are poor listeners...

We can avoid so many problems and conflicts if we know how to listen. 

To hear what is being said with our consciousness, puts what others are saying into perspective, it balances what they say, transforms the harsh impressions and actually hears what is being said. It is not impressed by the strong way in which the words we heard were spoken etc. Which is important because then we can actually hear and apprehend the correct meaning of what was said.

We often listen to our projections or concepts of the other person and we remember not was said but the interpretations of the impressions we received...

One obstacle to listening is the active personality that replies and answers back and can't for a second stand the heat of not letting the other person know the truth or how they are also wrong.

It is also no good to not answer when we know that something is wrong or not correct.

The active personality we are told is not a very esoteric way of behaving. It is the common way of a low level of Being... and a strong pride.

A good listener is also quite an intelligent person. Because the good listener will be able to read into the psychological dimension of the person speaking and know how to answer or how to help solve the issues in the way in which the other person will appreciate.

End (4417). 

Friday, 13 May 2022

Correction to "Alchemy Psychological and Esoteric Notes - (4405)" Post - (4414)

Master Samael did say in the Perfect Matrimony to practice Alchemy once daily for an hour. However, later on he changed that to say that it should be practiced according to one's nature. Where one will see in accordance with their own nature how often and for how long one practices for. There is no set duration and frequency. Except for once per day.

Master Samael did say that if the couple have the solar bodies Alchemy can be practiced during the day. But the couple have to be sure that they have the solar bodies first of all. It is practiced at night as the Alchemy is magic and the magic of creation always takes place in darkness and so it should be practiced during the night. Also at night the agitating forces of life are quiet and there is more cooling or lunar forces which assist to balance the practice because during the day there is much sun and life agitation that acts to place a lot of pressure on the channels through which the energy circulates.

Alchemy should really be practiced only once per day. If there is no other reason that is outside and above the couple’s wishes to practice it then it should only be practiced once a day. Because to practice it more than that indicates desire and giving into egoical impulses and the reasons are only egoical. Which then breaks the balance and the corrections to the scale are quite costly.

By reasons outside of oneself I mean if there is a illness. I remember being told the case where Master Samael advised a lady to practice Alchemy as many times as she felt like it during the day and night with her husband to help cure the serious cancer that she had. Yes, she did get cured.

Also the Alchemy is extraordinarily creative in the sense that after transmuting there is so much energy in the person's system that wherever this energy is directed via our attention - it creates. In the case of having the ego alive - this transmuted energy through identification with any ego goes to strengthen it more than ever before. Thus the high danger of quickly becomming a Hanasmussen because of not seriously working on the ego.

Basically one disovers for themselves that one can not practice Alchemy without dying in themselves. Otherwise the Alchemy is like a bomb that brings so many troubles and problems and ends up exploding the couple apart.

End (4414).

Ethics of the Path - (4413)

I think that it is useful to know the ethics by which the path works. Because if we know the ethics we can apply them to align ourselves to the path. 

How does my Inner Being function? How does my Inner Being relate with others and how does my Inner Being do things in the sphere of life, psychology and in the esoteric and magical fields as well as in the field of the Spirit?

The answer to that question is that our Inner Being does those things based on ethics. What are those ethics that our Inner Being functions, operates and conducts itself by?

We may answer in our mind by saying It functions by It's own ethics - and for sure yes that has to be right, or we say by the ethics of Its consciousness - yes that would be right too and also yes there is a common ground - the consciousness of the Being is light and everyone else can see the light and understand the light and this common understanding make up the ethics of the Being.

What is ethical to one Being will also be ethical to another. Such as the esoteric ethics...

The path we are taught also partakes of our inner Being and how our Inner Being operates. So the ethics of the path are also the ethics of our Inner Being. The ethics that we learn by doing the path are not something that we do the opposite of when we are fully fused into our Being. So yes they are of our Inner Being. So doing the ethics of the path we are doing what our Being would do!

In truth there are many ethics. Nearly every human field has its ethics. There are ethics in business, in politics, in Science, in medicine, in esotericism and there must be ethics in the path.

We can only imagine that the path would work with a superior set of ethics.

The ethics of the path works by means of esoteric values, principles and laws. The ethics of the path are not a set of rules or code of conduct or a set of good manners...

Even criminals work by a set of ethics or code of conduct... 

The ego feels threatened by a superior set of ethics. Because it knows that it is ready to live it and that means it's has to die. So having the ego we have to be realistic and see that some extra ethics apply - with the biggest extra one being the ethic of dissolving the ego.

The ethics of dissolving the ego is the biggest ethic for us to adhere to. In fact with this one action we come into line with the all the ethics. 

The ethical triangle is the triangle of Atman, Buddhi and Manas. Ethics come from down through the Spirit, then the consciousness and then the soul.

Eight-Fold Path gives us much orientation. 

1. wise view

2. wise intention

3. wise speech

4. wise action

5. wise livelihood

6. wise effort

7. wise mindfulness

8. wise concentration

To be continued...

End (4413).

Thursday, 12 May 2022

What is Materialism in a Gnostic Couple? - (4416)

Yes it is about buying things such as a house, car, kitchen appliances etc. and yes it is about money, career, job, social position, title etc. but that is not really what I want to write about in this post. Because for most people studying and applying Gnosis that is not what is really important becasue it has already been bought before starting Gnosis or it has already been overcome, forgotten about etc.

What I want to wrote about is a subtler degree of materialism which is about the person of each other.

Seeing each other as a person is a degree of materialism...Seeing each other as a soul with a Monad is not materialistic or rather lifts off from that subtle layer of materialism.

In general materialism is all about 'having'. Not about 'being'.

We have a wife or a husband etc. We have a person in our lives. We have someone's attention. We have someone's love. We have someone's care. We have a relationship. We have needs. We have plans etc.  

This post is about the psychological feeling of 'having' in relation to another person. There is always the conflcit between 'having' and 'being'. Instead of 'having' the way is 'to be'. Both in the relationship be a soul and see each other as a soul. Because 'to have' is the materialism way of thinking.

When you are a person to me, it is so natural and logical from that way of seeing and thinking - to want your presence, your attention, your love etc. And when we don't receive that we fully feel it just to demand it. Because materialsim works that way. I have rights and and needs and I have the right to ask for them to be fulfilled. Because how can something I have be far away from me, not be useful to me, not be of value to me etc.? Because my car is always with me, it is useful to me, it always serves me and is of value to me - all because I have a car. 

The above logic is how supply and demand works, customer comsumerism, goods and services, employers and employees etc. If I buy a tool, and it does not work I have the right to demand from the company who sold it to make it work for me.

The key to spiritualise a relationship is to see the other person as a soul and have total respect for that. Because we can never trap a soul, a soul is free, a soul has free will and we all respect that. A soul is the one that loves and love always comes back or returns to what it loves. Personalities just don't love. Neither do egos.

End (4416).

Self-Image Becomes Destiny - (4415)

Our self-concept or self-image is consciously or subconsciously what we think we are. 

Our actions have at their base our self-concept. So as our destiny is formed by what we do, it is clear our self-concept tends to be make our destiny.

If we change our self-image to being an essence we will be one day more and more essence closer and closer to our Inner Being.

End (4415).

Astral Scenario of the Trial of the Elements - (4411)

We are taught that the trial of the elements: air, fire, water and earth take place internally in the astral world. We know the astral world is mostly about emotions. We also know that emotions, the way we feel towards something are a big part of our relationship to anything. So in the astral world we can see very well how well or not we relate to something.

The test or trails of the elements are really to see how well we relate to the positive qualities of the elements. To see how well we relate to these positive qualities our feeling towards them would need to be seen. There is no better place than the astral to see or assess this.

The scenarios of the tests of the elements all seem to have a common patter. They are scenarios where we are immersed in the element. We are thrown into the ocean left to swim or drown, find ourselves between two mountains crashing in on us, thrown into a deep well free falling in the air and then with the test of fire thrown into a heated and volatile situation being accused of something we did not do. 

So then being immersed in these elements if we are scared or run away, shows us that we do not relate well with the qualities that we need to pass the tests. For example, with the test of water if we are strong in adaptation then we won't fear being thrown into the water, because the water is adaptation and in the astral we relate with the emotional quality of things including water, not physical water and the emotional quality is adaptation. The same applies with air, fire and earth.

If we panic and become scared stiff it shows that we don't relate well with the positive qualities of the elements just yet, and so we fail the tests waking up straight away having being sent back to our body.

End (4411).

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

What's Natural is Relative - (4412)

There seems not to be a universal 'natural'. Everyone has their own perception of what is natural.

What is natural to someone in life is not really natural to someone working on themselves. For example, in life people feel it natural to lose their sexual energy and to get upset, fight and complain when they are wronged etc. etc.

Someone who is working on themselves and is dying feels it so natural and wonderful to transmute their sexual energies and to go inside and find out what is upset and then trust the Divine Law and their Inner Being to solve the issue.

Looking out from what is natural in life we see the person who works on themselves as cool, aloof, indifferent and in general very difficult to understand.

So we need what is natural from the work to understand the natural way of those who are working on themselves. The natural way of those who are on the path and work seriously on themselves is the ethics and values of the path and all the different ways the path works.

Even what is natural to a person at a certain level of work is not natural to another at a different level.

End (4412).

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Ethics for the Path - (4410)

The path works by virtue of its ethics. 

If we don't know these ethics we don't end up relating well to the path.

We won't be able to get the path to work... We won't be able to even work for the path...

The ethics of life or the way life works is not the way the path works. There are many things that are in common and there are many things that are not and this makes a person falter on the path or relate badly and become disappointed with the path and not understand it.

The ways of an highly ethical human life are the characteristics that are in common with the ways of the path... But the ethics and ways of the path go much further...

Only the spiritual teachings can teach us these ethics and the many ways of the path. Life and life's teachings can't teach us the path. 

What definitely doesn't work for the path is the ego mixed with the values of life, or in other words: mind, ego and personality. This inferior triad doesn't work for the path.

We never inherit the path. We are never gifted the path. We are not worthy of the path until we prove it.

We can't chose the circumstances of our path. Because we are not the author of our path, our Inner Being is and He sees what we need. Which is often what we think that we don't need...

We don't steal, commit adultery, harm others because of others... We don't steal, commit adultery and harm others because it is against our Being and our principles first and foremost.  

No sentimentality on the path. We get to where we are by hard, sincere and honest work. If we get anywhere on the path it is because we are sincere.

To be continued...

End (4410).

If there is Focus there is Inspiration - (4404)

The flow of attention is life and life is pure inspiration. It was inspiration that created and continues to create.

So if we are ever lacking inspiration, try focusing our attention onto something and do it for a decent time - waiting for the power of our attention to work bringing life, warmth and light which turns into inspiration.

End (4404).

Many Types of Fornication - (4402)

The word fornicator comes from the word 'forni" which means 'to burn'. So the verb fornicating is about burning something out.

Which is what a person does to their sexual energies when they lose their energy. They are 'burning out' their energy. However there are many ways of burning up our energies. We have seven kinds of energy and if we waste any one of those seven types of energy we are in effect fornicating. 

Burning out our energies refers to unwisely using our energy. Equivalent to wasting energies or giving away our energies for a 'zero' cause or a cause of destructive, inferior value.

Word (breath), imagination (mind) are intimately linked to the sexual energy. So burning out the energy of the mind and the energy of speaking we also burn out the creative sexual energy.

I would like to say in this post that there is fornication to do with our word and fornication to do with our mind and there are also other types of fornication. In the excerpt below Master Samael gives us the formula.

Master Samael says that a fornicator is one who allows him or herself to be governed by the psyche of others. This can be done in so many areas of life. Master Samael is so right, the result of fornicating is always doing something against ourselves. Mainly where we burn out our own energies.

This speaks volumes. A centre of gravity is needed to prevent this type of fornication.

We can not lose our sexual energy but we can be terrible fornicators with our word and mind.

When we fornicate with our mind we lose a lot power in our mind. As a result we can't focus and its hard to retain things, we forget nearly everything and don't listen too well. 

We fornicate so easily in our mind when we think and think about things way past the due amount of time and practicality (way out of proportion). When we fantasise we fornicate mentally. When we speak too much and tell others too many things or share too many things about our inner psychological processes, or share things that have so no use to the other person other than satisfying their curiosity or ill-will we are fornicating with our word.

A hermetic flask is always needed. Creation develops only within a hermetic flask. That is why the sexual energy is not lost. Our inner life and work is destroyed or weakened terribly when we speak about it too much. Because we lose energy doing so and then because we spoke about it too much others attack and criticize us causing us to have to answer their criticism, attacks and questions and explain and so we lose sight of our goal and end up fornicating mentally thinking about how to solve problems we stupidly create and how we are going explain things and we can't help but lose our work completely.

Formication always brings negativity and problems to us. No matter who you are or where you are. It is a scientific law that it brings to us by magnetism and reciprocity more things of its same nature - which means more time and energy wasting. When we lose time and energy negativity enters into us and negativity only brings negativity. Losing energy means also losing will and then consciousness leaving with only ego.

End (4402).

Monday, 9 May 2022

Suffering Paradox - (4409)

Being stuck in suffering takes us down. Whereas sacrificing suffering takes us up.

Stuck in suffering makes our consciousness sleep. Whereas sacrificing it wakes us up. 

To be stuck in suffering is a decision of the sleeping consciousness. To sacrifice suffering is a decision of the consciousness waking up.

Continuing to feel pain inevitably takes us down. Whereas transforming pain takes us up.

Loving our suffering (psychological pain) in the many ways that we do - closes the exit door. Wanting light instead of suffering opens the exit door. 

Saying I can't stop the suffering keep us away from the solution. Saying I can get free of it gets us to the solution.

The sign of pain signals its time to work...Pain alerts us that we are falling asleep or have fallen asleep...

Pain invites us to wake up. 

Avoiding the pain and going into compensation takes us down...Whereas facing the pain, accepting it and transforming it take us up some levels of consciousness and that heals us.

Because of pain we make many mistakes which then take us down...

Down there is full of pain and darkness...Whereas up there is full of light and joyful feeling...

Pain or suffering is the way down and used wisest wisely it helps to take us up.

If we use pain as our navigator we won't get things wrong. Where we see pain we steer clear. Where we feel pain - we work and transform and where we remember pain we don't repeat in the present or future.

If we see pain on the horizon change course now. If we see pain when looking back, forget it to not affect us now, but learn from it to not let happen as it did before and pay the debt to ourselves or others from the past.

Conclusion: just sacrifice suffering and we will get the light and joyful feeling which is what we all want!

End (4409).

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Don't Hate the Gymnasium - (4408)

We shouldn;t develop the attitude of dislikeing the psychological gymnasiums that we have.

The better attitude is to see what we need to die and go and do it quickly. When we do die enough the gymnasium will disappear.

Hating the gymnasium means that it only continues...

Don't worry if it has taken a while to realise that we need to die in something. The main thing to do then is to go and die in it.

Well we have to accept the gymnasium first of all and then work in it. We actually spend a lot of time fighting against the gymnasium and not accepting it. We can be there doing that for a looong time... 

End (4408).

Friday, 6 May 2022

Humanistic Base of the Path - (4407)

A very well known Gnostic author wrote a very interesting chapter in a book he recently published. He says something that is surprising. He says that the path is based on humanistic values. Meaning on the merits that we have in our heart towards others. He says when people hear that they ask what does that have to do with the awakening of consciousness. And he says a lot, in the sense that being aware of the pain of others is all about awakening. 

I think that a person who is awakened or awakening would perceive the pain that others are feeling. Because when we are awakened we are not in pain or are not identified with ourselves and so we have awareness free enough to perceive what is going inside of ourselves and what is happening in our environment, and our environment is basically all about people. 

So he says the merits of the heart are consideration for others, service to others, disinterested love for others, tolerance of others, awareness of others etc. etc. They are I think the Christic qualities that give us the merits to earn an entrance into the path because they are all the opposite of selfishness.

A person who is not selfish is not going to misuse the knowledge, abilities, values etc. that the path gives that person. Instead will use it to help others. 

End (4407).

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Why So Much Wierdness in People in Gnosis - (4406)

Any gnostic group memeber or teacher will know that people in Gnosis bring up some weird behaviur at times. Which is not found in the people at the local football club or associaton of rose gardeners.

Why is this? Because of the many powerful forces that move in a Gnostic centre and the work itself.  Because those forces that are present to help those dedicated people to work on themselves, they inevitable agitate the subconscious for what is in the subconscious to come up to the surface to be worked on. The work itself also moves the subconscious so that it can be seen and worked on. This does not happen at the local cycling club or at work.

The subconscious is usually all that is weird.

End (4406).

Alchemy Psychological and Esoteric Notes - (4405)

This is a short collection of notes related to some of the simple psychological and esoteric aspects of Alchemy.

This is not to put a damper on anything... We see a couple who have just married and how happy we feel for them because they now have the means to awaken the spiritual fire of the Divine Mother in them and walk the initiatic path... Then the couple themselves feel so hopeful and full of enthusiasm but little do they know what they are going to face...Themselves...

The above are really romantic notions of the Alchemy that can be the reality but are not always the reality...

It may well be that a couple after marrying are doing spiritually worse than before their wedding day. That behind the beautiful appearances the practice of the Alchemy is not going too well or even their relationship may not be going too well. All because of not being really psychologically ready for the practice of Alchemy. 

To actually handle or wield the power of the Alchemy a very strong esoteric and psychological foundation is needed... That is why in ancient Egypt the Alchemy was given to those who had already spent seven working to awaken their consciousness.

One needs a centre of gravity in the work on themselves to be able to practice the Alchemy and sustain the after effects. The sustaining is all about correctly directing and taking advantage of the revolution that it provokes inside of the person. An unstable psychology only gets worse with the practice of the Alchemy.

Normal or infra sex does not provoke any revolution inside a person because the energy is lost. The energy being kept and transmuted is directed within where it opens up many channels in our brain, energises our subconscious and connects to our inner Divinity. The energy wishes to purify us and flow through us and so what is of blockage - our subconscious - has to be moved.  

The practice of alchemy is not just for the sexual centre. It is a tremendous practice for the five centres of the human machine and of course for the consciousness. 

It is to connect, transmute, pray, die and awaken yet to do that much is needed... And yet it is not just that... 

Not everyone has problems in practicing the Alchemy and we should not project our problems onto others either.

The Monads and the other higher forces govern the practice of Alchemy. Sometimes it works and happens and sometimes not. But in life one seems to be able to control their sexuality as desired, every weekend the Don Juan's and female Don Juan equivalents go out for their adventures... The Alchemy is not at all like that... A higher power has an intervention in it. 

People who practice the Alchemy know that it opens up the subconscious with an intensity not known to them before. Almost with a force greater than themselves and with a force that operating deeply within the subconscious dredging and bringing up all kinds of issues, resistance, problems that tend to intelligently conspire against one to not be able to practice the Alchemy again.

It is after all the descent into the ninth sphere which is the very bottom of the abyss. We think romantically how lovely the alchemy is and it certainly has its aspects of beauty but it is not that. It is to find ourselves and face ourselves. Actually the abyss of ourselves. That is what we find first of all and that is where we need to work and that is what we need to transform so as to get light.

We transmute in the Alchemy and the Typhon wants that transmuted force back and He gets it back....How many disagreements ensue after the Alchemy. One almost thinks for a while it is better not to practice Alchemy so as to enjoy a more peaceful life. And I am sure many people have settled into not practicing to enjoy the peace... But yet their Monads are put on hold... 

It is to work with the chaos and draw order from the powerful chaos to create our inner genesis. All of creation is so rich with intense life. Just look at the oceans and jungles how intensely alive they all are. The work in the Alchemy is not called the work in the forge of Vulcan for nothing... How a vulcano is so chaotically powerful in nature is how the sexual force is and how the transmuted energy works in our interior fueling the forces of revolution or purification and creation within us...  

One learns to know that the practice of alchemy can not be planned or scheduled. In the morning as soon as one talks about it and thinks about practicing it that night - the door is open to so many means of sabotage and resistance. It is better in practice to forget about it and then just do it when the assigned time comes.

The work of the Alchemy is for the Monads and the cause of the Monads transcends the issues of mind, ego and personality. How I have heard some marvelous cases of people not caving into the resistance from unresolved personal issues and upset egos and then overcoming themselves and practicing the Alchemy for the benefit of each other's Monads. Well that's love for the Being and it does not correspond to the silly romantic idea.

So many times how curious it is that a disagreement breaks out just before Alchemy can be practiced...

How the emotions affect the sexual centre...

A good level of practice is say three times a week for a normal decent duration. A duration in which the three obligatory steps of Alchemy can be practiced: transmutation, mystical death and the awakening of the Kundalini. 

Master Samael said that the duration and frequency of the Alchemy practice really all depends on the nature of each person and each person will work that out in accordance with their nature as to what is best in that regard.

The axiom of one practice every twenty four hours is very usual and correct. It gives one a discipline and an order in life and towards the practice. 

If one was ok in the practice of normal or infra sex it does not mean that one can handle the Alchemy or practice it well.

To practice the Alchemy one needs to have power over their own sexuality. In normal sex or infrasex one does not posses their sexuality. It is in the hands of many outside factors that are removed in the alchemy leaving the person without sexual force or means to activate or manage their sexual energy.

Alchemy is much more than magnetism, connecting, vulnerability and intimacy etc. etc. It transcends those things and its full power is spiritual in the high spheres of the Monad of each person.

The magnetic pause exists. It is where the energy is needed to replenish and the magnetism to build up. One naturally feels the pause working and when it starts and finishes. The body gives all the indications needed.

End (4405).

Loyalty and Merits of the Heart for the Path - (4401)

What we need is merits of the heart for the path.

Many ways do we earn the merits of the heart. They are the merit we get when we give of our heart.

Working and doing from the heart opens the heart of others and allows to win or enter the heart of others.

No doubt this how a leader wins the heart of the people. This is how a master wins the heart of his or her disciples and vice versa.

The heart operating makes courage, trust, love, conviction, strength, loyalty all shine and that goes directly to the heart of others. 

Often to be honest the effort of the heart breaks the balance in the positive way and breaking the balance for a transcendent cause, causes a superior law to enter into action and then the merits of the heart can be  accumulated. 

Balance in the thrid factor would be to give talks to people including the public and students who have been studying Gnosis for a while already for three hours then draw the line. Then go and meditiate or practice Alchemy etc. But when we go with love in our heart and break that balance and work in the third factor for five houras sacrificing for others we enable a suerior hidden law which then earns us merit of the heart, which is gold.

Loyalty in common life does not pay off too much. Being loyal to one's self pays more. For example at work these days people are not loyal to a company they quit and go with who ever offers the best pay or work conditions nad staying loyal to a company that pays less does not get one's mortage paid so we have to go with the better offer. This way of thinking on the path does not allow one to win merit quickly...  

In the path being loyal to your guide, teacher, instructor or missionary offers much more merit of the heart then following what people do in life which would be to change teachers, instuctor for another apparently better one. They have actually activated the merits of the heart because they put loyalty and service above factors such as ambition, impatience and selfishness. Which is already a huge win for the path.    

Through loyalty one gets all that one yearns for in time. It falls onto one. Because loyalty activates the heart and is the merit of the heart which is a high currency to pay for spiritual things. Loyalty often implies much sacrifice because for loyalty one sacrifice many desires which can be right or within our rights.

Loyalty and service go together. Jesus said that the greatest person is the one who serves the most.

End (4401).

Indications of the Will of the Being - (4403)

I'm just going to summarise things here and realy to you the gist of it.

A very well known Gnostic author,  self-realsied Master and disciple of Master Samael, once asked Master Samael physically the question: Are there any indications that we are doig teh weill of the Father or the will of the animal ego?

Master Samael replied by saying that when we begin to do something and everything falls into place and flows along easily without much effort then Master Samael says the Being is with us.

When on the other hand we do something and then all we get is difficulty after difficulty and things fail time and time again, then Being is not with us. 

End (4403).