Thursday 28 March 2024

People that are the Same as You are the Best - (5093)

People that have the same psychology as us are the best people to be around to discover ourselves and to work on ourselves.

They are the best to help us to dissolve the many false concepts we have about ourselves.

As they are very similar to us, observing them and interacting with them shows us what we are like. We often intensely mechanically reject such people because it is the way that all those false concepts use to protect themselves.

End (5093).

Trust in Your Work is to Voluntarily Accept and Invite In Difficulty - (5092)

To voluntarily bring a difficult situation into our life is to trust our work. No doubt about it.

We don't invite in difficulty because we fear the difficulty will stay and not leave until we physically die... But that is not the case and it is a lack of trust in our Being. The Being brings us difficulty for a purpose and takes it away once that purpose has been fulfilled.

To bring in a difficulty means that we trust our work and our Being. Because we know if we work on ourselves well enough our Being will take it away in the same way that it came.

End (5092).

Fully Draw the Curtains! - (5091)

We need the attitude of being so happy and wanting to see our reality. 

Grateful for the opportunities to see our reality. No matter what the circumstances are and how they unfold.

Value the discovering the truth about ourselves no matter what side of duality it may fall onto.

This constitutes turning the lights on within ourselves so that the light that illuminates our psychology can enter us.

End (5091).

Strength of the Father is in the Son - (5090)

The strength of our Atman or Spirit is in our Intimate Christ. Our intimate Christ is also in our Human Soul where our will is.

The Father - Atman trusts the Intimate Christ and His strength is in the Intimate Christ. The Intimate Christ uses the strength of the Father that is in Him to lift us - the essence upwards.

If the Father trusts in the Intimate Christ so can we. The best combination is work and trust. Which is will in full action making things happen.

In trusting and working we sync with the Father which is to trust in the Intimate Christ. The Intimate Christ is the mediator and the unifier.

I feel that those people - I guess those people are the bodhisattvas who fight for the liberation of others as the Intimate Christ fights for us - the essence, are really a blessing for humanity. They embody the spirit of the Christ. 

End (5090).

The Inverted Relative Manifestations of God Found in the Abyss - (5088)

The Kliphos or infra-dimensions of nature are the inverted tree of life. At each level we find a relative and inverted expression of the Divinity, just as when we climb the tree of life we find a new and unfolding of Divinity.

As soon as we enter one of those infra-regions the 'new' inverted God appears. A certain switch in the atmosphere is apparent and if we have the "I's" in our psychology that correspond to that region a certain change occurs in our psychology. New desires, idols and priorities of an inferior kind appear in our psychology that were not there before.

It is just the same as when we are walking in the open air looking up at the sky and God for us is there within us and also everywhere outside of us, then we enter a building and God for us then changes. If it is a casino that we enter the new God becomes winning the jackpot, if it is a bar it is something else and if it is a party itf it something else altogether but it is not the normal God - it is an inverted God. 

It is interesting to note that God exists in those regions too - but inverted.

End (5088).

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Break the Logic Bottles of the "I's" of Anger - (5334)

The value of force, love and creativity is trapped in various logic bottles which we call the "I's" of anger.

All of the logic bottles must be discovered and broken with comprehension.

A logic bottle is a mental logic that the essence gets trapped in. It is a thought process that the essence comes to believe in. Usually the logic is something that is partly true. Never fully true and that is where we can get into it to modify it.

Some of these logic bottles try to tell us that anger protects us. That is, that anger is used to protect ourselves from the humiliation of recognising we have a defect or lack a certain capacity which our pride thinks we possess.

It is never a wasted exercise to see our own reality. It always brings light and that brings truth and freedom to improve.

The other logic bottles try to tell us that anger solves problems and solves conflicts. It doesn't really solve problems and conflicts, it makes them go away, by submitting those involved with  unreasonable force (violence of mind, word and actions) so that the complaint or protest is withdrawn.

Another logic bottle is that it is needed to get respect from others. It gets fear instead which breads resentment and hatred.

Another logic bottle is that it brings peace and protects my time, money and energy. It can do that yes but not very well. The are many more other ways to do this than the ver narrow ways that anger uses.

Another one is that anger gives us control over others and ourselves. Yes for a while before it turns very sour. Anger lacks the reasoning of truth and that is why things turn sour sooner rather than later.

End (5334).

Interested to Make the Path Our Destiny - (5089)

There are those in Gnosis who yearn to make the path their destiny...

There are those in Gnosis who don't yearn to make the path their destiny...

This one yearning sets one apart from the other.

This one yearning opens one up to embrace the precepts and laws of the path. It produces an openness  and readiness to do whatever it takes to fulfil one's chosen destiny of the path. This is not understand by those who do not yearn for the path as their destiny.

Without this above mentioned yearning the opportunities of the path are the same as the opportunities in life. They can be rescheduled, moved, cancelled, passed on etc. etc. similar to a non-urgent dentist appointment... 

End (5089).

Monday 25 March 2024

Secrets are not in the Theory But the Methods - (5087)

The teachings are quite well known these days. Everyone can find the theory to self-realise themselves. Yet there are secrets... The secrets are in the methods, that is the ways and means by which the theory is realized, often only released by master to disciple.

Master Samael is a person who revealed the major secrets of the realisation. He gave us the practical methods. 

He showed us exactly how to walk the path and how to work as he says in the "fiery forge of cyclops".

He did not have time to reveal all the lesser methods (secrets). That is up to us to discover and realise.

End (5087).

Sunday 24 March 2024

Working Only for Yourself Does Not Profit! - (5085)

Experience tell us that the following is true: 

"Every sacrifice we make for a sublime idea is transformed into gold, into light. That is the secret: the idea for which you work. If you work only for yourself, the effort you put into satisfying your own desires, needs, instincts, passions and greed is, in fact, energy lost." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

Working to satisfy our own desires tends to produce a slump or a low point in us. It is not a multiplying and forward moving exercise. Much of our week has elements of this kind in it and that is why our weeks, years and life seem not to be going anywhere.

Any cause is an idea that is far above, far greater and far outside of our mind, personality and desires.

It makes sense that when we work on something with the ego we don't magnetize or draw closer the light and the gold from above to us. Because there is no light or gold to draw more light or gold to it in the first place.

Selfish efforts and selfish causes don't put the law of reciprocity and magnetism into activity.

Even working on ourselves that does not take others into account or consideration is limited.

End (5085).

Power of Humility - (5086)

We can conceive that humility gives people the following powers:

To learn from anyone in any location or time where there is a lesson and even when there does not appear to be one.

📏To be open to the new.

📏To see when we are wrong.

📏To accept that we are wrong and to make just amends.

📏To receive advice.

📏To advise correctly.

📏To know our right place in any given situation.

📏To listen.

📏To speak correctly.

📏To be patient.

📏To relate internally and externally correctly to others.

📏To lead correctly avoiding dictatorship and weakness.

📏To earn and receive in justice.

📏To give first so as to receive later - to fulfill the law of reciprocity.

📏To give respect. To act respectfully and keep respect.

📏To share.

📏To trust and surrender.

📏To do the will of the Father who is in secret.

📏To correct our course of thinking, feeling and acting.

📏To co-operate.

📏To achieve balance.

📏To bring harmony within and outside of ourselves.

📏To see better our reality.

📏To relate correctly to the Being and the those above.

📏To do justice.

📏To understand the eternal chain of giving and receiving. 

📏To transcend relativity.

📏To love others.

📏To not feel more or better or less and worse than others.

📏To not suffer in defeat or in second or third place.

📏To be happy with less, little and in simplicity.

📏To maintain inner balance and equippose when outer circumstances are very unbalanced or unfair.

📏To dispel illusions related to ourselves and our abilities.

📏To see the truth about ourselves, others and life, nature and the cosmos.

📏To participate peacefully and constructively. 

📏To be assertive producing a win-win outcome rather than an imposed one-sided outcome.

📏To allow the river of life to flow in its way.

📏To be trusted by those who posses greater powers and knowledge.

📏Pass many esoteric tests.

📏Transcend objections and protests. 

📏Accept situations where we can not do anything to change them.

📏To make others suffer less.

📏To commit less injustices.

📏To not steal.

📏To not envy.

📏To not criticise and humiliate.

📏To develop the real science of the Universe.


A person with a strong pride that is complicated and has many layers and facets to it will have difficulty in exercising the above mini-powers.

End (5086).

No-Self is GOAL and Lives in the Present Moment - (5084)

No-self is our direction. No-self is what our consciousness is. Our essence or consciousness does not identify as a self.

When we are in the past and future we are a self. Our memories, our pain, our experiences and constant  thought processes make up our 'self'.

Only in this very moment is there no self. In this very moment there is only our consciousness. 

Only in the moment can we bring and apply truly any value/virtue.

End (5084).

Saturday 23 March 2024

Imagination Bad Habits - (5083)

We human beings have so many bad habits to do with imagination.

For example, masturbation is one, masturbation is really a bad use of the imagination. No one masturbates wihtout using their imagination or rather mechanical imagination known as fantasy.

Fantasy excites the sexual centre and maintains that unnatural excitation until the energy is lost. Without fantasy the excitation of the sexual centre would not occurr and the energy would not be lost. A more natural arousal of the sexual centre would occur when the setting or circumstances are fitting. 

If we used the imagination well, in other words rightly or correctly as it was intended to be used, we would be much more awake and free of many bad habits. The wrong use of imagination makes our consciousness to sleep.

It is worth doing a inventory of our we relate to ur imagiantion. That is how we use it to make ourselves more asleep or more awake.

End (5083).

Working on the Virtue Calls the Virtues from within the Darkness - (5082)

When we are working to cultivate a value of our Inner Being commonly known as a virtue we do two things.

One is that we educate and train our free essence in the ways or psychology of the virtue/value. The second thing that we do, which happens later and often without us knowing, is that we start to call that value/virtue from wherever else it is within us.

This second thing that we do is very important to know about.

Many are the people who study and practice the virtues through the means of yoga and other spiritual forms only later to exprience intense darkness.

This happens because people do indeed develop the virtue, they educate their essence and their centres in the virtue and they reach a certain plateau. All the light they have is cultivated and that light is powerful and magnetic and it draws the same virtue out within us. The only place left to draw that same value out is from within the darkenss from where it is trapped within us, in our "I's".

If we have love and we want more love where will it come from? It has to come from our anger, our lust, our self-love, our self-hatred, our self-compassion wherever our love is trapped.

So then all this darkness comes out for us to free the value from it. If we are not ready and we do not know about the dissolution of the "I" we fail miserably. We get overwhelmed by the intensity of the darkenss.

In other words we are overwhelmned by the results of our previous work. We either with great conscious efforts triumph and extract the light or the value from the darkenss or we give up so that the darkenss subsides, or we succumb to darkenss which is the more unfortunate thing. Perhaps only after a while do we recover and return to the work on ourselves once again.

End (5082).

Friday 22 March 2024

Brain Inquietude Basic Info - (5081)


The meaning of any inner inquietude that we feel is to know more about the topic of the inquietude through direct experience.

To know more often starts with understanding intellectually what is known about the topic.

This post is a collection of information about the brain. It represents the seeking of infroimationt o begin to fulfil an inquietude.

Brain Virtue and Awakening

No doubt that the brain pays a hugely important role in the awakening our consciousness and in the relation between body, mind, consciousness and our Inner Being.

I heard recently that the virtues are centred in our brain, and that when a person fully awakens their consciousness, all the cells of the brain become illuminated making the brain to become like a light bulb - fully luminous.

Basic Info

Different Brains

Human brain in comparison to other species. Interesting.

Functional Areas of Our Brain

Brain Workings

Chemicals in the Brain

Brain Injury

End (5081).

Virtue of Beauty - (5080)

Beauty is a virtue, but one not understood all that well. True too, we are all attracted to beauty.

Those men and women who walk down the cat walks and are the cover magazines and play the main roles in romantic comedies are not really beautiful...

The true virtue of beauty is something of the soul. It is the light that shines from the nobility of the soul. It is the harmony of thought, feeling and action that radiates from the essence of any person that has an organised psyche and can express the eternal values of their Inner Being.

From this point of view even the physically ugliest person can be beautiful because of the high degree of values and clear outward expression of those values.

Any act of kindness and love is beautiful. In fact all the virtues of the soul in action are beautiful. They all move and inspire us which is what beauty does.

God can only be beautiful. As in the past all the Gods were depicted with great beauty.

Back hundreds of years again when things were different to now, the law of correspondence worked accurately where the inside and the outside corresponded to each other. Now the inside and outside do not often correspond. Now days we can not trust that a beautiful physical body equates to a beautiful interior rich in the perennial values of the soul.

Afterall what benefit would it bring to be next to someone so physically handsome or attractive yet they only utter disdain and spite and very little of what they say and do has love, compassion, justice or truth in it? None right. 

A good sign to know that we are changing  is when we no longer give physical beauty any importance, we only see and look for the beauty of the interior and we in our own work strive for the beauty of our interior to manifest in all our words and actions.

End (5080).

Thursday 21 March 2024

Fear and Trust in Reprimands - (5079)

The "I" of fear often answers the phone and the front door.

Fear commonly plays a big part in giving and receiving reprimands. Yes, in giving reprimands, it is there in the background.

The feeling of fear rises before receiving a reprimand, and during a reprimand, especially when we realise there is no 'escape'.

Because of that feeling of fear spiking during a reprimand, we often over-react making things much worse.

This is where trust comes in. We need trust to open ourselves up to the truth, and to trust in the calming and liberating qualities of truth and justice.

We only ever get what is just and if it is not just, compensation will always with 110% certainly come to us.

The role of truth is to free ourselves and to bring in the light, which is consciousness. We need trust to embrace the consciousness, even when it hurts our pride.

That's the key, if we don't embrace consciousness because of pride we will commit an injustice. 

When we are unjust pain is going to come to us later on. Usually that pain is worse that what we are facing in the reprimand.

End (5079).

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Remedy to Anger is Sweet Words and Tones - (5078)

When you really want to get anger out of your human machine sweet words a have powerful potency to sooth things inside and outside of ourselves. 

Often we are misjudged as being weak when doing that but is that true that we are weak? Only we know that it isn't weakness, that it is really a strength of the consciousness to do that. 

Others who judge that way will change their ways when they get angry and decide to speak with sweet words.

End (5078).

Transform Reprimands - (5062)

The same "I" of pride that likes to reprimand is the same one that rebels against the authority of others.

If we like to reprimand others it is truly difficult that we stand being reprimanded by others.

In Gnosis we unknowingly create a lot of pride because we think we know better and more...yet in reality we are the same, hence the pride to believe that we are something that we are not.

If we don't like being reprimanded we need to work directly on pride.

There is a pride within us, that believes that our way of things is best or ok. 

There is no doubt we find reprimands unfair and for that reason we protest and swirm will be receiving one. 

In retrospect we say to ourselves: 'if only there was that element of love I could of handled it a lot better'. 

That is an interesting and very useful clue. It is the sense of being harmed by another person directing a harmful force towards us against beyond our right to be respected (treated fairly).

Of course what we consider respectful needs some examination as well. It could be that we are too sensitive and protective of ourselves...

It all depends on the way we interpret the reprimand. The sense of being harmed is our interpretation. The work is to help us change that interpretation to one of being illuminated or helped in our psychological work.

I have heard some Gnostics who really work on themselves say: "I need problems, bring to me so that I can work more, I need to die in myself." Such an attitude has already transformed all the reprimands.

The tendency is to answer reprimands with reprimands. That is mechanical and not helpful for our work. It escalates things into an argument.

We can jump ahead of reprimands by accepting quickly with consciousness what is being highlighted.

Working with reprimands is all about the speed of the consciousness and the capacity to accept with consciousness for the benefit of the enhancement of the consciousness.

We also learn that we must not identify with the tone or right that the other person is taking to be critical of us. No identification with their facial expressions or gazes either, but full attention to our consciousness to see what is true and beneficial to our consciousness in what they are saying. 

If something does not serve our consciousness it is a simple matter of discarding and forgetting...

A help to transform receiving reprimands is to transform them it into gratitude and being thankful for the advice or light shone on our psychology.

As soon as we say thank you - we have transformed something to do with it.

End (5062).

The Extraordinary Tact Needed with Raising Children These Days - (5077)

With the increasing degeneration of society taking the norm further and further away from the Gnostic principles, it is not easy bringing up children, especially if you are a Gnostic parent.

What do parents do? Allow their children to experience everything against their principles and better judgment and watch their children degenerate and leave the family home unprepared, or clamp down and restrict causing the children to be unhappy and eventually rebel and leave the same?

Of course it always depends a lot on the individual essence yet the impressions of modern life with its degenerating ways have a lot of power, in most cases enough power to capture the imagination and will of most children.

All that Gnostic parents can really do, is to consciously educate their children the best that they can, by making their own consciousness as bright and sharp as possible to educate with clarity and love. 

Employing a lot of tact is more important than ever, to allow experience yet maintain a certain closeness to be there help children learn the lessons from their own experience and keep the link between parent and child strong through trust and love instead of authority, reprimand and judgement.

End (5077).

The Rays are Also in the Body - (5076)

Who could deny that - that the seven rays are in our physical body? The physical expressions of the seven rays plus others, are active in our physical body right now.

I believe nothing needs to be said to illustrate this point. Before I give any examples just have a think about the different rays and you will quickly see for yourself how there is medicine, force, law, life, death, art, love, wisdom, politics, order, command, liberation at work in our body here and now.

End (5076).

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Always Clean Your Mind in Relation to Others - (5075)

When it comes to our own mind and other people, the most important thing is to NOT think anything negative.

Any negative thought, any analysis, discovery or conclusion that paints a negative picture of another person is best let go of and forgotten. Abandon negativity towards others for our own benefit. Read on for reasons why. 

Comprehension is different to any conclusion arrived at by analysis because it does not leave negativity in our mind. 

Comprehension sees the reality of the another person, that they for example have certain "I'" to dissolve etc. As comprehension is light, that light can help the other person, but negativity is not light and it can't help the other person. It's not helpful.

In practice this is absolutely the best thing to do - drop negativity related to others. It is so helpful to every sphere, inside and outside of ourselves.

In arguments and difficult conversations the negativity that we have been harbouring all comes out, often confusing people as to where that came from and often escalating the emotion of the conversation and taking the conversation into completely unnecessary, unrelated, sensitive areas.

The negativity we harbour in our mind about others also harms us the most. We only just hear their name and we are already sick and stressed. We are doing this to ourselves because the other person is not even in our presence, they are far away in body and also probably in mind and emotion.

End (5075).

Sunday 17 March 2024

List of Virtues or Antidotes - (5074)


🔔To apply a virtue we need to know about it.

(Even though the virtues are within our essence we need to bring them out of our essence into consciousness.)

🔔To remedy an egoic state of consciousness we need to apply the right virtue. We really know it when we are applying the right virtue as an antidote.

🔔To apply the virtues we need to know which egoic states they are a remedy for.

🔔To apply the  virtues we need to know their area of application.

🔔To apply the virtues we need to know the different ways to apply it. The right angle to come from.

🔔To apply the virtues we need to know their psychology.

🔔To help us apply the virtues we need to know their complements.

🔔To better apply a virtue we need to know how much of it we have and how much of it we have as ego.

🔔Often in the process of mystical death we just naturally without thinking about apply the right virtue and we progress a lot quicker. Yet sometimes we can't progress any quicker until we consciously and voluntarily with serious dedication apply the virtue.

🔔When there is sizeable karma we need to apply the virtue with intended serious dedication to dissolve the "I" involved.

🔔Applying the virtues pays our karma.

🔔Applying the virtues changes our destiny, our present and our future.

🔔A list of virtues allows us the marvellous opportunity of doing a psychological inventory of what we have and what we lack. This is a fundamental part of self-knowledge.

The following is a list of virtues along with their complements, and the interior states of consciousness that they have the power to transcend

This list also helps to work with the points (🔔) given above.


The act of accepting someone or something, whether that something be a defect we have, a cause, a reason or a truth.

Complements: Contentment, Forgiveness, Responsibility

Transcends: Denial, Rejection


The ability to bring forward the right degree of strength and intelligence to level the ground and find a win-win outcome (the third-solution).

Complements: Confidence, Courage

Transcends: Self-doubt, Shyness


True to one’s own nature, values, principles, or spirit.

Complements: Honesty, Integrity, acceptance

Transcends: Low self-esteem


The qualities in a person, living creature or a thing that impresses and inspires the essence.

Complements: Joyfulness, Peace

Transcends: Ugliness, Disharmony, Discordance


Feeling and acting on the concern for other living beings.

Complements: Compassion, Kindness

Transcends: Cruelty, Insensitivity


The practice of keeping ourselves, our surroundings and our mind clean.

Complements: Orderliness, Purity

Transcends: Unhygienic, Disorder


An agreement or pledge to do something in the present and in the future.

Complements: Loyalty, Perseverance

Transcends: Lack of Direction


Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it. Compassion as non-judgement.

Complements: Caring, Understanding

Transcends: Grief, Judgment


A feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something.

Complements: Assertiveness, Courage, Hope, Trust

Transcends: Self-doubt, Uncertainty


The act of thinking carefully about something you are going to make a decision about.

Complements: Caring, Compassion

Transcends: Selfishness


The state of being happy and satisfied outside of relativity and duality.

Complements: Fulfillment, Joy

Transcends: Dissatisfaction, Restlessness, Protest


A situation in which people work together to do something.

Complements: Teamwork, Unity

Transcends: Defiance


Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

Complements: Boldness, Confidence

Transcends: Fear, Self-doubt, Uncertainty, Inertia


The ability to make new things or think of new ideas.

Complements: Joy, Purposefulness

Transcends: Ordinary, Mediocre, Mechanical


Lack of emotion, identification or vested interest in things.

Complements: Faith, Freedom

Transcends: Control


A quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult.

Complements: Commitment, Tenacity

Transcends: Complacency


A way of appearing or behaving that suggests seriousness, self-control and respect for oneself and others.

Complements: Honour, Respect

Transcends: Egoism, Selfishness, Disdain


Something that makes someone more determined, hopeful, or confident.

Complements: Support, Caring

Transcends: Self-doubt, Discouragement


Strong excitement about something; a strong feeling of active interest in something that you like or enjoy.

Complements: Energy, Motivation

Transcends: Boredom, Indifference


Following accepted rules of behavior; morally right and good.

Complements: Fairness, Respect

Transcends: Immorality


Extremely high quality.

Complements: Dignity, Honour, Integrity, Respect

Transcends: Mediocrity


Treating people in a way that does not favour some over others.

Complements: Equality, Justice

Transcends: Grievance, Injustice


Strong belief based on knowing in someone or something.

Complements: Confidence, Hope, Trust, Love

Transcends: Apprehension, Doubt, Laziness


Willing to change or to try different things and adapt to changes.

Complements: Detachment, Understanding, Adaptability

Transcends: Stubbornness, Rigidity


The act of forgiving or pardoning someone or something.

Complements: Freedom, Peace

Transcends: Anger, Bitterness


Acting like a friend; kind and helpful.

Complements: Kindness, Tact

Transcends: Indifference, Arrogance


The quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish; the quality of being generous.

Complements: Kindness, Service

Transcends: Stinginess, Self-centered, Greedy


Having or showing a kind and quiet nature; not harsh or violent.

Complements: Patience, Peace

Transcends: Aggression


Very polite in a way that shows respect.

Complements: Dignity, Tact

Transcends: Disrespect, Rudeness, Abruptness


A feeling of appreciation or thanks.

Complements: Hope, Joy, Peace

Transcends: Disappointment, Pain


The state of several parts that are related or combined in a smooth and pleasing way.

Complements: Unity

Transcends: Hostility, Friction, Difficulty


Making it easier to do a job, deal with a problem, etc.; giving help.

Complements: Graciousness, Service

Transcends: Negativity, Hinderance


The quality of being fair and truthful.

Complements: Integrity, Truthfulness

Transcends: Deceitfulness


Respect that is given to someone who is admired.

Complements: Dignity, Respect

Transcends: Shame


To want something to happen or to come true and feel that it could happen or come true.

Complements: Faith, Joy, Trust

Transcends: Despair, Anxiety, Despondency, Uncertainty, Frustration


The quality or state of knowing our ourselves, our abilities and our place and not thinking we are better or more than others.

Complements: Justice, Modesty, Honesty

Transcends: Arrogance, Pride, Exaggeration


The attitude of a person who believes that it is possible to live according to very high standards of behavior and honesty.

Complements: Confidence, Hope

Transcends: Cynicism, Pessimism


Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; the quality or state of being complete or undivided.

Complements: Honesty, Trust

Transcends: Corruption, Deceitfulness


Having or showing an ability to think of new and interesting ideas; having or showing imagination.

Complements: Creativity

Transcends: Ordinary, Rationalism


Feeling, causing, or showing great happiness; full of joy.

Complements: Hope, Peace, Love

Transcends: Discontent, Suffering


The process or result of using laws to fairly judge that is assign the correct proportions to each party or side involved.

Complements: Fairness, Integrity

Transcends: Pride, Injustice, Discrimination


The quality or state of being kind followed by kind actions.

Complements: Caring, Compassionate

Transcends: Cruelty, Loneliness


A feeling of strong or constant affection for all things.

Complements: Caring, Forgiveness, Unity

Transcends: Hatred, Lust, Resentment, Grudges


The quality or state of being loyal. Adhering firmly to principles and values.

Complements: Honesty, Trust

Transcends: Betrayal


The quality or state of being reasonable and avoiding behaviour, speech, etc., that is extreme or that goes beyond what is normal or acceptable.

Complements: Diligence, Responsibility

Transcends: Obsessions, Overindulgence


The quality of not being too proud or too confident about yourself or your abilities.

Complements: Humility

Transcends: Self-importance


Having or showing hope for the future; expecting good things to happen.

Complements: Hope, Joyfulness

Transcends: Pessimism


Arranged or organized in a logical or commonly understood way.

Complements: Cleanliness, Purity

Transcends: Chaos


Having, showing, or expressing strong emotions or beliefs.

Complements: Enthusiasm, Purposefulness

Transcends: Indifference


The ability to wait for a long time without becoming annoyed or upset.

Complements: Determination, Peace

Transcends: Frustration


A state of tranquility or quietude.

Complements: Love, Serenity, Unity

Transcends: Anger, Cruelty


Continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.

Complements: Commitment, Determination, Resilience

Transcends: Laziness, Defeatism


The quality or state of being prepared.

Complements: Excellence, Orderliness

Transcends: Complacency, Negligence, Ignorance


Having a purpose as in something set up as an object or end to be attained.

Complements: Creativity, Commitment, Joyfulness

Transcends: Boredom, Indifference


The quality or state of being reliable.

Complements: Integrity, Loyalty, Responsibility

Transcends: Untrustworthy


An act of giving particular attention to not cross certain lines of behaviour towards a person which would impinge on their dignity.

Complements: Dignity, Reverence

Transcends: Inconsideration


The quality or state of being responsible as in moral, legal, or mental accountability.

Complements: Courtesy, Tact, Trust

Transcends: Selfishness, Carelessness, Negligence


Honour or respect that is felt for or shown to (someone or something).

Complements: Respect, Worth

Transcends: Disrespect, Disdain


Correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.

Complements: Commitment, Determination

Transcends: Chaos, Unruliness


Contribution to the welfare of others.

Complements: Compassion, Generosity, Purposefulness

Transcends: Lack of concern, Self-centered


The quality or state of being sincere; honesty of mind.

Complements: Authentic

Transcends: Disingenuous, Pretense, Falsehood, Appearnances


A keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense.

Complements: Graciousness, Responsibility, Intelligence

Transcends: Clumsiness, Ignorance, Awkwardness


Habitual moderation in the indulgence of appetites or passions.

Complements: Moderation

Transcends: Excessive, Exaggeration


Persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.

Complements: Discipline, Perseverance

Transcends: Indecision, Defeatism


Conscious of benefit received.

Complements: Gratitude, Thoughtfulness

Transcends: Unappreciative


Capacity to endure pain or hardship; sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own.

Complements: Patience, Tenacious

Transcends: Narrow-mindedness, Reactivity, Sensitivity


Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.

Complements: Loyalty, Respect

Transcends: Doubt, Skepticism


Telling or disposed to tell the truth.

Complements: Honesty, Faith, Trust

Transcends: Corruption, Deceit


An agreement of opinion or feeling; adjustment of differences.

Complements: Kindness, Tolerance

Transcends: Egoism


The quality or state of being made one.

Complements: Harmony, Love, Peace

Transcends: Loneliness


A thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination.

Complements: Imagination, Leadership

Transcends: Lack of Inspiration


Accumulated philosophic or scientific learning; knowledge.

Complements: Idealism, Visionary

Transcends: Lack of Intelligence

Wonder or Awe

A feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.

Complements: Creativity, Imagination

Transcends: Boredom

End (5074).

The Virtues Don't Have Logic the "I's" Do - (5073)

The virtues of the Inner Being that express through the essence don't have a logic. They have a psychology rather than a logic. There is the psychology of love, the psychology of trust, the psychology of gratitude etc. 

The virtues are multi-faceted and have many ways of expressing, they are flexible and change as needed in each circumstance. The psychology of each virtue is the psychological expression of certain laws and principles of the Inner Being and the Absolute.

It is the "I's" - the conditioned essence that have a logic. A logic is a set way of thinking. What happens is that our mind has logic and reasoning and a piece of our essence becomes bottled or trapped in the logic of the mind and that bottling of the essence along with some sexual energy creates the "I".

We have to know the logic of the "I" and undo it and a the same time embrace the psychology of the opposite virtue.

End (5073).

How to Transfer Hope to the Work and the Being - (5071)

First step is to remember when we have had hope. The time and circumstance does not matter. 

As an example we usually have experienced hope in the past when we were teenagers and we would put ourselves in close vicinity of the person we liked hoping that they would notice us and maybe talk to us. 

We would make big efforts to work out where they would be next so that we could keep appearing in same places, events, and parties hoping that they would see us and smile or talk to us. Even though for the last ten times they didn't seem to notice us, yet moved out of hope we continued to make efforts to appear at the same place despite the many apparent failures. 

That's an example of hope and its moving power. So we grab that feeling with our memory and we then transfer that feeling of hope to our Inner Being. Hoping in His power within us, hoping in his coming closer to us and hoping in us moving closer to Him within ourselves.

Have hope in the work and keep going to the work very often and hoping that by working and working the Being in us will come closer and closer.

End (5071).

Friday 15 March 2024

How to Change Our Way of Thinking - (5072)

General and the Particular

There are two angles from which to approach this question: from the general and the particular.

Starting with the general prepares for the particular.


The general all starts with changing the way we see ourselves. We always think, feel and act in accordance with what we see that we are. If we change the way we see ourselves we will change the way we think, feel and act. 

The change is to see ourselves as a soul - as a psychology. A psychology that is made up of many values that are the means of expression of our Spirit.

This means to see ourselves at every moment as an expression of these values. We are really an energy of our Being expressing through our psychology. Whether it be free expression of conditoined expression.

To change the way we think truly we need to be these values in actions. This is psychological and esoteric thinking. It is not human thinking.

To be these values we first need to know a few things. One is that we are also our attention and our consciousness. If our attention is absent our consciousness is absent and we are absent.

To know that we need to be present and have our attention on ourselves and outside of ourselves in the event is the foundation.

To know that with our attention present we can be the values is fundamental. 

The reality is that we are a mixture of light and darkness, and so two classes of elements will come to answer any event that we are in. One will be the ego and one the value of the essence. We being present with our attention in the moment will be able to choose.

If we know the values we can choose the right value to answer the event. When we answer with the values we are being our spirit.

To better see this new way of thinking we need contrast, which is to see how we normally think which is to think by virtue of our desires, to think in accordance with our mechanical conditioning, to think by virtue of our painful past, to just to do something whatever it be to get out of trouble, to get away with anything that we can that benefits us, to think that it doesn't matter if what we think makes us to do a few things wrong, etc. etc.

This change leads us to understand that we are responsible for our psychology and our internal states and that our fundamental role here in this life is to be a loyal expression of the values of our Inner Being.


As we observe each "I" or conditioning we will understand its way of thinking and feeling. When we know the what and the how it thinks we will be able to change its way of thinking to the opposite, or to something else altogether different that transcends that it. 

End (5072).

We Never Teach One we Teach Many - (5070)

When people teach others they are never just teaching one person. They are in time teaching many through that one person.

That one person we teach will teach or come into contact with others and teach others either directly or indirectly through example what they have learnt.

Teaching is a very cause engendering activity. This is because it enters what we teach into the cause and effect chain. What affects one person then affects others and the chain connects and continues onwards in time and space. 

Basically, people who teach end up teaching others they haven't met and may not ever meet.

End (5070). 

Applying Values Equals Breakthrough - (5069)

We can work in the dissolution of the ego for many years and make progress but then come to something of draught. To break the draught we need the complement which is to find the values and apply them directly.

Really mystical death is a two way process. We work to dissolve and then we work to bring the value. It is "Solve Et Coagula".

It is like we are a house that through mystical death we empty of intruders and then by applying the virtue we bring light filling the hosue with light and beatuiful aromas. 

If the any of the intruder egos were to come back they will find light and pleasnat aromas and be repelled. 

In short, applying the right value equals a breakthrough. If we apply a value and we don't feel a breakthrough we are applying the wrong value or a value that is not the exact fit.

End (5069). 

Thursday 14 March 2024

Use Memory Extraordinarily - (5068)

In the beginning of the work all that we have at our disposal is memory and vigilance.

We have to use our memory so much, to remember the teachings, the work and the practice of self-remembering.

We shouldn't be ashamed to remember, we should use it as much as we can. It will start off intellectually then it will pass onto being more emotional and then more and more natural until it becomes instinctive where it happens by itself or with the slight prompting.

Remember remember remember the teaching and ourselves as often as we can. Use whatever memory that we use, just use it to remember and refine it as you go along working.

End (5068).

Have Hope, Have Faith and Love the Inner Being - (5067)

Here is a simple yet profound prayer that helps cultivate these three virtues, drawing us closer to our Inner Being and at the same time bringing our Inner Being closer to us.

"Beloved Inner Being I hope in your power, I believe in your love and I love your wisdom."

Pray it with concentration and depth and sincerity. Pray it understanding each part and you will see how it imparts an inner strength to us.

End (5067). 

Tuesday 12 March 2024

No One Can Take Your Love Away - (5066)

The love you carry within you is inside of you. No one can get inside of us and diminish that love.

This can only happen if we listen to what others say and then we ourselves diminish it. No one else diminishes it.

Others try to convince us to diminish it, if that love for something or someone is not convenient for their interests. But it only diminishes when we ourselves do it.

We are always responsible for it and in control of our love that we carry inside.

We should always allow love to flow even if it is not reciprocated because if we stop the flow of love inside of us we will feel miserable very soon.

We get angry when others insult us because we feel it lowers the love that we lave for ourselves. But that is an illusion of the "I". It is really untouched. How can it be affected when it is inside of us? 

We get angry really at ourselves for allowing the words or actions of others towards ourselves to lower the love we feel for ourselves which includes our essence and our Inner Being. 

We must be alert and aware when words, gestures or actions come to us that we must maintain that beautiful hold on the love we have inside. We do this by knowing clearly that it can not be affected by others only by ourselves and keep that love flowing towards our essence and the other. Remembering to stop the flow harms us.  

Doing the above magically frees us from the egos of others. When we drop the love in us we ask the other person: "Why did you say that?" "What are you thinking? etc. etc.

We may think it is unjust to not get angry at the other person. It is unjust to get angry at them because they didn't drop our love only we can do that. We should get angry at ourselves for doing that to ourselves. 

End (5066).

Love in the Work Notes - (5058)

No doubt love is a powerful value that if we can evoke it and use it correctly, it makes sense that we would greatly benefit in any area of life, but most importantly in the area of our psychological and esoteric work, which is the area most important to us.

The right balance I believe is to speak about love in relation to the psychological and esoteric work.

There are the two sides, speak only about love on one side which enthralls and romances us but leaves us floating in the air with nothing to apply and then there is the other side of not speaking about it at all which makes us to miss out on some very important teaching.

We all have our particular relation to love. How do we relate to love?

Mars and Venus United in Love

Do we believe in love? Are disillusioned or conflicted about love? Do we dislike it or do we think that we can't love or we are unworthy of it? 

There are really many questions that we could ask ourselves to prompt the knowing of how we relate to love. To get deep into the subject we must be imaginative in the investigation of ourselves related to love.

To love we have to know how we relate to it. That is, to know what we think and feel towards it. As always is the case with ourselves, being a great mixture of light and dark, we will find things that are of fantasy and things that are real.

To know our fantasies or wrong perceptions of love is useful. As it is through these wrong perceptions or fantasies that we can know clearly and directly what love is NOT.

We have many fantasies about love. Truly we all do. We discover these fantasies upon intentional investigation or in time in the work and we know that we have come across a fantasy when we suffer.

It is obvious by the very nature of love that if we get it wrong it will be painful. Love is like a laser beam - used wisely and correctly it is magnificent but shone on the wrong object for too long it causes great damage.

The most important thing in relation to the value of love is to know how to love correctly.

We need the right perception of a virtue to make it work for us. This is true for love.

The wrong perception of a virtue creates defects within us. This applies to love also. Through the wrong perception of love we create h "I" of self-love which makes us to suffer very intensely at times.

To use any value of the essence we need to know what it is used for and in what areas and in what occasions. This applies to love also.

We all have to learn how to love and the triumph is in all of us learning how to love correctly. 

Love is supremely important in the life of everyone of us. We have to love. Even if it be something relatively unimportant or insignificant. We must create and make love to flow through us. It much like water and the sexual energy within us that it must flow.

Read this poem of the Three Butterflies by Farid Al-Din Attar: 

“The people of this world are like the three butterflies in front of a candle’s flame.

The first one went closer and said, ‘I know about love’.

The second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said, ‘I know how love’s fire can burn.’

The third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed.”

Here are some areas where love is used in the work:

Love helps us to sacrifice.

Love transforms impressions. Love is a major transformer of impressions. With love present we can can take so many unpleasant impressions without reaction and with understanding instead.  

Use it to not judge. When love is in full flight within us we do not judge. Just as when we see someone that we love injured we are only interested in helping and healing them not in why they are in that state so that we can reprimand them, for example.

Love helps us to persist and maintain loyal to a cause, a project, an enterprise and group a partner etc.

Love helps us to see, to improve and deepen ourselves in understanding and quality.

Love unites. If we need to unite something outside or within ourselves we need to use love to do so. For example we must learn to love our sexual energy. If we don't sooner or later we introduce a battle amongst our centres which is never convenient.

To understand others we need love to do so. Love calls forth our consciousness and will to understand others.

When we ask for love we may take part in an esoteric experience physical or internal showing us the defects we need to dissolve so as to acquire love.

To dissolve anger we need love.

Love transforms hatred. It helps to dissolve fear.

Love helps us to pay karma. When we make that miracle of loving our karma we pay it off much more quickly. That is often the secret of the karmic lesson. To love the lesson and it is paid off.

Love is not an emotion. It is intelligence. Love sits above emotion. emotions in their nature come and go and switch from one pole to the other.

Love dies in the past and future and our mind kills it.

We must bring love into the area of sexuality to work correctly with the sexual energy.

We must bring love into the area where we use force.

We must bring love into the area where we use wisdom.

Transfer what we love atom by atom to the consciousness.


Love is remedy and correction.

Make answering with love instinctive, so that we instinctively and very quickly respond with love instead of counter attack and defensive reactive words and attitudes.

Never allow ourselves to stop loving and never stop the flow of love of others. We may not like the way they love but don;t stop them from loving just redirect their flow.

Absolutely no doubt what keeps us going forward in the work is love for the work!

End (5058). 

We Can Feel Sad but we Must Know Why - (5064)

We can allow ourselves to feel sad for a while but we can't allow ourselves to not know why!

We have to seek the gift of self-knowledge for ourselves.

It is hard to know why sometimes why we feel what we do or even it is hard to know what we feel.

As long as it takes to know - we must know. This is so important because these unknown states hold great keys for us and lead us to unraveling much much more about ourselves.

We really can't let such opportunities pass us bye.

End (5064).

Monday 11 March 2024

Great Triumphs in Life - (5063)

The great triumphs and the great champions in life are those who have learnt how to express and relate correctly to the values of their Inner Being.

This is what life is for and this is what Gnosis teaches us to do!

We know that we can only do this with the elimination of what conditions these values.

There are many who have done this and they are the true victors of life. The paradox is that they are mostly unknown to the world and will remain that way.

The victors that the world idolises are those who have only really triumphed in the external expression of a value or a few, in one area of life.

End (5063).

Sunday 10 March 2024

You are the Instrument of Your Inner Being - (5059)

You are the instrument of your Being. You are here to ultimately do the will of your Being.

You are not the instrument of anyone's else's will.

We may serve the will of a collective which works for the common good - which is a will created from the wise combination and syntheseis of our will and the will of various others. 

We can not serve the will of a single other whether that be an indiviudal or a group where our will does not participate.

If another tries to use you as an instrument to enact their will - we must reply: "I already have a master and my will is to fulfill the will of this master who dwells within. I as an instrument am already taken. You must consult first with my master if you wish to use me as an instrument of your will.". 

End (5059). 

'Not Good Enough' Transformed - (5060)

Sometimes one or more different "I's" can come to the wrong conclusion and put the feeling of  'not good enough' into our emotional centre.

It is not true even if we are mistakenly already believing it or are compelled to believe it.

It can be dissolved.

See that it is absolutely not true! Maybe relatively for a few moments to one or a few people but never absolutely.

See that with our consciousness present and doing what our consciousness seee to do we are our best and that is our momentary absolute. 

Accept that totally and no matter what others say or any other ego says.

When we see our consciousness and be it as much as we can and we fully accept it, many inferior emotions of that kind mentioned above disappear.

End (5060).

The Benevolent Serpent with a Heart of Gold - (5061)

We are generally scared of snakes and don't find them very cuddly or cute. We even don't find them very kind like how we may find a sheep or a horse. We often find them scary, unpleasant, cold and selfishly astute.

We find snakes scary because we know deep down in our subconscious that what it represents within is something extraordinarily powerful, and it is due to failing or not relating well with this force that we are here fallen...

A snake represents the sexual force within and outside the human being. It also the represents the Eternal Divine Feminine - our Divine Mother Kundalini.

We really can't attribute what we feel about snakes to our Divine Mother and our own sexual force. That must change to relate well and positively to our own sexual force and our Divine Mother.

We must change our way of thinking to see the Divine Mother in her aspect of Kundalini as a loving, wise benevolent serpent with a heart of gold, that employs all that extraordinary power to help us. 

If we can think, feel, imagine and adore Her this way, things change in us especially when we pray and work with that force within us. 

End (5061).

Thursday 7 March 2024

Lust and Jealousy Have the Wrong View of Unity - (5036)

There does exist unity. Unity indeed is the goal. Unity within ourselves. Unity within the parts of the Being, unity of the three brains in the human machine, unity of consciousness and unity among other human beings.

Unity amongst human being for a cause, the cause of peace or for the common well-being of all beings...

The correct and sustainable view of unity, is the multiplicity in unity or using different words: a diversity that makes unity. This is the guide that the Absolute, the origin of creation, continually presents to us. 

We so often ignore that guide...

It is not wrong to seek unity, it is the balanced and most peaceful thing to do. However as with all things, in creation, there is a wrong or inconvenient way to go about things and there is a right or convenient way.

The line between the two zones - the zone of the right way and the zone of the wrong way, all depends on why and how unity is sought.

Lust and jealousy are in many ways at their depths about seeking a kind of unity. However they go about it the wrong way.

Both lust and jealousy have their particular vision of unity. This vision may not be correct and the way that they go about achieving that is not correct.

"A defect is the wrong perception of a value of the essence. A virtue is the correct perception of the value of the essence."

Jealousy avidly looks for and deconstructs any whiff of unity, which may often appear as closeness, kindness, influence or respect that falls outside of its vision of unity, which is an exclusive unity between a person and his or her partner or perhaps even an object like a violin.

The way jealousy seeks unity is a via certain control of the other person and via certain subtle or otherwise demands for closeness while at the same time deconstructing any other threat to that unity, or any distraction to that unity of the two people.

The role of jealousy is to protect a relationship. It does not see the aspect of trust. It sees a relationship as being healthy and good if there be tight closeness. Which in time if that closeness is out of balance produces stress. 

Lust seeks unity using the sexual energy with the other person of the opposite sex because of certain wanting something due to a deeper lacking. Often that lacking is love that we are not giving to others and ourselves which includes our Inner Being and our sexual energy.  

In that unity with the other person, using the sexual energy that lacking disappears. But later gapes open again and the cycle repeats. We have to use the sexual energy to unify ourselves, as well as unify with our sexual energy through our Inner Being. We can only ever unify with the primordial creative energy that gave ourselves life and presence through our Inner Being using transmutation - no other way. Because transmutation takes the energy in and up to our Inner Being.

End (5036). 

Value of Hope Notes - (5057)


A class given by m.m.m.


The virtue of hope dissolves the following four negative states of consciousness:

1.) Desperation

2.) Anxiety

3.) Despondency

4.) Uncertainty

In uncertainty we can also find traces of doubt and skepticism, which the virtue of trust can counteract.

Panic appears in us when we lose hope.

Trust also helps to counteract anxiety.

Hope is something positive, that creates positive internal states.

The bridge between hope and reality is work.

Hope makes us to work. Hope activates positively our will to work towards reality.

If we hope for the Being we are awaited for in the temples of the internal worlds. As an act of reciprocity because we have hoped, we are waited for.

If we have hope and faith in the Gods they have hope for us and faith in us. They give us hope and faith as we give them hope and faith.

We must give hope and faith first!

We must know all that gives hope and be agents of hope.

The teachings give hope to people. Testimonies of the work give others hope.The experiences of others give hope and the results of others all give us hope.

Desperation is the direct negation of hope. In spanish 'des' is a negation and esperanza is hope. 

When people have known to have lost all hope they have committed suicide.

Hope extends the possibility of succeeding.

Hope buys us time!

Hope and intuition are also related. In the sense that our intuition tells us when to hope and when not to as there is no possibility.

If we keep working onward and onward we give continuation to the force and power of hope.

Yearning plus work equals hope (yearning + work = hope).

With the experience of yearning and working hope will arise in us naturally without doing anything. It is a natural by-product of yearning and working.

The foundations of hope are yearning and working.

Hope is something real. It has a whole, solid, authentic presence within us, indicating to us that it comes from the Inner Being.

The four virtues of hope, faith, love and trust restore the balance within ourselves.

In Lemuria when the values of hope, faith and love began to falter the ego grew out of control.

A virtue is the correct perception of a value of the essence. A defect is the wrong perception of a value of the essence.

The five powers of hope, faith,love, trust and consciousness conquer the abyss inside of us.

These powers are ontological and they possess great power.

Each Monad has It's Interior Law based in these five powers mentioned above.

We must put into practice these five powers every day.

When we practice daily we create memory of these five powers in action and we start to create ontological memory which counteracts our karmic memory. 

This is what is called the affirmative psychology of the Being. Here we constantly affirm the Inner Being.

As we create our ontological memory we begin to remember events from the remote past when we were not fallen or when we experienced the values of the Being.  

The five powers consolidate the mind. Strengthen the body, the blood and the hormones.

The masters of the Divine Law hold many keys such as these to isolate and heal themselves from the great pain that humanity experiences and often radiates out into the superior worlds and into the palace of the Divine Law. 

We have to pray to the Divine Law with love, truth and justice. In that order!

Petition the Law in the name of love. Ask with justice supported by the truth.

The Divine Law is made up of these three divine values: Love, Justice and Truth.

In the Absolute there is the lack of human love and our role is to take the love we develop here amongst and with human beings up into the Absolute, as as to help the Absolute from inside through its own parts or Monads.

End (5057).