Friday, 3 January 2025

To be Present we Need to be Empty - (5615)

To be present here we have to empty of the inattentive and chattering part of ourselves. 

To relax our subconscious is the key here. 

To deeply accept that I am here in this place doing this is also another key.

Aligning our three brains with the place and the activity quietens the subconscious and brings our attention to the present.

When we are present our Being is in us. We are our true selves and can access our best.

End (5615).

Thursday, 2 January 2025

The Turtle - Contraction and Expansion - (5612)

What happens with us after certain 'learning' events is that there is either contraction or expansion. 

We usually contract after we told somebody a secret and they told others. We say to ourselves we won't tell them anything anymore. That's contraction. After a while that contraction doesn't feel good and in many ways it goes against the nature of sincere friendship.

So then we realise the answer is in still sharing but with more awareness. This is expansion.

Expansion without awareness is not expansion it is exaggeration which produces imbalance.

It is selfish to overburden someone with so many things to be 'kept quiet'.

The turtle brings its head in when there is danger, but waits for he coast to eb clear, then brings its head out against and continues walking.

End (5612).

Holding the Identity of the Essence - (5614)

There is a definite awakening to assume even for a minute or half a minute our true identity which is that we are an essence.

To assume our true identity as the essence requires transcendental learning and understanding. 

There is another awakening and book of knowledge to be able to hold onto that identity.

Truly to be able to hold onto that identity is not easy and soon enough becomes extraordinarily difficult. 

Why, because to hold onto it we need to have created something to hold onto. It must be something emotional and we have to create it.

Basically, it is created by the clear and acute knowledge of the serious drawbacks of us losing our true identity and becoming identified with an "I".

For example, a person may go into a negotiation with the clear mission of saving a person's life. With that mission in hand, that person can not allow themselves under any circumstances to forget their purpose and do anything that would jeopardise that mission. Because to jeopardise that mission would mean the death of a person and that would mean great grief for many.

A deeper octave of the message in this post is to: "Give up your PAIN and HOLD onto God!"

Suffering is what generally makes us forget presence and our Inner Being. If we give a little bit of suffering we can start to empty ourselves and hold onto our true identity.

End (5614).

Rarely Living in the Physical Always Internally Up or Down - (5613)

To live and be here physically means to be only conscious of the five senses and respond based totally on the five senses. 

We really can't live like that. It would be so difficult and limiting. Actually impossible.

We actually live physically and internally. When we go into observing ourselves and directing our attention inwards we live in the internal superior worlds that links us with the superior worlds of nature.

When we allow our attention to be taken by an ego, a false "I" we live in the inferior worlds. 

We actually use the physical world as a launch pad to dive into the inferior worlds or either to launch into the superior. 

We always live internally. We just need to change where internally we live. We tend to live too much in the inferior regions and that is why we get so connected to egoic and negative side of things in life.

End (5613).