The following two processes explain how our state of being
aware, that is consciousness active, is lost and the sleep of the consciousness
is produced.
One explanation comes from Classical Gnosis as Master Samael
taught it and the other comes from my marvellous missionary.
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WAKE UP! Surface from that identification where things are so strange!! |
IFD – Identification, Fascination and Dream
This is how we lose our awareness, via this process of
identification, fascination and dreaming.
We become identified with an ego when we assume the identity
that it proposes.
We become identified when we accept the values, interesting
sensations and feelings that the ego through its thoughts presents to us.
With identification we become the same as, we assume the
identity of the ego that we are identified with. We align ourselves with it, we
‘relate to it’ we agree with it.
At this stage there is some space or opportunity still for
our consciousness to realise pending gravity of the situation and shake off the
This is a deeper state of identification. This is where the
consciousness is sliding rapidly to sleep. It has begun to believe in the ego
and has taken on its identity and role.
Here is when the sensations, flavours, emotions of the ego
appear in us and they seem so strange, so painful, so unfair, so disturbing, so
unusual, etc. In this state we are then intellectually engaged and emotionally
engaged with our attention focused on the thoughts and feelings (processes) of
the ego already now in our human machine.
There is still the chance to withdraw from this state but it
is more difficult and if done, it is only done partially, which can be good
enough at times. It is a struggle but it can be done and this is where most
people decide to withdraw from, because this is where the uncomfortable
feelings of the ego are felt.
Dream is the deepest state of sleep of eh consciousness,
this is also where the consciousness has become hypnotised, that is it
completely believes in the identity, role, function and mission of the ego.
There is very little remedy for this situation. Only when
the ego leaves the human machine completely or partially does this state end,
and we say to ourselves: “What was I thinking, how could I think and feel and
even do that?”.
In this state of the deep sleep of our consciousness we do
things that we regret and that we in our normal state do not want to do.
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WAKE UP! Stop daydreaming! |
Attention, Identification, Assimilation and Reality
This is the beginning where our attention is hooked or drawn
into something. There is no way that we can become identified if our attention
is not first of all hooked by something.
We actually give our attention to a thought, the
interpretation of words, an emotion, something someone is doing or saying, a
movie, a person etc. etc.
If we don’t give our attention to things, thoughts, words,
feelings, events our attention then we stop the process of the sleep of our
consciousness dead in its tracks!
See above, same explanation.
This is where the values of what we are identified with
enter into our system. It is very much like fascination. In this stage we are
absorbing the values, assuming them, these values may be pain of some sort,
offence, unfairness, aggression, pleasure etc. Then these values begin to
create emotions and various psychological flavours within us.
Actual causes begin to develop within us for future actions,
even if those actions are a few minutes away in the future.
This is when we assume totally the ego to be our reality.
Then we are really one with it, it is our reality. This is a very hypnotised
state because the real reality is different to the ego’s projected or
misperceived reality.
It is very good to know this process because when we know
this process well we can delay or prevent our consciousness from falling asleep
in any occasion of life.
End (1590).
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