Lately, memories related to this topic have been popping up
quite frequently, so I thought that I might as well write about it, getting it
all out of my head and onto the blog.
Maybe it may be useful for someone out there (I honestly don’t
know who), because I think that sometimes this point crosses the mind of some
Gnostic students and I think that it is worth knowing what Gnostic instructors have said (what is here is a collection of all that I have heard from Gnostic instructors) regarding this question.
First of All a Very Tricky Point
Once I came across a web site which was like a forum of some
sort and on it were of course former Gnostic students airing their complaints about
Gnosis. One complaint was that people can only marry people who are in Gnosis
and that this was very cult like.
Well I think that if a Gnostic group would only allow people
to marry others who are in Gnosis I would say that such a Gnostic group is
going astray and is becoming cult like.
Though on the other hand I would certainly advise people against
marrying someone outside of Gnosis. But if a person really wants to do it we
can not and should not stop them. But in the interests of their essence we should tell them about past cases.
The fact is that there are many people in the Gnostic groups
of the association that we belong to that are married to people outside of
Gnosis and have even married people outside of Gnosis.
I will certainly write more about such cases later on, but
to cap off this point. People in Gnosis are free to marry whom they please and
it does not mean that they will be expelled from Gnosis either. Though as you
will read later on in this post or in subsequent posts, marrying someone not interested in Gnosis has its definite pitfalls, that in time in all the cases have proven to be…well you will see later on.
Say if you are interested in someone outside of Gnosis what
can you do? Here below is some advice.
Blunt and Honest
With respect for you as an essence looking towards the path or
on the path and direct from what I have seen and from the best intentions for
you to do well in your path without any sugar coating, here is some blunt and honest
Ask yourself the following questions:
Is that person interested in Gnosis or esotericism?
Have you even asked?
Will that person come to Gnosis, be interested and
integrate into Gnosis?
Will that person understand what you will be
going through when it comes to the work on the ego and the trials and tribulations
of the path?
Will that person practice the Alchemy?
Will that person do their best to help you in
the path?
Will that person allow you to devote more and more
time to your work and to helping others in the work?
Will that person respect the Gnostic work and practices
and even the Gnostic knowledge and people?
If the answer is no to any of these questions, then forget the
idea (if you are only just thinking) but if you are more advanced then just
thinking and actually are involved with the person then think carefully about going
any further.
If you honestly see hope for the person in Gnosis then bring
the person to Gnosis and find out directly if they will take to Gnosis and
become actively involved and accompany you in the work and in the path and be interested
in Gnosis for themselves and by themselves and not only because of you or so to
not lose you.
What if you want to go further and you know you are getting into trouble or
you just can’t end it? Then read below…
You have to work esoterically and very hard in all the senses.
You don’t have much else that you can do.
There is the principle that a superior law washes away an inferior
law. As your work improves and increases and your level of Being rises and you’re
not going to be stopped then the Law and your Being will look for the appropriate
companion or make your companion change. Even the level of being naturally makes changes amongst people.
If you are just thinking about it and then ask your real Being
to show you if it will work Gnostically or not. But for God’s sake base your
conclusion in reality, so many silly men base their decisions on silly small ineffectual
details or coincidences.
Another thing that you can do, if you are just thinking, is to do a petition to your Being and just limit yourself to only
get interested in the person if they somehow come to Gnosis or show some very positive
signs of being interested.
More to Come…
Some more posts on this are to follow…
End (921).
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