Friday, 30 June 2017

At the Right Place at the Right Time – (1800)

Success Stories of Right Time and Right Moment

In life, we so often hear stories about how someone was doing it very tough for a while then one day they received a lucky break and from that point onwards went from success to success and ended doing very well.

If you look at each individual case it seems as if it was a stroke of good fortune that put the person in the right place at the right time. But was it? This element is so common in so many success and disaster stories that it makes one think.

Was it perhaps Dharma or Karma or destiny?

Key Behind it All - Prior Sacrifice!

In so many cases of being in the right place at the right time success stories there is behind the scene many years of tough times, sacrifice, persistence and tenacity. From the point of view of karma and dharma this previous suffering and work was what magically brought this lucky break into manifestation.

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

There is also the many cases of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Obviously, this is not quite a stroke of misfortune, it was something due to happen, according to our karma. It is so very cruel to say but if one accepts the Law of Cause and Effect one has to see that as work brings about a lucky break, work of the corresponding kind brings about an unlucky break.


The conclusion to this post is to trust, because if we work at something and work at it whether it be something human or spiritual/esoteric our sacrifice e and work will bring us the lucky break that we need to become a success story. That is, a transformation from misfortune to fortunate.

We have to trust in the work and our work. More so trust, in the force of the sincerity of your efforts made in your work.

End (1800).

Thursday, 29 June 2017

To Get a Result Use the Law of Three – (1799)

If there are Polarities there is Sexuality and if there is Sexuality there is the Law of Three

Sexuality is the law of three. Sexuality and the Law of Three is not only in the sexual act it is everywhere. In fact, wherever there are polarities there is the potential for sexuality and therefore the potential for the Law of Three to operate and therefore the possibility of a result.

That is why consciousness, balance, justice, light and wisdom are all related to sexuality because of the Law of Three. Consciousness is the result of the third option, as is balance. Consciousness as is wisdom, is the result of synthesis of the two opposites. It is sexuality that combines the two opposites and produces the third.

That is why consciousness and the sexual energy being transmuted complement each other and when one is lost the other is also lost.

Will and Imagination Combined is Sexuality

Will is masculine and imagination is feminine and when they combine a result is formed. Combining the two is sexuality in a different way of course then the sexual act, but sexuality.

Whenever there is a result the Law of Three has created it.

End (1799).

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Many Good Therapies Work But They Forget the Divine Mother – (1798)

So Many Good and Effective Therapies

There are so many good and effective therapies for the ego out here which certainly do give good results. They may even look so much like the various steps and stages of psychological work or psychological death or mystical death practiced in Gnosis.

However, they are not complete. They miss the crucial and unique aspect of the Divine Mother.

The leave out that the difficult ego that they are essentially treating in patients can be drastically reduced and separated yet it can be totally and radically eliminated.

Divine Mother

With that life-saving and God-Send key from Master Samael we can eliminate the ego. Therapy or self-transformation is really in the end in the most complete form a matter of the inner Being and so we must include the help of the inner Being. The help of our inner Being comes in many forms with the help of elimination coming from our Divine Mother.

So whatever comprehension we have or by whatever way we have come to these comprehension we must not forget our Divine Mother to make our changes complete, definite and ever lasting.

End (1798).

In the Face of Adversity Courage Makes it All Better – (1797)

Best Thing we Can Do

The best thing that we can do, even though it is very hard at times, is to take courage and say: “Well this is my karma and I am going to pay it! It may hurt like hell and I may die but I am going to face it head on pay it and be clear of this debt forever!”.


Courage is that value or power in our inner Being and also in our essence that erects a positive attitude in us before the tough circumstances, events, thoughts and emotions of our lives. When a courageous emotion has been erected some positive action can follow.

That applies to us as well, we are made for many things that we think we are not up for!
Our inner Being knows what we are made for! Therefore trust in Him when we are in a catapult!

Even if there is definitely no positive outcome. Courage will allow us to take the ‘beating’, the ‘hardship’, the ‘pain’ or even death, positively that is with dignity, acceptance and with some knowing and propulsion into a positive future. Because courage allows us to comprehend that we are going to pay and then we will be better off after we have paid. The negativity of fear blocks our vision and does not allow us to see this point and only allows us to believe that we are only going to be worse off!

The benefit of courage is really our own, and is within us. Courage transforms our negative, pessimistic and very sorrowful attitude into one of hope, work, trust and positivity that throws us forward into the result of inner peace that we hope for even if we are going to die.

Fear is the loss of Hope and there is much hope in courage!

A Value

It is a value of our inner Being and our essence. We can develop courage with hope and work. The start of courage is to erect within us the positive attitude of working hard through it. The hope and trust that with our best and most sincere work and effort we can get through it.

Courage may even be the value that our Being has in reserve for us precisely for these difficult times of our life. It is a value that in these difficult times aligns His essence and His various parts with Him. With courage we are with Him!

End (1797).

Guardian of the Threshold – (1796)


We know from Master Samael that a person’s path begins with the test of the Guardian of the Threshold.

Part of the Being

Believe it or not the Guardian of the Threshold that we face in this test is a part of our Being. Master Samael says that it is a representation of ourselves summing up all of our interior ugliness.

Encounter With Ourselves

It is an encounter with ourselves, with the ugly side of ourselves and the ugly side of our inner Being. But don’t worry the path is going to transform it.

It is a test to see if we can face ourselves, accept the ugly side of ourselves and defeat ourselves. To see if we face our own creations, and stand up to the hypnotic power that one has wrongly over the years given their egos through the wrong us of the sexual energy.

Triple Aspect

Furthermore, the Guardian of the Threshold unfolds into three. It has its triple aspects. They are the astral, mental and causal aspects. The causal is the most difficult. The mental and causal guardians are faced much later in the path at a big distance from the first guardian of the astral. This is because these two aspects of the guardian: mental and causal are more profound and more powerful as they are at the source or closer to the origin of our interior errors and ugliness etc.

Those that Pass

Those that pass can proceed to the next stage. Sometimes one may not know that one has passed. If one has been in Gnosis a long time and is really loving it and is working enthusiastically on him or herself and is getting results. One can be sure that one has passed that test somewhere along the way.
Naturally those that pass have the capacity to face themselves and see to the root cause of their difficulties in their thoughts and emotions and do not evade their responsibility for their difficulties. Those that pass open a door way into themselves where they can seek the cause of the many things that happen I their life and the many thoughts and emotions within themselves.

Those that Fail

Those that fail, I have been told have another chance. Maybe up to two more chances I have heard (maybe true or not). Those that fail must work more intensely in self-observation, self-deception, work on being more honest with themselves, stop blaming others and look for the truth behind all of their problems, difficulties and sufferings. Also, one must transmute their sexual energies. Losing their sexual energy one has no chance.

If one has not passed one day one starts to dislike the work on themselves and becomes an enemy of Gnosis. All the enemies of Gnosis are usually those who failed in the work. They for some reason failed, found it too hard and so they seek like a consolation in debasing and making out Gnosis is a false because then if it is false they have not failed. Unfortunately, they do not realise that this behaviour brings misfortune onto them because in the process they could mislead many sincere souls who could have otherwise found the light.

End (1796).

Monday, 26 June 2017

Think of the Path – (1795)

Now and Then at Least

We mostly always focus on our psychological work, which is right because it is what pays and helps us the most, it allows us to crystallise more of the Being in us, helps us to awaken and to pay our karma.

However, we must pay attention to our path, put effort into knowing where we are and taking some steps to further our progress.

Path Orders Our Work

What sets the order and capacity of penetration into our psychological work comes from the needs of the stage of the path that we are in.

To know we are on the path is to understand the priorities of our psychological work.

Our Path is the Way that Our Being, the Law and the White Lodge Unfold Back to TUM (Real Being)

The path leads inwards back to ourselves, back to our Real Being. The path is an ordered set of stages of spiritual development, laid down by the White Lodge, determined and set by the Divine Law and which lead closer and closer to our inner Real Being.

When we are ready the next stage will appear. Each stage is for the consciousness, each stage is a learning, an establishment of a value of our inner Being, a mini birth and a mini death, an admission into chambers ever closer and closer to the light, warmth and security of our inner Real Being.

End (1795).

To be Asleep is to be Doing the Opposite of What we Are and Which Later On Brings Difficulty – (1794)


One to know that we are asleep is by looking through the various areas of our life and the things that we do in these areas checking for these two criteria:


We are doing something or are involved in something that is not the opposite or is divergent from our true nature or the true nature and order of things.


In the long run or soon or even at any moment what we are doing, or even thinking and feeling is going to bring us problems, difficulty and trouble.

Wake UP!!!

Essential Two Criteria

These are two very basic criteria that we can show us that we are asleep. When we are asleep we forget our Inner Being and our consciousness and so we diverge from our consciousness and end up doing the opposite.

Because our consciousness and Real Being by nature are the true and the real order of things doing the opposite or diverging from them will by Law by logical consequence bring us trouble – 200% guaranteed.


Check through the things that you do and you like me may just find some things! Then trust profoundly that by waking up and correcting these things you will be much better off.

End (1794).

Friday, 23 June 2017

Some Interesting Quotes – (1793)

Busy Day

A busy day today. Not much time to write worthwhile reading material for you. Anyway just a few interesting quotes to read, think about and know about. You never know repeating these quotes to someone in a conversation may save us and them lots of trouble.

Useful Quotes with Pictures

End (1793).

Separation, Separation, Separation – (1792)


When working with the death of ego the most critical step is Separation. Once there is separation everything flows on from there.

When there is no separation there is struggling and more struggling. Our major difficulties with the dissolution of the ego come from the lack of separation.

If we are having trouble we need to direct all of our forces into the work of separation. Precisely into capturing the profound understanding that we are not that ego that is bothering us.

Separation is an Experience

Separation is the realisation of our consciousness that we are not the ego that bothers us. That it is a fragment of our psychology – a real psychological person within us. It is a voice within a psychological space that is not us.

We are not the voice in our mind, we are not our mind and we are not our thoughts and we are not our body, we are the awareness backdrop in which all of this plays out onto and unfolds onto. We are the light and the screen that all these forms appear on.

When we experience this, we are set, separation follows. The practice that I gave in a previous post is very useful in arriving at this experience that we are separate from the bothersome ego. We are our whole life, we are wider and ampler than the ego, it is a small fraction of our life. Addiction is the blowing up of that ego into areas of our life where it should not be.

Can Dissolve what is Separate

Only when we separate the ego from us, can we offer it up for dissolution. When it is part of us and joined to us and fused in us, offering it up for dissolution means offering ourselves up and it hurts and we resist and resist and it is futile and ineffective.


Separation is very powerful and mandatory for elimination of the ego as well we getting better and overcoming the ego.

End (1792).

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

When You See the Ego as a Sub-Person Within You – You Know What to Really KRIM! – (1791)

The title says it all! Basically when we see the ego as a person, an identity or an entity living within our psychic space and having stolen and encapsulated a part of our very own psychic material, we really then know what to KRIM.

A statue of Athena in a modern Parthenon replica.

Then we can really let our Divine Mother loose onto it and allow her full way to do her work or liberating that piece of trapped and conditioned essence.

End (1791).

Shh Private - Secret Trick With the Ego – (1790)


I am risking a little posting this. Because this is something that would be passed on verbally between people that you trust. Because telling people publicly like this you run the risk of people thinking that you are crazy – “talking to your egos – bloody nuts!”. I don’t mind, I just want to put things out there that people may find useful and helpful for their work.

Illuminate the Room and Dialogue with it

Sometimes when we are hard pressed to extract from an ego its: reasons, reasoning and logic and what we are trying is just not working, what can we do? Talk to it of course.

Any ego after all is a person within us, so why can’t we go inside of ourselves and talk to it and while talking to it extract all that we need from it to better understand it and isolate it. We can talk to our egos in dreams and in the astral, so why not go inside and talk to them inside of yourself because that is where they are more than anywhere else, even the astral, they are inside of us, in our psychic space.

Talking to It

The ego that bothers us wants to talk. So go inside turn on your light, be aware and invite the bothersome ego to talk. It may want to talk straight away or it maybe resistant but coax it into talking.

When it Talks

When it talks, it will talk from within the darkness within us. It is a person with an identity actually, a certain character (it is a piece of conditioned essence that we are going to dissolve. We are going to dissolve its character, its function, its role, its conditioning etc.). Talking to it in such a practice we can get to sense and know its identity which my goodness me is so useful because then you know that it is not you!!!

It Responds

It will respond to your questions telling you its story, its complaints, its history, its protests. It will speak with impulses, thoughts and flavours. So then just give those flavours, impulses a voice. This is how you know that you are talking to the bothersome ego and not inventing things from your mind, from your theories about that ego.

This will surprise you it will reveal a lot of things to you and you may catch much about it. You may understand where it is coming from and therefore its history and then perhaps it point of creation. You can understand its function, its role, what it does for you, how it thinks that it is helping you.

A Trick to Get it to Talk

There are many other ways to get it upset. Tell it “Come on, come to the light and talk, we: I and my Divine Mother are going to treat you by dissolving you and returning you to your Being”. It will get very nervous within you, writhe and wriggle and then begin protesting explaining why it is so useful in its defence. As soon as you feel fear, it wriggling, crying and protesting within you, you have its attention and you can listen to it and dialogue with it!

Then extract what you need from it. It protests saying that to dissolve it is unfair because it does this and that for you. So then there you go, you have got its function.


Separation Gained

After talking to the ego like this, one can feel so very clearly that it is not us! That it is another person, a sub-person, a sub-personality, a person dwelling with us. We can feel separated from it and then we can strengthen, the shocking revelation that we have these people within us that have our essence and naturally the need will appear in you to do away with them.

It is a Practice – A Great Practice

For me anyway this is such a great practice, it helps so much and it provides us with so much useful information.

Not So Dry and Direct Contact

Such a practice is not so dry, it is very interesting, very useful and helpful. Sometimes our practices are dry and so it is difficult for us to persist. But such a practice is not dry at all. It is very therapeutic for our consciousness because it brings new light, new understanding and more consciousness.

End (1790).

If You Have Done Nothing Wrong the Law Backs You – (1789)


If what you have done is honest and correct, you can trust that the Divine Law, the Cosmic Law, Universal Justice will back you. Can it really be otherwise?

Trust In

Trust in this as being true in every aspect of your life, in your personal relationships, in your physical work, in your spiritual work, with the government, with the police, with your family, even in love.

End (1789).

Thinking of Buying a House? – (1788)


This is a thought that has probably crossed the minds of many Gnostic missionaries. I think it is worth having an examined look at this, beyond the many concepts that we may have.

Owning a House

Many Gnostic missionaries do not own a house and there are some that do.

Without exception everything has a good side and bad side. There is a good side to owning a house and a bad side. The good side is no more rent inspections, no more contract end dates, no more having to move when the owner sells the property. The bad side is a mortgage, the repair work, being stationed in a particular city, all the associated expenses etc.

One side may outweigh the other, and this is the reason why many missionaries do not own a house. Because the time and energy to see a mortgage through to the end and that of being stationed in a city is too big a hindrance to the life of a missionary, who wants to dedicate the majority of his or her energies and time to his/her work.

Imagine though a missionary inherits a house then they don’t have to work towards paying off a mortgage. Imagine a missionary is very rich and can buy a house outright, easy. The main problem in buying a house is the work needed to acquire it. If that work stops your progress, then I ask it is really worth it when the goal of your life is to reach the self-realisation of your Being?

Imagine it is easy to buy and sell a house so then one can travel as one pleases. It all depends on the state of affairs where one thinks to buy a house.

An investment house which can be a source of income which can be useful for one’s mission, meaning a person can work less and have more time for their esoteric. It all depends. An investment house may work well, or can be an unnecessary burden.

To Have a House Does not Imply a Person Won’t Be Successful in His/Her Spiritual Work

To have a house is not a crime and it does not affect the quality of one’s work unless one is overly attached to it and has made it a major identity base or a kind of psychological base for one’s happiness, security, confidence, certainty in life etc. when the consciousness in us is the supplier of all these things and more.


It is all totally relative, it all depends on the circumstances. Basically, it comes down to this: if it is a hindrance that outweighs its benefits, if it will delay your work and path, if it will slow down your work, if it will lead to many unfavourable circumstances in the future – then it is no good. Think twice about that! But if doesn't do any of things really, then it is fine isn't it. Having a house is not a ticket to the abyss, not dissolving the ego is a ticket down there.

One just has to weigh their circumstances, possibilities and capacities and choose outside of imitation, what is frowned upon or looked favourably upon and beyond family pressures.

End (1788).

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Gnosis Helps – Page on Control Done – (1787)


The page on control has been uploaded. The remedy section is quite light at the moment and some more detail and depth is required. Hope to do this soon.

Link below:

End (1787).

Ego Prepares our Human Machine Just Like Others do to Others – (1786)

Many Tricks

The ego has many tricks you know up its sleeves.

There are also many ways to uncover these tricks. All tricks can be found using observation and self-observation.

One way of finding these tricks is to observe how people treat others when they want something. Because there is so much ego in us, watching others treat others is basically watching an ego treating a person. Which is the same situation within us, where we are the person being treated an ego, except that the ego is our own ego.

Trick One

When say, we want to do something out of the ordinary and we know our family won’t like it, we begin to slowly prepare our family, so that when we tell them they won’t get so shocked.

You know our ego does the exact same. It slowly prepares us, it works on us over a few days preparing the ground for its manifestation.

Trick Two

People often work on people over time, slowly bending them to get what they want. Husbands do this, wives do this and children do this. The ego does exactly the same thing. It works in the background breaking down the resistance to its desires from other egos and slowly hypnotising the essence. Then it strikes and we are in trouble.

Trick Three

Persistence pays. When children want something they nag and nag until the point the parent is so sick and tired of hearing the nagging that they give in. The ego too is persistent and it works on us constantly. So much so that we are tempted to give into it just to clear it out of our mind.

Trick Four

When people ant something they use reasons and arguments. They present benefits, they present values, they use morality, they use you name it. They use experimentation, a test drive, a taste, a sip, etc.

The ego does exactly the same within us. It presents us with so many interesting arguments and reasons, it presents us with sensations, emotions, values, it says I can just try it but not do it, I’ll do it once, it won’t be bad etc. etc.

Trick Five

When people want something they use force, blackmail and threats. The ego within us uses the same ways when it wants something. It usually resorts to these means as a last resort when all the other ways fail. This is like the last stand of the ego, it reveals itself, shows us it true colours gives us a huge fight and then retreats it fails. This is its last gamble, because it knows with such a stance it runs the risk of it being discovered for what it really is and then the fight to its death will be on, if we are serious about working on it.

End (1786).

Monday, 19 June 2017

Believe in Work Not in Waiting for Magic to Happen! – (1785)

Work is Magic

We can’t wait for a magic thing to happen, that is for our inner Being to come down here and do something magical to make us start to dissolve our egos, we have to work and make it happen. We take a step and our inner Being takes a step. Our work is what makes the magic of our inner Being taking a step towards us.

No Work – Then Dreams Begin

That is what happens with the Catholics, their beliefs are really unrealistic because they have forgotten the work. They believe that by doing nothing or talking to a priest that they will win entrance into heaven.

How can you think that when in life everyone has to work hard and even the Catholics have worked hard for what they have. How come they think that the same does not apply to heaven when heaven is part of life and the universe as well? They think this way simply because they do not have any idea of the spiritual or psychological kind of work. No work then fantasy and unrealistic thinking has to enter to fill the void, and unfortunately such deviations from reality produce self-deception and more fantasy and mislead people!

End (1785).

Master Your Attention – (1784)

Ego Works by Hooking Your Attention

That is something for us to work towards. The project or work or art of mastering our attention, to such a degree that we can choose where we place it. Obviously if we can choose, we can wisely choose to not place it on the processes of the ego.

Sometimes this is easy and sometimes it is very difficult. Hence the fight.

It is very good for us to know that when the ego is in our human machine the major fight is the one for our attention.

Where our attention is, is where our consciousness is Master Samael says.

As our consciousness is life, force, light, strength etc. It is life flowing and moving, when we place our consciousness on something we give life, energy, light and strength to whatever we put our attention on.

End (1784).

Some Body Language to Watch Out For! – (1783)

Seems to Never Fail

If you see a man or men in a heated debate or argument and they take off their jackets or shirts then run, they are going to push and shove, and most likely punches are going to fly!

In the scenario above the blonde guy without his shirt ended up taking down the other three, except
 the other guy without a shirt who was on his team. Obviously the shirtless guys were the ones who got riled up.

Watch Out - Clear Sign

This is one clear sign of impending aggression, which seems never to fail. As soon as a man takes off his jacket, he does that instinctively because he wants to fight and his intention is to act on that impulse!

Another sign of impending aggression is the flaring of the nostrils, heavy breathing and a very focused gaze.

Very curious things right! Such is the instinct centre. Where do such instincts come from? From our animal heritage?


This aggression can be stopped or diverted if one acts quickly. Simply putting the person’s jacket back on helps miraculously as well as taking a soft tone. Just as if you were like his mother. In these moments it is all instinct and one must appeal to the instincts.

End (1783).

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Ever Felt Empty and Anxious at the Same Time? Here’s Why! – (1782)

Same Time

Feeling anxious and empty at the same time comes from when a pretence or act of ours has been broken. We were being what we were not, and usually it was exposed in front of others or ourselves.

We feel empty because people have been responding to our act and even liking our act, with our real self not ever being present. So, when it happens that our act is uncovered we are like left as nothing.

We feel anxious because of the possible consequences. This is because many acts or pretences are created out of fear to please people and when our act being revealed disappoints those we are trying to please it is so logical that our fear and consequently anxiety is going to spike.

Devastating for Relationships

Acts are really devastating when it comes to relationships. They end up ruining relationships.

In Gnosis, people act a lot, they tend to put on the ‘good person’, ‘spiritual act’, ‘no egos act’ or ‘ego under control act’. Even though they are good acts, any act is after all an act, that is, it is something false and things that are false always come undone, cause problems and disappoint!

End (1782).

Carefully and Intently Watch Your Attention - (1781)

Attention and Identity

Awakening and using our consciousness is about attention and identity.

Watch Our Attention

Watching where our attention goes and choosing to focus our attention on our interior (psychology) points us in the direction of awakening.

Maintaining our attention on our psychology in order for certain (often small) insight and realizations to be made leads to mini awakenings which over time form one's psychological awakening.

Identity of the Consciousness

Always choosing the identity of the consciousness also leads to awakening.

Definition is about Identity

Definition for anything is about identity. When one's identity changes one becomes defined. As soon as one's identity is the consciousness, one's definition to awaken begins to form.

An example: as soon as one assumes the identity of a mother or a father one begins to be defined to fulfill the role of mother or father, and once defined one acts as a father or mother.


One Way to Be Conscious During Your Day! - (1780)

One Way

There are many ways of course. Here is just one way, which may be good for you or not.

Day's Activities

There are so many activities during our day. So many thing obligations, so many things that we have to do. 

We have no other alternative but to get strong and use them to be conscious. No other way! We must do these things so we must use them otherwise we have to wait until later where we often forget or are too tired or there is very limited time or opportunity to try.

The Key: Do Every Activity with the Firm Purpose of Using it to Be Conscious

If we tell ourselves I am going to be aware of every thought that I have while I do this task: we are going to do something very decent for sure. We are going to observe ourselves a lot, exercise our consciousness as well as strengthen it and even help us ourselves in mystical death.

If you do the task but forget to be conscious just remember again and again! 

If we don't get tough with ourselves like this we are always going to be half-baked or even less than half-baked like quarter-baked and that is useless.

End (1780).

Don't Really Learn Until a War Inside Oneself is Declared and Fought! - (1779)


I am finding out that we don;t really learn effectively enough or expansively enough or deep enough about the ego we are trying to dissolve until we declare war on it from within ourselves.

Until that Point

Until that point all that we have understood about that ego has been useful but has lacked the punch to take us through to the other side, where it is weaker and we are stronger!


Remember it is a war inside oneself that is driven by our will to intensify our observation, increase our promptness to stop its processes from gaining momentum and throw our light deeper into our subconscious to comprehend it. It is a strong determination to die in ourselves. 

End (1779).

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Insurmountable Will to be Conscious – (1778)

All Through Our Life

If we really want to make that our state of alertness and therefore our active consciousness extend into all the areas of our life we must make it so we are decided to put our consciousness above all circumstances, sensations, emotions, pains, thoughts, memories, images, desires, impulses that we are going to feel and experience.

This is the only way to triumph with our consciousness. Of course, we are not going to do it perfectly or even well at first (in time and with practice yes) but trying constantly with this attitude will produce some unexpectedly good results.


End (1778).

Sublimation has the Power to Refine Our Sexuality – (1777)

The Power

Sublimation has the power to drastically refine our sexuality and therefore our sexual energy.

It is the cure, the remedy for many psychological and physical ailments within us!

It is a power stronger than transmutation. Remember that sublimation is a higher octave of transmutation. Sublimation works on the transmuted energy. Sublimation extends transmutation and takes the transmuted energy to its destination assigned to from the very beginning.

With sublimation our transmuted sexual energy reaches its true and authentic destination – the Being dwelling within us, and that is what cures, heals, remedies, creates, refines, transforms, enlivens…it revives and strengthens the Being in us!

End (1777).