Friday 9 June 2017

Feed the Cat Twice a Day, at Least Feed the Essence Twice a Day! – (5273)

Great Comment!

During a recent retreat a missionary made a very interesting comment to the effect of saying “we feed our cat twice a day, and what about the essence?”. So, this post is a about those very interesting and helpful words spoken by that missionary. 

Good Point

Many of us can pass the day not giving our own essence food, yet we feed our cat twice a day! Why not at least feed our own essence twice a day.

Essence Needs Food

Our essence needs food to maintain itself otherwise it weakens and falls asleep.

Reading the teachings is food for the essence. Meditating is food for the essence. Praying is food for the essence. Observing oneself is food for the essence. Comprehending our “I’s” is food for the essence.

Chanting a mantra with concentration is food for the essence.

Remembering our Being is superfood for our essence!

Doing a Rune is food for the essence. Attending a Gnostic class is food for the essence!


We are silly not to fed our own essence. We are even sillier when we find ourselves low, despondent, resistant, upset, confused, apathetic etc. and we complain and blame Gnosis and Master Samael, while all the time we have not fed our own essence and feeling like that is the direct result of not having fed our essence. 

End (5273).

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