Friday, 9 March 2018

Controlling People Is a Lack of Respect to Them - (2274)

When we control others we lack certain respect for them. For example, to not give them space to think and decide for themselves is to not respect their freedom of thought and decision etc.

This is why we tend to not control strangers, and we control those that we know well, such as our close friends and family members.

This is because regarding strangers we have a natural respect and with that we know well our initial respect has waned somewhat, as we have seen them being angry, sick, weak, annoyed, scared etc. etc.


If a person wants to curb their habit or tendency to control others, concentrate on feeling respect for the person or people that you find yourself wanting to control. Then I am sure that you will say to yourself to the effect of: "that is not really good is it, it is a bit mean...".

End (2274).

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