Thursday, 28 February 2019

Love and Fear - (2919)

Read Time: 55 seconds

It's true isn't it that we tend to hate what we fear right?

That truth presents us with an antidote to fear.

We know the best antidote to fear is trust, and don't we also know that love and trust go hand in hand?

Imagine that we started to love what we feared. Well difficult to imagine...But can be done in baby steps...

We fear a person, a situation, an event, a task, an animal, water, fire, heights, flying, hospitals etc. etc. Imagine we begin to love a tiny bit what we fear...

Maybe it is the power, the mystery, the strength, the danger, the change... that these things represent that we fear? These things: the power, mystery, strength etc. are all things that we can love...

Fear offers us through conscious and voluntary work the opportunity to of an event, a circumstance, activity, animal, a certain topic, etc.

What we love we are comfortable with, we are calmed by and look forward to... All the opposite of fear...

End (2919).

Hard and Tender Feelings - (2918)

Read Time: 2 minutes 10 seconds

Tender and Hard

With regards to people there are two general types of feelings: hard and tender. As per the old expression: "no hard feelings".

Having experienced the two emotions both of them indeed feel just the way they are expressed when they are spoken of as hard and tender.

Hard feelings are rigid, strict, unforgiving, unmovable, closed, one-sided, definite, rebellious, usually they are a stern 'no', they are cutting and impenetrable...Like cold and hard stone...

Tender feelings are giving, open, empathetic, flexible, soft, understanding, benefiting, reasonable, good willed, overlapping and understanding...Much like water... 

Hard Feelings

Hard feelings come from a hurt pride or a hurt self-love. Also from a lack of trust, basically all from the hurtful past spilling over into the present.

We feel that hard feelings protect us and will soften the heart of the other and draw an apology or a humiliation of the other towards us. But all the while these hard feelings hurt us inside...and hurt brings hurt.

Tender Feelings

Tender feelings come from love, from the essence, from good will, from understanding, from seeing another's point of view, from trust, from patience, from balance, from the heart. 

Pride makes the heart into a stone...

To have tender feelings is to have the fires of the heart burning alive and well in ourselves...

Of course we can not forget balance and our consciousnesses to orient our heart and its tender feelings... Even the heart’s own intuition guides itself.


Hard feelings feel awful and harden the heart and essence. Best to work on them and eliminate them and being careful not to fall back into them.

In general the heart and essence when active are soft, and it is said by great paradox the hardest thing on Earth is water becasue water wears down, in time of course, the hardest of rocks. So then, who is more at risk, the person with hard feelings or the person with tender feelings? 

End (2918).

Essence is the Beauty It is What Lives On - (2917)

Read Time: 30 seconds

The body is something that is left behind... 

The essence leaves and carries on with its cosmic and terrestrial life. That is the person, the essence, the inner person, that is the beauty and loving part of any person - the essence.

Death does not conquer the essence, only the body. But the body is lifeless without the essence.

We usually feel sorry for the person who has died but only their essence has separated from their body. Their body was always like that - a suit of flesh and bone. But their essence is the same, better off now even - free!

Death interrupts our line of life.. When a person has an immortal body then there line of life is no longer interrupted. 

Because we have the ego we are interrupted but without the ego we can continue our line without interruption...

End (2917).

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Waking Up is to See with Your Consciousness - (2916)

Read Time: 25 seconds

When a person wakes up they open their eyes and see.

So when we wake up in the way of our consciousness waking up, we see with our consciousness.

When we see with our consciousness we see the things that our eyes don't see. 

We see deep within ourselves, we see behind our thoughts, we see the consequences of our actions, we see our past now, we see the good in the bad and the bad in the good, we see the balance, we see the darkness, and we see the light... And it goes on...

We must switch often between flood light consciousness and spot light consciousness. Because with spot light consciousness we miss many things happening around us and how we are affecting others and with flood light consciousness we miss details.   

End (2916).

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Magic Circle - (2915)

Read Time: 1 minute 15 seconds

Unity, Protection, Circuit...

Circles are magic and are used in magic. Principally in invocations. 

We have all probably heard of the magic circle of protection, and have seen images of a magician inside a magic circle reciting a magical invocation...

The Absolute is depicted by a circle. Life is depicted by a circle, time is round, planets are round, karma is round, creation is round, space is round...

Magic Circle of Fire in the Hanuman (Monkey God)
 Blessing Ceremony in Bali
A circle indicates the beginning and the end as well as completeness, unity and sealing or enclosing.

Sexuality is symbolised by a circle with a dot in the middle.

When a circle is formed unity is created. When hands touch something is created, just as when two hands shake: trust, friendship are made and an agreement is struck.  

A circle of people joined by holding hands creates something...

The first magic is unity. A unity of the three brains, a unity of will, mind, emotion and action.

A circle is a circuit where currents can flow...

End (2915).

Languages of Past Lives and Memories of - (2914)

Read Time: 30 seconds ⏳

No doubt we have spoken languages other than English in our past lives. However, the question remains how is it that when we remember our past lives we remember in English?

When we were in our past life we thought in the language that we spoke and so when we remember our thoughts in our past life we remember them in English. How does that work? 

Easy, as our consciousness remembers our past it translates what it is understood and felt through our inner mind into English.

End (2914).

Balance Costs - (2913)

Read Time: 1 minute

Balance is a feat of consciousness, an achievement or a result of consciousness. Every achievement of consciousness is takes conscious and voluntarily effort. Meaning it has a certain cost. 

Balance is the result of the conscious contrast of the two opposites. That is bringing the two opposites together, taking the good and bad of one side and the good and bad of the other side and forming based on lived experience a new point - the balance point. Which floats above the two opposites. 

Floating above has the advantage of seeing the zone where both sides begin. This vantage point allows one to navigate so to maintain the balance. 

Sometimes to find the balance we have to get unbalanced. For a while the unbalance is fine but there comes a point where it begins to hurt. This hurt plus the pain and effort to correct it is what costs. The result of the correction to balance is consciousness and the wisdom based conviction to keep the balance.

End (2913).

Concentration: Why? - (2912)

Read Time: 30 seconds ⌚


Why do we concentrate? Good to know why. If we are not sure why we won't put effort into developing our ability to concentrate.


We need concentration to penetrate into something. Especially our own subconsciousness, the flavour of an ego, any kind of vague or mysterious subject.


We need concentration to become something that is to transfer our free essence into something.


To communicate, to listen, to invoke, to call, to pray, to find or reach our Divine Mother etc.

End (2912).

Monday, 25 February 2019

Concentration: Favourite Thing to Concentrate On - (2911)

Read Time: 15 seconds

By far psychological space and the ocean. Because these are the things that we can transfer our free essence into and become them, and learn and experience things from them when we are one with them.

What is your favourite thing to concentrate on? If you have a favourite thing make it your magic lever of concentration to help you develop concentration. 

In some of the posts to follow I am going to present some practices, methods an techniques through which you can develop concentration. 

End (2911).

Concentration: Cultivates Will and Saves Energy - (2910)

Reading Time: 10 seconds

Being in a state of concentrated attention or concentrated thought exercises our will and this allows more energy of will to flow to us. Resulting in having more energy and more will. That is will in the sphere of the mind and will in the sphere of will.

How are the powers developed? Does not concentration have a lot to do with that.

End (2910).

Concentration: We Need It - (2909)

Read Time: 30 seconds

We need it to see into our abyss, we need it to practice Alchemy, we need it to pray, we need it to meditate we need it for anything where some control or depth or retention is required.

Without it we are severely handicapped.

It is best I have found to work on developing concentration. Then as soon as a good level has been attained then go into life practicing it. To think that you can develop it in life, sounds good but it does not really work out. You can spend years thinking that way and not getting very far, but as soon as you reverse it you make more progress in one month than what you have made in several years.

End (2909).

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Concentration: Types of Concentration - (2908)

Read Time: 1 minute 45 seconds


There are several types of concentration. There is a life concentration and the technical concentration of the mind.

There is also dual concentration and then non-dual concentration, and there maybe some other types but these four types will suffice for now.

Mind and Life

We can learn how to concentrate our mind on something like a pin head for example. And we may be able to concentrate our attention on it for a decent length of time. That is good, but we may not be able to concentrate our life. We may be so distracted in our life that we don't regularly practice and so even though we can concentrate our mind we do not get anywhere in life or in the path.

We may be able to concentrate our life but not be able to concentrate our mind on something for long. We can still arrive at results in our life and path. But if we combine both we go far and quickly.

Dual and Non-Dual

Usually we concentrate on something so there is us - the person concentrating their mind and then there is the object of concentration - the thing we are concentrating on. This is dual concentration - two things: object and subject.

There is no-dual concentration where we actually become what we are concentrating on. This happens becasue our concentration actually transfers our free essence into the thing. Then as the essence is about 'knowing' and 'being' we become the thing, and we know we are that. We are one.

Concentrating on fire and water and our inner Divinity are marvelous to develop this non-dual type of concentration.

End (2908).

Concentration: Lack of is to Flounder on the Surface - (2906)

Read Time: 30 seconds

Not having concentration means to be on the surface of everything and not being able to penetrate into anything.

Master Rabalu said that all of Master Samael's practices work, if we have concentration.

So the reason why many of our practices don't work is becasue we lack concentration.

Both Master Samael and Master Rabalu for certain had a high degree of concentration.

Concentration image.
Concentration makes the difference between us being useless in our practices and being effective.

My conclusion is that we need to be able to concentrate well. If we have weak concentration then we need to do something to improve our ability to concentrate very promptly, YESTERDAY!!!

End (2906).

Concentration: One Point of Force Principle - (2907)

Read Time: 1 minute


Concentration works on the principle of bringing force to one point. Hence the term associated with concentration is one-pointedness.

If we have a sharpened spike and we press down on it we can easily drive it into the ground. This is becasue the sharpened spike has been sharpened to a point and nearly all the downward force that we apply goes directly to that one point and something happens.

If the spike is not sharpened to a point then the downward force that we apply goes to a flat surface that is spread out and it will be really difficult to drive a blunt spike into the ground.

So the same principle applies to our mind and will. Our will is our driving force and our mind is the spike, that is the instrument that channels or organises our will. So one-pointedness is a matter of our mind. 

When we concentrate our mind all of our will and energy and also consciousness is applied and our chances of a result or of something happening increases many fold.

We often can not penetrate into the ego or our subconsciousness or we can not pray profoundly because we lack concentration. The lack of concentration keeps us on the surface of everything and knowing or experiencing very little.

End (2907).

Languages and Past Lives - (2905)

Read Time: 15 seconds

Well we don't remember them do we. We are not left with the details of any of the languages that we spoke but only with an affinity for that language.

Perhaps even with a natural aptitude for that language, a natural understanding even of how it works and an ease of learning.

End (2905).

An Esotericist Knows Several Languages - (2904)

Read Time: 40 seconds

An Esotericist is a Polyglot

In truth, a real esotericist speaks several languages. The esotericists of the past knew Sanskrit, ancient Greek, Latin etc. But besides that the esotericist learns to move within the language of symbols, the language of the consciousness, the language of each centre and of course the sacred or universal language. So really an esotericist is a kind of polyglot but in a unconventional sense.

Personality Thinks No More Languages

The personality rejects vehemently learning another language. It self-protects by thinking that I don't need it and it we don't foreign people and cultures here and I don't like it. For sure each country needs a little bit of that kind of person to protect the interests of the country in some regards blah blah, but for an esotericist that is not really the right way of thinking. Learning another language makes you more universal, it enriches one's knowledge and expands one's awareness. It actually makes one more useful and insightful rather. 

The personality feels threatened because learning another language means a kind of dilution and loss of its particular characteristics to take on board new ones. 


So in conclusion don't be afraid of another language, if one is the personality is surely a factor in feeling that fear or resistance.

End (2904).

Consciousness as a Light Source - (2902)

Read Time: 50 seconds

Spot Light, Flood Light and Laser

Master Samael says that the consciousness is point of light.

This one sentence tells us so many different things.

Imagine we are at the beach at night and there in the distance we see a point of light. Modern physics would tell us that some of the rays of light from that light manage to enter our eyes allowing us to see that distant point of light, but we don't know much about that light. We only know that is a light.

However, if we were to jump into a boat and travel toward that light eventually we would end up finding the light and if we were to go close to it we would be bathed in that light. Being in that light we can then know a lot about the light itself. That is, what it contains, its intensity, its colour, its quality etc.

So our consciousness is like that, it has a quality, it contains awareness about different fields, one can enter into it, it has an intensity and it can be like a spotlight a flood lamp or a laser.

Normally our consciousness is like a flood lamp. It illuminates us in all directions, but as soon as we concentrate on something it becomes a spot light and if we really focus it can become a laser. A laser is what penetrates or flies deeply into space aimed at one specific target.

End (2902).

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Believing is Seeing - (2903)

Read Time: 1 minute 40 seconds


Normally people say seeing is believing. That statement is for the sensory mind, for every man and his dog. But for the free essence: believing is seeing. 

For example, when concentrating on water, say the ocean, we can use our imagination to become water and if we do this well we begin to see in our imagination. As, 'to be' is 'to see'. 

To Be is To See

To be something we must be seeing as that something. To be a human being is complete when we see as a human being. To be a lion is complete when the lion sees as a lion, and sees itself as a lion. The two go hand in hand seeing and being. But of course being is more transcendental and is above, beyond and deeper than seeing.

This brings into account, that 'to be' is 'to see' correctly. We can not be our consciousness or essence unless we do not see it or understand that that is what we are. There are human beings that see themselves as lizards and wolves and a million other strange things. So what are they really? They are human outside but inside they are not, so they are incomplete, a physical-psychological hybrid human animal.

Stops Seeing is not Believing

What stops us from seeing our Divine Mother or the ocean or what it is that we are concentrating on is that we for moments have some disbelief. We think a thought: "that image is a memory not a new image" then as soon as we think that we stop seeing because we stopped believing or in other words stopped being the ocean. We can not afford those thoughts if you want to concentrate really.

To trust leads to seeing. Many times in life we can only really see something or see how something can work when we believe in it.

End (2903). 

Friday, 22 February 2019

Carried Over from Past Lives - (2901)

Read Time: 1 minute 10 seconds ⏱

Come to this Life For...

We come to this current life for several reasons and with several charges (duties).

Here are some reasons why we have this life:

●To learn and mature. That is, primarily for the essence to learn and mature. The Monad also learns as the essence matures and learns.

●To prepare for the future. This obviously pertains to a greater plan of the Monad and the Divine Law.

●To complete certain works or processes that were left incomplete or failed. Our self-realisation is one of them.

●To compensate in many different areas of life and through many different stages and events of life.

●To receive compensation owing.

●To forgive and to seek forgiveness.

●To heal, repair many different kinds of relationships, with ourselves and our values, with our interior Divinity, with others, with nature...

End (2901).

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Practice Appointments - Continuity - (2900)

It is so convenient that we practice at the same time each day. It is like magnetism. 

I say this because when we sit down or kneel to do our practice we can feel straight away the continuity. 

We know where we were up to yesterday and we continue where we left off. It is just like as if we were a magnet. We attract to us the knowledge of where we are up to.

Using this way of practicing, we bring the practice as a thread or a line into our life. In other words, it begins to link into our life. And it brings our life into it and we become more connected to the practice.

Using this link into our life that we create, we can drive deeper into the practice and see the results of the practice in our life. This is the power of the link that we create through constant practice.

If for example a person is doing a mystical practice concentrating on their inner Being each day, they are very wise, because by the power of the link created by constant everyday same time practice will allow the practice and even better the object of the practice - the Inner Being, to link deeper into our lives in a more continuous way. And that is what we all need!

End (2900).

Going to Yelo to Celebrate 2900 Posts - (2899)

See you at Yelo 6:15am Friday and Saturday celebrating with coffee.

End (2899).

Past Life Triggers - (2898)

There are several past life triggers that can give us a sense of the places and events we lived through in our past lives.

Of course movies and books are tremendous triggers. Certain scents are also acute triggers.

Our travels are another indication. In this modern day where travel is quite readily available, the places we visit are usually the places we have lived in.

We carry many blocks within us from the past and as we carry them through one life to the next, when we work on them they have a great quantity of energy that can be released and returned to us.

End (2898).

Transmute and Balance as Major Labours in Life - (2897)

Reading Time: 1 minute ⏲

Major Virtue and Defect

M.m.m says that our major virtue and defect come from high up within our Being, like from the top of the Tree of Life. He says that our major defect is our P.P.P and therefore our major virtue is the opposite of that.

The P.P.P of many people is pride and so the major virtue is balance, majesty and dignity.

So then the major thing to do in life would be to also exercise the major virtue which is essentially in the case of pride - balance. We would always need to balance our force, our energy, our patience, pour emotion, our words, our will, our mind, our love, our enthusiasms, our sexuality, etc. etc.

Another major defect is lust and so the major virtue behind lust would be to transmute, that is always consciously transforming something inferior to something superior. Taking something up to the Being within us.

This teaching is fabulous as it gives added meaning and clear didactic purpose and action to one's life. I like it a lot!

End (2897).

Fantasy is to Drug Ourself! - (2896)

Reading Time: 25 seconds ⏱

Hate Being Lied to Right

We all don't like being lied to. It can be something of ill-will in some situations.

So to fantasize is really to lie to ourselves. Lies never work out. 

When we fantasize we are believing it and when we believe the fantasy we are drugging ourselves. In other words being unkind to ourselves, that is not acting with good will to ourselves. Just as if someone was lying to us and leading us astray!

So we lead ourselves astray as well. Primarily through fantasy.

End (2896).

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Don't Go too Deep - Hover Above Examining Below - (2895)

Read Time: 35 seconds ⏱

When a bothersome though arises, don't go too deep into it. Stay above it examining it without thought with concentrated focus of your consciousness.

Going into it gets you lost in it and no light comes out of that.

Hovering above it within the space of your psychology, examining it, puts you above where you can see and get light from it.

So focus on the thought and feeling, and naturally insight and a new perspective and a new way of thinking or seeing it will appear in you and this is creative comprehension.

This works, you just need the ability to concentrate or focus.

End (2895).

Early Childhood Memories Shine Much Light on Past Lives - (2894)

Read Time:  1 minute flat


The mantra MAMA PAPA Master Samael says is excellent to remember our childhood. He says it like activates the atoms of childhood that we still have in our brain.

So when we are in touch with our childhood memories of our intimate psychological processes we can certainly get the feeling our penultimate life and previous lives. 

This is really true! 

As children we are very much in touch with our past lives. This is a very good lever to study more our past lives. Really it is amazing. Give it a shot. 


Chant MAMA PAPA and go back in time in your memory to your childhood and focus on your memories of what you were thinking. 

You will be able to see how you were nostalgic for the life and environment that you left behind. You will remember a certain pining, a certain expecting, a certain familiarity for the life left behind. Also a certain dis-adaptation and disorientation and misunderstanding of what is going now in this life. Becasue we still are connected within us with our penultimate life.

Within this nostalgia, within the specifics of the certain familiarities and expectations you will find details of the life or lives you have left behind.

End (2894).

Sacrifice of Others is a Spark that Becomes a Flame - (2893)

Read Time: 50 seconds

Spark of Sacrifice Becomes a Flame in the Hearts...

The sacrifice that others make out of love for humanity is a spark that catches fire in those that are ready to be caught on fire.

The sparks of the sacrifice that others make are pure inspiration in the hearts of others.

This spark is very powerful in the heart of others and when it catches fire on the prepared coals of a person's heart the original spark has become a flame.

This spark of sacrifice is what founded all the religions and spiritual movements and fights for justice of present and past...

The Gnostic movement was born by tremendous sparks flying from the bodhisattwa of the Logos Samael that caught fire in the hearts of many and upon this flame the Gnostic Movement was born and continues to burn in its fight for the transformation of humanity because that original flame is burning in our hearts and it is a horse of fire running into the future to help the humanity of the future.

Sacrifice is fire and any spiritual movement is fire and its march is based on the laws of sacrifice and on the Christic love in fire. 

End (2893).

The Originator of Cruelty Within Us Is? - (2892)

Reading Time: 1 minute

Answer: Pride

The defect of Pride and its "I's" are the originators of cruelty that are personified later on by certain other "I's" of cruelty.

It is precisely pride when it feels superior and does not feel the need to maintain any link for any benefit that it disdains, dismisses and falls negatively against - cruelty. 

Why are human beings cruel to another and why are human beings cruel to animals, is all becasue of this, becasue of pride. The sense of superiority.

The sense of superiority produces disregard, and dismissal. The pain and suffering of others are dismissed. Even when pride is so great the suffering of those whom it considers inferior is not even valid. How horrifying is that ignorance.

Because of pride we dismiss totally another person's right to suffer or even an animal's right to feel pain and suffer. This makes us cruel. Pride believes its pain and suffering is the only legitimate one.  Certainly not true!

There are so many ways that we can be indifferent to the pain of others. Just ignoring it is one way. But mind you when it is genuine and a tactic to get attention.

We are linked and are we are one. Who is superior and who is inferior when we are all one and all dependent on one another?

The proof is just find someone who is superior to us and we will never be cruel to them. Or unless resentment builds up in us for some reason.

No Mercy

The best advice is the instant that one discovers such an "I". Straight to the fire of the Divine Mother with it. With the will of wanting it dead and the comprehension such "I's" have no place in the aspirant to the light.

End (2992).

Monday, 18 February 2019

Clairvoyant Tools - (2891)

Read Time: ⏰ 35 seconds


Past life posts over now and flowing onto something else.

In this post just a little bit of esoteric culture.

A Gypsy's Crystal Ball

The famous crystal ball of the gypsy clairvoyants is not a fairy tale. It is rather a real thing.

Crystal ball. Best is a crystal ball with flaws, as the flaws produce a glint which is where through the
glints of light the clairvoyants can see images etc.


There are also other clairvoyant tools such as water, fire, a holy stone, a mirror. Basically employing the help of the elementals of nature in the case of

Fire scrying - reading fire.

Water scrying - reading water (a bowl with a black bottom is best).
The use of these tools for clairvoyance is called scrying.

Master Samael actually gave the practice of water scrying to develop clairvoyance.

End (2891).

The Work of the Past - (2890)

Master Samael said that in previous lives he devoted himself to the awakening of the consciousness and so what he had of awakened consciousness he brought into this life.

So then much of what we have of consciousness and faculties comes directly from our work of the past. And what we take into our next life depends entirely on what we do now in the work.

There are for sure some egos that we really must eliminate or make so weak before we leave this body. That is all that really counts. Just looking at how terrible these egos made our life, to go through that again in the next life makes us take up the conviction to eliminate them as a priority.

End (2890).

Egos Aligned More Male or More Female Due to the Past - (2889)

Imagine a man terribly arrogant and fiercely proud. Whom no one commands and whom no-one betrays lest they suffer terribly for it. A leader whom no-one disrespects or belittles.

Then that man dies and returns into a woman's body. Very few would submit that lady and if by social norms, circumstances etc. she has to conform to a more humble status: such a depression, such a frustration and such an angry state ensues... Such a lady naturally would end up commanding the house and the man would be relegated to taking a perennial back seat in the parliament of the household. Which happens and is relative some men are fine with that...

It is a tiny bit unusual to see such a woman like this, but none the less there are some and so they will be that way due to having been a man before where they strengthened that pride greatly. This makes a lot of sense because it is only now in this modern era that women have more equality, previously it was all a man's world, where it was men with their huge pride that commanded...

Imagine a terribly lustful lady whose lust has possession of all the feminine tacts, skills and nature and returns as a man. That man then would at the right time have his sexuality hijacked by these feminine natured egos of lust, with the overall result being a strange sexuality for a man.

A man that has a lot of insecurity issues, lots of jealousy lots of sensitive self-love obviously strengthened these egos while being a woman.

End (2889).

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Psychological Work and Past Lives - (2888)

When we just can't understand the why of some egos, then we need to investigate our past.

We may understand a fair amount about a difficult and mysterious ego, but something very key to breaking the back-bone of that ego that still bothers us, is to be found in the past. That is, precisely in the remembering of the moments in which it was created.

In cases such as these we have to ask like crazy to our Divine Mother to help us to remember, or show us what happened. Past life practices are very useful in this regard.

End (2888).

Who is Fitter to be a King? - (2887)

Reading Time: 40 seconds ⏱

Answer: A Beggar

We are not always a king in each life. Imagine if we were, how corrupt and rotten we would become. How totally removed from the way the rest of the world lives would we be...How arrogant, spoilt and unjust?

In our series of lives we can go from one extreme to another, and this makes sense. Because having been a beggar for example, we have that experience engraved in our consciousness and that will make us a person who is with a certain conviction more considerate and fairer.

Such a person who was a beggar and now a king or queen carries within him or herself the didactic material to contrast the opposites and arrive at justice, that it is just decisions.

It is said that beggars will be kings and kings will be beggars. Also a beggar having suffered so much has the merit to be a king. And the king who abused his position has the deserving quality to be a beggar.

End (2887).

To See Really is to See with the Consciousness - (2886)

We see with our physical eyes. Yet this is not really to see... To see is to see with the consciousness...

With our eyes we only see a thin veneer of reality. There is so much depth and levels of dimensions that we do not see, and we can not see with our physical eyes.

We are really blind, we have this vision of the consciousness blacked out.

To see into depths of our psychology, into the depths of the consciousness in the moment and into the past and projecting within the consciousness entering our real Being is to see.

To see what our Being sees for the future, in amplitude through the cosmos is to see.

When the consciousness sees it sees many dimensions at once, but the eyes only see one world's set of dimensions, that is the three dimensions of the physical world.

End (2886).

Past Lives and Cuisines - (2885)

Just an interesting quirky point to consider, is that our unusual tastes in food can come from a past life. For example an Aussie dude brought up at home with mash potatoes and meat pies who loves Japanese food, and he gobbles down raw fish as if they were a sausage roll dipped in tomato sauce.

What we love in food comes from our subconscious, we could be travelling and be little sick and have no appetite, but when someone brings us the food that we were brought up eating, we end up eating. This is the power of the subconscious.

So the cuisines that we feel so familiar with are past life clues or keys to investigate

End (2885).

Past Lives Reveal Reason for Everything Nearly - (2884)

The study of past lives reveals the reason for so much in our life and it actually even gives meaning to our errors.

With the knowledge of deep meaning we alleviate much suffering. Knowing why someone is treating us so terribly and that we are cancelling a debt through suffering their harsh treatment, we feel so different. So much different to if we didn't know anything. It can make the difference between life and death even, or being freedom or going to court.

Some lives of our lives are used to know evil, for reasons that something in our interior can record this experience so as to not repeat this again and to have knowledge of this one side of duality so that the opposite side of duality can be contrasted against, Then with the result of the contrast that which we have within our interior, we can consciously come to the balance and get consciousness in that area of life.

The natural understanding that a given person has about some area of life in this life could have come from having done really terrible things in the past.

So past lives offers us great transformation. We have been terrible in one life and thanks to successive lives we have come good again.

Unfortunately that which we have in our interior can only get that knowledge of evil while being fallen, rolling in the mud of Samsara...

End (2884).

When Our Consciousness Remembers the Past - (2883)

When our consciousness remembers a moment from our past life, it is almost like we relive that moment, we are the person of the past.

The consciousness remembers "being", and in a second of 'being' that person, we get to know so much. We know the person we were, we know our role in life, we know our background feeling, we know our place in society, we know the country, we know our level of being, we know our moral standing, our moral dilemmas etc.

So we really only need our consciousness to remember a moment of the past to gleam so much about who were in the past.

The most important thing that we gleam is the feeling of being who we were. Coincidentally that feeling is the one that carries over or can carry over into this life. This feeling is reflective of our karma, our spiritual stands, our spiritual longings and our spiritual mistakes...

End (2883).

Past Lives Implications - (2882)


The teaching of successive lives has very impactful implications to our psychology and therefore our lives.

Internalisation of the Teaching

We have to make contact with the teachings. We do that by bringing them inside of ourselves. By taking it to our mind and asking ourselves: , "how does it impact me?", "what does it really imply?". Then taking it to our heart and asking: "what does it really mean to me?".

We must make contact with the teachings through our interior. Through the inner side of ourselves and through only our intellect in an a study external to ourselves. First to the centres to cause our consciousness to activate.



Past lives means we have died before, and so we have already passed through what seems to be the most difficult thing that we have to face in life. The more we go through things the easier they become right?

We should be getting good at death by now shouldn't we? Given the number of times we have already died right? How many times have we seen others die already?

We don't remember our deaths but something from each time we die remains within us, and the force of this experience then enters into action. So you are more prepared right now than you think.

So if we really internalise this we understand that death is not a such bigger worry that we make it to be in our ignorance. It is a worry but not as bad we make it to be in our mind.

Past is Alive Now

We are the way we are because of the past. Our past holds the key to why we are now. Also the past holds the key to where we are going. Why? Because our internal Being through the past has prepared the future. This implies that our realisation has has been a process in the making and the signs that we are going to approach it can be found in our past lives. 

Failed at Some Point

Because we are here right now in the series of successive lives because something was incomplete or something went wrong.

The past holds the key to why we failed and with that key we can avoid the same mistake. Because without knowledge of the past we repeat...

The Weird Egos Others Have

We make the egos and the way the egos of others are as something personal against us. But the truth is that the ego comes from the past, from a previous life and so it was the conditions and circumstances of that life that set up the ego in the other person to be that way that it is. It has nothing really to do with ourselves.

Gives Meaning

We have successive lives because of the ego. No ego then no more successive lives and no more past lives. So the egos that we have are really the stores of wisdom that we need to extract so as to get the maximum learning from all of our past lives. When we dissolve the ego we actually get all the learning from our past lives, we recapitulate all of the wisdom our lives since the last fall. And this wisdom stays within our Monad.

Touches the Cosmic

When we see that we have had many lives we start to see that we are not really human or terrestrial, but rather that we are cosmic and that we have as our home eternity. That is where we come from. We are travellers we are not home yet. Each body is a hotel that we stay in for a certain time.

Less Materialistic

When we really see that we had past lives we see understand the impermanence of everything, that is really where the Buddhists take their force from in their understanding of impermanence. From the teaching or the fact that we have several past lives, we see that all that we have here physically we will leave behind and we will continue our travels elsewhere. We will also stop thinking that we have one life and that when we die we are going to cease to exist. This is a pure materialistic way of seeing life, and people that see life this way are totally materialistic.  

End (2882).

Friday, 15 February 2019

Past Life Study - Create a Timeline Map - (2881)

Reading Time: 1 minute

Timeline Map

The study of our past lives is a whole area of study, that if done right requires some attention to detail.

For a really complete study we would end up constructing a timeline map.

That timeline map would mark some of our past life experiences and some of the details that we can gleam from our own psychology right now.

To start such a study, a list of all that is the past living in us here and now is a good start.

For example consulting some of the pointers mentioned in Post 2880 helps to create this list.

Once we have that baseline list we can begin to start penciling in that timeline map.

Then it is a matter of concentrating on a point in the map and taking these list items into one of the past life practices or into meditation to actually remember and get exact information, and we can convert the pencil marks into pen marks.

End (2881).

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Past Lives - Post 3 of 4 - (2880)

Read Time: 4 minute 10 seconds ⏱

Things in this Life that Link Us to Our Past

There are certainly practices to discover aspects of our past lives. Master Samael left us with a few. There are three main ones:

1.) The magic mirror and the mantra OM-HUM
2.) The Damsel of Remembrance and the mantra LA-RA
3.) A retrospection of this current life while drowsy making the leap into the previous life.

Besides these three main practices there are some other avenues through which we can get some hints about our past lives.

Main Point

The main point here is that in this life we basically surround ourselves or gravitate to what we enjoyed, were comfortable with or were happy with in our previous lives.

In other words in this life we will have the tendency to seek out the familiar, comfortable things of the past.


If we observe the things we have at home we can find symbols and clues which point to our past lives. Some of those things of course are basically symbolic of our achievements or endevours of our past lives.


Believe it or not, the clothes that we would really like to wear and we actually can wear and even the clothes that perhaps we can not wear at this point in time and space give us clues. For example in Australia no one wears a three piece suit becasue it is way too formal for the generally informal culture and plus it is too hot. Clothes tell us a lot about past social status, geographical locations and time or eras.


Another clue lies in jewelry. As jewelry is something that is particular to place and time and it is something rather personal and it is usually something that we become very familiar with, so it gets engraved into our memory.

So what items of jewelry are you attracted to? If you ever have a dream about a certain peice of jewelry that will provide you with some clues abut time and place of our past life.

Favourite Places

Totally all past life related. Essentially we have places that resonate with our heart becasue in past lives we spent, much time there and came to grow to love that place and spent many happy timeless moments there.

Once again, make a list of those places that really stand out in a special way for you. Even if you have not ever been there in this life yet. Certainly this list would give you some strong clues about your past lives from a geographical point of view.

Often deja vu moments occur when we visit those places. Once again it is very good to take a journal of our deja vu moments.


What are our feelings regarding historical eras? What is our favourite historical era and what era do we dislike? Are there any causes that you feel very strongly about?

Talents and Abilities

What comes natural to us many times is that way becasue we have spent lives cultivating and practicing those abilities and talents.

It is good to make a list of those things that come naturally to us. As well as all those subjects that we understand so effortlessly and naturally and are so familiar to us. This can include certain subjects and languages.


We have the past living with us here and now. From observing ourselves and consulting ourselves here and now we can learn already a lot about our past lives. We must then complement it with experience, which will reveal to us even more plus impart much needed comprehension. 

If we did do such a study of ourselves here and now using the points outlined in this post we prepare the way or the ground for the opening up of past life experiences and memories.

Master Samael gave a terrific formula that states: conscious faith equal study plus experience. So we need to study and prepare ourselves for the consciousness to arrive.

Basically we know all of these things, however we never really do a conscious study of them.

End (2880).

When Things Just Come to You - (2879)

What to Do?

Sometimes things unfold so easily, things start easily and later on when they are about to finish up another thing miraculously appears for us to transition to.

What do we do there? Trust it? Go against? Break away from it? Is it a temptation and therefore not go with it? What to do?


The last one is easy at least to answer. Temptation is where we have a choice between two options and we have a very good reason not to decide for one of the two options. 

Break Away

Sure we can break away from it, making sure that what we break away from it will bring to us something better than what we have already. 

Go Against

Go against it, we could. Would that yield circumstances that are convenient for us in our life and esoteric work?


Definitely trust it we can. Because it is the Law giving to us what is in accordance with the Divine Law, which is the karma and the capital that we have.

End (2879).