Wednesday 31 July 2019

Think Awake - (3144)

Normally we relate thinking to be being asleep. Certainly that is right though there is an exception.

When we are psychologically asleep we think indirectly, that its we think in relation to other people and we even use the third person’s point of view to think about ourselves.

Don’t know about wine, but coffee helps this way.
If we think directly from our attention on an object in front of us. We are thinking as we are, that is, as essence or consciousness. As soon as we think relative to another or think in the language of the “third person” we assume a new identity and we fall psychologically asleep.

One definite way to tell we are thinking asleep is when we think via a scenario.

End (3144).

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Are You Precious? - (3143)

Someone at work said something like "if you have any questions stop and ask me I am not precious".

This made me think...

We can actually like to consider ourselves precious. In ordinary thinking, precious means, not to be: contradicted, treated harshly, shouted at, disrespected etc. It means to be treated as special, if we are not precious it is like we are not anything - boring, bland, just another someone that goes unnoticed in life and becomes food for worms.

If we, while examining all these concepts remember our essence and beyond our essence - our Inner Being, we see that these concepts and interpretations are not true or real.

We can then some to a conclusion for our own selves. For me the conclusion is, that we are neither precious or ordinary, we are the essence and our mind or personality has added this false quality (sustained by a concept) into psychology.   

Remember you are the essence, not precious, not delicate, not terrific, not tremendous, not anything - you are the essence.

End (3143).

One Just Person Will Not Be Sacrificed for an Unjust Person - (3142)

A few days ago m.m.m was talking to a man who spent a lot of time with Master Samael in Mexico back in the 1970’s. This man said something to m.m.m that Master Samael told him.

It went something like this, “that the Divine Law will not sacrifice an unjust person for an unjust one”. He went on to quote the example that Master Samael gave, which went something like this: “if there is a just person on a plane, and it is the Law that that plane is to crash, then the Law will spare the plane and using many other methods will cause those that were due to die, to die.”

This is something that we should know about the way the Law works. It also shows us how powerful the just or honest person is. When I say honest person, I mean the person who abides by the Law, and who acts and works by the Law.

End (3142).

Why Humiliation Precedes Exaltation - (3141)

Answer is in the Tree

There is duality. Even in the tree of life. Of course in the tree of life. Duality is present everywhere in creation, and the tree of life is in creation. 

If you look at the tree of life diagram in any Gnostic centre you will see two trees. One tree reaching up towards the Absolute and one reaching downwards into the shadows.

The tree reaching downwards is the antitheses of the splendourous tree reaching upwards. You can literally draw a horizontal line through Malcuth and if you fold the tree of life diagram in half along that horizontal line the tree of light will meet perfectly with the tree of shadow.

In any negative quality in a human being has an opposite. This is true!

In any human being any defect has a place, a location on the tree of shadows that dwells within them.

Therefore, by duality, inside of any human being, any defect is related to a virtue on the tree of light.

The tree of light and the tree of shadows are linked together. They are mirror images.

So, if a person works on a defect, one automatically comes into contact with the virtue that is the opposite of it. So to ascend, that is to take up a position on the tree of light, one has to descend and make contact with the tree of shadows and transform that aspect of the tree of shadows. Then one will automatically rise to a place on the tree of light that corresponds to that virtue.

Every exaltation is preceded by a humiliation. 

End (3141).

Monday 29 July 2019

Triumph as Value - (3140)

Among the many virtues or values or qualities of the Real Being of any person is the virtue of Triumph.

Sometimes we need this value...

The psychology of this value speaks in the way of: “just get it done”, “Do it!”, “overcome and shine!”, "stop going back and forth - press through and hit the end!". etc.

Each virtue has a logic and a way of expressing itself through the centres of our human machine. Triumph is no exception!

Such a value exists to restore order within us and to overcome the indecision and the inferior states of consciousness created by the ego.

This value helps us to overcome egoic states. It produces a kind of necessity and determination to persevere and win over the ego.

By nature remember – the Being of anyone of us is always a triumpher.

The work really is all about triumphing in the end. Any project, internal or external is about triumphing over delays, difficulties etc. to produce the end result - project completion.

This same value drives many people to seek the top of their chosen field or endevour.

The misuse of this value creates the many “I’s” of greed and ambition - which seek victory and dominance over the external rather than the internal.

End (3140).

Honesty the Highest Power - (3139)

Master Samael said in a recording of an informal talk that he gave in Mexico, that the highest power is with the honest man.

An honest man is the man who abides by the Law and has worked within the Law and has achieved all that he has by the Law.

We can rest easy if what we want to achieve is done by the Law. That makes sense to say that.

A person who is honest and has acted by the Law is one that will not be touched by the Law. Because the Law does not need to collect anything from him/her and he/she owes nothing to the Law.

The Law then will not delay, take away, humiliate, confuse or thwart him/her in anything.

If such a person wants something then it can be conceded, as nothing is owed to the Law. The person must work but nothing will stop hat results of that work from bearing fruit.

It is good to know that there is always that potentiality of owing something to the Law which could come from any actions that contravene the Law.

Coming back down to earth we have karma, to rest easier and safer, it is logical that we have to not accrue more debt and simply work to pay what we have.

Even though it is hard to be an honest person, it is on the inside a lot more rewarding. Only when we go to the outside is being an honest person seemingly boring, slow, long, stupid and inconvenient and cowardly.

At least trying to be honest resurrects some latent qualities in a person’s essence. Qualities to do with will and inner strength.

End (3139).

Why 108 Lives? - (3138)

Answer: 12 x 9 = 108


The number 9 is related to the nine months of human gestation. Also the nine Dantean circles below us and the nine heavens or Sephiroths above. Our passage into heaven or the abyss goes through nine levels, that is nine degrees of absorption or maturation.


The number 12 is related to the Zodiac. Also to the 12 smaller cycles (months) in the greater cycle of a year. The 12 zodiacal constellations, 12 apostles etc.

Therefore 108 lives represents a human being's gestation in the matrix (womb) of the Zodiac. 

We may then infer that in a human being's trajectory through 108 lives, there would be considerable travel from one sign of the Zodiac to another. We need experience and learn from each zodiacal influence. 

Final Comment

It is also worthwhile noting here what Master Samael says in relation to human gestation. He says that during gestation a human being passes through the 'four', that is the four stages of: mineral, vegetable, animal and humanoid. The nine months of human gestation prepare us for life on Earth, and completes our entry into life on Earth. Just as the nine heavens lead us into full absorption as a celestial citizen, as a realized one.

Once that 'human life on Earth' gestation is complete we are then ready to move onto the next step, which is either gestation in heaven or gestation in the underworld. Many Gnostic people right now are at this point. They have lived already many of their 108 lives and are currently in the process of defining themselves to begin their gestation in heaven or in the abyss.

End (3138).

Intelligence in Relating to Sexual Energy - (3137)

The attribute for the Third Logos is Intelligence. A good idea is to use the attributes shown in the tree of life to relate to the various Sephiroths.

Certainly one very important quality that we need to relate well with the sexual energy is intelligence. Often that is precisely the quality we lack when we relate to our sexual energy.

Because we lack intelligence in relation to the sexual energy we fall into terrible lust.

Lust, when we analyze it, we usually surprise ourselves how stupid it is.

If we use intelligence we can better relate to our sexual energy and use it much more wisely without any adverse effects to ourselves or others.

The sexual energy itself is very intelligent and the way the Gnostic person relates to the sexual energy is spiritually and intelligently. To relate well to something one has to know what we are relating to. The more we know the sexual energy in all its perspectives physical, psychological and spiritual the better we can relate to it.

We can improve that relationship when we bring that relationship into the three brains of our human machine.

A person who transmutes is an intelligent person and such a person’s transmutation makes them more intelligent. Just as Master Samael also said that the opposite of transmutation – the loss of the sexual energy atrophies the brain, while transmutation regenerates the brain.

End (3137).

A Human Being Can Not Resist the Law - (3136)

The power of the Divine Law is as solid and unmovable as Mount Everest. We as a human being can not bend it!

An element in ourselves – called Pride is the one that always tries to reckon with the Law and bend it. No other “I” does that except for Pride.

Pride in human beings is the element that rebels against the Law. The Being inside a person is also the Law.

Pride always thinks that it is the one that can get away with it and avoid punishment. It says things like punishment is for those ‘ordinary’ people over there.

When a person has been gripped by the strong arm of karma, any keen observer can see that stern and unmovable quality of the Law.

It is always just what we receive. We always forget that as well.

What we can do though is to work to amend ourselves, to correct our own inner unlawfulness and work to radically change ourselves and work to accrue dharma, so that we come under favourable eyes before the Law. Then we can defeat our own circumstances that are prescribed by the Law.

One lesson that I think any person who has fallen (as we all have) and is under the Law, learns in life, is that the Law is the right way, what is not of the right way is pain.

By the Law, we find the safest way, the way that is not stressful or degrading, the way where what we achieve stays with us, where even though it takes a long time it remains with us and the way of the Law is the way of our inner Being and cosmic harmony.

What is unlawful sooner or later gets taken away from us. In the superior worlds everything works by Law. Only really here in the physical world is where we can escape the Law – (but for a while only).

End (3136).

Friday 26 July 2019

Working Americano - (3135)

Sorry my posts have not been very consistent lately. I’ve started a new job with an American company and they have rather strict policies regarding the use of company resources. 

So, the freedom that I had before to write posts, is almost gone. Never mind though, I’ll keep at it and find a way to get some posts onto the blog.

End (3135).

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Top End Eating Crocodile Steak - (3134)

Sorry for not having posted over the last four days. I’ve been up at the top end of Oz.

Tried crocodile, for the first time. A lot like chicken, but denser, juicer and very substantial.

Sometimes the crocodile is the Being, sometimes it is the Typhon or Seth the ‘Myself’.

As an animal it has to be evoluting due to all the super sensitive faculties that it has.

End (3134).

Wednesday 17 July 2019

The "Be A Part Of" Strain - (3133)

The Feeling

There is now and again this feeling of wanting "to be a part of".

Feelings of "wanting to be a part of" a group, a relationship, a company, a social circle, the life of somebody, an event, an order, a dimension, a community, a club, the top echelon, the leaders etc. etc.

For sure there is a kind of lacking or a kind of yearning mixed in, in "wanting to be a part of" something.

Something Spiritual Actually

If we examine carefully each "wanting to be a part of" we will find behind it all something actually spiritual. That is really behind all these human "wanting to be part of" we find something that we lack in our essence to do with being, or there is something lacking in our relationship with our Inner Being.

Obviously, being a part of something has to do with 'being'. That is 'being' a part of, 'being' a member, 'being' an organ of a body and contributing to its functioning etc,

In each thing that we want to be 'a part of' there is a reason for that. Usually a very emotional reason, which usually has the flavour of accomplishment, attainment, acquirement, fulfilling, contentment etc.

The Work On

So then our work is to find out precisely what we lack in the spiritual sense which is driving these "want to be a part of" desires and then realise we can get them in our relationship with our Inner Being and then cultivate that value or quality in our relationship with our Inner Being.

I guarantee you if you do this well that "wanting to be a part of" feeling will go away, simple because that void is now filled. 

End (3133).

Neighbour's Beard is On Fire, Put Yours Out! - (3132)

The errors of others help us so much, they can teach us the lesson that saves our life or our work.

This is only because of duality, that in something bad there is also something good.

Always the wise thing to do is, when seeing the errors of others is to check if we have the same error within ourself and if we do to work on the same error.

If we do this we actually help that person who has made an error. Because we gather light to help if ever the chance may appear and that part of their life has served a purpose to teach us.

Sadly though how many people have had to die before improvements were made to roads, cars, trains and planes etc.

The many errors that we make and others make show up the dangers that we all have lying within us.

End (3132).

Ego Growling - Practice More Not Escape More - (3131)

The solution is to practice more when the ego growls more within us. Sometimes we escape more, but this is not the solution. Working to dissolve it is more the answer. 

You won't find the balm that you are looking for in escaping: movies, walks, travel, dinner out, friends, jokes, giving lectures, etc. 

Practicing more in mystical death is the answer! 

I am applying this and it is helping. I was asleep thinking that escaping would dissolve the ego or solve any internal conflict.

When we do this we see how much the work really helps. For some silly reason, perhaps due to previous difficulties we think that the work can not help so much.

We learn though that every stage is different. When in a new stage or a new state of consciousness, new doors are open to make more head way into comprehension and therefore dissolution.

End (3131).

In a Drama Hear All Sides Before Concluding, Judging or Deciding - (3130)

If you just hear one side, you can of course be swayed to decide something but, I bet you as soon as you hear the sides of the others involved, you will change. All of a sudden the good guy will become the bad guy and the bad guy is not so bad and is actually the better guy of it all.

We really need information from all the sides, angles and facets before really being able to get a full appreciation of what really happened, why it happened and who is really at fault, or more at fault.

End (3130).

Magnetic Accident and Death Spots - (3129)

When an accident happens at a particular spot, similar accidents are likely to repeat.

It is like that spot acquires a certain magnetic quality attracting to it what has happened previously.

It becomes like a magnetic recurrence spot for accidents or death. If one knows that an accident has occurred somewhere previously then one should be very aware and alert when moving through that area.

These are the so called black spots and even here in Western Australia there are many recognised black spots and the government knowing about this has put up warning signs trying to alert drivers to be careful when driving through these black spots.

Always, we know thanks to Gnosis that the Law of Accidents is overcome by being very aware!

I came across this at Trigg beach the other day along with another monument very close
bye dedicated to a carpenter who lost his life many years ago trying to save a nun who was
drowning. Sadly she lost her life too.
There are intersections like this, certain curves, certain bridges, certain stretches of road, certain alley ways in a city, certain mountains, certain hotels, certain stairs etc. etc.

When a crime has been committed the police cordon off the spot, and this is normally done so that any evidence or clues are not inadvertently removed. Though it is very esoteric as well as, the barriers act as a kind of protection.

Of course though this magnetic quality will dissipate over time unless there really is something really there such as a kind of force or something like that.

End (3129).

Sunday 14 July 2019

Local Photo Week - (3128)

This week I'm going to have fun posting photos from my local surrounds that are a bit interesting.

The last several posts are also local photos.

Blogging Outpost
End (3128).

When the "Waves Crash on the Sand", Honesty is your Life Jacket - (3127)

If one keeps one's conduct honest, that is by the book, by the Law, by the esoteric principles, one has nothing to worry about, and it is one's best protection in all the dramas, back-lashes, fights etc. that can unfold.

This never lets you down. Honesty is always the best armour, if we are lacking it we just have to deal with the waves and fight honestly to not drown.

End (3127).

Saturday 13 July 2019

Don't Forget Death! - (3126)

We can't forget mystical death ever.

To be always ready to die is so very helpful. Especially, if we are ready to die in the ego we are working on.

We can feel really good with lots of prayers, mantrams and runes but they can't substitute mystical death.

Forgetting mystical death can really bight. 

End (3126).

Concept that Our Concept is Best - (3125)

We have to ask the question: "Are our concepts or is our concept the best?".

So many conflicts are due to believing in this concept that our concepts are best. Just look back to your last argument and see for yourself.

Come on! Is it really true that our concepts are best?

If we believe that our concepts are best and right, the consequences will be that we will defend our concepts, we will impose them, we will feel: hurt, indignant or humiliated when others slam our concepts, we will feel like a wise person that has to be listened to, we will feel like a honourable grandfather or grandmother who must be respected and listened to and we will be become a bit of controller.

So what was the result of your questioning? Is it really true? Did you ask the question? 

I swear if you can honestly ask yourself the question and search deep inside yourself for an answer, the result of your searching can change your life. 

Yes you can change your life right now! With this one question!

End (3125).

Gnosis is Real when Intimately not Contradicted - (3124)

Just that right! When we are not living out the work in our life, sooner or later one starts to loose the reality of the work, and a scepticism appears and we become very cynical towards Gnosis, the work and the those who are in Gnosis and show enthusiasm for the work.

If this state continues for too long, the effects on the person are really terrible. One begins to loose their integrity, gives way to entropy and the other strong egos that the person has take control, one becomes bitter, one becomes very empty as one looses sight of who they are, as they see more and more in themselves their contradictions, and the more they seem them, the more they begin to identify with those them. Once identified with contradictions, people lose the plot because to be a contradiction is to be neither here nor there and that is to be really empty. Being empty, life loses its meaning totally. This state of meaningless can either take us to produce an octave in our work or to seek a remedy somehow...

The remedy is easy, begin to work on those contradictions and all will become solid and real once again.

End (3124).

If we Can't Go Up - At Least Look Up - (3123)

The best for us is always to live our day outside of our abyss - that is our subconscious.

If that proves difficult for a situation that we are passing through, then it we should ay least try to look up.

This means to stop thinking about that stuff and look up towards our essence and think about the essence, the remedy that our essence can provide, to think about how the answer is in our essence, about how our liberation is in our essence, how the wisdom to get through this is in our essence. look up tot eh sky, the stars, the sun and how all those of those celestial forces are helping if only we look up, open up and accept that help, and of course be patient for that help to work in us.

End (3123).

Hail to the Ray of Medicine - (3109)

The ray of medicine has much to do with some other rays, such as life, death, law and science.

All the rays have a little bit of the other rays within them.

The ray of medicine is a legitimate cosmic function emanated from the Absolute. Wherever there is life there is death and there is the need for repair or maintenance - therefore arises the need for  medicine. Which is significantly about repair and remedy.

Perhaps the Absolute anticipated that maintenance and repair would be needed in creation. But the ray of medicine is more than just that. It is the study of life, the study of the mysteries of life. It is even a study of the balance in life. It is the pure science of life. And if there is life there is also death, so it is also the study of the science of death. Many times, medicine works to ward off death when it is allowed by the Divine Law.

In the human sphere of medicine, all those who work in that field such as doctors, nurses, all the hospital and clinic workers do an amazing job. They are really great. They can instil much hope and with their knowledge they can turn around a dire situation to one with a bright future. 

These guys are real heroes! People that save lives. I still don’t know how we can call someone a hero who kicks, throws or hits a ball and gets millions for that.

Medicine is also very sacred, as ultimately it draws upon the pure forces of the source of life, which are all sacred.

If medicine here on Earth is limited it is because it lacks knowledge, especially knowledge of an esoteric type.

The ultimate gift of the philosopher's stone is the universal medicine if the Real Being of the individual who possesses it, decides to take up this gift.

End (3109).

Thursday 11 July 2019

Future of the Ego - (3119)

Have you contemplated the future of the ego before?

In the grand scheme of things, it does not have a future.

The processes of involution will capture it and grind it down.

But what about before that? Where will it take you? What will it do for you? What is it going to do to your life? What future is it going to bring you?

See that the future of any "I" on the path is death.

Reflecting along these lines helps us to take active steps in the work of the dissolution of the ego.

End (3119).

Wanting or Liking of the Ego = Disguised Needing - (3118)

When the ego really likes something have a look underneath it all to see if there is not a need, a need where the ego believes it needs something (i.e. can't live, be happy or function without), but you know in reality it doesn't really. But of course it has not come to terms with that yet.

End (3118).

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Each Victory is a Step Forward in Definition - (5276)

The work on the ego serves among many different purposes, the purpose to define ourselves more for our essence, or even, to define ourselves more to do the right thing.

Each mini step that we take in overcoming any ego we have we define ourselves more for our essence.

Lust for example, when we defeat any facet of lust, great or small, we are defining ourselves more for the path and for the spirit.

Pride for example, when we defeat any facet of pride in any way we are more defined to obey and conform with the impulses, needs, urges, priorities, of our essence.

End (5276).

Tuesday 9 July 2019

A Conscious Day Starts with a Conscious Breath - (3122)

Life begins with an inhalation.

Life ends with an exhalation.

As soon as produce our first inhalation consciously - drawing in voluntarily and consciously the vital energy of our surroundings we wake up and realise until that point we have been thinking away, dreaming away...

This marks a conscious start to our day.  From this moment on we help ourselves to be conscious through out the day. 

Each more or less conscious breath links into the first conscious breath...

The deep breathes that we take during the day remind us to be conscious - all because of the first conscious breath!

End (3122).

To Know How to Seek Refuge is a Treasure - (3121)

It is worth so very much to teach ourselves how to seek refuge within. 

When those difficult moments come it is also really worth while to remember what we taught ourselves about how to seek refuge. 

We usually find solace in refuge in a high place. On a mountain top, on a cliff overlooking the sea, up high in a tree like in a tree house, on top of a hill, in the attic etc. etc.

So refuge within is also on top of a high place. In our heart temple, in our highest emotions and in our highest thoughts about our highest part (our essence, ur inner Being).

When we need it, our heart is strong and we can concentrate and take refuge...

Just knowing and following the principle that refuge is always on high we take real refuge...

No matter how bloody awful you feel this principle will not let you down.

To go into our many caves (dark emotions and desires) there is no refuge. 

End (3121).

Thursday 4 July 2019

Soul Balm - (3111)

There is a particularly powerful balm for every soul. 

To know it is a treasure, as it becomes your magical remedy for if ever you find yourself in any kind of a troubled state...

It may be the wisdom of the spiritual teachings, it may be to attend a class on esotericism, it could be to read real wisdom from the spiritual texts of old, it could be to do something, to go somewhere, to be somewhere, only you know... and it is very distinguishable, as it no matter what is happening it loyally serves as a balm to your afflicted soul.

End (3111).

Wednesday 3 July 2019

H.O.P.E - (3116)

End (3016).

Cosmic Rays Utilised By Both Lodges - (3113)

A Power

Each cosmic ray is a power. A power that can be used for good or for evil. This is easier to see in some rays while in other rays it is not so obvious. But it does exist.

Two Sides

The ray of force, the ray of science, the ray of Death, the ray of Law all culminate in their exploitation in war.

There is a lot of investment in scientific research for military applications these days. The atomic bomb is one resounding example of the exploits of the ray of science. The dictators, the tyrants, the death camps, the executions are results from the negative side of the rays of Law and Death.

The rays are used by both lodges to help humanity or make it difficult for the spiritual development of humanity.

Take any ray and see its positive expression and its negative and then see it is being used by the evolutive forces on the planet and also by the involutive forces.


This is not a bad exercise to do to gain a bit of insight into how the cosmic rays work here within human beings and on the planet.

End (3113).

True Human Kindness - (3117)

An act to truly help another despite, rules, norms, colour, race, religion truly touches the heart so powerfully, so intensely yet it is the tenderest of all things...

Maybe it is the feeling of this tenderness that moves the heart so... 

Gratitude for an act of true human kindness is so very powerful. This gratitude has then the power to totally transform a life.

Such acts of true human kindness are never really forgotten.

Behind every great man and great woman there has been an act or several acts of true human kindness.

There are opportunities in our life to give of the pure kindness dwelling in our heart, though the rules, the factions, the loyalties, the fear in one's own mind just stop it all. 

But just remember, one act of our true human kindness has such a power to transform a life. 

If the kindness be truly true the tenderness of such kindness is perceived by the other and that true tenderness works in the receiver to not harm the giver. Perhaps not straight away but it will take effect.

End (3177).

Takes Time to Prepare Humanity - (3115)


Master Samael had his precursors, that is, those whose mission it was to prepare humanity for his advent, and for his message of the three factors.

Without this preparation humanity would not have been entirely ready to receive his message, and the assimilation and spreading of the teachings of the New Era of Aquarius may not have caught fire as it did. 

Rudolf Steiner, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Theosophy, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff were the precursors to Master Samael. Their teachings prepared humanity to better receive the teachings of the revolution of the consciousness. Gurdjieff and Krishnamurti laid the foundation for the psychological work, while Steiner, Blavatsky and Theosophy laid down the foundation for the esoteric teachings. 

Knowledge of the chakras, astral unfolding, past lives, previous races, the solar bodies, psychic faculties, the teaching of karma etc. are present in humanity in the West all owing to the efforts of these precursors to Master Samael, the Avatar of the New Era of Aquarius.

Took Time

This took time like a half a century thereabouts.

Now and Future

The message of Master Samael is now burning and with Master Samael no longer here physically and there already being a certain harvest of men, the mission is now different with humanity.

There was the mission to prepare humanity, then deliver the message, then spread the message, then become the message, and now it is still to spread and become the message as well as to compliment  the message. There is also now a need to prepare humanity for what it yet to come in the future.

End (3115).

Oil, No Oil Just Do It - Key of Practical Action! - (3114)

Frying sausages and as the heat of the frying pan increases, the fat in the sausages leak out providing enough oil to fry them in. Then I hear: "put some oil into the pan as the frying pan will suffer." I say there is plenty of oil”, then the statement before is repeated more vehemently.

But how can the pan suffer one thinks? Pride can get very stubborn and rebellious and dig in its heels. Pride is mostly like a rebellion, when it thinks it is right.

In the very practical sense of things, forgetting about who is right or wrong,  isn't it just so much easier to go and grab the oil bottle and apply a little bit, taking ten seconds to do, then argue and feel bad for hours?

Even if the frying pan is not going to suffer. Just doing it, biting one's tongue ends so many potential wars.

Being practical and using our natural intelligence, we can thwart the ego in many fields using this plain technique. Just act in a practical way to solve the situation whether we are right or wrong. This is to not allow the mind and emotion to not interfere with the practical matters of life.

End (3114).

Intensidad Mate Intensidad! - (3112)

One Trick

When doing one thing at a time and being as naturally and spontaneously aware (i.e. not mentally narrating our awareness or thinking about how we are being aware) as we can, one trick to deepen and prolong this state is to do whatever we are doing intensely.

The ego captures our attention all because it thinks in our poor brain very intensely, doesn't it just?  If the egoic thoughts were not intense we would have little problems with the ego. 

So if we bring out emotion or intensity we will bring out will power and that is useful. 

End (3112).

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Rune NOT State of Balance Notes - (3110)


Runes normally act like antennas attracting certain currents of life (energies or forces). The runes UR and ISIS for example align us with and help us to make contact with the energies of the Divine Mother and the rune FA draws and allows solar forces to enter into us.

Rune NOT

The rune NOT is a little different, it does not bring the forces of karma or balance into us, but it helps us to make contact with balance so to restore balance within us.

This is not so easy. It is not about allowing a force to enter into but it is done by consciously petitioning and negotiating through the use of rune NOT.

The rune NOT connects us to the palace of the Divine Law and when we make our petition and we go through the motion of the rune NOT moving our arms, we are actually adjusting our internal scale through the help of the Divine Law.

With the adjusting of our scale we are bringing balance back to us and we getting help to overcome our internal imbalances (karma) and restoring balance helps us to not become unbalanced again (accrue more karma).

End (3101).

Monday 1 July 2019

Zip if Rough Mind Lake - (3108)

We can't do much if our mind is so full of thoughts.

Our first learning or skill or ability has to be - the ability to quieten our mind.

Really to do anything when our mind is not quiet is really hard. It is so valuable to us to work to attain this skill.

We can fumble around in Gnosis for several years. As soon as we start to develop this skill we stop fumbling around and we do more and we do things more efficiently.

End (3108).

A Busy Day Can Be a Conscious Day - (3107)

Normally we think that to be conscious we need to be at home, quiet, taking care, meditating, being aware etc.

If we do one thing at a time and approach everything that we do as act of concentration we can live out a conscious day.

If we place our attention consciously and naturally onto what we are doing we end up dividing our attention which is to awaken. We end up dividing our attention between what we are doing and our consciousness, Doing this as naturally as possible and in a relaxed way we can live out a very conscious day.

Such a day is peaceful, relaxed, ordered and fulfilling.

Plus one strengthens one's will and one's command over one's attention. One also helps oneself to get command over one's attention in all circumstances of life not just at home in our protected bubble.

End (3107).

Pull Up a Chair for Your Consciousness - (3106)

Our consciousness can take a seat, and it fact, it nearly always takes a seat somewhere. Only in ecstasy does it expand everywhere and therefore it sits everywhere...

Normally we seat our consciousness outside of ourselves, and after a while we feel very much outside of ourselves and empty.

We can though, seat our consciousness inside of ourselves. To decide to this is the start of self-remembering.

To remember oneself is to seat our consciousness within oneself. 

Further more we can decide to seat our consciousness at any point in our body or anywhere outside of ourselves. We can seat in our third eye, in our heart, in our mind, in our astral body ... We can even seat it using will and imagination in the sun or in the Indian ocean...

Seating our consciousness within and knowing that it is seated within and looking out from that point we are in self-remembering and we are practicing in our awakening of our consciousness.

End (3106).