Friday, 31 January 2020

Occult Anatomy Notes - (3379)

Do you know your occult anatomy? In theory we may. One day we have to venture further.

We only really come to know our physical anatomy when we have a health problem of some kind.

As we are unwell in our occult or esoteric/spiritual nature it is time for us to know a little about our occult anatomy.

Because within our occult anatomy are keys to our spiritual progress.

This post is no more than a compilation of brief notes written succinctly about our occult anatomy.

More to come...

End (3379).

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Have to be Patient with Rotten Jealousy - (3399)

If you have jealousy I don't care to hit it. Dissolve it!

I am working on mine and weakening it more and more. I am certainly not going to protect jealousy in anyone, if what I want is for it to die.

I have seen a good few ladies (some men too) with a some time in Gnosis manifesting this ego. With contorted and angry faces possessed with that seething look or that panic even. In a high majority of the cases it turned out to be nothing, a 'flash in the pan' - jealousy getting it wrong.

Usually when the perceptions of jealousy are onto something, the jealousy of the lady manifesting so frequently and outwardly with the sharp barbs of ill-will, often drove the guy into resentment and things spiraled pear shape from there. Of course the guy has his big egos too which give the pear it’s shape.

Jealousy and its intense scrutiny, focusing on the smallest details to make conclusions, that often make the person look embarrassingly petty.

Anyway what can you do? It is a huge ego in people and they can't do much about it until they really start to do something about it, no matter what you say. You can not dissolve it for them.

So patience until they do start to dissolve it. That is all, and one has to be patient alright. I mean some years of waiting for them to seriously work on it. Even if you have your own jealousy under control and invisible to all.

End (3399).

Body-Personality is a Not a Perfect Completion - (3401)

Lust fattens itself in a person when the person looks at the images generated by their own mental images, which are like fumes rising rise off something seething away.

Images that are ideal, perfect in appearance, but are illusory. The trouble occurs when we believe in them and then as soon as we do, lust tightens its grip. 

Reality has a powerful illusion breaking ability.

No person has a perfect body-personality. There are frailties, weakness, things out of shape, unequal proportions, asymmetry, bumps and lumps etc. 

Being close to reality disperses all these mental images with their unreal qualities and peels back what is illusory so that one can then see the real and reach out for it.

The real is the human essence.

End (3401).

Think You Need Something Put it in the Hands of Divinity - (3405)

We may not be able to move forward in the dissolution of an ego because of the strong belief that we need something.

We just believe we need it and we have to have it and as the ego gets it for us, we see that we can't do away with the ego just yet.

A stand still...An impasse... 

But there is a solution. Put that need in the hands of the Divine Mother. If we really do need it, then she will provide it. Put that need into her hands, lifting the responsibility off your shoulders.

Then as that responsibility is out of our hands we don't need that ego anymore. We can proceed to work on it. Go to the next level in weakening it.

We can act towards getting that thing but asking for the Divine Mother's support and guidance and if it does not work out She did not approve - leave it.

End (3405).

Secret of Antithetical Thoughts - (3404)

The antithetical thoughts are those that stand in direct opposition to the quality of the environment that we are.

For example we are in a class room all listening respectfully, writing notes and happy with what we are learning. The the antithetical thought would be to start jumping up and down dancing to and spraying graffiti on the walls.

When we create an ego from the 'not to do' stand point we are going to get a lot of antithetical thoughts.

For example, we create polite and respectful egos out of not wanting to be rowdy, disruptive and disliked then we are going to have plenty of thoughts were we are ridiculously rowdy and disruptive etc.

This is the key to the antithetical thoughts. Make this observation and you will be able to understand them and stop them by beginning to work on the opposite ego that created them.

End (3404).

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Delivery Methodology not Like the Ancient Times - (3392)

Classes there were few of back then. More one to one.

Now days classes is all it is. Well, classes with practices.

The most effective method of delivering the teachings is one to one.

Back then in the temples, with masters and disciples it was the appropriate time and setting to deliver that way. However, now days given the general sate of consciousness and level of being classes are the more acceptable way to approach the public.

Not all modern schools use classes though, the master finds or chooses a disciple and instructs one to one. Under the guidance of the master the disciple later becomes the master and the chain continues.

One of the reasons why the ancient schools were so effective was that they used this method. As well as of course what they taught and how they taught it.

Back then application of the teachings was dedicated and supervised. In these times there is no supervision and the setting is not right to be dedicated.

The success rate back then was really high and now it is really low.

For sure now days is the hardest of times and settings to apply the teachings. However it is partially compensated for by there being so much light available to learn from if one really looks and wants to learn.

End (3392).

Lust is a Supply of an External Trigger for Affections to Arise - (3402)

Lust looks for what is pleasing to the senses to evoke the effect of ones likes and affections...

It is among many things a trigger that releases one's own feelings and currents of affection etc. 

It uses an external trigger to spark our own forces.

Ultimately it is our forces, our affections and energies that are at work. We think that it is all the other person. But no, it is ourselves. Our own psychology allowing an external trigger to move our latent forces.

We like our own forces not so much the other person. That is why relationships based on lust wither. after a while the trigger stops working and nothing arises but emptiness, disinterest, indifference etc.

A trigger that does not wither is needed, an internal one, one that is within the possession of the person. One can only possess what is inside of them.

Because it is our psychology or mind providing the trigger we can change it. We can change the trigger point.

In the way of lust we lack control. We become a slave to our very own forces. When we have an internal trigger we are getting back to being in control.

Can we have an internal trigger? One that is used by our essence and used consciously.

Lust uses external things but our essence uses an internal one: a pleasing of the essence, an understanding, essence in itself, and many other things that are not external.

End (3402).

Kevin Meditation and Trust Queries - (3395)

We can use the technique of meditation where we let the mind go...

The only proviso is to keep awareness. Using this technique is a concerted effort of awareness.

It implies no fighting. Letting the mind go but let go consciously and watched over at all instants.

For sure we will get to know the mind well. No other technique offers such a learning opportunity.

The awareness is to be aware of all that the mind does knowing that we watching it on purpose to study it and exhaust it.

This is also called Mo-Chao or serene observation.

The mind will get tired and get quieter and quieter. How long this will take is really unknown. It can be quick or it can take a long time. It amounts to how much time you have, how patient you are and for how long you can sit still for and how long you can keep aware for.

Inquiring into the thoughts when they arise accelerates this process of knowing the mind, activating our consciousness and exhausting the mind.

End (3395).

When Love When Really Practice - (3403)

When we really love practicing or love what we are exercising when we practice that is really when we practice.

Because that is when we really concentrate.

When we love concentration we then begin to really concentrate. 

Applies for all the practices.

End (3403).

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Reference Point - Perfect Every Moment - (3400)

A useful and simple way with terrific benefits to discover our defects is this:

Attempt to be perfect in each activity or thing that you do.


Attempt to be perfectly balanced or do the best that you can.

Chose one of the three and work by it. This will become a reference pint, and the many subtle defects that we have will show up clearly against the white backdrop of this reference point.

It is very useful to have a few reference points in our work. Actually without them we are lost,.

End (3400).

Emotional Nourishment Yummy for the Work Tummy - (3398)

The things on this blog can be pretty dry. Techniques, methods, work, explanations etc. dry like a sultana.

Sometimes you need something like a fresh bubbling brook that rests, renews, clears, delights and takes you into the magical...

Something that nourishes your interior world - your essence through mystical emotion.

For me mystical meditations on the heart temple or the Ocean are just the thing.

To enter into our internal worlds - the magical land, using imagination and will of the heart.With concentration leaving the physical world of troubles, maintaining oneself inside as long as wanted, waiting delighting in what will form on the mirror of the soul (imagination) and what words of wisdom will silently echo forth from within the cavernous reaches of the heart.

The Ocean how nourishing is that, the vastness reminding you of the infinite ocean of which we are all drops, the mysterious uncharted depths, the enormous sources of life giving prana, the undines, so beautiful and wise - just wishing to meet your yearning for a wise friend that can council and advise and initiate into the magical mystery of the sea.

Just an hour away in contemplation like that, and you are set for a week.

End (3398).

Steadfast Transmuter Needs a Higher Goal - (3397)

To remain transmuting a person needs to have a higher goal or use for that transmuted energy.

People lose the plot when they don;t have a higher goal or use.

It is always good to have a goal or use for the energy you transmute. It is always good to have that in mind.

Because we need more free essence, to transmute and chant KRIM afterwards asking the Divine Mother to dissolve and "I" we are onto is a good use.

End (3397).

Monday, 27 January 2020

Ho Fun Noodle Anger Respect is Key - (3396)

A key factor in getting angry or not is respect.

When we respect a person or something we channel anger differently.

If someone we respect gives us egg noodle instead of Ho Fun noodle - no problems we just eat and say: "that was good". 

But if someone like a family member or friend through various experiences of life wee have less respect for gives us egg noodle we get angry without delay and feel little remorse. 

So the moral of the story is if we keep respect for every one and everything the fence is too high for the bull of anger to jump over. When respect is low the fence is low and the bull can easily charge in.

Always find something to respect even if it is yourself.

End (3369).

We Need More Fee Essence! - (3394)

That's what we need for God's sake!

More free essence!

No other way to get that than to look inside, find any ego, separate it, comprehend it and ask for its dissolution from the Divine Mother.

Even if there is only little comprehension making that effort to see it foreign and asking the Divine Mother to dissolve it, frees a spark or two of essence.

Your day doesn't really start until you have chanted KRIM!

End (3394).

Priorities Ice Water Splash Wake Up - (3393)

Us human wake up in areas. Area by area.

Priorities is an area for sure. When we are not awake to priorities we do silly things. We are silly really.

To not be in reality makes us asleep to priorities.

When we get more in touch with our essence - certain essence related priorities appear. One is to free the trapped and conditioned essence and another is to wake up.

when we wake up to priorities of the essence we understand that it is the most important thing to do with our life.

With this awakening we are set up well in life. 

We will be able to stop ourselves from sending our essence and the efforts to awaken to the background, when work, dramas, intense events try to become more important to us.

When one wakes up a bit to priorities the need to free the essence and wake it up become the most important thing in practical actual facts of life. Not just gas bagging it in lectures etc.

End (3393).

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

The Whole is Great - (3390)

For the "I" of pride, life is hard.

Pride always wishes to see one person (ourselves) as exceedingly important, as the one amongst a group, a suburb, a city, a country even a planet, standing out in quality etc.

It intimately can not understand how we are not great, and don't really stand out.

The truth that so many others are so good, so skilled, so intelligent, so virtuous, so brave, so hard working, so aware etc. leaves pride quietly puzzled, and left with nothing it asks so what am I then?

The answer is there in front of us, it just requires some courage to grab onto it and embrace it.

Answer: we are a part of the great whole. The whole, the oneness is what is totally great! And we have a part in that. We are an essential piece. Without us the whole is not whole.

To feel that the oneness begins to creep into our identity is very interesting and liberating.

Pride thinks that strength is the individual, the strong rebellious individual standing out amongst all the rest.

But really the strength, the wisdom, the love, and the power of the preceding three is all in the whole, in the oneness.

Try to bring the oneness into the picture of you, so that you now see yourself as a part of the whole.

Many egos will then suffer mortal blows. Egos such as pride, envy etc. will get such a good hit.

It will also help you in your understanding of the whole and help you in the interactions with people.

End (3390).

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

If a Professional Be a Professional - (3389)

I have to redact this... (an amazon made me see some interesting points)

Many times someone starts studying Gnosis and is an engineer, a doctor, a specialist in some field or another etc. Give it a bit of time and the person is working in an old aged home or washing dishes or the like.

I've never really understood why such a change (Actually there can be good reasons - that the physical work is just too overbearing etc.). If one works hard psychologically and esoterically there is no need really to change jobs as such. 

To have more time to help humanity and work more extensively on oneself, for oneself and for humanity could be a good reason but often this is not really the case. (Probably I am wrong there most people do it to work more or better).

It could be a misunderstanding of the teachings, a misunderstanding of how to dissolve the ego or a mis-perception of oneself - needing to see oneself as humble, poor, helping others to conceive oneself as partaking of spiritual studies.(Only a misunderstanding if the reasons are not good).

End (3389).

Monday, 20 January 2020

What to Change In? See What Others See of You - (3388)

How We See Others

Someone mentions a person's name. The next moment we find ourselves expressing silently or out loud - "they have that wrong", "asleep in that area", "a bit controlling", "selfish", "egotistical", "arrogant" etc. 

We tend to only know or think of a person by their faults. We associate them with the general fault of laziness, gluttony, selfishness etc. and our mental representation of them is heavily flavoured by them having that fault. 

For example, you hear the word controlling and then the image of the person appears in your mind. 

When we see that they are not changing in the fault/s that we associate them with we think they are not changing at all. 

Which could be wrong of course. We have a limited vision of them.

What we see of others is their visible faults which maybe invisible to them. Anyway what we see is quite significant and if they were to work on it considerable changes would come about in their actions, overall nature, personality etc.

How Others See You

So the big question! How do others see you? What are the faults that they associate with you.

We can find out by asking, mind you, ask an honest person for their honest opinion. We can also find out using our imagination.

See yourself with others and see yourself interacting and then using imagination observe yourself from the corner of the room and then evaluate...

What others see about us are major faults that we often don't see or consider unimportant to work on. But we are wrong really what others see are very visible and affect our life in a significant way. So it is definitely worth working on these things that others see. 

End (3388).

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Keep Hitting that Inventory - (3387)

Consistency pays most handsomely!

We go to work everyday, we feed the body everyday, shower everyday - all these daily rituals that keep things afloat and keep things moving forward. 

Exactly the same esoterically. We have to incorporate our spiritual well-being in our daily rituals.

We are a human-spiritual being and to keep the health of that human-spiritual being afloat we need daily human and spiritual rituals.

Hitting the inventory of faults can be one of these rituals.

End (3387).

Fat Bum Laziness Triggers - (3386)

What is quite helpful, is to write by means of self-knowledge or self-observation, a list of the things that if you do them, it is highly unlikely that you will return to practicing, house-work, physical work, exercise or any constructive work for that matter .

There are some activities that trigger this kind of big fat bum laziness.

I was not aware of these but I have discovered some.   

An example could be to watch TV for more than 30 minutes. As soon as you hit the 30 minute mark that's it your stuck. Another could be to take a nap for more than 45 minutes. Another could be to sit down and eat chocolate and ice-cream. Another could be to give a long lecture talking and talking. Another could be to drink coffee and chat... etc.  

Once we know them we can avoid those consequences, control things and begin working on them and eliminate the laziness.

Laziness also invites other egos to the party as well, gluttony, is one, self-compassion another etc.

End (3386).

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Will a Student Achieve their Goals if they Keep Changing Teachers? - (3385)


Will an athlete reach his or her personal best changing coaches all the time?

No! Right. Same thing!

But understood in balance.

End (3385).

98 Thoughts City Walk - (3383)

An exercise of counting the thoughts that emerge for a set time. Not stopping nor extending the thoughts.

98 arose in ten minutes of walking in Perth CBD.

Half the thoughts were about counting thoughts.

To see a person at first triggered a thought. A kind of judgment from the subconscious. Different people different thoughts. Each incident caused a thought, a man asking for money, a shirtless man glaring, a smile etc.

Patterns of thoughts, thoughts aligning with two column egos. Certainly the P.P.P is clear to see.

As one gets tired more thoughts arise. A paradox. 

To think is to use energy so why when tired should one think more - perhaps to send one totally asleep where the automatic systems can function better without interference.

End (3383).

Prune off External Motivations - (3382)

Reviewing one's inventory of motivations - there are is a mixture of external and internal.

The weakest motivations are the external - such as external reward (money, praise, approval etc.), rules or ideals, punishment, impressing others etc.

Focus on internal motivation as this is deeper within us and more powerful, and generates truer happiness. Motivations that have deep core meaning to you are examples.

End (3382).

Ego Mimics Being - (3381)

"The reason for being of the Being is the same Being."

The ego mimics this. 

When working the ego, we find that the reason for the ego desiring is for the sake of the ego itself.

Example: gluttony. Your stomach is full. Yet you desire to eat the rest of the chocolate. You don't need it. Your stomach is content. There is little reason to eat the rest of the chocolate. Yet the ego says for the sake of opportunity, for the sake of gluttony - eat.

This is where the ego gains much force. 

The ego is not the Being. The Being is of Itself and is an independent force but the ego is dependent entirely on the essence and external things.

If we analyse it we see that the reason for being gluttony is not really gluttony but rather food or the principle of creation called combustion or consumption. The ego depends on impressions.

End (3381).

Key to Divine Mother and KRIM - (3384)

Just really want the ego you have in focus to die.

When we part want it to die, it doesn't die.

When part wanting, the Divine Mother still works but we undo it quickly in practical life.

When we really want, there is like more than five times the force. The forces of mind, emotion, will, essence, Divine Mother... compared to half the mind and the Divine Mother.

End (3384).

Cruel Buildings and Cruel Phones - (3380)

Master Samael remarked in one his books that modern buildings are cruel as they don't have any eves under which people can take refuge from the rain.

The same thing with phones. Now that we can pay for everything using our phone, we no longer carry a wallet, and we have no spare change to give to those asking for a dollar on the street.

End (3380).

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Don't Convert a Hit into a Philosophical Story - (3378)

When we get hit or receive a negative or unpleasant impression from another we tend to in our effort to transform it, spin for ourselves philosophical story tinged with a bit of the 'hard done by' victim flavour.

This is an unnecessary and negative extrapolation that is certainly not helpful.

What's best is to stop feeling this and work with more focus to transform the impression without feeling more of that unnecessary emotion.

Persisting in feeling that draws other heavier egos into the human machine that creates a very negative and inert (static-hard to move) inner state.

End (3378).

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Alchemical Relationship is a Work Tool of Course for the Being - (3372)

An alchemical relationship is not for the satisfaction of the personality nor for the satisfaction of the many "I's". A bold statement - but one that is ideally true and one that is perhaps easier said than done.

Pleasing the personality and the "I's" can't be the main focus of an Alchemical relationship. Can it?

For an Alchemical relationship as described above, logically both would have to be defined for the work towards their inner Being.

'Both defined' means that both possess the capacity to separate both personality and ego.

This makes sense doesn't it? Perhaps too ideal...But has to be arrived at one day.

Don't care for the Being then how can an Alchemical relationship be valued, honoured and upheld? It downgrades to eogic with karmic recurrences and incidents. That is why relationships with the partner out of the work for the Being, often don't prosper Alchemically.

The Alchemy is the sexuality of the Being.

An Alchemical relationship is primarily for the Being in ourselves to work towards its self-realisation. 

The above has to bear weight in the minds and hearts of both.

It is valuable, merits much care, much respect and gratitude.

It is something not at all common and is a grace that one comes by.

It is a vehicle through which two Monads are at work.

End (3372).

Work your Inventory Every Day - (3377)

Guaranteed if one is to work on their inventory every day for a month with sincere will in separation, comprehension and elimination one will really notice a big improvement.

It is time to do something about these "I's". 

It gets to the point that having these "I's" is too much - becoming absurd.

Work sincerely.

End (3377).

Inventory Related to Anger - (3376)

One should not do this (reveal deficiencies) but hucare5. We all have to dissolve our defects, anger being one of them.

A proper psychological inventory of anger is an exhaustive list of all that makes one angry.

The following real points can provide some triggers:

People getting angry, belittling words, awkward situations, demands of others, tones of voice, body gestures, facial gestures (including glares), circumstances, noises, duties, chores, obligations, visits, world events, errors, mess, coughing, slow people, human nature of others: noises; slurps; slips; trips; aches and pains, accidents, delays, obstacles, opposition of others, whims of others, likes/dislikes of others, egos of others, chewing loudly, rejection, certain people who reprimand, people who control,  people who talk and talk and delay you, parents getting old, etc.

So with this list, the idea is to get working.

As work begins patterns emerge, for example the logic of one "I" is the same as others and this logic links to others and the list reduces to a smaller number of points to work...

End (3376).

Commit to a Psychological Inventory Commit to Movement - (3375)

It is extraordinarily useful to write an inventory of one's deficiencies.

Few I believe have committed themselves to write one.

Start by writing an inventory in relation to one defect. Anger for example.

Write down all the annoyances, events and things that make you angry. Be exhaustive and honest.

Once all written down you may see a pattern. Working the "I" of anger in that pattern will remove a group of angry instances from your life.

This gives direction to one's work. This moves some progress in one's work.

Repeat this for other defects such as pride, lust, laziness, greed, gluttony, fear etc.

End (3375).

Monday, 13 January 2020

Notes on the Founding Virtue of Hope - (3373)

About this Post

This post is a complied set of succinct notes on the virtue of hope.


Hope, faith and charity are the three fundamental virtues of the Christian faith.

Hope is a virtue that is one of the foundations of the human experience. It is present as a foundation to many human endevours and to spiritual life and its endevours.

All creatures have their hopes...

Perhaps unaware to you it is your hope that is moving you, keeping you going, keeping your trying and fighting...

Hope is powerful as you will read later on in this post.


Hope is a wish set into the future.

To hope is the act of wishing for something. Wishing for something to come true, to attain something, to be something, to have something, to know something, to see something etc.

Usually what we hope for is something that is currently out of reach. But in the future could be within reach.

What we hope for is something that is difficult to reach but possible. Many of our hopes in the spiritual field fall under this category.

Hope naturally ends once what we hoped for is reached/achieved.

No one in the spiritual studies is devoid of hope. Hope in some form or another is always present. This is because it is part of our spiritual foundation.

What Hope Does

Hope has the function of lifting a human being up.

Hope comes to effect when we are low, failed, disappointed, depressed, sad, lonely, etc.

Hope calls and brings forth our forces to try once again. Hope comes from the background into the foreground motivating and moving us.

Hope clears the slate and gives us a new chance.

Hope transforms negative failed pessimistic emotions into positive forward emotions.

Hope is the thought that the past can be forgotten and overcome, and victory captured.

Hope gives us a chance. It opens a possibility for us to get up and fight for.

Hope gathers the will we have in our yearnings and propels us forward.


Hope is certainly an antidote to the low internal psychological states. Such as depression, self-defeat, self-pity, self-compassion, humiliation and fear in some cases.

When we are low, sad, disappointed, depressed, bitter from betrayal, have just suffered a break up or a nervous break down then the virtue of hope will act to sustain us and inch us forward.

Works in Combination

Hope unlike other virtues usually works in combination with other virtues. It is very co-operative, this is because it is a base upon which the other virtues exist.

Hope comes to maximum effect when it is combined.

Hope can not exist without yearnings. We must have yearnings to really have hope.

Formula of Hope

Hope + Work =  Reality

We mostly miss the work aspect of this equation.

If we work we are guaranteed to see results.

In fact the work is our true hope.

Place of Hope

The place of hope is in the heart.

Find a hope and see how it comes to life within the heart.

Hope has the emotions as a center of gravity. It aligns with emotions, it is not intellectual nor instinctive.

Hope as Gift

Hope is a gift that comes down from 'above'. Our Being put hope into our heart so that we would come to Gnosis, and this hope sustains us.

When the Being wants something It instills hope into our essence. 

If we are aligned with what the Being wants it is a tremendous gift as it will fuel our movement forwards. 

Note, for those people who are not currently interested in the spiritual work they are not given this spiritual kind of hope. If they received it they will begin searching very intensely.

Hope when we can not realise it is suffering.

Its Nature

By nature hope is daring, persistent, constant and strong.

When we have hope we dare to wish for new positive circumstances.

Hope does not leave a person so quickly. It stays in our system for a long time, silently propelling us to seek the wish of hope.

Hope makes a person strong and resistant. 

Because hope is constant and wishes not to give up, it makes the person ever stronger, a fighter. It imparts the never give up spirit.

A virtue that is persistent and constant is nothing but strong by nature.

Alignment of Hope

Hope is of the Being, as it always aligns with that which is of the Being. That which is positive, edifying, dignifying and proper.

Hope does not function as it is meant to function when what we are hoping for, is something malign. 

To hope for something malign will not allow the magical results of hope to surge forth within us and help us.

Give Hope, Take Hope

We can give hope to others and we can take hope from others.

Be on the side of giving hope. Every Gnostic instructor's role is to give hope.

It is bad business to destroy a person's hope when there is no reason to do so.

Hope in Work, Hope in Essence, Hope in Being

Hope gives power to the Divinity. Have you thought of your Being as your hope. Your Intimate Christ as your hope. Your Divine Mother as your hope.

Do we have hope in our essence?

We have hope in the things of life, in a person, in humanity, in the Gnostic people, in Gnosis etc. But rarely do we have hope deposited in our inner Being.

This is the first and most real place that we must deposit hope.

The main obstacle to hope in our essence or Being is self-deprecation. Ignorant self-deprecation closes the door for us to hold hope in our essence.

Conscious and Unconscious Hope

There is both conscious and unconscious hope.

When we hope for something just not possible hope turns against us and harms us.

When we apply too much hope, this wasted effort hurts us.

We have to know how to wisely apply our virtues and hope is no exception.

The conscious use of hope implies to know where to put it and how much of it to invest.

Hope is Reciprocated and Paid back

Hope is never lost. It is a currency and it is noticed by the masters and the Being and it is recorded and taken into account. The Masters and Being then hope with us and help us to realise it.

This is because hope is a real value of cosmic 'Being-life' value. It represents the intimate side of the person that dwells close to the Intimate Being of a person.

To see a person's hopes is to see the nobility of their heart, the innocence of their heart and the love of the heart, the Being dwelling in their heart...

Hope Opens Doors

When we hope we open a door internally right in front of the Masters, so that they know what we want. Then they can help us.

Practical Use

Hope because it is so constant and persistent can be used to help us to remember our inner Being. 

When we hope actually we are kind of remembering our essence, our work and our Being.

Hope can be shared and the hope within a group for example amplifies individual hope. Other virtues can not be shared or made into a collective vortex. But hope certainly can.

How Hope is Killed

We must know how each and every virtue is brought to life and cultivated. Because we if know this we won't destroy the virtue.

When we lose sight, when we lack imagination, when we lower the sight of hope then we begin to diminish our hope. 

When what we hope for is not lofty, is not of benefit to others and our spirit then hope begins to diminish. Because it loses the support of the Masters and the it is not of the Being within us.

End (3373).

Don't Want Ego's Results Let Go of Ego Then - (3374)

No one likes an argument, a fight, a falling out, conflict, confusion, offence, insult, humiliation, mockery, loss, failure etc.

These are the results of egos.

The ego is like a tree, we know the true nature of the ego via its results. We only know what tree we are staring at until it flowers or bears fruit.

So if we don't want or like the results of the ego and we know its nature is suffering why do we hang on to it?

Asking this question and finding an answer is useful to comprehension...

End (3374).

Sunday, 12 January 2020

We Control: Ok, Others Control: Panic - (3371)

We can manage fairly well when we are directing an activity, but when we are subject to the will of others we panic in the worst case or feel uneasy in the least case.


When we are in control we know what is going to happen (we think we do anyway) and we know we are not going to steer things into our weaknesses or places that we don't want to go to.

When we are not in control we think things are going to be steered into places that we don't like, can't manage, can't cope with etc. We are scared! 

The typical problem is that our capacities are limited only to what we like. 

We need to expand our capacities to deal and cope with everything. When we get to that point that fear will go.


We must in control of choosing where we eat because I can't have it that we choose Malaysian or Asian as I can't stand noodles. If you can stomach more or less everything and feel well in the tummy and are not a fussy eater, no worries about who chooses where we eat. 

I can't let another missionary give a talk because others will like him and go to his group. As I can't stand not being the main source of  direction, knowledge, help for my students I can't have that. 

I can't have someone say in my house as they will use up my time, my money, my routine will get modified - they will control things and I'll be a subordinate in my own house. 

End (3371).

Time of Exposure - (3370)

Timing is a real consideration. Timing in the sense of duration rather than the 'right moment' timing.

We can be exposed to everything given for the right duration.

If that duration be too long then failure or burn out can result.

If that duration be too short then the maturity of the result is not obtained, which too can lead to difficulty.

We have to learn about how to manage the timing of exposure to certain impressions. A short exposure does not create egos but a longer exposure can.

Too much light can overwhelm and damage our circuits and produce the need to rest to recuperate the damaged circuits.

End (3370).

Be Normal and Be the Same Person - (3369)

In some environments we can be a different person. Even on some days of the week we can be different.

If someone from our Gnosis class were to see us they would find us a different person, something that they would not be expecting from us.  

Sometimes the esoteric studies go to our head like a thick smoke and we become abnormal. We stop being real and become 'spiritual'.

When we have a permanent centre of gravity in our essence we are the same person and we are more normal - more real.

The above statement is useful. It can highlight that there may be one or two egos that make us a different person, thus putting the formation of the centre of gravity in sight but with some work yet to be done. Or either indicate that a large crack has formed in the centre of gravity.

Bring these egos under control and the centre of gravity will form or either be repaired.   

End (3369).

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Self-Deception Red Light - (3368)

No More BS

Self-deception derails every inner train.

It stops us here there and everywhere. It is the main red light in the way of inner progress.

We have to know all the ways of self-deception that exist in us.

If not we are easy prey.

To overcome it we have to get real with ourselves. Be realistic, tough and clear in our mind. No more BS or ES even. E stands for elephant...

To say to yourself "I will just lie down a minute and pray after that" is to deceive yourself. 

To create a busy plan of practicing is another way to deceive yourself.

To think you will do something tomorrow is another way to deceive yourself.

Thinking "I will remember it" and not write it down or not make an effort to fix it in our mind is another instance of self-deception.

Thinking of doing something and doing it in thought is another mode of self-deception.

Hitting things on the spot mostly kills self-deception. Because the main hidden agenda of self-deception is delay.


Hit self-deception on the spot and reap the rewards, which are more consistent application of effort, clearer vision of reality, less subconscious, more consciousness and more will.

End (3368).

Live the Day not Your Day - (3367)

There is 'our day' which is our ideas, our thoughts, our desires, our plans and then there is the 'the day'.

'Our day' is the known but 'the day' is the new.

'Our day' is personal but 'the day' is impersonal and opened to service, to act as a conduit for Reality to express.

We all live a day - from the greatest and wisest of us to the apparently 'insignificant' - we all live out a day.

'Our day' puts aside the essence and the inner Divinity and lets in the mind. 

'The day' is personality passive, mind empty, awareness of the moment, responding attentively to the needs of the moment that arise - to work, to die in ourselves, to pray, to be still and silent, to listen inwardly, whatever it may be that our interior Divinity through reality brings to us.

End (3367).

Notes on What to do with Evil - (3360)


I think that a Gnostic student should have for his or her own comprehension - this theme of evil rather clear, for various reasons that I hope to convey in this post.

When it comes down to it, every person in order to navigate through life has to have some idea of evil, furthermore, even if we think we should not ever have to come across it, we all have had or will have some kind of confrontation with it. The question of what to do with it, how to deal with it, how to cope with it, etc. will always be there...

Something that is true, amongst human beings, is that there does not exist an absolute sense of evil.

Here is a great truth: evil is relative, just as is good.

Both good and evil exist together and form as well as fill a circle, a cycle, a unit. Good and evil complete a circle or a whole. Just as in the ying and yang symbol where both ying and yang complete and fill the circle or a whole.

In any given event both good and evil are present, however the degree to which good or evil is seen depends on the point of view of the observer.

So here are some essential points to do with evil presented in the form of questions.

Just to be clear I am not advocating evil nor supporting it.

What Do You Do With Evil?

This question touches the core of the issue and is most relevant to us as a human being here on Earth.

So many people think that it is best to fight evil, even eradicate it.

To eradicate evil on Earth is a job that does not pertain to us. It rather pertains to the Divine Law - that is the Divine hierarchies far above us. We can of course eradicate it within ourselves and we can stop it or thwart it to some extent but to eradicate it completely is something else.

What we can do though, in relation to the evil outside of us and inside of us, is to use evil. Refer to the following post to read a bit more about this.

Post about what to do with evil.

Anyone who works on the ego uses evil. Isn't it the case that when the ego manifests we use that to work on ourselves to transform the darkness into light.

How Do You Learn About Evil

To know how to do good consciously one must know about evil.

To do the good consciously one needs to know the good in the bad and the bad in the good.

By knowing evil one can avoid it. Not knowing evil is how we can fall into it, furthermore the more we reject evil the more we also fall into it. The question is how to know evil.

The best way to know evil is by liberating ourselves from it, or transcending it by dissolving it within ourselves.

Read the following post to understand why we work to transcend evil.

Post on why to transcend evil.

The wisest person to talk to is not the active criminal, or the saint, eventhough they could impart some valuable lessons and pearls of wisdom but the one who was a criminal and worked on him or herself and dissolved the criminal is the wisest one as they know the good in the bad and the bad in the good.

Is the knowledge of high magic possible without the knowledge of low magic? No, because without that knowledge one can convert out of ignorance or naivety white into black.

How Do You Good?

Note, the order of the work is to dissolve the bad "I's" that we have then the good "I's". This means to first stop doing the bad, and then with the elimination of the bad and the arising of more consciousness we can much easily do the good. Because the consciousness will show us how to do good.

One obstacle to being balanced or conscious in an event is that we feel we are not doing good. If we have previously studied and comprehended the bad we will know that we are not being bad!

Can a person do evil if they do not have the ego?

The answer is relatively yes. From our point of view but not from their point of view. Remember evil is relative. The border of good and evil within a person is their Being not the point of view of others.

You know something that we can not compensate evil with good. Unfortunately it must be compensated for with evil, with justice as the limit.

Is Evil Part Of The Absolute?

Does the Absolute not encompass everything? Does not good and evil entwine in the eternal now within the absolute.


Master Samael came to the Earth to learn diplomacy. One can only really learn diplomacy amongst evil. If all is above good and evil there is no need to navigate cunningly between two opposite sides, because one is not on the battle ground of opposite sides, one is above the battle ground.

Diplomacy is the art of pleasing one side without displeasing the other...

To learn diplomacy, there has to be both sides and here on Earth there is heaps of evil and heaps of both sides. In the abyss and here on Earth are the training grounds for diplomacy.

End (3360).

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Work the Troublesome "I Want" Thoughts - (3366)


Those troublesome thoughts that simply say: "I want to..." .

We know where those thoughts come from - from the strong egos that we have and know all too well: pride, anger, laziness, lust etc.

How to work those thoughts is the question.

They seem not to have a logic, a perception, a concept that we can question. They are difficult to get into. They are a statement and that's it - no reasoning or judgment or protesting.

Express Will

Those thoughts are expressions of will. So you can not work on them with your mind. No joy there! That is because the mind is below will. Only will and the consciousness can face will.

What one must do is to start to work on them with will.

Use your will to will the opposite. When you will the opposite enough times that will will diminish.

Conscious Will

Willing the opposite strengthens the conscious will. Then the consciousness in the conscious will begins to release comprehension.

With comprehension those bothersome thoughts can be further combated and transformed from the inside out by comprehension and the consciousnesses in the comprehension.


Remember that approach. It works, is useful and gives you directly something to do immediately thus taking away the scary bothersome feeling that so often accompany those thoughts.

End (3366).

Monday, 6 January 2020

Can't Say No Because Haven't Overcome Egocentricity Yet - (3365)

What do you think about that? If a person can't say no, it means that he or she has not as yet overcome egocentricity.

We can say no, and when we do the one who we said no to, will find someone else who will say yes. 

Things have always worked that way and always will.

We don't have to be the central one of which all things revolve around. Others can do what we do also. Maybe just as well as us or even better.

When we see that there are others that can help and do what we can do then we are overcoming egocentricity.

Not being able to say no at times drives oneself into the ground.

End (3365).

Your Nature - (3364)

Your Nature

Your nature, that is, the way you are if you were to take away the ego, comes from your inner Being.

Everyone has their particular nature, qualities, way of being, etc. Some have an unusual nature, a quiet nature, a peaceful nature, a bellicose nature, an active nature, a talkative nature, a reclusive nature, an inquisitive nature, etc. 

Some of it is due to the personality, some due to the big egos a person has, but there is an underlying characteristic nature that each person has. 

Always Been There

This nature has always been there, it is very difficult to change and is neither good nor bad, but a particular and interesting nature unique to the person, and sometimes similar to the nature of others.

This nature can be seen by others and it is how others know and recognize us.

Anyway in the depths of us, this nature mentioned above, comes from the Inner Being, specifically given Its work, function, hierarchy and the characteristics of Its ray and the characteristics that are most used in Its cosmic function.


So then, get to know this nature and you will know more about your Inner Being. Also when you find out more about your Inner Being the nature you have will make a lot of sense.

See we can't escape the Being, it is in our nature and we can not escape our nature.

End (3364).

Discipline Holds Things Together - (3363)

In life so many operations and services are held up by a discipline. For example all the public services.

So many professions are based upon and function using certain disciplines. Disciplines are everywhere in life and they are at the heart of keeping all these systems going. There is discipline in the stars, in nature and amongst the planets in the constancy of their orbits, cycles, radiations, functions, etc.

We too need our disciplines. One good discipline to have is a discipline of mystical death.

The more we practice it the more natural it becomes and the more it helps us and maintains us. Also the more we like it too. The more responsible we become too before our interior Divinity.

End (3363).

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Ignoscere Divinum 'To Forgive is Divine' - (3361)

How's your forgiveness going?

Good to check that now and then. Check our psychological accounting book. Clear out some debts.

Forgiveness is a virtue. A powerful one that can wash away resentment, hatred in us. It in other words can restore a kind of balance within us.

Even the debts we have against our own selves can be treated with the value of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a kind of comprehension' also a kind of loving wisdom - a combination of the two in action.

To understand that the person could not have any done better, because of the egos they have, their level of Being and our karma. They could have only one what they did. We can then begin to forgive them. The same applies to our own selves.

To understand that nothing here on Earth is perfect and that the mind makes heaps of mistakes, the personality is so limited and in fact it is not made to love and that the essence is weak at times and it can be beguiled and overcome by the ego. Seeing all these things we can forgive.

To forgive opens the heart again.

Once we have forgiven we can forgive again. So no need for the fear of being hurt again. Because we can forgive again.

End (3361).

Fear of Dying Dying - (3362)

Fear really dies in us when we look forward to what we use to fear.

Or we find some joy in it.

The opposite of fear is love. Love has so many other expressions - not just the romantic or the devotion, adoration kind of expression.

Joy, looking forward to, a certain kind of happiness are also expressions of love.

After much reflection when a new feeling is born in you that physical death is 'not so bad' and that you - you as essence - the essence you, will not die and will continue forward, and that you will see all that and all those that you love again, your fear of dying is dying.

But always we never what we really have developed until we face the factual reality.

End (3362).

Forget the Virtue - All Goes Prickly - (3359)

With some egos in the initial stage of working on them, to forget the Being-Antidote is a big mistake.

It is like we have to be in a constant state of remembering and applying the virtue to keep the work on that ego going. Forgetting the virtue we fall asleep to the work on that ego and it takes control again.

End (3359).

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Magic Button - (3358)

Imagine that when an ego appears in our human machine we press a magic button and the thoughts and feelings of the ego diminish considerably and rapidly.

That magic button does exist! It is the value or quality at the very core of the ego.

Transmutation is the core value of lust and many of its branches. Trust for fear and anxiety, love for the Being for self-love, forgiveness for resentment, contented moderation for gluttony, balance and justice for pride, 

The only catch is that we need to have worked out for ourselves how to apply these values within our particular nature. The only way to learn that is to apply them for yourself. Grab the virtue and apply it and as you apply it you will work out how to apply it better and better. 

End (3358).

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Will we Remember this Life in the Next? - (3357)

If we wake up in this life, we will.

Or if we wake up in the next we will.

Otherwise we will remember very little.

End (3357).

Mind the Gap - (5356)

When working psychologically a person is always gapping him or herself.

That is creating a gap between thoughts.

Creating a gap between the free essence and any ego.

Creating a gap between the past and the present.

When we don't create gaps we suffer. We get quite confused and consequently make some bad decisions.

I think that seeking out the gap within us is helpful and useful and just plain necessary at times.

End (5356).

Try to be Good - But Goes Fat Pear - (3356)


Because we don't know how to do the good!!!

Not Karma

Don't say it is karma - well it could be, but really know that it is before saying that.  

The Good

That's simply the reason why - not enough consciousness to be really good and to sustain being good.

We may really try to be good and do good but we stuff things up. That is: make things worse, make things more complicated, get over committed, become obliged to do things we don't really want to do, make things much more inconvenient for others...

In general things just would have been better if we didn't move or say anything.

Sometimes just a smile is enough to complicate things...

Remedy - Just do a Little Good

Nature does not progress in leaps and bounds!

So just do a little good. 

Start by only doing a little good, the smallest amount and be conscious of what unfolds after that. Then with consciousness develop the good.

The bad was developed in us little by little also. So too the good has to be developed in us little by little with the use of our consciousness.

End (3356).

Much to Gain in Developing Responsibility - (3355)

I believe if a person decides to develop responsibility physically and psychologically, that person will advance a great deal spiritually.

The main characteristic of the human being is a lack of responsibility. Due to the many "I's" and above all the sleeping consciousness. 

Responsibility starts when we understand that we are an essence, yet we have several "I's" that have their own agenda.

To be responsible - the vice of self-deception has to be worked on.

To develop the capacity to be responsible one has to be to see the psychological cause of our actions and words.

One has to know oneself deeply. Which implies being able to radically accept one's psychological reality. Which if we have heavy defects is not easy - but must be done.

To be responsible is to be able to match our thoughts with consequences. An irresponsible person has no concept of the consequences of their actions.

The use of the word is responsibility's major test. To match action to words previously spoken is one hall mark of responsibility.

To have expressed an ego and work on it later or on the spot is not really to be esoterically responsible.

To have felt an ego and then worked on it with all the steps is to be responsible. Our job is to inspire the trust of the inner Being in us. Being responsible helps our Being to trust us.

More later on...

End (3355).

Crescendo Charge - the Tide Rolls In - (3354)

What do you really want? What burns in your heart to work towards?

T'is a good time to see what we have done, refocus and work harder and smarter.

Charge again as the new year's tide rolls in to take us out on a new endeavour.

End (3354).