Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Sensual Pleasure Burns Energy and Real Pleasure Comes from Work - (3887)

Real pleasure comes from work and not so much from the senses. I think everyone knows this, but chose to ignore it.

There is a reason for why real pleasure comes from work, and that is that work creates and builds and invests paying forward into the future. If the work be for the soul, the soul is strengthened, enlivened and grows enhancing the possibilities of it being brought forward further and further into the future to grow more and more.

With the pleasure of the senses so much energy (energy in general not just the sexual energy) gets consumed to experience that pleasure. That pleasure is always so short lived, and it leaves one consumed, dipping considerably into one's reserves. Instead of multiplying and enhancing and bringing good new things into the future it brings less and less energy into the future. If there is less energy there is less will and if there is less will there is less of the new that can happen or be created. Meaning there is less power to struggle against recurrences, entropy, karma, difficulties, obstacles, the egos etc.

For the person wishing to grow his or her soul, to sacrifice, limit or curtail the pleasure of the senses may hurt briefly in the moment but it is wiser, as it pays off much more handsomely than experiencing a short duration of pleasure and being handicapped later on for a much longer time. 

End (3887).

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Recurrence Notes - (3884)


Talk coming up soon about this topic. Here are some notes. Feel free to post them, copy them, cut them, paste them, add to them etc. as you please. They are not mine, they come from Gnosis, I just typed them.


⚡A law of life, a law of nature, a law of the cosmos. 

⛬ Life is round. Existence is all round. Time is round. Karma is round. Karma is processed in time and space and so if time and space are both round karma has no other choice but to be round. 

🔱 Recurrence is another word for karma.

⚡Recurrence is then based upon cause and effect.

⛬ There is a cause for each and every recurrence.

🔱 They actually form a link in a chain of cause and effect. The effect of one recurrence sets up the cause of the next recurrence. Recurrence is nothing other than a big cause and effect chain.

⚡In a recurrence there is a reckoning that takes place. The reckoning of balance.

⛬ Recurrence brings two or more people together to cancel debts from the past.

🔱 Recurrence works on a subconscious level.

⚡It is one of the most powerful of all forces that influence human beings. When there is a great karmic debt behind the recurrence it is almost impossible to resist the recurrence. 

⛬ Recurrence is the law that acts to cause one to repeat what was done once before.

🔱 If the first action be neutral with no negative consequences then the recurrence is weak. If the outcomes were positive or negative the recurrence is strong.

⚡There are both positive and negative recurrences.

⛬ Recurrences can be broken. 

🔱 Recurrences can be strengthened.

⚡Recurrences unfold on a spiral. Either downwards or upwards. as people do not work on themselves they unfold of a downwards spiral, becoming more involved, complicated and negative.

⛬ Before they are broken they are weakened and process themselves on an upward spiral.

🔱 They are broken when the cause for them is erased, or at least stopped from manifesting.

⚡The different "I's" we have are the causes for the recurrences and they are also the main actors in the recurrences.

⛬ The recurrences orbit our psychology like a comet passing by every determined cyclic time period.

🔱 We can know a recurrence is coming. 

⚡ Each recurrence has a special identifying flavour to it.

⛬ Our work is to overcome and break recurrences so to be truly free.

🔱 The quality of relationship with our family members is dictated by recurrence.

⚡ Wise advice is to refrain from creating new recurrences and transforming the ones that we already have into light.

⛬ Recurrences also have a duration of time over which they are played out. Just one day, one week, one month, a few years etc.

🔱 There are even fatal recurrences. Those are the real sad ones. Where people travel to a place just to die, for example.

⚡ We can be saved by the Being and the Law of certain harmful recurrences all because we are working on ourselves.

⛬ We have recurrences on the level of our centres. For example we may just have recurrent thoughts that never become actions. Recurrent desires and feelings. Recurrent nostalgia etc.

🔱 Recurrences create cycles as well as vicious cycles.

⚡ Recurrences use subconscious telepathy to arrange encounters of karmic debt balancing. 

⛬ Law of Recurrence is more powerful than the law of affinity and correspondence.

🔱 What recurrences await us? Those which we are creating and strengthening now and those related to the egos we have in our interior. Plus those unknown to ourselves.

⚡ Recurrences are definitely come under control once a person is successful in completing the fifth major initiation of fire. That is when the casual body has been fabricated and the fire of kundalini has been fully developed in it and the inner Being has control over that body and then can determine causes over and above recurrence. 

⛬  When a Gnostic person travels it is very wise to ask for protection because one never knows what recurrences await in foreign places.

🔱 One way to be protected against recurrences is to raise one's level of the Being. The level of Being naturally protects one from recurrences that were processed on an inferior level of Being. For example, a person had a terrible incident take place in a certain country and when one travels there again if one is at a higher level of Being the same nasty incident won't take place in the same way that it did previously.

⚡ Master Samael said that Egypt, the Aztecs, the Maya, Persia, Rome and Greece will rise again in all their splendour by the Law of Recurrence but in a much superior octave.

⛬  Recurrences and eh Law of octaves work hand in hand. 

🔱 Entropy also works hand in hand with recurrences.

⚡ Recurrences contribute to creating new egos and strengthening ones that we have already.

⛬ Recurrences can be negotiated with the Divine Tribunal of the Law. Modified that is in our favour if we have the merit.

End (3884).

Sensual Love Posts: 2.) Selfish or Unselfish - (3883)

Kinds of Love - Big Key

There are three kinds of love Gnosis says. 1.) sensual, 2.) emotional and 3.) conscious. 

In the beginning this really surprised me. I thought that there were no distinctions - like there was only one kind of love. Knowing the differences is the big key. Knowing each type of love we can separate them. I think this is the big key to it all. To be able to separate sensual love and focus on conscious love.

Psychological Lacking, Psychological Appetite and Psychological Consumption

In sensual love there is always a kind of lacking and that lacking produces a kind of an appetite or psychological hunger or pining. That appetite then makes one mainly concerned with having it satisfied. Which in turn makes us selfish. 

When we are selfish all feelings of tenderness, all that of delicacy and intelligence in feeling seem to disappear. Rough and gruff feeling and behaviour appear, tunnel vision thinking and a kind of very demanding quality appears in our will. 

With sensual love, the main concern is that the lacks be filled. One does not mind the effects of having those lacks fulfilled will have on the other person. One just wants to consume the psychological food that satisfies the psychological lack. Then one wants to feel satisfied with a big full psychological belly and enjoy it, no matter if the other person is worse for wear.

With conscious love one forgets oneself a bit more. One starts to think more of the other person, and starts to consider what would be of benefit to the other person. There in conscious love is a kind of an overcoming, surpassing of that lacking. This is precisely where the switch or transition occurs from sensual to conscious love begins. 

Emotional and sensual love often mix in together. The lacks that people have are usually of the emotional kind. If they happen to be sexual, then really at the bottom of those sexual 'needs or wants' is an emotional base. 

Sensual love is seeing the body, the personality and mind of the other and seeing ourselves as body, personality and mind. What does that really mean?

Just to finish and not make the post too long, it means that when we see the other as body, personality and mind it means that we see the other as good to fulfil the wants of our body, as good to fulfil the acceptances of our personality, and good to fulfil the concepts and patterns of our mind. 

It sounds just right and perfect doesn't it. It starts out that way, but if it is not transcended, in practice it turns out to be painful. 

End (3883).

Mother Nature and Technology - (3881)

There is that axiom that says as above so below. 

If something is not in the superior worlds there is no way it can come down to appear here on Earth. Things must be in the superior worlds first of all.

Imagine that all these inventions that make their way into our life in the form of new technology are the things that already exist in the superior worlds. 

Even if the exact gadgets that we have here don't exist up there the principles and laws that make them possible most certainly do. Things have a spiritual and a physical part to them. Up there we have the spiritual counter part actively functioning and down here we have the physical part of it functioning.

Imagine that all these scientists and engineers, some of them, not all of them were initiates in the past and that from those times remain in the depths of their consciousness recollections of times of when humanity had access to the knowledge that made all that we have now in the way of technology and much more available.

Master Samael says that when humanity grows restless She - Mother Nature provides it with toys. That is, certain inventions that fascinate and distract human beings, keeping their attention away from their woes and the those of the world. Thus pacifying them, lulling them nicely to sleep where they are easier to deal with.

There are still many more inventions Master Samael says yet to be made. Especially that special kind of TV that converts sound into images that will be powerful enough to convert the memories of nature stored as sound into images for all humanity to see. That will be devastating for the conventional materialistic based world system of religion and science. 

End (3881).

Monday, 28 September 2020

Sensual Love Posts: 1.) Introduction - (3871)

Going to write up some posts to do with this type of love: sensual or sensorial love. Posts will be the type that attempt to reveal more about its nature. I'm not really interested in promoting or condemning it but rather shedding light on it. To shed light on it, contrasting it with conscious love works splendidly. 

I am writing these posts in this way, because knowing about sensual/sensorial love helps one to weigh up both loves and make one's own decision about these two types of love.  

It turns out the more we know and understand about sensorial/sensual love, the more we are drawn to conscious love, and the clearer the way it is to go towards conscious love, because we know what conscious love is not or maybe easier expressed: as we come to know where pain is and where pain is not.

End (3871).

The Work is Always Really Now - (3882)

If we don't do something on the spot we can forget.

If we plan to do something most of the time things change and we don't do it.

An ego appears right now, this moment, then that is the time to work on it.

We need alertness and the disposition to work to operate this way. That's all.

If we don't take advantage of the moment we waste many opportunities and we don't end up working very much. 

We may hate wasting food, but we waste so many good moments. Time to hate wasting good moments because they are moments where our essence nourishes itself.

End (3882).

See Gnosis as Something Cosmic - (3880)

Seeing Gnosis as something cosmic and universal, vast and without limit feels great! Feels comfortable and does not tense or tighten anything within us. 

When we see Gnosis related to or tied to: a country, a language, a person, a group, an institution, an instructor, a family, a culture, a lifestyle, certain activities, particular words, myself, to my circumstances, etc. then we are limited and not restrained. 

To feel restrained is to feel unhappy, and later resentful to what we are dependent upon or constrained by.

When we are not free we suffer. Because not to be free is to be dependent upon something. When we are dependent on something we like, dislike, accept and reject. We repeat that in a never ending cycle.

When we like Gnosis through a dependency upon something, we end up disliking Gnosis when that something goes. If we think Gnosis is an instructor we will dislike Gnosis, because no one likes their instructor all the time.

If we see Gnosis as limited it is because we are looking at it through something limited such as our mind, our personality or an ego. When something is without limits the consciousness perceives that and senses endless possibilities in that same thing. In this case that thing is Gnosis - which is that cosmic knowledge.

End (3880).

What is Good for Man is not Good for God - (3879)

I heard this statement the other day: "What is good for man is not good for God and what is good for God is not good for man.". 

A good reminder to do with our work and a good reminder about the relativity of everything. Such a statement is telling us to use the Being, the path and the work as our reference point.

I have heard it said that when we are suffering down here in our human physicality the Being up there is happy, and while we are happy down here reveling in terrestrial things, the Being up there is burdened. 

Identification and fascination with our human life is not so good for our Being, It delays It's progress/growth.

End (3879).

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Post (3875) Complete Now - (3878)

The post 3875 about the masculine and feminine is now complete as I think I'm going to make it at this stage. Now is the best time to read it because I have smoothed out the errors.

End (3878).

Times of the End Things Making You Crazy - (3877)

Maybe just maybe hearing about all these things to do witht the times of the end and relalted to that makes you go banaanas. Many different thoughts and ways of taking it can appear in people. We can get like so down that we can't bear to hear anything more about those things or we just don't want to care about that anymore.

We think: "there's no time left, I'm not in the picture, nothing to do now, give up, some people forget about it, but I can't its important, what should I really do about it?, It's too late for me" etc. It's all me me me isn't it? Noticing that is not a bad thing. Read on.

Well anyway, have you been in a plane and felt that irrational fear that the plane could or should crash? So you feel that fear and then you look out the window, you hear the engines roaring strong as, the wings steady as, the plane intact and rock solid, the people inside all happy and relaxed watching movies, and you think "why isn't it dropping out of the sky yet?", and then you think "now that I am thinking these negative things I'm going to make it drop", but we look again and the same engines are still roaring, the same wings are as steady as. 

So its just the same, we wake up and look aoutside, the sun is glorous, the birds singing, cars driving past, our work routine is there, this document has to be written, we are breathing, our stomach says where's breakfast, the cat's meowing like no one's business, oh wait oh no the ego is still alive - I've got this day to give it some working on.

Sometimes taking one day at a time is a good policy, using the day to sincerely to satisfy/calm that inner urgency of putting in a decent effort. An effort directed towards one's interior, to make it cleaner and more orderly.  To shed more light into our interior and to make something that is wrongly alive to die for something new and correct to be born.

That's respect those end of times things but still do ouirslves the favour of cleaning, purifying ourselves to eb able to feel the rightful plenitiude of our souls in the days that our Being has given us to work for it and enjoy it!

But then you say, Ah shut up I need to know when it will really happen to put my mind at rest. Ok so who will tell you when it will really happen. No one right? So just keep looking and if and when it is going to happen it will be apparent. You don't see it yet, then relax. There's plenty of work to do and your Being is there waiting, It will not go anywhere, even if the world is collapsing.

End (3877).

The "Don't Care About Anything" State - (3876)

There are these funny states we get into at times. Well what is the most importnat thing is that we notice it, we larn something about it and then we move out of it. To be stuck is the problem! I re-iterate, to myself more than to you, that the real most important thing is to notice, learn and jump out.

We may find ourselves not having that will that we had just a few days ago, not having that emotional energy connected to our nervous system, feeling tired, just not 'into' pushing forward with anything or doing anything requiring extra effort than just sitting, finding our system not interested in wanting to know about having to do this, having to drive towards this, fight for this, if you want this you must do that, if you don't do that then this issue will arise, things are hard and you have to fight otherwise you will never get there etc. Sometimes such a state is accompanied by a lack in faith. 

The thoughts that arise when we see ourselves feeling this way are not the issue, they are projections, extrapolations, often negative and pessisimtic in character. They are not going to happen they are only projections and seeing them as negative projections certainly keeps them just as projections that we soon forget, and that don't become reality.

This could mean a short repose is needed of lesser activity. A repose does not mean stopping, but works of lesser intensity. Works that don't pressure the mind, which could mean activities that use the mind less. 

The mistake when feeling ill is to not take any medicine. So when we feel like this (as described in 2nd paragraph), we are not feeling all that well. So some medicine to get better is more a good thing than a bad thing.

Medicine is something that relaxes the mind and feeds the essence. There are many positive activites that do that. Ponder carefully and chose wisely. Sometimes we don't chose wisely we chose something that the ego feeds off and we feel worse.

Just small steps, the mantra OM imagining the blue light in the heart with the mind relaxing is wonderful...

The time comes that the small steps work and the state passes. Always something to learn and to fix in our consciousness and in our resolutions for next time. 

End (3876).

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Deeper Comprehension of Masculine, Feminine and Compliments - (3875)


I have been working on this lately. Here are some points that have helped me.

I'm going to present it in didactic note form as time is limited. Time and inclination permitting I may pad it out later.

1. Masculine and Feminine

The Ain Soph Aur polarised into two, the Divine Masculine and Feminine Principles. Two polarities of the one un-manifested. These two polarities are known as the Heavenly Father and the Divine Mother. By means of these two polarities everything has been created. Because everything in manifestation comes from these two principles, everything has these two principles in them. 

Human beings, men and women have both principles. One is external and the other is internal. For example, a woman is externally feminine but inside of her there is a masculine principle and vice versa for me. Both men and women carry both principles. But of course much more than the other.

2. Law is to Tend to Unity

Because these are the first two principles in creation (masculine and feminine), and because they are the two principles that create, and because they are fundamental in us, every creature has the tendency to give them importance. 

God, the Absolute is a lot about creation. That is one major thing that the Absolute (God) does, the Absolute is about uniting these two principles together to create.

These are the first two principles for every creature, mum and dad are the first people we see and because of that Law of creation every creature makes two principles very important in their life. A great king is prepared to take his nation to war for a queen, a woman leaves her loving family home, her beautiful supportive parents and siblings to live in much less favourable circumstances with a man, and a man can do the same.

They are not really doing wrong, it may seem strange, but it is not a crime and really they are doing the Law, because that is what has been written into us, the moment we were created.

3. Human Beings Seek Completeness

The desire of every living creature is to be united with his or her missing compliment. Being a man or a woman we have our compliment missing. A large degree of rest is achieved in any human being when there is that union with the missing compliment, because arrives completeness, wholeness, knowledge and power just like how God is complete and powerful.

So the big question is where is that compliment. We can't really go into that question and find an answer without looking at love first.

Once upon a time before the fall when human beings were androgynous or hermaphrodite, they contained both principles in balance and were complete. There was also no possibility of falling. The fall of man was then unknown. So this completeness has been imprinted in our essence since those remote times and we to this day retain that memory deep in our nature. We have that deep instinctive memory of where we were once complete and so we are always consciously or unconsciously seeking that completeness. 

A man seeks out that missing feminine half that he remebers deep in hi nature and so does a woman, she seeks out that masculine that she remebers deep within her nature, coming back from those times when we human beings were compelte both masculine adn feminine united.

4. Love and the Compliment

Really to love is about loving oneself first of all. But loving in the right way.

Before we can love our fellow man we have to love ourselves first. We can never give what we don't have. And what we give is love for ourselves, but the right love, which is the love for our essence. When we have love for ourselves, respect for ourselves we love and respect others, because others are the same as us. When we see another we are seeing ourselves, because others provoke our thoughts and feelings and if our love is provoked we end up loving others. We are always seeing what we feel and that always comes out of us, out of our own apparatus which is our consciousness. Our consciousness holds everything of us. It is not from another person that we love but from ourselves. 

A man only loves one woman out of all the women in the world because in that lady he sees himself, that part of himself that he is missing. The same for a lady towards a man. Sounds aweful doesn't it, but it is that way. That is why it is sometimes so strange, a woman may like a real ugly silly guy over some other guy who has 100 more good things going for him than the ugly silly guy. That is how things work. 

A man may seek out a lady in the hope that he will find in her the image of his missing inner compliment, but later as things pan out he does not find that in her, then he looks for another and another and so on. Never finding it, this maybe a reason behind the so called promiscuity, in both men and women. 

Really, really that compliment for us is inside of ourselves and is ultimately us. It is the higher part of ourselves - that is Our Being. Of course though the way to the higher part is through a physical human being.

A man seeks his Divine Feminine principle in his Divine Mother through his wife and a woman seeks her Heavenly Father - her Divine Masculine principle through her husband. This is essentially the work of the Alchemy.

5. Union of Higher and Lower

The real, I mean the real union that each human being is looking for is the one that makes a human being complete and what makes them complete is really the union of the higher and the lower within themselves. That is the union of these two poles. Which is the union of the human with the Divine. In other words the essence with our Being. 

We maybe married and have some kind of physical and emotional completeness but not yet the inner one. Yet a person may have more inner union because that person has through his or her practices found a bit of their higher nature - their Being. Then every practice and action they do gets them closer to that inner Higher nature and so their life is a constant movement towards union. In unity there is balance and the real happiness. This is the higher level of what thinking sexually means, of which Master Samael has mentioned a few times. 

This is the symbol of the Ouroborus. Where the lower nature (serpent's tail) is bitten on by the higher nature (serpent's head) forming a circle which signifies unity, eternity and knowledge. Wisdom for sure wisdom comes from the union of the lower and the higher. When human experiences unite with the wisdom of the spirit to enhance and enrichen it.

End (3875).

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Love Thyself to Love God - (3874)

The way to love our Being is through ourselves. To send our love to the Being we have to go higher up in ourselves and from there send our love. You can only embrace those higher parts of yourself and really go there when you love them. Like loving the virtues, the values,the soul, the consciousness etc.

How for God's sake can we be in our own abyss identified with some rubbish ego hating ourselves and the whole world, and trying to love our Being. Ah come'on, just nonsense - too stupid to even think about.

It just does not make sense to love the Being and not yourself. But of course loving yourself in the right way.

To love ourselves in the right way is to take care of what enters ourselves and to take care of what happens within us. To hate another is to poison ourselves first, to accept all sorts of negative impressions is to make us harm ourselves also, that is not love but we are so stupid, we allow all that in and hold grudges, resentments and negative concepts left right and centre. 

When we love ourselves in the right way we make a nice dwelling for our Being inside of ourselves and we call our Being closer.

We sometimes make the mistake thinking that we don't need the Being for our life and you know being honest, we don't really, we can do all the things of normal life without the Being, like shopping, driving, working, socializing etc. but for our inner life to be beautiful and harmonious and in order and balance, we need the Being. 

We need to bring the Being into our interior and make It the centre. The Being is our head, the central point of our circle and when the Head is not present everything goes awry. Just like the good old saying, "the mice will play when the cat's away" and when the teacher steps out of the classroom the students run amok. The Being is the 'cat' and the 'teacher'. So banishing the Being brings chaos and confusion sooner or later to our interior and then to our outer life.

I find that the best way to keep our Being in our centre, at the head inside of ourselves is by loving It and to love It we must love ourselves. Love ourselves but in the right way.

End (3874).

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

The Morale Bereft Line - (3873)

There really exists a line within us, it is a kind of a boundary within our psychology. It marks out a zone whereby what we do within that zone still does not compromise the integrity of our self-image. 

Thoughts, feelings and actions outside of that zone begin to comprise the integrity of our self-image and we then lose morale, and that is a serious question.

A person losing morale is really not too nice at all and it brings some serious consequences for the person.

Even there is a line when we fantasize too much, think too much, manifest the ego too much...We lose morale and we have to start again.

Usually when we cross over this line, something in our mind says: "I'm really stuffed now, I've crossed the line, stuff this, roll in it, get worse who cares!". To think like that is not all that good, would you in all fairness agree? For example, we get irrationally angry and feeling that we crossed the line, we go for more, pure anger with momentum gaining, illogical and destructive...  

All degeneration or rapid uncontrolled momentum of a negative ego begins when we cross over this line. When people do something that breaks their notions of decency and what they feel is upright and what makes them feel good (in general and about themselves), a certain gate to a highway opens to slip down onto.

If we listen to the stories of people who went down into a rough patch of things, there was that decision point. "I was gambling and bet a bit too much and lost it all then, what the heck gamble it all". "I'm down in the dumps, what the heck let it all go, stuff my job, stuff my body, stuff my family, I'm going dark". They did something that broke that line and they gave in and unfortunate circumstance after the other followed. Maybe even the circumstances forced them to break that line but still having broke that line opened the gate.

We think "I'm already in the broken zone, so what the heck!". This is not good logic. Sound logic says stop because going further, it will only be more difficult and we will lose control. The ego will become a bit like a demon within us, really hard to control and taking on a life of its own within us. 

What awaits us if we don't stop, is going to the extreme. When we get to the extreme we get the knowledge of the extreme. The extreme is when we hit our brick wall. Maybe we can go further but our system does not allow it - that's our particular extreme. 

Hitting the extreme we snap out of it and knowledge arises of what's there for people at the extreme. We learn about where happiness really is. We finally learn that the extreme is not in the cosmic order of things that bring contentment or consciousness. It makes us to think that there must be another way. It doesn't eliminate the ego, but it gives us a reminder of where happiness is not. We learn that any extreme is destructive for anybody. What's left is to eliminate the ego. 

While we have the ego alive, it is always critical to perceive this zone or boundary and be aware not to cross it. Say if we do cross it the best thing to do is to not think like: "I've stooped too low and what the heck go lower and wallow" but to hit the brake hard and recover. 

End (3873).

Monday, 21 September 2020

Will of the Being - (3872)

We are always wondering about what is the will of our Being. Here is something from Master Samael taken from the book" "Tarot and Kabbalah".

V.M Samael Aun Weor, "Tarot and Kabbalah"

Then the question is what is wrong, what is right? Looks like it is left to our common sense and discernment to work it out. 

We can know that the right thought, feeling and deed would not lead to something wrong. So if we take our deed or idea (right or wrong we don't know yet) and see the thinking and feeling behind it, we can know if it is wrong or right. Or get a better idea about it.

End (3872).

Fascination Types and Surpassing Modes - (3870)


We often find ourselves fascinated with things. We hear that fascination is a stage in the process of the sleep of the consciousness, so for our work of awakening it is worth a study. 

The more we know and understand about fascination the better equipped we are to shake it off.

Fascination Anatomy

We can be fascinated with something positive or negative. Even there is a positive and a negative type of fascination.

Sometimes only experiencing something makes us to lose the fascination. Sometimes we don't need to experience anything, we just need to work on a particular ego. Sometimes we just need to study and sometimes as our maturity develops we stop being fascinated.

Positive Type

The positive type of fascination is one that contains an element of yearning in it and it is one that inspires us to learn and acquire knowledge. Being positive, it is a fascination about things of a positive nature such as: spiritual, esoteric things, things of nature, scientific things, philosophical and artistic things and even things about human nature and human invention. Most likely in these cases there is some interest of the essence in these things.

With the positive type of fascination we don't necessarily lose our consciousness but we can. It is like the more we study and experience the more we penetrate into what it is really all about. This does not really happen with the negative type of fascination, where we actually get stuck there, caught in a trap.

Negative Type

The negative fascination is of the ego for some kind of activity or thing that is done by the ego. For example fear is fascinated with horror, lust with sexual things, greed with money and acquisitions, pride with what people are saying about us etc. 

In the negative type of fascination it is with things that the essence would not do or be interested in. So in this case the ego is fascinated. This fascination then multiples or leads to other things. For example, the ego of drinking gets fascinated with a bottle of cognac and then gets fascinated with the idea of drinking a few balloons of it, smoking cigars and talking until late at night.

With the negative type of fascination we definitely lose our consciousness and we also consume a lot of psychic energy.

Surpassing Modes

In the positive type of fascination, when we start to learn and experience things about what we are positively fascinated with, the fascination fades but then shifts up an octave and stays. In its higher octave it is a certain awe, a certain amazement and wonder, an appreciation that continues forward and elevates.

Naturally we would concern ourselves with working or studying the negative type of fascination.

The best way of overcoming the negative type of fascination is when we work on the ego that is fascinated. 

Experiencing the negative type of fascination is not always the way to go, the fascination will fade but often it remains, descending to inferior octave where there is mechanical repetitive seeking. 

When we work on the ego behind the negative fascination, we say: "I'm not caught in that now, let it be as it is, it is there and I'm fine here" where as before we said: "how is that, why is that, how does that work, how does that move..."

Which is then the right point of view? The one that results from the work? Or not? The consciousness does not really get fascinated it does something more, it rather penetrates into things to see the reality, then it understands the nature of the thing and then it discerns useful or not useful, correct or incorrect, contentment/balance or pain and suffering. 

End (3870).

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Question Answered from Post 3866 - (3869)


"Could it be that the Being sometimes teaches us with a fall? Or perhaps puts us in a situation where a very disgraceful fall is inevitable at our individual level of Being, i.e. when we are too weak? I am not talking about nocturnal pollutions. I am talking about voluntary acts of sin where we know that what we are doing is wrong, yet we are not strong enough to do the right thing. And afterwards, our inflated sense of ambition and mystical pride is absolutely crushed and we helplessly drown in shame and bitterness from within?"


I have heard that we are submitted to tests that were designed for us to fail. The purpose of us failing is for us to become more aware of our weaknesses, to destroy complacency, to have our pride reduced to reality and for us to work harder.

That's a tricky point, whether it is our Being that puts us in that position or we actually do that. If the Being does it, it would have to be for a beneficial result, seen immediately or seen a little later down the track.

Maybe to learn a lesson where you are to not repeat that error. I have heard where people who were not working very hard on themselves had an experience with their Typhon Baphomet where He told them that if they continue being negligent He would drag them back to their former life of degeneration (drugs, alcohol, night life, infra-sex etc.).

If the Being wants Its realisation it would not put you into a situation that would ruin Its chances of getting its self-realisation. Maybe to crash you lightly but not so bad that you can't get back up again. But it is still just surmising I don't know for sure.

That's why we pray the Our Father, especially the line that says: "Deliver us from evil, and lead us not into temptation". 

The Father is naturally meant to do that, i.e. protect us from evil and take us away from temptation. But the Being has two hands, one left and one right and He can work in mysterious ways. One idea of the Our Father prayer is get the Being to teach us with the right hand and not the left. But if the right does not work He must use the left.

End (3869).

More Calm Required to Go Behind Bothersome Thoughts - (3867)

Thoughts arise left, right and centre. Some are quite bothersome. Some neutral and some positive. Some that disturb us, some that make us cringe, some that make us anxious, some that anger us, some that hurt, some that calm us, some that make us smile, some that make us look forward to things etc. etc. the list can go on.

Knowing, knowing and knowing helps. 

To get a bit behind the thought, to know a bit more where it comes from, and a bit more what makes it feel uncomfortable is what is important. That knowledge is what changes and saves the day. That has to be the only focus!

To get that knowledge we have to be calmer, quieter and more alert, but a relaxed alert.

If we can't see what's behind or in the thought we need more calm, more quiet. that's our hindrance or blind spot, not enough calm.

Thinking about it, analyzing it does not help a great deal here. That's more mental noise, which does not allow us to see. We need to perceive, to catch the meaning of the thoughts.

When the thoughts disappear, we just have to wait relaxed and alert for them to come again so to try and catch something more about them.

We think that problems are real and are outside of our mind! Gnosis says the problem is in our mind. Forget the problems and the problems disappear says Master Samael. The situation still exists but not the dimension of problem, it is the dimension of problem that bothers us the most, not the situation.

End (3867).

Concerned about our Head's Nature - (3868)

One thing that concerns me is how I am in my head. I mean what is the nature of what is in our head? What are the nature of our thoughts? How are our thoughts? Are they kind, are they good-willed, are they peaceful and intelligent? Are they alive and vibrant rather than dark and morbid?

I like to be vigilant over that aspect of the thoughts. Especially when we are asking for help from our interior Divinity and other Divinities external to us.

Who would want to help a person who has a war in his head, or a pub, or a night club, or a harem or a boxing match or a mud slinging contest or a political debate or a depressing opera? No one right? Or at least it would make you to think twice.

We think the interior Divinity and the external Divinities will help us no matter what. That maybe true, but we don't have to make it so hard for them. The cleaner and clearer we are the more they can help us and the more effectively and efficiently to boot.


For me it is one of the nicest things that we can do for ourselves and for others is to make our interior a nice place. Beautiful, warm, sunny, alive, rich green plants, calm lakes, high mountains with high flying birds, flowers, good atmosphere,  harmonious nature sounds etc.

🌞Sunny weather: good-will, kindness, fairness

🌄High mountains: spiritual ideals

🌊Calm lakes: deep thoughts, non-violence

🌺Flowers: virtues

🐦High flying birds: prayers

🌲Rich green plants: aliveness, strength, vitality, concentration of mental energy

🎵Harmonious sounds: balanced words and no swearing

End (3868).

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Not Our Head, Feeling or Experience - (3866)

From experience it is best to stay in our business. Which means to stay where we are, inside of ourselves, don't leave there to think about what another is thinking or feeling, or why they said or did that etc. That is really their business - not ours.  

That is self-remembering after all...When we stay where we are, we are in our power, in our reality. In our reality is relaxation and clarity. Outside our reality is stress. In our reality we better deal with whatever is before us.

When we try to get inside the head of another, or their heart or their experiences: human or esoteric we just end up suffering. Like 100% of the time. What we do when we leave ourselves is we persist and persist in trying to work them out, trying to know them more why they did that or said that etc., but the difficulty continues, nothing changes within us, nothing gets better. So something must be wrong in doing this. If we suffer or experience difficulty the general rule is something is not right psychologically.

When we go into another's business, we leave ourselves and we try to do the impossible. Which is to think, or feel or do what we havn't thought, felt or done. How can we do what someone else did in their body, or think what they thought in their head etc. We have our own head and our own body which is not theirs. 

Another person's body is their business not ours. My body is here, my heart is here and my mind is here. That is my business, it is also very lonely going into another person's business because we leave ourselves. This post may sound nasty, but not really, it is awful when someone is on our back recriminating us for saying or doing that because they are thinking what we are thinking and getting it all wrong. It is kinder to be in our business and be respectful of their business, but does not mean that we stop liking the person or stop respecting them. It is to stop suffering and when we suffer us human beings typically make everyone else suffer.

We are always most relaxed being ourselves as we are in reality. To be in another's business is to be outside of our reality.

But that does not mean that we can't help or we can't make an effort to comprehend them from our side, or even go into their shoes for a minute. Of course we can do that and of course it is helpful for us and them to do that.

Anybody's experience was for them, they lived it or experienced how they did, and learnt what they learnt or needed to learn and for someone outside them, that's like about as much as we can see or understand. If we try to go any further than that, hours of miserable thinking and feeling await.  

End (3866).

We are not an Ego - (3865)

We can do that at times: see a person as an ego. But there is a mistake in our way of thinking.

Such a way of thinking actually does not do us any good inside of ourselves. 

A person may have that ego but they are not that ego. Pretty basic truth, but we often find ourselves making that mistake. Especially when we are scared of a person we think of them as only being an ugly ego of anger. 

The thought we have about a person is not the person. The photo on the fridge of a person is not the person either. A person is not the Negative or positive flavour that is evoked in us when we think of them either. A person is a whole complete living tree of life, an alive real spark of the Absolute, just as real a person as we are.  

We have to learn to relate to people as a reality not to relate to only our concept of them. 

End (3865).

Don't Forget the Intimate Christ - (3864)

Its really good to remember the Intimate Christ we all have inside of ourselves (somewhere).

When the ego or the mind are a real pain He's the one to call for help. 

Incarnated or not, He is somewhere within us and at least out of mercy or by virtue of merits He helps us.

End (3864).

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

The Art in Meditation - (3863)

There is a fine art in meditation which person who meditates has to get just right.

It is to combine relaxation and alertness to the right tincture. Just ever so to the right amount.

If something bothers you and you want to know and understand it, then meditate. Allow it to appear, see the thought of it or feel the emotion of it and sit with it. Perceive with your relaxed and calm alertness what for real it has to tell you.

Seeing for real what that emotion has to present you with is much better than narrating anything about it to ourselves or theorising something about it. 

This is the real which is what transforms us.

Need a short break from the love posts. Back with more tomorrow.

End (3863).

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Love Posts: Using the Power of Love - (3861)

How do we use our love?

To just feel love is not enough we have to know how to use it. We have to love that is for sure, but we have to know how to use love. That is very important, if we don't know how to love we ruin love.

Love and wisdom are the best pair. Love is the loving force and wisdom is the knowledge and understanding of how to use love. They need each other and together they are the power.

I think that we would agree that a good use of love is one that benefits both people and takes them to a higher place within themselves.

A love that when used, dignifies both, purifies both, increases love in both, helps both to understand each other and themselves is a wise use of love.

The moment, timing in love is a factor worth knowing about. Usually people rush together and crash over the edge of the cliff and then they can't stand the sight of each other after that. That wasn't such a good use of love. What about taking time, allowing the love to be cultivated so to grow to a more elevated level and be made strong at that higher level so that it can then attract light. 

Of course love can not be elevated without both transmuting the energies within themselves single or married.

Love has to be used to nourish the higher nature of those in love, not the lower instinctive nature, not the animal nature. We all know naturally so well how to do this, please the lower nature of others. Both men and women are experts in that.

Human beings act in a way to please their lower nature and the lower nature of others by complementing them about their looks, serving/buying good food, sexy gestures, sexy words and voices, and revealing clothing etc. All those things do not do too much good for the soul, do they? They nourish the instincts, the personality and the egos of lust and vanity more than anything else. So then how about actions that benefit the soul?

Pleasing the lower nature of others is to get the selfish needs of one's own lower nature pleased. As soon as we think about the other person leaving behind our own lower nature desires (lust) we are beginning to elevate our love.

Imagine we link the people we love to our Being, psychologically and esoterically. If we do that we are going to really enrich love as it is connected to the source - the Being. Imagine we converse to our being through the people we love. We then link them to our Being and we sublimate our energies easier because we are connecting with the source.

End (3861).

Love Posts: Learning of Conscious Love - (3860)

The other two types of love, the sensual and the emotional are ones which we don't have to learn at all. Human beings know all about that already. It is programmed into our instinctive centres. 

We see at certain times children acting by their instincts, taking on sexual like positions in their interactions with other children, they do this without ever having being taught because it is part of the animal nature that we have inherited from nature. The sensual love is that of an animal nature concerned mainly only with the instincts. 

There are movies and novels that try to teach us love, but I prefer honestly to be educated by the esoteric teachings, the initiatic science and by the work. I think a serious person would not pay much attention to what society says and what the romance novels and movies say.

We human beings don't know much about conscious love. That is one of our biggest tasks - to learn conscious love and to learn how to love consciously.  

In our essence and consciousness are the principles to know how to love consciously.

So then the dissolution of the egos that we have provides us with the learning we need to love consciously.

To fast track our learning the egos such as lust, attachment, jealousy and self-love which all mange the value of love are ones that we can focus our work on to more quickly develop conscious love.

End (3860).

Monday, 14 September 2020

Love Posts: Best Use - (3859)

If I were to ask m.m.m about love, he would say: Ah just die!

The best use for love at our stage is to use it to inspire more death within us and to look inside of what we have of love to purify it with the work of psychological death.  

In the next few days, I'll present a post on the various uses of love.

End (3859).

Love Posts: Love is Fed with Love - (3858)

Here are some realities about the way love works.

Love is fed with love. 

We can forget that. Thinking rancour, melancholy and resentment cause love to come to us and are reason to grow the love of the other towards us. Not really...

We think that our love is not important, that the love of another towards us is what is important but that is so wrong. Our love is most important, as it is what calls love to us. Love is fed with love. Love calls love and when there is love, love will always find us. Love is a magnet for love.

We think that we can live with our resentment, grudges, rancour etc. quite well and that they don't hurt us, they are even entertaining to us and provide good conversation topics. 

Love feels great and is what is healthy and life giving, but with resentment and rancour there we can't call love into our system. We can't fully call health and vitality to us.

Love is in the three Brains. Love is an action. Who loves more the husband who fixes the plumbing and reads the newspaper or the one who kisses and hugs but leaves the plumbing broken? 

Love is not real until accepted by the intended receiver.

End (3858).

Love Posts: How Could the Love of a Gnostic Be? - (3855)

The love that a genuine Gnostic feels has to have some sort of description doesn't it? How accurate the description is, is another matter, but the point is the love a Gnostic has some kind of a sentiment, has some kind of: nature, expression, philosophy, guiding direction and characteristics etc. 

No way am I going to do a good job here, but I am just going to write something about it.

Universal and disinterested are two good words. With disinterested being the more important and practically useful word.

No doubt to have a love that is of these two words, implies a lot of psychological death.

The Gnostic would be very wise and watchful over his or her love, always making sure it is well directed and is serving the work, the Being, the path, the Great Cause (spiritual benefit of others).

A love that is universal and wide, that loves the stars, the oceans, the sky, the plants, the galaxies, the vast infinite, human beings, the earth, animals great and small, and above all, the Being and the Being of the Being!

All this talk of love is worse than useless, disappointing and shameful without the psychological death. So love for the Gnostic is the death of the ego!

The Gnostic would be alert to the movement towards the sensual and emotional love as he/she knows there is pain there. But if moved there, he/she knows work and transformation is a real, and is a law of the cosmos available to all who invoke it.

End (3855).

Love Posts: Don't Stop Loving - (3857)

Good Advice

This is really good advice here for the whole length of our life.

Don't stop loving!


Because love is the only thing really that inspires you and fills you with the force of life. What else is there that does that, that is not love?  Not much else right?

Love is in the Being and the Being is love. To stop loving is something that goes against our very own Being. 

Love is a huge benefactor, it is the one that has really bestowed all the things that we have upon us. Even the difficult, hard and rough things have been because of some kind of love - intending that we return to love again, but conscious love.

Love must be allowed to flow and glow like the sun, continually giving and receiving, continually reinvigorating our life. as our heart beats non-stop, it must also love non-stop. Renewing our inner life.

Hide Your Love if Worried Don't Kill it!

Of course there will always be people and circumstances that will like to take advantage of your love, and so this is where we need wisdom to guard and protect our love, not allowing that we be taken advantage of.

Wisdom would say, the way to protect your love is to hide it rather than kill it.

Whatever you do, don't kill your love, because if you do you will start to dry up like a sultana and become bitter like a grape fruit. Life will lose meaning. You'll start in other words, to kill your life.

End (3857).

Convert the Tedious Fussy Cat Chores and Others into Mindful Practice - (3856)

Chores and Complaints

There are a number of chores that we do each day, and there are a number of complaints that we give voice to each day.

Those complaints are I don't have enough time, have to do this and that, he/she wants that I do that, always a rush etc.

How about those chores become our practice. Our time to recharge, our time to be conscious, our time to relax the mind, our time to observe and above all our time to triumph and advance microscopically (it all adds up) in awakening more, and in dying more.

Fussy Cat

While feeding the fussy cat early morning still in pajamas, calming the mind, breathing deeply, making feeding the cat your first morning practice - savouring the day, thanking the Being for the day, going over esoteric work resolutions, opening the can of cat food, observing the thoughts looking for awareness while spooning out the chopped tuna with gourmet veggies, focusing the awareness banging the spoon on the bowl. Calm again watching the cat snub the food (of course which cat eats tuna and gourmet vegetables) and start a meowing protest opera, just watch, listen attentively, accept the reality assaulting the ears, stay mindful knowing this is the whole pivot of the day, if I can stay mindful now in this opera I will set my whole day up to be mindful.    

Cat stops the opera, day flows on looking to the next chore to be mindful. Breakfast and driving. At work hundreds of them.

End (3856).

Love Posts: Ways of Loving - (3854)

There are ways of loving. True isn't it? The most important way for us to know. Is our way. We get very very concerned with the way others love, or don't love but still the most important way to be concerned about is OUR WAY!

What is important in our way of loving is the nature of our love. The best love is the one that is pure. But often if we are honest we will find impure elements in our love.

For best results these elements have to be filtered out. There is something divine in every love, because love is divine and comes from the Divine but it is mixed with things needing purifying. This is being realistic right? And it is these impure elements that do the damage.

Often as long as we love we think that is it, we have made it. No more to be seen. We don't inquire into the nature of that love. But to be conscious and get to conscious love we really should do that! Makes sense doesn't it?

One common pitfall here is that when love takes hold of a person the heart takes control. The heart being in control pushes away the mind. Which is good in some respects when the mind only presents negative projections, but the mind can also bring many positive considerations to the discussion. Many good counterbalancing measures.

The best always is when heart and mind work together. When they work together there is balance and from balance always always comes the best things. In other words, a better way of loving can emerge when heart and mind work together.

The balanced way is closer to conscious love. 

To have the balanced way we really can't just let the heart take over and lead everything. We need to use our faculties to counterbalance it. You know in us beginners with the ego alive the heart still is not pure. It is needs counterbalancing and purifying.

End (3854).

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Love Posts: What is Love? - (3853)

What is love? Too hard to define it. It is so many things. I'm not going to try to give another definition of it. I'm going to rather focus on how we commonly see love and from there draw some light for improvement.

Lets speak about love from the esoteric teachings point of view. Love is something cosmic. It is something that is all around and comes to us from the heights. Love comes from the spheres of supra-consciousness. From where the Being of each one of us dwells. The Divine Mother it is said is the 'root, bud, trunk of love".

Love comes from the Absolute. Of all the planets the one which emanates the most and highest quality of love is the Sun. Love is an energy which is diffused into the whole of nature and some of those particles of love are within human beings in certain parts of their body more than in other parts. 

We have major difficulty in perceiving this love streaming from its source from way way up there somewhere. We only see its manifestations here in the physical world. This is the problem. 

We human beings always seek love but because our view is limited to the physical world and then further limited to the body, we seek it only in our body. In our heart and in our sexual organs. 

Because of love so many crazy things have been done. People are sometimes prepared to commit crimes to fulfill their love, often with love appears tragedy. So often for a person to fall in love is to fill their life with lots of complications and heart ache. It is precisely that which has burnt many people out. 

The strange thing though is that this love is the love everyone is interested in. In the lustful sensations, fascinating emotions etc. Ok ok but the things we can't avoid with this love is that it burns. It has a high price tag, and that price tag is that it hurts.

This love that burns people out is the sensual love and the emotional love. This love is a fire that we jump into and it burns us or consumes us reducing us to ashes. But there are other loves such as the conscious or divine love that do not do this. 

Conscious love has its own perspective or view and its outlook is very broad, it encompasses the source of love which is the sun, and beyond the sun - the Absolute. But a bit more closer to us, our source of love is our Being. 

This is the key because when we acknowledge that the source of love is above and beyond us, we will look for it in higher areas within ourselves and we will wish to purify the love we have to make it closer in nature to the way it is in the higher parts of ourselves.

There is love in our Being and our love comes from our Being. We can not lose love, because it is in our Being. Think about that. Our Being loves the people we like or love. 

So more about this in subsequent later posts. This will do for now, next post. 

End (3853).