Sunday 14 February 2021

Gnosis Intro Points - (4065)

A boring post for you all. Don't read it. It is just for my benefit, using this post as a jotting pad.

Gnosis is direct knowledge, knowledge gained from direct experience. All true knowledge is learnt this way. As real knowledge comes from the real.

Real knowledge appears in anyone when there is direct contact with the realities of life, nature and the cosmos or anything that we wish to truly learn or know.

Knowledge is not believing nor is it read about. It is experiencing and living it out. Which is very demanding. It is the point where all of us fail. 

All true knowledge wishes that human beings apply it and fuse it into their Being.

One of the greatest of all endeavours in human experience is to apply what has been learnt. This is the greatest stumbling block of all human beings: not applying what has been learnt. 

To apply what has been heard requires an intense level of yearning, a decisive discipline, intentional departure from excuses, expectations and concepts (many of which are false). It also requires the departure from the comfortable, from habits and implies changes... 

True knowledge exists because of the real and the real is what transforms and liberates.

True knowledge has always had the qualities of empowering and liberating. How good just a little bit of knowledge can be and how dangerous just a little of knowledge can also be.


True knowledge has the power to dispel suffering and remedy what afflicts us. 

It is so evident that what human beings lack the most is knowledge of ourselves. The average human being lacks so much and this we admit quietly to ourselves at night or alone in the toilet or shower. 

Modern medicine shows us how we much knowledge we lack of our external selves - our body. Can you imagine if so much is lacking about our physicality how much more is lacking about our inner psychological and ontological or spiritual processes?

Yet by the very real characteristics of true knowledge, self-knowledge is the thing we need to cure ourselves and free ourselves from so much personal and collective suffering.

Society is the sum of the individual. If one individual changes then society will change. As long as the individual does not know him or herself, society will not benefit or know itself either and all the problems will continue...

End (4065).

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