Wednesday 3 February 2021

Simple Observation on the Nature of Lust - (4056)

Post Revised: 07/02/2024

Lust is sexuality without that benevolence of sincere good willed consideration of the other person.

Because lust does not have this element of benevolence and sincere good willed consideration towards the other, it has the opposite element instead. Which is an element that has the quality (varies in degrees) of being selfish, ill-willed, subtly against the other in various guises, etc. All the various branches of infra-sexuality take their origin from this element - in fact all of infra-sexuality has the element of being against oneself or the other, whether it be subtle or expressly amplified or very strangely amplified. 

This element gives lust that strange flavour which is also very similar to the flavour of the ego that is about losing the sexual energy, which deep within it carries ill-will, as losing the sexual energy is an act of ill-will towards one's Inner Being.

The conscious knowledge of this one element is very powerful and gives a person, if they work on it well the ability to change or turn the nature of their sexuality around, and fill themselves with a new benevolent peaceful flavour that is inwardly more integral, wholesome and authentically happier.  

Naturally, one person who has the benevolent at work will not be at peace with a person who has the opposite and the person who has the opposite will not be satisfied with the one who has the benevolent. 

Transmutation is a benevolent current, that makes one's whole system genuinely at peace with oneself, that then brings a superior contentment at the level of our essence. The opposite of transmutation brings the opposite of that. Its contentment is not real as quickly it turns to bitterness and more desiring.

One sees also that in Alchemy that ill-willed element gets displaced and dissolved as the benevolent element is the one that is active and governs, because that work is for the benefit of both the two souls and the two Monads.

End (4056).

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