Wednesday 20 April 2022

War Makes Love Real - (4394)

There are true horrors in war. No one can deny that or even justify that. As all is dual there are also true acts of love in war. True acts of kindness that stand out to be remembered through out all of time. It is a real paradox that why the conditions of war make those acts of love to be true acts of love... 

In what other way could it not be love than to respond to the call of another in distress putting all of us on the line against every fear, selfish interest and instinct of survival. Only war provides the maximum of conditions to prove the deepest love, loyalty...

In so many ways love is proven in the times of war. In so many ways such as: not going to war, as giving your life for that of another, as risking your life for that of another, foregoing food rations for a week for others, in risking your life to find medicine for others, for being tortured to ensure the well-being of your companions and the success of a mission...

There is the God of War. In contemplation it is confusing as to why there even be a God of War. But there are wars and there are wars. Wars for greed, for power, for pride, then wars for justice, for the defense of people and for the spirit... It can only be that the God of War be the one to lend a hand in the wars for the spirit and the wars for justice.

How could there be real love between man and woman in the domestic setting with everything really so available and obtainable with little effort. A modern life, cars with air conditioning and safety features galore, every house appliance... But for the spirit a battle field opens. It is in the battles for the spirit on the path against the different "I's" and negative influences, that the love between man and woman is proven. 

Its for sure not the only place where love shines or is proven  - the battle field... But it is the only one that can not be mistaken and always shines as real.

A marriage between two 'poor devils' to one day receive the spirit is no doubt a battlefield... 

End (4394).

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