Wednesday 4 January 2023

Division of Attention Integration Paradox - (5328)

We know that to awaken we must be aware of our attention and using it consciously.

We know that when our consciousness falls asleep, it is because our attention has been taken away and is on something else.

The key to being aware of our attention is to watch it, which means to divide our attention.

One part watching where it is focused and one part focussing on something, such as the activity we are taking part in.

So we think, ok 50% on watching and 50% on whatever we are doing. Wrong!

100% on both watching and doing. How? By integrating the attention to cover both or even three elements such as ourselves, place and what we are doing.

This is a paradox, but that is how our consciousness works - by paradox. Divide our attention by integrating it over two or three or more aspects. 

End (5328).

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