Sunday 29 January 2023

Law of Revolution Notes - (4640)

There are different types of revolutions and there are revolutions on different scales.

The Law of Revolution exists as a legitimate door to break free from stagnation and of becoming stuck under any one of the other laws that have the capacity for duality. 

When a Law has the capacity for duality there is the potential to become stuck.

The Law of Revolution is a Law that favours the Absolute more directly, as it is the Law that helps essences to return to it.

In the Law of Karma - Cause and Effect we can see the duality where it can bring delay, burden, suffering and the opposite too. Because the Law of Karma has a negative side any one of us can become stuck by this law. Hence appears the Law of Revolution to liberate us from having become stuck.

The Law of Revolution always points to UNITY as the escape and salvific door way and modus operandi.

Many mini revolutions make a great revolution. 

Breaking recurrence by recurrence of our "I's" leads to the revolution of breaking away from the Law of Return. 

The Law of Revolution is intimately related to will. Free will, conscious will. It is will that decides to liberate.

The Law of Revolution does not imply changing our whole routine especially if it is conducive to a lot of daily work on ourselves. It would imply that we be free to change it if necessary.

The Law of Revolution is related to the Law of Liberation which is related to Jupiter, which is known to be the Father of the Gods. This is because as mentioned earlier because the Law of Liberation or Revolution works the most in favour of the Father of the Gods.

End (4640).

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