Friday, 24 February 2023

Points to Meditate on: 'Life and Death' Post 9 of 10: Life Cycle - (4675)

Look at coffee how it starts and where it ends. It's end product could not be further away from its start.  A white flower and a dark hot cup of liquid are so far apart. We to have our life cycle...

Coffee beans from the mountains in Colombia would not end up making a cup of coffee served in a café in Melbourne on the cappuccino strip if it was not for human intervention. 

The same for us we are born as a flower and end up wrinkled and dry. But that can either be different in that our legacy our example of life is taken by human beings and given a purpose of being useful to others, nourishing their souls.

Our life is made much more than it was destined to be when a superior influence acts on us. We serve a higher purpose by grace of our Inner Being and the masters of the white lodge, where we as a soul serve a mission much greater than ourselves. Our role is to recognize this influence and co-operate fully with it.

End (4675).

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