Post Revised: 12/02/2024
Summary of Points
➤Introduction and explanation of impressions.
➤Introduction to transformation.
➤Explanation of the transformation of impressions.
➤Methods to transform impressions.
Impressions are the most important nourishment for the human being. We can not live for a second without them.
With impressions we do not have an organ to digest or transform them. We have a stomach to digest food and drink, and lungs to transform air into oxygen but there is nothing in our physical anatomy to transform impressions. But we really need to transform impressions.
There is no system in our anatomy to transform impressions because impressions are psychological. Unfortunately there is nothing in our mind that automatically transforms impressions either. Our mind only automatically stores them. Therefore we need to create a 'mental stomach'. That mental stomach is the conscious discipline of doing the work to transform them.
Each human being if he or she wants to change their life needs to create this discipline of transforming impressions.
If we transform impressions we change our reactions, and if we change our reactions we change cause and effect, and so different effects follow on in our life because we have created different causes. In short our life changes when we transform the impressions in our life.
What really is important, is to know that everything is impressions and that impressions are to be transformed.
If we transform impressions we are working on our life and we are also transforming our life unquestionably for the better.
Transformation is everywhere in nature and in life.
Transformation turns one substance into another. Such as in so many chemical reactions. Such as the element carbon with pressure and time is transformed into diamonds.
Transformation is needed because not every part of nature and ourselves can be nourished from what nature provides us in raw form.
With the transformation of impressions we can transform something of a weakness into a strength. We can transform an insult into comprehension, wisdom and even love. A difficult situation can transform into patience, new knowledge and learning.
Transformation of Impressions
Impressions need to be transformed for us to be balanced, wise, healthy and in control of our life.
If we do not transform impressions there comes a point where the untransformed impressions will govern our life.
Untransformed impressions fester and create new egos within us.
Impressions are automatically stored but not transformed. Impressions accumulate just as clutter accumulates in our house. For our psychological house to function properly we need to de-clutter ourselves of impressions which is done by transforming them.
Untransformed impressions govern our life in the wrong way even when we don't want them to.
Anger is often the result of the accumulation of untransformed impressions.
If we transform impressions we change our life.
We make so many mistakes in life - that is responding incorrectly to the events of life, all because of not transforming impressions.
Many negative habits begin by receiving too many impressions of a negative type. Also many positive habits take hold because of receiving the right impressions.
When we don't transform impressions they accumulate and later we vomit them out in explosive reactions. For example, it is not long before we get angry when someone speaks to us with anger. We may try very hard to not react angrily, but there will come a moment when we can't control it anymore because our system is so full of angry impressions that we have to expel them from our system - answering with the like value of anger.
When we transform impressions we can respond with a new and different value. When we don't transform impressions we just respond with the same value. We are sent irritation we reply with irritation.
Every ego is really a set of untransformed impressions in us. That is how our "I's" were created.
When we transform impressions we nourish the higher parts of ourselves.
Transformed impressions at first go to nourish our astral body. Further transforming the same impression nourishes bodies higher up within us.
Untransformed impressions strengthen the "I's" in us.
The "I's" we have feed themselves with impressions. Impressions are their food.
We become the impressions we take in. So select wisely the impressions we take in.
Master Samael says that if are able to transform the impression of the news of a loved one having died we can liberate such an energy which is capable of making us invisible.
How to Transform Impressions
Personality passive, mind passive and consciousness present is the basic key to transform impressions.
When the consciousness takes impressions it naturally transforms them.
To have the consciousness present we need to be in a state of alertness or self-remembering.
Our capacity to transform impressions depends on our state of consciousness and level of Being. A higher state of consciousness and level of Being means that we can transform impressions with less effort.
We basically only need to transform impressions that our mind classifies as negative.
So if we are very alert and don't allow our mind to classify the impression as negative or positive we don't need to transform any impression.
So a silent mind upon receiving impressions leads us to not need to transform them - in the way that the impressions come and go, they enter us and leave us.
We don't transform the positive ones. They do not upset us. However, not transforming praise and complements leads to strengthening our pride and vanity which later betrays us.
We mostly fail in having our consciousness present taking the impressions, so our mind and egos take the impressions.
The order goes like this: impressions go to senses - senses receive impressions and pass them onto the brain - mind receives the information from the brain - mind classifies the information - mind interprets - the relevant "I" or I's" are called - "I's" take the impressions - "I's" are in control reacting manifesting etc.
After receiving the impression - our point to work on them is to work on the interpretation that our mind gave to the impression.
Analyze and understand the impression. Know the nature of the impression. Know the reality of the impression. Was the impression real - was it an opinion only, was it fleeting, may it change?
After working on the wrong interpretation we need to then work on the "I" that has taken the impression. This can take some time. But it is worth doing and when we receive that same impression next time we will transform it a lot quicker, so much so that we won't have to transform it. Because we have done it before time. We just take it in our stride.
Conscious shocks also help us to transform impressions. Each impression that we receive can be converted into a conscious shock. If a conscious shock is produced within us we can work easier to transform that impression. The more negative the impression the greater the potential to produce a conscious shock.
Transforming Impressions in Octaves of Hydrogens
Here below are a series of diagrams showing how the hydrogens that we take in are modified according to the law of octaves, as we go along transforming them.
Master Samael says that we can transform an impression so much that it is converted into Hydrogen 1 which goes to nourish our inner Kether.
Hydrogens are used to qualify and quantify the heaviness of the nourishing power of the impressions.
End (4655).
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