Wednesday 4 October 2023

To Whom Sets the Tests - (5357)

The tests of the path are set by those above and beyond us.

The tests are not set by ourselves and they are not set by those who are used in the test. Nor are they set by those who are behind us in the work - like a work colleague who we know is certainly not doing the work on him or herself.

We may say that a given circumstance or incident can not be a test because a person involved, reacted in the same way as they always do - so it is just karma or mechanical psychology at work and it is not a test.

That may be true that the person reacted in the same way as they always do but that does not mean that they designed and orchestrated the test = the incident. Some other factor beyond them did. They were simply used to make the test possible.

The tests are set by our Inner Being and the Masters who are beyond us, and they set the test using people who have predictable and programmable reactions for a very defined purpose. Which is to test a virtue of our consciousness in a particular way and to also impart to us a specific lesson about that how that virtue works within and outside of us.

Conclusion: the tests are set by those above us and for a specific reason.

End (5357).

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