The Itoklanos Principle is the principle which places human beings on the wheel of Samsara. When the human being fell in Lemuria, the human being was transferred from the Fulasnitamnian principle to the Itoklanos Principle.
In other words, from being free of the great wheel to being subjected to it along with all of its transmigrations.
A characteristic of these two principles as master Samael explains, is that under the Itoklanos principle human beings repeat the same error time and time again, until learning the lesson, while under the Fulasnitamnian principle any error is only made once.
The Itoklanos principle governs so much of human life, from the great things in life involving thousands of people to the small details of life. All of life is about making errors over and over until we learn. This is essentially how we all learn and become 'wise'.
"An error is made, what is worse is to persist in the same when we know better."
Just to emphasis the main point: in coming under the Itoklanos principle the essence is subject to the condition of having to repeat the same error numerous times until learning the lesson. This is essentially the wheel of Samsara. The essence has to have several hundred lives in each kingdom to learn the lessons of life.
It turns out that these lessons of life are all preparations for the essence to be able to return to its original condition before the fall, that is, being free from the wheel of Samsara.
The role of the wheel of Samsara is to provide the experiences of life in creation through shear repetition, so that they enter the consciousness, ready to be brought to maturity and learnt as a human being so that the these learnt lessons can then fire the yearning to self-realise, and support the work towards self-realisation.
I believe we all carry experiences in our consciousness from the many lives and turns on the wheel of Samsara that are right now are sustaining us in our work from deep within our consciousness.
I also believe that there are many semi-learnt lessons from the wheel of Samsara that are ready to be brought into the light of our consciousness so as to be fully learnt.
In the last life what is in front of you is death and the Law. We need a good relationship with these two factors to negotiate a different destiny.
It is said that the essence knows that she is in the abyss involuting, and when the evolution process begins while being a mineral, the essence still remembers that it is evoluting but when reaching animal form, the essence starts to forget and enters the human kingdom without recollection or awareness of having completed one turn of the great wheel of Samsara.
End (5347).
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