Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Supplementary Notes on Hatred - (5252)

It arises via a process, therefore it can be undone.

It appears as if by magic when we are not aware of the process.

It is a result of our will and sexual energy thus making it profoundly powerful.

To carry hatred is to be constantly poisonings ourselves.

If we look carefully we carry some hatred at some level within us for something or someone. 

Temporary hate for a few seconds means our capacity to hate is real and alive.

As long as the capacity to hate is alive we must become aware of the process of the creation of hatred so that we don't fall into hating.

Where is our pride, thinking we are so good when we have the capacity to hate alive in us?

Even if we don't see any hatred are we sure our capacity to hate has been nullified?

If for nothing else, dissolve hatred for our own benefit.

Hatred is the opposite of love. Therefore with love and in the name of love for something, ourselves, our Inner Being, for others, for a cat, for animal... we can undo hatred.

For the love of ourselves, and being decent reasonable human beings, we are moved to work on pride to not ever come under the control of hatred. Which for our Inner Being is a true disaster.

The aura of hatred is black. The thicker and darker the black the more intense the hatred.

There is much hatred in this world. Amongst larger groups of people, even nations and amongst smaller groups, even in families.

When left in our system for too long it conditions our life and attracts negative influences.

We can easily lose control because of it. It in fact, it can take over to the point we are no longer in control.

Hatred leads to violence and for those esoterically inclined - to black magic. 

Hatred connects to deeper and darker egos within our own abyss, which highly inconvenient for an aspirant of the light.

These negative forces create many unfortunate internal states and corresponding unfortunate negative circumstances.

We become very heavy and are no longer able to project into the astral, and transmute oru energies and our life loses colour and joy.

If we have hatred we must deal with it carefully with the aim of undoing it using love as mentioned above. If someone hates, we must deal with their hatred carefully and tactfully using love as well.

Hate dealing with hate is the worst recipe there is. Well it is a recipe for war.

End (5252).

Process of the Creation of Hatred - (5251)

This is how hatred is created. See the diagram below.

If we hate something or someone, this hatred infallibly developed through the above process. It takes time and hatred never comes out of nowhere. It came about by a process, through a series of stages.

It all starts with our pride being hurt through an event and the impressions received. When our pride is hurt, inevitably our self-love will also feel hurt. When our self-love is hurt we register a psychological debt. When we can not pardon that debt or the other party does not apologise or compensate that debt turns into resentment.

While we carry resentment and interactions between that something or someone continue in some way things inevitably don't go well and we accumulate more negative experiences. Through those negative experiences we collect more data via observations, analysis and reasoning. Soon enough that resentment becomes organised into a full case against that something or someone. 

That resentment via the new focus it has acquired through being organised then turns into hatred. Hatred is a negative creation which is the result of our attention (flow of life) being focussed by the mind onto the organised negative reasoning. This focus inevitably involves our creative energy and this combination creates resentment.

Hatred then brings violence in thought, word and action. This is ill-will. Our abyss and aspects of the abyss of nature appear in our physical life inexplicably staining it.

End (5251).

Order of Death and Liberation - (5242)

Stages of Death

We die first in our actions and words. Then in the feelings, followed by the thoughts as shown below.

Stages of Liberation

We liberate ourselves from our conditionings and limitations first within our intellectual center. That is we change our way of thinking to one free of that limitation or conditioning. Then our way of feeling changes, and finally we change in action. A change in actions means liberation from that conditioning or limitation. The process is as shown below.

Note, the intellect is primarily analysis to produce a change. Emotion is primarily comprehension of the analysis for change and the motor centre represents the digestion of the change into actuality.

End (5242).

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Relatively Good Physical Result Plus Relatively Good Psychological PayOff = Ego Here to Stay - (5241)

That's the formula to keep an ego alive and that's the reason why we keep any ego alive: good physical results and a  good psychological payback.

It gets results here in the material physical world and it makes us to feel good, even if it be temporarily. 

When any of the those two above benefits stop, we have been graced with the chance to work on eliminating it.

End (5241).

Monday, 29 July 2024

What Looks Like an Angry Monster is Fragility in Disguise - (5227)

Often we see an angry person as strong, domineering and difficult. However, looking behind that facade we find that they are scared or hurt. 

When there is strong pride it is often too difficult to appear vulnerable and say the truth to others that "I am scared or feel hurt". 

It is better for pride to be angry and spiteful and demand to have things go our way. Because pride will manage to save face and keep the fear or hurt disguised. 

Because we use anger we are blinded from trusting in the kindness of others which is what we need to do instead of resorting to anger and disguising our fear or hurt.

There is always a reason for pride to disguise fear or hurt. Maybe the past...

An angry person is usually always a person hurting. We can only feel that in others when we allow ourselves to look behind their anger.

The paradox is that to see the fear behind their anger we have to overcome our own fear of their anger.

The other paradox is that being truthful and vulnerable is more powerful than anger. 

Anger does not promote understanding and kindness in others but rather revenge and distance - which in the long run, runs far from a true solution.

End (5229).

Post Number Jump to Amend for Duplicate Numbers - (5231)

There will be some a jumps in the consecutive series of post numbers. This is just to sort out the 127 duplicates that there are.

End (5231).

Friday, 26 July 2024

We Are What we Do. Not what we Believe We Are - (5230)

Pay attention to what you do because that is really what you are and what you believe in.

We believe we are what we think we are. What we think we are is not what we really are and it takes us a long time to see that we are only what we do not what we think we are.

The truth is every human being does what they believe. What we believe comes from our identity. The truth is often that we don't know what we believe but it is there in front of us, it is not in what we think but in what we do.

End (5230).

Thursday, 25 July 2024

Give the Consciousness a Job for the Day! - (5229)

To make sure we use our consciousness in the day a bit more than we did yesterday or more than we usually do. Give yourself a job for the day that only your consciousness can do!

Such as:

➕ Only positive thoughts about something like: a person, a situation or say the past or future.

⛔ Only reality - nothing of fantasy.

➕ Only consciously spoken words.

➕ Attention on the task. 

➕ Remembering the Being

➕ Your identity as the soul of the Being

If we chose one of the above or any other task and make that our day's job we definitely will use our consciousness.

End (5229).

Order of the Dissolution of the "I" - (5228)

This is the order in which the "I's" is dissolved. 

We start with the very visible "I's" that are called the bad "I's". Meaning the "I's" that more often than not have negative results for ourselves and others. Such as anger, pride, laziness, greed, lust, gluttony, jealousy, envy and so on. 

Next are the good "I's" which try to do the good but often don't produce a good result for both ourselves and others, even they often produce a good result or anyone. They are worked on after the heavy visible egos are worked because they require more consciousness to work on.

End (5228).

Death of the "I" General Process - (4991)

Here are the five steps that are followed when working in the elimination of any "I".

Following posts will expand upon the process within each step.

End (4991).

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Sexuality, Causality and Sexual Thinking - (5226)

Sex is a causal power. No doubt about it. It originates and causes life and is the cause for life. It also forms a chain of cause and effect.

We know the law of cause and effect forms a great chain linking past, present and future through space. 

We know an effect becomes a cause of another effect and the resulting effect becomes the cause for something else and the chain continues...

A father has a son, and the son has a son and becomes a father. Forging a great chain of fathers and sons.

The cause of any event links back to sex. Because the sexual act was what gave life to the human beings that were involved in the event that changed history for good or bad.

Sexual thinking is far wider and above thinking about the sexual act and its technicalities. It is about seeing the interplay of two opposite polarities (sexuality) in every moment of life and in every event. Seeing how the two polarities meet to form an origin of a cause which unfolds effects that becomes causes that generate effects and the chain grows.

End (5226).

The Abyss Is: "I'm Right and Justified in My Resentment and More..." - (5225)

It is really scary how we throw and lock ourselves into our own abyss while we are alive. 

We throw ourselves down when we reject and dislike and we lock ourselves there when we believe we are right and justified in resenting and hating.

It's even worse when we die, we gravitate down into nature's abyss while we continue to believe we are right and justified in our resentment and hatred.

The strangest thing, is that in the very depths of the abyss there is a part of ourselves that knows we are wrong and it is only because we decide not to listen to that part, that we continue to stay there no matter how bad (filthy and miserable) it is.

When we listen to that part and embrace it, letting go of who is right or wrong or what is fair or unfair, we start to rise to the surface. 

The first people we meet up there are those who we believed hurt us... They were they hoping and waiting that we would make it.

End (5225).

Monday, 22 July 2024

Action of Conscious Love Above Personality and Egos - (5223)

Conscious love starts when there is no help from our personality or any of our egos in what can be considered an act of love.

When there is no interest in what we are going to love from our personality and our egos, then we have the opportunity to feel the degree of conscious love we have.

We also have the opportunity, if we wish, to develop and enrich our degree of conscious love.

Conscious love will be present when there is the central reason that aligns with enhancing the essence and the work of the essence.

For example, we may wish to help someone. But we find inside of us, no interest or attraction from our personality or any of our egos to help them. However, for the good of the essence and for the work of that person, we decide to help them. That is one example of millions, of conscious love in action.

End (5223).

"The Work with the Word" Process Post Expanded - (5222)

The following diagram expands on the Post 5219 that presented the overall steps to take our word from the hands of the ego.

This post presented the small steps within the overall steps presented in Post 5219. This post presents all the steps.

As always feel free to download this image and do as you please with it. Get in touch if you would like the Visio file.

End (5222).

Sunday, 21 July 2024

TONE is More Real that the Words Spoken - (5221)

The tone of words spoken among human beings always has the most weight.

We believe the tone more than the words themselves.

It's amazing how we unconsciously pay more attention to the tone.

This is because we somehow subconsciously pick up that the tone is the aspect that really reflects the psychological state of the person speaking.

We know that the psychological state is what determines what the person does.

The correct use of the word is to make the tone to match the meaning of the words used.

If the tone does not match, people will subconsciously believe the tone. Which in turn creates a lot of confusion, as the tone and meaning can be opposite.

End (5221).

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Essence Learning, Animal Kingdom and Instinctive Centre - (5220)

Essence Learns in the Kingdoms  

As the essence evolves through the kingdoms: mineral. plant and animal it learns many lessons through time about the different values needed for human life. 

These lessons also serve as a basis upon which the essence when it reaches the state of human being can attempt the self-realization of the Monad. 

Animal Kingdom

When the essence is in the animal kingdom, it is learning about the different values of the essence. Each animal species offers the essence many opportunities to learn the different values. 

We can observe that each animal has it's major strengths and very particular characteristics. For example as a lion the essence learns courage, dominion, nobility, from a sloth one learns patience, from a fox one learns cunning and survival and so on.

If we observe the animal species we can make out for ourselves what the essence would learn from spending several lives in this species.

The Guru Devas

One of the role of the guru devas is to watch over and guide the learning of the essence as it moves through the different states and hierarchies in the kingdoms. When the lessons have been adequately apprehended by the essence, the essence progresses in its evolution.

Instinctive Centre

The lessons learned in the kingdoms are registered in the essence and in the instinctive centre.

From the animal kingdom the essence enters the human state with many residues of learning in the animal kingdom which remain in the instinctive centre and the essence.

The essence along the way in its human life has to clean all these animal residues from within the instinctive centre and from within the essence. 

In human life the essence works with the instincts to respond to life. The essence would draw upon the learnings it has within it to bring out the right value to answer the events of life.

Intervention of the Intellectual Centre Creates "I's"

The intellect centre causes the essence to exaggerate to either side the instincts and leads then to the conditioning or bottling of the essence which turns into fragmented and conditioned parts of essence we are the different egos.

It is the intervention of the intellectual centre and the residue of the Kundabuffer organ in the instinctive centre that creates the egos in an essence fresh out of evolution from the animal kingdom.

End (5220).

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Process Post: The Work with the Word - (5219)

The Work on the Word

These are the steps to work on taking our word from the hands of the ego (conditioned consciousness) and placing it into the hands of our Inner Being. 

The steps to rescue the word can be followed for any "I", as they all have a use of the word.

Please note, the work of rescuing the word is done for each "I" and the work of purifying and perfecting is done overall or in general.

End (5219).

Process Posts: Human Machine Function and Learning - (5218)

First Process Post

This post marks the beginning of a series of posts that will present many of the processes that a person will come across in their study of Gnosis.

They are practical in nature and can be 100% worked with. They are verifiable and true.

Human Machine

The first process is the order by which the centres of the human machine always function, and the second process is the order by which we all learn something according to the centres of the human machine.

Order of Centres


End (5218).

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Are We Ever Above Reciprocity? - (5217)

No, but we often think that we are, or that reciprocity doesn't apply in a given situation.

Life is the ever constant flow of give and take.

To not give means to be dead.

Death is a need for the person that does not want to give. Because all of life all the time is about giving and taking. 

By giving we become more conscious. The awakened person gives to creation in the best way like no other being on the planet can give. To be unconscious and not want to give means death.

The Sun the King of Reciprocation

We may think people should always give or always just receive. But that is not according to the law of reciprocity. All people, all creatures must participate in giving and receiving.

We may think that contacts or connections should just give when we ask or just receive when we want to give. This may work for a while but the time will come to reciprocate and either a friendship we will become responsible to will have to be created, where there will be give and take, or each party falls off each other's radar.  

Among friends there is trust and so the give and take evens out over time. If not, this break down of give and take changes the status of the friendship.

End (5217).

Psychic Development Talk Notes - (5163)


This post presents some notes for the talk: "Psychic Development".


We are in creation to really develop our psyche. That is to convert all the light and energy that we receive through impressions (external and internal), into consciousness.

Impressions always crystallize into something. If we work upon them they crystallise into light. If we don't they crystallise into darkness or in other words - mechanical and dense psychological creations.

Psychic development is to know that all that comes to us is somehow connected to us, and it is for us to use what comes to develop ourselves. Nothing comes to us, that is into our life, for no reason.

What is our life? It is a sum of impressions, perceptions, sensations, concepts and beliefs. What is really real for us is our inner life, that is our thoughts and feelings. We truly live more in our interior world than in the exterior.

The human being is a creation that has the introduction of interior space. We are really a four dimensional creation and the most important dimension of all is that inner dimension. That inner psychological space, and the most important thing of all is to develop that inner dimension.

Yet we don't really accept that. We are more fixated on the outer three dimensions. Anyhow let's press on.

How well do we know this interior world and how much have we renovated it and developed it? Very little right?

This talk suggests that we all have a very simple or elemental undeveloped psyche that has not understood as yet what it is that we are doing here, why it is that we have physical life, why is it that we can be happy or unhappy etc.

Things outside of us give us the feeling of security, reliability and stability but that is the impression that we receive. Do they really give us security? That is another thing altogether.

This talk examines what is an impression, what is a perception, what is a sensation and what is a concept and what is a word.

The universe previously existed as a unity and now with creation it is a multiplicity. Only now in creation as a multiplicity that is separated into individual sparks can it, and us get to know ourselves.

However, even though we are individual sparks we are all still linked together as if we are one. What happens to me will happen to you and what affects me will affect you. What I do for others I do for myself. 

It only makes sense to do good to myself and to others in this world of multiplicity that forms a great unity.

This talk gives us a purpose in life. It shows us why we are here and knowing that, we can then go and drive our efforts into that direction of developing our psyche.

The diverse parts of creation can contemplate themselves in others. Creation is a mirror.

If we can see ourselves in others we are closer to the unity and to Divinity. when we can not see anything of ourselves in others we are far away from the unity and Divinity.


Impressions are an energy that enters inside of us and energy always produces effects or results of some kind. We impress the stomach with food and we get energy and minerals and vitamins.

Impressions are a type of light. That can crystalize into something sublime or something inferior. So in time we receive and carry around all this energy that we convert into a crystallisation of something superior or inferior.

Creation is a mirror and other human beings, nature and the plants and animals are also a mirror. If I look at another human being and I can not see myself then I'm not allowing my consciousness to participate in my life so that I can extract the 'light of understanding' from my life. 

If I can not see in others the reflection of myself, I am further and further away from the path of integrating myself with the whole universe.

The soul can be crystallised or lost. We can crystallise ourselves as a superior Being or an inferior one. This is done by transforming or not transforming the impressions we receive throughout our life. We can turn ourselves into a master or into a demon.

A master is one which has crystallized all that has come into his or her life into consciousness. He or she has understood that all that surrounds him or her is an image of him or herself.

What is a demon - someone who can not see joy in anything - one who is terribly negative about everything. This happens when all the negativity within petrifies.

The experiences of life are not normally used to transform ourselves instead they bury us deeper and deeper into heaviness.

The senses allow the impressions in and they are a window. Impressions are always a food that needs to be digested. Pride, anger, fear, jealousy etc. are indigestions. That is untransformed impressions.


We are the image of something psychological that resides in others.

Every sensation leaves a memory in us. There is the memory of the senses. 

If we are left a bad memory of something within us we are miserable and we have much to overcome.If we are left with a bad memory we have to introduce a second shock which is to use the consciousness to transform the negative into positive.

The memory that is left depends on how we took the impressions that we received.

We need to create a new memory - an esoteric memory or a work memory and not the animal mind of sensations and emotions. The work memory is based on comprehension.

Good and evil are relative and the faculty of discernment is the ability to know how to view things from our interior to see things as good and to produce joy and happiness inside of us. 


Every sensation has a character or quality and a duration (time of lasting). 


Perceptions are a sum of impressions and sensations. Sensations give rise to perceptions. It is really the memory of the sensations and impressions that give rise to the perceptions.

Perceptions are formed from the impressions that enter through the senses. Perceptions are also formed from the memory of many sensations.

Perceptions are the sum of sensations and memory and perceptions form concepts.

To be continued...

End (5163).

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Radioactivity and Transitioning Between Kingdoms - (5216)

It is said that each being in its nature, within each kingdom must become radioactive before being able to pass onto the next kingdom.

The minerals, plants and animals do it by the force of evolutionary laws, however human beings do not do it.

We can see this the easiest with the minerals. Where an essence will move into radioactive mineral life as a preparation for entry into the transition species between the mineral and plant kingdoms.

Human beings are stuck on the runway. It is not meant in view of the cosmic picture for human beings to become stuck and not progress into the other kingdoms of nature, such as the kingdoms of the soul and the spirit, and beyond that; the kingdom of the Logos and the Absolute.

Human beings do not progress by law because human beings have individual consciousness and so they must take their progress according to their own volition and with their own consciousness.

This though does not mean that human beings don't receive help. They do, they really do!

The Cosmic Christ helps through the Intimate Christ, and the Intimate Christ helps with the path, and the esoteric teachings bring us to the path and all the avatars of past and present have brought and are bringing us the esoteric teachings.

Read the following quote which is very interesting concerning the state of consciousness of beings in the four kingdoms.

"Whether they belong to the mineral, vegetable, animal or human realm, all creatures are conscious but, depending on their degree of evolution, this consciousness is more or less removed from their physical bodies.

The consciousness of minerals is the furthest removed, and this is why they exist in an inert state. The consciousness of plants is at the centre of the earth, so that is where we must try to reach them if we want to speak to them, and get them to understand us and respond. Animals do not have an individual consciousness either: their collective consciousness lies apart from them, within the group soul that directs each different species. Each animal obeys the group soul of its species, which determines the season for mating, for egg laying, for migration, for moulting, and so forth. Humans are the only beings who possess an individual consciousness, and that is why we are thinking beings endowed with free will.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. 

To become radioactive means to be acted upon by powerful forces so to radiate (light or energy waves) and be transitioning to another state.

The teachings, the work, the path, the masters and the Inner Being are the powerful forces that make, together with our voluntary co-operation and collaboration, our consciousness to awaken and shine. As well as our energies to be transmuted and transformed, so to be able to crystalize into existence and presence in higher planes of consciousness. 

Awaken consciousness, mystical death and transmutation is how we become radioactive to enter the next kingdom above which is the kingdom of the Soul.

End (5216). 

Being an Invisible Passerby - (5215)

Contemplating that possibility of being an invisible passerby - we find a direct encounter with our own psychological death.

To find something that can help along our psychological death today, is something worthy of bringing to our attention.

What would it mean for me to an invisible passerby in my workplace, at home, in the Gnostic group, walking and driving on the streets etc.?

Something wriggles in discomfort inside of us, and from within our mind comes the protest of "that's wrong, that's not very useful - to be invisible!".

Self-importance, vanity and competitive pride wriggle in discomfort within us...

We are not going to be invisible, as in no one can see and find us anymore, and so they will go and report us to the police as missing. No, not like that - but egoically invisible.

In the sense of not leaving a mark and stain behind us. To pass through events and circumstances with creating a disturbance, a wash and a wake for others and ourselves to deal with.

Not an argument, not a fight, not a disagreement, not a problem to solve, no strong impressions to transform, no mental complications to have to unravel, no incoherent words, sounds and gestures that make people wonder what's wrong with us...

No heavy, low and sad moods with a dark atmosphere...

Even if we have the ego alive we can practice this invisibility!

End (5215).

Everyday Offers Chances to be Different - (5214)

Truly in small and large ways every day offers us chances to be different to what we always are.

The question is to ourselves: "Did we take advantage of it?". 

If no it is not too late...

End (5214).

Sunday, 14 July 2024

How the Creative Energy Can Be a Degenerative Power in Our Physical Life? - (5200)


Degeneration essentially means to initiate a process of decline or atrophy.

Master Samael explained that the fall or degeneration of the Lemurians began when they decided to perform the sexual act outside of the temples and outside of the rhythms directed by the cosmos. 

From what Master Samael says we can infer that degeneration in relation to the sexual energy is a use of the sexual energy that extends outside of some order or limit.

The two real legitimate uses of the sexual energy are to procreate and build our interior universe. This takes a long time to accept, but truly makes a lot of sense once accepted.

The joy of the sexual act which is legitimate Master Samael explains is it seems from his teachings a side issue. Yet it is real.

Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is like water and fire. It is very powerful like fire and water. It can do great good or be very destructive. 

The best way to use fire and water is to give it a useful purpose and the right channel to flow through to serve that purpose.

The sexual energy is used correctly, that is not in a degenerative state when we do exactly that. Give the sexuyal energy a higher prupose and the right way to flow.

Degeneration begins when we use the sexual energy outside of natural orders and rhythms or we when begin to relate to it incorrectly.

How do we not relate well to the sexual energy? When we relate to it, in a disconnected way and without love.

The best way to relate to the sexual energy is with LOVE.

When we don't relate well to the sexual energy we cause it to run into energy channels that it is not meant to run through which produces bodily and energetic irritations that cause outbursts or eruptions.

These eruptions occur to essentially quickly clear the energy out of those channels. In many cases it is the egoical reactions that trigger these outbursts.

Also if we don't transmute the energy but retain it, the energy stagnates or involutes producing unusual psychological and physical results, known as the Poisonioonoskirian vibrations.

Physical Life

Physical life is really our environment, the health of both our mind and body as well as our relationships.

The degenerated use of the sexual energy is essentially constituted by the loss of the sexual energy.  The loss of the sexual energy atrophies the functions of the sexual organs, as well many of the other organs as well including the brain. This is because of the energy 

The degenerated use in turn atrophies our overall vitality.

The degenerated use atrophies certain our values - such as self-respect, love, consideration, diligence, honesty and others.

The degenerated use in time affects our relationships through the atrophication of the sexual function, the brain and certain psychological values.

End (5200).

Saturday, 13 July 2024

The Mystery of the Day and Retrospection - (5213)

We wake up in the morning by virtue of some special factor that we don't fully know - that is really a mystery to us.

Each day is a mystery. If we just do a retrospection exercise with attention to detail we will find so many instances in which we were not in control, so many instances we didn’t fully understand what was happening and what was going on inside of ourselves...

There is always something in each day that is outside of the plan of the routine. Something almost unexpected... 

Why is that? It is a part of the mystery of each day. It's the day's way of telling us: "see each day is a mystery".

In the unexpected is where the day holds its mystery.

Each day our job is to unravel and peer a little more deeply and wider into the mystery of ourselves and why it is that we are here.

Why are the people in our lives in our lives? And why the circumstances even against our own will and liking are present in our life? This is a mystery that we must uncover.

Where does the flow of life come from? 

In the mystery of the day is where we find the flow of life...

With the state of alertness and detail, careful retrospection we can peer into this mystery of our lfie.

End (5213).

Friday, 12 July 2024

What are we Mostly in Defect? - (5266)

We must know! Review our day with detailed scrutiny and it will appear.

The most difficult or hardest of days will reveal the most.

End (5266).

Why the Attraction to Evil? - (5212)

Because of its power

There are other reasons but this is the main one. 

If evil were useless and incapable of anything then really what would human beings be so attracted to?

Observe how no person doing evil feels weak.

End (5212).

Thursday, 11 July 2024

How to be Different? - (5211)

We have been taught that what really makes us awaken and die in ourselves is being different to what we are.

If we are lazy and negligent all the time then be diligent and give closer attention and care to all things.

If we are proud and angry all the time then be sweet and co-operative. 

If we are a quiet, scared recluse then be open and happy in the company of others.

If we are selfish and stingy then spend time and money with and on others.

If we are bossy and controlling then be kind, flexible and respectful of others.

The list goes on…

We just have to in truth be the opposite of what we are. 

But first we have to find and admit to ourselves what we are.

We may not at first know how to be the opposite of what we are. But we have to work it out, and we will certainly work it out when we really try.

I understand now more and more that if we don't make these big opposite turn around changes in our way of being we are stopping our awakening and mystical death.

End (5211).

To Die in Ourselves - a Strict Discipline is Needed - (5210)

The way to die really in our day is to impose very strictly a task upon ourselves.

Something like not have one negative thought about somebody. Something serious and meaningful and of a transcendental nature.

That will really make us to work on ourselves. We will be alert and working to not think negatively.

If not we don't, we really don't do too much at all during our day.

Much less if we don't sit down and really do an esoteric practice or carry an esoteric action.

End (5210).

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Thank you for the Day! - (5208)

Now and then some humility is good for us.

To feel emptiness is good now and then because it makes us to realise that we are here because of our Monad, our Father-Mother.

Humility to thank them for the day, for being alive and being healthy, for being in the work and being sound of mind to be able to work on ourselves today, for both them and us together.

To seek moments of connection during the day to express gratitude to the Monad is meaningful, beautiful, nourishes the soul and fills the inner emptiness.

End (5208).

Will Expands Through Others - (5309)

It is in the nature of will to expand. It can expand internally or externally.

When it expands externally, it must expand into other human beings. Where others will do its will.

There are many ways that this can be done. It is usually done over time if the ways of forceful or less forceful convincing don't work.

One way that we should be aware of and try not to use, is to forcefully use the work and it's principles to make another person to correct or change themselves for the sake of our will.

It is true that others including ourselves need to change. It is not correct though to use the will forcefully to make another to change against their will. If they are willing that is all ok but if not, that is an error.

For the person made to change, they can use that force of the other's will as a driving introspective force to see with their consciousness any error that they may be making. As soon as the consciousness sees the whole issue is transcended.

We are not often aware that we do this with our will. The most important thing about will is to be aware of who in us is using our will and for what real purpose. The real purpose is deeper than the physical issue.

End (5309).

Eliminating Control is Difficult - (5207)

It is truly difficult to eliminate controlling others.

Even reacting at others who get angry is controlling others.

To be dead to controlling others means to not react to any of their negative manifestations. We often react as a protest, with the desire to change the way they are treating us.

It is not easy dying to subtle ways we control others.

In general, no desire for the good things, such as for fairness or correctness, and no desire for vested interests, equals not controlling others.

End (5207).

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Confusion from Too Much Information in Esoteric Studies - (5205)

I think we all may have suffered from information overload at one time or another.

These are what we typically experience:

The remedy is the same as losing weight. Eat less and move more. So take in less info and practice more (look inside more).

End (5205).

Monday, 8 July 2024

The Inner Being Carries Us - (5204)

That typical situation of being in a bad mood and another person carries us through the day with their good attitude, energy and internal state...

To be carried that way through the day is not really good of us. We should be able to do better, at least to carry ourselves. But we don't, we tend hang off the positive energy of others.

What about our Inner Being? Are we carrying it or is it carrying us? We really have to conclude that our Inner Being is mostly carrying us. 

When we take responsibility for dissolving the egos we created and work on them, take care of our own essence and take a certain sovereignty over our internal states we are lightening the burden on our Inner Being. 

There are many ways we end up being carried. Neglecting to take care of our own happiness and inner education, we are really wanting to be carried by others and that is often a load that they can't always carry.

It seems that the way of things is that we are helped to stand up and walk and then once walking we must help others to stand and walk as we were helped.

If we don't do any of these things above we break the chain of life.

End (5204).

Too Much Info - "Being" Needs More Focus - (5203)

We need to focus more on 'being'.

Gnosis can become a bit too much about information. There is so much clear information in the Gnostic doctrine that makes it so easy to lean on and forget about 'being'.

'Being' is the real work, is what saves us.

Being different to what we are right now. Being the values of the Being.

End (5203).

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Journalist Students - (5202)

It happens from time to time that some 'students' are not really students but people who have been sent by an organization, or by their own to gather information. 

They stay for a while, note down as much as they can, keep a relative appearance of interest and then leave as soon as they have all the information they need.

They are easy to detect owing to that invisible psychic barrier that they project of not wanting to get too involved, especially not personally or with genuine emotion.

In fact, the curiosity of the ego is like that. It stays to hear as much as is needed to get a basic understanding, and leaves as soon as it understands that Gnosis is not going to serve its interests.

End (5202).

Saturday, 6 July 2024

How the Creative Energy Is a Regenerating Power in Our Spiritual Life - (5201)


Regeneration I think must be understood in the way of generating something that was lost or damaged. 

Regenerating therefore means to heal that which has been damaged and restore that which has been lost.

Regeneration is also the act of creating anew. Where the new may be better than the original in many ways.

The pertinent questions here are: What in us has been lost or damaged?

What does the creative energy heal within our spiritual life?

What does the creative energy restore within our spiritual life?

We in many ways find ourselves fragmented psychologically, disconnected spiritually and weak in vitality.

Sexual Energy Attracts, Unifies, Creates = Healing

The sexual energy attracts, unifies, creates and heals. It can unify the fragmentation into a whole and restore the broken connections. 

The means of regeneration is transmutation. Nothing of regeneration can be done if one does not transmute the sexual energy.

The sexual energy when transmuted has the power to attract spiritual forces as well as parts of the Inner Being. Especially the Divine Mother.  

It is an energy that essentially unifies. So it restores connections within us. The first connection is restoring the link between sex and brain. 

With the transmutation of the sexual energy we can seminize the brain. We can give our brain access to the tremendous reserves of creative energy in the sexual organs.  

The creative energy running into the brain energizes the brain and makes it more creative, vital and powerful in its thinking process and capacity to think in new and different angles and dimensions.

When the sexual energy is transmuted with the Inner Being focussed upon woith our mind and heart that transmuted energy nourishes our Inner Being. Thus energising and activating the Inner Being and giving it access to create within us.  

The creative energy has the power to construct and the power to undo. The power to undo can be used wisely to dissaemble what has been created which is false and unnecessary within us which are the many psychological aggregates that we have.

The elimination of the egos that we have restores the wholeness or unity of our Being. It also restores the many values that we have in our soul that were previously trapped in the conditioning of the "I's".

Fire within the Sexual Energy

Drawing of the Sword from the Stone - the fire from sexuality. With the fire which is spritual in nature we can activate what has become dormant and meld together what has become broken. 

This spiritual fire is a fusing energy that makes cells and atoms in our all bodies and dimensions to grow and unite with other cells to meld and join to resrore and create anew. 

This spiritual fire also creates the superior existential bodies of the Inner Being inside of us. 

It also awakens and creates love through all the spheres of our Being.

End (5201).

Friday, 5 July 2024

Initiatic Path Introductory Notes - (5199)

Introduction to the Introduction

This post is a collection of notes to do with introducing this talk topic. The details of this topic won;t be covered in this post. Master Samael does an excellent job of covering the details in his books.


Now days there are so many paths. Which one is the right one? 

It is also difficult these days for people to accept that there is only one path.

To address this confusion and resistance it is good to make reference to the dry and wet paths or the direct and spiral paths. 

The shortest path between two points is a straight line and there is only one straight line that joins those two points. This is the direct path. 

There are an infinite number of curved lines that can join those two dots.  

Therefore there are thousands of paths to walk along to get between two points. 

The way of the warrior, the way of the artist, the shamans' way, the path of the psychic, the path of the nature wonderer, the way of the healer, the buddhist path, the path of the miracle worker, the path of the philosopher, meditation as a path...  

These two points are where we are now and the full development of our potential as a Cosmic Being.

The direct path is the straight line, therefore there is only one direct path. The many curves is the spiral path. 

This one path has been expressed and represented in many different ways according to the culture of the time and space.

Ultimately there are two types of paths. Direct and spiral. The many paths fit into the spiral and the path of the three mountains synthesised by death, birth and sacrifice for humanity is the direct path.

A Path

What is meant by a path? 

A set of principles to commit to, to devote to, and to live our life by. A series of stages with a begining, a journey and a destination.

A path offers and promises some kind of change, transformation and development. 

A path is one where one can look back and look forward and know where one is on this path.

There is the point where one's life becomes a path. One's life becomes the path and so one person is the path made alive.

Any real path is one which is alive, which can be lived and is shown thorugh the life of a person living it. 

Each path has its reasons of being and its measures of fulfillment. 

Each path has it's inner quality or spirit. The spirit of the direct way is liberation!

The initiatic path is a didactic entrance into the understanding and realising the mysteries of The Being, life, creation and the cosmos.

Most defintiely over space and time the direct path has been represented in many different ways but the laws and principles by which it has been walked has always been the same.

The initiatic path is internal for the inner man/person not for the outer man or person.

Awakening and the Initiatic Path 

There is awakening in both types of paths: direct and spiral. Both paths can not be done without the awakening of the consciousness.

The spiral paths give some awakening but the direct path at the end produces the full awakening of all the atoms of the consciousness and the parts of the Being.

It is good to give an overview of the stages of the path, so understand how the path brings about the liberation of the soul to find freedom in union with the spirit and Logos.

Lead to the path, probationary path (minor initiations), major path (major initiations), mastery, perfection of mastery and ascension into unity with higher and higher parts of the Inner Being.

The direct path has the three factors as its legs: Death, Birth and Sacrifice for Humanity.

The direct path is tests, trials, preparation, undoing (death), constructing (birth and life) and union with the Divine Inner Being.

As the direct path is the straightest and quickest line to travel by it is the most difficult and demands much. The payment of karmic debts must be acclerated to clear the way to walk the direct path, 

As the direct path is a line, it is narrow and strict. Only with a strictly straight conduct can we walk it. No one really likes that but that is the way the direct path is - demanding upon ourselves to prduce this inner and outer upright conduct of high ethical standard.

End (5199).

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Respecting Others IS Self-Respect Why? - (5198)

When we give others space and use our words and actions to uphold their dignity then we are respecting ourselves.

To say things and do things that lower the rights and dignity of others that will cause others to react against us is not repsectful to ourselves. This is becasue it will to cause others to shout at us, insult us, ignore us and glare at us.

These things do happen and we shouldn;t be afraid of them, but bringing them upon ourselves is a different thing. It is simply due to being ignorant of the value of respect.

End (5198). 

Attention with Mind, Attention with Essence - (5197)

These two attentions are different.

Attention with the mind tires the brain. and reduces the flow of life into steps, where it is inevitable that the narration of the mind begins to take over.

With the awareness of steps comes a certain tediousness and the feeling of the flow of life leaving us behind.

With the attention of mind very little of what's behind events comes to us...

Attention with the essence brings the power of presence, in other words brings a certain depth and continuity of flow 

Attention with the essence doessn't tire or strain and opens doorways into perceiving what is behind events and the thoughts and feelings that appear within us.

It allows us also to flow with the flow of life, which is a pleasant feeling.

Conclusion, make the essence bring attention to outer and inner life.

End (5197).