Tuesday 2 July 2024

Attention with Mind, Attention with Essence - (5197)

These two attentions are different.

Attention with the mind tires the brain. and reduces the flow of life into steps, where it is inevitable that the narration of the mind begins to take over.

With the awareness of steps comes a certain tediousness and the feeling of the flow of life leaving us behind.

With the attention of mind very little of what's behind events comes to us...

Attention with the essence brings the power of presence, in other words brings a certain depth and continuity of flow 

Attention with the essence doessn't tire or strain and opens doorways into perceiving what is behind events and the thoughts and feelings that appear within us.

It allows us also to flow with the flow of life, which is a pleasant feeling.

Conclusion, make the essence bring attention to outer and inner life.

End (5197).

1 comment:

  1. i can relate to this, keep up the good work. ive been following your blog for many years. May the being continue to give you insight into the nature of the path.
