Friday, 30 August 2024

White Lodge Never Abandons their People - (1234)

The White Lodge never forgets its people and never tires of watching over them.

We will never be abandoned in the difficult times, we will always be helped and looked after, we don't know how many times already we have been helped...

 As long as we are there holding out with all grit in our battles for our Inner Being and the Inner Being of others (which is the same as the white lodge) they, the white lodge will watch over us and step in and help, invisibly or visibly if and when needed.

Someone may say: "how do you know that is true?" and they give the case of this person, that person, and this and that as an example, to say that it isn't true.

You may go into argument to prove it or you may not... Either way, argue or not argue, it doesn't matter...

What matters is what you choose. I choose as many others do, to hold on, with hope and conscious faith that the White Lodge will not abandon it's people. 

I do this as I know it to be true, and there, in that inner choice is strength. I or anyone else would not feel that strength if they chose to disregard and disbelieve in the white lodge.

End (1234).

The Value Triangle - (1706)

Every value exists at the top of a triangle.

At the base of the triangle are the two opposites.  

If we concentrate on the value we can control or transcend the two opposites.

For example, let's take the scenario of body weight. If we look at, we see the pleasure of eating nice food, our favourite sweet and savoury plates and treats, then we have the displeasure of looking at our fat belly in the mirror while getting dressed. 

There we have the two opposites of pleasure and displeasure. However what is the value? It is health of the physical body. The value of health to give the Inner Being more good quality time here in the physical work to do It's work.

So, if we focus on health we will fix up our relationship with those two opposites. We will lose weight and not over indulge in our favourite food and eat in a more balanced and healthy way, because we are actively exercising the value of good health..

This applies to every situation, there will always be two opposites and a value. If we find the two opposites we can find the value. With the value we can transcend the problem that the opposites always bring us.

End (1706).

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Think without Thinking and the Moment - (1145)

How do we do that? We use attention.

If we place our attention on what we have to do in the future - one by one the things we have to do appear.

Just like when we place our attention on our garage (using a memory of what it looks like) the things we own and have to clear out, appear one by one. Try it!

If we place our attention on the moment, the things we have to do are the things we can't avoid doing. Those things that we can't avoid doing appear one by one too, when we place our attention on the moment.

The things to do in the moment is our life and are the things from the flow of life which comes from our Inner Being. In other words, the moment is the will of our Being.

Our attention is very intelligent and the more we use it in daily life, the more we trust it, and the more we can do away with thinking and especially overthinking.

End (1145).

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Spiritual Materialism - (435)

When we are working with a spiritual practice and we focus on 'doing' and 'having' we are leaning into spiritual materialism.

The true heart of every spiritual practice is 'being'. That is, the work 'to be'.

The interesting trick of spiritual materialism is that we go into having and doing for purposes of benefiting our spiritual practice. 

For example, buying a big new car to drive people to and from retreats. It's not really to drive people around but to have a big and new car (the one we always wanted).

Travelling here and there to attend retreats in different places. It's not really for the retreat but to be able to travel and do 'something', getting out of the boring routine.

Working in a well paid yet very consuming job, earning more money, to donate more to the spiritual centre. It's not really to give more, but to enjoy the large paycheck and the status of the job title.

Spiritual materialism is also when we want spiritual things fast, and when we try to place a time frame on them. 

When we compete against others in our spiritual practice environment, and feel happy or sad about our progress in relation to them, this is also spiritual materialism. Spiritual materialism is to do what we do in life, compare who has the bigger house and who earns the most etc. etc. but in the spiritual field.

Spiritual work is outside of time and is about being. Being the being can not be compared, it is something that lives from instant to instant...

End (435).

Anger from Being Right and Virtuous - (217)

The anger to do with being portrayed as NOT right and or NOT virtuous can be intense.

This is often called the anger of righteousness. 

Because anger is involved it si mechanical.

Mechanical righteousness is when assume we are correct or virtuous. Often this assumption is something of an error that brings anger to defend and convince others that we are right or virtuous.

As often is the case, anger gets it wrong and misses the point totally.

The point about being right and virtuous, is that it is not virtuous or right to get angry and coerce others into believing that we are right or virtuous (kind caring, honest etc.).

The thing that anger misses is that being right and virtuous all resides in looking intensely as to where we could be wrong and where we could be lacking virtue. This is precisely where being right and virtuous live within us - that is to correct where we are wrong and lacking virtue.

We never have to defend or convince others about what we have - it simply appears for all to see. We often use anger (force without reason or truth) to try and convince of others about what we don't have.

Our conscious balance in relation to being right and virtuous is to be looking more for where we may be wrong or lacking in virtue.

It is this same righteousness in us that can not stand others speaking about virtues and leaves the class room in disdain.

This mechanical righteousness becomes cynical and skeptical of others who speak about virtues or act with some virtue. 

This mechanical righteousness always believes the virtues in others to be false and it also finds satisfaction in exposing the limits of the virtues in others.

End (217).

Seduction - (5002)

Seduction is a value - meaning it is something that really exists as quality in our psyche and as a divine attribute.

Seduction as a value is something beyond the very typical version which is to seduce someone sexually.

Seduction put simply, is the art of intelligently causing people to do something truly for their benefit, while allowing them to believe they have decided to do it for themselves.  

A Gnostic teacher is one which seduces the students to work on themselves for the benefit of the MOnad and humanity.

There is seduction present in every relationship, to a greater or lesser degree...

True benevolent and positive seduction comes as a natural consequence of knowledge and good-will.

It exists in all kinds of relationships when we come to know the other and ourselves.

Seduction co-ordiantes several other values, combining them skillfully towards a benevolent aim.

There exists the opposite pole of the positive value of seduction - that has a selfish aim on the side of the seducer and is often of a tempting or manipulative nature that is very much like hidden coercion. 

Positive seduction uses good-will and the intelligence of the consciousness. It is patient and its force is in the good-willed nature of its reasons.

The negative pole of seduction uses mostly the mind and egotistical will that often has to be disguised using false pretenses. 

In the negative pole of seduction there is a logic that if contrast it against the work and the good-will towards the Being we expose the selfish will behind it.

There is no doubt that the re is seduction within the hypnotic grip of any ego.

There is no doubt that there is seduction on behalf of our Inner Being to inspire and motivate us to work more and better.

End (5002).

Monday, 26 August 2024

Identification Fascination Dream - (5360)

Here below is the process by which we all fall asleep.

That is the process by which our consciousness sleeps.

An impression internal or external hooks our attention. We allow our attention to be focused on that impression for too long.

Next we become fascinated with what that impression means to our psychology. 

Judgement of the mind starts a thinking process which causes an ego to appear. 

Identified with that ego our consciousness is displaced to the background and consequently we fall asleep in the dream of the activated ego. 

End (5360).

Fight for your Soul Notes - (5342)


May We Fight for You (Human Soul) so that You May Fight for Us, and Together We will Fight for Ourselves in Our Being - for Triumph - so that Justice may be restored within.

Below are some notes about our fight for our human soul and our human's soul's fight for us.


The Human Soul has the mission to raise the essence out of its animal nature, to leave the animal behind, so to enter the circle of conscious humanity.

The Human soul fights for and with the consciousness. The Human Soul is the knight that fights for its damsel (consciousness).

The Human Soul is Conscious Will, which is a will that benefits ourselves and others along the path.

The Human Soul takes up individual responsibility for and of our psychological processes and actions.

The Human Soul is the first bastion of Sacred Individuality. It processes in our psyche as an individual. It processes Itself from inside out, not from the outside going inwards.

The Human Soul helps and us form the Inner Man. The Human Soul relates to and works through the Inner man, which is the new person that we creates inside of ourselves by doing the work. The inner man obeys the Human Soul and the Human Soul obeys the Father.

The Human Soul is the guru in the Master. Master Samael explains that it is the Human Soul of the Master that is the guru and has disciples. This is because it is the Human Soul that knows both the human and the Divine in the Master.

The Human Soul is the human face of the Intimate Christ.

The Human Soul is a worker - a fighter by nature, purpose and design.

The Human Soul is the balance or synthesis of spirit and matter or of the human and the divine.

The Human Soul holds the keys and code of the real human nature.

The essence derives from the human soul.

The maximum thing for us to do in this life, is to become the soul. That is for us to take the identity of the soul.

Our mission in life is to adopt our true identity which is that of being the soul of our Monad.

We all do what our identity is. So by having our identity as the Human Soul and being the Human Soul we will live a soul's life, which is to bring our Being here to Earth.

Know that we have a soul by first of all getting to feel it. Just as we know we have a brain and a heart by first and foremost feeling and using it. 

We know or feel it through the values present in our psychology.

Meditate on the Human Soul.

Meditate on the Magnetic centre in the centre of the chest, which is through where the Human Soul manifests. Just as where Tiphereth is located on the tree of lIfe right in the heart centre which is mostly in the centre of our chest.

The Human Soul is often always expressed as being the core, the central support column, the heart of something. But yet the spiritual heart of something, not the material heart. It is really the spiritual heart of the human being.

The soul is always said to be the real core of something. That is what holds the reality, strength and true value of  something.

We will all find our reality, value and strength in and through our souls.

The Human Soul works to create soul and more soul through the dissolution of the "I".

The Human Soul becomes the owner of our destiny. The author of our destiny, it is the one which has the authentic power to do so.

The Human Soul forms with the consciousness one of the parts which make up Atman.

The Human Soul's maximum quality is humility. Only with humility can it really do it's work, complete it's mission. Reflect on this and you will appreciate how true it is...

The Human Soul's function is to stand as a great transformer as well as an extractor and giver of light and wisdom from all the impressions from the events of human life. 

The Human Soul's main function is to transform all the energies that come to us from inside and outside, into that which it can be assimilated it's own nature (i.e. light, love, wisdom etc.). It's function is also to excavate or extract all the wisdom from the events of daily life. To then digest them and organise them converting them into wisdom and light.   

The human soul is really a knight of the Monad.

End (5342).

Saturday, 24 August 2024

Finding the Core Value in the Ego - (5341)

Every ego has at its foundation a core value. We have to find it!

When we find it we are able to make definite progress in comprehending it and therefore dissolving it when we work that is with our Divine Mother - asking her to dissolve it.

Once we find the core value we then need to actively work out the right relationship to that value. The ego is always the wrong relationship to that value.

Our pride often feels very hurt about being disrespected and so we with anger try to get that respect back nearly always being very disrespectful in the process.

This is always a wrong way to relate to that value of respect within ourselves. The right way to relate to respect in ourselves is to give ourselves and others respect and to repair respect by NOT disrespecting others. 

When we correct our way of relating to the core value at eh heart of any ego we dissolve that ego! As the ego is the wrong relationship to a core value and the wrong way of upholding or sustaining that core value!

End (5341).

The Conspiracy Personality - (5340)

There is that personality that for some reason is all about conspiracies. That personality speaks about conspiracies all the time and the way it sees the world and society is via the lense that everything is not what it seems, and that there are organised forces operating behind the scenes trying to fulfill some dubious, dark and hidden agenda.

It is essentially skeptical and cynical about everything and always believes that we are being tricked and presented with some kind of face that is not the true face, and the true face is about taking advantage of or hiding the truth from the people. 

This might be true in several instances, but to assume a personality that sees everything that way is really out of balance and becomes a bit weird.

What has happened is that for some reason an "I" of conspiracy has grown so strong that it impregnates the personality of  the person and the personality takes on that way of relating to the world.

At the end of the day it is a personality type that is sustained via the elements of distrust, skepticism, cynicism and the sleeping consciousness pretending ending to be awake and "know something".

End (5340).

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Identification is Retrogressive Time Travel - (5331)

When we get identified with an "I" we go back to the last time we got identified. In fact we go back even further to when we first received similar impressions and didn't transform them very well.

We can even go back as far as our childhood and become that child getting very irrationally upset.

After we get identified, we always say: "Oh no I got identified again just like last time, the same thing". See! Identification with the "I" is time travel back to the past.

Identification with the "I" is never a leap forwards, it is always a regression backwards in time, a kind of involution. 

When we identify with the value, the essence, the consciousness the Being we travel forward into the new...

End (5331).

Order of the Descent of the Light - (5325)

This is the order in which the light from the upper reaches of our Divine Monad descends.

The light comes from our Being. Consciousness contains light. The Inner mind receives the light of the consciousness and the inner mind relays that light to the intermediate and sensorial minds. The brain is an instrument that receives the messages of the mind.

The brain then moves the light into the body - in particular the nervous system. The nervous system then relays that light to the centres and from the centres the light reaches and connects to the senses. 

For the senses to work they need light. We can't see without the external and also some degree of the inner light.

The centres are instruments of deciding and interpreting while the senses are instruments of receiving sensory information.

End (5325).

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Three Months to Establish and Follow - (5327)

It has been said that it generally takes up to three months for a person to establish a new value in their life. That is in thinking, feeling and action.

When we wish to help others establish a virtue it will also take about three months for the other person to catch on and start developing the same value on their own. 

So all in all, it takes six months for two people to establish a new value.

Takes time right. Patience for all...

The observation that it typically takes a Gnostic group four weeks to truly start doing a task in their life at home and work etc. backs this up.

End (5327). 

We Can't stand Our Own Reaction to Opposition - (5326)

One thing we have to learn in life and especially in the work is how to respond before opposition. That is essentially before views, statements or values that strongly oppose ours.

We don't like to face challenges and opposition because we know in our viscera and within the weakness of our subconsciousness and egos, that we don't know how to wisely respond.

That is, we don't know how to deal with ourselves in the face of conflict and challenge.

It is really the reaction that erupts within ourselves that we react to, and that we loose control over. It is not so much the opposing value or view, it is our reaction.

We need to learn in these precise instants that we must stay calm and work towards the win-win situation for both parties. 

Trusting that there is always a win-win and that certainly means that our values will be respected and certainly not dismissed, helps us to stay calm.

End (5326).

Monday, 19 August 2024

How to Deal with Strong Emotional Reactions In Ourselves - (5324)

You know if we just feel and observe, stay still, wait and continue consciously breathing through the huge wave of emotional reaction - the best from within ourselves will arise...

So so often we explode and end up in the worst dramas when an intense emotional reaction arises within us.

If we can cultivate that - it will be a tremendous help. It takes five to ten minutes compared to hours and days in the drama.

This is while we are working on that ego that provokes that huge reaction. The end goal is to eliminate that ego.

End (5324).

Work Intensely to Eliminate the Laziness or Resistance to Look Inside - (5323)

There is a strong resistance to look inside of ourselves. Often it is because of pride. Especially when we are told to or it is implied we have to or should.

No matter what we think right or wrong - to look inside is always always useful and helpful. To know what is going on inside of ourselves always helps.

When we feel that resistance whether it be: anger, blocked vision, righteousness (I'm totally right no need for me to look - you should look), make an effort to separate from all of that, trust firmly that looking inside is the best for you, and just look inside.

If we decide not to look inside the absurd drama continues... 

End (5323).

Sunday, 18 August 2024

Locked and Isolated Packets of Will - (5322)

We can find it hard to deal with our own locked up isolated packets of will, that is the will trapped in the "I's".

It is good to know that there are within our interior, packets of will that act in an almost autonomous way. Because then we know what is going on inside of ourselves and what we are facing and why it is so difficult. We also how to deal with them. We also then know that our job is to eventually dissolve them into the rest of our free will.  

For one, it is difficult to penetrate into. If only we can penetrate into it could we then modify it from inside.

All that we can do to start with, is to use the amount of will that we have free to not allow the trapped will to express especially if it is inconvenient in the moment.

We need our consciousness to penetrate into it, to understand it and we need to keep using our will to do the opposite of it, until it weakens, however unpleasant it is for us.

This is where faith comes in. We have to have faith that even though as unpleasant as it is doing to the  opposite, it will get easier and easier and we will feel great once that "I" it is very weak. We will really enjoy our new freedom that is going to come out of our efforts. 

Faith is the value that  motivates us and sustains in this task. It is a great strength that also overcomes our laziness to try and keep trying.

End (5322).

Friday, 16 August 2024

Virtue is the Right Combination of the Opposites - (5321)

Every virtue is the right combination of the two opposites that sit to each side of it.

There also exists the confused and misguided combination that doesn't lead to any encouraging results.

The right combination si the one that is always appreciated and brings a new state of being which produces different results.

There seems to be no exception to this foundation.

Every orbit is the combination of attraction and repulsion.

Take love for example, there is the right combination of distance and closeness, attraction and repulsion, caring and not caring, listening and speaking, giving and receiving and it goes on and on...

What are the two opposites of the virtue we need to develop?

We will find that the virtue exists in the place where these two meet and unite. 

Our task is to become aware of these two opposites, find them within ourselves and then intelligently combine them finding their synthesis.

Then in that narrow space will be where the virtue appears. In that narrow space within ourselves is where we can take refuge in the virtue and with the clear knowledge of the synthesis we can keep ourselves within it.

End (5321).

Really Need to Relax Brain, Heart and Solar Plexus to See - (5320)

To be able to see anything real about ourselves we really need to get our brain and our solar plexus calm. 

It's best not to try meditatie on any incident until we are relaxed in brain and solar plexus. Because if we are not relaxed we will argue in our mind and see nothing!

When we get relaxed then we can ask ourselves: "Why did they upset me so much?", "What is so upset in me?" and very importantly: "Wht in me is the same as them that I clashed with?".

The quiet mind is a great tool and knowing how to get a quiet mind is just as great!

End (5320).

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Cherubims Everywhere in Relationships - (5305)

Alchemical Cherubim

In the "Mystery of the Golden Blossom" Master Samael speaks about the Cherubim, which he explains is created during the practice of Alchemy. It is said to be the conscious energetic creation of the two Divine Mothers that become active during the practice.

Master Samael explains that the once the Cherubim is formed it has the potency to dissolve an "I" in each person practicing the Alchemy.

When the practice ends the created Cherubim dissolves.

Relationship Cherubim

Using the principle of how the Alchemical Cherubim is created we can understand and see how any relationship creates a 'relationship entity", which we can also see as a kind of Cherubim.

There is an observation and perception among many people that each relationship forms an entity, that of which is the result of two parties. There are the two parties plus their relationship which forms a third entity. 

This entity is very much like the classical diagrammatic representation of a cherubim that is said to have two heads as shown below. 

The relationship very much and rightfully so, carries the two perspectives of each party which are represented by the two heads. The cherubim and any relationship entity is the synthesis of two perspectives producing a third perspective, which itself is an entity.

The interesting thing is that both parties have a real responsibility of contribution to nourish and strengthen or weaken and harm that relationship entity (cherubim). 

What is done by both parties or individuals nourishes or injures this relationship entity or cherubim and even causes it to change nature from karmic to dharmic, mechanical and subconscious to conscious,  and human to cosmic and so forth...

Every relationship entity or cherubim has some consciousness and has vision - the vision of the third eye which is the next level combination of the vision of the two parties that make it up.

End (5305).

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Basics of Conflict Resolution - (5306)

A simple way to resolve conflicts on a small or great scale that is inspired by esoteric cosmic laws is that of the third solution. Also known as an application of the Law of Three.

The Third Solution is using the Law of Three to intelligently combine the two different values (often opposite) to produce a collaboration of which is greater in value than the either of the two values on their own. 

The third solution is a win-win for both parties and reconclies and brings the two parties together.

The steps are as below:


Listen to the point of view of each side.


Find the humanity, that is the values behind what each side are saying. This may require listening behind the anger or fear being expressed.


Intelligently combine the two values to produce the third solution. The third solution usually appears easily once the real values of each side have been communicated and heard.

End (5306).

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

How to Change our Centre of Gravity - (5304)

Follow the process below before each and every cross-road. Whether it be before a thought or a significant life decision.

The key of changing our centre of gravity is the set of reference points we use to decide upon our psychological processes.

If we bring every psychological process before the reference points of the work, the path and the Inner Being, and decide for the option which enhances all three, then we are changing our centre of gravity and we are awakening.

When we are asleep, we have the personality, the mind and the ego as our point of reference. To be asleep, is to decide based on what benefits the personality, the mind and the egos we have.

End (5304).

Monday, 12 August 2024

Jumping Post Numbers - (5303)

Please note post numbers are going to continue jumping around all over the place, until duplicate and skipped post numbers are all fixed.

This will take a few months.

End (5303).

GESWA App Upgrade Note - (5302)

The GESWA app has been recently updated 😄.

Images can now be seen in the posts read in the app.

The little trick is that when you upgrade the app, it may not open. To fix this, delete the app and download it again from the App store. 

Once it finished installing, open the app and you find that it works all ok and shows the post images from post number 5301 onwards, as shown below.

End (5302).

Friday, 9 August 2024

Degrees on the Initiatic Path - (5301)

We approach the path as a neophyte and when we pass the Guardian of the Threshold and approach the nine minor initiations we are a neophyte.

When we enter the minor initiations we become a chela (an accepted disciple of the Christ).

When we awaken the fire and advance in the major initiations and the initiations of fire we are an initiate or an arhat.

When we reach and finish the fifth major initiation and incarnate the human soul we become a master. This mastery is not perfect yet it is a degree of self-realisation.

In the second mountain after the nine labours of Hercules we become perfect masters.

After the 8 years of job we qualify the mastery after having eliminated all the egos in all of the bodies.

After finishing the third mountain we become 'Great Elected Ones" (Gran Elegidos) or Mahatmas.

End (5301).

If an Animal Remembers while Involuting - (5300)

As the essence is moving the kingdoms upwards towards the humanoid state there is an increase in learning and freedom. For the first time everything is new and great.

For the reverse when the essence goes down towards the mineral kingdom from the human kingdom there is a decrease in freedom and there is learning as well. Learning in relation to the dissolution of the psychological aggregates created in human life.

I have heard that the animals live in the moment and because of that they are happy. That is the key to be happy accept and live in the moment exactly as it is - don't think. The moment itself is perfect.

I think for those animals devolving who forget where they have come from all is ok. But if only an animal is to remember the human state...

To not be able to speak, to not be able to reflect within oneself, to have lost the intellect, to be without agile and dexterous hands and fingers, to be without the freedom to travel anywhere to create and command one's own life and destiny etc. etc. is suffering and lamentation.... 

Maybe that is why some animals despite being healthy and living in good conditions are sad within.

In conclusion, in my opinion, we ought to be kind to animals because if their essence remembers being human, they could be suffering within. For us as humans, it is to fight to not be taken backwards by involution ,because if we remember being human while we are there, we too will suffer terribly.

End (5300).

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Formula to Pray - (5282)

Here is the basic formula given by Master Samael about how to pray, with some extra steps added.

Master Samael taught that the way to pray is to align the three brains. 

Which is, for the intellect to formulate the prayer, that is, to word it, and the emotional centre to feel it. Then the motor centre to do it, meaning to kneel down and take time to pray. 

The steps that have been added are to 'patiently wait' and to live to the best of our ability in congruence with our prayer. That is, not to do anything that contradicts our prayer. 

The final step is results.

End (5282).

Power of Micro-Events and the Small - (5224)

There is really truly a power in the small. 

I'm not exactly sure why, but there really is. My theory is that it has something to do with the accumulation of the small into the great, and the micro connected to the macro by being the same but on a different scale. 

The Japanese say the best way to improve is to make small improvements every day...

The great and noble qualities are built via the small. The sacred comes from excavating and transforming the very human small details of our life.

Love itself is built in small amounts during the day. Such that after some time it turns into a greater amount of love.

It was said that Master took his awakening and lesson in life by meditating on the small details of his life.

There are many micro-events in the day that are important for our self-observation and for getting the most out of our day for the future.

The micro-events are also so important for building up our self-knowledge and in being used to work in developing the qualities of our essence. 

Every decision, every small action counts is how to harness the power of the small to make the great and noble.

The ego lives in the small details...

By studying and working the small details we can dissolve the egos we have.

In conclusion, let's all make exceptional use of the small details in our very own lives and let's all work the small towards the great.

End (5224).

Monday, 5 August 2024

Extra Prana in the Brain! - (5281)

When there is extra prana in our brain we will dream at night. 

When there is prana in our mind, our meditations won't be so lacking in light and weill feel more uplifting.

We have to transmute a lot with sheer joy! 

Bring the transmuted energy into in our mind and use that energy to dream esoterically at night and mediate better during the day.

End (5281).

Process of How we Create Desire - (5280)

We only really do something once, and all the other times are repetitions. 

This is how we create desire. If that desire deepens it creates a need in us which then becomes an impelling or causal factor in our life.

A need as an impelling factor conditions our life and creates repeated cycles of circumstances. 

The role of the stimulus is to trigger the memory. The stimulus usually occurs vis the mechanism of association.

When the pattern that is set up inside of us from the first or second experience touches our emotional centre, desire begins to form within us.

End (5280).

Sunday, 4 August 2024

Why do We Defend and Justify? - (5265)

We defend and justify because there is uninvestigated reasoning and will involved.

The solution is to keep quiet, take courage and look with consciousness inside to shine light on this uninvestigated reasoning and will.

The courage to be open to the truth of ourselves dissolves this justifications and defensiveness.

End (5265).

Process of Ego to a Way of Life - (5264)

The ego first become a recurrence. As that recurrence strengths it turns into a habit. As the habit strengthens it becomes a way of life.

There are many egos within, that are each of these different levels. The more developed it is, the closer it is to being a way of life and the more awareness is needed to see it, and the more energy is needed to change it.

End (5264).

Anger Quickly Inverts - Goes from Outside to Inside - (5263)

So often anger switches from external to internal. 

When that switch occurs the inverted anger becomes what people typically know as self-deprecation or negative self-compassion in Gnosis. This is where where speak negatively about themselves or head their heads on the wall.

In all cases we have to understand why aggression appears in us and why we use it outwardly and why we allow it to switch inwardly, if that happens.

It turns inward because we can't solve things outwardly due to a lack of applying our consciousness to the situation to see inside and outside what really is the issue at hand. 

End (5263).

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Why Will About Some Things Is So Hard to Reverse? - (5262)

Why is it so hard to reverse or change our will about somethings and with other things it is easy?

I think the answer has to do with how much we invest. If we invest egoical will hidden or open, it will always be difficult to reverse.

The interesting thing about conscious will is that it has the capacity to adapt and change, allowing other ways and times to still achieve what that will has been formed to make happen or achieve.

End (5262).

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Creation of Fear Process - (5261)

Here is the way we create fear.

The origin of fear has to do with karma. That is, with feeling the backlash of having transgressed a cosmic law.

By transgressed it is meant to go beyond a law to then have broken the balance inside or outside of ourselves.

Therefore, pride and fear are very intimately linked, as it is often pride that goes beyond justice and the others laws in creation.

We may have been able to track this process with the fears we have created this life. For the fears that we have from the past that we can't remember, we can be certain that this process has been followed.

When we feel scared it is because we still owe something and we desire to avoid some kind of pain and suffering.

End (5261).