Wednesday 7 August 2024

Power of Micro-Events and the Small - (5224)

There is really truly a power in the small. 

I'm not exactly sure why, but there really is. My theory is that it has something to do with the accumulation of the small into the great, and the micro connected to the macro by being the same but on a different scale. 

The Japanese say the best way to improve is to make small improvements every day...

The great and noble qualities are built via the small. The sacred comes from excavating and transforming the very human small details of our life.

Love itself is built in small amounts during the day. Such that after some time it turns into a greater amount of love.

It was said that Master took his awakening and lesson in life by meditating on the small details of his life.

There are many micro-events in the day that are important for our self-observation and for getting the most out of our day for the future.

The micro-events are also so important for building up our self-knowledge and in being used to work in developing the qualities of our essence. 

Every decision, every small action counts is how to harness the power of the small to make the great and noble.

The ego lives in the small details...

By studying and working the small details we can dissolve the egos we have.

In conclusion, let's all make exceptional use of the small details in our very own lives and let's all work the small towards the great.

End (5224).

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