Tuesday 20 August 2024

We Can't stand Our Own Reaction to Opposition - (5326)

One thing we have to learn in life and especially in the work is how to respond before opposition. That is essentially before views, statements or values that strongly oppose ours.

We don't like to face challenges and opposition because we know in our viscera and within the weakness of our subconsciousness and egos, that we don't know how to wisely respond.

That is, we don't know how to deal with ourselves in the face of conflict and challenge.

It is really the reaction that erupts within ourselves that we react to, and that we loose control over. It is not so much the opposing value or view, it is our reaction.

We need to learn in these precise instants that we must stay calm and work towards the win-win situation for both parties. 

Trusting that there is always a win-win and that certainly means that our values will be respected and certainly not dismissed, helps us to stay calm.

End (5326).

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