Wednesday 28 August 2024

Seduction - (176)

Seduction is a value - meaning it is something that really exists as quality in our psyche and as a divine attribute.

Seduction as a value is something beyond the very typical version which is to seduce someone sexually.

Seduction put simply, is the art of intelligently causing people to do something truly for their benefit, while allowing them to believe they have decided to do it for themselves.  

A Gnostic teacher is one which seduces the students to work on themselves for the benefit of the MOnad and humanity.

There is seduction present in every relationship, to a greater or lesser degree...

True benevolent and positive seduction comes as a natural consequence of knowledge and good-will.

It exists in all kinds of relationships when we come to know the other and ourselves.

Seduction co-ordiantes several other values, combining them skillfully towards a benevolent aim.

There exists the opposite pole of the positive value of seduction - that has a selfish aim on the side of the seducer and is often of a tempting or manipulative nature that is very much like hidden coercion. 

Positive seduction uses good-will and the intelligence of the consciousness. It is patient and its force is in the good-willed nature of its reasons.

The negative pole of seduction uses mostly the mind and egotistical will that often has to be disguised using false pretenses. 

In the negative pole of seduction there is a logic that if contrast it against the work and the good-will towards the Being we expose the selfish will behind it.

There is no doubt that the re is seduction within the hypnotic grip of any ego.

There is no doubt that there is seduction on behalf of our Inner Being to inspire and motivate us to work more and better.

End (176).

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