The Word Inferno
The word inferno comes from the Latin ‘infernus’ meaning
‘being underneath’, and many of the world’s religions, myths and traditions
locate the last order of creation, hell, the inferno, the underworld, the abyss
etc below the earth’s crust.
Known to many of the World’s Cultures
The infernal worlds have been known by many past
civilizations and cultures, for example the Greeks knew it as Tartarus, the
Hindus as Patalla, the Romans as the Averno, the Tibetans as Avitchi, the
Aztecs as Mixtlan, the Mayans as Xibalbá and the Hebrew Kabbalists as the
The Kliphoth is the Tritocosmos and is the shadow of the
tree of life or perhaps better said an inversion of the tree of life. As shown
in the diagram on the previous page the whole of creation can be organized into
the tree of life and its inversion. As the tree of life has nine sephirah above
Malkuth (physical world) its inversion or shadow has nine sephirah below
Malkuth. Which are the famous nine Dantean circles, spheres, regions or
infra-dimensions of the abyss.
Below is a diagram of the shadow or inversion of the tree of
life showing the nine circles or spheres.
Kliphoth comes from the Hebrew Klipha meaning ‘shells’. In
contrast to the sephirah of the tree of life, each sphere of the Kliphoth is an
empty shell, because they are devoid of the divine attributes present in each
sephirah of the tree of life. In fact each sphere of the Kliphoth contains
attributes that are the antithesis of the divine attributes of the tree of
End (353).
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