Sunday, 30 December 2018

It is Love that Holds All Together, Coheres, Comforts and Protects - (2778)

We could perhaps be standing in the middle of World War Three but if Master Samael is there by our side we would feel just fine!

Why? Because of the love of the master and our love for him!

I realised today that what heals our empty, debasing and uncomfortable feelings is love.

The love of all the suns great and small, hold the whole galaxy and all the planets together in perfect harmony. Yes there is really love everywhere in the cosmos! Despite it seeming so cold and inhospitable out there in deep dark space.

Master Samael that he Cosmic Christ is a real force just like gravity is. The love of the Cosmic Christ holds all together in harmony and balance.

When for example, we may meet a couple and there is genuine love between them, things feel so comforting, safe, protected and all nicely, securely and orderly held together. Those are the effects of the force of love.

When we meet a couple that are fighting and there is much rancor and resentment between them, things feel as if they could explode at any moment and it would be all over in a blink of the eye. The ground seems so shaky like an earthquake.

How comforting is it to eat a dinner cooked at home by one's own mum, who cooks with love. It seems as if it is the most nourishing meal ever.

The love for the Being in us then brings us these feelings of safety, protection, order and togetherness inside of ourselves.

End (2778).

Saturday, 29 December 2018

M.M.M on the way the Minds of the Centres Function - (2777)

Minds in the Centres

This post is for P.O, becasue I know he enjoys teachings on this subject of the functioning of the centres So just a few days ago m.m.m had a really interesting experience, where he saw that his instinctive centre was a little agitated and then the mind of the instinctive centre sent a signal up to the intellectual centre's mind, and then that mind sent a signal to the mind of the emotional centre which resulted in making his heartbeat uncomfortably accelerate.

So, the teaching is that each centre of our human machine has a mind and each mind is synthesised in the mind of our intellectual centre and what's more is that each of these minds are networked together. What's really important here, is the way in which all the minds function. The function by reporting back to headquarters, which is the intellectual mind, and from the headquarters of the intellectual mind, signals to direct or determine responses in the body are sent.  

The application to this teaching is that if we want to change something that our emotional, motor or sexual centre and to a lesser degree our instinctive does, we must work on the mind in our intellectual centre. So by working the ideas, concepts, beliefs, thoughts etc. in our mind (intellectual mind) we can change the way our motor, emotional and sexual centres operate. There are reasons for why our centres operate they way in which they do.

We may think that there is something wrong with our body, until one day we discover that it is our own brain based on a mental reason or belief, that is commanding our body to respond that way. 

End (2777).

Jealousy - Love Through Control - (2776)

Jealousy makes a person to believe that by having control over someone they are indeed loving that person and the person allowing that control is indeed loving us back. 

Remember love thrives in freedom, love gives a respectful, prudent and intelligent level of freedom. Not too much and not too little.

Don't think like that in the first paragraph! Please No! 

One day it will shoot you so hard in the foot. Even now and then break free from the control of others who may control you like that because one day you will not be able to go with their control and they will get so upset and hurt, that their resentment will be a big stone in your shoe for a year or more.

We should always watch over how much control we are obtaining over someone. Never allow yourself to have too much. Because no one can cope or no one likes being controlled. If a person allows us control still don't fall asleep in that, always be aware that taking or assuming control creates a huge jealousy in the background, that will bight us back so hard it will really hurt and we will destroy without us wanting, that which we supposedly are loving!

End (2776).

Paradox of Pride - You Win but Really Lose - (2775)

We may hold our position and people may turn humble before us, apologise, concede, give in etc. though we really (only we know) were the one that was more at fault. For example we did do something wrong but we argue strongly and everyone backs down, and so because of pride we end up "winning". 

Really though, that win is a loss. Before our own Being and in relation to our essence we lost!

We strengthened Pride, sided with falseness, kicked humility, fairness and justice (all the same thing) in the guts and "won", but to what counts more at the end of the day is the essence and that is what we with pride, always lose to - our poor essence.

So it is not wrong to tell ourselves: "I am tired of hurting my own essence, I want to change and die in pride to make the essence in me brighter, healthier and happier!". 

End (2775).

When Background Hurt Responds in Relationships - (2774)

When there is a lot of hurtful feelings being felt in a relationship, it is because without doubt, within the person who feels hurt and offended, there is a wide and deep background of hurt.

What happens so often, is that the things the other person says or does trigger that background hurt. The things that they say or do may not be something that we would usually feel hurt about but because we have this background hurt related to that person, any small thing hurts and comes out of us rather intensely.

The things that make up this background hurt are things that happened in the past and we felt were unfair, and that hurtful unfair feeling is still open and very present in us. It is actually even more alive than a memory. Examples of this could be things where perhaps our sentimentality was not considered or respected etc. as we were hoping it would be, or we were loved then dropped hard, or we were not respected or we were unfairly rejected or humiliated.

In conclusion, we answer with the intensely painful past that is an over the top reaction to the things that happen now. The things that happen now are not anywhere near as bad as the past but we answer as if they almost were.

When we reflect, we have no other thing to do, but to face that past and work it and work it, transforming that background into comprehension, love, pardon, forgiveness etc.  Then we can enjoy a certain level of inner peace!

End (2774).

Friday, 28 December 2018

Function of Prostrate Chakra - (2773)

I never knew what the function of the prostrate chakra or chakra of the ovaries was, until I read Master Samael's book: "Endocrinology and Criminology".

In this book he states that the function of the prostrate chakra is to help in unfolding consciously into the Astral world, with or without an astral body.

Now I can mention what it's function is in lectures and talks.

The mantra for this chakra is M, vocalised in an undulating tone.

It has also been recommended to men that after the practice of Alchemy if they find that the prostate is swelling up a little then the mantra M can be chanted to move any accumulated energy that is yet to flow through the energy circuits of the body.

End (2773).

Yes! Your Being is Good Enough - (2772)

Your inner Being is as good as any friend, group, retreat, meeting, activity... etc.

When feeling empty, low, neglected, missing out, abandoned, lonely, we have to remember our Being. And remember with lots of love. Remember the Being by sending our trust and love and contentment that we feel for It to It.

The more often we do this, the more we will stay with our inner Being in remembering It. The more we will miss our inner Being and the more we will naturally gravitate to remember the Being within us.

Such constant activity strengthens self-remembering in the emotional centre.

End (2772).

The More Aware One is Sandwiched - (2771)

A common characteristic of the one who is more aware in an event, is to find oneself in a  sandwich. That is, to be sandwiched between two parties who are less aware.

The one who is more aware always or more often than not, has the problem of taking the heat from the two sides who are less aware.

Along with taking the heat comes a lot explanation, trying that the other parties comprehend the event from a perspective wider than their own scope.

So, in conclusion, the more aware you become the more often you will find yourself sandwiched, and that is not really pleasant, so to become more and more awake we need endurance to accompany us, so that we can handle being unpleasantly sandwiched, taking heat from both sides.

End (2771).

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Beautiful Christmas Carols - (2770)

I was listening to Christmas carols being sung in live voice the other day, and really they are beautiful! They are the nicest break from the awful themes that are sung about in modern music.

They are a sung prayer and they are like an expression of how all creatures in nature most naturally, from their very essence sing out their adoration, praise and love for the saviour and redeeming force that the Absolute the Father of All of Us sends into creation to help us.

To sing seems like the most natural way from the essence to adore...

When you are listening to those carols you can feel that they bring out the best in people: the beauty, love, the innocence we still have, humility of the essence radiates and shines inwardly and then outwardly.

End (2770).

Friday, 21 December 2018

We Feel not Good Enough Because Others Are Not Good Enough For Us! - (2769)

Have we ever felt at one point that we are not good enough for this or that person, or this or that group?

If we have, it is because for sure that somewhere past or present we have felt or feel that others are not good enough for us.

Others “not being good enough” for us in one way or another, is arrogance.

With this arrogance, we end up debasing and humiliating ourselves. 

When we are arrogant we feel so secure and self-possessed to the point of even being cruel. 

Much of fear has its roots in pride!
The exact opposite of arrogance is to feel anxious, insecure and humiliated.

So in conclusion now, if you want to stop being insecure and stop feeling "not good enough" we need to find out arrogance and work on it as the first step.

End (2769).

Before 7 & Some Personalities are Actively Passive – (2768)

What Are We Like without Personality?

To answer that we must remember how we were before we were seven years old.

If we can’t remember we have to ask our parents to describe how we were.

By the time we are seven years old Master Samael says, our personality is formed.

This is valuable information as it will show you what current your personality is like.

Actively Passive

Not all personalities when active are loud, talkative and controlling etc. Some are when active, very passive, withdrawn and shy etc.

We can know this to be so because when we were three years old we were very pleasantly talkative and friendly. This is how our essence is, however our personality as it developed in time covered our essence and caused us to behave in a way different to the nature of our essence.

Some personalities that are actively active are good in certain situations and some personalities that are actively passive can be better suited to other certain situations. But no one personality is good for all situations, but the essence is good for every and any situation.

End (2768).

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The Work is Cumulative – (2767)

The work works by accumulation.

Very seldom does the work give a result on the first try. But after repeated practices one begins to acquire the merit in the form of concentration and energy to produce the result.

Constancy is the most important. Because it allows merit to accumulate within us, which produces the result.

A constant discipline is one’s best friend in the work.

The work takes time. So we must stick it out with constancy! Results flow in time.

End (2767).

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Silver or Golden Cord – (2766)

Master Samael said that the masters especially the resurrected Masters or those with the bodies of gold have a golden antahkarana and the silver bluish cord is for those that have not reached that state yet.

So, if you are ever in the astral one day and you have before you a master and you want to see his or her degree ask to see their antahkarana.

End (2766).

Mummy and the Silver Cord – (2765)

Master Samael we know had a living mummy in Egypt. He said in some lectures that it is underground in a sarcophagus and is in a state of sleep. All its organs are intact but they are in a latent state.

The interesting thing he said, that because it was a living mummy his antahkarana was actually linked to it. So in that time his antahkarana was linked to his mummy and to his Colombian born body that we have many pictures of.

End (2765).

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa and the Silver Cord – (2764)

We may all know the story of Lobsang Rampa, and how he overtook the body of an Englishman so that he could have more time to complete his mission in the West.

He says that three lamas and himself traveled to England in the astral and they severed the cord of the English man and connected his cord to the body of the English man. However, they left his silver cord also connected to his Tibetan body so that he could later on transfer atoms from his Tibetan physical body to the body of this Englishman.

Lobsang Rampa says that he experienced such a searing pain when they connected the cord to the body of the Englishman. He had some difficulty at first in controlling the new body but managed to do it. He could not speak a word of English and had to communicate to the wife of the Englishman using sign language.

What we can draw from all of this is that the silver cord is the link of life.

End (2764).

Life and Death and the Silver Cord – (2763)

Our physical life and death all depends on the silver cord.

Master Samael says that an Angel of life is the one that impulses a leading sperm cell of the Father to be to find the egg within the mother to be, and then once the sperm cell and the egg meet the Angle connects the silver cord of an essence to the meeting of those elements.

Just as we leave the physical body for good, at the precise moment of our last exhalation an Angel of death severs the silver cord.

A person maybe in an unresponsive state - almost like dead but because the silver cord is still intact the body breathes and the heart beats. This is because the force of the essence sustains. The fire and life of the essence sustains it that way. As soon as that link is severed the body will die.

It can be still that the body is so damaged that it can not function and yet the silver cord is intact. Later on though, an Angel of death will come along and cut the cord, freeing the essence from the physical body.

Lobsang Rampa says that dying actually takes 3 days, which may apply to these cases where the body is too broken to function and the silver cord is still intact, until the third ay where it I severed.

The three main causes of death are: physical trauma, disease and old age. In these cases the physical body stops functioning and the cord may not be cut until after three days.

End (2763).

Dreams and the Silver Cord – (2762)


When we dream or rather travel into the astral world with either just our essence or in our astral body what we see, hear and experience is transmitted through our silver cord to our physical body, principally to our physical brain.

This is so that we have the memory of what we experienced in our physical brain.

However, it so turns out that because of the ego it is convenient that upon waking, the jolt of returning to the physical body disturbs the connection between the body and the silver cord and the delicate memory of our dreams are disturbed somewhat, and makes the memory of our dreams not so vivid so that they are forgotten and not acted upon. In many cases thank God this is the case.

Silver Cord Connections

The silver cord is definitely connected to our physical brain and the centres of our human machine.
The messages from the astral flow down the silver cord into our brain and we feel these impressions in our centres and in our body. Because of receiving erotic impressions in the astral these impressions pass down to the physical brain and they excite the sexual centre, and this can be dangerous where a nocturnal pollution in a man or woman can occur.

It is said that the silver cord is linked to the physical body at the points of the brain, the heart, the solar plexus and to the liver.

The silver cord in these regards provides us with a unity in all of our bodies and experiences. It links essence to the astral and physical and it links the astral and physical bodies together.


It is a great unifier of bodies, essence and Being.

End (2762).

Would Rather Love - (2761)

To love implies a free heart, one that glows with kindness and fills one inside with beautifying aroma.

In loving we encounter our essence, our essential nature...

In waiting and wanting to receive love, implies little of our free essential nature being present.

We could receive love and be totally forgetting our inner Being... 

In wanting to receive love, we maybe angry, demanding, worried, disappointed with a stagnant and going backward in the work type of flavour.

Such a realisation is powerful to transform the manifestations of the “I’s” of self-love, self-importance, self-consideration and self-sentimentalism.

End (2761).

Four Yugas and Kali Yuga - (2760)


I recommend if a person has time to read into the topic of the yugas. 

It gives one a very helpful and clear picture of the development that human beings on the Earth have passed through and the current state in which humanity is now in. It gives a verification and validation of what we are currently seeing in humanity right now.

It also introduces us to the words: Kalki-Avatar, Buddha-Matreya and shows us their meaning. we have probably come across these words in our studies and reading but may not have gained a fuller appreciation of their origin and depth of meaning.

Four Yugas

They are the following:
1. - Krita-Yuga (the “age of joy,” or spiritual innocence of man)
2. - Treta-Yuga (the period of supremacy of man and of giants and of the sons of God)
3. - Dvāpara-yuga (a mixture already of purity and impurity (spirit and matter), the age of doubt)
4. - Kali-Yuga (darkness, misery and sorrow)

It was taught by Blavatsky that we are currently in the Kali-Yuga. Some other Hindu philosophers say that we are moving into the Dvapara Yuga. Master Samael says though that we are currently in the Kali-Yuga.

Kali Yuga

Due to being out of time for the day here is an excerpt describing how the Kali Yuga will be. As you read it how astoundingly accurate it is.

"[There will be] contemporary monarchs, reigning over the earth — kings of churlish spirit, violent temper, and ever addicted to falsehood and wickedness. They will inflict death on women, children, and cows; they will seize upon the property of their subjects, and be intent upon the wives of others; they will be of limited power . . . their lives will be short, their desires insatiable. . . . People of various countries intermingling with them will follow their example; and the barbarians being powerful [in India] in the patronage of the princes, whilst pur er tribes are neglected, the people will perish [or, as the Commentator has it, “the Mlechchhas 2 will be in the centre and the Āryans, in the end.”]3 Wealth and piety will decrease day by day, until the world will be wholly depraved. The property alone will confer rank; wealth will be the only source of devotion; pas sion will be the sole bond of union between the sexes; falsehood will be the only means of success in litigation; and women will be objects merely of sensual gratification. . . . External types will be the only distinctions of the several orders of life; dishonesty (anyāya) will be the (universal) means of subsistence; weak ness the cause of dependence; menace and presumption will be substituted for learning; liberality will be devotion (a man if rich will be reputed pure) . . . mu tual assent will be marriage; fine clothes will be dignity. . . . he who is the strongest will reign . . . the people, unable to bear the heavy burthens, Kara bhāra (load of taxes) . . . will take refuge among the valleys. . . . Thus, in the Kali age, shall decay constantly proceed, until the human race approaches its annihilation (pralaya). . . . When . . . the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being which exists, of its own spiritual nature . . . shall descend on Earth . . . as Kalki [Avatāra], endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. . . . He will, then, re-establish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are, thus, changed . . . shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age (or age of purity). As it is said: “When the sun and moon, and the Krita [or Satya] age shall return.”1"

More to come tomorrow...

End (2760).

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Hey Man Your Being Has Style - (2759)

The Being within a person has a style or a way of treating and training Its Bodhisattwa.

Samael the Logos had a particular way with his bodhisattwa, and so will your Being have a particular style with you!

Intuit it, perceive and know it...or better still experience it. Only really you can...

Obviously, it is a style that changes and adopts a particular way of things based on the conscious determination of what is best for us to achieve what It requires of us.

A person may get to know this style by asking constantly for one thing and when the help comes, one can see the style in which one's inner Divinity helps them.

End (2759).

Truth Behind Being Special – (2758)

We want to be special as in outstanding, a cut above the rest or either special to others, because we have not yet made our own inner Being special to us.

True right? We care but we don’t care really about our inner Being. We care more about finding ourselves in the belief that we are special.

Stuff That Mate!

Well stuff that I would rather find myself in a living reality – the inner Being rather than in a belief which could well be totally wrong!

The proof of this statement is when we practically throw away our Being to go into desperation to be special to someone or maintain our so believed special status or try to rise to that phantom like special status.

Jealousy is based on this, that we must be special tot eh husband, wife, friend etc. and not the other third (intruder) person.

Genuinely make the Being in us special and you will find that the need to be special stops becoming so fascinating and compelling and jealousy and other egos decrease in magnitude.

The Red Tulip is your Inner Being, not you or the 'you' to another Person or to Society or the World!

Cultivate It

Genuinely cultivate the Inner Being being special to you in your mind and heart. Make your Being a true special treasure to you. No one can do this for you. No One! We are so retarded sometimes that we are waiting for someone else to do it for ourselves! Stuff that Mater DO IT NOW!!!

End (2757).

When Facing Deep Subconscious – Knowing and KRIM – (2757)

When we are facing a very deep aspect of our subconscious we can not do much initially in the way of deep comprehension.

All that we can do for a while, is to know clearly to ourselves that it is indeed an ego which is causing all the trouble. It is not the people, the weather, the body, the food, the air, the water, the mobile phone, the computer, etc. etc. IT IS THIS EGO!

Then to make that ego back down – KRIM!!!

We must do this for a good while until comprehension begins to slowly surface.

Then with the power of comprehension, this ego will become more known and understood. With that the ability to separate this ego at will, will arise.

End (2757).

Immortality Clarifications and Summary - (2756)

Point Summary

The Real and Immortality

All the essences and their Beings themselves are immortal. Those immortal beings though may or may not have immortal physical bodies.

Typically immortality refers to the extended longevity of the physical body.

Physical immortality is relative, meaning it depends on certain conditions and there are several types and furthermore it can be seen from several different ways. Absolute immortality pertains to the Real Being.

What is Real must be immortal and what is immortal must be real. For something to be real it must always 'be'. It must have been and it must be now and must be in the future. The real is not, what was but is not now. That is, the real is not only what was real in the past but what was real, is real and will be real.

The Absolute is immortal because it is the ultimate reality. 

Physical immortality as is taught classically in esotericism is the extension of the lifespan of the physical body of a resurrected Master. As is taught, that extension is not forever, it must be paid for and must be renewed. Master Samael said that the price is sacrifice for humanity.

Reason For

One main reason for immortality is the sacrifice for humanity. The immortal physical body allows a resurrected master to continue his/her service to humanity uninterrupted. An immortal body saves the master from having to be born as a baby and having to go through all the stages of growing up until reaching adulthood.   

As the Real Being integrates more and more into the various parts of itself through the levels of creation, it is logical that the Being will integrate into the physical world and body, and it is only the immortal that can make the corruptible incorruptible, and so the Being with no karma and no ego will make the physical of the same nature as it, which is immortal.

Another reason is that for a Monad to return to the Absolute and possess the seed atoms of the four bodies (physical, astral, mental and causal) that Monad must have a physical body. At such a stage where a Monad can enter the absolute such an integration with the Absolute would make the physical body immortal.


The reasons for mortality are the fall and the presence of the ego. In the early times of Lemuria human beings were relatively immortal, meaning they lived under the Fulanastaniano principle where the typical lifespan was 1200 years or more.  

After the fall, that all changed. Master Samael says because the presence of the ego destroyed the vitality of the physical body drastically reducing the energy and lifespan of the physical body, immortality ended and was replaced with the condition of mortality.

Also because the body that we have now is the mixture of an immortal body and an animal mortal body, the result can not be a mortal body. 

Living for too long would cause the ego to develop too much and it would end up in people who do not work on themselves waking up in and for evil (ego). Just imagine the average person instead of living for 80 years, lives for 800 years, and they do not work on themselves. They would end up being really terrible, wouldn't they? It is best that they die and are reborn retarding the development of the ego and subjecting them by force of rebirth to different environments and conditions where they can develop less of the ego.

Our mortality lies precisely in the presence of our ego. With the ego we must be mortal, and turn on the wheel of Samsara.

Practical Aspect

A practical aspect of this topic is to better understand our imminent death and the death of our loved ones.

We and our loved ones have an immortal essence and Being as do we. They will continue but not with the same physical body. If one is awakened one has a kind of immortality where one can continue and particular in a continuous line of consciousness but just through several bodies.

We must awaken and with our consciousness awake we can continue... The continuity and immortality resides precisely in our consciousness.

If we die consciously we can return consciously and not have our flow of consciousness so broken.

End (2756).

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Presents and Company - (2755)

Christmas time is approaching and that generally means presents and company. Besides this social aspect, it is a time to reflect deeply on the Christ and the Intimate Christ.

A Possible Point of Balance in the Social Aspect

Too many presents and food takes our inner focus off enjoying and appreciating the company of others into giving gifts and preparing food. We may feel that we are enjoying their company by making food and we are appreciating them with through gifts.

Too little food and gifts relies on appreciating and enjoying their company of others being in the moment trying to connect to them etc. but it may not do much for them, it may be a bit weird or too overbearing or close. So a balance is needed. 

If we focus too much on food and gifts, we get too busy and we are in the kitchen most of the time and a funny thing happens when you cook you don't feel like eating so much. When we give too many gifts people feel 'odd and scared at the same time' because it is a bit too much and they may feel that they don't deserve that much or they feel they have to give back and they may not really want to or be able to.

Some families for sure are very unbalanced in this aspect and some balance can be a good thing to make things easier and more emotionally satisfying all round.

End (2755).

Psychological Work is Also to Find the Being - (2754)

The psychological work is also a search for the real Being dwelling within us.

Deep psychological work takes us to discover the various qualities or values or our inner Being, which is the real and immutable within us.

Psychological work is also a mystical encounter at its very depths. Our inner Being is also known through its various values.

End (2754).

Friday, 14 December 2018

Silver Chord Posts – (2753)

Here for today are a series of posts on the silver chord.

End (2753).

The Term: Silver Chord – (2752)

It was the Tibetan Lama and author Tuesday Lobsang Rampa that used the term ‘silver cord’ to refer to the special cord that links our essence to our physical body.

He says in his book: “The Third Eye” that he took the term from the bible as given below:

At the moment of death, the cord joining the physical and spirit bodies (the “Silver Cord” of the Christian Bible) thins and parts, and the spirit drifts off. Death has then taken place. But birth into a new life, for the “cord” is similar to the umbilical cord which is severed to launch a new-born baby to a separate existence. At the moment of death the Glow of Lifeforce is extinguished from the head. This Glow also can be seen by a clairvoyant, and in the Christian Bible is referred to as “The Golden Bowl”. Not being a Christian I am not familiar with the Book, but I believe there is a reference to “Lest the Silver Cord be severed, and the Golden Bowl be shattered”.

Here is the exact reference from the bible where he took the term ‘silver cord’ from.

"Remember Him before the silver cord is broken, and the golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered, and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it."
~Ecclesiastes 12:6-12:7


Tuesday Lobsang Rampa introduced this term when writing and teaching to the West so that it would be familiar and more readily accepted by the West.

End (2752).

Antahkarana - Esoteric Term for the ‘Silver Cord’ – (2751)


Antahkarana is a Sanskrit word originating from two parts: Antar and karana. Where, antar means “interior” or “within” and karana means “sense organ” or “cause”. Overall antahkarana translates as the “the inner cause” or “internal organ”.

“In Indian philosophy and yoga, antahkarana refers to the internal organ that is the location or inner origin of thought and feeling.

It is defined as either the link between the body and the spirit or the bridge between the middle and higher mind. The term may also be defined as the source of thinking, or the mind, soul, heart or conscience.”

Essentially It Is

Essentially then the word antahkarana is a link between the body and our essence and the link between our essence and our will and mind.

The term antahkarana has a wider connotation than the word silver cord doesn’t it. Antahkarana implies the all the links that there are between our essence to other aspects or bodies that we have.

End (2751).

What is the Silver Cord? – (2750)

It Is

“This so-called silver cord is merely a shaft of energy, radiant energy, which is capable of infinite extension. It is not a material cord like a muscle, or artery, or piece of string, but it is life itself, is the energy which connects the physical body and the astral body.”

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa “The Third Eye”.


It is the special link made of life substance and life energy that allows the source of our life – our essence to run into and flood our bodies.

In other words, it is part of the essence. When we die it stays with our essence and is cut from the body, but stays as part of the essence.

End (2750).

Function of the Silver Cord – (2749)

Link Bodies

It’s primary function is to link life into the various bodies that our inner Being has.

It also links the experiences of all of the bodies creating a synchronised unity.


It actually feeds the astral, mental and causal bodies from the energy supplied by the physical body.

Message Channel

It also is a conveyor through which thought, sensations and information can pass through from one body to the next.

Master Samael says that when a person achieves ecstasy in mediation the impressions of the experience of the illuminating void circulate down through the silver cord to the centres of the human machine.

It conveys our thoughts from one body to the next. When sleep at night our essence leaves our physical body and travels in the astral world, either by itself or within the astral body. All that our essence perceives and experiences in the astral world it conveys vis the silver cord to the physical body.

It is also the silver cord that sends our physical prayers to the higher parts of our Being. Our centres are connected to our essence and through our essence our prayers reach our Being.

End (2749).

How is the Silver Cord Strengthened? – (2748)

It makes sense now that if the silver cord is a part of the essence, then it is strengthened by all that makes our essence stronger and causes the currents of life to circulate.

Freeing the essence through the dissolution of the ego, transmutation of the sexual energy (obviously transmuted energy circulates through the silver cord to the essence), mystical practices which draw the Being closer to us also must strengthen the silver cord.

In general, that which breathes more life force into us in general strengthens the silver cord.

End (2748).

Inner Divinity May Help in a Different Way – (2747)

We may be wanting to be shown the way to take by our interior Divinity.

We may want a dream or receive an image in meditation or all of a sudden feel a strong conviction about which way to take…

It may be that we wait and wait, pray and pray, meditate and meditate and nothing…

The help may come in a different way. The inner Divinity may just be waiting for us to decide and once we decide it helps from inside our psychological processes and essence to see the pros and cons of that decision so that we can easily, clearly and more consciously decide.

End (2747).

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Painful Exclusion from an Event – (2746)

Maybe the worst psychological pain that we can ever feel is to be excluded from our inner Being.

If the event or meeting we learn we are excluded from is one that is not going to help re-link us to our inner Being then not to worry.

If the event is one which it seems that it may then, go to work doing your best inside you to link back to your inner Being.

You know, even you could be in one of those special events and be very close to a great master but if you are dreaming and identified with one or another ego and you are worrying about this or that then as amazing as that event is, you are not making the most of it, and someone who is sitting on a bench somewhere in a back-alley way practicing with all their heart does a lot more.

End (2746).

What Can I do Today to Better Things? - (2745)

In the morning it is soooo helpful to have a plan and spend a minute thinking what I can use the day for in order to better the Being we belong to and the Beings of others.

  • We can focus on our psychology and work as much as we can or devote the day to working on a certain 'urgent to dissolve' "I".
  • We can be alert as much as we can, being as consciousness as our current capacity allows.
  • We can actively put into action the qualities of our essence.
  • We can make the effort to put our personality as passive as possible.
  • We can pray for others you are unwell or needing help.
  • We can actively look to see where others need help.
  • We can study to increase our knowledge and understanding of esotericism.
  • We can consciously enjoy our life by going to a park, or the ocean and breathe in deeply.
  • We can thank with all of our heart our inner Being for our life.
  • We can send our trust and gratitude to our inner Being, trusting in the life we have and the circumstances we are in, being content with them and vowing to do our best within them.

Finally the most important of all is to not forget the above things or things that you plan out for your day!!!!

End (2745).

The Best Lubricant for the Human Machine - (2744)

My marvellous missionary says that the consciousness is the best lubricant that we could ever have.

If we are to bring the consciousness into activity within ourselves it allows marvels. 

Two conflicting thoughts or emotions can be in our centres, but through the separation that the consciousness produces these two thoughts and emotions' can be side by side without us feeling any distress but a clearer vision of what is going on inside of ourselves.

The consciousness makes any inner or outer difficult process to run smoothly.

It harmonizes the centres and allows them to interrelate smoothly without any of them harming another.

In conclusion, when in inner conflict bring your consciousness into activity.

Be in the moment, focus on 'the now' only. Focus on your breath, let all the thoughts go and look within in complete silence. Just see and hear in silence and prolong that state until clarity arises.

End (2744).

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Venerable Master Sanat Kumara – (2743)

Master Samael says that the Venerable Master Sanat Kumara is here physically somewhere on the Earth using an immortal body.

Master Samael said that he originally came from Venus. He has such a degree of perfection that he could integrate himself into a level of the Absolute where he would not need to return to creation. Never the less V.M Sanat Kumara is here with us.

Master Samael says that he is here sacrificing himself for humanity here on Earth helping those Beings willing to and ready to find the self-realisation.

He, Master Samael said was the founder of the white college of initiates and confers some of the initiations, if I am not wrong from the fourth initiation onwards.

So then, back to us, for help to enter the path or to progress on the path V.M Sanat Kumara is a very Master to ask help from.

End (2743).

Courage is a Way – (2742)

To set sail with courage in your sails opens a way. When all ways seem nonviable or no ways present themselves then there is always one way left – the way of courage.

Setting sail trusting in courage itself is courage. Trusting in your abilities of wit and will to forge a new way and overcome what obstacles may lie along the way.

Sometimes there is no other way but to forge a new way…

End (2742).

Question: Transmutation Does not Emotionally Satisfy Me? - (2741)


Because you are not emotionally integrating with the energy you have transmuted.

You just need to remember that the energy that you have just transmuted, which is felt as fire – heat of vitality, renewed vigour, light (clarity of consciousness), spiritual tranquility and contentment, is something of your own Being and it is also something of the Divine Fire that exists in the cosmos. When you embrace that fire, loving it and you inwardly apply yourself to fuse and integrate with it, you will be emotionally satisfied!

If you do this a spiritual kind of satisfaction will fill you. The deeper you penetrate into fusion with it the better you will feel.

Doing this transforms the inferior side of passion that we carry within, which wants to morbidly possess or embrace the other person. We can’t be doing that forever, so we might as well learn to embrace the transmuted energy (which is from our Being) and integrate with it allowing it to enter into all of our centres especially the emotional centre.

End (2741).

For the Will of the Being Look to the Centre of the Chest - (2740)

It has been said that when the masters want to know the will of the Being they concentrate on the centre of their chest.

This is because at the centre of our chest is a special magnetic centre, which is the centre of Tiphereth, the human soul. Through Tiphereth manifests the will of the Being.

End (2740).

Don't Forget there are TESTS! - (2739)

Complacence and lowering our guard does not help us to pass the tests.

Always be alert to not become complacent with the ego.

When we rest in complacence with the ego the tests or a test can strike hard!

End (2739).

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Work Honest and Hard to Win the Favour of the Law – (2738)

To live a life that ends up first aligning itself then later putting itself into the favourable hands of the Divine Law is certainly a worthy aspiration.

Well it may well be an aspiration for some but for others it may not be, as is always the case amongst the great variety of human beings.

To have a life where no terrible dramas await or where things do not uncontrollably go wrong and where things can be negotiated for the better is really bliss.

The way to aspire and achieve this is by working on ourselves and for humanity in an honest and constant way.

End (2738).