Thursday, 31 October 2019

A Walk in the City - No Judging - (3273)

To do an exercise such as to go for a walk in the city during the day with the purpose of staying awake that is alert not thinking and knowing that your doing that - one has to really be totally aware of associations and the mental process of judging.

Obviously we see this and that person and we make a judgement and then associations arise based on that judgement.

Especially since today is halloween there was a lot of unusual things going on.

It is really a good exercise to get to know our mind. To know what our mind contains, because our mind makes associations based on its own contents.

End (3273).

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Sexual Energy Base Energy of All - (3271)

We have mental energy, emotional energy, conscious energy and they seem to belong to well defined spheres within us. Furthermore the energy in these sphere seems not to move out into other spheres.

The sexual energy is very different it has its sphere yet it influences or moves into the other spheres. Using transmutation the sexual energy enhances and energises every other sphere.

That is why the sexual energy is the base, fundamental deriving energy as well as being the very roots of the tree of life. Making transmutation the base or core activity or quality or developing anything integrating and unifying within us.

End (3271).

It is Up to You to Look After Your Essence and Hence Your Being - (3270)

What more can I say than that.

Best not to forget it.

Best to wear this responsibility as it will impel anyone to act! 

At the close of the day, of a year, of a life, of race, of any cosmic cycle whether it be a cosmic day, a cosmic round, all human beings who live and have lived will be united in that responsibility and the resounding question that issues forth from that: "What have you done with your time on Earth?". 

End (3270).

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

The Freedom of Not Considering Yourself Through Others - (3269)

Normally we want everyone else to know and appreciate as well as respect how busy we are, how difficult life is for us without us saying a word. So we put on a serious face, a 'life is hard' face etc. Usually we get quite angry when others don't consider us and try to make things easy for us.

This is the typical ego of self-consideration - wanting consideration for ourselves but always through others. When we go directly within ourselves and work decisively to solve what is bothering us we eliminate this ego.

There is such a freedom of being when we throw that self-consideration or consideration for ourselves through others down and fly over it. 

The freedom arises because we turn to ourselves, that is to our essence and to the tremendous source of power, energy and wisdom residing within our inner Divinity.

This is to be independent because and free in the right sense. Waiting for others always causes disappointment and frustration and it is marvelous to have found that energy and strength within because if we look after it well it will never leave us. We are then so much useful to others when we are independent in that way. 

End (3269).

Amazing Dual Dependence - Where is the Glory but in the Mud - (5317)

The glory always comes out of the hard slog in the mud.

Without that hard slog there isn't really any reward or glory. As usual we always want the glory without the hard slog.

Everything always costs and the price for glory is the hard slog fought out in the mud.

So if we are in the difficult battle the glory is being built up bit by bit.

We so often overlook this.

Glory does not exist by itself.

End (5317).

Monday, 28 October 2019

Info! Info! Info! - (3268)

If ever in a difficult situation. If ever before a difficult decision. If ever unsure. If ever confused. If ever disorientated. If ever suffering. If ever lost. If ever lacking comprehension. If ever ...

Seek info info info! 

Knowledge is power as though, sometimes just one small bit of information can turn everything around. The clouds of hesitation, confusion, uncertainly can all clear in an instant making an opening for the sun to shine through.

End (3268).

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Constant Transformation is What We Need! - (3267)

This is super obvious!

If we don't change we will end up in the dumps.

Besides that the ego serves as a useful catalyst for transformation. 

When we are most asleep like when we are in a hurry for example, that is when we are reminded to wake up the most. This is because that is when we need to wake up the most.

When any ego is controlling our human machine that is a tremendous catalyst to transformation. That is when we need to work the most.

When we have any momentary weakness appear in us that is the sign for us to wake up and work. In that way we are naturally reminded to work on ourselves and seek that inside of us that is strong, balanced, wise and loving.

Living life this way we can really take the utmost advantage of our life's events and circumstances.

End (3267).

Many Missionaries in One - (3266)

In the one missionary there are many. I am not talking about the different "I's" a missionary could have but the many real expressions of a missionary.

There is the missionary in writing, the missionary in giving a class, the missionary featuring in the internal (dreams etc.) experiences of others, the missionary all by him or herself, the missionary in the practice of Alchemy, the missionary at home, the missionary with friends, the missionary starting a new mission in a foreign country, a missionary running a retreat, a missionary in charge of his or her group, the missionary in a retreat, the missionary with other missionaries etc.

We don't really know a missionary until we know them in a few of these different aspects. 

Knowing a missionary from what they write for example creates an image in the mind of the reader about the missionary but they may indeed be different in the other aspects of their lives. So really the best idea is to put these images together to form a unified image. 

End (3266).

Ill-Will is Very Degenerative - (5372)

Once ill-will has taken shape in a person, it branches off and invades the many areas of life. 

It starts off as ill-will against the Divinity then from the sexual desire it branches off, taking shape in areas of life that are related to sexuality, i.e. relationships. The ill-will of human beings is always almost directed at other human beings. Or if we have ill-will at an object, we have that ill-will because that object is related to a person.

Ill-will then as it grows is the major element of degeneration in a human being. The worst form of ill-will is the one that goes against ourselves. This ill-will takes on many different forms from neglect, over-eating, over-sleeping, fantasizing etc,. to open self-deprecation.

Conversely good-will is a way to regenerate ourselves along with transmutation. In fact, transmutation done well in the complete sense is really total good-will.

End (5372).

Saturday, 26 October 2019

The Spark at the Meeting of the Cosmoses - (3263)

When two cosmoses meet there is usually a kind of spark that appears! With that spark comes a kind of awakening.

For example, when we the microcosmos, which is our body, our centres, our senses and our psychology encounter the Macrocosmos (galaxy) or the Tritocosmos (inferior dimensions or the universe inside our body) or the Mesocosmos (planets - Earth), or the Duetrocosmos (solar system) a kind of shock is produced that results in a mini kind of awakening that can be quite intense and last a long time and become a part of us or last a short time but remembered intensely.

When we (microcosmos) at night look up at the night sky (macrocosmos) and wonder so intensely who we are and what we are doing our essence is very active and we are like trying to wake up. This is due to the meeting of the cosmoses.

Master Samael says we only live in the microcosmos, trapped and conditions by our own emotions and he says we don't even live in the planet Earth, we do physically but we don't have awareness of the Earth. 

End (3263).

Ill-Will is Totally of a Sexual Origin - (5237)

I really can not write too much about this. I think that within your own intimate observations you will ratify this.

The origin of ill-will being to do with sex is right there in front us. Especially in the English language - it can be so easily seen. Also in Spanish too, as well as in other languages, as all languages obey the universal human patterns of human nature.

It is the sexual desire that was created in Lemuria that gave rise to ill-will. The sexual force was the one that created the 'myself' and the 'myself' is constituted by the three demons plus the Father of the Three Furies. One the three demons is ill-will.

The same force that wishes to fulfil sexual desire is used to harm someone in ill-will. Isn't lust the original ill-will, as using sex wrongly is like an act of ill-will against the interior Divinity because it disconnects the interior divinity from the human being.

This then tells us that working with the sexual energy - transmuting it works against the 'myself' and especially against the demon of ill-will.

We don't know the good we really do in the three realities when we transmute!

End (5237).

Friday, 25 October 2019

Divine Mother Notes - (3265)

Below is the first stanza of the prayer to the Virgin Mother which St. Bernard prays for Dante, so that the Virgin Mother (Divine Mother) may allow Dante a vision of God.

"O virgin mother, daughter of thy Son,
humble beyond all creatures and more exalted;
predestined turning point of God's intention;"

This prayer appears in the third book of the Divine Comedy: "Paradiso" where Dante ascends into the Empryean above Kether where the three expressions of God are seen as three rings.

Of the many functions that the Divine Mother has, a salient one is to intercede for us before eh supreme Father.

We can draw the conclusion that the Divine Mother has the role and yearning of taking us acquaintance with the Father, and the Intimate Christ also has the same role. Also the Intimate Christ is not a product of the Divine Mother but participates of Her and She of Him and She unfolds into Him.

End (3265).

Who are You? - So Valuable to Know - (3261)

The standard answer is an essence, consciousness etc.

After-all these are only words...

The living experience of them is what allows us to know and is what really changes our life.

To know oneself as nothing is the start...

To know oneself as nothing, where that nothing is the consciousness filling space within you, void of any identity is the start...

That nothing is the consciousness itself being aware that it is consciousness.

Consciousness can not be labelled or given an identity or become something. It is not a something but a consciousness experience - something that is experienced and that lives consciously...By virtue of itself as does the Real Being.

The consciousness is the light of the Inner Being.

To know oneself as nothing is a conscious experience not an emotional one of the personality or any "I" where we feel sorry for ourselves.

This nothing is the same emptiness of which Zen speaks about.

That knowing then, with work in time deepens to discover more of what it itself is...

To know oneself as consciousness is the most valuable thing that we can have...

The work on the ego then makes total sense. Non-identification makes total sense. As we understand to our bones that we are not any identity especially not the rough, stupid, nasty ones projected by the "I's" which we carry within we can really practice non-identification.

End (3261).

Monday, 21 October 2019

Who are you in Your Heart? - (3262)

Our spiritual progress is about who we are in our heart.

We don't see the heart of others... If we do we see it, we see it in the combination of their words and actions.

Who we are in our heart is something alive and something that lives in our human life as it does in other expressions of our greater one life.

Only really the Beings, the masters and the Divine Law see our heart as it is and who we are in it...

On Earth, only really we know who we are in our heart.

Our heart is our truth and the challenge of life here on Earth is always to live true to our heart...

How interesting, our truth is found in our heart, at our spiritual core. Who we are is something of the nobility of the spirit. We are something spiritual.

When we try to find out who we are in our heart, what is alive in our heart is us, and this will also be present in our human life living out its life.

When we ask the question about what values we have, we are left with an empty feeling. What we are not remains as an empty feeling in our heart.

As Master Samael says the fire ascends according to the merits of the heart. Who we are in our heart causes the fire of the Divine Mother to ascend.

End (3262).

Transforming Power is of the Essence - (3264)

To transform is in the very nature of our essence.

To transform an insult into understanding and tolerance is of the nature of our essence. Actually even beyond that.

The nature of the Christ in anyone is to transform the negative.

When a great master crystallizes the second logos within him or herself then without a shadow of a doubt such a great master is a super transformer of all types of impressions and energies.

Anyway down to our level we must never tire of transforming!

Transforming impressions, transforming our sexual energy and all of our energies into more positive uses.

End (3264).

Why we Look at a Ferrari - (3260)

I was at Yelo the other day and a middle aged man rolled up in his nice new red wine coloured Ferrari. He jumped out ordered a coffee and sat on the same table as me.

I observed myself looking at his car. I observed that a look for some seconds is of a neutral quality within one's psychology. One is like being aware of what one is looking at.

However as the looking continued, things changed and a new element appeared - fantasy and further to that I observed what sustained the looking was fantasy.

Within a minute or less one sees that it is a nice car, not very practical though (seating only two), very expensive to maintain, something that is corruptible - very quickly it looses its value and wear and tear inevitably takes a bight out of it and furthermore it is something that I really don't want when it comes to it, and something that I will never have.

There is always fantasy with desire, and fantasy maintains the fascination. If we stop fantasy we void ourselves of the need to look and wonder...

This exact same principle applies to anything else that we may look at or take a second look at. ..

Fantasy issuing from the subconscious which is very subtle deceives us (tricks us) and keeps us looking. If one notices the main gist of the fantasy and realizes how unrealistic it is one can drop it and everything else drops within you.

End (3260).

Sexual Organs are a Sacred Altar - (3259)

Through the sexual organs one connects to their inner Being. The sexual organs of a person are the instrument of that person's Monad to realise itself and later integrate itself amongst all of its many parts - especially the essence.

This is the exact same function as an altar. An altar creates a channel through which man here on Earth connects to the God inside of him and to the Gods of the Macrocosmos and beyond.

That is why it is said in the practice of sacred sexuality one is at the altar officiating. Both man and woman become like a priest and priestess whom officiate at the altar of sexuality. 

Sex is the stone and all altars are of stone. 

Sacred sexuality is liturgical and the first altar was sexuality and the highest and most primordial prayer is in sexuality as the transmuted energy is a connection, a channel and of energy communication linking the human being to their Monad.

End (3259).

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Transmutation the Tincture of Transformation - (3258)

Transmutation is the template of transformation.

If we follow its principles we can transform things.

Its principle is to take the thing (not squash it, break it or destroy it but take it) and chose the right side of duality (the right that benefits us - the work - the essence) and then bring it inwards into our interior and then sublimate it (give it a use for our work or the essence), that is cause it to rise to a higher octave within us.

It is a template that anything within our psychology can be acted upon so to transform it.

Any impulse, idea, desire, want, apparent need, confusion, etc. can be transformed using the template principle of transmutation.

End (3258).

What are you Doing in the Work Today? - (3257)

We organise our normal house and working day really quite well. But our esoteric day we don't organise as well.

If we did organise our esoteric day well - as in we knew what we are going to do today and how we were going to do it and that we wanted to do it by the end of today we would do a lot of good things for our essence!

End (3257).

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Leverage Points in the Psychological Work - (3256)

A leverage point is something well understood that allows you to get a wedge in under the ego and lift it out of your human machine.

There are so many leverage points. Every leverage point is a particular truth. Only truth has the power to truly produce a real effect inside of us.

Each indiviudla has his or her effective leverage points. These leverage points are so worthy of sharing.

For every ego, for every identitifiaction, for every negative internal state there is a leverage point.

The Gnostic teachings are full of leverage points.

When we find one, we ahve to treasure it and use it as much as we can to get the maximum out of it.

One leverage point is to not get identified with the ego is to not lose oneself. To lose oneself is where time escapes you, things blurr, you lose the depth perception of your psycholgy, your natural relaxation and point of watching your psycholgy goes, you fall asleep and time passes before you wake up again.

End (3256).

Thoughts of Premonition - (3255)

One sees a cat crossing a busy road late at night. It hurries across looking left and right partly seemingly aware of the danger. A sigh of relief it makes it across safely and slinks away out sight through a gap in the fence. One then thinks if that cat does that too often one day it is going to get hit. 

The right turning arrow turns green, accelerator and, straighten - the home stretch now. Home is a 600m down this road. A white flash from the left hand side of the car, head lights show up a poor cat recently run-over on in the middle to left of the road. Clunk and clunk, the dead cat gets twice run-over. How aweful, poor cat, what a way to go then have its body treated that way. 

There are many thoughts in us that descend from a higher plane wihtin us that are like premomitions. 

It is always wise to listen and remain alert.

End (3255).

Art Marks the Peak and the End - (3254)

The medium of art leaves humanity a legacy and a kind of record of the knowledge, insights and understanding of the great cultures as well as in some cases their esoteric teachings.

It seems all that remains of the great civilisations and cultures is their art... Little of their science, little of their politics, little of their culture remains, but that left through their art. 

While a culture is in full bloom art also blooms, expressing the culture’s splendour and values and they evolve through the lifetime of the culture.

Usually when a culture is agonising and facing it last moments it appeals to art as the medium to keep what is left of it alive. 

End (3254).

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Victim of your Experiences - (3252)


Dreams or experiences can be 'spot-on', 'hit the nail on the head', at times and at times there exists a strange relationship between people and their dreams or experiences. Which this post is really about.

I have noticed that sometimes we can fall victim to our own dreams and experiences. Which in any case is not very good. So I am writing a bit about this point here.

Normally when we fall victim to our dreams we say the following:

"I had this experience and I don't know what it means. Tell me what it means."

"I had this experience and I don't know what I should do with it."

"I had this experience and I am wary of that person now."

"I had this experience and I can't do what the dream told me to do. What do I do?"

"I had this experience and it was good but it is not coming true."

"I had this dream and I am shaking in my boots now. I am confused and worried."


I think you get what I mean now. The solution to stop being a victim is always knowledge and  comprehension through investigation. Once we comprehend we get some consciousness and then we can act in order. Action mostly in relation to most dreams is to forget and discard but not always that is where our careful discernment must enter into play. 

End (3252).

We don't Feel Lonely Because we Don't have Someone! - (3253)


As the title of the post goes, we are not really lonely because we don't have a partner, spouse, friends, family etc. 

It is more an interior state that at its root has to do with the relationship we have with our Inner Being.

These states of loneliness are due to a lack of remembering the Being within us.

Inherent in any lonely state is the feeling of 'two'. That is duality. We feel as if we are the unlucky 'one', the neglected 'one', the forgotten 'one', the disliked 'one' etc. etc. See all 'ones', where that 'one' is not like the other 'one' (read below for the 'other one').

The lonely state then looks at others who have family or spouses and friends as the lucky ones, the 'complete ones', the 'ones with good fortune' and the 'ones well set up'. See - 'ones' again, which are the 'other ones' that I mentioned in the previous paragraph. 

In the end these lonely states are about two sets of  'ones' - i.e. duality. So bring the duality together and we arrive at unity and we dissolve the lonely state.

Remembering the Being

When we remember the Being we can do it in duality, that is 'me' here and the Being 'up there'. But this does not help. It does not displace the state of feeling lonely with its sad, resigned, feeling neglected type of inferior emotions.

Remembering the Being not as 'two' but as 'one', is what really helps.

Remembering that you are an essence and that you are of the Inner Being is very different. So you then walk around feeling within the reach of the Being, as if that Being is walking around overlapping you. But you are not better or worse, you are the same as you always were you just did not remember that. And everyone else is the same as you with their Being walking around with them through their essence.

The key is in the right remembering of the Being.

The role of these states of loneliness is to learn to firm up the relationship between ourselves and the our Inner Being. To revamp and deepen our self-remembering.

End (3253).

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Devoid the "I" of Meaning - (3251)

Loss of Meaning

When a person loses meaning in life they become idle, aimless, lost, confused, disorientated and depressed.

So the same thing with any "I" or ego that we have. Because any "I" is really a person living within us.

So when we are able to devoid a particular "I" of meaning we really do something in the work of its dissolution.

For example, lust gets itself involved in so many conversations and things that have no meaning and and if it is not dissolved it will continue doing this forever. 

To understand that many egos search for impressions that do not have any real profound meaning nor do they nourish the essence nor is anything real or useful about them.   

Seeing the meaninglessness of any ego gives you the chance to devoid it of meaning and that takes power from it, a good deal of the hypnotic grip from it actually!

Importance of Meaning

We are essentially people who seek meaning for our life. Our very meaning is always to be found in our inner Being or deep in our essence.

Meaning is a fundamental thing for every human being, our essence, our inner Being function by virtue of it. This is because meaning is of the Being, it cascades down from the higher parts of our Inner Being.

End (3251).

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Donkey Stubbornness is a Good One for the Abyss - (3250)

Stubborn Donkey

The abyss is for the stubborn!

It is for those who didn't learn the many lessons about evil, balance, pain, pleasure, money, power,  etc. in life. Either because they were too stubborn and they just didn't want to change or because they were too stubborn to see...  

Anyway the abyss is for those who were too stuck in their ways and were unable to change, that is for them there was no promise or potential to change. so there having their stubbornness being broken down.  

The way to the abyss is begun here on Earth and is one's place is booked an secured while we are here.

Try hard not to get stubborn!

Help Flees

Stubbornness causes help to flee and sifts us into the pan of a helpless case.

I'm not sure if you have seen the movie in Italian titled "Pinocchio". You see there the stubborn and naughty boys get turned into donkeys where they suffer terribly and end up in a kind of retrogression or involution. Indicating that a key quality to involute from the human condition is to be stubborn in error.

The abyss is also as Virgil says to Dante: "for those who have lost the good intellect". Which makes total sense because their stubbornness in vice was so much, so obsessive, so overboard that the only avenue left was the absurd, the abyss.

End (3250).

Gaia has Chakras - (3248)

That's right our beloved mother Earth has her chakras.

Master Samael saud that the Earth does indeed have chakras and it makes sense that Gaia would have chakras.

Where are they?

Master Samael never said anything as to where they are. However, several other authors write that they do have definite well known locations.

They say one is in Australia, in Ayers rock.

A chakra, whether it be in the Earth or in a human body is a vortex of energy, a magnetic centre, a hub of energy and a centre of transformation of energy.

So that would mean that at these locations on the planet Earth, there would be a very powerful fount of energy. Meaning that if one is a little sensitive one could feel that and be affected by it.

End (3248).

Monday, 14 October 2019

From the Subconscious we Forget - (3247)

When we do things from our subconscious we very quickly forget what we did.

Almost as if we were hypnotised. A hypnotised person usually does not remember what they did or spoke about while under hypnosis.

The deeper from within the subconscious that we acted, the quicker and deeper we forget.

The reason for this is that we did not act consciously and therefore the memory of that event is only partly registered in the consciously accessible part of our memory.

This sis a huge impediment because the subconscious actions are the ones that we desperately need to know and work on.

This forgetfulness is also useful to the myself because we this forgetfulness it diverts any threat of being uncovered and worked upon.

Repentance is a force within us that does not forget and allows our essence to penetrate into the deeper layers of our memory to unearth knowledge and understanding from it.

End (3247).

People Love the Christ Because their Intimate Christ Has Touched their Lives - (3249)


In human life, when someone is helped by another person, gratitude appears. Gratitude gives way to an appreciation and appreciation turns into a seed of love, where if that seed is watered a little love begins to grow.

So when the Intimate Christ of any person touches the inner life of a person a special gratitude is felt, and this may happen all without the person even knowing it.

This gratitude naturally turns into appreciation and appreciation turns into love, and the love deepens as the person co-operates more with the help that the Intimate Christ affected within the person.

This can happen to any person, because we all have the Intimate Christ inside of us, even if you are a Muslim or a Buddhist. But it will be difficult for such a person (Muslim or Buddhist) to recognize this.

Even though the Intimate Christ it is not incarnated - He can still help us. When the Intimate Christ is incarnated this help is much more frequent and intense. When the intimate Christ is not incarnated the help comes when really needed or when prayed for.

End (3249).

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Value of your Missionary - (3246)

It is your missionary who is the one who is going to kneel and pray with heart asking help for you when you are in need. 

It is your missionary that will enter somewhat into your life to really help you. This is because it is their propriety and karmic responsibility to help.

Other missionaries who are not our missionary can help but not to that extent, because they do not have that special power or propriety that is given by karmic responsibility.

A mother will pray for her son harder, longer and with more intensity than anyone really.

To me that is what has greater value, more value than lots of knowledge. 

If there is a missionary somewhere with lots of knowledge he or she can help but not as much as your missionary. They are not going to pray hard and try and try to help with all that they can. Because they have their own students to help. To really help you would mean to neglect their students and that would be wrong.

So your missionary is more valuable than this blog for example. Because your missionary is going to pray for you and help you really. We have to put things into perspective - that is things in their right place. 

End (3246).

Sometimes what Looks like an Ego is a Part of the Being Getting it Wrong - (3245)

Most of the time it is just plain ego, and working on it in the standard way weakens it and consequently problem solved.

However, sometimes it is not quite that way. A part of the Being because it is not educated properly pushes and impels to have its function exercised and we make many mistakes. Principally because we give way to have its function exercised but done through the wrong means.

There is a way to detect this situation, usually it is when the standard means of working on an ego does not really work or seems not to be as effective as it when it is just an ego.

The way to begin to solve it is to send repeated waves of education so that Part of our own consciousness understands.

End (3245).

If a Quality is Helping You - A Part of Your Being is Helping You - (3244)

When we feel an inexplicable need to develop a value, quality or virtue, however you wish to call it, and when we start to understand it and we begin to develop it, that is a part of our own Being helping us. 

That part of the Being is in charge of that value and when we apply that value we are helping that part because we start to dissolve the ego or egos that thwart the correct functioning of that part of the Being.

End (3244).

Your Being is the Value that has Always Moved You - (3243)

There has always been a value that meant the world to you, and that was always deeply within you  the most important thing, the most beloved thing to you, the most precious thing that could exist, and the thing that has always deeply moved you...

One day you will discover that things as being a part of your very own being. 

But you never realized that is embodied in a part of your Being and in the parts of the Being of all other people as well.

Then this is how you have a deep and very intimate relationship with your own Being. By realizing or recognizing or seeing parts of yourself in your own Being.

This is then how love for your own Being increases and deepens as well. 

However, there is no scientific way to accelerate this or bring this one, it happens when it happens.

End (3243).

The Will of Your Being is Greater than Any Ego - (3242)

The will of your Inner Being is greater thatn the will of any ego that you have. The will of your Being continues marching you forward and in the end it will engulf the egos.

It has to be this way otherwise no one would be able to dissolve the ego.

End (3242).

Is my Will Better or More Important than Yours? - (3241)


Here is the problem, we believe that our will is better or mor important and so under the direction of our pride we ready ourselves for a clash and inevitabley we find the pride of the other and we clash frigtening everyone.

When there is a clash of wills the crash scene is aweful.

One has to learn how to keep one's will and relegate it to second place when necessary. That is when co-operation and haromny are under threat.

We can question that belief of pride - that our will to do something is bettter, is right and is mor urgent or important.

With sincere questioning you will find that there is very little to stand on to support the belief that our will is bettter, more importnat and urgent.

End (3241).

Thursday, 10 October 2019

The Sentimental Link - (3240)

Many Of

We all have some of these sentimental links alive within us... It is a tricky thing to decide what to do with them...

Sometimes they appear too tricky to work on, so we end ignoring them - letting them stay there as they are.

Often we feel very confused as how to work on them when we contemplate working on them.

We have many sentimental links already established, especially with family, friends, work colleagues  etc.

Influence Of

These sentimental links can sway many of our decisions and influence much of our life.

We feel like a kind of love through them, but through them we also hurt quite a bit. 

In general anything that hurts us, the work would tell us to inquire into.

Often we find sentimental links lead us into action that is not so practical. Or they stop us from being practical.

First Measure of Action

What we can do though as first measure, is become very aware of the new sentimental links that we can create.

If we become aware of one being created we can know a lot more about them and knowing more about them will serve as orientation on how to work the existing sentimental links we have.

It is my humble opinion that working the sentimental links that we have is best done this way. Unless life and its circumstance by a force outside of our control causes us to work on them, like a relationship break down or death in the family or friends etc.


When we observe a sentimental link being created we see that there are some elements that get introduced that should not be there.

These elements come from us.

Even we may find that something within us warns us and tells us that we don't really need to create a sentimental link with hat person or thing.

The sentimental links are of the subconscious because we can't tell the person - "I am feeling a bit sentimental towards you". They would say "what!" so we keep it to ourselves in our subconscious.

Usually if we have a lack or a need or just bad habits we add these elements into the relationship and then the link begins. 

When they suffer we suffer, when they are happy with us we are happy. When they are not happy with us we are not happy.

A sentimental link is something of a dependence...

We link a part of our psychology to another for a reason to supply something...

We may link our image to another, we may link our affections, we may link our sense of security, we may link our ability to care for ourselves, we may link the sense that another needs us etc. etc.


I think that by being very aware to not create new sentimental links, we can learn about them to such an extent, that we can dissolve the ones that we have, with the end goal of making those relationships much better.

End (3240).

In and Out of Your Mind - (3239)

We can intelligently chose to go in and out of our mind. 

When the ego rages war in our mind it is intelligent to place our attention outside of our mind. 

When we are in turbulent circumstances physically, it is intelligent to place our attention inside of our mind to see what is going on and to energise our essence so that it can emanate its light through our interior space thus taking its appropriate seat of governance within our psyche.

End (3239).

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

What an Atheist is Good For - (3238)

Everyone is good for something. Even the most useless guy is at least good for something - maybe it is playing computer games - but still he is good for something. Or maybe a person is good at doing wrong - still good at something.

An atheist is no good to teach you about the Being. But if you are smart you can, by inverting what he or she says learn a few interesting things about the relationship between a human being and his/her Being.

An atheist though who is a decent human being, can talk a lot to you about psychology and about the psychological and practical reasons of things. For example, ask an atheist why he won't commit adultery, or why he won't lie or steal or hurt another and he will give you very interesting physical and psychological reasons. These reasons usually have a universal across the board of all humanity type of quality - usually free of dogma and belief.

I am quite surprised, in the work place these days, the norm is to be leaning towards being atheist or  really being atheist. Most of the people I work with for example are this way. I don't know if it is because of the past wrongs of the churches or because of the nature of modern life or ...

But anyway they are quite decent and have some very interesting physical and psychological understanding to pass onto others about life and person's conduct through life.

End (3238).

The More Major Obstacle for Holding Attention is Slackness - (3237)

When using our attention to observe ourselves for example, the unique and major obstacle we face is going the easy slack way. 

That is slipping into the slackness of inattention.

If we understand that the easy slack way is the main major obstacle in keeping our attention on our interior then making that effort to counter the slack easy way we can be much more successful.

Try it!

End (3237).

Prayer is Will to Flow - (3236)

Prayer is a means to open a connection where our current of will can flow through, taking us to fulfill our will of wanting to be close to our Inner Being in times of temptation, danger, uncertainly, confusion, darkness, in times of need, despair etc.

It is very helpful for self-remembering and for displacing and overcoming the ego. If we want to be flowing to the inner Being more than the ego it will certainly help!

End (3236).

Exercise the Bodies - (3235)

Working Principle

If we exercise our physical body we usually develop what is useful - muscle and eliminate what is not useful - fat. We also increase the body's fitness for movement. The body becomes stronger, faster and more enduring.

Not everyone exercises their physical body on purpose, so we can then say that not everyone exercises their astral, mental or causal bodies, providing that they have them that is.


If we were to exercise them we will build more emotion for the astral, more will for the causal and more mind for the mental. But emotions, mind and will developed in the free sense, not attached to any ego.

Obviously we would also make our emotion, mind and will more enduring, richer and more agile. While doing away with what is not useful of the emotions, the mind and the will. Which typically are inferior emotions, superficial and fleeting emotions, disordered and unbalanced thoughts and thinking processes and ill will or fades or whims.


How do we exercise then our internal bodies? A lot of this is done via the psychological and esoteric work. So don't worry too much just work.

General Rule

If one works in mental silence one orders and balances the mind and learns how to pay less attention to all the silly and trivial thoughts and projections.

If one prays one orders their emotions and deeps them. If one has a discipline one strengthens their  will. If one yearns and works on that yearning one strengthens all three.

If one transforms impressions one does not allow one the chance to dwell in negative emotions. If one does what one's mind says - one learns how to discard so much mental waste. If one obeys the will of the work and the Being one strengthens the will.

End (3235).

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Nah Its not about Being Good but Being Awakened - (3233)

We students think a master is not a master if he or she is not a good, kind, tolerant and compassionate person. 

The masters are not like that. That is, they are not kind, they don't walk around in heavenly bliss, glowing, bowing down in kindness to everything even the wind, and they are not totally compassionate.

They are awakened!

There are so many good people that even being so good end up going to the abyss all the same. 

I would totally delete that of being good from my point of reference and concepts, and I would concentrate on awakening and dying - because that is what really matters! Not being good!

Please note being bad does not help you either! So don't use this as an excuse to be bad and indulge in your egos.

They have their consciousness awake and have no or little ego. Just these things characterizes them.

However, they can pray for you with the most tremendous love and power of soul and Being that your essence soars...

We can only really relate well to the masters when we work int he awakening and we work in our mystical death.

Otherwise we don't understand them and we get confused and disappointed - all the time and I mean all the time. 

They are awakened and they don't go with the subconscious ways of relating, they cut through all of that and they do not depend upon that. But the normal person does and so they can easily irritate the normal sleeping person.

When we start to get free from our subconsciousness and its ways, we relate well to the awakened ones.

End (3233).

Monday, 7 October 2019

Inner Solution - (3234)

The different egos are solutions to problems. They themselves try to solve the various problems of life and they try to solve their own problems, usually by creating new problems. 

The job is hard - get a new one says the ego. Get a new one - all good. But say if you can't find a new one - then problem! Need a solution, and what does the ego do? Creates more problems...

The pattern that the ego has is that the ego always seeks an outside solution. 

The work inspired by self-remembering will have us look at this problem a different way. It inspires us to seek an inner solution. That is solve it through the work itself or through the inner Being or essence or though esoteric means. 

I mean this of finding an inner solution applies to any ego and to any problem that we have or that it has! I mean any area of life and any problem. Don;t think that the inner solution does not apply tot eh problem hat you have.

We have the Being in our life for some reason and our inner Being is not indifferent to all that we go through and love through in life.

End (3234).

Stuffed Up - (3232)

Shhhiii sometimes we stuff things up.

Don't let that stuff up slip from mind and heart until we really go deep within ourselves to find out where and why we stuffed up.

This is the key here, to not let up on that work until we really get to the root of it.

As soon as we do this we start to learn valuable lessons and we begin to change our future - the more we discover and understand the error and the ego that erred, we start to take that out of our future.

Repentance helps us to go deep within ourselves. 

End (3232).

Lips to Ears - (3231)


This post is a brief collection of the pearls of wisdom that one learns by word of mouth, only. These pearls are not written down anywhere (except for now).

This post will be worked on over about a week, so check it out over the week if you remember (hopefully you will forget about it), however if I get a jolt I'll stop writing, because maybe some of these things should not really be published. They should remain as they were lips to ears.

Indeed some of things will send the minds of some people into a spin, so definitely I can not write those things.

Lips to Ears

At each stage there is negotiation with one's karma. Various karmic adjustments are made, the scale tips and tilts. One has to knock upon each door and ask for entry, even fight (negotiate) for passage.

Casual "I's" do not die but with negotiations, initially based upon taking responsibility before the Law for the causes of such an "I".

The Divine Law respects persistence and constancy.

Master Samael: "work today as if it were your last day".

Master Samael: "a dose of craziness is needed for the work."

There exists a method of accurate divination through which one can obtain an immediate yes or no answer. I am not going to reveal it so don't ask!

The Viparita Karani Mudra is very effective to negotiate with the Law and pay karma.

There exists a powerful pact with the Law that in matters of life and death can tip the scales in our favour. I am not going to reveal it so don't ask!

Master Samael: "If one looks at his wife naked from toes to crown one must not feel an atom of desire".

Master Samael: "One transmutes and takes from the Typhon and fills one's chalice. Later He will provoke and explosion of anger and He takes back what was taken from Him."

We prepare our own future tests.

Deep within the subconscious nature of the woman is the desire to cause the man to fail. The woman, slowly in time procures to control the man.

The motherly instinct of the woman can at certain moments prove to be somewhat of a hindrance in her own work and in the work of her husband.

One must truly if one wants his or her self-realization stake all for it.

You really really have to believe that your Divine Mother will dissolve the ego. And She WILL!

After the Third Mountain one works on the residues of the ego just as one worked on the ego in first chamber. The method of the work does not change.

The karma from the past is more important than the karma from this life.

There is a special practice with the Third Logos that is done in the Alchemy to magically make the relationship between the couple stronger.

There will come a moment in your path where you will feel the weight of your ties and you will know that they have to be cut.

There is a place in the body to which we can channel our sexual energy to, and from that point in the body the channel energy can be projected to take a real tangible effect in the physical world.

If you don't want to suffer go beyond good and evil.

Don't make any decisions while in pain.

Just hold on and wait before you write or say anything when you are upset.

Put all that you want to do beforehand in the hands of the Being and the Law. Do you want to organise a retreat put it in the hands of the Being and the Law.

If you want to see someone ask your Intimate to arrange the meeting. It will then be amicable.

Before you travel ask the Law for protection.

If you have a problem with a fellow Gnostic missionary petition the Pretor of the G.C internally.

If you have difficulties with a person invoke their Monad.

My Divine Mother and your Divine Mother do not have any problems. They are both in harmony.

When having to chose between authority and service. Chose service.

Play it smart. Renounce powers...

You will never be curious about what it feels like to lose the energy in the practice of Alchemy!

If you have the certainty that the path will cost your life - go ahead!

Don't leave the work as it will create a powerful recurrence!

Teach what you know before you die.

Put any potential future problems in the hands of the Law.

to be continued...

End (3231).

Questions that Change Your Life - (3230)

The Power of a Question

The power of a question is not to be underestimated...

It could well save your life... How many times has this happened? Perhaps too many to count.

Many times a question indicates how alert and concentrated one is or how alert and unfocused one is...

Much is reflected in what a person asks...

Both the ego and the essence ask...

The age old question: asking for someone's 'hand in marriage' is one question that changes your life... 

Some amazing discourses and lectures have been inspired by a question.

Thanks to people asking Master Samael questions we have some precious pearls of wisdom transcribed into books like the "El Quinto Evangelio". 

Also on the other hand we have missed out on some really precious wisdom due to a lack of people asking questions...

Asked Internally

The power of a question can be well exploited when we ask within.

When we esquire into our essence and what is deep within it.

Our awakening and our psychological work is based around many questions.

Some questions asked so honestly have the definite power to activate the essence and charge the essence with seeking an answer and this quest can last many years.

The following are some questions that when asked earnestly within have real power of transformation.

Some Powerful Questions

Who am I?

A powerful question straight to the essence and if an answer is earnestly sought it has the the power to break identification with the "I".

What do I really Want?

Powerful to contact the essence, to find out from our essence what value from it is due to be in play in any given situation.

Is it True? Is it absolutely true?

Very powerful when asked directly about our thoughts. Nearly all of our egoistic thoughts are not true!

What am I doing?

Powerful o break identification when acting with the ego or about to act with the ego.

What does the Work Say?

When in temptation or in doubt this question is cuts through the fog and reveals the clear way for us to decide.

Will this help my Inner Being and my Work?

Powerful to put things into perspective and prioritize things in our life because we are defined to work for our inner Being. If we are not too defined this question is a pain...

Do I want to be Free or Right?

Powerful to set us free from self-love and pride when pride or self-love are feeling the pain.

More to come...

End (3230).

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Your Esoteric Life Your Real Life - (3229)

The real you is your essence!

It makes sense then that if you are the essence then your real life is the life of the essence which is esoteric.

This rings so true. Following on from the logic of the above statement. Our physical life then is not so real. 

Come to think of it, we may have felt that all along. So many things in our physical life don't quite match with us. Our physical job sort of matches with us but it is not quite us, eveything outside of ourselves is not us and we deal so much in our phsyical life with all these external things that are not us at all. 

We work for a company but none of the company is us. Maybe a few documents of the millions that it has in its DMS (Document Management System) are written by us but they are not about us.

We don't really get this point so quick, it takes time. Even when we finally do catch on to this we find our esoteric life a little nblank or empty. But we can not turn our back on the truth that we have discovered and leanrt. We are left only with one optin and that is to begin to cultivate our esoteric life.

Our esoteric life are our esoteric experiences, our heart temple, the symbols and images that come to our imagiantion, our essence, its values, our consciousness itself, our esoteric practices, the relationship with our Divine Mother, our prayers adn communications to our Intimate Christ etc. are all aspects of our inner esoteric life.

End (3229).

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Pleasure a Lower Value that Sacrifices Dignity - (3228)

A True

This seems to ring true in many areas of life. The truth that pleasure is a lower value, and people often sacrifice higher values for pleasure.

For Example

For example, a man for the pleasure of drinking, sacrifices dignity and self-respect, to drink more and more eventually getting drunk, stumbling, behaving badly and perhaps passing out on a street corner, in his suit and tie waiting for taxi that he can't even remember if called. This man sacrificed his dignity to the pleasure of drinking. This is quite a common sight in the city on a Friday afternoon. 

Gluttony does this, and lust does this also. One eats and eats eventually getting over weight worsening their health, putting the temple of their Being in a state greater risk. 

This is a lesson that so many people we can see in life have not really learn, but some do after a lot of pain come to learn. 

One day they get tired of letting the pursuit of those egos go against them forcing themselves to accept things that are really below their normal level of life.


In conclusion, it is very useful for a human being to know the scale upon which many of the values in life sit. Pleasure is a lower value that sits below dignity, happiness, respect and self-respect, love, majesty, balance etc. 

Once we know this scale of values, sacrifice becomes more conscious. To sacrifce a lower value for a higher causes us to ascend and to sacrifice a higher value for a lower one causes us to descend.  

End (3228).

Friday, 4 October 2019

La Pieta' a Real Esoteric Event - (3223)

Sometimes Art Touches the Essence or as they Say -Soul

All the types of art, whether it be sculpture, music, cinema, literature, painting can touch the essence, when they clearly portray an aspect of the intimate depths of the essence. 

There are many aspects of the essence that art can touch. The essence's connection to the cosmos, the battling of light and dark within the essence, the yearnings and angst to find meaning and God, the errors, the repentance, the moving qualities...

When art touches such themes in a way that people feel their own essence moved deeply from within, people are immediately taken, and a timeless classic is born...

Why such a work of art touches so profundly one's own essence, is a mystery of our own essence. It is good to know the various works of art that are out there that touch so deeply our soul.

La Pieta'

A sculpture by Michelangelo is one such work of art that touches the soul. This is because it so clearly represents a cosmic moment in the life of the Christic force or of any Christ really.

La Pieta' only makes sense really if we look at it esoterically.

It represents a cosmic event because the Divine Mother is the bearer of the Intimate Christ, He gestates in Her and She brings him to life and by mandate of the Father allows Him to incarnate into flesh and blood. 

She is also Hecate - Mother Death, life and death are one in Her. The Divine Mother takes the Intimate Christ to his death. Because He must die to to be reborn into a higher and newer life. His sacrifice of death elevates his new life into a higher level of Being of closer intimacy with the Father who is always in secret. 

As He is immortal yet mortal He dies but resurrects. If He is to die it is to resurrect later...

His death is a monumental event, He only dies to effect a greater degree of death.

As Master Samael says, with His death He conquers death. 

There are many degrees of death and the Intimate Christ dies many times...

That is the maximum fulfillment of the Divine Mother and of the Divine Eternal Feminine principle, to take Her son to the Father. 

In the Pieta' the Divine Mother contemplates His death, Her reflection is seen deeply in Him in His death. She waits that with His death Her yearnings for Him will come to pass in His new life. 

His death is also Her work and She in the position of the Pieta' is awarded the result of Her work,  which is to come to bear fruit when He resurrects.

As a mother here on earth holds her dead son in her arms, all that she wanted for him in life has to also die with him. She may have wanted him to be a decent, honest, law abidding human being, who loves and serves others, who loves his wife and does the right thing by her and in so doing wins her love etc. But as he is dead all that of a mother must die also.

In many ways She dies in Him, but the miracle of his resurrection, causes all which has died to be reborn and sublimated to a higher octave of quality and expression. 

In short, La Pieta' represents a precious cosmic moment, in the relationship between Divine Mother and Intimate Christ or Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Christ. 

A special pause, surrounded by a penumbral darkness in which nature and men are sad and solemn, and the dark forces become agitated and rile trying to take advantage of this moment of vulnerability.

End (3233).

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Light and Force Needed to Make Darkness Flee and Light Stay - (3227)

To transform the darkness into light we need light. No doubt about it. However, the darkness always comes back and needs to be dispelled again. This is where we need force. 

The force part of it, is to reinforce the light with intensity and tenacity.

The role of force ends when we end up fixing the light into our system.

Then we can relax because we ill begin to make the light instinctive in us. 

Our awakening m.m.m says must even become instinctive. That is, so very natural.

End (3227).