Friday, 30 June 2023

Symptoms of Last Existence Before Entering Involution - (4846)


Long awaited writings. A disclaimer: this post has subjective components to it. So please take it lightly and reflect upon it to arrive at your own truth and conclusions.

Symptoms (Subjectivity Involved)

▼ Indifference or no fear about involution and the abyss.

▼ Very mentally rigid and psychologically heavy - as the abyss is drawing ever closer. In the last existence the influence of the abyss is near and mother nature prepares the person by assimilating into the person the density and heaviness of the abyss.

▼ Has experienced all that life has to offer especially the 'evils' of life. So that the Monad of the essence can take all its learnings from life and 'evil' before entering involution.

▼ Strong establishment in life. Petrified in the norms of life.

▼ Problematic or conflictive personality, that tends to cause problems in many areas that they participate in. This is because they have the tendency to be aligned towards outcomes that are complicated. Involution is complicated as relativity through the expanding number of laws multiplies. 

Great tendency to be a karmic instrument - as such an essence is burdened with a lot of karma and is heading towards involution, that essence is a perfect instrument to be used by the karma to make the life of others difficult because it doesn't matter if they get more karma because they are headed into involution. When an essence is heading upwards that essence is liberating itself from karma and tehre is less adn less chance that an ascending essence will be a karmic instrument.

▼ Indifference to the path and to the Masters and people who are on the path.

⏷ The P.P.P impregnates their whole psychology and personality. The P.P.P is the axis of involution in every human being. The P.P.P takes up a very permanent and solid presence in the psychology of the person. 

▼ Lack of respect and humility before the masters of the path. Seeing them as equals in life. No recognition of the path's dignity and authority.

Little respect for those on the path - seeking equality or overshadowing of the masters and the people who are on the path.

▼ Always believing they are right. As pride is very developed because that essence’s destiny is not to go to the Being and so the strong pride keeps them separate from the Being and others who may represent the way to the Being.

▼ Little humility and respect. As the lack of those qualities is a condition needed to rebel against the Being and the work so to remain firmly on course heading into involution. If the person was to open and bend a knee towards their higher inner principles the way to involution would be avoid and a different way taken up instead.

▼ Natural psychic drawing close to animals. As mother nature is preparing the small part of essence to enter the animal kingdom, while some of the persons egos will enter the abyss and other egos will go into animals. The person may feeler safer for the suffering of animals than for the suffering of human beings. 

▼ A lot of fear one ones side which produces the need for control. This makes sense as the essence knows that it is going to lose all control of its life. Nature is going to take over all of its processes.

▼ Love and humility are the values it has most difficulty with as these are make it ready for the involution and also are the only way to escape the involution at the same time.

▼ Tendency towards inferior psychism. There is psychism in the abyss.

▼ Tendency to spend everything and save very little. A great tendncy to get rid of everything as that is what happens in involution the essence is stripped of everything unnecessary.


▼ Tendency to sleep a lot where there is more contact with the abyss.

▼ Tendency to be alone and to live a solitary life. Sometimes people who are in their last existence feel the need to live in isolated areas, to not create more links or ties because they deep down know they are leaving and not coming back for a long while. 

▼ Tendency to be detatched from many physical things and human sentiments. Mainly because they are leaving and because their psyche has become very solid and there is little space for the warmth of the heart and essence to shine through. They are though very attached to their mind and the rigid structures of their psyche.

▼ Very little capacity to overcome themselves and their mind with all of its structures.

▼ Very little capacity for remorse or repentance. 

End (4846).

Monday, 26 June 2023

Saved 300+ Times - (4825)

Someone had a very interesting dream where they were told that they have been helped more than 300 times to not go astray from the path.

Amazing! There are for sure many times where we know we did go astray and many times where we know we could have and then there are also many times where we were helped to not go astray and we don’t know it. 

This dream tells us a lot. Firstly it tells us we are always helped. If we are finding it all difficult right now - we are being helped. Secondly we are helped so many times that we just don’t know about. 

End (4825).

Cause of Fall is No Joke - (4824)

To one day face within ourselves our previous 'fall' is to face a monster.

To get a glimpse of the causes of our previous fall is to glimpse something really serious. Something seriously negative and grave.

It was that which was so powerful inside of us, to throw away years of hard work, and one of the most important and best relationships that a human being can have - the relationship to God.

It turns out we always throw away the best for the worst.

What could be so negative to go against all that is correct, life giving, loving, luminous? What could be so negative to destroy a loving relationship to our Inner God.

It just has to be something of serious monstrosity and power, doesn't it?

End (4824).

Sunday, 25 June 2023

'The Macabre' Originates from a Legitimate Love Fallen Out of Place - (4823)

To love life fully means to also love death, as death is a part of life. The last thing that we do in life is to die.

To love our life we have to also love our death. To love a person and their life means to also love their death, whatever way it takes.

This legitimate love of the way of our death and of the way another person dies is from where 'the macabre' and also black humour originated from. To love our death or a loved one’s death is not macabre but if we exaggerate that it can become macabre. 

Love and joy come together and black humour to those who like it brings some kind of joy and laughter. There is a link. 

The only thing about black humour and 'the macabre' is that the acceptance and love of a person's death has been taken out of its right place, and as soon as it is out of its right place, it becomes something a little strange, just like how 'the macabre and black humour" are something strange. 

End (4823).

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Eat Frogs Early - (4822)

I heard about "eating frogs" and it sounded good. Until today I understood what they mean.

It really is a good habit to eat frogs earlier in the morning.

We all have days where we have to do something that we don't like that much. Whether it be to talk to someone, write an email, do our tax return, tidy up the garage, wash the dishes etc. 

That is quite good advice to do those things that we don't like in the morning.

It is not good to delay for later. One, because we often end up delaying it until the next day or later, and two, thinking about doing it and how much it isn't going to be fun wears us down and distracts us, and three, in the morning is where we have the most energy to eat a frog'.

End (4822).

Notes on Practical Action - (4790)


For the consciousness we must turn into practical beings.

Practical psychology is the aim.

Practical psychology is not the psychology of convenience or the psychology of "killing two birds with the one stone", or being efficient, it is something different. It is really about the death of the "I" in action and strengthening the affirmative psychology.

This post aims at giving an insight into practical psychology that helps the awakening of consciousness.

Practical Psychology

It is a psychology that is is based on facts and omits the processes and manifestation of the egos in our psychology.

It is a psychology that solves the problems and issues of life from a practical point of view without mental and emotional processes.

Practical action is also affirmative psychology in action. It is also a very excellent way to die in ourselves, in our egoic selves that is.

Here are many examples of the practical psychology in action:


Event: "You almost had an accident, you didn't look both ways, we could have died...".

Practical Action: We didn't have an accident. 

Event: "A vase breaks, water and flowers on the floor, who did that, who was was so careless...".

Practical Action: Bring a sponge, a dust pan and a new vase. Sweep up the broken glass, mop up the water and put the flowers into the new vase. Get back to what we were doing.

Event: The past is brought up repeatedly.

Practical Action: That was the past, let's deal with now and do better now.

Event: There is so much to do, 

Practical Action: Create a plan and just do it.

Event: "No one else is in this situation, this is not normal, this shouldn't be."

Practical Action: It is happening, lets accept and work with doing our best to give the best answer of our consciousness to it.

Event: "You got home late! You are not responsible, you don't care."

Practical Action: Ok let's do the best with the time we have and do what we need to and if we can't let's make a plan to do it later. 

I think you get now how practical psychology is processed within us before the events of daily life and how this stops the ego carrying on making life difficult and making us more asleep through identification.

End (4790).

Debts to Life while on the Path - (4818)

A very difficult type of debt is one where we are working on the path and then we have a debt to life and that debt can only be paid with the values of life. So if we pay that debt that way our spiritual work will obviously suffer.

What is the solution?

One solution is to hope on the nobility of the person collecting the debt to ask them payment in another way be acceptable. If they are unforgiving and not noble then we have to find a middle ground or another intelligent way to do it.

If there be no middle ground then give the payment of the value in its highest to humanity and our Inner Being in the highest form of the value. The Inner Being and her Divine Law will see that and will transfer the merit of the actions of those values to pay the debt.

End (4818).

Don't Worry, Nature Records and the Gods See - (4813)

If we give someone a value for years and they never reciprocate, or even notice, don't worry the Divine Law has been watching and the Divine Law will pay you.

All the good that we have done - for others and our Inner Being in silence is always recorded by nature and will be weighed.

The weighing of the scales is incessant as life is ever changing and the balance of all things is ever adjusting. We can be sure that nothing goes without being weighed and compensated.

End (4813).

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Each Relationship Has a Number - (4821)

Each relationship has at stage or another an overarching governing value or quality which is expressed as a number.

Typical numbers are: 5, 6, 10, 15, 20 etc. 

If the number is 5 then it is karmic quality where there are constant payments and collections. In the lesser of the cases the payments and collections take the form a of trade in difficulties and moments of pain. 

The value or number 10 means recurrence, meaning the past rules over the relationship.

If the number is 15 then one or both trains each other in the work. Usually this takes the form of relative (not absolute) negative impressions requiring transformation. This is often the case because the at any given moment that is issuing the negative impressions does not have the virtues of the soul present to give to the relationship.

So the question is which number governs some of your important relationships?

It is good to know so that if it turns out to be the number: 5, 15, 18, 21 then we can investigate further to work out how we can transform those numbers into 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22 etc.

The best relationships are 1 and 11 where they are dharmic in quality and the relationship itself multiplies the dharma.

We can basically transform those relationships, by knowing based on the number, which virtue of the soul we need to intensely apply.

End (4821).

The Magic is Internal - Physical World is Like Empty - (4810)

The physical world in so many ways is empty. The feeling of awe and wonder is internal. What we seek from the physical world are really places and events that evoke that wonder and magic from inside of us.

To combat the 'dust of life' as Picasso says, in other words the emptiness and dryness of the physical world we need to cultivate the inner world. Because that is where the magic and the mystical splendour and spark of the new, the unknown, the mystery, the exotic and the Divine all are...

We can't live too long experiencing only the the emptiness and dryness before our essence starts to suffer... 

Dreams, mediation, astral experiences, prayer and imagination are the avenues that help us to cultivate that inner world.

End (4810).

The Curious Destiny of Objects - (4820)


Just some observations and reflections on where some of life's objects end up and why.

From where some objects end up it is seems that objects too have a destiny...


I've seen very ordinary objects designed for ordinary places end up in special places. One example, is a Sony alarm clock radio given as a birthday present from father to son, to then after several years of sitting on a bed side table to end up displaying the time in a temple.

I've seen very sacred and precious objects, one consecrated by the Master himself, been accidentally left behind and never found again. Hopefully the current of life landed them in the hands of someone appreciative and worthy.

I've seen items that have served the 'Great Cause" for many years end up going to rubbish tip or whose ownership has been taken over by others not working for the "Great Cause of the Father".

I've seen items so prized and cared for, thrown in a skip bin after the owner's funeral.

I've seen prized and cherished items inherited by those who genuinely valued them and I've also seen prized and expensive items given to those who have no appreciation or value for them.

I've seen items whose owner swore to never give them to a certain type of person, and after their death that is exactly where they went - all by chance or fate (?) it seemed.

There have been even items that have been used to commit terrible crimes. The classical 'murder weapon'. Why those items and why that item in particular.

Some items end up in a museum, others are lost to the bottom of the sea, others discovered by 'chance' and consequently changed the thinking of thousands of people. 

Others discovered and kept secret, others discovered and thrown away or destroyed out of ignorance.

Other objects used not for what they were made for.

Other objects such as the Holy Grail and the lance of Longinus said to wield great power lost over the centuries to resurface and become lost again and to become the most sought after relics of humanity.

Just on that point of the Holy Grail there are certainly objects that are tied to the destiny of humanity. They either served as catalysts for great life changing events or were destined to be part of the great events that changed history for ever.

The mystery of it all is why those objects? They are representations of the Divine forces perhaps or Divine forces infused in them their power?

End (4820). 

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Simply an Initiate Initiates - (4819)

In the simplest terms, an initiate as we know one to be in the esoteric sense, is one who initiates via his or her own initiatives.

One who has taken the initiative to initiate his or her own path, and that has been validated internally, by the white lodge and the college of initiates headed by Sonat Kumara.

An initiate is pro-active: looks, searches, fights, asks, prays, yearns and works hard to start and move forward on his or her path.

The initiate is a warrior that fights to start and to establish his or her own path. 

Meanwhile we are passive we do not carry the spirit of the initiate in us.

Being an initiate does not mean either to cut away physically everything but him or herself and their spouse. 

The path is internal and so it means to initiate the path internally from within. From within the consciousness, from within the will, from within one's own internal decisions and convictions converted into yearnings and actions towards and on the path.

End (4819).

When in a 'Bad' Mental or Emotional State - (4817)

When in a 'bad' mental or emotional state the first thing to do is to stop the negativity playing out in our mind.

Make the efforts to stop and let go of the negative thoughts.

Do this by concentrating of something and letting go of each negative thought as it arises.

This will clear the clouds.

In the clearing of the clouds reflect on what we have done and said and weight it all up.

Correct the psychological errors and initiate making amends.

Look towards and forward to the virtues needed to be developed transform whatever it was that ended us up in that state.

End (4817).

For Mystical Death We Are Given What we NEED to Die NOT What we Want! - (4816)

At one point for the benefit of our spiritual development we will understand that we need to change!

We can't continue being the same!

For us to change we really have to understand that we are given or put in circumstances that we need to be in so that we can use them to die.

We are not given what we want because that will not help us to die.

It is so obvious, that when we protest and dislike where we are - we have been given that because that is what we need to use to die in ourselves.

Often what we are given is apparently out of the norm and is wrong. But it is right for our mystical death.

If we are given what we want maybe the normal or the correct but it won't help us to die. It all depends then on our reference point. If we really want to die and change then where we are is right. 

Our Inner Being gives to us what we need to be able to die in what IT needs dissolved in us!

Others are given the 'normal' and the 'correct' because they need to die in other things and for sure there are parts of their lives that are not 'normal' or 'correct'. But they are just right for the mystical death that their Being needs of them.

End (4816).

Monday, 19 June 2023

In the Pain of Self-Love, Love our Inner Being - (4815)

One way to learn to love our Inner Being is by working on the ego of self-love.

The work on the ego of self-love shows us the way to turn to our Inner Being so to love it and to be cured of that ego by expressing love to the our Inner Being.

The remedy to the erupting pain of a hurt self-love is to turn to love our Inner Being. 

Always, always our self-love gets triggered when in relativity we perceive that we are loved less.

There is a line within us of the more and the less. As soon as things cross that line our self-love is either very happy (more) or very upset (less). 

When our relationship enters our inner mind we love outside of relativity. We may be given the least of al time and attention yet our love is not affected and the love between both is not affected. For this the relationship has to have entered the inner mind of both. 

Only when the above happens are there two mature souls in love.

When we are given less attention than others, when we are given less time than others, when we are smiled at less, when we are hugged less, when we are kissed less, when we are included less, when we are asked for our opinion less etc. etc. is when we calculate that there is less love and the "I" of self-love hurts. 

Attention, care, communication, participation are all signs of love. In truth they are and the ego of self-love appropriates these for its calculations of when something in relativity is less or more. 

The "I" of self-love runs after others to get their love to feel love
for love lacking personalities, but that is wrong, the real is for us to love
Our Inner Being all by ourselves and not through others!

The remedy is in this searing pain of self-love that wants to throttle the other person and give them a peace of our mind backed by the full power of justice. Turn to our Inner Being, to remember our Inner Being, knowing that our Inner Being is the one that always loves us and that we can always always love our Inner Being as much as we want to and can.

We are really terrible lovers when it comes to our Inner Being. If we were treated the way we treat our Inner Being we would be so so so hurt, so hurt in fact that we would never recover.

We will never get out of the searing pain of self-love until the day that we consciously decide to turn to our Inner Being and send love inside us towards It, and then take refuge in that warm glow of love flowing to our Inner Being and then feel that we have love with us. Really Feel it!

We will feel the love towards our Inner Being when it is real! We all have the spark of real love towards our Inner Being. Sometimes that spark of real love comes from pain. 

When we do that we see that the most important thing is to give love not receive it! And that the best thing is to love our Inner Being. All the love that we have to love others comes from the love we have for our Inner Being.

We get hurt when others don't love us because we don't have any love. We don't really love the other person. If we did really love them, we would be happy that they are happy!

Our ego lacks so much love and so it looks for it from others. But we lack love because we don't emanate love to our Inner Being and we get hurt when others don't love us because we don't really love them.  

End (4815).

Mind Thinking - Think Again with the Consciousness - (4814)

This post is a collection of very important notes and quotes to do with the mind and thinking.


🌴 No one has been happy with the mind says Master Samael.

🌴We know ourselves the best when our mind is quiet says Master Samael.

🌴Our Divine Mother is happy with us when our mind is quiet Master Samael says.

🌴When our mind is quiet our consciousness can appear.

🌴The best way to think is to not think, says Maser Samael.

🌴The mind is a jail, each concept is a jail cell, says Master Samael.

So Very Interesting Quotes

Here are some very interesting quotes about thinking. Certainly worth following the advice present in each quote. Many of these quotes actually support Master Samael's and Gnosis' teachings.

End (4814).

We are not Perfect but Defective - Align to Reality - (4812)

We must deeply know that we have much to correct within ourselves.

Then, as a logic consequence, we must know that our flaws will show up. At least some day they will show. 

Some event, some set of circumstances will one day bring our flaws into the light for others to see, including us (if we want to see - usually we don't).

We must then understand that when our flaws show up, others will see them and those who see them are at liberty to tell us about them especially if our flaws adversely affect them.

We after all would do the same wouldn't we.

The issue really is that we know we have flaws but we don't want others to tell us about them. We really take offence.

This offence is a part of our personality, where there is a unspoken agreement to not judge and criticize others. Though no one adheres properly to this agreement. We only adhere to some side of it - not wanting to be criticized while we criticize others freely.

This sleeping condition where we don't want to see our flaws is something that we have to dissolve if we want to in truth correct our flaws.

We know that we are changing in when we are truly happy to hear about our flaws because we know that a discovered flaw means a flaw no-more.

If we think we have no flaws that means that we want to be perfect. Doesn't it?

We have to understand that flawlessness requires lots of work. As a gymnast's flawless routine requires hundreds of hours of rigorous training and practice.

So if we want to be perfect we should know that it means to be work a lot, and so we should not get angry about our flaws being exposed and having to work on them should we? No not at all! 

But we typically get angry - why then? Because some ego wants to be perfect but not work for it! A dreaming "I" it really is.

We can really help ourselves by contrasting our unrealistic dreaming psychology with the realities of life and use that truth to dissolve it.

End (4812).

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Dream Talk Notes - (4805)

Here are some notes for a short talk on dreams.


☁Plato said: "man is known by his dreams".

☁We go into the astral with our psyche. So what happens in a dream is our psyche acting freely without the restaints of this dimension and the human norms and laws that riule the society that we physically live in. 

☁Dreams show us our psyche and the deep parts of our psyche which is very valuable information. Dreams offer the opportunity for so much self-knowledge.

☁Dreams are usually astral experiences. When our essence leaves the physical body our dreams are astral experiences.

☁We can stay in our body and still dream. We can be split - half in our physical body and half in dream in the astral world.

Types of Dreams

By Centres

☁There are seven types of dreams. They correspond to the seven centres. 

☁We have dreams that are certainly more about one centre than the others.

☁We have intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual dreams.

☁Motor dreams often leave us waking up unrested. Instinctive dreams are often nightmares and sexual dreams can and often result in the loss of sexual energy ('wet dream').

☁Many of the above dreams are mere repetitions of the activities carried out through the day.

☁Actually up to 90% of our internal experiences i.e. dreams are repetitions our day's activities.

☁The dreams of the two superior centres - superior intellectual and superior emotional are very valuable. They are usually messages sent to help us, from our inner Divinity that take the form of very vivid and interesting dreams that are very different to the ordinary. 

☁Our interior divinity and the awakened beings of the conscious circle of solar humanity help us principally through the higher centres, and the dreams that pertain to them.

By Sharing

☁There are dreams to be told to others.

☁There are dreams to be used to teach.

☁There are dreams not to be told to anyone. 

By Purpose

☁There are dreams of verification or confirmation.

☁There are dreams of warning, that is of a premonitory quality.

☁There are dreams of revelation.

Attitude Towards Dreams

Everyone has an attitude towards dreams. I encourage you to know your attitude. Even 'dreams are just dreams' is an attitude.

☁Those that take them for real and act to make them come true.

☁Those that like to talk about them.

☁Those that don't want to share or talk about them.

☁Those that disregard them completely.

The first attitude is the most dangerous and can lead a person into problems. I have seen so many men ask women about relationships because of a dream and get flatly refused. Funny but not so funny.

Interpretations of Dreams

☁The world of dreams is the world of symbols.

☁We have to learn how to interpret symbols.

☁Each symbol has seven interpretations, says Master Samael. A symbol can mean something now and later on mean something different.

☁Sometimes we have to mediate on our dreams to get their deep meaning.

☁A dream symbol dictionary as produced by the Masters is a good start or departing point.

Remember Dreams

☁Dream study starts with remembering our dreams.

☁The practical keys are to wake up and not move a muscle and try to remember while completely still. Use the mantra RAM GAOM to help. It is an effective mantra.

☁Write dreams down in a dream journal. Use quick note form. So you are more likely to do it. Make it easy for ourselves.

☁The key to success with all of this is consistence. We have to build up a good record of dreams and get to really know our dreams very well to be able to start to wake up in them.

☁Another key is deep knowing of our dreams. Which comes from remembering them and writing them down and studying them and recognising patterns and correspondences, opposites and affinities between: our internal states and dreams, our physical life and dreams and our internal states within our  dreams and what happens in the dream and the symbols present in the dream.

End (4805).

Superior Habit of Attention - (4811)

May we create a habit that given certain triggers we divide our attention, entering into a state of active essence - awake consciousness.

May we choose triggers that have real practical implications for our life.

Such as: when talking to someone or listening to someone or when performing any task whether it be something manual in the kitchen or something more intellectual at work on the computer.

From there expand the number of triggers and lengthen the duration and increase intensity of the conscious state.

End (4811). 

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Cosmic Life - (4809)

We don't know much about cosmic life. 

How to be a cosmic citizen is knowledge we lack...

We only know about terrestrial life as set up by human beings.

These days we even don't know about a natural life more aligned with the Earth and its rhythms and laws.

Gnosis teaches us how to live a cosmic life.

Albany, Western Australia, Lighthouse

Gnosis or the revolution of the consciousness can not be against life itself. To be against the "What Is", The Real would be absurd. 

What Gnosis does for us is to help us to see beyond the human made life and so liberate us from the structures in our psyche that keep the way of life established by fallen human beings in place. 

Every life has its laws and therefore its duties. Gnosis teaches us about these cosmic duties, which align us with cosmic life. 

The Partkdolg Duty of the Being is the start of becoming a cosmic citizen and living a cosmic life. 

When we fulfill the cosmic duty we are starting to live cosmically.

End (4809).

Serenity and It's Power - (4808)

Serenity is something we discover that we really need. Like so many qualities we think that we have them before discovering that we don’t really.


It is not really about going into meditation or going to a quiet and peaceful place in the country, it is about taking: last minute changes, 'bad' news, accidents, delays, dramas and difficulties with calmness, focus and above all consciousness. Which just means not taking all these just mentioned happenings with anger, disappointment, impatience, irritation etc.  

For the health of our heart we have to learn to take everything that happens in our life with serenity - because that leads us straight away into brining our consciousness into the moment where we need it the most!

Serenity is a strong power that can disarm the negativity of others. I really want to emphasise this, that serenity is a very strong power that can disarm the very upset and aggressive egos in others. 

The main avenue of the expression of serenity is in our word and in our motor centre. Serenity's power flows through our words and actions.

Serenity is has within it, a kind of transcendence where it is slow to see anything that is presented to us as 'good' or 'bad'. That non-classification into 'good' or 'bad' is the start of the serene state. 

Serenity has a great power to hold us in remembering of our Inner Being. It is wise to combine serenity with self-remembering to lengthen the duration of self-remembering.

End (4808).

When Disappointed Channel it into Deeper Transformation - (4807)

When we are disappointed in the lack of work in ourselves or in others, a great deal of emotional energy makes itself available. 

We can't use that energy to drive us to despair. We have to channel it into efforts of deeper and more expansive mystical death. Only that makes sense! 

End (4807).

Re-Everything But Don't Quit - (4806)

We should not give up. But instead re-start, re-assess, re-focus, re-adjust, re-cover, recuperate, re-everything but just not give up!

Sometimes there are stages in the work that are about learning persistence, patience, endurance, grit and developing the power to not give up. 

These stages look different to the usual progress. They appear to us as 'no progress'. But really behind the scenes they are about progressing, we are progressing in developing strength in our work and it is basically the lack of strength that causes so many to give up their work.

End (4806).

An Aspect of Self-Remembering - (4804)

Just some times self-remembering implies holding onto ourselves strongly and not getting embarrassed, ashamed or allowing ourselves to deviated off course by the pressure from others.

In such moments the practice of self-remembering instructs us to hold firm to our Inner Being and to ourselves in those moments. 

Self-remembering does not always imply inner peace and harmony - it can imply the defense of what knows in their consciousness to be correct. 

End (4804).

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Mystical Death is an ATTITUDE! - (4803)

For teh person that wants to die in themselves what m.m.m said last night is gold. 

The following is what he said:

He said that mystical death is not a practice it is an attitude, which impregnates a person completely.

He went on to say that this attitude is very visible in a person who has it. 

It is what is needed to really die within ourselves.

We must embrace mystical death emotionally. The intellect is not enough, it is not powerful enough for the work of mystical death.

To embrace mystical death makes the spirit of mystical death to enter inside of us. Imbued with the spirit  of mystical death the attitude to die before every event of life, no matter how painful or apparently wrong or unjust, naturally appears in us.

The attitude of mystical death allows us to resort to mystical death before any event and in any circumstance of our life. It simply allows us to die within ourselves, and that is really the way that we die within ourselves. Any other way just does not cut it - says those who are dead!

The spirit of mystical death says every problem is solved with mystical death.

Our goal is mystical death and that means that we must end up more and more psychologically dead with the passing time. 

End (4803).

If You Can't... - (4802)

Here is some wisdom that I have personally been waiting a long time to receive.

It does not only apply to healing but to so many different things in life and in the spiritual work.

If we are intelligent we can always see how we can help when we truly want to.

"If you can heal, heal. 
If you can't heal, alleviate. 
If you can't alleviate, console. 
If you can't console, accompany."

End (4802).

The Key for Us is All in What we Tell Others to Do - (4801)

The key to do what we need to do and how, is right there before our own eyes and ears.

It actually comes out of our mouth, but we don't her it and see it because it is wrapped in disguise of duality.

What we tell others to do and want for them, yearn for them and push them to do is exactly what we need to do ourselves.

If only we would take that advice that we freely give to others and apply it we would be fast on our way...

It is our own our essence instructing us but our subconscious transforms it with duality and applies it to 'the other' and we forget ourselves. 

That would be an example of a superior habit: to apply the advice we give others.

End (4801).

Being-Partkdolg Duty - (4800)


Partkdolg duty of the Being is a term that means obligation

A term that Gurdjieff often used to mean "conscious labours and voluntary sufferings". 

I have come across different version of what the Being-Partkdolg-Duty" implies in practical terms.

Here are those different versions:

One (Orage, excerpt from 'Teachings", page 175) 

"an intellectual duty to strive to understand the meaning and aim of existence, an emotional duty to feel the weight of the maintenance of everything existing, and a physical duty to make the planetary body the servant of your aim."

Two (Samael Aun Weor, excerpts from 'The Mistaken Functioning of the Human Machine')

"1. To exercise the Being-Partkdolg-Duty means that we not allow intellectual concepts to pass through our mind in a mechanical manner; in other words, we become cognizant of all the intellectual data that comes to the mind. How do we become cognizant of that data? It is done by means of meditation. So, if we read a book, we should meditate on it, try to comprehend it.

"2. We must become cognizant of all the activities of our Emotional Center. It is unfortunate to see how people move under the impulse of emotions, in a completely mechanical manner, without any control whatsoever. So, we must become self-cognizant of all emotions.

"3. The habits and customs of the Motor Center. We must become self-cognizant of all our activities, of all our movements, of all our habits, and not do anything in a mechanical manner.

"4. We must become lords of our instincts and subdue them. We must comprehend them in-depth, integrally.

"5. We must transmute the sexual energy. We transmute our creative energies by means of certain alchemical procedures.

"Obviously, our life unfolds harmoniously, when we fulfill in this manner the Cosmic Duty or Being-Partkdolg-Duty and we live in harmony with the Infinite, in agreement with the Great Law. Thus, we will be able to reach old age full of ecstasy; we will be able to attain mastery and perfection." 


Master Samael also says that the Partkdolg duty is to work in the three factors. He also says that it is live awakened.


The human beings in ancient Lemuria, Master Samael said were fulfilled the Partkdolg duty of the Being. With the introduction and development of the Kundabuffer organ they stopped fulfilling that duty and fell under the Itoklanos Law. Which is the law that places living beings on the Wheel of Samsara.

End (4800).

Monday, 12 June 2023

Cosmic Strivings and their Antithesis - (4799)

Below is an excerpt from Gurdjieff's "Beelzebub's tales to his Grandson".

The five strivings below are cosmic works set in place by the cosmos for its common evolution. 

The Five Strivings

"1.) To have in their ordinary being existence everything satisfying and really necessary for their planetary body.

2.) To have a constant and unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection in the sense of being.

3.) The conscious striving to know more and more about the laws of World-Creation and World-Maintenance.

4.) The striving from the beginning of their existence to pay for their arising and their individuality as quickly as possible, in order afterwards to be free to lighten as much as possible the sorrow of our COMMON FATHER.

5.) The striving always to assist the most rapid perfecting of other beings, both those similar to oneself and those of other forms, up to the degree of the sacred "Martfotai" that is up to the degree of self-individuality."

The Opposite Strivings 

"1.) Every kind of depravity, conscious as well as unconscious.

2.) The feeling of satisfaction in leading others astray.

3.) The irresistible inclination to destroy the existence of other breathing creatures.

4.) The urge to become free from the necessity of actualising the being-efforts demanded by Nature.

5.) The attempt to conceal from others by every kind of artificiality what in their opinion are ones' physical defects.

6.) Calm self-contentment in the use of what is not personally deserved.

7.) The striving to be not what one is."


We are a mixture of both types of strivings.

With the fall and as fallen bodhisattvas the opposite strivings are created.

The cosmic five strivings must win over their opposites.

Gnosis is a cosmic teaching that brings us inline with the aims of the Absolute which is cosmic evolution.


End (4799).

Don't Ask for Dissolution if You are Not Going to Stop the Ego Yourself - (4798)

No matter what, to sincerely ask for help to dissolve the ego is always good. 

There is a stage when we know that we can stop a given ego from reacting. If we know that we are not going to stop a given ego from reacting we should not ask for its dissolution. Because it is not sincere and it won't do anything.

End (4798).

Habits - A Door of Knowing Ourselves - (4766)

Habits use up a lot of energy, that we could otherwise use for our work.

We have physical and mental habits. Constant talking in our minds to others, constant fantasising to music are examples of mental habits.

The effort we make to change our habits allows us straight away to observe and study our habits.

With the study of our habits we can replace them with superior habits that are much more helpful to our awakening.

Often the biggest habits are the ones that touch many parts of our psychology, involve all the centres in some way and go unnoticed.

It is worth studying talking as to whether some aspect of it has become a habit. 

End (4766).

Friday, 9 June 2023

A Life without Values - (5277)

A life without goodness causes every endeavor to fail or at least to not bloom and flourish.

A life without hope is depressing and meaningless.

A life without trust is restless and anxious.

A life without love is bitter and withdrawn into self-interest.

A life without faith is lonely, superficial and uncertain.

A life without justice is wasteful or selfish and on the edge of collapse and error.

A life without truth is darkness.

A life without wisdom is a life full of problems, regret and lamentation.

End (5277).

The Obligatory Good Stage Talk Notes - (4792)

Obligatory Order

Here is a short outline of the obligatory order:

1.) Cultivate the good 2.) Balance the good 3.) Begin to seriously awaken 4.) Develop awakening

The 'Good'

To awaken and develop in the white and in the Being we need to be 'good' first. That really makes sense doesn't it? How can it be that we have to be 'bad' first?

Well, as an aside before we can be 'good' we have to be 'bad'. Bad we have been through the many lives that we have had.

If for some reason we thought that we need to be 'bad' first, we in truth would not get anywhere in the white and neither in that which is above both black and the white - the Real Being.

So we start by developing the good. Cultivating in action all the beautiful virtues of service, help, generosity, humility, selflessness, obedience, loyalty, persistence, diligence, industriousness etc. 

After some years of cultivating the good we will get to the stage where there is little within us that can stop us from doing the good. All the "I's" that would oppose the 'good' have been overcome. They may still be alive but they have been defeated.

This stage has its beauty. Such a person is so helpful to others. This stage is where the merits for the balance and the awakening are earnt. This stage is where so much karma is paid. So many Gnostic activities that benefit others are carried to fruition with the help of such people.

There are not too many that embark on this obligatory stage. They remain stuck in the "I's" that don't want to help and develop the 'good' or they remain stuck in their personality, and their concepts that don't allow them to deeply develop the good, only superficially.

This is well known to all missionaries who teach the path and that is why they insist so much in getting the students to help and develop the good through service, humility, work, sacrifice etc.

This stage though is not an 'awakened' stage. It is a stage towards awakening. The awakening is yet to come. It is not an asleep stage either as one knows that one is cultivating these values for the awakening.

In this stage, we are of great use to the white lodge as a worker. A person who always says yes to the enhancement of any project that favours the work is a great asset, and has a value that can not be written on a price tag. Such a person is of high value to both human beings and to the beings of the invisible.  

In this stage we help all that we can and when that help is well placed it goes far and is very fulfilling and merit worthy. However, there are occasions where that help is wonderful but only contributes to helping others pay karma and fulfill recurrences, making it not to merit worthy.

Awakening is needed as the next to be added to this stage, as the good will always help, however the awakened one know when to "let the dead bury the dead.".

Balance the 'Good'

Once the 'good' is well developed then comes time to balance it. Balance is the result of bringing both the good and the bad together and choosing relative to a chosen option the best from both sides.

Balance can not be arrived at without knowing both the good and the bad. One has to know the good in the bad and the bad in the good.


With balance comes awakening, because only the consciousness can manage balance. The mind is not fully capable of finding balance and maintaining balance.

Develop Awakening

With awakening the only thing to do is to expand and intensify the awakening that one has attained.

End (4792).

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Comparison Incorrectness - (4797)

We have a child and it is born with certain disabilities. 

We can say: "Everyone else's child is perfectly normal, why is mine like this?" a million times and still our child will be the same. 

Still we will be upset and no better off.

Comparison does not heal, cure, rectify, enhance our situation.

Only the values of our soul can do that. If we feel that we lack these values then we need mystical death to acquire these powers or values.

Only to embrace, accept and love our situation for what it has to teach us and help to us to develop can we heal ourselves inside and out.

Our path is our path, we all have many things to learn often through difficult abnormal situations before we can get to normal.

Many of those who are 'normal' have earnt 'normal' and have passed through their payments, hardships, trials and ordeals.

With comparison we do not accept to enter fully into our own life. We continue psychologically in the surface aspect of the life of others.

End (4797).

Brief of How Values Can be Used - (4795)

Hope:            Our prayer and our power to not give up and continue towards our yearnings.

Faith:            Our intensity and strength in ourselves and our Inner Being.

Love:            Our happiness and delight (joy).

Trust:            Our source of peace and way of intimacy with our Inner Being.

Goodness:    Our foundation for doing everything.

Justice:         Our measuring stick by which we assign proportions.

Wisdom:       Our shield - to protect from error, danger and problems. 

Truth:            Our guiding light on the esoteric path and in life.

"Hope, faith, love and trust are the fundamental values that sustain an awakened soul." (m.m.m.).

End (4795).

Embrace the People in Your Life - (4794)

People are in our life for a reason...

We have the tendency to create within us rejection, dread, anxiety, resentment, disdain etc. about certain people in our lives.

We say to ourselves: "I can't handle that guy he is so rough in character, he swears, he is inconsiderate, I don't want much to do with him and I don't want to be part of a life with him around.".

Something really different happens when we sincerely decide within ourselves to accept him and embrace his presence in our life. 

All that anguish, rejection and uncomfortable awkwardness diminishes remarkably. 

It is said that the Divine Mother brings friends and enemies into our life. People are in our life for a reason, some for us to learn from, some for us to help, some for us to pay something to, some for us to receive a payment of something, however all are there for us to love our Being through them as it is ourselves together with the Being for some reason or another that brought them into our life. 

That embracing and love protects us from our own "I's" of rejection, selfishness etc. and also from the impressions that do come from others who may unleash some negativity on us.

End (4794).

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Possibilities Talk Notes - (4796)


This post is a set of notes taken from an online talk given by m.m.m.


If there is something seemingly infinite it is in the Being.

As something interesting to take note of, within the fourth state of consciousness there are no possibilities.

When we do the work on ourselves new possibilities in the Being and life open up for us.

When we enter into relativity and duality we are immediately in the realm of possibilities.

We have endless possibilities in our mind. Our thoughts are really all about these numerous possibilities.

Our mind is the world of possibilities. Human life is to be 'swimming' if you will within numerous possibilities.

We in human life become trapped in these numerous possibilities. By trapped we mean confused, lost, undecided, moving from one possibility to another.

So often all these possibilities are not of the Inner Being. Mind, personality and ego generate these numerous possibilities. 

To awaken our consciousness we must renounce these numerous possibilities. 

Just try and go with one of these possibilities and we will see that either of these possibilities are not suitable for our Inner Being or the work on ourselves.

We are weak in the work because we pay attention to all these possibilities and we become so distracted.

When someone leaves the work on themselves they do so because of one of these possibilities. They paid attention to one of these possibilities and they went along with it.

When there are possibilities we are faced with choosing and that produces duality - which is something that favours the work or something that doesn't. Often it does not favour the work.

What often propels us to do the work is to not suffer. So it is a work that is good but not defined purely for the work. It is dependent on avoiding suffering.

In the awakening there is no alternative to the Being. The Being has no possibilities and no alternatives.

We don't get to the Being by pursuing all the different possibilities from life or all the possibilities for the Being.

The centre of gravity of life is the essence. It is right to think as if we are an essence and to think by being an essence. Having the centre of gravity as one's essence leads to the Being.

When we are not tied to any benefit we are free from any vested interests in doing the work.

'Gnosis in life' is say me being Gnostic but still being full of the spirit of 'life'. 'Gnosis in the Being' is where we work for the spirit of the work.

The error we make still having the psychology of life while studying Gnosis is that we transfer the psychology we use have to deal with the matters of life into the study of Gnosis, the application of the work and in the relationship with the Spirit. The psychology of life does not have a place in these matters and so we get things very wrong and end up failing. 

Because we are not really defined we bring life into the work. Weakening our work.

To not mix things with the work we have to be serious and vigilant and always ready to displace the this desire to mix things.

The essence of the fourth state of consciousness is 'to be'.

Trust is needed to overcome the numerous possibilities. Skepticism and fear specialise in this: the "what if's" for example. The "what if's" open up numerous possibilities. 

The thing is that the spirit is infinite. Yet we are so limited. The paradox is that all the numerous possibilities of our mind keep us limited.

End (4796).