Friday 30 June 2023

Symptoms of Last Existence Before Entering Involution - (4846)


Long awaited writings. A disclaimer: this post has subjective components to it. So please take it lightly and reflect upon it to arrive at your own truth and conclusions.

Symptoms (Subjectivity Involved)

▼ Indifference or no fear about involution and the abyss.

▼ Very mentally rigid and psychologically heavy - as the abyss is drawing ever closer. In the last existence the influence of the abyss is near and mother nature prepares the person by assimilating into the person the density and heaviness of the abyss.

▼ Has experienced all that life has to offer especially the 'evils' of life. So that the Monad of the essence can take all its learnings from life and 'evil' before entering involution.

▼ Strong establishment in life. Petrified in the norms of life.

▼ Problematic or conflictive personality, that tends to cause problems in many areas that they participate in. This is because they have the tendency to be aligned towards outcomes that are complicated. Involution is complicated as relativity through the expanding number of laws multiplies. 

Great tendency to be a karmic instrument - as such an essence is burdened with a lot of karma and is heading towards involution, that essence is a perfect instrument to be used by the karma to make the life of others difficult because it doesn't matter if they get more karma because they are headed into involution. When an essence is heading upwards that essence is liberating itself from karma and tehre is less adn less chance that an ascending essence will be a karmic instrument.

▼ Indifference to the path and to the Masters and people who are on the path.

⏷ The P.P.P impregnates their whole psychology and personality. The P.P.P is the axis of involution in every human being. The P.P.P takes up a very permanent and solid presence in the psychology of the person. 

▼ Lack of respect and humility before the masters of the path. Seeing them as equals in life. No recognition of the path's dignity and authority.

Little respect for those on the path - seeking equality or overshadowing of the masters and the people who are on the path.

▼ Always believing they are right. As pride is very developed because that essence’s destiny is not to go to the Being and so the strong pride keeps them separate from the Being and others who may represent the way to the Being.

▼ Little humility and respect. As the lack of those qualities is a condition needed to rebel against the Being and the work so to remain firmly on course heading into involution. If the person was to open and bend a knee towards their higher inner principles the way to involution would be avoid and a different way taken up instead.

▼ Natural psychic drawing close to animals. As mother nature is preparing the small part of essence to enter the animal kingdom, while some of the persons egos will enter the abyss and other egos will go into animals. The person may feeler safer for the suffering of animals than for the suffering of human beings. 

▼ A lot of fear one ones side which produces the need for control. This makes sense as the essence knows that it is going to lose all control of its life. Nature is going to take over all of its processes.

▼ Love and humility are the values it has most difficulty with as these are make it ready for the involution and also are the only way to escape the involution at the same time.

▼ Tendency towards inferior psychism. There is psychism in the abyss.

▼ Tendency to spend everything and save very little. A great tendncy to get rid of everything as that is what happens in involution the essence is stripped of everything unnecessary.


▼ Tendency to sleep a lot where there is more contact with the abyss.

▼ Tendency to be alone and to live a solitary life. Sometimes people who are in their last existence feel the need to live in isolated areas, to not create more links or ties because they deep down know they are leaving and not coming back for a long while. 

▼ Tendency to be detatched from many physical things and human sentiments. Mainly because they are leaving and because their psyche has become very solid and there is little space for the warmth of the heart and essence to shine through. They are though very attached to their mind and the rigid structures of their psyche.

▼ Very little capacity to overcome themselves and their mind with all of its structures.

▼ Very little capacity for remorse or repentance. 

End (4846).

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