Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Honesty and Integrity are Allies to Maintain the Value of Sexuality - (5673)

The two values of honesty and integrity help a person to maintain a good relationship to their sexual energy.

When these two values especially in relation to sexuality suffer, a person's sexuality suffers. 

These two values also help a person to solve problems or issues related to sexuality, as well as regenerate and refine it.

End (5673).

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Can Never Get Bored with the Word - (5672)

The word seems infinite. 

Seeing how infinite creation is in all its different combinations, the word as a tool of creation can be used in an infinite number of ways.  

We can never get bored of learning about the creative effects of the word, in its different subtilties and aspects of use and results.

Just knowing that the word was there from the begining with 'God', tells us about its vast depth. Just imagine if we go deep into the word what will we find...

End (5172).

Key of the Different Areas of Your Life - (5671)

By the Horns

To take the work on our life by the horns, means to truly focus on our life and stop looking elsewhere for light. 

To focus on our life is to extract light from the areas of our life. Each area has much there to be polished and in polishing we learn a lot.

Our life is like a ball room floor upon which we dance. There are many sections of that floor that are greasy, grimy and dusty, and need polishing. There are also sections of that floor that are shiny polished.

To be able to focus on our life means to accept that our own life has the most to show us and is the most important thing for us to focus our attention on.

Make a list of all the areas of your life. Such as: private alone life, Gnostic work life, relationship life, physical work life, family home life, friends, each relationship etc.

Then list all that is good in those areas and all that needs work. Organise what to do to polish what needs polishing in each area.

Create a work list and go to work. This is our life specifically focused. No escape and is to be fully in our life. This is where we are efficient and stop wasting time.

This is where then we can then see the miraculous in our own life instead of looking everywhere else for it.

End (5671).

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Recreating Morning Shower Magic - (5670)

Morning showers can be so good. We relax, we feel good, we organise everything for the day in our mind so easily, new understandings, insights and ideas all appear. 

I've always wondered why these things happen during a morning shower. Is it the conditions? Such as the the running water, the morning, or is due to be able to just relax?

Let's say it's all of those things. The thing is to be able to get those effects within us during the day or anytime we want, if we are in a shower or not in a shower. For example, in the mid-afternoon at the office.

Relax the body and mind, be by yourself or be close to people not needing to talk to anyone, and then visualise running water over your entire body. Feel the water. Invoke the undines both internally and externally to bring the magic of water, and stay still and relaxed.   

Stay with the visualisation and wait a little...

You will soon see glimpses of the magic effects. Let go of the visualisation and stay within those conditions for a while for more effects to appear.

You will see that the whole key resides in recreating the emotional state of the morning shower. We can't do this without imagination and we can't imagine without relaxation.

End (5670).

Detachment from Money to Go Forward - (5669)

We can be attached to the money we have. The perception of money we have is relative. To some it is something, to others it is nothing. 

Besides that, because we don't want to put it, or some of it, at the service of the work, when there is a real opportunity to do so, we end up getting stuck.

Not using that or some of that money wisely at the service of the work and the great cause, ties us further to life and matter. To keep that money intact and do something for the work while keeping that money intact we have to work more and more and the more stuck we get.  

When we release our grip on it, things shift forward for us. What are we here to do? To guard a set of figures on a screen or to live and to go forward in developing our Inner Being?

Trust is important. If we give to the Being, the Inner Being will give back to us. As we have cared for the Being the Being will look after and care for us.

End (5669).

Friday, 28 February 2025

Avoiding People Notes - (5668)

If one day we decide to avoid no one during our day, we will find out how much avoid people.

We avoid people many times during a given day. We only really know how much when we try to not avoid anyone.

Most of the avoidances are due to not having time or wanting to give time. When we are running late we tend to avoid others.

The observation of avoiding people because we are running late tells us a lot. We avoid due to not accepting that we are late and not taking responsibility for our predicament.

We may lack the ability to communicate in a nice way that we can't talk right now. 

When we have done something wrong we avoid people, because we have fear that they will address that. In this case the avoidance is due to a lack of acceptance and responsibility.

To avoid is to not present our face. Which has a lot to do with not being responsible for what we have done. We don't take the step of being responsible because we don't yet want to correct or repair the harm we are responsible for.


There is a lot of subconscious to discover when we decide not to avoid people. 

We may not have done anything wrong and we may not be late yet we avoid people. Why? Because there is something that we don't like about them and want to face. Because they have a knack or are the same as us and facing them means to face something uncomfortable about ourselves. 

In general, avoiding people is about avoiding something we find uncomfortable.

End (5668).

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Anger Assumes Negative Intent - (5666)

Anger appears and stays, when we for some reason assume or decide that there is negative intent in the other person or situation.

Most of the time there is no ill intent. we assume mechanically and so quickly that there is.

Sometimes yes there ill-intent but we can always choose what we assume. We can always assume a good attitude before ill-intent.   

The way to go forward is to undo the quick assumption of ill-intent and to create positive assumptions that no one is operating out of ill-intent. They are operating out of what's best for them... Which is positive intent right? They are not operating out of a place to deliberately hurt us.

When we do this, we will see some causes of why we assume ill-intent. It often comes from a lacking of some ability. 

For example, we may lack trust in our ability to think and communicate with others to overcome apparent ill-intent. So we then resort to anger to go against ill-intent and solve the qualm with anger and a falling out. 


End (5666).

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Gauge Progress by Intensity, Duration and Frequency - (5665)

A very good way to gauge our progress without getting disappointed and giving up, is to look at our progress using the following three yardsticks:

1.) Intensity
2.) Duration
3.) Frequency

We can use these yardsticks to see how our work of dissolving an ego and awakening is going.

If there is a forward change in any of these three yardsticks, then we are progressing. As simple as that. 

Yes, we can always accelerate and expand that progress by doing more of what we have already done, and we can always do new and other things as well.

End (5665).

To Not Get Angry - Have to Do Something Different - (5664)

To overcome anger in the moment it is arising we have to do something different. Something different inside and outside. 

That something different is not to answer with force like the other person is if they are, or it is to look for why we, or the other person are angry.

The issue causing anger is not the anger. It is something different that we can work with and remedy.

End (5664).

Monday, 24 February 2025

Home Visit Invitations - (5663)

Home invitations are really good. They give the invitees the opportunity to dissolve and let go of concepts they have those they are visiting.

Concepts changed and let go of is a really good experience. It brings light and a degree of superior emotion. Certainly not a waste to time...

To create new concepts and negative ones at that, is not a useful thing to do for our consciousness.

There are people who invite to their home and there are people who don't. 

The 'plus' of those that don't, is that good concepts (which are maybe false) stay, while the 'minus' is that people don't really get to know them and they give themselves a chance to give from within their at home daily reality. 

The 'plus' of those that do, is that people get the chance to let go of wrong concepts, and the 'minus' is that  perhaps people can get disappointed. This though seldom happens. The 'minus' side here is slight compared to those who don't invite people to their home.

End (5663).

Dissolving the Ego is a Particular Discipline - (5662)

After a while of working on any ego the need for a discipline specific to that ego emerges.

Some discipline examples are: envy - no comparing, lust - cut impressions and no fantasy, anger - few or no words and move on, fear - live the moment and no projections etc. 

It is a discipline that arises out of our efforts of comprehension and yearning to dissolve that ego.

It is something that we create and it makes us to remember what others have said about dissolving that same ego.

Without that discipline we know that we can not progress.

When we start to work with this discipline we are in the way of dissolving that ego.

Holding to that discipline weakens the ego and brings forward the light and strengthens the will to choose the light.

End (5662).

Sunday, 23 February 2025

A Complicated Zig-Zag is the Work Reality - (5660)

It seems like the expectation people have to do with spiritual development is that it progresses in a smooth straight line. 

The reality it seems is much more like a very zig-zagged up and down spiral that in time slopes upwards producing development.    


The teachings don't really explain this...

It is only really our own example and the examples of others doing the work that we suspect, and later learn, that this is way things go.

It seems that what is important in the path is the overall picture. We all have so much to pay and transform making progress very complicated. 

Because of the time and the complexity many processes must be run together and in parallel. Making things very non-linear, overlapping and difficult to track.

Concepts about the masters and the way spiritual progress go confuse, disappoint and delay us.

The examples of the struggles of the Masters serves to show us the nature of the path and what is important.

We should take our own example and the examples of the masters as the reality. Accept that and work with that. Leaving behind concepts and expectations about the way things should go...

We create so many concepts from the teachings. This is not helpful. We need to work and observe the way things go and then see how it corresponds to the principles and laws of the path and to the examples of others.

We need to comprehend our progress according to the principles and laws instead of creating concepts and expectations which only make things more difficult.

The important factor is the change that we promise and produce. 

End (5660).

Uncertainity Must Take Us More to Our Being - (5661)

Not sure if uncertainty has that function to make us to look inwardly for what is always there and always will be. It sure does do that though.

After looking for certainty in all the different places outside of ourselves and not finding it we have only one other place to look - inside.

There inside of ourselves we can take refuge in that certainty within ourselves. The certainty that our inner Being is there and will always be there and is helping from instant to instant. 

End (5661).

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Creation of Soul from Inside to the Outside then Back Inside - (5659)

Master Samael says that the soul is fabricated from a movement from the centre towards the boundary returning to the centre. 

For example, we start the work from inside, feeling we need to change. Then we find a school in the outside world and apply the teaching. As we apply the teaching it becomes ours - that is a tool of our consciousness.   

We do that with meditation, self-inquiry, self-remembering etc. 

When we make any teaching conscious we make soul bit by bit.

End (5659).

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Four Ways of Letting Go! - (5658)

When we trust we can let go of things. It is hard to let go of things when we lack trust. They go hand in hand, trust and letting go.

The are four classical ways we can let go of things:

1.) Letting go of physical possessions not needed anymore

2.) Letting go of negativity by cultivating contentment and happiness in the present

3.) Letting go of expectations by giving without expecting returns 

4.) Letting go of concepts, memory and data (information)

Letting go of control is also interesting. The below guide shows what is easy to let go of because we can not control it.

End (5658).

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Dark Light of Concepts - (5658)

The worst concepts for someone working on themselves are the spiritual related concepts.

The spiritual related concepts create a lot of obstacles for us.

The absence of spiritual related concepts will make our work quicker, of higher quality and save us from inumbnerable disappointments.

The spiritual related concepts are mostly about people both people doing and not doing the esoteric work. It is also those people that break our concepts. 

Concepts limit of our abilities and happiness. Because of concepts we can only be happy in a small avenue where our concepts agree.

Concepts make the mind rigid - that is black and white. The mind sees white what agrees with its concepts and black with what disagrees.

When face with black and white, the only response available to a mind conditioned by concepts is to protest to change what is in favour of the concept or escape to find somewhere else that agrees with the concepts.

We rarely accept that we have concepts. We in fact don't know that we have a concept about 'this and that'.

We only can know that we have a concept about 'this or that' when that concepts suffers or gets broken.

Because of the suffering we have the opportunity to protest or escape or understand that we have a concept.

When a concept breaks and we do not work to comprehend the situation, negativity in the forms of disappointment, skepticism, doubt, confusion and rejection creeps in.

Each concept contains a kind of light. When we see the world or ourselves through a concept we are seeing with the light of that concept. If that concept be negative we are perceiving in a negative light.

The steps are to:
1.) Know our concept has been broken. 
2.) Accept that a concept has been broken, which is different to just know. 
3.) Accept the reality. 
4.) Work to comprehend. 

Because of a concept we may not work on ourselves related to 'something' and we may become very negative towards that 'something' because our concepts sees it as 'bad'. 

If we just didn't have a concept about that 'something' we would work on ourselves and transcend through solid comprehension the issue of that 'something'..

Concepts take us to good and evil, good and bad and make us very trapped in duality.

The tough thing is that we don't accept we have concepts. We want things and we don't know they come from a concept.

End (5658).

Thinking People are Stupid is the Start of Negativity - (5657)

Thinking that people are stupid is where much of our negativity towards others stems from.

When we don't think others are stupid, things change a lot.

There is generally little kindness when we think people are stupid.

When we are in a negative state we always at one point say: "that person is stupid", "that was a stupid thing to say" and "this or that is stupid".

In general, people that offence being called stupid. Especially when the intellectual centre is the centre of gravity and is a big part of our identity.

What's the remedy? No one is stupid. 

End (5657).

Monday, 17 February 2025

Lists: A Real Thing! - (5656)

Upon reflection, lists really seem to be a real thing. 

In human life there are: waiting lists, parts list, check lists, shopping list, 'to do' list, 'bucket' list, stock list, delivery list, guest list, passenger list, standby list, punch list, hit list, wish list and so on and so on...

In the esoteric field there are: list of tests, list of the stages of the parts, list of the parts of the Being, list of laws, list of rays, list of urgencies, list of priorities, list of debts, list of egos etc.

They seem to be something more than an invention of the human mind.

Lists seem to be the human being's mental expression of the cosmic principle of order.

If a system of some kind has several parts and an order to the way those parts come together and function, a human being will create a list when he or she studies that system.

The function of any list is to give the complete story and detail the order of things.

Using a list we can complete and order anything. 

It is a tool of order. A tool of 'to do'. 

Therefore we can use lists to order our psychological work, as well as our psyche. 

End (5656).

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Anger is a Coward - (5655)

Even though anger looks strong and courageous, it is really a coward. Anger is the psychology of using force to escape our lack of inner strengths to solve difficult situations.

The psychology of using anger has within it the false image of being strong and courageous. Upon a deeper look there is inner cowardice.

When there is a difficult situation we need force to go inside and accept the situation within us. We need force to look inside ourselves to accept our fault if one is being pointed out. We need force to be patient or hold back our instinctive impulses. We need force to engage our consciousness to find a solution. All of this requires force. It is correct that our consciousness sends us force in such situations because we need it. We just need the right psychology to handle that force being sent.

When we use force against someone we are a coward because we escape going through the uncomfortable feelings of holding back our impulses, the uncomfortable feelings of being patient and the uncomfortable feelings of accepting our errors.

Because we lack inner strength to handle our comfortable feelings we resort to anger. This is the very definition of cowardice, which is to escape what is in front of us.

The conclusion is, we need to develop inner strengths to help dissolve anger.

End (5655).

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Focus on the Father-Mother - (5637)

To focus on our inner Father-Mother (Being) is transformative.

It removes many desires, worries, concerns and hurrying, exposing them for mostly what they are: unnecessary.

If we can make our inner Father-Mother our reference and focal point for our day and each day after that, we will be experience a different life.

It is a big shift from all of a sudden 'going after some desire' such as money, to then shift to our inner Father-Mother and see ourselves and our life from a new perspective.

This new perspective that takes our inner Father-Mother into account causes us to lift up and return home and a very different list of priorities appears.

This new list of priorities sets us above the worries and concerns of life and leads us into our spiritual work.

To be able to focus our attention inwardly on our Father-Mother transforms us and awakens us to other realities more important and determinant than the mere 'goings on' of our physical reality.

Conclusion, there is only one way to know this, and that is to try it. Right now, remember your inner Father-Mother and focus your attention on them. Experience the shift and how many things just fall away to the wayside.

End (5637).

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Greed and Gluttony Notes - (5654)

Hidden Values

There is much more to these two egos than money and food.

We know that in every ego there are ineffable values of the Divine Being within it. We know further to that, that each value is a way in itself to the our Inner Being.

For example: the way of love, the way of wisdom, the way of the warrior (force), the way of the truth (truth seeker) etc. etc.

Each way is a wide infinite avenue to the sun (divinity).

Each person has a way and that is why it is so important that everyone studies these values or ways so that they can go quicker to their interior Divinity.

Inside Greed & Gluttony

What is inside greed and gluttony? Great values hide inside each of these two defects?

The two sides of greed are: on the plus side, it is having an excess beyond what is practically usable (e.g. 200 pairs of shoes), on the negative side, it is not having to the extent of not being practical (e.g. no car, one shirt, one pair of pants, no phone, no fridge etc.).

The middle which is close to the value has to do with the discern and will to know and chose what we need.

There is inner contentment as the value. Often due to some kind of non-acceptance of ourselves or inner lacking we go into greed to get more and more, to compensate for that less. Substituting having for being. 

Gluttony, the two sides are: the positive - over eating and drinking. The negative side - suffering because of missing out.

The value starts in the middle of these two extremes. Which is to take advantage of what comes our way in balance. To be fulfilled, satisfied and in control of ourselves make the most of the opportunity in a balanced an internal way. We need concentration and self-control to do this.

Additional Notes

These defects are what manage knowing, being and having. We relate to these three principles through these two egos and other egos as well such as pride and lust.

In many ways our P.P.P (often pride) uses these defects to enhance either one of the three: knowing, being or having.

In many ways these egos can compensate for certain lacks. 

The person who eats too much is compensating for a lack of control or lack of satisfaction and fulfilment in some important area of his or her life.

The person who is greedy is compensating for a lack of power of something that is rightfully theirs to have dominion over in their life.

Greed takes much from others. Unity is something within greed. The opposite of greed is to consider unity. No one can satisfy their greed without the help of others.

Generosity is a counter-measure to greed. Also greed forgets what we give to others will come back to us.

Greed is not really about money, time and things it is about the heart. About how closed the heart has become.

Gluttony is a sign that something is bothering us emotionally. We have to sit with gluttony and discover what is behind it. 

End (5654).

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Why Expect Different from Path and Life? - (5655)

The answer is definition.

We expect that opening a business will be tough, it will require hard work and will be challenging with many difficulties to face and overcome.

Yet we give up so easily in the work and path when difficulties appear. Thinking that they shouldn't appear...

We are more defined for life pursuits and that is why we keep at it even when it gets difficult. We are simply very defined to reach goals in life. When we are defined for the work and path we don't mind difficulties. We work to overcome them and move on towards our yearnings.

We expect strictness from life, we don't expect free lunches from life, yet from the work and path we do. We expect all kinds of leniency and forgiveness while in life we don't ever count on it.

Why? We are not defined to work on the path. But to work in life we are defined. 

Basically when we are defined all these contradictions disappear and strength in the work and path appears. We become just as strong as those who in life work 10 hours a day for years on end, without taking a day of sick leave.

End (5655).

Finding the Hidden Value - Centre of Plus and Minus - (5653)

Every ego has is based on a value. This value remains hidden.

To find that value is not trivial.

Though we can find it or get close insight into what it is.

To find it we can establish the two opposite of the ego's manifestation.

We must see the passive and internal side of manifestation. Then see the active and external side of manifestation.

Once we know both sides, the plus and minus, we can then see the middle which is the combination of the two opposites.

The middle combination produces a view or insight into the hidden value. There will be a word or a name that best describes your glimpse of that value.

Take anger, the two opposites are outward aggression (body and mouth active) and inward aggression (mind active with body and mouth still). The combination is to act and speak at the correct level to solve the situation. This could be called assertiveness, tamed force, intelligent force and so on.

Take pride, the two opposites are boasting (superiority) and false humility (inferiority). The combination is balance, justice what is, not less or more.

We can do this for any defect whatsoever and glimpse the hidden value. Knowledge of the hidden value helps us to dissolve that defect.

End (5653).

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Concentration is Death to Lust - (5652)

It's really worth teaching ourselves to how concentrate. Try not to delay that. 

As we are learning to concentrate, we face what is 'unconcentrated' in us, and what does not want to concentrate.

A big unconcentrated element within us, is the constant 'attending to desires'.

Lust is an ego within us that is about 'attending to desire'.

Lust in its nature jumps towards the new and the different in the external.  

For lust to concentrate in on one person, means its death. Because it is in lust's very nature to look superficially at a person then move on towards new and different sensations. 

To concentrate in a person, allows us to see into the depths of the person to find their essence. In sacrificing lust, we find the essence in a person, which then allows us to see the essence in others. 

The many different desires of pleasant experience in matter come from the defect of lust in general, even if it is not sexual in nature. 

End (5652).

Friday, 7 February 2025

Strange and Overlooked Message of Vindictiveness - (5651)

When a person is vindictive they are really saying look how much you hurt me. The more vindictive, the more they were hurt. They are trying to inflict what was inflicted upon them.

However, vindictiveness appears aggressive and not at all like they are saying: "look how much I am hurt".

Because of that we react with like aggression and things quickly get worse. 

In this case like nearly every other case, aggression is not the way to deal with vindictiveness.

Addressing what has been hurt is the closer to the right way or is the right tool. Aggression is the wrong tool.

We have to have lots of self-control to read the strange yet very overlooked message of vindictiveness. 

End (5651).

Why Anger Protects Self-Love So Much - (5650)

We know already that: anger does not come alone and one of anger's roles is to protect.

One ego anger impeccably comes along with is mechanical self-love. This is because it needs lots of protecting.

Mechanical self-love has a very sentimental view of ourselves. Often seeing ourselves and defenceless and sweet and something easily wronged and unfairly hurt. Therefore anger must comes to protect it.

If an ego sees hourselves as robust anger will often not appear by its side to protect it.

End (5650).

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Dragons of the East and West - Typhon and Lucifer - (5639)

In myth and legend, if we look at the dragons of the East and the West we see a clear difference. 

The difference being, that the dragons of the west appear malevolent while those of the East appear benevolent - the opposite. 

The dragons of the west were not understood by human beings and often feared. They have suffered much at the hands of human beings, and are bitter and resentful, bearing grudges against man and are very destructive, wreaking havoc on towns and villages. They tend to use their powers for more physical human purposes, yet they are wise and magical.

The dragons of the east are wise and kind, and like to be sought for help and advice. They often stand as guardians and custodians of the lakes, rivers, valleys and mountains. They stand as the essence of magic and are in many cases the door ways to mystical knowledge and dimensions.

What both dragons have in common is wisdom and magic. The use of these two attributes differ in the west and the east, according to myth.

East and West always represent a duality, sunrise and sunset, that is the two opposite poles of the one thing. In this respect, the west and east represent the two poles of the dragon. Which are the two poles of the psychological trainer within us: the Typhon Baphomet and Lucifer. 

The dragons of the west represent the Typhon, misunderstood, feared and always used wrongly for human advantage, while the dragons of the East represent Lucifer - divine, benevolent, magical, wise and the conferrer of magical power and knowledge.

End (5639).

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Words and Actions of Anger Have Been Learned from Somewhere - (5649)

The things we say and do when we are angry have been learnt and rehearsed before. 

Often the words and actions of our anger come from our parents or siblings or even friends. 

If any person looks into the history of their anger, especially including all the anger that we have seen in others, it will offer many opportunities for a lot of surprising discoveries.

End (5649).

A Great Key to Keep Clear and Aware - Balanced Emotion - (5648)

If we keep an keen eye over emotion centre we can help ourselves to stay more clear and aware.

When emotion rises above or below the middle line we have usually become identified with something. 

If we can watch over our emotion and keep it balanced all through the day, through its circumstances, we will see how much of a difference it makes to keeping ourselves present.

The effort to balance the emotional centre actually keeps us very present.

End (5648).

How to Let Go of Criticism and Excessive Critique - (5647)

We all have to some degree that tendency to criticise and critique. The two are different. Critique has good intentions and wishes to provide feedback to improve the efficiency and quality of another person's efforts. There may be some analysis involved and it is done for the betterment of the other person.

Excessive critique can hide some annoyance, attachment, pride or envy...

Criticism on the other hand is often done out of some annoyance, anger or envy.

If we want to get ourselves out of this tendency to criticise, this one key is very useful. It is to always  be patient and focus on the result. To do this means to take a big picture or overall view. 

Criticism and excessive critique, is so often about the way something is done. If we go to the big picture view of results, we will see that the result is the same - our way or another way, produce the same result.

So often, it is not really correct to upset another person for a few minutes when the result is the same as what we can do. 

End (5647).

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Momentum of Anger and Lust - (5646)

Anger has a definite momentum about it. Meaning that it is difficult to stop. It almost feels like it will only stop when something has been said or done. If that something has not been said or done, it will still 'hang around' in our human machine.

Lust is very similar.

I know a person who said that when he gets angry, he stays angry for days.


Because anger and lust use the fire element and are like fires. Fire only stops when all that it is burning has been burnt.

To remedy this characteristic we have to see what stops fire. One, there is no more to burn, two oxygen runs out and three, water or sand put it out. 

In our psyche, easy we need to remove ourselves from the environment, stop feeding it with our thoughts and words, and do something else with our body.

This allows anger to burn out quickly and displace from our human machine and consequently we experience a sobering up from the drunkenness of our anger.

Lust is the same.

End (5646).

Rhythm of the Word - (5645)

The rhythm we speak with has powerful effects. This is something that we more often than not use naturally without being aware of it.

We often naturally adjust the rhythm by which we speak according to the nature of the circumstances.

When we are speaking with good will we speak with a even smooth slow rhythm. When we need to be succinct and to the point we speak with a short fast rhythm.

Sometimes we habituate ourselves to always speak with the same rhythm that is more appropriate for other kinds of situations and not all the situations and circumstances that we face in a day.

Keeping the same rhythm we often confuse and upset others and attract unkind replies to what we say.

We can say nearly anything and get a good result if we consciously choose the appropriate tone and rhythm.

Attitude, Word and pose are the what denounce any "I" in the human machine.

End (5645).

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Cats Make Maps and Read the Local News - (5644)

Observing a cat the other day I suddenly got the feeling that the cat was reading the local neighbourhood news. She was smelling with her head up, the air that had swept across the neighbourhood into the bathroom window. It was like she was finding out based on the different smells in the air what was and had been going on.

My conclusion here, is that animals connect their senses to the consciousness they have to know things about their locality. Kind of obvious right...

Observing the cat in the garden smelling and marking fixed features it was like she was making a map in her mind of the house and it's yard.

We can do the same using our hearing and sight. Memorise our whole house through several pictures and sit down in meditation or in a relaxed state and hear the different sounds around us. Then see in our mind's eye the the bird chirping on top of the pine tree at the back fence, the car rolling by on the street, the wind chimes sounding in the verandah, the palm tree fronds scrapping against the gutter... 

Strangely, this brings a kind of peace and deeper relaxation as our awareness of our environment extends and expands. Making a very good start to a deeper meditation...   

End (5644).

The Right Part of the Essence Always Comes When Called - (5643)

Every event and circumstance that we pass through, involves a particular quality of our essence. 

Our essence is a conglomerate of abilities, values, virtues, powers and faculties.

When we are in particular, event a part of our essence that specialises with that kind of event will come forward within us.

It does not matter if that part of the essence is free or conditioned. It will always come forward.

If an event involves conflict, problems and difficulties, free or conditioned essence come forward within us to help us respond to that situation. If the essence that comes forward is free, it will be force yet if it is conditioned it will be anger.

Therefore, the parts of the essence trapped in each "I" or aggregate, are the parts of the essence that deal with the qualities of the soul that correspond to that ego. 

For example, the fraction of essence trapped in anger is made up of the parts of the essence specialising in force. The fraction of the essence trapped in lust are the parts of the essence that have to do with sexuality, love, honesty etc. The fraction of the essence trapped in pride are the parts of the essence that have to do with majesty, balance and dignity.

End (5643). 

Friday, 31 January 2025

Seven Cosmoses - Each Cosmos A Replica - (5642)

Gnosis teaches there are seven cosmoses, that is seven special orders of creation.

An order of creation is a scaled down version of the cosmos itself. In each cosmos is all that is in the cosmos as a whole.

What is in one cosmos is also in the other cosmoses as well.

For example, what is inside the microcosmos - the human being, is all that is in the cosmos as a whole including the other six cosmoses. 

The cosmoses share of each other and what is in one externally is inside the other internally. For example, human beings are inside the planet and within each human being there is the internal planet Earth.

Inversely, the greater the number of laws governing the cosmos. the smaller the cosmos is, in physical spatial terms.

The tritocosmos is inside of each human being. Amazingly in the tritocosmos is all the same laws and principles governing the other cosmoses.

Each cosmos is a universe in miniature. All that is inside the human being is outside.

Studying the seven cosmoses we understand that the absolute never abandons anything as It is in everything, it is contained in everything, it is that we are of it and in it, and we are a part of everything.

End (5642).

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Joy in Gnosis Revolution - (5641)

I have been observing this coming for a year or two now. 

People studying Gnosis feel that Gnosis is too focussed on the negative. Plus there are the many teachings on the end of times which is scary and gloomy.

It feels like people are wanting a revolution to feel the joy within themselves that resides in their Being. 

This is true point, there is joy within our essence and Being and it is something that could well have been missing in the way Gnosis has been taught or in the way people have been applying Gnosis.

Gnosis after all is the our own knowledge of our own Inner Being. Whose pursuit is joyful, and yes it is not always easy and requires hard work. But a hard work that is supremely rewarding.

This revolution in Gnosis is currently being expressed in the way of embracing the affirmative psychology of the Being as well as developing the values of the Inner Being to pay our debts and dissolve the "I's" or conditionings that we have.

End (5641).

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Fantasy Stops Action - (5624)

What really stops us taking action is fantasy!

If fantasy be negative, positive or neutral it will take us away from action.

That fantasy can be overthinking, speaking about what we are going to do or just thinking about all the good things that will come or the things that could go wrong.

Often in common everyday human life, as soon as people dream about the money they are going to make without anything certain at hand, they rarely act on their plans and ideas. 

End (5624).

The Many One Minute Good Things We Can Do! - (5638)

In each day there are so many micro-good things that we can do for others and ourselves.

Of coure the big good things have much value. In a time poor day, the big good things for others, don't really fit in until the weekends.

If we activate ourselves towards seeing and doing the minute good things for others, there will be many opportunities in each day to take advantage of.

The minute things done constantly and consistently accumulate to big things.

The small things make the big things possible.

End (5638).

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

How Egos Compensate, Gluttony as Example - (5640)

All egos compensate according to their core value. 

For example, it is easy to see with gluttony. Within gluttony we find the values of completion, satisfaction and taking full advantage of what's available.

When we in the different areas of our life have trouble completing tasks, often feel unsatisfied with the things we do and are not taking advantage of the opportunities presented to us in our day. We will tend to turn to gluttony to compensate for that. 

With gluttony we can easily take control and eat to the point of being full and satisfied, plus we can take full advantage of the food that we have bought or is available to us.

We follow this pattern of compensation with so many egos. It is a good way to find the core values within each ego.

For example, when relationships falter and we are unable to overcome resentment and rejection, we compensate with lust.

When we are unable to get or command respect in a certain area of our life, we compensate with pride and anger in other areas. 

End (5640).

Monday, 27 January 2025

Notes on Values - (5634)


This post contains some notes about psychological and consequently spiritual values at an introductory level.



Values are something that are inside of us. They are our innate qualities, laws and principles. 

They are universal and perennial when they belong to our Inner Being.

We can know that any value is of the Inner Being, that is, it is divine, meaning it is universal and perennial, when if that value were to be absent from the field of life, life would stop.

There are also values within the personality. Which is also our job to know. These values are typically human cultural and society values. There maybe some overlap with perennial spiritual values but this is not often the case. 

What is of interest to us are the values of the Inner Being.

Our psychology is made from these values. The main purpose of our psychology is to give these values expression within us – that is inside the human being. 

Our psychology is our inner space that we can find here and now.

Within that inner space is where the values are processed.

These values in our psychology are a way of thinking. That way of thinking can be transferred into action here in life. This is how we do the will of the Being.

The values within the Spirit are autonomous sparks of consciousness that form a unity of consciousness made from a multiplicity.

They are also sacredly individual in their importance of expression.

Values are also intimately linked to our identity. The identity that we have is made up of our values.

Values are what is important to us. They are what we are very willing to give our attention to. If we give our attention to something we give our time and energy to it as well as our consciousness and presence.

We can offend someone deeply because of offending one or more of their deepest and dearest values.

Relationships have a lot to do with values. Values that are in common strengthen the relationship and values that differ increase consciousness within the relationship and create other common values.

Each value becomes a way - that is a way to God and a book of teachings. The way of Love and the ways of love, the way of wisdom and it the ways of wisdom etc. etc. 

Inner Being and Soul

Values are how we know our soul.

Values are at the core of our Being.

Values are the qualities of our Inner Being.

Values are also the functions of our Inner Being.

It is difficult to know our values until they are challenged.

There is a value in each ego that we have. Our work is to find these values at the core of the ego.

Values are present to fulfill a function.


The issue is that the values we all have, have been polarized. That is they have taken on expression in two polarities.

The polarisation of the value is always precisely in duality and relativity. The key is to reverse that conditioning in the right angle and we will have the the value working free within us for the benefit of ourselves and others.

Here are some examples of values inside the different egos. The value is strongly related to the function.

Within pride are the values of dignity, majesty and balance.

Within lust are the values of love, unity and transmutation.

Within laziness are the values of faith.

Within greed is the value of co-operation and sharing.

Within envy is the joy and happiness for others as well as learning.

Within jealousy is the trust in love and the freedom of love.

Within conditioned self-love is the value of love for oneself and one’s Inner Being.

Within self-pity is the value of compassion.

Within anger is force, serenity, meekness and patience.

Within gluttony is the value of completion and excellence.

Within fear is the value of trust and hope.

Within depression is the value of hope.

If we are stuck by any of these inferior emotions or “I’s” say to ourselves: “be the free value within this 'I' which is the remedy!".

End (5634).

Comprehend Others Instead - (5635)

The better thing to do in relation to other people, is to make the internal effort to comprehend them.

Internally we may find ourselves deep in criticism, protest and varying degrees of dislike...

Being stuck in the above things is truly no good for us and others...

To start to change that within ourselves for our benefit, the thing is to try to comprehend the person.

To comprehend a person is very different to criticise and dislike. 

We don't need instructions on how to comprehend anyone, just the will to do it is sufficient.

Making the slightest effort to comprehend another person brings enough light to make us feel different and to know that that is the road to take - comprehension.

When we start to travel down the road of comprehension we start to leave behind internal criticism and dislike.

End (5635).

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Countering the Effects of Criticism - (5636)

Being analysed, critiqued and corrected can be difficult to deal with. Over a prolonged time it can create psychological complexes in people.

From the Gnostic point of view it is certainly a tough gymnasium, where a person can learn a few things. 

Those things can be some of the following:

• To see ourselves always positively and to see our Inner Being as a legitimate reality that has the wisdom and strength to change. In many ways, the fact that we are present in that gymnasium is because of our Real Being wanting us to learn.

• Seeing ourselves as wrong provoke anger or self-pity. If we keep positive towards ourselves we don't bring anger. From within our essence we don't want to see ourselves as wrong and deeply from within our Being we are not. It is not wrong for the Being to be.

• To support ourselves while keeping open to useful advice will help us change for the better.

• To learn how to form our inner life to see that what is being proposed is good for us, will helps us to become more patient and not feel so uncomfortable during times of criticism.

• Those who criticise us believe that that is what we are doing internally - that is seeing the good in what is being said. The curious thing is that very few people do that while receiving criticism. That is the one special thing that criticism teaches us - to switch quickly to see the good in it and align with it.

• To discern between what is useful and unuseful criticism.

• To learn how to breakdown the pride and step outside of the 'myself'. We do this by letting go of the belief that we should not be corrected at all or corrected even a little, and to align with force that is going to help us change.

• The inner act of aligning our will with something outside of us (beneficial for us), in many ways catapults us outside of the confines of our personality and the 'myself'.

• To remain holding onto our values while transforming criticism into wisdom that enhances our values.

• To see what relatively new values we can develop.

End (5636).

Friday, 24 January 2025

Remember Will is Force and Choice - (5632)

Will is a tremendous force in everyone. It is the force that keeps us being what we are.

If we change the direction of our will we will be different...

True will is force that frees us and gives us the ability to chose. 

The will that we freed from the ego gives us the freedom to choose the free qualities of our Being.

Those with trapped will find it difficult to understand those with true free will. 

End (5632).

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Divine Mother and the Consciousness - (5629)

It has been taught that the consciousness, that every human being and creature has, comes from the Cosmic Mother. 

The Great Wheel of life also known as the Wheel of Samsara and the Great Tree of Life are also forms of the Great Cosmic Mother.

Through the Kundabuffer the serpentine fire of kundalini inverted, we are fascinated and lulled asleep into furthering the purposes of life and nature.

As She created our consciousness and makes our consciousness to sleep, she can also awaken and liberate us.

The Divine Mother, is the engenderer, enslaver and also the awakener and liberator.

As a conclusion, knowing this, it only makes sense to get closer to Her in any way we can. We have to start within ourselves, thinking about her and talking to her. Giving her time and attention - to Her within ourselves.

She won't answer straight away (she might), as She is black (obscure) to the neophyte, but in the silence of our interior - mind and heart, she will speak to us, through the silent feelings of the heart. Which is our heart and Her core chamber.

End (5629).

Forgiveness the Christic Reconciler and Advancer - (5631)

Forgiveness is not only a human action or possibility, but also a cosmic phenomena.

The Cosmos and creation forgive.

Our body forgives. All that we put it through, it rebuilds, heals, repairs and carries on. In other words, it forgives us for our maltreatment and ignorance, and keeps giving to us so that our physical life continues.

How patient and forgiving is our body with our bad habits and desires. 

Our body forgives us as much as it can. As much as the physical laws allow. That is, as much as old age and the body's physical and energetic limits allow.

If the cosmos and our own bodies did not forgive, then life would cease.

One of the outstanding qualities of the Cosmic Christ is forgiveness.

Forgiveness is very much like the Cosmic Christ reaching out to us. To forgive is to reach back out to Him.

It is the great love and intelligence that reconciles and forgives so that life can continue.

Things always go wrong and mismatch. Forgiveness is needed to try again and again until things go right and everything aligns. If after the first mismatch and misalignment things were cancelled and stopped, life would stop.

Forgiveness is to release the debt of things having gone wrong before giving again.

As a conclusion, lets not forget about forgiveness and know that we are still living because of it, and that we enjoy the things in our life because of the forgiveness of others or someone.

As a challenge, someone once said that there is nothing so bad that we can't forgive in another, when looking deeply and sincerely at our own life...

End (5631).

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Forgiveness as a Needed Quality in Life - (5630)

In life we can't do without forgiveness...

Some people even own selves have believed the opposite at some point in our life.

We often believe when we are resentful that forgiveness is not needed and we can live life without it.

How far are our beliefs from the truth at times. 

It is a needed quality that each human being needs to possess and express.

People who are not forgiving are very detailed and strict with others but not so with themselves.

Every human being has the power of forgiveness within them. 

It is as needed as medicine is in this world.

It is one of those virtues that the Being of the Being energeneredd within Itself to be able to allow life to continue flowing forwards.

The absence of forgiveness causes breakdowns and conflict.

To awaken and improve our awakening we have to clear away our problems, grudges and pain... 

Using forgiveness and its power can help us a lot.

Basically we can teach ourselves to start to forgive for ourselves first. Then increase the forgiveness to forgive others... 

The spirit of forgiveness is this: is for us to forgive others first so that later we can be forgiven. 

Whereas the spirit of love is to love others, and not worry that they love us back.

End (5630).

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Accept Uncertainity - (5628)

Uncertainty is an inherent part of life - there is little that we can do to escape it. All that we can do is to accept it, become comfortable with it and know how to move with it and even within it at times. 

Uncertainty is a part of life turning on the wheel of Samsara.

As mentioned earlier the best thing to do is to deeply accept all is uncertain.

If we do accept it, we will awaken a little more.

Because we don't accept uncertainty, we believe in all the measures human beings have invented to counter uncertainty.

In time and with the impressions of life we end up believing these measures to be real and uncertainty is the thing that is no longer real. This makes us sleep, because to be asleep is to believe in fantasy.

We believe insurance, money and plans can counter uncertainty. But they can't, we know that...

If we accept uncertainty we will change. We will make ourselves ready for it and we will appreciate everything and live more intensely in the moment. We will enjoy what we have and ready to to move with the way uncertainty will take us.

We will also be so much less attached to things. Because we know things can change and it could all be gone.

There are things within us that we accept are uncertain and we value them and do not get too attached to them. Then there are things that we do not see them as so uncertain even though they are.

It is great to know which things for us are uncertain and which are not. In the ones that we hope are certain, there is opportunity of investigation towards a mini-awakening.

End (5627).

Friday, 17 January 2025

Conscious Buffering of Impressions - (5627)

Normally, the Kundabuffer in us buffers reality from reaching our psyche.

The kundabuffer does this outside our awareness. We are not too aware of it, but we really can be.

However, in certain cases when the impressions are intense or impactful we need to consciously buffer them.

What I mean by this is to receive the impressions and don't let them pass straight into our psyche. 

Hold them off, see what they are about and then kindly pass the messages of the impressions onto our psyche, where it can be transformed.

The ego grabs the impressions because they are not presented nicely and perhaps too quickly. So it is our job and work to take the impressions and tactfully convert them into something kinder for ourselves and in an order or priority.

We always want to them to speak to us kindly even when they are under stress. It is truer that we need to be kind to ourselves rather controlling others to be nice or kind to us. 

One way we can be kind to ourselves, which is what our system is really asking us to do. Is to buffer the impressions and relay them to our mind using our consciousness is a slower, calmer and more digested way.

End (5627).

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Aware of the Setbacks of Suffering - (5626)

Even though all of us suffer so much we are not really fully aware of the setbacks of suffering.

If we just meditate on the setbacks of suffering, we will find that the knowledge of the setbacks, does not easily surface.

What does come up is how we waste time, waste energy, waste money and waste the time and energy of others... 

Those are really only physical things. Realising this we say suffering makes us to feel awful - which is obvious. Then it's difficult to extract more....

But really there is much to discover yet.

How about one setback of suffering to be the loss of light. When we suffer we lose light. When we lose light we lose sight of our Inner Being, the teachings, the values that have always served us, the well-being of others....

The loss of light is one setback of suffering, There are many more that we need to discover adn know to be able to have the light and strength to free ourselves from suffering.

Feelings of ill and contraction follow when we lose light.

End (5626).

Monday, 13 January 2025

Studying the "I" is of the Heart - (5625)

We have to study our "I's" from and with the heart.

Not with the mind!

It is a shift. A worthwhile shift to make. IF we study from the heart we will go deep and we will find joy in it.

We won't get bored, tired or stuck.

To study our "I's" is a work of the heart!

End (5625).

The Lunar Intellect - (5623)

Using the intellect for everything, one day makes us intellectual. 

To be intellectual does not really make us intelligent or smart. 

Becoming intellectual makes us, sooner or later, to become empty. The interesting thing is we don't think we are empty, but we feel empty.

There is a good reason behind the feeling of being empty. 

The reason is that the intellect gathers, or better said, borrows concepts, information and reasons. It does not generate anything of its own. It simply borrows from others.

After a while of continuously borrowing information and reasons, we end up bankrupting the natural intelligence of our own consciousness. This happens because we stop using our natural intelligence, and our capacity to access our natural intelligence atrophies.

When we stop using our natural intelligence we end up being parrots, empty tin cans making all sorts of sounds that lack substance.

This is very much like the Moon. The intellectual is lunar is nature. With one side visible and the other invisible - unknown and unaware.

When we are intellectual, the borrowing of information turns against us and we don't know it. Using the information in our intellect, we critique and analyse others with the same information we have collected from others. 

Being unaware of critiquing using borrowed knowledge us more unaware, and the next step is to critique while being the same. 

The constant critiquing makes us to feel 'full' as it is constant. It is a simple compensation. However, by the law of entropy, the critiquing follows the tendency to become negative. Then we slowly start to fill ourselves up with negativity. 

By the Law of cause and effect, that inner negativity spills out into our relationships and external life, and still not being aware it, we criticize-blame it on others. 

Then one day the karma takes the form of inner bitterness, loneliness and sadness that is really difficult to shift. As the unawareness continues, we feel 'life owes me happiness' and of course life does not deliver, and so we become needy, while still criticising...

The remedy to all of this is to be quiet both outwardly and inwardly and begin to disassemble all that we have borrowed.

End (5623).