Sunday, 20 September 2015

Regarding Arcanum 16 - (535)


We Gnostics can create a fear of the number 16, Sometimes we can even go so far as to change tables at a restaurant when we are seated at table 16, or what seats in a bus or plane when we are seated on row 16 or swap numbers with a poor unsuspecting co-worker when we get the number 16 assigned to us or our number has number 16 in it.

What I would like to do in this post is to just try and shed a bit of light onto that subject of mechanically or being scared of number 16.

Arcanum 16

In the Tarot, the Arcanum 16 signifies failure, obstacles, difficulties, fulmination etc. This is often quite painful and something we naturally would like to avoid.

There are certain activities, processes and events in our life that can come under the number 16. This can be because it was always perhaps by karma, destined to fail or because it is not the will of our Being or because something along the way went wrong, which may have been our very own fault or not perhaps our fault.

Sometimes events ruled by the number 1, 5, 7 and 8 or even 18 or 21 can feel to be much worse.

Influence of Arcanum 16

There are also events in life that can be influenced by the number 16 and there are other events that are not, usually the greater majority of the events in our life are not influenced by the number 16. When an event is ruled by the number 16, it fails or is very difficult and when an event is influenced by  the number 16, it has the tendency to fail or become very difficult, though if one is strong it can be overcome.

Really the number 16 only comes into play when there is predestined karma and when we, due to not having the right interior state, quality, strength, capacity etc. bring failure onto ourselves. As soon as the first cracks appear in the activity, the number 16 enters and as more and larger cracks appear, the number 16 takes over the activity making it to fail. In a consultation or astral experience or dream when the number 16 appears, it indicates to us that that endeavour we are involved in will fail or become problematic.

Prudent not to Start on the 16th

It is usually prudent not to start something esoteric on the 16th day of the month, but if we are just buying a new pair of shoes or something similar on the 16th of the month, most likely nothing will happen - especially when we are not doing anything wrong we don’t have to worry about the influence of the number 16. Mechanical things in life do not really matter too much and are not affected by the number 16.

Well our new pair of shoes that we bought on the 16th may crack in the bottom in two weeks, well just take them back and great have fun getting a new pair.

When 16 Doesn’t Matter

To get a seat on a plane such as 16A or 16B, don’t worry nothing much will happen. If you are in control of the way you feel, then don’t worry. If the plane goes down, all the rows in the plane will go down, row number 16 won’t be the only row that will go down. On the other hand if we do a certain type of consultation and receive the number 16, this is only indicating to us that our actions, our karma and our circumstances will follow a problematic and difficult course.


So in summary, we have sometimes have to have the courage not to be scared of the number 16. Accept it sometimes as a challenge and courageously deal with it. If we have enough control of ourselves, that is we can put our essence at the command post of our psychology we can overcome a lot of the influences of number 16. Anyway sometimes in our life have to fail for us to improve and renew our efforts or take a new, different and better course. After 16 come 17, hope and wait. Sometimes 16 is there just to take us to 17, to a new hope of something better and a period of waiting for it to take shape and for us to do our part to make it happen.

End (535).

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Do you have notes for all 22 major arcana?
