Monday 14 March 2016

No Sentimentalism in the Superior Worlds - (822)

A Shock

I heard this statement a while ago during a class. It was a little bit of a shock I must admit. I seemed to have had a concept that concessions were possible and gifts were admissible. With some reflection it makes sense and it seems that that is the way it has to be, and thankfully that is the way it is. In fact if it were not this way it would break the law.

We think that the angels and the Masters are ever merciful and good, but they can’t be they have to abide by the law, they must be just and balanced. If they were sentimental they would break the law and in breaking the law they would inevitably end up giving to others who do not deserve the good things and in giving to others one must take from those who really deserve it. A terrible imbalance would end up being created and where there is imbalance there are problems, in fact a chain of problems.

What does it Mean?

It means basically that whatever one has or is or earns is due to having the merits for it. What one has worked for, one receives. As below so above! This of working to receive is present here in life and it is according Gnosis present up there in the superior worlds too, following the Hermetic axiom, as above so below.


This may give us the idea that the masters are cruel, but they are not cruel they are just.

End (822).

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