Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Kabbalistic Addition Calculator – (1745)


Kabbalistic addition adds the individual numbers within a number, so to reduce that number to a number of significance.

For example: 1976 added kabbalistically becomes: 1+9+7+6 = 23. This result can in turn be reduced by kabbalsitic addition to 5. The number five is very significant as it indicates the presence and operation of the Divine Law of Karma.

Kabbalistic Calculator

The following calculator will add any number kabbalistically. Simply enter the number and click the Add button.

Enter a number:
Kabbalistic Addition of your number:

End 1745.

Calculations Featured in Tarot and Kabbalah by Master Samael – (1744)

In a Few Posts

My plan is that, in some of the posts over the next few days I am going to post some calculators that I have written in JavaScript that will help you to easily perform the calculations Master Samael mentioned in his book “Tarot and Kabbalah”.

After I have posted all of them I am going to put them on a separate page within this blog site. I hope to provide you with explanations of these calculations and their relevance to our lives.

I learnt JavaScript for you guys. Hoping that you can take something from these calculations.

End (1744).

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Look at Distraction as an Aid to Awaken – (1743)

Massive Stumbling Block

A massive stumbling block to our own awakening is distraction!

Got you! Don't get distracted thinking why I posted this image of an angry cat! The real distraction is us getting
carried away with our very own thinking. Maybe because it matches the site's colour scheme. Maybe because
I like ginger cats. Who cares, don't get distracted!

Distraction is Diversion

Distraction diverts our focus and with it the flow of consciousness and life.

Watch it!

When we are distracted we fall asleep. Then the calamities of being asleep happen!

End (1743).

Raise the Level of Your Being to Be Closer to the Being in You – (1742)


It makes sense doesn’t it that the higher is our level of Being the closer we are to our inner Being.
Our level of Being fluctuates many times during the day. At one moment speaking for example to a co-worker our level of being can drop. When praying and meditating it rises.

If we can keep it higher through right thinking, feeling and acting we can drawer closer to our Real Being.

There are keys to help us to do this. One key is to watch the elements that throw our level of being downwards the most. Read on for the specifics.

Egos that Disconnect the Most from Our Being

Which Ones?

Lust and Pride.


Because they keep the level of the being low in us.

End (1742).

Monday, 29 May 2017

Realise in the Beginning it is Hard – (1741)

Start Well

The experience of time in Gnosis is interesting. The encounter in Gnosis is usually very warm, pleasant and relieving. The feeling of having found something so real, so explicative, so clear and so possible and so full of promise that we feel a great relief and content of the essence.

However, that is the learning stage, the working stage is a little different, that is when things change.
In the learning stage we receive much help all with the purpose to help us verify the knowledge and cement our position and understanding.

It Gets Hard

Once we begin to understand the necessity for the work on ourselves and we learn at the least basics of how to do it things change. A shift occurs in our karmic account. The payment of our karmic account opens and the work of definition begins. Which is a bitter kind of a work. Because much has to be undone and much has to be established. Much resistance must be overcome and so we feel weak, sick, upset, like we are swimming against the current, our astral experiences dry up and overall it is a miserable time. Our strong egos appear to really bother us and nothing makes us happy. All we feel is down, upset, weak, tired, angry as well as envious at those who say Gnosis is great.

If we don’t understand this stage we may end up leaving, which is a mistake. The solution is through. Work and work to get through it. The less problem we make of it the better and the less troublesome it will be for us.

Persist and the Sun Will Begin to Peer Through the Clouds

The key is to persist and persist. Our Being helps everyone in this difficult stage to persist. As soon as the bulk of our karmic payment has been made things shift and things change starting by a change in our interior where a certain beautiful positive feeling for the work on ourselves appears along with hope, optimism and a looking forward to the battles with the ego because one now feels that one can triumph.

Then the work continues onward with many more things to be done. But this time there is a confidence, a happiness in our background.

End (1741).

When Something Inside Yearns for Something Esoteric it is Your Being Wanting that Quality. Because He Needs It! Give it to Him!!! – (1740)

When it First Hurts

When there is something that we need to develop or rather something that the Being within us needs to develop, we may first begin to become aware of this through the pain of perhaps envy, pride, guilt, lament etc.

The main things is, that we are awoken to the fact that we lack something and there is a kind of yearning within us to develop that quality.

Then Later it Burns

Later on if we don’t take action to develop that quality, the yearning begins to burn in us and this burning wishes for us to take the action that we need to develop.

We may here begin to make a plan to develop it, which is good, however, the longer we delay it the more it burns and the more it hurts. A part of the burning stage is to come to understand how important that quality is for us and how it will change our inner and outer lives.

Then Get It for #%$^* Sake!

Once we feel it deep within us that we need that quality and we understand why we need it we must act for the sake our beloved Being. We must give that quality to Him! That is our love for our Being in action. The only way we can give it to Him is by developing it.

It is good to know that we develop it in octaves. Once we have reached one octave of development the burning diminishes, but the burning will appear again telling us that we need to produce a new octave of development of that quality.


One important thing to take away from this post is that, our Being only really develops something fully when it manifests here in the physical world or when it is present here in the physical world.

End (1740).

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Esoteric Payment Currencies & Consistency – (1739)


Here below is a description of the currencies through we can pay for the results that we seek. We’ll start off with from the lower paying currency to the higher paying currency.

Sporadic effort is like a currency of brass (AUD). Consistent effort  is the currency  of silver (USD) and consistent
 effort plus super effort is the currency of gold.

Consistency is the Currency that Pays Highly

If we are looking for a currency in life that will pay handsomely, it is consistency. If we fail at something, it is most of the time due to a lack of consistency.

Relationships falter due precisely to this, a lack of consistency. Consistency kills contradictions.

Brings Results

Consistency in anything brings results. It is highly constructive, and it pushes progress along. Everything in life is only ever built with consistency and constancy. Observe the way a building is built. Construction workers work at it really every day. If they were to come every three days, the building would probably never go up. Because they would spend most of the time repairing what has been damaged by the elements and vandals, during the time that the building was left unattended.

Why it is So Important!

Consistency works because it counteracts resistance, opposite forces as well as the laws of involution and entropy.

Consistency is such a high currency because it conquers much of our lower nature, which includes the resistance from nature outside of ourselves and as well as our inner nature.

Pinnacle Achievement of Consistency

Our consciousness strives to be continuous. It is really useful to us when it is continuous. To bridge the gap between death and life, is the pinnacle result of consistency. To cause our consciousness to be continuous from life to death and back to life again, is the pinnacle achievement of consistency.

To be constant and consistent is to make our consciousness present continuously when we apply it to the field of the consciousness.

To be searching for consciousness in one life and doing the same in the next is an achievement of consistency. The consciousness is consistent and so consistency in the field of consciousness takes us closer to consciousness.

Sporadic Effort is a Lower Currency

We often practice for a long time for a few days then stop, and later take it up again, and most of the time when we do that we spend a lot of time recapitulating what we had forgotten or what drifted out of our system.

Sporadic effort does not fasten or bind things within our system.

Consistency with Effort and Super Effort is the Highest Currency

The magic combination of all, tis to combine considerable efforts and super efforts with consistency, this is such a formidable combination, that it smashes through barriers and rockets one towards one’s goals.

It wins many merits and softens the hearts of the Gods you wish to help us. This is because such a combination reaches the heart and causes the heart to sing out and move us. The sincerely of the heart wins the hearts of many beautiful forces that sincerely wish to always help us, no matter who we are and what we have done.

End (1739).

Take it Easy Vigilero – Watch that Anger – (1738)

Do your night time vigils, but watch out for pride, anger, annoyance and irritation.

To lower your guard to pride, anger, annoyance and irritation and act with them undoes your efforts made during the night.

Pride because you think you are doing more and are better and anger because you are tired and impatient.

It is always those that are close to us, and do the most for us that cop the brunt of our anger, irritation and annoyance.

For sure do your vigils but die in those elements.

End (1738).

Fantasy Drains Intellectual Energy and Ruins the Mind - (1737)

From an Esoteric and Scientific Point of View

Fantasising is not very good for the human machine. 

This is because it drains the energy of the intellectual and emotional centres. It actually substantially drains the energy of these centres. It is very common to feel like a slight ache and tiredness or emptiness in our intellectual centre (head and brain) after having spent some time fantasising.  

Wrong Energies

For our human machine to keep working it requires energy, however the energy levels in the human machine have been depleted somewhat and require topping up. This topping up of the human machine's energy levels is done by taking energy from the sexual centre which is the human machine's fundamental energy source.

This topping up of the intellectual and emotional centre from the sexual centre is actually detrimental as this causes the intellectual and emotional centres to function with fuel that is not of the appropriate grade. It is just the same as putting the wrong fuel into our car and that adversely affects the car's engine. So in effect fantasy puts pressure on the human altering the way it functions, forcing the centres to function with a fuel that does not pertain to them.

Affects Our Brain

Because fantasy is outside of reality, fantasy causes our brain to make intense efforts to adapt to the new apparent reality. Intense efforts are required on the behalf of our brain to do this. Especially if the fantasy is way outside of our own reality.

Recover After Fantasising

The best thing to do after fantasising is to carry out a practice of mental silence. That is sit down and make your best effort to not engage in any kind of thinking. To notice all the thoughts with alertness and then to disengage from the thinking process. See the thoughts arise but do not go with them. Let them go from instant to instant!

This will save energy in the human machine and balance our brain and mind. This is also because, our consciousness comes into activity and it aligns us with reality, as it is the real and perceives the real and aligns with the real.

End (1737).

Friday, 26 May 2017

Fanatics, Extremists Explode – (1736)

This always happens. You see these fanatics practicing or doing heaps and heaps and later on they blow up!

How many times have we done that sort of thing ourselves? Many times right. No more then. Balance is always the best guide and the best way to be stable and sustain oneself long term for as long as God permits.

End (1736).

A Discipline Counteracts the Ego – (1735)


A discipline is a great help in establishing the solar nature and breaking the grip of the ego on our life and inner processes.

In the esoteric sense this is true. Maybe not in other senses. The discipline
to dissolve the "I" brings freedom, and discipline later
gives way to the will of the Being. Which is freedom!
A discipline because it is consistent counteracts the inconsistent ego, that is pendular and is essentially lunar. A discipline is something solar, because it is consistent and constructive and yields results.

End (1735).

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Break it Down into Small Achievable Steps – (1734)

No Results – Low Morale

This happens a lot everywhere. People set goals or there are results that they want to achieve, and that is something good and exciting. However, as people begin to work towards their goals and the results that they want to see don’t appear, they lose morale. Then starts the usual tirade of things: “it doesn’t work”, “I’m no good, I’m useless”, “It is too hard, maybe I am not cut out for this.” etc. etc.

Be Smart – Set Small and Achievable Goals

Naturally, not seeing results leads to giving up or feeling low, defeated, depressed etc. We have to be smart and avoid this situation if we can.

Good to know that all of the steps above are
actually steps. So we have to keep taking steps.

Often this situation is bound to come about because we set goals that are too high and can only be achieved much later in the future, and of course we are not going to see results until much time passes.

What is intelligent if we can do it, is to break down the goal or result we want into much smaller steps or gaols and go about working to achieve them. As they are achievable we will maintain our morale high and renew our enthusiasm each time we complete one of these small goals.

Applies to the Work on Dissolving the Ego

This applies to dissolving an ego as well. Select for yourself achievable small goals in the dissolution of an ego. Chose a facet, a thought and go about achieving it. Don’t worry if it is too slow. As you begin to achieve these small goals you will get quicker and quicker at this kind of work. The main thing is that you are working towards a goal and your morale is more or less good with the normal dips.


Our own progress and nature follows a course of its own, very different most of the time to our mind’s projected course of progress. We just have to start to work at our achievable goals and observe how we progress and come into tune with that and then set goals and work more intensely in tune with the way we work and progress according to our own rhythm, nature, abilities and capacities.
A water fall, even the greatest waterfalls in nature all start with a drop of water.

End (1734).

All Egos are Hyper-Allergic to the Light – (1733)

Shine Your Light and Interrogate

The ego is in our human machine because we havn’t exposed it to the light of our awareness yet. As soon as we shine light on it and even interrogate it, it’s allergies peak and it begins to slink away.

The ego left the building!
Just do a short retrospection and you will see that you have not shone your light on it and that is why it has been swirling around your head and moving feelings and impulses in you.

End (1733).

To Try to Be Awake is to Get Good at Separating from the Ego from Moment to Moment – (1732)


Just as the title says, while we have the ego, to be conscious is to take the inner action of separating our consciousness from the processes of any ego within our psyche.

To keep being conscious we have to continually do the above. It makes sense then that a person who is trying to be conscious will get very good at separating his or her consciousness from the processes of their egos.

To be awakened is not an issue of the how many egos there are, but the conscious action or ability to separate what there is of consciousness from any egoic process.

End (1732).

Make Transmutation Conscious – (1731)

Extend Conscious Efforts into the Sexual

If we are trying to be as conscious as we can in the events of our daily life so as to extract knowledge, understanding and insight and make the best of life’s opportunities we will naturally extend that into the field of transmutation.

Transmutation Extraordinary Opportunity for the Consciousness

Because during transmutation we have the more extraordinary opportunity to enhance our consciousness and extract knowledge, wisdom and above all energy, which becomes consciousness or rather more consciousness.

Any reasonably intelligent person who is trying to awaken their consciousness would try really hard to be as conscious as possible while they transmute their sexual energies: either while married or single.

End (1731).

Inner Man and Outer Man – (1730)

Two Men

There dwell within each one of us two men or two women. The inner and the outer.


The outer is the personality and the body and the likes and dislikes of the body and the personality. The impulses and desires of the body and the senses are the what rule the outer man.

For example, pleasures of all kinds, and normal sex are of the outer man. As are working out, eating, shopping, drinking, dressing up, etc.


The inner is what we are interested in cultivating. The inner man is that in us that dwells in the consciousness prevailing over our inner processes. The inner man is the one in us that works for eh real Being in us. It is the one who cares for and manages the values. It is the one that works to enhance them.

The inner man adopts supra sexuality, which is based in transmutation, because the inner man knows that it is what develops the Being in him or her.

End (1730).

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Magic Formula of the Rose – (1729)

In Order to be Healed from an Emotional Pain

“Place three crystal glasses filled with pure water upon a table, with one rose in each glass. These glasses must be arranged so that they will form a triangle, one glass towards the north, another towards the east and another towards the west.

Each glass must be blessed by the person performing this rite, who will drink the three glasses of rose water daily in the following sequence:  Before breakfast, drink the glass of water which faces the east. Before lunch drink the glass of water which faces the north.  Before dinner, drink the glass of water which faces the west.

This treatment must be accompanied by a sincere supplication to the Intimate (Spirit) and to the White Fraternity, so they may help the person become free from the emotional pain in which he is situated.

Any emotional pain, as grave as it might be, will be cured with this formula, which is repeated for several days.

When and during what epoch has any physician cured sufferings of an emotional nature?

How many people die daily or get sick because of emotional sufferings?  Nonetheless, it is sad to say that there has never been a compassionate person who has delivered to humanity the exact formula in order to cure emotional pains.

Cases of suicide are innumerable and nobody has ever spoken about the magic of the Roses.”

V.M Samael Aun Weor, Treatise of Occult Medicine and Practical Magic.


The formula above has been taken from Master Samael’s book: “Treatise of Occult Medicine and Practical Magic”. It is good that people know this formula perhaps for themselves or to recommend to others. 

End (1729).

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Cornerstone of Awakening – Non-Identification – (1728)


To be aware constantly and ever more constantly how we lose our identity as consciousness to the varied identities of the various egos, helps us greatly in awakening and maintaining our ‘more awakened state’.

Focus On Identity

It is the cornerstone of our awakening – to not be identified. To not be identified, we must know our identity as consciousness or at least know that our identity is not pain nor desire nor fantasy nor body nor mind nor protest nor any funny ego.

Then the second step is to focus our awareness always on finding out what identity we have in each moment. If it is the consciousness, then we are on track. If it is the ego, then drop it and take back the consciousness.

Thousands of Times

We may have to do this thousands of times and that is fine, each time we do it we awaken. We are in the process of awakening and so wakening means to come out of sleep. So the more we do it the more we are waking up. Don’t worry about maintaining so much the ‘more awakened state’ worry about getting there constantly.

End (1728).

To be Awakened – (1727)

Some Principles of Awakening

Below are a few principles of awakening. These are not all there are more.

There being principles to one’s awakening means that to be awake we will naturally adhere to these principles. Some of the awakening principles are as follows:

1.) Be awakened in everything.

2.) See duality in everything.

3.) Give everything the right proportion.

Everything – the Common Word

The common word in these three guides is 'everything'. Meaning the awakening must be constant otherwise it is not really awakening.

The division of attention is also necessary for the awakening of consciousness.

End (1727).

Monday, 22 May 2017

Discoveries that Just Can’t be Written – (1726)

When you work on yourself you make certain discoveries that even though you would like to write them down and tell people about them, you just can’t.

The best that you can do, is to tell a few people that you trust by word of mouth.

I just finished writing one just now, but I just couldn’t click the orange and white Publish button. Hence this post instead.

Remembering some anecdotes of Master Samael and things my marvellous missionary said it seems that, what is definitely a part of everyone’s path is that there are things that they can certainly speak of and then there are things that can only be passed on verbally to a small few. So as this seems to be a common, maybe even a principle it will happen to you too, it already may be happening.

So it is a principle, so to break it would mean having to deal with certain consequences. If I did break it say in the next post what would happen? You would perhaps get confused, perhaps scandalised, perhaps lose respect for me, perhaps stop reading the blog, perhaps spread rumours, perhaps complain, perhaps nothing, perhaps I would not be trusted to make any more such discoveries, perhaps the little light I have would be dimmed?

One thing about these things is time, at a given moment for sure it is highly inconvenient, but later it may be ok and useful even. One must see.

End (1726).

Ego Gains Momentum with Action – Ego Loses Momentum with Action – (1725)

With Action it is Done and with Action it is Undone

When we decide to act with any ego, even if the actions are small and apparently harmless, that ego gains momentum.

Then all of a sudden we have an overwhelming desire to deal with.

The only way to undo such an overwhelming desire is action. It was created with action and so it must be undone with action. The right kind of action that is.

The ego is like this it creates a snow ball out of actions and lets it roll to become so big it creates trouble.

Obviously the right kind of action that will undo this ego’s momentum will be actions not generated by this ego.

The actions to undo this ego must be generated from the work on ourselves. This can include a numerous number of things from taking a shower, reading the newspaper to meditation, prayer and chanting KRIM.

End (1725).

People Feel Good Exercising their Body but what About their Consciousness as a Source of Confidence? – (1724)


I have heard people many times say that they feel more confident, and generally better when they have been exercising and working to develop their body. This makes sense as exercising the body brings more capabilities to us and improves the health of our body. We may be able to run further and quicker, we may become stronger and more skilled at certain things etc. and it is quite natural to feel a little more confident in these areas. However, to feel dependent upon, or feeling it a need to have the body exercised and in shape indicates that something has been misplaced within us.

Old Age

When the body gets old, its health, strength, control, speed, flexibility and overall general abilities fade. So then when that happens what we use to feel confident and well won’t be yielding in that way. So then may realise that we have made a mistake in deriving confidence from the wrong source.

Work the Consciousness and Derive Confidence from Having the Consciousness more Awake

What makes more sense is to derive confidence from our own consciousness. That is by exercising our own consciousness, working it, cultivating it and using it in our daily life to our advantage.

There is so much advantage to be held by having our consciousness more awake. Many things in our life can be avoided and many things can be solved when we have our consciousness more awake.

Identity in Consciousness

The reason why we make this mistake is because we have a identity taken from the body, or our body forms part of our identity. Which it does but it is not the major part. The consciousness is the major part.

If we derive our identity from our consciousness we are going to naturally work to use our consciousness more and take more pleasure in seeing it being used and developed.

End (1724).

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Coffee Ego! – (1723)


Where I work, the receptionist is charge of cleaning both coffee machines. These machines are quite elaborate and to clean them is bit of an involved procedure. One really has to learn the procedure and have access to the right coffee machine manufacturer supplied cleaning products (cleaning solution and cleaning tablets).

The receptionist taught me the procedure and gave me the cleaning products for me to clean the machines while she is way for a week. So this morning I had to clean the machines, because they are cleaned on Monday and Thursday mornings.

Except that this morning, Monday morning, I just plain forgot.

Angry Coffee Egos

The coffee machines when they have not been cleaned on time are set to stop working and so very soon there were a lot of angry, frustrated, annoyed and complaining people around the office. When I realised this and remembered and went to clean the machines I got some pretty vicious looks.

I began to complain internally a little bit saying to myself: “Wow these people are weak, no coffee makes them really annoyed.”. Then I began to try and understand the situation: “Well what do I expect they have the egos of annoyance and the ego of drinking coffee!”. People have the desire to drink coffee to compensate their lack of sleep and to remove the cloudy feeling in their head and obviously when there is a delay in being able to compensate that desire they believe that the person behind the delay is the one harming them.

Gnostic People Have these “I’s” Too

To be honest many Gnostic people have these coffee “I’s” as well. In reality compared to the other “I’s” that we have, the coffee “I” is not bad at all, and many times the coffee “I” or “I’s” make coffee for everyone else as well which is good isn’t it?


I would be aware of having this “I”. I am aware of it in me now after this morning’s experience. If you feel like you need a coffee and that you are not quite right without it and if you feel annoyed and a little angry without one, then you have this “I”.

If it is an “I” it has some of our essence and consciousness in it! What do you want? To be angry and annoyed and dependent or free and empowered with a little more will to command your own physiology? 

End (1723).

Saturday, 20 May 2017

State of Alertness - Your Best Learning and Fighting Tool - (1722)


Say that you could only devote yourself to one practice for the awakening of your consciousness, that practice would be: "the state of alertness".  

(The state of alertness is to be acutely aware of our psychological processes and to be waiting with intense alertness for what next can appear in our psychology).

This practice intensely activates your consciousness, is done by the consciousness and exercises your conscious will. Everyone can do it and it has very important ramifications for our awakening of consciousness, self-knowledge and mystical death. 


Being in a state of alertness one can learn about themselves. We may read many books about psychology, esoteric psychology and even esotericism and become very frustrated because we still only know very little about ourselves. However, with the state of alertness we can learn directly in a conscious and real way. To be in a state of alertness is to read the book of our own nature. So with eh state of alertness we can do away with so much study and book reading. We should not stop studying though. Because the combining study with the state of alertness affords us many interesting discoveries, insights and understanding.

Natural State of Alertness - What we must do within our Psychology.


When we are working on the ego, lowering our guard is the biggest mistake that we can make. The state of alertness is to give ourselves the chance to see the ego coming so that we can learn something new about it and stop or divert it.

When the ego is approaching the human machine from the subconscious we can fight successfully. As soon as it is in the human machine the battle is much more difficult. Of course though we can succeed and we and others have many many times. Without the state of alertness to not get identified with the ego is impossible.

Constant Reminder

The real situation is, is that we drop so frequently in and out of the state of alertness. The solution is to just as frequently remember it, and start again as many times as we forget. As soon as you remember it, you are doing it again.


A day practicing the state of alertness is well worth it! More awakening, more self-knowledge, more will, less mistakes etc. etc.

To the battle!

End (1722).

Without Lust there is Enchantment - (1721)


When the egos of lust are weak or are temporarily not in the human machine, a touch of the enchantment of life can be experienced. 

Free Essence but Asleep (Ignorant)

It can be that the free essence knows and remembers that there is a certain enchantment latent within sexuality and it may search for that. However, lust answers that call for the search and then the opposite appears - disenchantment. 


As soon as the processes of lust begin to cause a loss of psychic energy through identification or prolonged thought (which could be quite short actually - maybe less than a minute) the enchantment disappears and disenchantment appears.

If it happens that later on there is a loss of the sexual energy then the enhancement totally disappears and is replaced by worse than disenchantment.

Need for Awakening

This is why we need awakening. Because being awakened we know that there is no enchantment through lust and the egos of lust can be used by innocent yet ignorant (sleeping) parts of ourselves to find that enchantment. However as these parts are asleep they use lust and find totally the opposite and worse.

End (1721).

Friday, 19 May 2017

Psychological Islands and the Centre of Consciousness – (1720)

Psychological Islands

Within our psychology we have many different parts of our psychology. The problem for us is that they are not connected to one another. They are isolated just like islands in a vast ocean.

This post is really just repeating to you in words what my marvellous missionary has been saying lately.

Proof of the Existence of Isolated and Disconnected Psychological Parcels

There is so much proof of this that the various parts of our psychology are like islands, disconnected from one another.

The many contradictions that we have are a prime example of this.

The fact that we have interesting esoteric experiences that show us that esotericism is real, that he Masters are real and that our inner Divinity is real, yet people talk to us, and then other different egos talk inside of us and then we develop a negative attitude towards the work on ourselves disbelieving in it. Yet we had these marvellous experiences proving to us that the work is real and actually does work.

These psychological islands make us to forget our experiences. In fact they don’t remember them because it is not their job to remember them.

The fact that we don’t like having things done to us while we do the same things to others is further proof that our psychology is made up of psychological islands.

When we get so angry with someone who forgot to help us one time yet has helped us countless times, is another example.

When we break a promise is another example.

Role of Memory

We have four types of memory: 1.) of the senses, 2.) of the centres, 3.) of the impressions and 4.) of the esoteric or inner.

Using our memory consciously can help us to connect and better monitor all of these psychological islands.

We should use the memory to remember our errors, mistakes, and the consequences and effects of the egos.

Remedy is a Centre of Consciousness

Our consciousness is the one that can oversee all of those different contradicting egos or psychological islands.

Our consciousness is the only one to oversee and link the past to the present. For example, we may have told someone that we love them and then now we are angry and we say the opposite. Our consciousness can remember what we said in the past and then it can modify our anger.

Another example is we work on the ego and we try to push it out but later we bring it back in again. Our consciousness can remember that we are trying to dissolve it and we should not bring it back again, if we don’t want to waste our earlier efforts.

Consciousness using memory can link the psychological islands. To
produce a more conscious conduct or to enhance awakening!

Consciousness Needs to be Continuous

Our consciousness is not continuous, it always is stopped and blocked by various egos. Our consciousness should be the element that produces the continuity within us so to keep up with the various commitments.

The consciousness has to be present always to keep consistency present in us.

The judges of the law and the Jinas Masters are the ones that really appreciate persistence and consistency. If we are relatively awakened, the egos will not be able to survive.

Only ever one centre!

There Can be Only One Centre

There can be only one central point or one centre. We have to honour that by making our consciousness that centre. No one ego can be the centre. There cannot be 100 centres, there is only ever one.

End (1720).