Monday, 30 April 2018

What Happens If I Decide that what a Person Has Done is Not Wrong or Bad? - (2356)


We would not feel hurt, disappointed, upset, betrayed, humiliated etc. etc.

Freedom to Decide

The problem is that we don’t have the freedom to decide that. The ego with its karmic loading is too strong to even let us think that we can decide even for the second.
The pain that the ego engulfs us with is so strong that we can’t think of anything else but about how wrong, bad and painful it all is.
But you know we can decide!
Then sometimes we know that but we don’t want to. Well that is another thing. This freedom to decide comes from a lot of work on the ego, but it does open up! That is true!


It all comes down to concepts, to what we consider is bad or wrong. We think that what we consider is bad or wrong is absolute but that is not true, what is truer is that we have a relative consideration of what is bad or wrong.
If our concepts of what is bad or wrong are worked down, the pain of the ego ceases!
No matter where those concepts are, at the surface of our mind or deep buried in the subconscious we have to get to them and unravel them. Question them and see how in absolute terms they are true or not.
If you do this you will see that things change within your mind then within you.
End (2356).

Impressions and New Egos Created - (2355)


Imagine a person who has dissolved the ego. Their subconscious is empty and clear. So when they receive an impression it resounds terribly in their psychology.
Imagine a coin falling into an empty well. That coin when it hits the bottom will make a lot of noise. The sound of the coin hitting the sides and bottom of the well will actually reverberate all the way through the well.
This is the case of someone without an ego.

Subconscious Full

For a person with a lot of ego, their subconscious is full of things and so an impression that is received, does not cause that much harm or goes after a few minutes unnoticed. Note, if the impression is very strong, certainly it can cause great harm, ego or no ego, subconscious or no subconscious.
A person with no ego has to be very alert all of the time to not object or protest because that will create an ego once again.
In a person with no ego, the consciousness is in charge of taking everything that is received. If something is taken wrongly by the mind the consciousness will inform the person to correct that as quickly as possible. Because it is the consciousness deeming it to be taken in the wrong way.


When we are insensitive to impressions it could mean that we already in our psychology have so many accumulated impressions that these new impressions don’t make a difference. Or it could be that our consciousness is very active and we transform impressions on the spot. If this were the case we would certainly know it. Anyway until then if it is that we come to notice that the impressions have a much stronger effect on us than ever before, I think that we can take that as a good sign, meaning that our work is cleaning out our subconscious.
End (2355).

Why the Money and Sex Relationship - (2354)


There is that rather unpleasant connection between money and sex. As strange and unpleasant as it is, it exists and there is a reason for it.


The reason for it is that inherent in sexuality is the value of merit, capital or dharma, and put simply, the relationship between sex and money that exists here in the physical world is a kind of corruption of that inherent relationship.
The true side of this relationship is that sexuality has a large influence on our internal scale. Meaning that sexuality has a direct handle on our merit and demerit.

Transmutation is Merit Earning

When we transmute we enhance our inner dignity. We draw closer to our inner Being and we generate and accumulate merit for ourselves. How else can that be?
If the “sins of the world are washed away with the blood of the lamb”, if with the fall, we fell into misery (lack of merit), and the fall is always instrumented with sexuality, it must be that sexuality is directly linked to merit and demerit. It is that after working in the Alchemy for a long time like 40 years we pay our debts relating to the Law.
If we want merit, we must transmute. If we want karma then misuse our sexual energy and abuse sexuality.


As with everything here in the physical world, when the internal side is forgotten (i.e. no self-remembering) things tend towards the external. Therefore in the external aspect of sexuality it attracts the most external side of dharma which is money. 
People marry for money, people transact sex with money, and mix money and sex in many different ways. Sex and advertising, sex and wining business contracts, sex and moving from one position to a higher position within a company.  

This may or may not be true, I have never investigated, or thought about it until now, that there are so many twists and turns to sexuality that humanity is now expressing, and I wonder could it be that those twists and turns are opposites or corruptions of the many mini-values that are inherent within the much larger value of sexuality.
End (2354).

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Stages in the Resurrection of the Intimate Christ - (2353)


When a master in the second mountain is close to finishing the eighth year of Job, the Intimate Christ of the Master enters a process which is the process that finalises the second mountain.
The stages in this process are:
  1. Accused
  2. Judged
  3. Tried
  4. Sentenced
  5. Judgement Executed
  6. Crucified
  7. Death
  8. Resurrection
  9. Coming to Life


Before the Law

The Intimate Christ of the master passes through these stages. The Intimate Christ does so, so that with Him all the remaining “I’s” in the master can also die.
The Intimate Christ passes through this very difficult process of being accused, judged, tried and sentenced because there are “I’s” that are still alive and must be dissolved.
It is the Intimate Christ before the Law that is accused, judged, sentenced etc. so that the “I”s” can die totally. The various remaining “I’s” are the ones that are judged, tried and sentenced to death by the Law, and because the Intimate Christ assumes the ego He passes through these stages.

Justice Done

When the eighth year of Job is complete, justice has been installed within the Being of the person. That is all the karmic debts have been paid and the ego has died. Both of these two things tell us that justice has been done within the person.
When the Intimate Christ resurrects the living principle of justice – the Being is now in complete control within the person and that is why justice has been installed within the person. 

Physical Correspondence

Some of these stages may have a physical human event attached to them however some may not. The process of finishing the second mountain is internal. The resurrection, for example, happens within the person. It is the Intimate Christ within the person that dies and resurrects.


There are also short pauses between each stage. There is a pause or some time that needs to elapse between the death and the resurrection. Also another delay between the judgement being executed and actual death. This is an agonizing period for the Master becasue the "I's" remaining in the Master do their best not to die.
Waiting fort the resurrection is a very vulnerable stage. Many masters may get sick, because the Being is dead. They feel abandoned and they lack some strength because the Being is dying and even dies, however soon the Being resurrects and the lost strength is regained.
End (2353).

No More Keeping In Reserve that the Ego Could be Mysteriously True - (2352)


A person may have worked on an ego for a good while and have made good ground. But that ego still has some grip on us. This could be due to us keeping in reserve in our subconscious (in the back of our mind) the belief that for some mysterious reason that ego is true.

Big Key – Recognise that there is Still a Bit of our Belief Left in Reserve for the Ego

As soon as that person recognises that the problem is that he or she still reserves some belief in it being true that ego is in big trouble. That person can now fully and totally separate it from the human machine at will.

When you really know that those bodily symptoms are coming from an ego and you know that the ego that is provoking those symptoms is untrue, false, a lie then you can stop having that reserve of belief in that ego.

Strange Belief …Not Valid

There is sometimes a strange belief or feeling in us that that ego is something mysterious and something beyond our comprehension and we are not able to fully comprehend it and hold power over it. That may come from the hypnotic grip that the ego has, the karmic loading of that ego or due to a simple lack of comprehension.


We must work to procure that we do not give the ego any belief that whatever it makes us to feel is something true, something right and something valid, immutable and eternal.

End (2352).

Emotional Thinking is an Effective Way to Combat Ill-Will on the Spot - (2351)

We Can’t Tolerate Ill-Will in Our System

Ill will is so mediocre. Every man and his dog expresses it. Common human life and relationships are rife with ill-will. Not to mention sports of all kinds.

But the person working on him or herself will feel that ill-will really harms the person and it delays the progress of our work.

It is such a nice thing, actually like a kind of relief, when someone treats you with respect and with the quality of generosity or good will. But we easily forget that and not treat others the way we like to be treated.

Balanced Person

A balanced and mature person would feel it wrong to fall into ill will. Because such a person would know that there is two sides in the person to consider. Which are their good and bad sides, they are not totally all bad and therefore deserving of our ill will.

Mature Person

A mature person would see it petty and would have had the experience of harbouring ill will towards someone and will not want to feel it again, especially over something so small or over something that can be surpassed or easily forgotten.

An Effective Tool to Combat Ill-Will

I think those who are trying to awaken and die in the ego can not allow themselves to feel ill-will.

Sometimes there is a history behind it and sometimes there isn’t. In those cases where there is no history behind it, we must be impeccable and finish it on the spot. The very instant that it arises in us we must be on it.

An effective way to finish it off, is to think emotionally. To see how that person is the same as me. They have those whom they love, and there are those who love them. They have a mother or had a mother who loved them and they have their vulnerabilities and their weaknesses. They too have their soft point and they too can cry.

End (2351).

Fear is Just About Not Believing or Not Trusting, It is Not About Facts - (2350)

For Example

Imagine you are going to face a difficult situation in the near future, and as soon as you think about it, you feel something very uncomfortable in your solar plexus - the negative emotion of fear or anxiety.


So you inquire as to why and you find out that you do not believe or trust in your ability to be able to transform the impressions, control yourself and ultimately stop and rise above the heavy egos that always come up in similar situations.

Cause Found

So you recognise distrust or disbelief is the cause. So then you start to trust and believe in the power of your essence and the work to be able to put you above those egos and their effects on your emotional centre.

Key of Trust Applied

As soon as you feel a bit of trust the fear goes and you feel confident and strong again. When you think of that situation again you feel fuzzy warm trust and strength and you are calm.

Understanding Gained

Just trusting was the key to dispel fear. Irrespective if you can or can’t or you do or don’t do it. Fear is always just about belief or trust.
So you will go into that situation and you may make a disaster of it or you may not. But if you trusted that you will be fine then you won’t go into that situation with fear. If you make a disaster of it, who cares, no one really does and if you have no fear it will be fine.


Fear is about disbelief or distrust beforehand. Trust and belief are always about the beforehand.
If there is knowledge though then fear is dispelled. If you know that you can handle situations then fear goes. Because there is a lot of trust built up in you based on success from previous events.
End (2350).

Trust in Your Essence - (2349)

We can trust in the power of our essence to be able to work on and transform any suffering or pain that we are going to feel.

Much of our anxiety is exactly due to not trusting the power of our own essence.
When we trust the power of our essence and the work, we can feel confident in facing difficult, painful and awkward situations because you know that even if you end up suffering, your work and your essence can transform it.
End (2349).

Complete Transformation Leaves Nothing But Contentment - (2348)

Transmute the Lower into the Higher

We may feel a kind of freedom and jubilation one night and carefully notice that some egos wish to take it and use it for their purposes.


The key then is to not allow the egos to take advantage of that feeling of freedom, and to bring that feeling inside of yourself and direct it upwards towards your inner Being.
Then go into your own Being feeling the freedom in your interior. If you do this you can run deeper into yourself and expand that feeling of freedom deeper within.
When we do this we have transmuted that feeling into something superior and we feel contentment. We don’t feel as if we have missed out on something or lost something, or missed an opportunity etc.


The real useful thing about this post is that we can do this with everything desire and impulse that we feel. It is the universal key of transmutation.
End (2348).

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Dash the Untouchable Concepts - (2347)


ANZAC day in Australia is today. From the common point of view as an Australian, it is a sacred day. A day to remember all those who fell in world war one and two. It is a sad day, with a dawn service, a bugle sounding the “last post”, war veteran parades and so on.

Just imagine someone stands up and says: “What a load of …!”. My goodness me such a person would really have to run!

Well you know someone can do that one day and how are we going to react? I would prefer to be psychologically dead in that, and not get all shocked, disgusted and irate and end up verbally insulting the person or worse.

Being a Gnostic

Being a Gnostic someone who works on themselves. One can investigate such concepts and detach it from one’s pride and anger. This certainly does not mean that one would stop respecting ANZAC day. No!

One would understand and respect the day and those who hold it dear to them but it would not be a part of the way one feels intimately towards oneself nor would it form part of one’s identity. One would see themselves as an essence, who once was perhaps even born in a body that belonged to a nation that fought against Australia, but now has a body that was born in Australia and has an Australian personality, with values in it from the land and people of Australia. But that too will change in the future.

What Would it Mean to Not Have those Sacred Concepts?

It would mean that when a person from a foreign country says that ANZAC day is “rubbish” you will not react with anger nor pride. But with a degree of tolerance, simply leaving that opinion in the person, because after all it is only an opinion.

Understanding what the commemoration day is about and then expanding the essence of the day universally to all people and nations and the human condition, we can break the exclusivity that such concepts have on our minds. Basically, in the light of the esoteric teachings all these commemoration days come down to our sleeping relationship to death and karma.

Say if somebody no longer fears death so much or at least understands the fear one has of it and understands how things are moved by and are due to karma, one changes the way that they regard the way people think about war, death, loss, memory etc.

Untouchable Concepts

There are many such sacred concepts around. These concepts I think can be investigated and the deep attachment that they have to our egos can be loosened and this is a big help in weakening the personality and in freeing our mind.

Some of these sacred concepts are: death, illnesses, tragedy, war veterans, family, national days, commemoration days, all things that are related to the dignity of being a man or woman etc. etc. Things in other words that are sacred to the personality. Which is quite relative. Because what is sacred or untouchable to some personalities is commonplace and nothing to other personalities.


Concepts are not reality, concepts about a country and their people are not universal and we are likely to come across different conflicting concepts to ours. Therefore it is worth working on these sacred concepts. Often also, because the masters are free of these concepts our tests can come to us through these concepts.
End (2347).

Alert! Just don’t Let Anger in on the Conversation - (2346)

Anger is the Problem Not the Issue

The problem so often is anger. Things in human interaction can turn a little ugly all because of anger. If we were to have kept cool and maintained just a little bit of calm. Everything would have been just fine. Well,, maybe a little heated or awkward but with no need to go into deep remorse, apologies and damage control afterwards.


Owing to the petty and arrogant impatience that we have or the feelings of superiority that we have, we get angry.
Often it is ourselves and our work that we harm the most when we get angry this way.

These small outbursts of anger are due to layers in our mind that are quite unrelated to the actual issue. But because of these layers of mind and concepts we get angry while discussing the issue.
These layers have been created by us and are fictional, for example, our thoughts and feelings of superiority. Because we think we are superior to another we get angry at them when they don’t understand something or they take a long time in understanding the apparent seriousness or gravity of the situation.


In conclusion we need to make efforts to separate the fictional layers of mind that cause us to get angry from the issue. TO understand clearly within ourselves that the anger that we have is unnecessarily harmful to both others and ourselves and that it is not due to the issue or the person being silly or slow or ranting on about off-topic things, or being over critical etc. but about what has been created in our mind.
End (2346).

Monday, 23 April 2018

Waves of Generations of Initiates… (2345)

In Waves…

Initiates it seems are produced in waves. When those waves cease to roil out, humanity is in real trouble. This is because the hope that new souls from the Earth may reach the light dwindles to the point of being extinguished.
Here are the waves of initiates, past, current and future.

First Generation

There was Master Samael and Master Rabalu as the first generation or wave of initiates. Then after them has a come those who actually met Master Samael physically and were in Mexico in the time that Master Samael was. This generation of initiates did their missionary course while master Samael was still in Mexico. This generation has been very successful because some of them have and are finishing the Great Work.

Then after them comes their students who have become initiates and are at advanced stages of the path. There a good number of them in total, where some, though fewer are just beginning the second mountain, and there are some, greater in number that are in the first mountain.
Then after them it gets tricky. This new wave or generation of initiates has not yet taken shape. It must do though, to keep the hope for the small pockets of humanity that can give fruit, alive.

On their Shoulders

It many ways it rests on the shoulders of each wave of initiates to form the new wave rolling behind him or her. It is also the duty of those who are to become initiates but are not as yet, to take up that post.

This is all so to keep the cycle going. Otherwise without the presence of initiates, real and living contact with the path is not present and the absence of the path being walked and lived does not leave all the doors open wide enough for others to be able to walk into the initiations and form the new generation of initiates.

The sad thing is that each generation is weaker and weaker and so it becomes more and more difficult.
End (2345).

The Beautiful Base Student - (2344)

When you visit a Gnostic group, you may learn a little of its history, and you may discover that when that the group was in the process of forming, there was one particular student that helped the missionaries immensely. This one student is what I call the beautiful base student.

There is always one student that was there from the beginning of when the group started, and is still there. This student has offered his or her services countless times and they are easy to spot in the centre amongst the others because of their aura and what they emit. They emit like a light that is laden with service, loyalty, love, responsibility, reliability, understanding for the work and for their missionaries.
It is a delight to see, they really emanate something different while they are present in the group.

Base are the Foundation, the Strongest

The first students of a group usually end up being the most constant and the strongest. They are the ones that in ways keep the group going and pull along the newer ones, which just don’t seem to be as dedicated and firm as them.
End (2344).

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Teachings: Generated, Discovered, Received, Understood, Organised, Given… the Cycle Continues… (2343)


The title to this post above, lists the steps in the cycle of teaching: generated, discovered, received, understood, organised and given.
This post explains those steps.

The Cycle in Different Stages Everywhere

We have our place in this cycle. However, before us, this cycle had been completed many times.
Right now, somewhere this process is being completed, and somewhere else it is in the process of being completed and somewhere else it is half way through and somewhere else it is just beginning.
We always work through this cycle, though there are moments where we may focus on one particular stage of the cycle.

Obviously, in the beginning we concentrate on the receiving stage. Then we graduate to the understanding stages, then move to organise the teachings and later give them.
However, now days because of the times in which we are in, we receive the teachings and start to give them straight away, whether we have discovered them or organised them. Though, to give the teachings requires a little bit of understanding and organisation. In reality, we understand and organise, and even discover and generate new teachings as we give the teachings.
In the ancient times this cycle was preserved and maintained in its order but now it has been altered because there just is not enough time left.

Discovery and Generation

We discover the teachings when we find a school and a teacher. We may also, while we are receiving the teachings discover new teachings from different sources or simply by all of a sudden becoming aware of what we have received. Discovery really is about finding and then receiving.
At a certain point our own consciousness can generate teachings and even from the circumstances and events of our life we can generate teachings for ourselves. Generating is about the new, where the teachings that are generated come from the consciousness and a part of what Master Samael said: "the truth is unknown from moment to moment".

The Role of the Human

Our Role in general related to the teachings is to understand them, organise them and give them. It is the role of the sources which dwell above to generate and supply them.
End (2343).

Teaching is a Continuous Cycle of Perpetuation – (2342)

Never Stops

Teaching never stops. The end of the teachings is never ever reached. This is because the greatest teacher itself is infinite in nature. That greatest teacher of all time and for all time is the Absolute.
Master Samael said that even within the Absolute there are secret and mysterious processes of evolution that the God themselves undertake.
When a master enters the Absolute Master Samael says, that that master exclaims: “All that I know is that I am at the shore of an endless ocean.”.
A person learns from a teacher and that person learns things from a new angle in a slightly new way and that complements the teachings and then that same person teaches others and that new learner adds something new to the teachings. This processes carries forward and forward ever more endlessly.

Conclusion - We are All Needed

In conclusion, we are all needed from the teaching point of view, because it is through us that we perpetuate the teachings of the Absolute and also add to and complement the teachings.
You know teaching is one of the Absolute’s major functions or expressions.
End (2342).

Is the Sexual Energy Yours or Your Being’s? – (2341)

That is the Question

That is the question that when answered honestly tells a person everything about why they use their sexual energy in the way that they do and why they have the sexuality they have.

To the Person then…

If a person believes that the sexual energy is theirs alone, then obviously, they will use it for themselves. How they then use it depends on what they consider themselves to be. If they think of themselves as body and mind then they will put it at the service of matter, senses and sensations nothing more.
Then as they enter into that world, infinite possibilities of sensation opens up, then unquenchable desire begins and degeneration soon follows.
Being has much to do with sexuality. Depending on your sexuality a person can 'Be'.

To the Being then…

If a person considers the sexual energy to belong to the Being, which indeed it does, that person will use their sexual energy in a very different way. In a respectful, enhancing and dignifying way. Such a person will transmute the energy because that person will know that by transmuting the person is returning the energy to his or her Being in a form that benefits their Being.
Such a person will practice the Alchemy because that ignites and causes the sexual energy of the Being to create, flourish and bloom within the person.

Someone then Says I Will Just Go with what is Real

So, what is real then. Unfortunately, it depends on the person’s limitations to think and see. But, if we take a full view seeing reality in its complete or in its fullest aspects we see the following.
The Being is the supplier, the secret fount of the sexual energy. The sexual energy is the creative force of the Being, it is the Being’s envoy and most powerful ‘being power’ instrument. I say this because it brings things into existence, into being.


So then who for you does the sexual energy belong to? You or your Beings? Then next ask your subconscious and see.
End (2341).

Thursday, 19 April 2018

No Psychological Dependencies on Anyone or Anything - (2340)

We have to do our work no matter what!

When it comes to our interior to be truly free means to not be dependent!

The following points are things that if we want to be free, we can work on, so to really embark upon inner freedom.

  • You are happy independent of anyone. You are happy inside no matter what another feels towards you.
  • You work on yourself no matter what another does or doesn’t do towards you.
  • You rely on your own resources to solve your inner problems and reactions.
  • You work no matter how long it is taking. Take your work out of time.
  • You are at peace with your sexual energy and you transmute single or married.
  • You take your destiny into your own hands and not wait for others to decide for you.
  • You work on yourself no matter how bad or good the circumstances are.
  • You generate your self-image from you as essence and not base it of any aspect from someone or of something outside of you.
  • You feel love from inside you not dependent on others loving you or not loving you.
  • You maintain dignity towards yourself no matter how you are treated.
End (2340).

Kindness from all Nationalities and Cultures is of the Same Warmth - (2339)

No matter how strange and how much another people and their culture clashes with ours, the true kindness that all peoples of all cultures emanate, is of the same warmth.

Kindness of the heart pierces through all the layers of culture, personality and mind just like the rays of the sun pierce through the clouds to shed warmth on those who catch it.

This is a way to connect to those of another culture – using the warmth of kindness.

End (2339).

Cut So to Go Closer to the Being - (2338)

If we are ever cut off from somebody, it is so that we can look and go inwards and draw closer in remembrance, awareness and love for our inner Being.

Through the Being in us we are united and linked to everyone.

Naturally occurring eternal flames.
This above truth is our key. Because when we go closer to our inner Being we are automatically, be default closer to those who have left us behind, cut us off etc. etc.

In the Being is an opening to the Absolute and in the Absolute there is the unity of the whole multiplicity of all Beings.

End (2338).

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

All is About States of Consciousness – (2337)

Easy or Hard

Our state of consciousness determines everything.
Things can be so hard but with the right state of consciousness, they can be a piece of cake.
We have to use our consciousness everywhere and in whatever activity we are engaged in.
I don’t want to compartmentalise life. Telling myself in this area of life I’ll use my consciousness and in this other area I won’t. The consciousness never leaves us so we should not ignore it and not use it.
The true awakening of consciousness is global. That is it extends everywhere especially into every area of our life.

A Remedy

The remedy to feeling that our physical work makes us to lose our consciousness is us actually using our consciousness to work and not our mind.
There are of course times when we can really use it, as in finding a solution to a problem. Then there are times when we don’t need to use it, because we are performing a very mechanical motor type of task.
In the case where it is not really needed we would then use our consciousness to discover something about ourselves while we are performing that mechanical task.

Key is to Relax

The way is to relax the mind, emotions and personality and the consciousness will be available for us to use.
End (2337).

Keeping the Consciousness Active? – (2336)

At Work

People dislike work because people who are working feel that they lose their consciousness. Indeed they are right if one is not careful. However no one is going to come along and say to you: “I’ll pay all your bills so that you don’t have to work physically.” Will they you have to work so that you can eat and pay rent.
So then, a way around it is to use your consciousness to the degree needed to perform your physical work.
This way you will keep your consciousness active and stop it from atrophying and falling asleep.
You will also perform your work better than before and you will save tonnes of energy.
You will also feel that you are not losing yourself.
You will also develop the ability to use your consciousness more in any circumstance.

But Remember

The key to using your consciousness is to relax and make your mind and personality passive. This is the key that master Samael repeated many times.
So while at work, do not get tense or stress but relax and focus on your consciousness and let it flow out with what you have to do.
End (2336).

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Why Spiritual Endeavour is the Highest Merit Earning Work? – (2335)


I firmly believe that understanding this point is one that will change your life. That is it will make it more spiritual because you will turn to devoting yourself to more spiritual type of endeavours. In short understanding this point has the power to re-prioritise your life.


The Buddha says many times in the diamond cutter sutra that the work of awakening contains much more merit than giving immensely great volumes of treasure away to charitable causes.
So the Buddha says that even say we go right now to Africa and help the wonderful aid workers sweating, hardly sleeping, living in unsafe life threatening conditions to help the children who are starving and dying of disease, even though that will reward you with tremendous merit, being here in life, eating and sleeping well, but working hard for one’s awakening has much more merit in it than going to work in Africa helping those malnourished children.

Unbelievable but it is true. This post tells you why that is.
If you help someone healing them and helping them improve their health that is wonderful but it will not radically change their situation. The spiritual work is the one that will radically for the better, change their destiny by paying their karma and transforming themselves from within.
You may heal a child and later that child turns into a mercenary and kills several people for money.
Plus if we work more on ourselves we develop the light within and we can help anyone in the best possible way, which is with the knowledge that goes right to the cause of anyone’s misfortune and suffering.


This post is express that we must understand this point that our spiritual work of dying and awakening holds the most merit of anything that we could do.
Understanding this changes everything in our life. The more merit we have, the more awakened we are the more we can help all those that we love, including humanity.
End (2335).

If you Want a Value of the Being or Something from the Being Start First! – (2334)

Knock Knock

The bible says it so clearly: “knock and you shall receive”.
If we want the love, trust, chastity, compassion, wisdom, light etc. of the Being then what shall we do?
Well the Being does not need these things, because It has them already or they are a part of It.
The one who needs these things is us. That is, it is us that needs to love the Being, to trust the Being, to be chaste, to be wise, to be compassionate to be illuminated.
So to get these things what happens if we apply what is said in the bible: “Knock and it shall be received”. That means to start to work towards developing it and then receive help as we continue to work.

So We Must Start

The saying goes that “God helps those who help themselves.” Applies here as well. If we start then the Being will reciprocate by the law of reciprocity.
So if you need chastity, then stop praying for it until you haven’t started developing it first.
This helps us a lot to when we complain that we are not loved or that no one loves us it is not them that has to love us it is us that has to love our Being and love them.
End (2334).

Monday, 16 April 2018

Why is the Number 6 Indecision? – (2333)

6 and 4 Make 10

The answer to this question is found in the tree of life.
The tree of life contains 10 Sephiroths from Malcuth upto Kether.
There are six Divine Sephiroths which are: Kether, Chockmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth and there are the four bodies of sin which are Netzach, Hod, Jesod and Malcuth.
There is a division of 6 against four. This is the big deciding moment. Does the Being extend Tiphereth to triumph over Netzach – the mind or stay static and let the four bodies of sin drift further away, making it such that before long it will be too difficult to reign these four powers back under control.

At this very point of the 6 powers not having taken a step to control the four bodies of sin the situation favours the separation of the four and the six occurring. That is a reason why number 6 is indecision, and on the Gnostic tarot card number 6 (not shown above), the initiate is facing the ego with the Logos poised behind him.
However, if Tipereth does indeed triumph over Netzach then the number is seven – triumph. That is why the fourth major initiation of fire is called the initiation of triumph.
End (2333).