Friday, 6 November 2020

Love and Sexuality - (3939)

Love as an energy has a divine origin and is a divine energy. Sexual energy also has a divine origin and descends to us from high above.

The sexual energy as it moves through the human being takes on what the human being has within. Inevitably the sexual energy descending and moving through the human being loses its divine qualities, and becomes a powerful force at the disposal of the instincts and the accumulated mental forms of instinctually driven pleasure.

Sexuality however, is different to the sexual energy it does not have love in it. It is commonly the instincts that rule it, mostly the impulses to procreate etc. Love has to be infused into it - hence what Gnosis teaches: "sexuality with love" is the way back to the Being in us.

People often look for love through sexuality but that is the wrong order of things. This is because it does not really exist in sexuality but arises from other sources in the human being.

People feel sexuality, that is their sexual attractions and they couple and satiate their attraction experiencing all their pleasures and once that is done, they end up fighting, disagreeing, falling out and disliking each other.

The sexual act can be done purely most certainly, free of animal instincts and lustful thoughts and with love.

You may not believe that sexuality does not have love in it. It is nature's way to keep the race going, animals just mate and leave, sometimes the female kills the male after mating like some praying mantis or spiders do. It is a really selfish act, the men out there go out on the town or jump onto dating sites to get their instincts fulfilled selfishly forgetting about what is good for the other person. Very much the same as the way the animals go about it.

Love has to be put into it and made to rule it. This is where spirituality begins and the intellectual animal starts to become human.

End (3939).

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